
Are you tougher than a scout
Horseshoe Trail District Spring Camporee
Bashore Scout Reservation
April 24th – 26th 2015
Leaders and Youth are you ready to accept the challenge of
going head to head!!!!!!
Youth Verses Wisdom!!!!!
Horseshoe District
Spring 2015 Camporee
Greetings Horseshoe Trail Troops and Crews;
The Horseshoe Trail District will once again offer a District wide Camporee in the spring of 2015. This
will be an opportunity for Scouts to experience various “High Adventure” activities that may not be offered
as part of their yearly Troop or Summer Camp program.
This year’s theme will be “Are you tougher than a scout leader” in which Scouts can use their skills to
compete with other Scouts through activities associated with the Camporee in both an individual as well as
a team approach. Prepare your Scouts and leaders to compete by fine tuning their Scout and leadership
skills now.
The attached registration form with this packet allows you to sign up your Unit for the Camporee.
Additional activity registration forms will be sent to you via email within 1 month of the camporee, after
your Unit has registered for the event, so that you can select and register Scouts for each station. Please
note that certain stations MAY have a maximum number of Scouts that can represent their Troop.
Webelos Scouts if they are planning to attend will need to register with the Boy Scout Troop they will be
staying with during the Camporee. There is NO specific Webelos program planned however they will have
the opportunity to compete in some of the activities while learning what the Boy Scout program is all
about. Boy Scout Troops will need to collect the registrations and fees from any Webelos that will be
camping with them and turn in those registrations with their own. Webelos will NOT be able to compete in
the water, climbing or 22 Rifle activities that are planned for this event.
Venture Crews are welcome and encouraged to register for this event.
I hope you will join us for the 2015 HST District Camporee and on behalf of the entire District Activities
Committee; we look forward to seeing you this spring!
Yours in Scouting;
Ronald Neidigh
Ronald Neidigh
HST District Camporee Chairman
E-Mail: ronald.neidigh@va.gov
Horseshoe District
Spring Camporee 2015
Troop/Crew on-site registration will be from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM on Friday April 24th at Camp Bashore.
Please have your complete rosters ready at check-in as well as any final changes to your registrations. Our
best attempts will be made to make any necessary adjustments. Also, please be sure you have in your
possession medical forms for each member of your unit including any Webelos Scouts that may be
camping with you. Upon registration, you will receive your campsite designation.
Check-out will begin at 9:30 AM on Sunday April 26th and conclude by 12:00 PM. We ask that you plan to
leave your campsite as well as all programs areas cleaner that when you found them practicing the
principles of “Leave No Trace”. As part of the check-out process your site must be inspected. Checkout
will be at the Camp Office.
Parking will be available in the main parking area at Camp Bashore. For those units with Troop trailers
please note we will attempt to allow you direct access to your Troop trailer within your designated
campsite. All other vehicles will be parked in the main parking lot. Each Troop/Crew will receive parking
instructions and will have specific designations as to where their vehicles will be parked upon arrival.
Fire and Cooking
Fires will be permitted only in designated fire pits located throughout the Camp in each of the campsites.
Units may plan on cooking with appropriate camp stoves or via Dutch ovens and coals throughout the
Trading Post
Camp Bashore MAY have access to their concessions stand throughout the day on Saturday April 25th from
9AM – 4PM. Additional operating hours will be supplied upon check-in and will be posted through the
The safety of our Scouts is top priority for the Camporee staff. Unit leaders are responsible for the use of
safe camping practices and safety within the Unit environment. Traffic, cooking safety and tent set-ups are
just a few areas that should be reviewed. For the weekend all extra curricular activities should take place in
open field areas and under supervision. FUN is the #1 goal for the weekend. Preventing unwanted
accidents will play a huge role in meeting this goal.
SPL Meeting
A meeting of the Senior Patrol Leaders will take place at 9:00 PM Friday evening April 24th at the
Camporee Headquarters where check-in occurred at the Bashore Camp Office.
Horseshoe District
Spring Camporee 2015
Sunday Service
An Interfaith Service will be attempted on Sunday morning however if not possible, please have
contingency plans to have you own Scout’s Own Service.
Scoutmaster/Advisor Meeting
There will be a Scoutmaster/Crew Advisor meeting in combination with the SPL meeting at 9:00 PM on
Friday evening and 10:00 PM on Saturday evening.
