2015 Camporee Leader’s Guide Camp Trevor Rees-Jones April 10-12, 2015 northernlights.circleten.org 2015 Camporee Leader’s Guide – Northern Lights District Table of Contents Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Patrol Classifications ...................................................................................................................... 4 Scouting Spirit Competitions .......................................................................................................... 4 Patrol Competitions ........................................................................................................................ 6 Unit Competitions ........................................................................................................................... 8 Bonus Points ................................................................................................................................... 8 Explanation for Scoring Patrol Competitions ................................................................................. 8 Explanation for Scoring Unit Competitions ................................................................................... 9 Supplies Required ......................................................................................................................... 10 Patrol Flag Contest Report ............................................................................................................ 11 Unit History Display Evaluation................................................................................................... 12 Campsite Inspection Evaluation ................................................................................................... 13 2 northernlights.circleten.org 2015 Camporee Leader’s Guide – Northern Lights District Overview Theme: “Scouting Through Time” Location: Trevor Rees-Jones, Athens, Texas Date and Arrival Time: Friday, April 10, 2015. Registration will open at 7:00 P.M. Participants: Camporee is open to all registered Boy Scouts and their adult leaders. Webelos may attend as guests of a troop and participate in Camporee activities. Webelos must have a parent or legal guardian in attendance, at all times, while at Camporee. SCOUTMASTERS: Webelos should be added into Scout Patrols and not organized into separate patrols of only Webelos. Mixing Webelos into Scout Patrols with experienced scouts ensures the patrols are competitive and offers Webelos the ideal Boy Scouting experience. Registration Fee: Troop campsite registrations will be accepted at the February/March Roundtables. Registration fees are $10 per scout and $5 per scouter/adult and are due before Camporee weekend. Uniforms: Minimum uniform standards for Friday evening and Saturday through dinner will consist of long or short pants; a Scouting T-shirt and closed toe shoes. Hats, if worn, must be Scouting hats. Class “A” uniforms are the appropriate dress for the Saturday awards and campfire program as well as the Sunday interfaith worship service. Scoutmaster and SPL Meeting: There will be an information meeting at 10:00PM on Friday evening at the Dining Hall. The Unit SPL (or acting youth unit leader) and Scoutmaster (or acting adult unit leader) should attend. All units must be represented at this meeting. Any changes to the schedule of activities, camp-specific items, and other important information will be distributed at this meeting. Trading Post: The Order of the Arrow will run a trading post on Saturday offering a variety of drinks, snacks, and merchandise. All proceeds will serve the needs of the District OA chapters and the scouts in the Northern Lights and Golden Arrow Districts. Patches: Each registered Scout and Scouter will receive a Camporee patch on Sunday morning after the successful completion of the unit’s campsite inspection. Any extra patches will be sold during the weekend or thereafter at Roundtable, etc. Parking: Park in designated parking areas only. Absolutely NO vehicles (other than equipment trailers) may be left in campsites without a special permit from the Camporee Chairman. Tents: Troops must furnish their own tents. Water: Available at the camp. Bring containers to transport to cooking area. Meals: All units should make provisions for their own meals. NO meals will be provided by the District. Latrines: Existing latrines at Trevor Rees-Jones will be used. Units should bring their own toilet paper, soap, and cleaning supplies. 3 northernlights.circleten.org 2015 Camporee Leader’s Guide – Northern Lights District Health/Safety/First Aid: Minor first aid is Unit responsibility. Major first aid problems will be handled by Camporee first aid staff. Note that all liquid fuels must be handled in accordance with National Boy Scout policy, including adult supervision. Judges: All adult leaders and parents from each troop are needed to help judge this event’s Spirit Competitions. Leaders should not accompany patrols to the events. Adults not with troops assigned to an event will assist other troops. Buglers: Any Scouts who can play taps, reveille, call to colors, etc. on their bugles are encouraged to bring their bugles and check in with the Camporee staff on Friday evening. Note: All Camporee activities are subject to change, as necessary, due to inclement weather. Patrol Classifications Each patrol in every