North Branch Area Chamber of Commerce Planting the Seeds of Success April 2015 What’s Inside Bring your networking to the next level and participate in our “Take Three” Challenge! We encourage you to attend at least three activities this month (& May 1st)! Wed., 4/8 Fri., 4/10 Tues., 4/14 Thurs., 4/16 Mon.,4/20 Thurs., 4/23 Tues., 4/28 Fri., 5/ 1 Business After Hours Progressive Lunch April Chamber Luncheon Chamber 101 Happy Hour Lunch ‘n’ Learn Morning Coffee Wine, Beer & Spirits Tasting Make some new connections! See enclosed flyer for details. RSVP by calling 651-674-4077 or emailing Youʼre invited... Wine, Beer & Spirits Tasting Friday, May 1, 2015 5 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. North Branch Outlets, Suite 105 Details @ Director’s Corner Page 2 Welcome New Members Page 3 Member News Page 4 Fall Harvest Festival Page 6 North Branch Area Chamber of Commerce PO Box 577 6063 Main Street, Suite B North Branch, MN 55056 (651) 674-4077 Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8 am to 4 pm Mission Statement: The North Branch Area Chamber of Commerce will promote and enhance the North Branch area by planting the seeds of success. Chamber Calendar Promotions Committee Apr 7 Business After Hours Apr 8 Progressive Lunch Apr10 Luncheon Apr 14 Chamber Board of Directors Apr 16 Chamber 101 Apr 16 Ambassador Committee Apr 17 Happy Hour Apr 20 Buy Local Committee Apr 21 Membership Services Apr 23 Lunch & Learn Apr 23 Morning Coffee Apr 28 April Chamber Luncheon Tuesday, April 14 Noon to 1pm N.B. American Legion, 6439 Elm St, North Branch Topic: “Old Hwy 61” Guest Speakers: Nancy Hoffman, Kathy Lindo & Nathan Johnson Featured: Allina North Branch Clinic Caterer: Taher $8 at the door or “Prepaid Express” RSVP required by April 10th Morning Coffee Networking Tuesday, April 28 7:30 am to 8:30 am Edward Jones - Adam Cabrera 38830 Forest Blvd, North Branch Bring your business cards Share this invitation with co-workers Free to attend, refreshments provided RSVP required by April 27th Lunch & Learn Networking Thursday, April 23rd 12noon to 1 pm NBA Chamber Office Topic: Chemical Use Trends Among Youth Presenter: Matt Howard, Youth Services Bureau Bring your business cards Share this invitation with co-workers Free to attend, bring your own lunch, refreshments provided RSVP required by April 21st To RSVP Call (651) 674-4077 or email Page 2 Director’s Corner LESSONS I’VE LEARNED FROM MARCH MADNESS For the 23rd consecutive year I’ve come down with a 24-hour flu that will keep me homebound, and while I’m stuck at home I may as well watch the “March Madness” of the NCAA basketball tournament. I love the excitement of it all, the spectacle of the event; but what keeps me hooked as a fan are those special memorable moments that seem to occur every year. Now before you think my hours of watching basketball are a waste of time, there are a couple things I’ve learned that we can apply as members of the North Branch Area Chamber. 1. To experience success - these ‘special moments’ - one must first be an active participant. One of the things I appreciate about our chamber is the high level of involvement and participation from so many different people. We live in a culture where the majority of our society suffers from “commitment-phobia.” So many people are content to watch from the sidelines and let others do the much needed volunteer work that betters a community. It’s a very positive sign to see so many people & businesses being so active, for by being active participants we give ourselves the opportunity to experience these “special moments” together in our community of North Branch. 2. Stars may win games, but “teams” win championships. The best functioning squads are those who put their egos aside for the good and success of the team. When the water level rises in the bay, all the boats rise up with it. Similarly when there’s a commitment and focus to a healthy community, everyone benefits. It truly is a pleasure to serve on the board of directors and on committees with others who are sacrificing their time, energy and expertise for the good of our area. This is our community at its best and a source of great hope. Thanks to all who serve, donate and volunteer for the sake of team success. I’d share more, but the 2nd half is about to start... Frank Gomes Northbrook Fellowship Mission Statement The North Branch Area Chamber of Commerce will improve and promote the business environment and quality of life in the North Branch area by planting the seeds of success. To that purpose, the North Branch Area Chamber of Commerce will: (9 action steps) 