FebMarApr2015 Newsletter2.pub

Voice of the Morning
February, March & April 2015
Morning Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Morning Chapel CME Church
903 East 3rd Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
(817) 332-4842
Reverend Doctor Willa M. Ross,
Reverend Russell O. Fuller, Sr.
Presiding Elder
Sr. Bishop Lawrence L. Reddick III,
Presiding Prelate
Schedule of Activities
Sunday School — 9:30 am
Sunday Morning Worship—10:45am
Wednesday--Bible Study — 7:00 pm
Voice of the Morning Committee:
Birdia Fletcher and Shabra Watkins
Layout Designer:
Birdia Fletcher
Yvette Caldwell, Johnette Calhoun,
Takiyah Evans, Tamiyah Fletcher,
Christal Griffin, Linda Griffin,
Katrina Jefferson Carter,
Acacia Nolan, J. P. Barron,
Shabra Watkins, and
Shuntel Johnson Dangerfield
From the desk of Reverend Doctor Willa M. Ross
Practicing Resurrection
Every year our Senior Bishop Reddick III provides to
the preachers in his Episcopal District the “Disciplines,”
a book of daily devotions published by The Upper
Room. I am appreciative of Bishop Reddick’s gesture as
it is a means for me to focus on the Christian year in my
personal devotional life in addition to enriching my sermon preparation.
The focus for this week’s devotion in the
“Disciplines,” is Practice Resurrection. As I read the devotional for Monday I was led to reflect on how I can be more intentional in living out the
Easter story in my personal life. What are some things I can do better to
reveal the Risen Christ that I profess from Sunday to Sunday to those I have
been called to lead and to others who I encounter on this Christian journey?
The first thing that comes to mind is to truly help persons understand
what it means to be “Easter People.” The Easter story moves far beyond
Jesus getting up from the grave early on Sunday morning. It compels us to
what I like to call faith stretching. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, because of
his unmerited grace that is extended to all who believe, we receive this indescribable gift to practice Resurrection everyday of our lives.
Again, the story does not end with Mary Magdalene discovering the
empty tomb, and finally recognizing her teacher in the garden. No this is
only the beginning of the Easter story. This is why Mary excited and elated
runs to tell the “good news,” to the other disciples. The story continues
with Jesus appearing to the disciples who had gathered in fear behind
locked doors. Jesus says to them,
“Peace be with you.” Upon seeing
Inside this Issue:
the Lord, the disciples were overFrom the Desk of Rev. Dr. Ross...1-2
CME and Church News ….…… 2-7
joyed, and Jesus says to them
Scholarships ………………………7
again, “Peace be with you! As the
MC Kudos …...…………………..8
Father has sent me, I am sending
Social Concerns …………………9
Calendar of Events ..…………..10
(continued on page 2)
Birthdays & Anniversaries …….11
Recipe of the Month………...…..11
Morning Chapel Tidbits ………..12
CME & Church News
From the Pastor’s Desk
As I reflect on what it means to Practice
Resurrection, these words of Jesus to the disciples provide the impetus for what we are called
to do as disciples in today’s world. Jesus has
blessed us with his peace and sends us into the
world to be Easter people. A people who believe in the power of Resurrection, a people
who have experienced this indescribable gift of
God’s amazing grace and are witnesses to unbelievable things even in these 21st Century
In practicing Resurrection we are called as
individuals and as the community of believers
to move beyond our locked doors, to move beyond our fears and doubts to reach out as Jesus
did – to stretch our faith – to reach out even
beyond our belief to re-present Christ to a
world desperately in need of peace. Jesus has
sent us. He has empowered us individually
and as the Church with the Holy Spirit to practice Resurrection, to be Easter people, to be his
witnesses to the ends of the earth.
We are in the season of Eastertide. As we
continue the Easter story and move towards
Pentecost, I encourage you to pray that the Holy Spirit will move me and all of us here who
are part of this body, Morning Chapel CME, to
reach out to those who need to know the peace
of Christ, to be witnesses to the Resurrection
and catalysts of justice and hope to our neighbors and all who need to experience the joy to
be found in knowing that Christ Jesus lives today! Peace be with you all!
Pastor Ross
Men and Women’s Day
By: Birdia Fletcher
Morning Chapel celebrated its Men and
Women’s Day on
March 22, 2015.
