www.northconnex.com.au Locked Bag 928, North Sydney NSW 2059 Project information line: 1800 997 057 (free call) Email: enquiries@northconnex.com.au Building for the future WA Y OR Avenue OT IC M PAC IF e Bareen Wahroonga Station nue Ada Ave ine a Ro ek Cre kle Billyard Avenue As part of tunnel operations a ventilation outlet, substation and water tanks will be located near the northbound tunnel exit. 1 Burns Road Havilah A venue 1 Maintenance bay 2 Pump room 3 Substation 4 Ventilation outlet 5 Water tanks 6 Noise wall 7 Cycle path 8 Tunnel portal Vehicle movements and connections: § Motorists entering / exiting the main tunnel will access Pennant Hills Road / Pacific Highway through the existing signalised intersection where the M1 Pacific Motorway meets Pennant Hills Road § Motorists travelling along Pennant Hills Road will be able to access the tunnel southbound or the M1 Pacific Motorway by turning right at the Pennant Hills Road / M1 Pacific Motorway connector § Access to the tunnel from the Pacific Highway will be from Pennant Hills Road at Pearces Corner, left at the Pennant Hills Road / M1 Pacific Motorway connector and onto the southbound tunnel ramp. Gilda Av Warrawee Station nue ta Aven Ada Ave Mahrat Avenue ue enue ine re L Lucinda Sho Hewitt A venue rth Road 2 No Hinemoa Avenue d Redgra ve Eaton A venue nd Aven 7 To southbound tunnel ue m Hammo 7 Cut and cover structure over Jas Road r e s Fra 3 The tunnel on and off-ramps for Pennant Hills Road will be located within a widened median of the Pennant Hills Road / M1 Pacific Motorway connector. The entry and exit of the main tunnels will emerge in the shoulders of the M1 Pacific Motorway. Cr d Stree Clevelan Isis Stre et e Normanhurst Station 4 t nu e 8 ee Av e 6 ue le wa 6 Northern ventilation facility Coonan Avenue a Aven 5 Woono na ad Artists impression - Pennant Hills Road / M1 Pacific Motorway connector It will also provide connections onto or from Pennant Hills Road and then to Pacific Highway to continue travel on these existing roads. Coc a Avenu Burns R oad ille D t k de M enm ern Aven ue Bareen Pa ra Wonior a arad an P From northbound tunnel e Stree F barra R oad ad Clarke Ro e nue Unwin Ro Clarke Ro Lin Lochvill ck re ria TO NEWCASTLE Co Sho Fern Ave nd Road Northern ventilation facility features Avenue rth ad No ex a The northern interchange will connect the tunnel with the M1 Pacific Motorway and Pennant Hills Road to enable traffic to travel north, south or east. Junction M1 Al Artists impression - Northern M1 tunnel connection Woonon a Waitara Station ll Avenu Ingalara Parks and reserves Tunnel Tunnel on and off-ramps Churchi Avenue LEGEND e Northern interchange N oad Fox Valley R 0 250 500m RMS 14.103B
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