2014 Wuliken Weekend

2014 Wuliken Weekend
Fall Roundtable Edition
Great Frontier District Fall Camporee
Heart of Ohio Council
October 10-12, 2014
Camp Wyandotte, Firelands Scout Reservation
52420 Bates Rd.
Wakeman, OH 44889
Leader’s Guide
Scouting is sometimes like a Three Ring Circus
In Cooperation with the Order of the Arrow
Portage Lodge 619
Amangi Bischuwi Chapter
Revised 9/12/2014
Welcome Back to Wuliken!
It’s hard to believe that Wuliken is four years old. Intended only as a one-time, off season event, it has grown tremendously,
thanks to the amazing support we have from our Great Frontier District and our Heart of Ohio Council, and that means thanks
to YOU!
The challenge of any event is to keep it from becoming stale, and keeping the events interesting for all the youth participating,
and the adults as well, without compromising the fundamental aspects of the event. This was envisioned as a chance for Boy
Scouts and Venturers to show off their skills in friendly competition, and to ignite that spark within the Webelos that will keep
them interested in Scouting for years to come.
Only time will tell if we have had any success toward our lofty goals, but many can now say that the crisp snap of air in the
lungs, the sun shining on an almost perfect autumn day as the sun rises over the multitude of glorious colors, the variety of
activity and the brotherhood we share, the sights, the sounds and smells. Well…that just says “Wuliken.”
This year we have adopted the theme: Scouting is a three ring circus. We encourage you to harken back to the old days of the
big top and the circus midway and bring your best carney ideas for the Saturday morning carnival. Young scouts will be
thrilled as they try to ring the bell with the hammer or throw softballs to knock down wooden images. The sky is the limit.
So, once again, thanks to all of you who make this such a wonderful weekend just by being there.
Amanda Phillips
Joshua Cleland
2013-2014 Amangi Bischuwi Chapter Chief
Wuliken Camporee Planning Committee Youth Co-Chair
Wuliken Camporee Planning Committee Chairman
Plans for 2014
We are going to simplify some of our competitions in order to increase participation.
We plan on the return of the pumpkin carving competition complete with pumpkin smashing.
Each unit will come up with some kind of carnival game or activity that will be presented in the morning. We ask that
the units send us what their ideas are so that we can reduce repetition. We will have a Midway area set up near the
campsites where you will be able to set up your carny games.
Our theme will be “Scouting is a three ring circus.” A special circus act will be present. Units are encouraged to
incorporate this theme into their campsites and activities.
Adult leader training will be offered once again. Trained adult leaders are the key to good program and retention.
Please ask your untrained leaders to take advantage of this opportunity. Please remember to maintain two-deep
leadership at your campsites.
Pot Luck Cracker Barrel – Bring a Webelo and enough food to share and have some fun Saturday night.
Popcorn and Cotton Candy concessions at a minimal charge.
Our theme this year is “Scouting is a Three Ring Circus.” I think many of our leaders will
agree to that. In Ancient Rome, the circus was a building for the exhibition of horse and
chariot races, equestrian shows, staged battles, gladiatorial combat and displays of (and fights
with) trained animals. The circus of Rome were similar to the ancient Greek hippodromes,
although circuses served varying purposes and differed in design and construction, and for
events that involved re-enactments of naval battles, the circus was flooded with water. The
Roman circus buildings were, however, not circular but rectangular with semicircular ends.
The lower seats were reserved for persons of rank, there were also various state boxes for the
giver of the games and his friends. The circus was the only public spectacle at which men and
women were not separated. Some circus historians such as George Speaight have stated "these performances may have taken place in
the great arenas that were called 'circuses' by the Romans, but it is a mistake to equate these places, or the entertainments presented
there, with the modern circus" Others have argued that the lineage of the circus does go back to the Roman 'circuses' and a chronology
of circus related entertainment can be traced from Roman times through medieval and renaissance jesters, minstrels and troubadours
to the late 18th century and the time of Astley
The first circus in the city of Rome was the Circus Maximus, in the valley between the Palatine and Aventine hills. It was constructed
during the monarchy and, at first, built completely from wood. After being rebuilt several times, the final version of the Circus
Maximus could seat 250,000 people; it was built of stone and measured 400m in length and 90m in width. For some time after the fall
of Rome, large circus buildings fell out of use as centers of mass entertainment. Instead, itinerant performers, animal trainers and
showmen travelled between towns throughout Europe, performing at local fairs.
