June Tower Talk News 2015 - North Broadway United Methodist

North Broadway United Methodist Church
In This Issue
Tower Talk
Church Family..8
Pastor Deb’s
Last Sermon
June 7
Vacation Bible
June 15June 19
Pride Parade
June 20
Work Camp
June 21-27
Dear Friends,
With homage to Anne Lamott, I write to
say “thanks, wow and help!” *
Thanks be to God for the incredible opportunity to serve as your pastor over these past
nine years. Thanks for the moments you have
permitted me into your life during times of joy,
illness, grief, confusion and concern. For every
baptism, every wedding, every hospital visit,
every funeral, every conversation about matters
of living well and faithfully, I give thanks.
These are sacred moments, and I cherish them.
Thanks to you for your faithfulness to
Christ through your gifts of time, talent, and
treasure. For your prayers, your work, your
witness, your presence in worship services, at
meetings, at mission and outreach events, and
in the community where you live out your faith
by loving your neighbors.
Thanks for helping me give voice to God’s
dream for North Broadway, and following that
Look what God has done with this church!
Look at our welcoming culture, at the energy on Sunday mornings in the Gathering Area,
at all the new faces of people who are finding
this a place to explore faith and serve God.
Look at our “Everyone in Ministry and
Ministry for Everyone” culture of equipping
and empowering people for living out gifts and
Look at our culture of call! We sent Paul
Ernst, Phyllis Fetzer and Julia Neilsen into ordained ministry. Wendy Hansen-Smith is on
her way there, too. We nurtured Meredith
McDougle, David Firth, Beth Clark and Peter
Borhauer as they began ministry and completed seminary. We celebrated ordination with
Megan Croy and Anna Guillozet.
Look at our updated, safer and more welcoming building. Look at the updated sanctuary. Notice how effective we are with technology and social media. Look what we have done
to become a 21st Century church, vital and present in our community.
Look at our commitment to our neighbors!
Church Outside the Walls, Back to School Festival, Easter and Advent Festivals, Imagine No
Malaria, ERT, Work Camps… and so much
God, help us all to remain faithful to you, to
your call on our lives, and to your vision for
the life of North Broadway through these
times of change.
Help us to let go of attachments to things
that must change, and hold firm to your dream
for this congregation.
Help and bless Rev. Marcus Atha and his
family as they come to minister in this place
among these people.
Together, we (Gary and Deb) are so grateful to you for receiving us, for allowing Deb
the privilege of leading, pastoring, preaching
and living among you for this season, and for
making space in your life for Gary to express
his gifts and his ministry. Also, for giving us
such a beautiful house to live in! You are awesome people, and our God is truly an awesome
God. We forever hold you in our hearts.
Grace and peace, my friends.
Deb and Gary
*Anne Lamott is author of Help, Thanks, Wow: The
Three Essential Prayers; New York, Penguin, 2012.
Sunday Worship
8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Celebrations and
Sunday, June 7
Community Resources Center
Special Offering
Communion Sunday
Graduation Sunday
Pastor Deborah Stevens,
Pastor Deborah Stevens
Pastor Deb’s last Sunday in worship will
be Sunday, June 14. She will preach her final
sermon on June 7, and her final official
NBUMC event will be to join the Reconciling Ministries Team for the Pride Parade on June 20. We hope you will join in
these celebrations as Deb and Gary complete their ministry among the people
of North Broadway.
Sunday, June 14
Vacation Bible School Kick-off
Beth Clark, preaching
Please join the Staff-Parish Relations Committee in appreciating Deb and
Gary’s ministry at a reception on Sunday, June 14, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Gathering Area. As is our custom, we will be gathering a love offering and cards/
notes as an expression of our gratitude. Please make love offerings by June 10 in
the designated envelopes, or through the online link. Cards and notes can be
placed in the box in the Gathering Area.
Courageous and Connected
Sunday, June 21
Pastor David Ziegel, preaching
Sunday, June 28 and July 5
Baptism by Immersion
Pastor David Ziegel and Pastor Beth Clark
A farewell celebration is planned for Beth and David on Sunday, June 21st,
between services and after the 11 a.m. service.
