camporee book 2015 FINAL f

APRIL 17-19, 2015
General Information and Camp Regulations …………………………………….…...….…3
Camporee Schedule of Events…………………………………………………….…...….…4
Saturday Afternoon Fun Events…………………………………………………….………..5
Saturday Competition Events……………………………………………………….…….6-15
Campsite Location Map………………………………………………………………………16
Commissioner Scout Law Game………………………………………………………….....17
Iron Chef Patrol Competition………………………………………………………………...18
Permission Slip……….……………………………………………………………………19-20
CAMPOREE 2015 Staff
Camporee Chairman: Mr. Lawrence Voelz --
Camporee Co-Chair:
Physical Arrangements:
Competition Event Coordinator:
Campsite Inspection:
Message from Camporee Staff
Welcome to the 2015 Camporee. Once again we gather to share fun activities and
friendly competition. Let us also remember events that have helped shape our county
and scout experience. We are grateful for the opportunities that this weekend presents.
While we will always be focused on our scout law theme which is A Scout is Helpful, let
us also remember the next 4 remaining parts of the Scout Law – friendly, courteous,
kind and obedient. Please remember that the Scout Oath and Law are the rules for our
weekend together. Scouts and Scouters will be able to demonstrate this weekend each
aspect of the scout law in all our activities.
Our Order of the Arrow chapter is our premier district wide boy run unit. Remember to
visit the Camping Promotion booth and take advantage of the Order of the arrow
campsite and snack bar throughout the weekend. Please respect the OA code of
silence during the ceremonial walk to the Saturday night program and during the Call
Out Ceremony.
Let us restate our goal that we believe Camporee should honor each Scout and reward
their investment of time and skill for taking this weekend to be together. We also
believe that competition refines and improves our abilities and that the fun activities do
the same to create the best patrol experience possible. Thank you for the opportunity to
help with camporee one more time. God bless each of you this weekend and always
and best of luck as you all seek the Big Bear.
Mr. Lawrence Voelz
CAMPOREE: A camping weekend dedicated to helping Scouts understand that they are part of
a world brotherhood and not simply their home patrol and troop. The weekend is based on the
scouting principle of friendly competition and the year’s theme of A Scout is Friendly.
COST: If pre-registered by April 3, 2015: $30.00 per person for full weekend, $20 for one
night, and $10 for Saturday day only. $35.00 if you register at Camporee. Shotgun:
$5.00/scout if pre-registered, $7.00 at the event.
TOUR PERMIT: Required for each unit. Fill out and submit (electronically to O.C.C. 2 weeks before camp. Unit must be under Registered adult
leadership, 21 years of age or older, at all times. A second adult (18 or older) is required in
camp by National Council Policy.
SCOUT UNIFORM: Uniform for Saturday events will be Scout T-shirt, shorts/pants, socks and
shoes (Activity Uniform). Field Uniform is required on Saturday and Sunday assemblies, and
Saturday night Campfire.
EQUIPMENT: Scouts should bring 10 essentials and what is needed for your campsite.
TRANSPORTATION: In accordance with Tour Permit rules.
CAMPSITES: Troop campsites assigned upon Registration. Quiet time is 11:00pm – 6:00 am
on Friday and Saturday. Each unit is held responsible for the area in and around its assigned
site, as well as the personal cleanliness of unit members. Scouts are to remain within camp
PARKING: Parking will be at the designated parking area after unloading. Please follow
instructions as provided at Camporee.
WATER: Available at campsites. NO washing dishes at spigot.
FIRST AID: Be prepared to handle all minor cases in your unit area. Major first aid required is
to be reported immediately to the IOLS Area. They will have medical personnel on duty on
Saturday. If your Scout has a known medical condition, parents MUST BE immediately
available throughout the weekend.
SCOUTMASTER/SPL MEETING: Mandatory for Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader along
with competitive event staff – at OA Headquarters on Friday evening at 9:00 pm.
CAMPFIRE: Evening Campfire is in celebration of Rancho San Joaquin’s first Camporee!
Troop patrol skits should be well rehearsed in advance of Camporee and approved by
Camporee staff. OA call out will be conducted at campfire. Remember the “Code of Silence”.
Rancho San Joaquin Camporee 2015
Firestone Scout Reservation
April 17-19, 2015
A Scout is Helpful!
