April Quest April 2015 The North Universalist Chapel Society Woodstock • Vermont Affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Association Inside this issue: April Birthdays & Anniversaries Treasurer’s Report 3 From Our Board 4 Church Notices 6 Church Initiatives Change the World Kids 9 Amazing Grays 10 Spiritual Interconnections 11 Music in Our Sanctuary 12 Church Committee & Group Meetings Ongoing Activities 14 April Worship Children’s Chapel 15 North Universalist Chapel Society 7 Church Street Woodstock, VT 05091 802-457-2557 www.northchapelvt.org www.facebook.com/ northchapelvt Rev. Daniel Jantos, Minister 802-457-1786 sotnaj@aol.com Diane Mellinger, Music Director 802-234-6619 vermontdianem@aol.com Agata & Radek Marzec, Sextons 457-4549/802-280-5617 (cell) gromag6@yahoo.com Church Office Hours: Geraldine Fowler, Office Manager Tue, Thur 10:30 AM—4:30 PM Fri 2:00pm to 5:00pm office@northchapelvt.org S ometimes the anticipation of some- thing can be either its worst or its best feature. That may not be true of a visit to the dentist’s office. But it may be true of scrubbing the shower. Once we get started, it’s actually not so bad. We roll up our sleeves, turn up the music, and soon it’s done….shiny clean…..until the next time, of course. I am tempted to think it is a little bit that way with responding to climate change. It may seem like addressing this issue is so big and requires so much that we don’t know where to start or whether we can actually do anything meaningful about it. But we know that something has to be done and waiting for someone else to do it is not an option. Lets get started. Once we start, we will find our way and we will have a deep sense of satisfaction in what we do. Keep in mind, a lot is happening already so rather than saying, “lets get started,” we should really say, “lets join in”. What exactly is it that is being engendered here? Well, for sure it is not fixing the entire problem or finding some April 2015 Page 2 magic bullet that solves the global crisis. It is first of all being intentional about the fact that coming together as a spiritual community must always be an act of abatement: we contribute something to the solution and not the problem. That means some resolve, being honest and being creative. It also means putting all self-righteousness and preaching aside. The Sunday service on April 19th will be devoted to Earth Day. The North Chapel’s response to climate change will be the topic that day. It’s not the beginning of a new, bold, and big set of programs. Rather, it is the kindling of a united intention to work joyfully together in the North Chapel and support each other in lessening our carbon footprint. Come see what is already in the works. This is not a program that will last for a month or two or a year. This is the ushering in of an era to which we have often been reluctant to adapt. This will be a step in the long process of adaptation because adaptation is life. Please take some time in the interim to each do some of our own soul work so our solidarity on this issue can be infused with good will. Daniel Children’s RE March 8th 2015. Making “Happiness Jars” See page 15 for more information on our RE Program. Page 3 April 2015 April Birthdays Treasurer’s Report 4/1 4/6 4/7 4/8 4/11 4/11 4/11 4/12 4/16 4/17 4/20 4/25 4/27 4/29 YTD (02/28/15) Peggy Kannenstine Janice Prindle Lauren Wilder Jeff Morris Hugh Hermann Claire Coates Anna Rosa Leon Nancy Griffin Scottie Taylor Kyle Landis-Marinello Alli Talbert Bradley Mundy Wilson Joanna Long Alex Peterson Anniversaries 4/19 4/26 Robert & Darsie Riccio George Sykes & Jayne Buckley-Sykes Many Happy Diners Thank you to all who helped offer lunch to the Woodstock town's people on February 28th. There were many complements on the delicious food. Our church is convenient and our service is speedy! It works well for all. Our profit was $451. Thank you. Ann Budgeted TOTAL RECEIPTS $35,559 $197,675 Expenses Church Building $ 9,043 Parsonage $0 $32,550 $1,200 Administration $5,938 $40,290 Benefits $4,297 $28,740 Minister’s Package $13,034 $66,100 Worship $0 $4,125 Music $3,005 $18,130 Coffee $48 $350 Resource Dev. $0 $300 Membership $675 $3,350 RE $1,3167 $8,720 TOTAL EXPENSES $37,355 $203,855 Balance <$4,179> Treasurer: Ann Wynia 457-2217 April 2015 Page 4 From Our Board It was with great pleasure that we as a board welcomed Daniel back for his final four months as minister here at the North Chapel, when we gathered for our February board meeting. Daniel reviewed the several projects the board had presented to him as priorities for the coming months. One is for him to engage with the group that has been exploring pastoral or community care. Daniel reported that this group has considered reinstating at least two covenant groups, as a way to help people connect to church networks and come