Renovation of the
Choir Room
The renovation of the music room
(Room 211) is complete! Thanks to
all who helped to make this happen: Andy Hall, Kelly Sullivan, Becky
Hines, Mariann Brush, and Clare Simmons Stern (all pictured), as well as
Rick Hines, Jeff Sullivan, Jeff Vistain,
and Henry Stern
Pastor Deb
baptized Angie
Cox and on May
17. Our first full
immersion baptism!
Neil Havener
was one of many
who renewed his
baptism that day.
Thanks also to Jim Summers for his enabling assistance. Finally, a BIG
thanks to all who
donated to the
cause, allowing this
much-needed work
to be done!
Appreciate it!
Jon Szabo, Director
of Music
Forum Class,
Room 111
A topical class
with occasional guest speakers, book
studies, and conversations. Facilitator:
Jeff Caswell.
Summer book discussions--a new
book each week, feel free to drop in
any Sunday!
New Life Class, Rm. 201
A Weekly Bible Study using The
New International Lesson Series.
Leader: Rev. Susan Kyser
6/7: Judgment on Israel and Judah, Amos 2:4-8.
6/14: God Is Not Fooled, Amos
5:14-15, 18-27
6/21: Rebuked for Selfishness,
Amos 6:2-8, 11-14
6/28: God Will Never Forget,
Amos 8:1-6, 9-10
7/5: No Rest for the Wicked,
Micah 2:4-11.
Discovery Class, Rm. 205
A topical class with members
planning together and sharing leadership. Facilitator: Shari Veleba
6/7: Walking and Running Meditation - Ed Smith
6/14 : Christianity & Buddhism Mariellen Miller
Vacation Bible School
9 a.m.-Noon (FREE)
Ages 3 1/2 (3 by Jan. 1,
2015) to completion of
sixth grade.
We teach the Good News
through Bible stories, music,
art, foods, crafts, and
more! Each day we focus on
Jesus’ life and our own lives. Jesus had a family, a name, a home, went to
church, and served others. We do, too!
Afternoon Camp
12:30-4:30 p.m.
Completion of
Kindergarten-6th grade
We also have an
afternoon camp available for
those who need all-day
care. For children who
completed Kindergarten-6th
grade, the cost is $75 and the
programs ends at 4:30 p.m. Multi-child discounts and scholarships are available
upon request.
Register now on the NBUMC website at www.north-broadway.org.
Questions? Contact Beth Clark, Director of Children’s Ministry at
Vacation Bible School: Here is a list of supplies, food items and donations
that are needed to make this a spectacular event. A cash donations is always welcomed. Please bring non-food items to the church as soon as possible. Thank
you for helping to make this program a success!
Other donations
The following items are for crafts.
Donations of Money
Large quantities needed.
Food-Such as pretzels, M&Ms,
Air Dry Clay-(tan)
Small Paper Mache Boxes (plain)
Hand Wipes
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Used Washcloths
Rock Salt
Prescription Pill Bottles (pills and
Mortar and Pestle
labels removed)
Small Terra-cotta Pots
Plain-colored bed sheets
Potting Soil
Corrugated cardboard
Fabric Dye
Woven Blanket to lend –label
with name and it will be available
for pick-up the Sunday following
Sunday School Promotion
We will promote our Sunday
School children on June 7th. Children who are entering 1st, 4th, and 7th grades in
the fall will be promoted to their new classes. Parents are invited at 9:45 a.m. to
a small ceremony in Rm. 300. Come and help us celebrate this moment in our
children’s faith journey! First and fourth graders will begin their new classes on
June 7th. Seventh graders will finish out the summer in their current class.
Children’s Ministry Needs You
We are looking for volunteers to help with our children’s ministry. We need subs for the Sunday School hour and volunteers to work with
Kids’ Worship at 11 a.m. once a month. Training will be given. If you are interested in taking part or have questions contact Beth.
Welcome Our Confirmands
On Sunday, May 17th, seven youths completed a months-long confirmation
journey culminating in joining the church. Please congratulate them when you
see them and welcome them into their new status and role in the congregation.