The chairpersons for
this year’s celebration were Linda
Griffen and Yuhsuf
Fletcher. They were very excited to have the
opportunity to chair this event. The Men and
Women’s Day theme was: “Men and Women of God: Gifted for Service.” Men and
Women’s Day is a time to celebrate and honor the men and women that work together in
unity and faith for the work in the church and
community. It is also a fund raising event for
Morning Chapel. Thank to the members for
reaching the financial goal that was set for
this occasion.
Anthony Dangerfield, program leader for
the evening worship service, lead the congregation the Call to Worship and the Men and
Women’s Day Litany. Prayer was given by
Freddie Nolen, III, welcome by Paula Patterson and the occasion by Johnette Calhoun.
Musical selections were rendered by Morning
Chapel Mass Choir and the Christian Chapel
Temple of Faith Choir.
Rev. Dr. Vanessee Burns,
Senior Pastor, Christian
Chapel Temple of Faith,
Dallas, TX was the messenger for the evening
worship service.
Special thanks to Dr. Burns and the Christian
Chapel Temple of Faith Choir for blessing us
with the message and songs of praise. Linda
Griffin and Yuhsuf Fletcher thank all participants and members of Morning Chapel for
their support in making Men and Women’s
Day a great day of celebration.
CME & Church News
Morning Chapel Welcomes
Dr. Carmichael Crutchfield
By: Shabra Watkins
Morning Chapel was honored to have Dr.
Carmichael Crutchfield, General Secretary of
the Department of Education as our guest for
the weekend of February 21-22.
While Dr. Crutchfield was with us, he had
the opportunity to observe Morning Chapel
and some of its ministries. Morning Chapel’s
mentoring and rites of passage program, Rock
Respect Academy, was in session that Saturday morning. He had the opportunity to meet
our youth, our presenters and be a part of our
learning experiences with our youth. He was
very impressed!
Pastor Ross scheduled with Dr. Crutchfield
a workshop on Leadership. The officers of
Morning Chapel were in attendance to share
his great knowledge. Dr. Crutchfield presented to the Officers “ Transformational Leadership “ by authors Bernard Bass and Ronald
Roggio. He taught in his workshop what the
characteristics of being a Transformation
Leader are: to be energetic, enthusiastic, passionate, concerned and focused on helping
every member on the team or every member
of the church. Everyone in attendance was
inspired and motivated more to become this
type leader.
Sunday, Morning Chapel celebrated Family
and Friends Day and Dr. Crutchfield was the
messenger for morning worship.
It was great weekend of learning, celebrating family and friends, and remembering our
heritage. We are grateful to Dr. Crutchfield for
being part of our great weekend and to Pastor
Ross for extending the invitation to Dr.
Crutchfield. We were all blessed and renewed
to continue our legacy of family and love.
Black History Month
By: Birdia Fletcher
Morning Chapel celebrated
Black History Month the entire month of February. The
youth of the church participated in morning worship each
Sunday by treating the church
with various months in black
They portrayed famous Black
American and presented some of
their history. They information
they gave was very informative
and entertaining. If you were not
at church each Sunday, you
missed a treat. Some of the black
history famous (celebrities) that visited
Morning Chapel and those who portrayed
them are listed below:
Thurgood Marshall
Aretha Franklin
Michelle Obama
Dorothy Dandridge
WEB DuBois
Althea Gipson
Terence Bell
Egypt Davis
Tajah Harris
Trinitee Young
Eric Pollard
Trysta Harris
Harlem Globetrotters were:
Ethan Bell
Xavier Patterson
Evan Bell
Freddie Nolen IV
Anthony Dangerfield
Isaac Tate
Thanks to Angela Bell for preparing the presentations and
working with the youth .
Thanks to all the youth who
participated in the presentations
for Black History Month. Morning Chapel is looking forward to
next year. You don’t know what famous
celebrity just might decide to visit Morning
Chapel CME Church!
CME & Church News
Easter Weekend
Full of Fellowship and Thanksgiving
By: Shabra Watkins
Easter at Morning Chapel….
always a celebration! He is Risen, He is Risen!
Our Saturday was spent in
rehearsal preparing for the annual Easter program followed
by a picnic barbeque in the
park. Great hotdogs with the trimmings and cold
drinks for everyone! Thank you
Skip Patterson and others for
always preparing the grilling!