together on a deeper level. Also, the elders’ circle and the contemplative practices were cited as additional ways to deepen our connections with one another. The board also asked Daniel to help discern the best way for the North Chapel to respond to climate change. Daniel suggested that this could be accomplished through cooperation with existing groups, such as Sustainable Woodstock, Change the World Kids, and the Ottauquechee Community Partnership, as well drawing on our church community resources. Also on Daniel’s plate is the construction of the roof for the pizza oven. Daniel wants to invite anyone in the community to help him. So, when the snow melts (will it ever?!), grab your hammers and get ready to join in! The Resource Committee, with Karen Wolk stepping up as chair, has reached out to the board to request a joint meeting for the purpose of exploring some creative ways of raising funds for the church. This important conversation will take place later this spring, so please stay tuned for how you might be able to help. Over the last few months, the board, with support from the planning committee, has been putting in place the organization structure that will help the North Chapel make progress toward the objectives that emerged from last fall’s planning process. We have created one task force and two committees. The Facilitating Our Future Task Force will co-chaired by board members Chris Bartlett and Anne Dean, with support from Jack Nelson, who chairs the Building and Grounds Committee. Other committee April 2015 Page 5 members are Barbara Bartlett, Veronica Delay, and Michael Stoner. This task force will assess what can be done to achieve our commitment to make the building carbon neutral and to make the physical space more reflective of our community aims to broaden our reach and to deepen our connections. In addition, we have formed the Welcoming and Engagement Committee, which will be co-chaired by Barbara Bartlett and Rick Fiske. Plus, planning committee members, Peg Brightman, Brooke Beaird, and Peggy Kannenstine, are organizing a group of parents and teachers to form a Children and Youth Education and Engagement Committee. If you would be interested in serving on one of these committees, any of these leaders would be delighted to hear from you. A final note—as you can tell, it’s been a busy month!—the committees have decided to hold the Committee Cafe every other month on the first Tuesday, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the social hall. This gathering provides an opportunity for thoughtful exchange and collaboration among board members and committee members. All from the North Chapel are invited to attend the Committee Café, so that you, too, can join in this dialogue. The next Committee Café is on May 5. As we continue our forward momentum, we invite everyone’s engagement in this process. Please let any one of us know if you would like to be more a part of this exciting transition time of celebrating, broadening, deepening and committing to our future here at the North Chapel. Anne Dean for our North Chapel Board: Chris Bartlett, Susan Inui, Denise Lyons, Anne Macksoud, Anne Marinello, Elizabeth Reaves, Deb Rice and Ann Wynia. Board Meetings Please note that monthly board meetings will now take place on the THIRD Tuesday of every month at 5pm in the Library. April 2015 Page 6 Church Notices Easter Sunday Flowers On April 5th the church will be filled with beautiful colors and the smell of Spring. The window sills and the altar will hold tulips and lilies and plants for our children to carry home. The children have been honored in this way since the 1940s when the Social Group started the tradition. We will gratefully accept donations towards the flowers in memory or honor of your loved ones. The names will be included in the order of service on Easter Sunday. Thank you for your support. Ann Wynia at ALWynia@aol.com , 457-2217 or I'll will be in church. "New Member" Meeting: Save the dates! On Sundays after the service on April 26, May 3 and May 17 there will be meetings for new members, although they are not restricted to members. Anyone is welcome. For one, Daniel will speak on some topic of theology. Another will center on the history of Woodstock's North Chapel and for the third, a representative from each committee will present what the duties of each group are. Lunch will be provided. Photo Directory The North Chapel Photo Directory is now available. You can pick up your free copy at the back of the sanctuary on Sunday or in the office during the week. Food Shelf Donations "With gratitude and reverence for all life, we savor food mindful of all that has contributed to it. We commit ourselves to a more equitable sharing of the earth's bounty," says the UUA. Mindful of those who are food challenged we ask for your contributions to the Woodstock