Our confirmands are: Jess Eichenberger, Nora Eichenberger, Elliott FoslerLussier, Makenzie Hall, Katie Selbe, Wesley Utsler, and Taylor Whittle. Katie
was also baptized during the service. If you are the parent of a pre-teen or youth
and are interested in knowing more about the confirmation process, please contact Dave Firth at dfirth@north-broadway.org
Youth Mission Work Camp Trip
A group of twenty persons — youth, youth pastor, youth counselors, and
some adults — will leave on Sunday, June 21st, for a week-long youth mission
trip to Detroit, MI. We will work with Cass Community Social Services, an organization with which North Broadway has done Work Camp before. We don’t
know what the work will be, but we know that whatever opportunities God
places before us when we are in Detroit, we will be the instruments of God’s
love and the hearts and hands of God’s people. Please keep our team in your
thoughts and prayers as we journey to the inner city for 5 days of work and a
“fun day.” We expect to return late Saturday night, June 27th. If you have any
questions about the youth mission trip, please contact Dave Firth at
Tower Talk is a free monthly publication for the members and friends of
North Broadway
United Methodist Church.
48 E. North Broadway, Columbus OH
July TT Deadline is June 15
Email: tloudner@north-broadway.org
Adult Education
Committee Meetings
All meetings are in Room 111
from 7-8:30 p.m. Here is the 2015
schedule: July 9, September 10, November 12.
Leader: Todd Clark
Market Day is Back!
North Broadway Children’s Center
will be taking over the Market Day
fundraiser in May and our pick up
days will be Wednesdays. We will use
the extra money from Market Day to
update items and will continue to provide the high-quality education that
the community has come to expect in
the 60 years we have been open.
Children's Carnival
The Carnival is June 5, from 5:307:30 p.m. This is our second largest
fundraiser and is a lot of fun, so we
hope to see you there! Please join us
for bounce houses, an interactive hula
hoop performer, water tables, games,
beads, tattoos, face painting, bubbles, an infant/toddler ball pit, dinner, a bake sale, and more!
To avoid waiting in line the day of
the carnival, please stop by the office
to purchase tickets and wristbands in
advance. Dinner will consist of pizza,
applesauce, goldfish crackers, carrots,
and lemonade, and is $5. All-you-canplay games are $7 per child.
Call NBCC at 262-6222 with questions.
TMT (Tuesday
Morning Theology)
TMT meets at 7:00 a.m. on the
second and fourth Tuesday of every
month in the Alcove, to share and
discuss selected poetry and literature.
Monday, June 8: Demian, by Hermann Jesse
Tuesday, June 23: Poetry of your
Community Resources Center Opportunities
A Local Missions Ministry of NBUMC
Broadmeadows Lunch
Monday, June 22Friday, June 26
NBUMC will again host (with the
assistance of CRC) children at Broadmeadows Park by serving them sack
lunches prepared by a local company.
Our week this year is Monday, June
22, through Friday, June 26, from
12:15 to 1:30 p.m.
NBUMC will be at the park each
day but we need 3 to 4 helpers to set
up, serve, interact with the kids, and
clean up.
Could you lend a hand 1
or 2 days that week? Lots of
fun! Please call Kathy Jones
at 793-2390 or e-mail at
kathyejones@columbus.rr.com for
details, or sign up in the Gathering
Area. Thank you.
July Sunday Breakfasts
NBUMC will assist CRC in July by
serving Sunday Breakfasts at the CRC
building to low income adults, families, and seniors. We provide the food
(cooking some of it there) and people
to serve and visit with those attending
the meal. About four people are
needed to help at the Center each
Sunday, and many others can provide
breakfast food.
Contact Kathy Jones at 793-2390
or kathyejones@columbus.rr.com for
detailed information.
Community Resources Center
June 2015 Food Pantry
Once again, your response for
donations to the CRC food pantry
has been overwhelming. However,
the needs of families in our area continue. Since school is soon to be out
for the summer, food items that will
be particularly in demand are peanut
butter, jelly, juice boxes, and individual fruit and pudding cups.
When you’re shopping, please
consider picking up these additional
grocery items and donating
them to this local mission.
In addition, toiletry items
such as toothpaste and toilet
paper are always needed.
Please place your non-perishable
items in the grocery cart located just
inside the Narthex on the left.