Resurrection Sunday began
with a great breakfast from the
Men of Morning Chapel prepared early! We appreciate Mr.
Thomas Jefferson for the idea of serving the ladies of our church a nice breakfast.
The menu included eggs, bacon, biscuits with
jelly, rice, coffee and juice. The women were
treated to a splendid breakfast Easter morning!
It was so awesome to see all the Men that were
there preparing breakfast in love and aprons. It
was a change of scenes indeed!
The breakfast was
followed by an awesome Easter morning
program with Easter
recitations by our babies and children followed by a great play, “Easter with Madea”. The
youth did a splendid job reminding us that we
should not wait for Easter to celebrate Easter but
every day and every Sunday!
A huge thank you to All the Men of Morning
who were there helping prepare breakfast and
cleaning up afterwards, to all of the parents of our
children and youth and the great Directors of our
Youth and children for your commitment to this
ministry. God bless you for all of your efforts
and it was a beautiful resurrection Sunday!
Connectional Youth
and Young Adult Week
By: Takiyah Evans
Morning Chapel CME Church along with
the other churches in the connection celebrates ‘Youth and Young Adult Week’, January 25—February 1, 2015. This year’s them
is ‘GO’ (Matthew 28:19). As youth and
young adults we are encouraged to GO to our
families, churches, neighborhoods and communities and tell everyone that ‘Jesus loves
Sunday, January
25, 2015 was the
celebration. During Sunday worship, the guest
speaker was Rev.
Iris Reddick. The
message was centered on Jesus’ commission
to discipleship, ‘Before You Go Out, Check
Yourself’ (Matthew 28:16-20). Rev. Reddick
delivered an outstanding and heartfelt message for the occasion.
Special thanks to the Young Adult leaders
– Mrs. Katrina Jefferson Carter and Ms. Tori
Evans, and Youth leader – Mrs. Takiyah
Evans. They did a great job with coordinating
worship with all the youth and young adults.
CME & Church News
Family and Friends Day
By: Shuntel Johnson- Dangerfield
Morning Chapel C.M.E.
Church celebrated their Annual Family and Friends
Day, Sunday February 22,
2015 at10:45 a.m. The
Guest preacher for the
morning was Dr. Carmichael Crutchfield. Dr.
Carmichael D. Crutchfield is the General Secretary of Department of Christian Education for
the Christian Methodist Episcopal (C.M.E.)
Church and Assistant Professor of Christian
Education and Youth Ministry at Memphis
Theological Seminary.
Dr. Crutchfield kicked Family and Friends
Day off Saturday February 21, 2015 with a
seminar about “Being a C.M.E” and continued
his lesson through his sermon Sunday morning.
The worship leader for Family and Friends day
was Johnette Calhoun. The members of Morning Chapel were worship participants and the
Morning Chapel Mass Choir provided the several music selections. Dr. Crutchfield and the
Church was treated to moments in black history presented by the youth of Morning Chapel as
part of Black History Month. They portrayed
famous Black Americans and presented some
of their history- this was followed by a praise
dance from the children of Morning Chapel.
Dr. Crutchfield then brought us the word God
in his sermon.
After an inspiring and educational sermon
Morning Chapel Evangelism and Membership
Committee rolled their sleeves up and pitched
in to put together a wonderful meal which left
everyone full and satisfied. Special thanks to
Anthony Dangerfield and the Membership and
Evangelism Team for Family and Friends Day
Celebration. It was a wonderful day of worship
and fellowship. Special thanks is also due to all
who helped to make this year’s Family and
Friends day a success.
2015 Rock Respect
Awards Gala
Support our hard working
children & youth
April 18, 2015
$5 donation
See Taniyah Carter or
Shabra Watkins for tickets
CME & Church News
We are entering into a newera: the era of NOW. The
NOW era needs a NOW church, one that will come
into ministry prepared for multiple generations, people of different backgrounds, in urban spaces and in
rural. The CYAM is ready to be in the NOW.
The Connectional Young Adult Ministry of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church is proud to offer a
new kind of gathering for young adults and those interested in young adult ministry: CMNOPQRPNSP ’15.
We believe that to everything there is a season; our
time is NOW! As such, we are prepared to offer
church resources, fellowship through community service, learning and networking opportunities, and the
freedom to worship through the Convergence experience!