Wuliken What You Need
Your Wuliken pre-registration will consist of:
 Unit Reservation form
 $15 per camper registration fee (prior to 9/26/2014…$20 per camper after that date or paid at the door)
 Day visitors are still $5
 The Activity Consent form will be needed for all youth. (www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/19-673.pdf)
Pre-registration for Wuliken Weekend can be sent to the Heart of Ohio Council Service Center (see registration form).
You can fill it in from the GFD Activities website at http://www.heartofohiocouncil.org/greatfrontier, print and
mail to council.
Registration for Wuliken Weekend will begin at 4:00 PM on Friday, October 10 as you arrive on the Camp Wyandot
entrance to Firelands Scout Reservation (Bates Road entrance).
Please register at the Lion’s Shelter by the Bates Road parking lot.
Please make sure you have:
Complete roster (2 copies) with ages (birthdates are not needed)
Medical forms (keep in unit possession)
Payment due
You will receive your camp packet including patches for each paid participant.
We will be holding a Carnival Midway to encourage the Webelos to visit the various units. Please prepare a carnival
game or activity (giveaways are optional).
Your vehicle carrying your unit trailer will be allowed to park in designated parking areas, no vehicle will be allowed
to drive to the campsite and equipment must be walked a short distance to the campsite. Overflow parking will be at
the Gore Orphanage parking lot. We plan to have parking attendants guide you to your parking spots in order to
maximize the amount of parking.
Upon registration, you will be assigned to sub camps. You may register for some competition times. Score sheets will
be available at the different competition sites. These are to be handed in by 5:30 PM at the trading post.
Those Arrowmen who wish to earn their Brotherhood during the weekend should contact the chapter for further
information, and if you have any additional questions, please contact the Amangi Bischuwi staff at
ABChAdviser@Portage619.org or ABChAssocAdv@Portage619.org. This year, the OA Lodge will be holding their
Vigil ceremony at Wuliken. At 6:00 PM Saturday the road into the woods on the north end of the lake will be blocked
and no vehicles, scouts or leaders will be allowed to pass. All persons in this area at that time will be asked to leave
and the road will be blocked. Also, the Lake Lodge will be unavailable Sunday morning and coffee will be available at
the Lion’s Shelter.
The Trading Post will be open Friday evening and during the day Saturday until Campfire.
The District Health and Safety Committee will be on duty the entire weekend.
Wuliken Program Map
1 - Lion’s Shelter / Check-In
(Tougher than a Scout & Cooking competitions)
2 - Wuliken Field - Camping Area and Midway
3 - American Indian Village
4 - Main parking (Overflow at Avery Hand)
5 - COPE Tower
6 - Pioneer Field (2 man sawing competition)
7 - Trading Post/Camp Office / First Aid
8 - American Indian Games Arena
9 - Shooting Sports and competition
10 – Campfire and skit competition
11 - Living History Area
12 - Chapel Services in the Midway
13 - Lake Lodge (Magic tournament)
14 – Jarosz shelter (bugling competition)
RR - Restrooms
Wuliken Campsite Map
Sub-camp C
Carnival Midway
Sub-camp A
Sub-camp B
Program Schedule
4:00 PM to 9:00 PM
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
9:00 PM to 10:00 PM
11:00 PM
Registration begins
Trading Post open
Cracker Barrel for scoutmaster and SPL
Lights out
8:45 AM
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:45 PM
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
8:30 PM
9:00 PM
11:00 PM
Flag Raising
Carney Games (Midway)
Bugling Competition (Jarosz Shelter) – Please arrive by 8:30 AM to register
Program areas open (Pioneer Field, Indian games and Village, Shooting
Sports, COPE Tower)
Campsite Judging
Magic Tournament at the Lake Lodge (registration begins at 9:00 AM)
Midway Carnival presentations (until 11:30)
Cast Iron Chef competition begins (meet at Lion’s Shelter)
Program areas open (Pioneer Field, Indian games and Village, Shooting
Sports, COPE Tower)
Tougher than a Scout Competition (meet at Lion’s Shelter)
Skit Judging at the Council circle
Magic Tournament at the Lake Lodge
Pumpkin Carving judging
Cast Iron Chef Competition (meet at Lion’s Shelter)
Dinner and music at your campsite
Flag Lowering
Campfire Program
Fellowship at campsites
OA Brotherhood walk
Midway Potluck Cracker Barrell
Lights out
7:30 AM
8:45 AM
11:00 AM
OA Vigil Breakfast, All OA members are invited regardless of honor WITH
REGISTRATION due by October 8 and $5 at the door (See the Portage Lodge
website for details)
Revele (Performed by the winner of the Bugler’s Competition)
Breakfast, break camp, clean up and leave
All units should be out of camp
Wuliken Competitions
Wuliken Award
The Wuliken Award will be awarded at the Saturday evening campfire to the best overall unit of the weekend. This is
determined by a calculation of overall participation in competitions, attendance and campsite judging (determined by a team
of judges on the criteria of cleanliness, organization, patrol rosters, campsite activity, and gateway). The award will be
displayed in the Lake Lodge.