Questions? Contact Jill Short at
jilllshort@insight.rr.com or 885-1422
or Elaine Hairston at 848-7786 or
Fresh Produce Distribution at
CRC-Volunteers are needed on
Wednesdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to
help distribute
fresh produce to
more than 150
families each week.
Contact Beth Stewart McGee at 2688118 for more information about
this project.
Reconciling Ministry
Sunday, June 14, at 12:30 p.m. in
the Undercroft in the lower level. We
will discuss the Pride Parade and
t-shirts. For more information, contact
Barb Schneider, 440-8106 or
Would You Like an
NBUMC t-shirt?
Stop by the welcome center and
give us your t-shirt size or call 614268-8626. The cost is 10.00. We
will be wearing these shirts for Pride
Parade, outreach events and Vacation Bible School.
YWCA Family Dinner
Join us Tuesday, June 9, to cook,
serve, and clean up dinner for our
families at the YWCA Family Center.
This is a great way to be the hands
and feet of Jesus to those in our community.
Contact: Judy Skinner at
skinner128@columbus.rr.net or call
YWCA Family Center Ministry Teams
Health Kits
Going to Annual
Thank you for participating in the
church directory publication. Many
of you have received your directory
pictures. We will have a picture make
up day in July. The date will be announced near the end of June.
The children of North
Broadway recently assembled nineteen health kits for
delivery to Annual Conference at Lakeside. The supplies for the kits were donated by Sarah and David
Kraft. Making the kits
helped the children better understand what UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) does. When the need arises here in America or elsewhere, the
kits will be ready for immediate delivery. The kits gathered at Lakeside will be
sent to the UM Midwest Mission Distribution Center in Illinois.
You can also call Life Touch at
1-800-521-4611 to schedule an appointment at another church. Any
questions? Call Mariann Brush at
mabrush127@gmail.com or Terese
at church at 268-8626.
Touching objects like soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, towels, and combs,
objects that are taken for granted in the lives of our young children, brings a
better understanding of the loss that others experience in the immediate hours
and days following a disaster.
Annual GLBT Pride Parade
Thirty! That's how many of us marched in last year's Pride Parade. It was an
overwhelming experience. This year is going to be special. This will be one of
Pastor Deb’s last functions with this flock of beloved sheep. And it's her birthday. We're going to have a party!
On Saturday, June 20th, we shall gather in the church parking lot starting at 9:15 a.m. to shuttle downtown to the
Parade site for the 11 a.m. step-off. The church bus will be in the parade; thus, even those who cannot walk the route
can ride. Watch for further details in the Weekly.
Pride Worship
We will gather with area Reconciling Congregations for a Worship Service on Friday, June 19th at 7:00 p.m. at Summit UMC. It is a celebration of God's love! Again, we shall have a shuttle from our parking lot beginning at 6:15 p.m. If
you don't have a red North Broadway t-shirt, order one for $10.00 from Terese.
See you at the Parade! Questions? Contact Michael Rex, 263-6517 or Barb Schneider, 440-8106 or email Barb at
Pride Festival
This is an invitational and outreach event to allow the community to see North Broadway values in action. The
Young Adult Ministry Team is sponsoring a booth in Goodale Park at the Pride Parade Festival along with other community sponsors and vendors. All ages birth through 100+ are welcome to join in the fun event supporting the GLBT
community and Ally community. This is a great opportunity for an intergenerational activity.
If you are interested in helping with Pride but unable to walk the Pride Parade or only have a few hours to give, you
are welcome to participate at this booth. Contact Beth Clark at eclark@north-broadway.org or 614-268-8626.
It’s Time to
Play Ball
Thank you to all who attended the
Nehemiah Action on May 4, 2015.
We heard David Royer, CEO of the
ADAMH Board, agree to develop a
plan toward implementing a Certified
Clubhouse in Franklin County based
on the Magnolia Clubhouse in Cleveland. The plan is to be presented to
the Board in December. He also told
us that they are currently developing
the 7th ACT team, which is 3 more
than existed last year at this time.
BREAD asked for an increase of four
at last year's Action.
Although George Speaks, Columbus Public Safety Director, did not
attend, he has since informed
BREAD that he will start the convening of Stakeholders to move on
the Violent Crime Issue. He will invite David Kennedy, designer of
Cease Fire, first implemented in Boston and currently praised in Cincinnati for significant reduction in gun
violence under the title of Community Initiative to Reduce Violence.