RSJ 2015 Camporee Schedule
Friday 4/17/2015
3:30 – 9:00 PM
7:22 PM
9:00 PM
11:00 PM
6:30 AM
6:14 AM
7:00-8:30 AM
8:45 AM
9:15 -10:15
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
12:00-1:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00-6:45 PM
7:17 PM Sunset
7:25 PM
7:25-8:45 PM
9:00-10:45 PM
9:00 PM
11:00 PM
Sunday 4/19/2015
6:30 AM
6:13 AM Sunrise
7:00-8:00 AM
7:00-8:00 AM
8:30 AM
Set up camp, Registration and Check-in
Scoutmaster/SPL Meeting
Lights Out
Staff Headquarters
Wake Up
Troop/Patrol Breakfast and Preparation
Assembly/Flag Ceremony at Flagpole
Campsite Inspection
Camporee Activities
Lunch Break
Turn in Score Sheets to Camp HQ
Flag Lowering – Scouts remain in Troop
areas and face the flag
OA Ceremonial Walk to Campfire
Night Games
OA Cracker Barrel for all OA members
Lights Out
Staff Headquarters
Campfire Bowl
Staff HeadquartersPatrol Leaders ONLY
Campfire Bowl
OA Area
Wake up
Iron Chef Competition
Troop/Patrol Breakfast
Closing Ceremonies and Awards
Campfire Bowl
Campfire Bowl
Only registered Scouts in attendance will receive the Camporee Patch. All Registered Scouts
and Attendees and Staff have to wear a wristband.
DEPARTURE: Each troop will be dismissed as the Directors or Camporee Committee have
inspected your clean campsite and you’ve handed in a completed Camporee Evaluation Form
(A Scout is Helpful).
Golden Bear patches will be distributed at Roundtable.
There will be 8 Competition events. Competition sessions will take place between 10 am and
4 pm. The patrols will rotate to the next event after they complete an event. Patrol Leaders will
be given a blank Patrol Score Sheet that shows all of the events, and this sheet will be filled out
and signed by each Event Host. Patrol Leaders turn in their Patrol’s completed Score Sheet at
Patrols will be competing against Webelos Patrols. Crews will be competing against other
Crews. Patrols should be a minimum of 5, and a maximum of 8 scouts. Each Patrol will need a
Patrol Leader, Patrol Flag, Patrol Yell, and dress in similar fashion as a Patrol.
Camporee Staff will provide score sheets to Event Host at the Friday night Scoutmaster/SPL
Meeting. Each Troop will provide at least 3 stations at each event. Camporee Event Hosts will
turn their Event Score Sheet to Camporee Headquarters at the end of the Event.
Fire Starting – Troop 616
First Aid Relay – Troop 606
Knots -- Troop 695
Shelter Building – Troop 675
Skit Competition – Troop 5
Navigation – Troop 645
Scout Knowledge – Troop 622
Kim’s Game – Troop 691
Tomahawk Throwing
BB Guns
Shot gun ($5.00 or $7.00 cost)
Iron Chef Competition – Troop 675
Totin’ Chip
Every Boy Scout who will use their own knife must carry a Totin’ Chip Card.
Adults may not assist in any competition other than serving in a supervisory capacity
and help only in the name of safety. Adults must not shadow Boy Scout Patrols.
First Aid Rescue Carry Relay
The patrol splits into two groups of “rescuers” for this relay/obstacle course race and one “victim” per
The first group of rescuers will remain at the start/finish line and will rescue the victim using a
Stretcher Relay (the victim is unconscious).
The second group of rescuers will use a Two-Man Carry (victim is conscious, but unable to assist
with their own evacuation) and start the race at the other end of the obstacle course.
The victim will be holding a cup of water while the rescuers slalom through four traffic cones
positioned 5 yards apart. The total distance of the obstacle course is 25 yards.
The first group of scouts will rescue the victim by transporting him safely to the other side of the
obstacle course.
Then the second group will transport the victim (carrying the same cup of water) back to the
finish line slaloming through four traffic cones.
Stretcher Relay (first leg of the race)
Need two staffs and a blanket for each team to create stretchers; also need paper cups and water.
With the victim position as shown (and holding a cup of water on his chest), the rescuers must put him
on the stretcher and then proceed to the other side of the obstacle course.
See attached link for building the stretcher.
Two-Man Carry Relay (second leg of the race)
Requires no equipment; with the victim positioned as shown (and holding the same cup of water in his
hand), the rescuers must use the four-hand seat carry and then proceed to the finish line (start line).
Scoring – 10 points Maximum
Scout Spirit – 2 points maximum
Event Time - 6 points maximum
o Less than 1.0 minute
o Less than 1.5 minutes o Less than 2.0 minutes –
o Less than 2.5 minutes –
o More than 2.5 minutes –
6 points
5 points
4 points
3 points
2 points
Water in Cup – 2 points maximum
o Cup remains ¾ or more full – 2.0
o Cup remain ½ or more full = 1.0 points
o Cup less than half full – .5 points
Other – 1 point will be deducted if the “victim” touches the ground in transit; 1 point will be
deducted if someone touches an obstacle course cone.