CMNOPQRPNSP is a four-site conference (North,
South, East, and West) that will gather May 29-30,
2015. The focus of this conference will be helping local churches start and sustain relevant young adult
ministries in the post-modern age. Join us as we share
our own experiences in ministry and hear from Pastors
Olu Brown of Impact Church in Atlanta, Georgia and
Alise Barrymore of Emmaus Community in Chicago
Heights, IL. Other special guest preachers include
Rev. Freeman McKindra II, Rev. Omar Dykes, Rev.
Valencia Edner, and Rev. Dr. Joseph Gordon. Earlybird registration will be $50 per person (if registered
before May 23).
We encourage you to seek out the site closest to
North: Stewar t Memor ial - 1745 Minocqua Street,
Indianapolis, IN
South: Lynch Str eet - 2175 John R. Lynch St, Jackson, MS
East: Inter denominational Theological Center - 700
M.L.K. Jr Dr. NW, Atlanta, GA
West: Chr istian Chapel Temple of Faith - 14120
Noel Rd, Dallas, TX
Keeping in the tradition of our gatherings, there will
also be opportunities for fellowship through service.
We are excited about our National Day of Service
(May 30, 2015). Visit www.thecyam.net to register
and for additional conference details.
In love and service,
The Connectional Young Adult Ministry
Takiyah Evans, Morning Chapel Youth Ministry
A leader’s actions say much more than
a leader's words.
Lead first by example and allow your words to
support steadfast actions.
Only one month until Leadercast 2015
Get you ticket TODAY!
Morning Chapel Members - $55
General Members - $65
Students - $35
Group rates available
Includes – conference material, breakfast and lunch
Join us May 8, 2015
8:30am—3:30 pm
Morning Chapel CME Church
903 East 3rd Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
CME & Church News
Morning Chapel Host Fort Worth District Ash
Wednesday Services
By: Shabra Watkins
The ceremony of placing blessed ashes on
the foreheads of the participants was held
and hosted by Morning Chapel. Morning
Chapel’s Mass Choir and Music Department
blessed the service in music.
Rev. Linda Barnett brought a powerful
Ash Wednesday sermon to the congregation.
Elder Russell O. Fuller, Rev. Dr. Willa
Ross, our Pastor, and other clergy presented
the ashes and performed the ceremonies. It
was an evening of commemorating and anticipating the resurrection of Jesus with the
Fort Worth District members.
Thank you Morning Chapel for hosting our
guest and showing our great Christian hospitality once again.
Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting, is the
first day of Lent in Western Christianity. It
occurs 46 days (40 fasting days, if you count
the 6 Sundays, which are not days of fast, are
excluded) before Easter and can fall as early
as the 4th of February or as late as the 10th of
March. We celebrated Ash Wednesday this
year on February 18, 2015 at Morning Chapel. The service of Ash Wednesday celebrates
also the 40 days Christ spent fasting in the
dessert where he endured temptation by Satan. Some Christians use this time of Lent to
sacrifice or give up something they enjoy as
a testament of their faith and thanksgiving.
Scholarships By: Takiyah Evans
Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes
The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes celebrates inspiring, public-spirited, highly diverse
young people from all across America. Each
year, the Barron Prize honors twenty-five outstanding young leaders ages 8 to 18 who have
made a significant positive difference to people
and our environment. The top ten winners each
receive a $5,000 cash award to support their
service work or higher education. The primary
goal of the Prize is to shine the spotlight on
these amazing young people so that their stories
will inspire others.
Winners of the Barron Prize receive:
• $5,000 to be applied to their higher education or to their service project
• a recognition plaque
• a certificate of recognition
• a signed copy of The Hero's Trail, by Barron Prize founder T.A. Barron
• a copy of Dream Big, our documentary film
featuring several Barron Prize winners
a heroes study guide, curriculum, and bibleography
the opportunity to be paired with an adult
mentor who is passionate about and working in the winner's area of interest
the opportunity to connect with other
Barron Prize winners through the Young
Heroes Listserv
numerous media opportunities – print, tele
vision, and radio
Nomination deadline: April 15, 2015
Visit http://barronprize.org/ for more
More scholarships are available at
Morning Chapel’s web page:
Morning Chapel Kudos
by: Shabra Watkins & Birdia Fletcher
Note from the Editors:
Each issue of the newsletter will have a section for you to list accomplishments, activities, and events of yourself,
children, spouse, other family members, and church members. This section is called: Morning Chapel Kudos.