Come join us for celebrating our
successes on June 22nd at All Saints
Academy, which is across the parking
lot from Christ The King Church, as
2777 E. Livingston Ave. Dinner at
6:00 p.m. and the Celebration at 7
Questions? Contact Michael Rex,
Ron Taylor, Lin Vietz, or call Mariellen Miller at 614-397-1351.
West Ohio Conference
June 7-June 10
Please pray for Pastor Deb, Pastor
David Z., Michael Rex, Wendy Hansen-Smith and Fran McMillen as well
as other pastors, delegates and members at large who will be attending
meetings and renewing their spirit.
United Methodist Men
First Friday Gathering
June 5, 4 p.m. at Roosters on
Olentangy. Bring a friend.
Prayer Breakfast
Thursday, June 18, 6:30 a.m. in
Room 111. Questions? Contact:
Andy Hall, achlaw@sbcglobal.net
Join the Young Adults
for a Clippers Game
Game Time: June 9, 7:05 p.m.
Any young adults that would like
to come need to talk to Beth Clark or
Angie Cox by June 1.
The $13.50 adult tickets are in the
box/reserved seating areas. It looks
like children's tickets are $9.75 each
(ages 12 & under).
The men's softball
team is off to a fast
start, winning 3 of their first 4 games,
including a victory against defending
champion Worthington Christian. The
co-rec team's season has just started,
with the team losing their first game
but looking forward to a fun season.
Anyone interested in playing
should contact Kyle Hostetler,
hostetler_kyle@yahoo.com or 614282-0101.
Social Media Update
If you haven’t liked us on Facebook, please do so. We look forward
to your comments and posts. This is
a great place to dialogue about sermons, missions and church events.
Are you receiving emails? If not,
please send an update to
Check in at Church on
Tweet @NorthBroadwayUM
United Methodist
Circle of Light will meet at
Kingsdale MCL Monday, June 8
and July 13 at 11:30 for lunch.
Everyone welcome.
Birchwood Circle will dispense
with formal meetings over the
summer, but we will meet for lunch
and fellowship on (Tuesdays) June
9, July 14, and August 11 at 11:30
a.m. at Smith's Deli. All are
Did you know you can subscribe
to our sermon podcasts
on iTunes?
Book Club
Join us the 4th Tuesday of each
month at 2pm in Rm. 111.
Contact Susan Scherer at 2688626 or sscherer@columbus.rr.com.
North Broadway United Methodist Church
48 E. North Broadway Columbus OH 43214
PH-614-268-8626 * Fax 614-268-2115
Church Family
Received into Membership on
May 17:
Angie Cox
Lance Jones
Received into Membership on
May 24:
Briana Jo Hauenstein
James Allen
Baptized on May 17:
Angie Cox
Katie Selbe
Baptized on May 24:
Keegan Michael Blevins
Avery Nicole Blevins
Briana Jo Hauenstein
Confirmed on May 24:
Jess Eichenberger,
Nora Eichenberger, Elliott
Fosler-Lussier, Makenzie Hall,
Katie Selbe, Wesley Utsler,
and Taylor Whittle
Congratulations to... Gabriella Baker
Peteo, who graduated from the Ohio
State University on May 10th, with a
degree in dietetics.
David Wilbur, who received his college bachelor's degree on May 2015. He
graduated Magna Cum Laude with a
degree in Video Game Design/Bachelor
of Arts from the University of Advanced
Technology in Tempe, Arizona.
Thomas Fellure, who graduated from
The Ohio State University in December,
with a degree in Civil Engineering.
Jessica Mortland and Andrew Bristle
on the birth of their son, Camryn Patrick Dale, on May 27. The proud greatgrandparents are Jack and Marty Mortland.
Bereavements: love, prayers and
sympathy to... Marvin Easter, Susan and
Bob Cochran and family, on the death
of Barbara Easter, who died on May 13,
Bill and Patty Donnally and Mike
and Becca Donnally on the birth of their
great-grandchild and granddaughter,
Kettriecken Donnally Cooper on April
25, 2015.
Thanks from
the YWCA to
everyone who
has volunteered
and brought food, known and anonymous givers.