Boy Scout Campsite Inspection
TROOP NO._______
Gateway/Entrance Defined
Troop Flag displayed
Patrol Flags displayed
American Flag displayed
Personal Gear Stored
Troop and patrol areas defined
Campsite clean
Duty roster posted
Menu posted
Food stored properly
Garbage stored effectively
Cooking gear clean and stored correctly
Fire ring location and area safe
First aid kit available
Fire buckets or Fire Fighting Equipment
Total Score
The Pioneer Spirit Competition: Unit Activities (Pioneer Field)
AWARDS: First Place awarded to the Unit with the highest total score. 2nd and 3rd place ribbons.
This year’s Pioneer Spirit competition will be a two man sawing competition. The object is to cut a straight 3” cut from top to
bottom and will be scored on overall accuracy. Units may compete as many times as they wish, but only the best score per unit
will be used.
The Bravest Brave Competition: American Indian Games (AIG Field)
AWARDS: First place awarded to the unit with the highest total score. 2nd and 3rd place ribbons.
Registration will take place when the team arrives at the AIG field. The competitions will include tomahawk throwing
(individual) and Double Ball (team of 4). Each unit may send as many teams as they want, but only the best score in each
category will count toward the winning team and the Wuliken award.
Bugler’s Award (TBD)
AWARDS: First place awarded to the individual as scored by a judge and will receive a ribbon and a bugle. 2nd and 3rd
place ribbons. NOTE: Repeat winners are ineligible to compete this year, but are welcome to assist in the judging.
This will be an individual competition. Registration begins at 8:30 AM Saturday at the Jarosz Shelter, with competition
beginning at 9:00 AM. The participant will play three bugle calls on a bugle (trumpet or coronet may be substituted). The calls
can be chosen from the bugle calls required for the bugling merit badge: First Call, Reveille, Assembly, Mess, Drill Call, Fatigue,
Officer’s Call, Recall, Church Call, Swimming Call, Fire Call, Retreat, To the Colors, Call to Quarters, and Taps. Music can be
found at http://usscouts.org/mb/bugle_calls.asp. You can also download digital recordings from
http://bands.army.mil/music/bugle/. If the participant does not have a bugle, one will be available at the competition, but
the participant must bring their own mouthpiece. Each participant will be judged by an esteemed and experienced judge.
This competition will take place in the staff shelter behind the Lake Lodge.
The Sock and Buskin Skit Competition
AWARDS: First place awarded to the patrol with the best response. Two honorable mention ribbons to the other
finalists that are chosen to perform at campfire.
Each patrol is encouraged to prepare, rehearse and present one skit, song or story for this competition of 3 to 5 minutes in
length. Any patrol may register for this event by showing up between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM at the Chapel to perform their
skit. During the semi-finals an esteemed and experienced panel of judges will select the top 3 skits to compete in the finals,
which will be performed during the Saturday evening campfire. The winner will be decided by youth and adult judges who
will gauge audience applause.
NOTE: A Scout is CLEAN. Skits shall not include profanity or innuendo. Audience participation is allowed. If one or more
“suckers” are included in the skit, prior consent of all participants is required.
Tougher than a Scout Competition
AWARDS: First place awarded to the team of 4 with the highest total score in each age category.
This will be a patrol based competition. Teams will register at the Lion’s Shelter on Saturday beginning at 1:00 PM and will
start every 15 minutes. The object is to finish the course in the fastest time. BRING A CHANGE OF CLOTHES BECAUSE YOU
WILL GET MUDDY. Teams compete in one of three age categories: All youth (up to age 18), all adult (age 18 or older), and
mixed age (2 youth, 2 adult). Each patrol that participates will be recognized.