Knots – Troop 695
Objective: Tie 7 knots
Procedure: Each Scout in the Patrol will have 2 minutes to tie the 7 knots
listed below.
Scoring: Each Scout’s knot total and elapse time will be added together and
then divided by the total number of Scouts in the Patrol. This will result in a
total average “knots tied” and “time” by Patrol. Maximum score would be
7, and maximum time would be 2 minutes. Time will used to determine a tie
breaker. “Most knots” completed, followed by “shortest time” will
determine the ribbon winning Patrols (First, Second and Third place overall)
Materials: Nothing, except the knowledge of how to tie the knots. Knot
tying stations will be provided.
Timber Hitch
Sheet Bend
Two Half Hitches
Clove Hitch
Square Knot
Taut-line Hitch
Camporee 2014
Troop 675 Shelter Building Competition
Topic: Lashings / knots for Shelter Building
Objective: Scouts will build a shelter for time by lashing together poles
with rope and using a tarp. Looking for speed in building, proper lashings,
knots, and sturdiness.
Equipment: (3 stations with identical equipment)
(1) Stop watch
(1) Hammer
(2) 2'' diameter poles 3 to 4 foot and (1) 8 foot pole
(4) Tent Stakes
2 - 1/4" x 2' ropes (clove hitch)
2 - 1/4 '' x 12' ropes (lashings)
2 - 1/4" x 8' ropes (for tarp tie off)
1 - Tarp with eyelets (6' x 8')
1 - clipboard and pencil
Knots / Lashings to be used:
Square lashings
Taut-line hitch
2 half hitch
clove hitch
Scoring: 1 point will be deducted for an improper lashing.
Total Time to Build:
Min: Sec. - Score
5:00 - 5:59
6:00 - 6:59
7:00 - 7:59
8:00 - 8:59
9:00 - 9:59
10:00 - 10:59
Bonus: 1 Point for Patrol Yell
>11 min. 4
Shelter Building Scoring Sheet
Troop # ________
Total Time to Build:
Min: Sec. - Score
5:00 - 5:59
6:00 - 6:59
7:00 - 7:59
Patrol Name __________________
Highest Score: 10 Points
8:00 - 8:59
9:00 - 9:59
10:00 - 10:59
Time Min: Sec: ____________
>11 min. 4
Knots / Lashings to be used:
1 Point will be deducted from the time score above for improper
lashings and knots.
2 Square lashings
2 Taut-line hitch
2 x 2 half hitches
4 clove hitches
Point deductions: _______
Bonus: Add 1 point for a Patrol Yell:_____
Total Score: ________
Score Keeper initials:_______
Troop 645
Navigation Activity will be conducted as follows:
1. One Scout from Troop 645 will be assigned to each patrol (max 4 at a time)
conducting the course.
2. The "Course Master" (T645 Scout) will ask the Patrol to calibrate their steps/distance
on the "Calibration Course". Each Patrol will have X minutes to complete.
3. Course Master will then tell the Patrol to proceed to the starting stake and will read
off the distance and bearing they are to do.
4. Once the Patrol has agreed on the destination stake, they will inform the Course
Master, who will then record the number. Course Master will then give new bearing and
5. Above will be repeated until course is complete.
6. After course is complete, Course Master will note the total elapsed time.
Scoring as follows:
1 'pt' for each correct destination stake (total 7 points); including starting stake
(freebie point just for showing up).
1 'pt' for completing Calibration Course under alloted time (X minutes)
1 'pt' for completing entire course under a certain amount of time.
1 'pt' for successfully completing entire course under a certain amount of time.
Bonus points can be added (up to a max of 10) for the following (if Patrol has perfect
Course score, then bonus points won't count):
 All Scouts conduct Patrol Cheer on first and last stake (1/2 point each).
 A different Scout operates the compass on each new bearing.
 Patrol shows: respect, teamwork, and enthusiasm to each other, other Patrols,
and Course Master during course.
 Patrol can put on a short 2-min skit, or sing a song for the entertainment (and
appreciation) of the Course Masters (this is a 2pt bonus!) after the completion of
the course and initial scoring.
Patrol is allowed to backtrack on a stake decision, but at the cost of a 1/2-point
Course Master may only give bearing and distance when asked. No other question
may be answered. Exception is if Patrol wants to backtrack, Course Master must then
inform that 1/2-point will be deducted on final score.