1) Work to develop and maintain pride in the North Branch area. 2) Encourage teamwork and cooperation between organizations, business, and community leaders. Helping our customers save energy and money in their homes and businesses. Call 674-7100 or visit Independent Living We’re here to help… $VVLVWHG/LYLQJ0HPRU\&DUH 1DYLJDWLQJVHQLRUKRXVLQJFKRLFHVVKRXOGQ¶W 6KRUW7HUP5HKDE&DUH&HQWHU EHDPD]H(FXPHQ¶VSURIHVVLRQDOKRXVLQJ DGYLVRUVDUHKHUHWRKHOSDQVZHU\RXUTXHVWLRQV UG6WUHHW DQGPDNH\RXUGHFLVLRQDVHDV\DVSRVVLEOH 1RUWK%UDQFK01 ZZZ(FXPHQ1RUWK%UDQFKRUJ Call 651-829-0117 for more information. April Featured Business Allina Health North Branch Clinic The care you need, at all ages and stages t family medicine t INR clinic t orthopedic services t medical imaging and lab t mental health t diabetes education We know you are busy That’s why we offer: t t same-day appointments (often available) t online diagnosis and treatment in one hour with an e-Visit t secure email to your doctor through MyChart Our scheduling desk never closes, call 651-674-0055 127282 0315 ©2015 ALLINA HEALTH SYSTEM. TM – A TRADEMARK OF ALLINA HEALTH SYSTEM. t Referrals to Cambridge Medical Center for Minneapolis Heart Institute, Virginia Piper Cancer Institute, Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Associates and many additional specialty providers. Welcome New Members Able Rental Bill Stanley 651-274-7380 Providing tents, tables, chairs, inflatable & more for event needs. Hassle Free Septic Jessica Haseltine 763-222-7397 Septic maintenance and cleaning. Page 3 Ayusa Eric Langworthy 320-310-9245 Host an exchange student with Ayusa. Memorial Blood Centers Tommie Hollingsworth 651-332-7162 A local community blood bank dedicated to serving MN & WI hospital partners. Member News High school graduation is just around the corner. Reserve your tents, tables, and chairs from Able Rental. Call Bill at 651-274-7380 to reserve yours today. Host an Exchange Student with Ayusa! Ready for an adventure for the whole family? Exchange students are between the age of 15 and 18 and come from over 60 countries around the world. They come with their own spending money and health insurance, and have studied English for at least 3 years. Most of all, they are eager to learn about your American family. Contact Eric Langworthy, Community Representative. Direct: 320-310-9245 or email: Website: North Branch Municipal Liquors, in partnership with the Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association and Miller Lite, will be participating in the Second Annual Municipal “Help Our Local Animals” Supplies Drive. We will be collecting supplies and cash donations for the Northwoods Humane Society to help support animals in need. The supplies drive will run from April 1 - April 30. All donations can be dropped off at North Branch Liquors, 5846 Old Main St. Questions: Deb or Mark at 651-674-4082. Wurdemann Family Chiropractic April Events: “Be The Best You” will be held Thurs., April 9th @ 6:30pm. Dr. Pete will show you the many different ways to use your homecare, what sleeping positions are the best and which mattress and pillows he recommends for better spine health. Movie night on Thurs., April 23rd @ 6:30pm. “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” – popcorn provided! Call 651-674-2700 to register. Giving kids a running start to a healthier life!The New Shoes, Healthy Kids event, presented by Allina Health, provides new athletic shoes to children in need. If you know a child in need of a free pair of shoes, bring them to Cambridge Medical Center on Saturday, April 18, 9a-12noon. Please note: Child(ren) must be present. Shoes will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Available shoe sizes are kids 12-3 and boys and girls 4-7. Shoes are not guaranteed for all. Save the Date! Thurs., May 14th for Ladies Night Out at Lampert Lumber. Open House from 4:30pm7:30pm. Gather your girlfriends for an amazing night out! Vendors, fun activities, tool demos, door prizes, wine & chocolate! Page 4 Please join us at Spring Lake Lutheran for our special services and events. Thurs., April 2 at 7:00pm for Maundy Thursday Worship with Communion (supper at 6:00pm); Fri., April 3 at 2:00pm for Good Friday Worship with Communion and at 7:30pm for Tennebrae Service. Easter Services on Sun., April 5- 6:30am, Sunrise Worship, 7:15am Easter Breakfast, 9:00am Celebration Service with Communion, 10:00am Easter Egg Hunt. Looking for a new way to manage stress? Try Mindfulness Training, a four-week program offering highly effective tools to help you manage stress and achieve a higher state of well-being. Begins April 