SS John Fisher & Thomas More Chapel En Le Frith Immaculate Heart of Mary Tideswell NRCDT: Registered Charity Company No: 7151646 Charity No: 1134449 Fr. Robert N Thacker Parish Priest Tel 01298 813491 Safeguarding Rep Dr. Sue Thornhill 01298 74322 Parish Website: Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ 6th/7th June 2015 Saturday Corpus Christi Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Eleventh Sunday Collection: £435.00 Break Even: £4410.00 Actual: £3876.66 100 Club: Winners May Caroline £50, Eleanor & Henry Nuttall £10. Luncheon Club: 1pm on June 16th at The Lamb with the Luncheon Club. I have booked the meal at The Lamb but they want us to pre order our food so please take a menu and return it next weekend with your choice marked. I'll collate the information and let them know. Also I've moved the time to 12.30 as they shut at 3pm. Mission Appeal: Sister Maria will be with us weekend of 20/21 June to make an appeal on behalf Franciscan Missionaries of St. Joseph. I know you will make her welcome, there will be a second collection that weekend to aid the Sisters in their invaluable work on the Missions. Chapel 5.00pm People of the Parish Tideswell Chapel 9.30am 11.00am Special Intention Neville Howarth RIP Chapel 9.30am No Mass SVP Mass: Wed June 10th at 1.30pm followed by refreshments. Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Bamford Chapel Tideswell Chapel 9.30am 9.30am 1.30pm 9.30am 9.30am 1.00pm 5.00pm 9.30am 11.00am No Mass Michelle Hariss RIP SVP Mass Holy Souls Holy Souls Bridget Roache Requiem People of the Parish Special Intention Veronica O’Connor RIP FOOD BANK: terms of stock - we have loads!!! The shelves are so full I now have 3 overflow boxes under the table. Could you please thank your churches / groups / friends who have been generously donating over the last couple of months in particular. We are now in a position where I can say, whilst all donations are gratefully received, we can actually stop donating for now and I will let you know when stocks are beginning to run low again. Confessions: After Mass and on request when available. Cleaners: 14th June Ann & Christine Baxter. New Bishop: The Holy Father has appointed Mons Canon Patrick McKinney as 10th Bishop of Nottingham. However, donations of shampoo, soap, body wash, toothbrushes, toothpaste and baby wipes would be most welcome.
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