troop is strongly encouraged to participate in every patrol competition. In order to allow patrols to compete on their own level, competitions will be judged separately among Scout Patrols and Senior Patrols. Scout Patrols are for scouts 14 years of age and younger. Senior Patrols are for scouts 14 years of age and older and will include more advanced and more challenging activities geared for older scouts. (Yes, a 14 year old scout has the option of participating in either a Scout Patrol or a Senior Patrol.) The ideal size for competition patrols is six (6) scouts; however, patrols should not be smaller than four (4) scouts or larger than eight (8) scouts. Patrol Leaders should ensure that all patrol members have the opportunity to compete at Camporee although some competitions may have a participant limitation. By simply alternating scouts between activities, everyone should get an equal opportunity to participate. Scouting Spirit Competitions Patrol Flag Contest Each patrol is encouraged to enter its flag, on a flagpole, in a contest to be recognized as the best Patrol flag at Camporee. This contest also DOES count toward your “Unit 100% Participation Award”. All flags are to be constructed entirely by Scouts. The flagpole is also part of the entry and should be as creative as the flag. When a patrol flag is submitted, the Patrol Leader must turn in an entry form, legibly written, stating what work on the flag (if any) was done by adults. The amount of work done by adults, instead of scouts, will be considered in the judging of the flags. The entry form should be placed on the flag, in the upper most corner, closest to the flagpole. Awards will be given in each Patrol classification. Flags should be carried in by each patrol at opening flag ceremony on Saturday morning. Once dismissed from opening ceremony, the patrol leader will need to turn in the flag at the Dining Hall no later than 9:00am on Saturday. Patrol flags may be picked up after 5:00pm on Saturday. Scoring: See attached judging criteria. 4 northernlights.circleten.org 2015 Camporee Leader’s Guide – Northern Lights District Unit History Display Show off your unit's history and traditions. History displays will be judged for the best unit history display award; however, the results will not affect the overall unit scoring. Entering a history display DOES apply towards the "Unit 100% Participation Award”. Essential elements that should be included in your display are: 1. A timeline of unit's history from beginning to present. 2. List of Eagle Scouts 3. A pictorial of the unit's history (significant events/activities) 4. Unit Apparel (t-shirts, neckerchiefs, patches-unit specific) 5. Your unit's community service activities (including Eagle projects). 6. A section on Circle 10 Scouting history (optional, but will get you bonus points). Displays need to be set up at the Dining Hall no later than 9:00 AM on Saturday and may be picked up after 5:00pm on Saturday. Scoring: See attached judging criteria. Unit Campsite Inspection Campsite inspections will be scored as a unit event for Best Overall Unit and will be 20% of the overall unit score. Each unit will be responsible for providing their own fire protection. Troops may share campsites; however, each should be clearly designated so judges can distinguish between different troops/campsites. Units may earn up to 10 extra points if tent flaps are left open for inspection. Judges will not enter tents, but will look inside for neatness and hazards. Inspections will include youth and adult camping areas. Inspections will follow the attached criteria and will be conducted between 9:00 AM and 11:50 AM on Saturday. Scoring: See attached judging criteria. 100% Patrol Participation Award Each patrol should strive to earn the 100% Participation Award at the Camporee. For a patrol to earn this award, the patrol must compete in all patrol events and enter a patrol flag in the flag contest. 100% Unit Participation Award Each unit should strive to earn the 100% participation award at the Camporee. For a troop to earn this award every patrol in the unit must earn the 100% Patrol Participation Award and the troop must participate in the Unit History Display contest and Unit Campsite Inspection. 5 northernlights.circleten.org 2015 Camporee Leader’s Guide – Northern Lights District Patrol Competitions The patrol competitions will be the same this year for both the scout patrols (for scouts 14 years of age and younger) as well as the senior patrols. Each event will be modified to be more difficult for the older scouts. Scout and senior patrols will not be ranked against each other. Crossing the Mississippi – (river crossing) Best Overall Patrol Competition Skills: Balance Items needed by patrol: none Objective: Your fellow explorers are on the opposite side of the Mississippi River and they are running out of supplies. You must cross the river and deliver lifesaving goods before it is too late…..hurry! Activity: Using pedestals and planks, all patrol members must cross the ‘river’ without getting wet and keeping their supplies dry. Scoring: This will be a timed event; the quickest time wins. For the scout patrols, if someone falls in the river, they must restart and catch up. For the senior patrols, if someone falls into the water, the entire patrol must restart. Timing should be scored to the 10th