River Trails District 2014 Fall Camporee Do You Have What it Takes to challenge your Scout Leaders? to challenge your Scouts? to be the elite Scout? This Camporee will include participation by adults as well as Scouts. The adults will form patrols and compete side by side with Scout patrols. Adult patrols should be 5-7 members and may be formed with adults from different troops. Every adult attending the Camporee is strongly encouraged to either work Staff or participate in an adult patrol. Let’s see if the adults have what it takes! Greater St. Louis Area Council -- Boy Scouts of America 2014 River Trails District Fall Camporee “Do You Have What it Takes?” Date: Location: October 17-19, 2014 S-F Scout Ranch – Camporee Area Check-In: Check-in at Wenzel Lodge before setting up camp. Site will be assigned according to size of group. Registration and payment of fees is required Friday evening. Every Scout and adult in camp is required to pay the registration fee. The provided registration form must be used and each Troop must register by Patrols. Preprinted troop rosters may be attached to the registration form to provide addresses and phone numbers. If a Troop will not arrive until Saturday morning, please email your number of patrols and scouts per patrol to the Adult Advisor before the event. Cost: The Camporee fee covers the cost of all program materials, Saturday supper, and facilities fees. The cost is $10 per Scout and adult attending. All participants must register and pay. Please pay at the time of registration. General: This is a Boy Scout event. No siblings or Cub Scouts are allowed to attend. Each Troop should provide the proper level of adult supervision. Adult Advisors: Ross Dowd 314-609-9903 Staff Info: rossdowd@aol.com Youth Campmasters: Noah Decker 314-920-0044 ndeck426@gmail.com Reggie Flecke 314-971-1692 Jeffrey Liles 314-808-6794 fleckeheating@gmail.com tracy.liles@yahoo.com Staff Meetings: Scouts working staff should be at least 1st Class rank and third year Scouts. The cost is $15 per Scout and adult working staff. This covers food for the weekend and a patch. Please pay before the last staff meeting. - September 14 and 28, 2:00 pm, Hillsboro Civic Center - October 12, 2:00 pm, Hillsboro Civic Center Questions? Contact your Scoutmaster, Ross, Reggie, Noah, or Jeffrey. Camporee T shirts $7.00 ea. Performance Fabric* T-Shirts may be ordered for an additional $7.00 each. 4XL will be $16 each. *Please note that the color is Maroon. To order, please go to: http://tshirt.kintera.org/rivertrailsfall THE DEADLINE TO ORDER IS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014. Scout Oath Scout Law CAMP RULES 1. This is a Boy Scout event. No siblings or Cub Scouts are allowed to attend. Each Troop should provide the proper level of adult supervision. 2. NO alcoholic beverages. 3. NO fireworks, firearms, bow and arrow, etc. 4. NO pressurized fuel equipment (lanterns, stoves, heaters, etc.) unless you have taken the Greater St. Louis Area Council Training and have received your Toasted Chit and have it with you. Charcoal or wood is recommended for all cooking. 5. NO flames of any kind inside or near a tent. 6. NO heaters of any kind inside or near a tent. 7. Kerosene lanterns may be used to illuminate the campsite. However, battery operated lanterns are much safer and shed much more light. 8. Water sources are for filling water containers and drinking only, not for bathing or for washing the dishes. Please ask your scouts not to play with the faucets. This creates a muddy mess in a very short time. 9. NO live trees may be cut. Please follow the Outdoor Code. 10. NO digging around any tents. Use proper pitching to avoid ditching. 11. Sheath knives are strictly forbidden for all Scouts: Boy Scouts, Adults and Leaders. Totin’ Chip is required by the Scout to carry a folding pocketknife. These tools must be used safely and properly at all times. Leave No Trace Lights OUT @ midnight CAMPSITE INSPECTION - - A SCOUT IS CLEAN Half the fun of camping is learning to camp right. Several excellent books are available through Council or through your local library. Don’t forget to ask within your own unit. You may have an Eagle Scout among the parents or leaders. These Scouters are a great source of information. Clean up is the responsibility of each Scout and leader who participates in the Spring Camporee campout. Before you can officially check out on Sunday, a staff member will inspect your campsite. After lunch the Camporee staff will be wandering