Food Shelf. Please contribute next Sunday with food or to the offering plate with a check to the Woodstock Food Shelf. We do make a difference. Thanks for your help. April 2015 Page 7 Ralph Waldo Emerson: A Unitarian Connects Religion, Nature and Social Justice Daniel Jantos and Lynn Peterson are leading a course of study on Sunday evenings from 4 to 6 pm in the church library on Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson was an incredibly popular figure in 19th century America who appreciated a deep connection between religion or spirituality and practical issues facing rapidly growing American democracy. His insights on the basis of these matters are profoundly relevant for today. For those signed up, please save these dates: March 22 Emerson’s Life and Influence—Completed! April 12 Nature April 19 The Divinity School Address April 26 Transcendentalism and Slavery May 17 Relevance to Unitarian Universalism and Today The Woodstock Winter Farmers Market MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Vendors are selling produce, eggs, gluten free and regular bread, baked goods, soups, quiches, pies, goats milk products, chickens, syrup, preserves, jams, jellies, jewelry, stained glass, handmade clothing, bath products, knitted items, stuffed animals, cards, cut paper art and much more! Dates: Apr 18, 2015 Time: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Place: The Masonic Hall, Pleasant Street /RT 4, Woodstock, VT For more information please contact Anne Dean 457-3889 April 2015 Page 8 Greetings from the Interim Search Committee! We are honored and excited to be engaged in the process of finding an Interim Minister for the North Chapel as we all prepare for Daniel’s departure this summer. As previously reported, we had a recent meeting with North Chapel board members to discuss key parts of the thorough application packet that we are preparing to submit to the Transitions Office of the UUA. Since then, we have been working to gather the last bits of required information and to synthesize a description of our community and what our goals and needs will be during an interim ministry period. The background reading we have done on the topic has helped to illuminate why the interim period is so necessary and beneficial. We hope to find a candidate who can help us to process and indeed mourn Daniel’s departure, who can connect genuinely with our community and build on our many strengths, and who can best prepare our church to build a successful relationship with a new settled minister when that time comes. We will keep you posted on any key developments. And of course, please feel free to share your ideas and questions with us any time! Thank you for all the support. Sincerely from the Interim Search Committee Jessica Stout, Don Ransom, Kathy Astemborski Committee Cafe Helpers Calling all non committee members who would like to support our hard working teams on "Committee Cafe" night (once every 2 months). We would provide a sweet or savory offering for about 20 people to enjoy as they commune about achieving the goals we have set for our church family. Contact me by email or phone and I will shoot out a request a week before the meeting (next one is May 5). If needed, I can transport your dish to the church. Every 2 months, how hard is that for their combined and committed intellect? Polly Forcier polly65@comcast.net 295-8081 PS. Let's get a good response. April 2015 Page 9 Church Initiatives Change the World Kids Here’s a HUGE thank you to all of you who joined us at our Anti-Cabin Fever dinners throughout the winter! It was an awesome season, and we loved hearing your lively conversation and laughter. Your support will help us fly to Costa Rica on June 18. There we'll reforest degraded acres in the Bosque para Siempre migratory corridor, work in our tree nursery, do research, and more. Let It Grow Wild! On April 1 at 6:00 in the social hall, come join us for a celebration dinner where the candidates in our Let It Grow Wild! head and facial hair contest will appear before a panel of esteemed judges. Between now and then, campaign and buy votes for your favorite candidates. Bouffant, chrome dome, Parisian, or rocker head? Big and bushy, soup-strainer, or neat and natty? You will help decide the winner! Definite fun. On May 29 we'll hold our fourth Great Garments for Global Good clothing sale in the social hall, followed on 5/30 by our annual yard sale on the church lawn. These events will step up this year, offering quality items, bargains, great finds, and fun. You probably have cool clothes, jewelry, and accessories that you don't wear or use. And you probably have furniture or things in your home that you simply don't need, and someone else may love to use! Donations of good to excellent items (stuff you'd like to buy, gentlyused) are gratefully welcomed, as