Uniform Policy
All Leaders and registered Scouts are expected to be in BSA Field Uniform (aka “Class A”) for the opening
& closing ceremonies. Class B uniforms (activity uniform) will be allowed throughout the day on Saturday
during the activity stations.
Boy Scout Troops should contact their neighborhood Cub Scout Packs and invite 1 st and 2nd year Webelos
to camp with their Troop during the weekend. Webelos Scouts don’t wait; contact your local Troop now.
Parents or Guardians are required for Webelos over nights. Not planning on staying overnight? Don’t miss
out on the activities planned for Saturday April 25th, come and visit for the day and see what the Boy Scout
program offers.
Camporee Location:
Bashore Scout Reservation
160 Moonshine Rd
Jonestown, PA 17038
Horseshoe Trial District
Spring Camporee 2015
Friday April 24th
Saturday April 25th
Sunday April 26th
6:00 – 8:00 PM
9:00 – 9:30 PM
11:00 PM
6:30 AM
7:30 AM – 8:45 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
SPL/Scoutmaster Meeting
Reveille / Breakfast
Station Preparation
Opening Ceremony
Conference Center
Conference Center
9:00 AM – 12:15 PM
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM
1:30 – 4:45 PM
5:30 PM – 10:00 PM
8:00 PM – 10:00PM
10:00 PM – 10:30 PM
11:00 PM
Activity Stations
Activity Stations
Dinner / Free Time
Scoutmaster Meeting
Lights Out
Throughout Camp**
Troop Sites
Throughout Camp**
Troop Sites
Campfire Circle
Conference Center
7:00 AM
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Reveille / Breakfast
Scouts Own Service
9:30 AM
12:00 PM
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Check-out begins
Camporee Closed
Final cleanup &
Troop Sites
Stations throughout Camp**
Parade Field @ Dining Pavilion
** Refer to Camp Map
Troop Sites
Camp Chapel
Conference Center
2015 Horseshoe Trial District Camporee
Unit Attendance Sheet
SPL: __________________________
Troop / Crew
Patrol Name: ________________________
1. PL:______________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
5. _________________________________
6. _________________________________
7. _________________________________
8. _________________________________
Patrol Name: ________________________
1: PL:______________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
5. _________________________________
6. _________________________________
7. _________________________________
8. _________________________________
Patrol Name: ________________________
1. PL:______________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
5. _________________________________
6. _________________________________
7. _________________________________
8. _________________________________
Patrol Name: ________________________
1: PL:______________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
5. _________________________________
6. _________________________________
7. _________________________________
8. _________________________________
1. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
5. _________________________________
7. _________________________________
2. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
6. __________________________________
8. __________________________________
Webelos Parents:
1. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
5. _________________________________
2. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
6. __________________________________
Unit volunteering for Camporee Stations
Attach extra sheets if needed. To be turned in at registration.
2015 Horseshoe Trial District Camporee
2015 Troop/Crew Registration
April 24th – April 26th 2015
Unit: _____________________________________________
Unit Leader: _______________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _____________________________________
Home Phone: _______________________________________
Cell Phone: _________________________________________
E-Mail: ____________________________________________
Troop / Crew
Number of expected tents: ________
Individual Registration Fees: See below
$20.00 per unit late registration fee if paid after April 10th 2015
NO registrations will be accepted after April 20th 2015
Extra Patches x $2.00 =
Scouts x $16.00 =
Scout/Crew Leaders x $11.00 =
Adult Volunteers (up to 3 free per Unit)
Webelos* x $11.00 =
Webelos Leaders / Parents* x $11.00
$20.00 per unit late fee if after May 4th
* Those participating with a Troop ONLY. Webelos Dens are not eligible to participate unless they are
doing so with a Troop.
Webelos Den Leader – Please Check here if not camping overnight and that you will be coming in on
the morning of the event, Saturday April 25th 2015. _______
Make Checks payable to BSA / Horseshoe Trail Camporee
Check #: ________
Enclose check and mail to:
Boy Scouts of America
2015 Horseshoe Trail Camporee
630 Janet Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17601
Please make a copy of this form and keep a copy for your records. Return original to the Council office
with your registration fees.