28th at Cambridge Medical Center. Call 763-688-9339 for more information. Recycled Wardrobes celebrates our 25 year recycling effort mission: Keeping clothing out of the waste stream to provide affordable fashion to families! Visit www.facebook/RecycledWardrobes for Anniversary Specials, April 20-30! The North Branch Area Education Foundation (NBAEF) is pleased to announce the 2015 grant recipients. Grants totalling $13,780 were awarded. Thanks to everyone who supported us at our Perfect 10 event, Sporting Clays, and our other efforts throughout the year. Our next event is Sporting Clays on April 11, 2015 at Wings North Hunt Club in Pine City. Registration for a team of four is $280 or individually for $75. It includes awards, raffles, lunch and chance to get outside and enjoy the spring weather. Contact Al at Stearns Bank at 651-277-2265. Visit our website at Anoka Technical College Foundation Development is hosting “Building Leadership: The Key to Sustained Business Success,” on Thurs., Apr. 16th, 5:30pm at the Event Center at Bunker Hills Grill in Coon Rapids. Learn how to identify, develop & inspired leadership and how it may impact your business. Contact Peter Gravett @ 763-576-4219 for details. North Branch Veterinary Hospital has many specials for your pet needs! Contact them today @ 651-674-7015. Early 2015, Lakes Region EMS moved to a beautiful new facility. As a way to enhance our dedication to the communities we serve, Lakes Region EMS has implemented a “Use of Facilities” program. We allow nonprofit and governmental agencies to use any of our three meeting and education spaces on the second floor. Our large community education room seats up to 80 people in an education style setting. Our Community Conference room or Executive Board Room can seat up to 200 people in a discussion style setting. If you would like more information about the rooms please call Lakes Region EMS at 651-2774911. Lakes Region EMS offers a wide variety of classes for the community ranging from EMT-Basic to basic CPR and first aid. We strive to provide every citizen an opportunity to learn Hands Only CPR. For pricing and scheduling classes please contact Michelle Anderson at 651-277-4911 x102. North Branch Lion’s 11th Annual Prime Rib Dinner, Sat. April 11th, 5p-7p @ NBHS Cafeteria. Live Entertainment! $15 adults, $5 kids- all you can eat pizza. Tickets available through Lion’s Club members, Chamber office & POST-HASTE. The North Branch Beautification Association’s Quarterly meeting will be held on Wed., April 22nd, 7pm at the Library. Open to the public! Come here what their spring and summer plans are. Memberships and volunteers always welcome! “Tables Around Town”, a fundraiser dinner held at & benefitting the Chisago County Senior Center; Sat., May 16th starting at 6pm. Dinner & Entertainment, silent auction. Tickets $40 available at Senior Center. Come visit North Branch Physical Therapy at the NB senior expo on April 17th! We will be performing free falls risk assessments. Main Street Center has beautifully remodeled Business Suites available. Sizes from 250sq ft to 1400sq ft. All utilities included, 4 public baths, elevator, and security system! Stop by for the nickel tour or call Deb 651-303-2050. Sun Mon Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 5 Easter 6 Tues 7 Business After Hours 12 13 Chamber Luncheon Chamber 101 Happy Hour 28 Morning Coffee Progressive Lunch Lunch ‘n’ Learn 30 1 Wine Beer & Spirits Tasting Bring your networking to the next level! Attend at least three networking activities in the month of April and May 1st. Encourage your co-workers to do the same. Wed, Apr 8 4:30-6:00pm Tour @ 5:00pm Business After Hours Hosted by Andersen Corporation, 39811 Golden Ave, North Branch Free to attend, refreshments provided. RSVP appreciated by Tues, April 7th. Fri, Apr 10 12:00-1:30pm Progressive Lunch Held at the American Legion, 6439 Elm St, North Branch. Network with three small groups over a great lunch. Cost $15 per person. RSVP required by Fri, April 3rd. Tues, Apr 14 12:00-1:00pm April Chamber Luncheon Held at the American Legion, 6439 Elm St, North Branch Catered lunch and informative speaker. $8 at the door, RSVP required by Fri, April 10th. Thurs, Apr 16 11:30-1:00pm Chamber 101 Hosted by Chamber Board & Committees. Held at Chisago Co. Senior Center, 38790 6th Ave, North Branch. By invitation for newer Chamber members, RSVP required by Tues, Apr 14th. Mon, Apr 20 4:30-6:00pm Happy Hour Hosted by Pizza Pub, 6407 Main St., North Branch Free to attend, drink & food on your own. RSVP appreciated by Fri, April 17th. Thur, Apr 23 12:00-1:00pm