are baked goods. Items can be left by the green door on the left front side of the church, beginning on May 4. Please call 457-2622 or email changetheworldkids@gmail.com before dropping off large or valuable pieces, and please no old computers, electronic equipment that does not work perfectly, office equipment, or large appliances. It's helpful if you bring clothing in plastic bags or cardboard boxes. If you know of someone who could use our help or needs free firewood during the last bits of cold weather, please call 457-2622 or email changetheworldkids@gmail.com. Page 10 April 2015 Amazing Grays Since September the Amazing Grays (formerly Elders Circle/Art of Aging) has brought 15-25 ‘somewhat older’ members of the North Chapel together “to share our thoughts and feelings about getting older and to support one another in the process.” At our monthly gatherings we have tried “to create an environment of safety and trust, to provide a time of quiet and solitude as well as a time of sharing, to speak from our own experience, to listen to others with our hearts without judgment, discussion, dialog, question asking, problem-solving or “fixing,” and to treat everything as confidential – whatever goes on here, stays here.” Our hour and a half gatherings, when we are all together or in small groups, have been stimulated by poems brought by participants, topics of interest raised by the group (life after retirement, unfinished business, spirituality and aging, death and dying), relevant readings (Henry Miller on living a full life and growing older; Pablo Casals on creativity, work and aging, Atul Gawande, Being Mortal) and provocative questions that arose just as we came together (do older people need to “justify” their existence?). We regularly share with our full list of interested elders (and “young uns”) an assortment of poems, articles, and event announcements and are now exploring sponsoring an occasional talk, film, workshop, poetry reading, book discussion or retreat in addition to our monthly gatherings. The Amazing Grays are energetic, engaged, enthusiastic, often exhilarated. We invite everyone to join us anytime, for one or many of our gatherings. For more information (richardaschramm@gmail.com) contact Richard Schramm April 2015 Page 11 Spiritual Interconnections Wednesday Morning Meditations For those who might feel the need or welcome the opportunity to participate in a group meditation in the middle of the week please feel welcome. Charity Gray, who has had long and diverse experiences with meditation practice will be facilitating a meditation experience in the carpeted children’s room starting at 8 a.m. and completed to allow people to comfortably make 9 a.m. appointments. All are welcome. Meditation and Oneness Blessings every Wednesday at 5:15 in the church parlors The Oneness Blessing (Deeksha) offers a simple effortless method of giving profound rest to the body and peace to the mind, promoting wellness in all areas of life. The Oneness Experience creates a neurobiological shift in the brain silencing the ceaseless chatter of the mind, enabling us to simply experience reality as it is, in the present moment, where there is peace and a deep sense of wellbeing. Come and experience for yourself! If you would like more information, please contact: Anne Dean at 457-3889 anneldean@gmail.com Additional Opportunity: A Meditation and Oneness Blessing will be offered from 5:00 to 6:00 each Monday at the Barnard Library. Please contact Anne 457-3889 for directions or information. Evensong Evensong is a silent hour in the beauty of the sanctuary with few words and a little beautiful music to reflect back to us the loveliness that is too easy to forget. It starts at 5:30 and ends at 6:30, each Friday Everyone mostly arrives and leaves in silence. This is very much an individual practice in a contemplative gathering. All welcome. Clearness Committees Are you struggling with an important issue that you could use clarity on? Then consider being a “focus person” in a clearness committee of people you trust who ask you open and honest questions to help you gain clarity around that issue. The process takes about two hours and is entirely confidential. For more information about clearness committees and/or to see about setting up a committee for yourself, please contact Richard (richardaschramm@gmail.com), Veronica (delays@comcast.net), Daniel (sotnaj@aol.com), or Geraldine (office@northchapelvt.org). April 2015 Page 12 Music in Our Sanctuary North Chapel Concert Sunday April 12 at 2pm Tobias Steymans (violin), Victoria Schwartzman (piano) Whitney Organ Recital Sunday April 26 at 4pm Renowned Boston organist, Lois Regesterin, will play period Victorian music. Free, donations accepted. Partially funded by the Vermont Chapter of American Guild of Organists. Bel Canto Chamber Singers Saturday