Please give your Kudos (written) to Birdia Fletcher or Shabra Watkins or email mail to birdia.fletcher@att.net or
shabra_watkins87@yahoo.com. We look forward to receiving your Kudos for publication.
Thanks, The Voice of the Morning.
Congratulations to Katrina and Clarence Carter
who were united in marriage on March 7, 2015.
The Morning Chapel family wishes you a lifetime
of happiness and God’s blessings.
Congratulations to Trinitee Young
who won first place in UIL Solo Choir
competition Saturday, February 7, 2015.
Way to Go Trinitee!
Kudos for the Bell Boys
Micheal Watkins’ name will be in the wall in Forest
Hill Memorial Park. You are cordially invited to attend
the City of Forest Hill Memorial Day ceremony on
Monday, May 25th starting promptly at 9:00am. The
event will take place at the Memorial Park, 4503 Forest
Hill Circle (between Hartman and Anglin Drive) in Forest Hill. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call 817-568-3009. You are not required to
RSVP for the event; it is free and open to the public.
Kudos is due!
Kudos to our Evangelism and
Membership chair, Anthony
Dangerfield Sr. You have
really moved the Evangelism
and Membership Ministry to a
higher elevation with your ideas and enthusiasm that you posses, but most of all
your actions. You have really shown that you
want more for Morning Chapel C.M.E church.
God has moved through you as you have moved
through the Church. Continue to allow God to use
you in many ways!
Shuntel Johnson- Dangerfield
We are so proud that you are a
free spirit and love to have
Fun. Great job on completing
Rock Respect Academy!
Mom and Dad
You are such a together young
man that’s continuing to grow in
Christ. Keep up the good work
and congrats on completing Rock
Mom and Dad
You have grown to be a wonderful
role model for your brothers and
the young men around you. Continue to tread a path for God and
we are proud of you for completing Rock Respect
Mom and Dad
Social Concerns
by: Takiyah Evans
If your idea of preparing for severe weather is
stashing an umbrella in the trunk, well, this section is for you. Those who have experienced a
tornado or a flash flood first-hand will tell you
just how serious and devastating severe weather
in North Central Texas can be. The good news
is that most weather can be predicted. The bad
news is that many weather-related deaths still
occur each year in North Central Texas despite
advance warning. The first step to being prepared is realizing that severe weather can happen at any time—and it can happen to you.
Each year, Americans cope with an average
10,000 thunderstorms
2,500 floods
1,000 tornadoes
6 deadly hurricanes
In North Central Texas, from 1996 to 2005:
9 tornadoes per year
207 severe thunderstorm events (large
hail, damaging winds) per year
53 flash flood events per year
Severe Thunderstorm & Lightning
Thunderstorms can be exciting to watch, especially from the safety of your warm, comfy
couch. Besides staying dry, here’s another good
reason to stay inside (and off the phone)—
lightning kills more people each year than tornadoes. Since every thunderstorm produces
lightning, you need to be prepared! Flash floods
and hail are also dangers associated with thunderstorms.
Thunderstorm Facts
In North Central Texas, most thunderstorms happen in the afternoon.
Thunder and lightning can sometimes even
come with a snowstorm!
At any moment in time, over 1,800 thunderstorms are occurring around the
world—that’s 16 million a year!
The typical thunderstorm is 15 miles in diameter and lasts an average of 30
Severe Thunderstorm and Lightning
Safety Tips:
If you can hear thunder, you’re close
enough to be struck by lightning—find
safe shelter immediately.
Move to a sturdy building and stay away
from the windows (don’t take shelter in
a shed, under isolated trees or in a convertible vehicle).
If a sturdy shelter is not available, get
inside a hardtop vehicle and keep the
windows up.
Get out of boats and away from water
Unplug appliances and avoid using the
telephone except in an emergency
One one-thousand, two one-thousand, KABOOM! By counting the seconds between
the flash and the thunder and dividing by
five, you can estimate your distance from the
strike (in miles).