through the field performing campsite inspections. What we look for are: Duty roster completed and posted, usually near or on the dining fly Menu completed and posted on the dining fly Fires a minimum of 15 feet from the nearest tent No unattended fires Medical kit easily accessible Leader’s tent properly marked Tents set up in straight lines Food properly stored Cooking area neat and clean Hand washing station set up Gateway to campsite with Troop flag Creative interpretation of the camp theme Campsite is clean and well organized Any nifty or unique gadgets Proper use, display and storage of pressurized fuels and Toasted Chit cards! Patrol flags displayed at Patrol areas Ax yard properly setup and identified SCHEDULE Friday Check-in and camp setup Registration Scoutmasters meeting SPL meeting Staff meeting Lights out 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 9:15 pm - 9:45 pm 9:15 pm - 9:45 pm 10:00 pm - 10:30 pm midnight Campsites HQ (Wenzel Lodge) HQ HQ HQ Campsites 6:00 am 6:15 – 7:15 7:30 8:00 – 8:55 9:00 – 9:55 10:00 – 10:55 11:00 – 11:55 12:00 – 1:30 12:30 – 1:00 1:30 – 2:25 2:30 – 3:25 3:30 – 4:25 4:30 – 5:25 5:30 – 6:30 7:00 8:00 8:15 – 9:30 midnight Campsites Campsites HQ Project Area 1 Project Area 2 Project Area 3 Project Area 4 Campsites HQ Project Area 5 Project Area 6 Project Area 7 Project Area 8 HQ TBD HQ FE Council Ring Campsites 6:30 6:45 – 8:30 8:30 – 10:00 Campsites Campsites Campsites Saturday Reveille Breakfast and cleanup Assembly and opening Morning Events Lunch Pressurized Fuel Training Afternoon Events Supper and cleanup Religious Services Assemble for campfire Campfire and awards Lights out Sunday Reveille Breakfast and cleanup Break camp and inspections PROJECTS Firebuilding Answer questions correctly to see which box of fire starting materials you get to use to complete the challenge. First Aid/Orienteering Each patrol will need the following: a tarp (10 x 10 or less) to construct a stretcher, a compass, a bandana or neckerchief, belt, pocket knife (totin chip), personal first aid kit. Giant Slingshots Answer questions to determine how many shots you get to knock down logs. Scout Games Teambuilding and fun, how do you compare to the other patrols? Wildlife in Missouri Know your Missouri wildlife to get an edge on the others in the district. Challenge Course/Tomahawk Throw A timed, physical challenge, followed buy an opportunity to score with the sharp edge of a throwing hawk. Field Cooking There will be no utensils used in this event. Uh OH! Memory/Campsite Setup Challenge Think you are observant? Have a good memory? Wanna bet? This challenge will humble the most confident Scout or Scouter…..don’t believe me? Come try it! NOTE: For events involving questions, review the Scouting Heritage Merit Badge book. As well as your Scout handbook. EVENT EVALUATION Event: Troop: Contact Info: What did the scouts like best? What should we keep doing? What should we start doing? What should we stop doing? Other comments: Campfire Program (turn in at registration) TROOP: ______ Patrol Name: _______________ Patrol Leader: ____________________________ Title of Skit: __________________________________________________ Description of Skit: Scoutmaster’s Approval: ____________________________ Fall Camporee S-F Scout Ranch (Camporee Area) CAMP ROSTER TROOP: ______ October 17-19, 2014 (roster due at time of registration) DISTRICT: River Trails Patrol Name: _______________ Name Address Phone Number Age Phone Number Age (leader) Patrol Name: ________________ Name Address (leader) Adults Name Address Phone Number River Trails Fall Camporee 2014 The Fall Camporee registration fee is $10 per scout and adult. The fee includes program supplies, Saturday supper, facilities fees, and a patch. This registration form and fee should be turned in early to the council office or brought to Registration at the time of the event. Troop # ________ # of patrols _________ Registered by: Name: ___________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Unit Position: ______________ Email: ______________________________ Home #: (____) _______ - _______ Cell #: (_____) ________ - __________ Number of: Total Boy Scouts X $10 Leaders X $10 Adults X $10 Total People X $10 Make Checks Payable to: GSLAC BSA Mail to: Zoran Lazic Greater St. Louis Area Council 4568 West Pine Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108 Attention: River Trails Fall Camporee 2014 Account Number 1.6801.601.20
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