May 2 at 7:30pm Admission: Adults $12, Students $6, 12 years and younger are FREE The theme is Mystics and Merrymakers. Featured works include Mozart’s festive Te Deum (composed when he was only 16 years old), along with madrigals and spirituals, works by Lauridsen and Fauré, the 2012 Be Not Afeard by Etna, NH composer Travis Ramsey, and other selections! Thetford Chamber Singers Friday May 8 at 7:30 pm Tickets $15.00 at the door, $12.00 in advance, $8.00 students and financially-challenged. North Chapel Concert Sunday May 10 at 2pm Aeolus String Quartet Pentangle Classical Concert Sunday May 24 at 4pm More information about this concert available soon. Page 13 April 2015 Upcoming North Chapel Concert TOBIAS STEYMANS, violin VICTORIA SCHWARTZMAN, piano Woodstock Unitarian Universalist Church 2 p.m., April 12, 2015 Sonata for Violin and Piano K. 304 in E-minor Allegro Tempo di Menuetto W. A. Mozart Sonata for Violin and Piano No.1 (Op. 78) in G-major Vivace ma non troppo Adagio-Piu Andante- Adagio come prima Allegro molto moderato J. Brahms Sonata for Violin and Piano Allegro con fuoco Intermezzo: Tre Lent et calme Presto tragico F. Poulenc Next in the 2014 - 2015 UU Sundays at 2 Classical Music Series: May 10, 2015 September 13 October 18 Aeolus String Quartet Sergey Antonov (cello), Ilya Kazantsev (piano) Jonathan Cohler (clarinet), Rasa Vitkauskaite (piano) All concerts in this series are held in our sanctuary at 2:00 pm on Sundays. Free, with donations at the door gratefully accepted. The series is underwritten by a group of music lovers in our community. Proceeds from door donations benefit the church. All are welcome! Page 14 April 2015 Church Committee & Group Meetings Committee Cafe 1st Tuesday, every other month (March, May, July, September, December in 2015). 6:30-7:30 p.m. Come together for sharing after committee meetings. Membership Committee Contact Sherry Belisle 457-1919 Worship Committee Contact Anne Macksoud 457-9296, Buildings and Grounds Committee Contact Jack Nelson 802-299-1275 Finance Committee Contact Chris Lloyd 457-4325 Communications Committee Contact Deb Rice 234-5349 Other Group Meetings Resource Development Committee 1st Sunday after church in Library Contact Karen Wolk (603) 523-7319 Board of Trustees 3rd Tuesday at 5:00 PM in Library Contact Denise Lyons (457-2262) or Susan Inui (802) 356-7880 Choir Rehearsals Wednesdays, 7:00 PM, sanctuary Contact Diane Mellinger 234-6619 Ongoing Activities at the Church Mondays: AA Meeting 7:00 PM, Social Hall. Open meeting, all are welcome. Thursdays - Yoga Class: 8:30-10:00 AM in parlors. Contact Instructor: Phoebe Standish 672-3800 Wednesdays: Morning Meditation: 8-9 am, parlor. Each Wednesday morning. Thursdays: Hand in Hand dinners held in the Social Hall, 5:00-7:00 PM, free. Volunteers welcome. Contact Lauren Jane Wilder 802-299-1777 Wednesdays: Oneness Blessings held in the parlors, 5:15-6:15 PM on Wednesdays. All are welcome. Contact Anne Dean 457-3889 or anneldean@gmailcom Wednesdays - Course in Miracles: 5:30-7:00 PM in Library. Contact John (603) 353-9827 Fridays: Evensong held in the Sanctuary, 5:30-6:30 PM. All welcome. Contact Veronica DeLay 457-2253. April 2015 Page 15 April Worship Sunday services at 10-11am Coffee afterwards in the Social Hall April 5 (Easter) Reflection: Daniel Jantos Music: Diane Mellinger April 26 Reflection: Daniel Jantos Music: Diane Mellinger April 12 Reflection: Daniel Jantos Music: Diane Mellinger May 3 Reflection: Daniel Jantos Music: Diane Mellinger April 19 (Earth Day) Reflection: Daniel Jantos Music: Diane Mellinger Children’s Chapel Program schedule April 5 – Easter! With Geraldine and Anthea April 12 - Drumming Circle with Ben & Geraldine April 19 - The Natural World with Anthea April 26 - Lessons in Yoga and Art with Geraldine May 3 - Little Acts of Creation with Geraldine May 10 – Mother’s Day - Drumming Performance Ben & Geraldine May 17 - The Natural World with Anthea May 24 - Lessons in Yoga and Art with Geraldine All children from grades K-4th are welcome to attend our Children’s Chapel program, held throughout the school year. For more information contact Geraldine Fowler in the office. Planning Ahead for Easter Fun April 5th will be our annual Easter egg hunt for the children. The RE Committee seeks assistance from families with children planning on attending the Easter Sunday service and egg hunt (other North Chapel folks are welcome to help out as well!). We need: donations of candy or small toys to go into plastic eggs (or pre-stuffed eggs) by March 29. volunteers to stuff candy into plastic Easter eggs between March 29 and April 4 North Universalist Chapel Society 7 Church Street Woodstock, VT 05091 Return Service Requested Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Woodstock VT Permit number 5
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