Troop 5 -- Camporee Skit Competition
This year a skit activity will be part of the Camporee
competitive events. Each patrol should prepare a skit and perform it at the skit audition
station located in the Troop 5 area during the Saturday competition period. Each skit
will be scored on a scale of 1 to 10.
The audition committee will select a number of skits to be performed at the Saturday
evening campfire. The list of patrols selected to perform at the campfire will be
displayed at the skit audition station following the end of the competition period.
Skit duration should be between 2 and 5 minutes in length. Originality and themes
reflecting the scout law are encouraged. All themes are expected to be scout
appropriate and any skit of bad taste will be disqualified.
Point System:
Patrol demonstrates scout spirit, performs cheerfully, and has fun – 2 points
Skit has full participation of the patrol – 2 points
Skit has a clear storyline – 2 points
Skit lines are delivered audibly and clearly – 2 points
Skit is original – ½ point
Skit incorporates props and/or costumes – ½ point
Skit has high entertainment value with strong audience reaction – ½ point
Patrol demonstrates high stage presence and confidence – ½ point
Troop 622 -- Scout Knowledge Camporee 2014
10 points can be earned total
Patrols pick up to 10 members to answer the questions( If there aren’t 10
members the members can do it a 2nd time)
There are 10 questions picked at random the patrols have to answer
The person that will be answering the question will come forward
Each member picked tries to answers a question if they cannot they don’t get a
A 2nd person can try to answer the question for ½ a point.
If the 2nd person that tries to answer a question doesn’t answer correctly then no points
are given
Camporee 2015
Kim’s World 4D! – Troop 691
Description: Enter into Kim’s World and be surrounded by a world of sights, sounds,
smells, and textures. Patrols will need to use all of their senses to identify and recall the
world that they have encountered.
Objective: Observe and correctly record as many items as possible.
The patrol will be lead into the observation area and allowed one (1) minute to
observe all of the items.
At least one (1) scout must be dedicated to each sense: sight, sound, touch, and
smell. (Only those items designated as such may be touched.)
Patrols with less than four (4) scouts may complete an equivalent number of
senses. E.g., a patrol with 3 scouts will complete 3 senses (sight, plus 2 others).
Patrols with more than four (4) scouts will have their sight observations divided
by the number of scouts making the sight observations. Non-sight observations
(sound, touch, smell) are limited to one (1) scout per sense.
Upon exiting the area, the patrol will have two (2) minutes to report their
observations, by sense, to a judge. Scouts may not assist each other while
reporting their items, i.e., each scout reports only their own observations.
Assisted items will not be counted.
Patrols will be scored on a 10-point scale.
Patrols will be scored separately for each sense, based upon a percentage of
items identified. Patrols with more than one sight observer will have their sight
observations averaged.
Scores for all senses will be averaged to attain one final score (1-10 points).
Boy Scouts of America
Orange County Council
Rancho San Joaquin District
Camporee Activities
Commissioner Scout Law Game
Object of the Game:
To collect as many Scout Law Cards as Possible; ideally completing the set.
Playing the Game:
Each Commissioner will have a number of cards (random cards), each with a different
Scout Law. Camporee Patrols will attempt to collect as many of the cards as possible in
order to gain points. To obtain a card from a Commissioner the Patrol Leader must
approach the Commissioner and ask if that Commissioner has a specific Scout Law Card.
For example, if the Patrol needed a Trustworthy card, the Patrol Leader would approach
the Commissioner and introduce himself, identify his Patrol and Unit, and ask the
Commissioner if he/she is Trustworthy. If the Commissioner has that card, the card is
given to the Patrol Leader. Once a Commissioner is asked for a card, that patrol can not
ask that Commissioner for at least five (5) minutes. If the Commissioner does not have
the card, or if any Scout other than the Patrol Leader approaches the Commissioner, the
five minute wait period goes into effect. Commissioners may not be asked for Scout Law
Cards when at the Information Booth or the restrooms. Scout Law Card Distribution will
begin after the Flag Ceremony on Saturday Morning and end at 4:00 pm.
Game Scoring:
Each Scout Law Card is worth one (1) point. The Patrol with a complete set of the Scout
Law and the highest point score wins. Second and Third place are also based on points. In
the event that no Patrol as a complete set of the highest point score wins.
The Patrol scores are registered with the Commissioners at the Commissioners Booth
near the O.A. compound between 3 - 4 pm on Saturday. The winning Patrols will be
announced at the Campfire. In the case of a tie, the earliest turn-in shall preside.