Lunch ‘n’ Learn Held at the NBA chamber office, 6063 Main St, North Branch. Presenter: Matt Howard, Lakes Area Youth Service Bureau. Free to attend, bring your own lunch. RSVP by Tue, Apr 21st. Tues, Apr 28 7:30 to 8:30am Morning Coffee Hosted by Edward Jones - Adam Cabrera, 38830 Forest Blvd, North Branch Free to attend, refreshments provided. RSVP appreciated by Mon, April 27th. Fri, May 1 5:00 to 7:30pm Wine, Beer & Spirits Tasting Hosted by North Branch Liquor & the NBA Chamber. Held at North Branch Outlets, 38500 Tanger Dr., Suite 105, North Branch. Advanced tickets $20, $25 at the door. RSVP to any networking event by calling (651) 674-4077 or emailing Parade Reservation Forms North Branch American Legion Post #85 Midsummer Days June 17 - 21, 2015 Street Dances Kiddie Parade Midway & Carnival Rides Family Bingo Kiddie Olympics Fun for all ages... Make your reservations NOW! Midsummer Days Parade Sunday, June 21st Line-up ~ 1pm Parade ~ 2pm Reservation forms available @ Fall Harvest Festival North Branch Area Chamber’s 25th Annual Fall Harvest Festival Saturday Art, Craft & Commercial Fair 9 am - 5 pm ~ Central Park, North Branch Silent Auction bidding ends @ 4 pm Community Connections Expo The North Branch Area Chamber and North Branch Area Public Schools wish to thank everyone who attended the Community Connections Expo held Saturday, March 14th. It was a great success with 112 participating businesses and organizations and over 1,000 in attendance. “Buy Local Giveaway” Winners Reserve your booth now! Forms available online @ Prime opportunity for employers to find quality workers Tuesday, April 21, 2015 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm AFRC - Cambridge Community Center $130 or $140 with electricity (limited) Includes 8’ table, chairs, pipe & drape. Wireless Internet access available. Register at: Extensively advertised to job seekers throughout East Central Minnesota Including regional colleges and educational institutions To register and to be included in the employer directory complete the online registration by: Monday, April 6, 2015 Kelly Beckwith Karol Jensen Thank you to all our participating Chamber members. Page 6 Space is limited. Payments are non-refundable. If you have questions, please call one of the organizers Upon request, the information in this document can be made available for persons with disabilities by calling (320) 491-9073 Individuals requiring an accommodation to attend this event should contact (320) 491-9073 2015 Scholarships Thank you to those who have contributed to the 2015 scholarships already: North Branch Electric North Branch Dental Jimmy’s Johnnys, Inc. North Branch Eye Associates First State Bank of Wyoming Jeanne & Bob Walz Michas & Alma Ohnstad Lowell & Kathy Lindo North Branch Vetrinary Hospital Winter Fest SnoBowl Bowlers North Branch Area Building Futures ~ Raising Leaders ~ Reaching Goals We are asking you to contribute to the scholarships that are awarded to North Branch Area High School students pursuing higher education. This is an opportunity as business and community leaders to demonstrate the value we place on education. On behalf of our members the North Branch Area Chamber of Commerce awards $1250 in scholarships each year. Please consider a contribution of any size. This year’s scholarships are to be awarded on May 26th. Contributions can be made by check, credit card or invoiced. There will be no other fund raising for this programs this year. Contributors will be acknowledged in the June newsletter. Thank you. Hiring in 2015 Free Seminar for Employers Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Time: 7:30am to 12:30pm Location: 40245 Fletcher Ave., North Branch, MN 55056 Title: HR in 2015 – Presentation geared toward employers, big and small on HR related topics. Presenters: Amy Kruse, Chief Human Resource Office, Pine Technical and Community College Josh N. Brekken, Attorney At Law, Johnson & Turner Luke Greiner, Regional Analyst, Department of Employment and Economic Development Carla Vita, Business Service Representative, Depart. of Employment and Economic Development RSVP to: or call (651) 674-4077 The Business of Cybercrime Cybercrime is a rapidly growing criminal business, impacting millions of people and organizations around the world. Cybercrime costs the global economy up to USD$500 billion annually. Consumers will spend USD $25 billion and 1.2 billion hours dealing with security issues from counterfeit software in 2014. And one in five small- and medium-sized businesses have been targeted by cybercrime. Microsoft launched the Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) to