April & May Calendar of Events
Apr. 3
Good Friday Seven Last Words Service, Stewart Chapel CME Church, Fort Worth
Apr. 3
GNTCMEA Good Friday Service, Kirkwood CME Church, Dallas
Apr. 4
Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
Apr. 5
Easter Program
Apr. 11
DFW Region Missionary CYYAA Retreat
Apr. 18
Rock Respect Banquet
May 8
LeaderCast, Morning Chapel CME Church
May 10
Mother’s Day
May 15
Praise Party
May 16
Church Picnic
May 17
Church Anniversary
May 24
Pentecost Sunday
May 24
Elder’s Appreciation, Carter Metropolitan CME Church, Fort Worth
Weekly and/or Monthly Events:
Sunday School 9:30am-10:30am
4th Sunday
Membership Training,
January 25—August 30, 2015, 9:30am-10:30am
1st Monday:
Steward Meeting 6 pm
Church Conference 7 pm
Mid-Day Bible Study 12:00 noon
Prayer Service 6:30 pm
Bible Study 7 pm
Children & Youth Rehearsal 7 pm (2nd Wednesday)
Mass Choir Rehearsal 8 pm (1st, 3rd, & 4th Wednesdays
New Organizations!!
Prayer Line
The Morning Chapel CME Church Prayer Line will be open every Thursday evening from 8:00 pm until
9:00 pm. The phone number is: 712-775-7031. The ID number is: 609-506-698. Mute:*6… Please be
mindful of background noise when calling in.
Greeters - Membership and Evangelism
If you are interested in being a part of the Greeters Ministry or need more details, please contact
Anthony Dangerfield
Bridges is a special interest group targeted at Morning Chapel members that are between 36 - 55 years of
age. See Sis. Acacia Nolen to become a part of this group.
December & January Birthdays & Anniversaries
Andrea Barron
Zaitha Hunter
Freddie Nolen, IV
Sheryl Coaxum
Esther Menefee
Kailyn Player
Norma Moore
Anthony Dangerfield Jr.
Bernice Williams
Auinjah Hunter
Robert Evans, III
Rhian Carter
Adria Manning
Clarence Johnson
Yolanda Parker
Anthony Ward
Sabryn Ivory
Jada Ivory
Miesha Griffin
Eula Caldwell
Terence Bell
Chester Johnson, Sr.
Gabrielle Lewis
Nellie Lewis
Shabra Watkins
Anthony Dangerfield, Sr.
Joe Washington
Andre & Vel Ivory
Anthony & Rhonda Ward
Recipe for the Month
Mattie & Leonard Roberts
Chester & Cynthia Johnson
Pete & Melissa Cook
by: Linda Griffin
Simple Herb-Roasted Chicken
1/4 cup chopped fresh herbs, such as
parsley, sage, rosemary and/or thyme
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
2 4- to 5-pound whole chickens,
giblets removed
Step 1
Preheat oven to 375°F. Lightly coat a large roasting
pan with cooking spray.
Step 2
Mix herbs, garlic, oil, salt and pepper in a small bowl
to form a paste. Rub the herb mixture all over the
chickens, under the skin and over the breast and thigh
meat. Tie the legs together with kitchen string. Place
the chickens in the prepared pan, breast-side up, preferably not touching each other.
Step 3
Roast the chickens for 45 minutes. Rotate the pan 180
degrees and continue roasting until a thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the thigh, without touching
the bone, registers 165°F, 45 minutes to 1 hour more.
(Be sure to check the temperature of each chicken. One
might be done before the other.) Transfer to a clean cutting board; let rest for 10 minutes before removing the
string and carving
Tidbit & PUZZLE
Bible Knowledge
Morning Chapel Tidbits by Acacia Nolen
By Bill Brinkworth
1. prophecy author
2. preserve corpse
4. Jesus
6. 1st "church"
7. Jeremiah's father
8. sin
10. created on 5th day
14. liquid measure
16. place of torment
17. O. T. king
19. Jacob's son
3. David's son
5. promise
8. prophetic book
9. tax collector
11. Nehemiah
12. offered strange fire
13. stoned to death
14. Babylonian false god
15. Cain's son
18. 15th O. T. book
20. father of harp
21. Samson killed
Answers will be printed in the next Issue
Solution to last issue’s puzzle
(1. C)
(6. A)
(2. A)
(7. D)
(3. C)
(8. B)
(4. D)
(9. B
(5. A) )
(10. C.)