Cast Iron Chef Competition: Culinary
Awards: 1st place awarded to the Unit as judged. 2nd and 3rd place ribbons.
This will be a unit based competition; Teams will compete against a patrol of seasoned adults. Teams will register at the Lion’s
Shelter Saturday at 11:00 AM. Each unit must prepare enough chili to feed their unit. Also, each unit must prepare a dutch
oven dessert, once again, enough to feed their unit. Hot coals for cooking will be provided at a designated spot and all cooking
will be done there.
Sharp Shooter’s Competition: Shooting Sports
AWARDS: First place awarded to the unit as judged. 2nd and 3rd place ribbons.
Individuals can register for Sharpshooter award at the shooting sports area. The score will be a total of the score from bb gun,
archery, and sling shot. The top scores in each age category will be awarded.
Magic Card Game tournament
AWARDS: First place awarded to the unit as judged. 2nd and 3rd place ribbons.
Individuals can earn points for their units as determined on how they place. Scoring is to be determined.
NOTE: Competitions are open ONLY to participating overnight units and Webelos (when appropriate). Score sheets will be
provided at the competition site. Competitions are subject to change.
General Information
FIRELANDS SCOUT RESERVATION (See map): Enter at the Bates Road entrance. Overflow parking will be made
available at the Gore Orphanage parking lot if needed, and a shuttle will be provided.
All activities listed in this guide are subject to change.
Please bring water jugs already filled with water. Running water will be available at limited locations.
All food will be provided by the units. For those units participating in the Chili Cook-off and Dutch Oven Dinner, please
plan to bring enough to feed your entire unit, although it will be shared with the other participating units.
Fire pits are not available at the campsites. Each camping unit should plan on bringing an above ground fire pit and wood
to burn.
At least one registered adult who has completed BSA Youth Protection Training must accompany each unit. You must
have two-deep leadership at all times.
A Scout is Clean. We will follow the Scout rule – “Leave it better than you found it!” Dumpsters will be located in the
parking lot. Troop trash bags can be deposited at this location as they leave on Sunday morning. Scouts are asked to
assist by patrolling their campsites, to assist in picking up litter prior to checking out on Sunday morning. There will be no
trash dumpsters in the camp area. Units are to bring trash bags and plan to take their trash to the central disposal area.
“LEAVE NO TRACE” camping guidelines will be followed. Port-a-johns will be available at designated locations in the
camping area (see Program Map, page 2).
It is preferred that registered Scouts and leaders wear their official Scout uniform during the day on Saturday, if they own
one. A unit activity shirt or class B shirt would be second choice. OA members are encouraged to bring and wear regalia
and to wear their sash, as this is an OA sponsored event.
The Code of Conduct for the weekend is the Boy Scout Law and Oath. If we all behave like Scouts and keep the Promise
and Law in mind then the Wuliken camporee will be a great time for all involved.
Each camping unit is expected to bring a unit first aid kit as well as Scout and Scouter carrying their own personal first aid
kit. Each camping unit should have at least one person trained in First Aid/CPR. You are to have a personal health
history form on all participants (only parts A and B need to be filled out; no physical required). Youth forms must have a
reproduced copy of a summer camp health form will be acceptable. In case of serious injury, EMS will transport to Allen
Memorial Hospital 200 West Lorain Street, Oberlin, OH 440-775-1211. Wuliken staff will be equipped with radios at all
program areas. If there is an emergency please see the staff of the program area so Health and Safety can be contacted
quickly. Units will be keeping their physical at their campsites but will be checked at registration. Units should be
equipped with a first aid kit and the Guide to Safe Scouting.
Smoking is prohibited on the campsite and will be only allowed in a designated area of the parking lot. Leaders, guests
and staff are NOT to smoke in the presence of youth.
Pets are strictly prohibited on Firelands Scout Reservation property, for the safety of the animals and the Scouts.
The Boy Scouts of America prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances at all activities. ANYONE
found using alcohol or controlled substances will be asked to leave the grounds immediately and will be escorted off the
property by security.
Except for law enforcement officers required to carry firearms within their jurisdictions, firearms shall not be brought on
camping, backpacking or other Scouting activities except those specifically planned for target shooting under the
supervision of a certified BSA or NRA firearms instructor.
The Scout Shop will be operating at the renovated Camp Wyandotte trading post throughout the weekend. Souvenir items
will be available such as patches, hatpins, mugs, t-shirts etc. Other Scouting items will also be on sale.