proactively work with law enforcement to combat cybercrime. Picture an international dream team of technology, legal, and forensics experts, working with top organizations around the world -- including Europol, the FBI, Interpol, academia, global governmental agencies, and nongovernmental organizations -- to combat some of the most widespread, intricate, and organized cybercriminals. For a free consultation to discuss how cybercrime can affect your business and what you can do to prevent it, please contact PGP Computers, Inc. by phone at 763-691-1957, by email at, or visit our website at Page 7 Chamber of Commerce 2015 Board of Directors Christine Larson - President Empire Insurance Group (651) 674-0990 Tony Peterson - Vice President North Branch County Market (651) 317-2100 Jennifer Neumann - Past President Prism Design & Embroidery (651) 674-2509 Brigitte Konrad - Secretary City of North Branch (651) 674-8113 Linda Emery - Treasurer Stearns Bank (651) 277-2265 Frank Gomes - Director NorthBrook Fellowship (651) 277-0100 Charlie Hult - Director Lampert Lumber (651) 674-4415 Ashley Mitchell - Director Family Pathways Teen Center (651) 277-0098 Kelly Neider - Director Get Fit Now (651) 755-0578 Jay Reed - Director Viking Coca-Cola Bottling Co (651) 277-2653 Helen Rosing - Director ECM Publisher, Inc. (651) 674-7025 Staff & Hours: Kathy Lindo, Executive Director Mon - Fri 8 am to 4 pm Evette Wissler, Promotion Coordinator M, T, Th, F 8 am to 4 pm Kris Greene, Communications Coordinator Mon - Thurs 8 am to 2 pm North Branch Area Chamber of Commerce PO Box 577 ~ 6063 Main Street, Suite B North Branch, MN 55056 Presort Standard U.S. Postage Paid Mailed from Zip code 55056 Permit No. 7 Return Service Requested Newsletter printing courtesy of Rapid Press Printing & Copy Center Call for Free Estimates on all your Black Top and Ready-Mix needs! Commercial & Residential 651-464-6883 or 320-358-3539 Best Paving Service In Your Area! Driveways, Parking Lots, Black Topping, Chip Sealing, Overlays & More Saturday & Winter Deliveries Color & Stain Products Available Family Owned & Operated Serving East Central Minnesota for 20 years! We guarantee you will love your printing! s!WARDWINNINGDESIGN s)NVITATIONS ss3TATIONARY s#OPIES Providing Energy For A Better Tomorrow Falcon Ridge Golf Course 33942 Falcon Ave, Stacy 651-462-5797 27 holes Including our popular 9-hole par 3 course Fun & Affordable Golf For Everyone!! PRINTING RAPIDPRESSPRINTINGCOM TESTIMONIALS . . . FROM SATISFIED CUSTOMERS OF GIESE CARPET CarpetCleaningSpecial Two Rooms for $99 (Up to 350 sq. ft.) Until March 31, 2015 SHOWROOM HOURS Monday – Friday 9:00 – 5:30 Saturday 9:00 – 2:00 Competitive Prices Quality Products Exceptional Service CARPET CLEANING Call: 651‐674‐4959 “Giese Carpet painted every room and installed carpet throughout my recently purchased home. They completed this work during a very short period of time between the closing date and my move‐in date. The work was completed and looked beautiful when I moved in. Everything was done perfectly. Everyone at Giese Carpet was professional and very helpful when I was picking out styles and colors. Two months later, I had ceramic tiles put on the wall in my kitchen and wooden blinds put on my windows. The finished work is gorgeous. My house looks as if it were a new home. I feel blessed to have chosen Giese Carpet to do the work and now have a place that is pleasing to live in. I highly recommend Giese Carpet to anyone for a professional, affordable, timely and friendly place to do business with. Thank you!” ~ Carol D., Cambridge, MN – January 2015 “About twenty years ago, we purchased a home in Lindstrom and decided to shop locally for carpet. We chose Giese Carpet in Chisago City and were well satisfied. Recently, it was time to replace the carpet, so, naturally, I headed to Giese Carpet. I was pleased to find the same fine reception as before. I was shown the current offerings in fine carpeting and advised about which would best meet my needs. I was sold! Happily, the installation was a pleasant experience. They arrived at the scheduled time and worked quickly and efficiently, showing respect for the furniture and my schedule. I recommend Giese Carpet.” Corinne P., Lindstrom, MN 2015 “I don’t know what we would have done without you. You get our vote. The workers were great to deal with. They were neat and clean.” Ann R., Rush City, MN February 2015 10490 SOUTH AVENUE, CHISAGO CITY, MN 55013 (TEL. 651‐257‐1240) 38867 FOREST BOULEVARD, NORTH BRANCH, MN 55056 (TEL. 651‐674‐4959)
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