of a second and reported in minutes: seconds: tenths. Navigating the Web Best Overall Patrol Competition Skills: Team Work Items needed by patrol: none Objective: A huge spider built a web across your only escape route. You and your fellow explorers must make haste as the buffalo herd is charging. Be careful not to wake the spider…..she is very hungry and scouts are her favorite meal! Activity: Each patrol member must pass through a different web opening Scoring: The quickest time with fewest penalties (web touches) will determine the winner. For scout patrols, they will need to start over (while the clock keeps ticking) every time they accumulate web four touches. Older scouts must restart after their second touch. Timing should be scored to the 10th of a second and reported in minutes: seconds: tenths. Knife and Tomahawk Throw Best Overall Patrol Competition Skills: Patience and accuracy Items needed by patrol: none Objective: The gnat and mosquito population is getting out of hand. You and your fellow explorers need to get the population back under control. Take out as many as you can before they carry you away! Activity: The scout patrols will use knives, and the senior patrols will use the tomahawks. The object is to throw the knife or tomahawk and stick it nearest the center of the target. Each patrol receives the same number throws. Scoring will be determined by where the knife or tomahawk sticks in the target. The district will provide all tomahawks and knives for the competition. Troops/Patrols should NOT bring throwing knives/tomahawks to Camporee unless specifically asked to do so by the Camporee staff. Scoring: Points based on where the knife or tomahawk sticks in the target. 6 northernlights.circleten.org 2015 Camporee Leader’s Guide – Northern Lights District Pirates Attack (BB guns) • Best Overall Patrol Competition Skill: Accuracy and speed Items needed by patrol: none Objective: A pirate crew is threatening your camp. Gather your trusty explorers and their guns to defend your valuable supplies. Activity: Using the district-supplied BB guns, take out all the targets down range to send the pirates back out to sea. Scoring: This is a timed event. Time starts on the ‘commence firing’ command and stops as soon as all of the targets have been hit. Fastest time wins. Through the Rockies (climbing) Best Overall Patrol Competition Skill: Climbing skill Items needed by patrol: none Objective: A large eagle has stolen all of your supplies and placed them in his nest on top of a mountain. You and your explorer crew must ascend the mountain to get them back before the eagle returns to devour you! Activity: Each patrol will harness up and accumulate as many ‘height’ points as possible in a fixed amount of time without falling off the wall. Your height is based on the lowest location of your body when you stop ascending. Scoring: The patrol average height will be used to determine the winner in this event. Pony Express (relay race) Best Overall Patrol Competition Skill: Teamwork and scout skills Items needed by patrol: none Objective: Complete all of the events in the fastest time – while still doing them correctly. Activity: Move from station to station and complete the events. Every scout must participate in one or more relay events. The events are: knot tying/identification (1 scout), fire building (up to two scouts), lashings (up to 3 scouts), and rescue carries (as many scouts as you need to complete the activity). Scout patrols will be judged on TFC knots while senior patrols will get a more diverse set. Lashing will involve lashing together staves to retrieve a bucket. Scout patrols will have a lighter bucket to retrieve than senior scouts. Scoring: Scoring will be a combination of time and correctness or completion of the event. 7 northernlights.circleten.org 2015 Camporee Leader’s Guide – Northern Lights District Unit Competitions Chili Cook-off Best Overall Unit Competition Skills: culinary Items needed by unit: all Activity: Each Troop will prepare and cook their best chili to be judged in a blind taste test. This is NOT part of the Best Overall Unit competition. This is for fun only, but awards will be given. Scoring: best tasting, best texture, best aroma etc. Due by 6 pm at the dining hall in sufficient quantity to be judged. Tug of War Best Overall Unit Competition Skills: Teamwork and strength Activity: This will be a Camporee-wide event. This is part of the Best Overall Unit competition. Each troop team will consist of any number of Scouts whose combined weight may not exceed 900lbs. We will use the honor system for total weight: however there will be a weigh station at the headquarters for units to calculate their total weight. The SPL will turn in a registration sheet listing their participant's name, weight and total team weight to the headquarters by 9:00 AM on Saturday morning. Once your list is turned in, you may not substitute team members unless there is an injury. Please make sure your unit# and SPL name is also included. Keep in mind that the OA Brotherhood Walk might take a few of your older scouts. When the competition begins, each unit will line up next to the rope with their hands on their heads standing upright. When they are told to go, they will grab the rope and begin pulling. All Scouts must wear closed toe shoes (no cleats may be used). You may also