Fees for all participants, whether they be scouts, adult leaders or staff, will follow the uniform pricing schedule as printed
on the registration form. There will be no refunds for scouts that are registered but do not show up for the event. Scouts
may be substituted. This entitles you to receive the Wuliken patch and participate in Scout activities. Guests and family
members attending Saturday only need to pay the $5 registrations fee and need to register. Non-BSA participants
cannot participate in the Scout activities, but are free to visit the midway, attend the religious service, visit the static
displays, and attend the shows. Visitors are welcome and encouraged to come and see the Camporee. ALL VISITORS
must register upon arrival.
Check-in for units attending the overnight camporee will be held from 4:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Friday at the Lion’s
Shelter. No check-in will be permitted after 11:00 p.m Friday Night. Unit leaders will be required to sign the roster
form to verify the number of patches received, number of participants and other accounting procedures. Please bring two
copies of your completed Unit Roster. One copy of each unit roster will stay with Wuliken personnel for security and
accounting purposes.
Webelos or some of your families and guests may be interested in only attending for the day on Saturday. Webelos are
encouraged to pair up with a troop and camp with them, but if you are not able to do this and still want to attend for
Saturday only, check in will begin at 7:00 AM and end at 10:00 AM. Please be aware that food is prepared by the units, so
plan to bring a lunch and dinner or make arrangements with your sponsoring unit.
Check-out for troops on Sunday will be completed by 11:00 a.m. All units will need to be sure that their campsite is clean,
and in better condition than it was found. Note: Trailers will be parked in the parking area located nearer the
campsite (see map). Camp personnel will need to view the campsite before a troop is permitted to leave.
No vehicle will be allowed to park in the camp area. Troop trailers will be allowed to park in the parking area specifically
designated for them, which will be a short walk to the campsites.
Security at Wuliken Weekend is very important. All registered Scouts, Scouters, guests, visitors, and family members will
have an identification wristband given to them upon arrival. Units are expected to be responsible, to use good common
sense, and be accountable for their own youth members. If security finds someone at the camporee to be without proper
identification, they will be taken to headquarters to receive the appropriate wristband or be escorted off of the grounds.
Webelos are encouraged to stay at the camporee with your local Boy Scout troop. Boys who choose this option are
required to register with the troop and pay the Boy Scout overnight camping fee. Webelos should be listed on the
Webelos roster form.
The Amangi Bischuwi chapter of the Order of the Arrow, in cooperation with The Great Frontier District, present:
Wuliken Weekend Fall Camporee
October 10, 11, & 12, 2014, Firelands Scout Reservation, Camp Wyandot
Early Bird (on or before September 26, 2014) ...................................................................... _____# @ $15 per camper =
Late Fee (After September 26, 2014) .................................................................................... _____# @ $20 per camper =
Saturday Only (Limited to non-camping Webelos, Adult training participants and guests) . _____# @ $5 per visitor =
Account # 6801-155
Reservation Form
Troop / Crew / Post Unit #:_______ District: ____________________ Council: _________________________
Contact Person: _________________________________
Phone 1:_________________________
Phone 2:__________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________
State: _______________ Zip: ________________
Please mail this form, or drop it off at the council service center, along with payment to the address below.
$5 Day only fee can be paid ahead or at the door. Fees are non-refundable.
Heart of Ohio Council, BSA
P. O. Box 368
Ashland, OH 44805-0368
Date Received: _____________ Amount Received $ _________________ Receipt No._____________________
Troop/Venturing Roster Unit #_________
1) SM: ______________________________________________________________________
Contact #:______________________________________________________________
2) ASM:_____________________________________________________________________
Contact #:______________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________
4) ________________________________________________________________________
5) ___________________________________________________________________________
6) ________________________________________________________________________
1)SPL: ______________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________________________________________
5) ___________________________________________________________________________
6) ___________________________________________________________________________
7) ___________________________________________________________________________
8) ___________________________________________________________________________
9) ___________________________________________________________________________
Webelos Youth Roster Unit #__________
1) ___________________________________________________________________________
6) ________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________
7) ________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________
8) ________________________________________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________________________________________
9) ________________________________________________________________________
5) ___________________________________________________________________________
Current OA Ordeal Members, please indicate if you are interested in earning your Brotherhood sash,
which will be held immediately following the Saturday evening campfire.
Please make copies of this page as needed.