SCHEDULE INVITATION April 24, 2015 - Friday PM 3.00 –4.00 4.00 –4.30 4.30 –6.00 6.00 –6.30 6.30 7.00 Merienda & Settling Down Welcome & Orientations 1st Session Free Vespers in the Main Chapel Supper TO A SEMINAR ON RELIGIOUS LIFE April 25, 2015 - Saturday AM PM 6.30 7.00 8.30 8.45 –10.00 10.00 10.30 –11.00 11.00 –12.00 12.00 Lauds in the Main Chapel Holy Mass Breakfast Shibashi 2nd Session Break 3rd Session Personal reflection or group activity Lunch 2.30 –3.30 3.30 4.00 –5.30 5.30 –6.30 6.30 7.00 4th Session Break Personal reflection or group activity 5th Session: Sharing in plenum Vespers in the Main Chapel Supper April 26, 2015 - Sunday AM 6.30 7.00 9.15 9.15 –10.15 10.15 10.30 –11.30 11.30 –12.00 12.00 Lauds Holy Mass Breakfast Shibashi 6th Session Break 7th Session: Wrapping up Evaluation Lunch - Departure On the Occasion of the Year of Consecrated life Life 2015, also dedicated to the “Church of the Poor” in the Philippines Theme: Religious – Love and Sent – to the Church of the Poor Venue: St. Scholastica’s Center of Spirituality Brgy. Iruhin West, Kabangaan Road 4120 Tagaytay City Tel. No. (046) 483 1535 Facilitator: Fr. Teotimo Melliza, SSP Date: April 24-26, 2015 You are invited. As religious in the Church – whether Fr. Teotimo Melliza, SSP Facilitator Brief curriculum: Fr. Tim Melliza finished his masters in theological studies at Loyola School of Theology, masters in Developmental Management at Asian Institute of Management and currently studies for licentiate in missiology at the Divine Word Institute of Mission Studies in Tagaytay City. Fr. Tim Melliza is currently the rector of St. Paul Seminary Foundation, which maintains a school of philosophy open for all in Silang, Cavite. He hails from Igbaras, Iloilo and was born to a family 9 brothers and sisters on October 26, 1960. He worked in the missions of Venezuela from 1992-2005. as theologians, teachers, parish workers, missionaries in and out of the country, or simple religious members of communities – to you all Pope Francis directs his words. “Awake the world! Awake the world!” HOW? In this seminar there is time to mull over how religious can do this. It is a call to new vigor, to new ardor and a new love in religious so as to bring God’s plan to fruition in the world in a new evangelization. The central focus of this newness is a surrender to the poor who are loved by God preferentially, in and through the consecrated religious men and women of the Philippines. There is Mary, the Virgin Mother of God to show us the way to this newness of life. FOCUS "Being loved by God is to experience wholeness and integrity, which makes us capable to serve the poor because we have embraced and accepted our own poverty.”
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