use hand padding (but no gloves), which must be laid on the ground at their feet. The unit that pulls the flag over their line first wins. Scoring: This will be a double elimination event. Teams that "No-show" will forfeit. Bonus Points Bonus points will be awarded up to 5 bonus points (1 point each) at each station for the following: • Each scout has a water bottle – with water! • Each scout is wearing an appropriate Class B uniform – with scout hat if wearing a hat • The patrol has an enthusiastic (and appropriate) patrol yell • The patrol arrives during their assigned time for the event Explanation for Scoring Patrol Competitions After the competition, each type of patrol at the Camporee will be ranked, i.e., if 25 Senior Patrols are present, those patrols will be ranked 1st through 25th in each of the events. A patrol that does not compete in an event will be ranked five places lower than the last patrol’s place in that event. The places will then be used as point values in determining places for the overall events. Thus, a patrol with the first, fourth, seventh, eight, tenth, thirteenth, and twenty-fourth places in the individual competitions would score 1+4+7+8+10+13+24= 67 points. 8 northernlights.circleten.org 2015 Camporee Leader’s Guide – Northern Lights District In case of a tie for first, second, or third place in the overall patrol competition, the winning patrol will be the patrol with the most first place scores in the events. If still tied, the number of second places will be used, then third places, etc. until the tie is broken. The patrol which wins the tiebreaker will be given the place and the other patrol will be given the next lower place. Explanation for Scoring Unit Competitions Scout Patrols and Senior Patrols will have been ranked for overall best patrol competition. Each patrol will then have point values assigned based on their ranking among their peers and based on the number of separate teams in their categories. Point values will be assigned so that first place is always worth one point and last place in each of the three categories is worth approximately the same amount. Thus, if 19 Scout Patrols compete and 7 Senior Patrols compete, the 1st through 7th places among the Scout Patrols will be worth 1, 4, 10, 13, 16, and 19 points. The average of the overall patrol point values for all patrols in the unit will be computed, and units will be ranked for their overall patrol competition result. Best Overall Unit--The best overall unit award will be given to the best troop camping at the Camporee, based on the results of the unit scores for (a) Patrol Events and (b) Campsite Inspection. The best overall unit will be determined by adding the rankings for each of the Patrol Events and Campsite Inspection, with the following weights applied: unit score for patrol competitions will count as 80% of the overall award, campsite inspection 20%. In case of a tie for first, second, and third place, the tie will be broken by the unit score in patrol events. If a tie remains, the average number of first places among all patrols in each unit, then by second places, etc., will break the tie. 9 northernlights.circleten.org 2015 Camporee Leader’s Guide – Northern Lights District Supplies Required The following is a list of events and recommended supplies your unit will need to provide when you host an event. It is the unit's responsibility to provide everything that will be needed to run the event unless otherwise indicated. This list is not meant to be complete and you are encouraged to use your imagination and creativity to make the competition fun and challenging for the Scouts. Since your unit will be running the event, it is important that you determine what you need to run it successfully. Please prepare to set up at sufficient stations so we will not get backed up throughout the day. Most importantly make it fun! Crossing the Mississippi • Hosting unit supplies the pedestals, planks, and stopwatches Navigating the Web • Hosting unit supplies the rope and vertical supports for the web (unless using trees!) Tomahawks and Knives • Hosting units supply the knives, tomahawks, targets, and backstops Through the Rockies • Hosting units supply the climbing ropes, harnesses, and a means for determining the height of each competitor on the climbing tower at camp TRJ Pirate Shooter • District will supply the BB guns, BBs, and water balloon targets. The hosting unit needs to supply a method for recording time, target holders, a way to attach each balloon to the target and a way to fill them. Hint – it is acceptable to have the patrols waiting in line help fill balloons! The Pony Express • Hosting units supply the ‘knot identification’ cards, ropes for tying knots and lashings, staves for lashing, the buckets for the bucket retrieval, binders twine and non-flammable poles for the fire building contest, and instruction sheets for the emergency carries. • It is highly suggested to have some way of identifying which scouts have participated in the events that make up this relay. One idea is a unique hand stamp that could be applied to the scouts participating in each activity. 10 northernlights.circleten.org 2015 Camporee Leader’s Guide – Northern Lights District Patrol Flag Contest Report Patrol: place sticker on top left front of flag or on pole Judge: place sticker here after scoring Patrol Flag Criteria Points Patrol flag entry form completed, written legibly, and affixed to the flag (upper most corner closest to the flagpole) 10 Unit and patrol identity on the flag 5 Flag and/or flagpole includes one or more Scouting elements, images, or logos (i.e. fleur-de-lis, Scout motto, program logos, etc.) 5 Patrol flag is portable (easily carried) and is attached to a flagpole 5 Patrol flag design… Meets the purpose – 5 points Is creative and is original – 10 points “Flies high above the rest”, top 10% - 15 points 5, 10, or 15 Flagpole design… Meets the purpose – 5 points Exhibits good design and craftsmanship – 10 points Far exceeds flagpole expectations – 15 points 5, 10, or 15 Flag and flagpole construction All man-made/engineered** materials – 0 points Some man-made** and some natural materials – 5 points 90% or more natural materials – 10 points Overall assembly appears to be durable; if applicable, proper knots and lashings are tied correctly 5 or 10 10 Overall construction appears to be scout made 10 Patrol members identified on the flag or flagpole 5 If you consider this patrol flag to be in the top 10% of all entries, how would you rank this flag on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the BEST patrol flag? 1-10 BONUS: Patrol flag includes a flag stand 5 SPIRIT BONUS: Patrol flag/flagpole displays patrol award/recognition ribbons 5 Overall Score Score Max 110 ** Nylon, polyester, metals (i.e. aluminum, steel, etc.), plastics (i.e. PVC, vinyl, etc.), adhesive tapes (duct tape, masking tape, etc.), paper products --- (natural dyed, plain white, and muslin fabrics are considered natural) --- 11 northernlights.circleten.org 2015 Camporee Leader’s Guide – Northern Lights District Unit History Display Evaluation Troop # _____________ Instructions: Award the indicated points if the criteria are met. If the criteria are not fully satisfied, do not award the points. Please list parts of display (if any) that were prepared by an adult: Unit History Criteria Display includes easy identification of … Unit number and name of charter organization – 5 points District and Council names – Additional 5 points Points Score 5 or 10 Contains historical background/timeline of the unit 10 Listing of the unit’s Eagle Scouts 10 List of recent community service projects including Eagle projects – projects completed within the past 12 months 10 Recent unit activities/outings/destinations are included and are highlighted with pictures – content should be within the past 12 months (labeling helps to identify the freshness of the content) 10 Display contains awards and recognitions the unit has received during the past year 10 Display includes unit apparel (t-shirts, neckerchiefs, unit specific patches, hats, etc.) 10 Display includes one or more Scouting elements, images, or logos (i.e. fleur-de-lis, Scout motto, program logos, etc.) 5 Quality construction and workmanship/creativity (overall look) – Must be scout made/managed (some adult help is allowed) Serves the purpose – 5 points 5, 10, or 15 Excellent display, good quality and creativity – 10 points Top notch, top 20% of displays – 15 points If you consider this history display to be in the top 20% of all entries, how would you rank this display on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the BEST display? Overall Score 1-10 Max 100 Name of judge: Time of judging: 12 northernlights.circleten.org 2015 Camporee Leader’s Guide – Northern Lights District Campsite Inspection Evaluation Troop # _____________ Instructions: Award the indicated points if the criteria are met. If the criteria are not fully satisfied, do not award the points. Campsite Criteria No Scouts and no more than one adult in the campsite during camp inspection Troop flag and/or troop banner appropriately displayed Points 3 3 American flag appropriately displayed 3 Campsite free of motorized vehicles 3 Duty roster(s) and activity schedules posted 3 Campsite presents a neat orderly appearance; free of litter 3 Camp tools properly stored (saws, axes, hammers/mallets, etc.) 3 Latrine clean and neat, supplies present 3 Water buckets (2), filled with water, at campfire ring 3 Fire extinguisher (charged) for each established gas stove 10 Hazards mitigated (clotheslines not less than six feet above the ground, no unattended fires, no unmarked tent or tarp lines in major walkways of the campsite) 10 Fuels appropriately marked, in approved containers, and properly stored/secured 7 First aid kit is properly marked and located in a central location to the campsite. It is well-organized and adequately stocked for the Troop size 10 Cooking areas and equipment clean and properly stored 8 Food products properly stored to prevent spoilage and access to pests 10 Evidence of appropriate dishwashing (proper wash line(s)) 8 Tents and tarps pitched properly 5 Scout tent area clearly separated from adult tent area BONUS: Tents flaps open for visual inspection – Tent contents are neatly stowed; No hazards observed inside tents SPIRIT BONUS: Campsite Gateway – Award 0 to 10 points for the originality and creativity of a constructed campsite gateway 5 Overall campsite score Score 10 0-10 Max 120 Name of inspector: Time of inspection: Inspector’s notes and comments (use back of ballot): 13 northernlights.circleten.org
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