Special Cards:
Each Commissioner will have a number of Commissioner Wild Cards. The Wild Cards
are awarded to a Patrol when a Commissioner feels that the Patrol has strongly exhibited
Scout Spirit. Commissioner Wild Cards are worth the double the value of a normal Scout
Law Card (2 points) and can be used for any point of the Scout Law in order to complete
the Scout Law set. Up to three (3) Commissioner Wild Cards can be used to complete a
Scout Law Card set, but any number can be applied to the Patrol Point Total. A Patrol
should never request a Wild Card from a Commissioner.
2nd Annual Rancho San Joaquin
IRON CHEF Competition
Battle Breakfast
The Scene:
Dawn breaks. It has been a good couple of days on the trail, and you have a tough
hike today. Elevation gain, elevation lost a small stream to ford – all necessary to get
to your next base camp. Luckily, you are prepared. You are about to deliver the
finest trail breakfast to power-up the team, including your aging Scout leader who
keeps on grumbling about how much better the food was when HE was a Scout.
• From the start, you have 45 minutes to unpack, cook and plate your meal. The sun
is rising; you don’t have time to sit around.
• Late arrivals will be assumed to have overslept. They can still submit, but it must
be under the time limit.
• Points deducted for late meals.
Equipment allowed:
• Two backpacking stoves. Any other cooking utensils and equipment should be trail
• You will be cooking on the ground.
• The judges will have a fire extinguisher on hand.
• The judges will provide their own mess kits.
• NOTHING that requires refrigeration. You are backpacking, after all.
• ALL ingredients must fit into ONE bear barrel.
• NO packaged meals such as Mountain House or Natural High. This is a competition
to see what you can MAKE, not if you can boil water and mix it with someone else’s
• Feed a total of 4 people.
A panel of 4 judges will review based on the following criteria:
• Taste
• Presentation
• Food groups / Nutrition
• Originality
• Scout Spirit
I request that my son, _____________________________, be permitted to go with unit #
________ on an outing/trip to Rancho San Joaquin Spring Camporee from April 17, 2015 to April 19, 2015.
He is in good physical condition. Should any illness or accident occur to him on the outing/trip, I will not hold
liable the Boy Scouts of America, the Orange County Council or Unit _______, it’s officers or leaders, for
medical aid rendered and will reimburse the Orange County Council, BSA or Unit ________ for all medical or
other expenses incurred in behalf of my son.
My son may receive necessary first aid. He may receive medical attention by a duly licensed physician. He may
be admitted to a hospital in case of an emergency. This authorization is given pursuant to section 25.8 of the
civil code of this state of California and remains effective only for the event and dates listed above. Parents will
be contacted immediately, if possible.
Is he presently taking medication: Yes or No What: ________________________________________
Any restrictions on activities: _________________________________________________________
Emergency contact – Name: ___________________Phone: _____________ Cell: _______________
Relationship: ______________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________
(To be filled out by all participants)
To be filled out by parent, guardian, or adult participant. Please print in ink.
Name ____________________________________________________ Date of birth_______________ Age_______
Name of parent or guardian ____________________________________________ Telephone__________________
Home address __________________________ City_____________ State___ Zip____________
Business address ________________________ City_ ___________ State___ Zip____________
If person named above is not available in the event of an emergency, notify
Name ______________________Relationship___________ Telephone____________________
Name ______________________Relationship___________ Telephone____________________
Name of personal physician __________________________ Telephone____________________
Personal health/accident insurance carrier _______________ Policy No.____________________
Note: Some states require an annual pre-camp medical evaluation. Your BSA local council service center can advise you
about the requirements for your state.
I give permission for full participation in BSA programs, subject to limitations noted herein.
In case of emergency, I understand every effort will be made to contact me (if participant is an adult, my spouse or next
of kin). In the event I cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission to the licensed health-care practitioner selected by
the adult leader in charge to secure proper treatment, including hospitalization, anesthesia, surgery, or injections of
medication for my child (or for me, if participant is an adult).
Date______________ Signature of parent/guardian or adult _______________________________
Check all items that apply, past or present, to your health history. Explain any “Yes” answers.
ALLERGIES: Food, medicines, insects, plants Yes ■ No ■ Explain: ________________________________
ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Yes No
Yes No
Convulsions / Seizures
Yes No
Cancer / Leukemia
Yes No
Heart trouble
High blood pressure
Kidney disease
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Explain: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Please list ALL medications taken in the 30 days prior to arrival at the Scouting activity where this form is to be used:
List any medications to be taken at camp:
List any physical or behavioral conditions that may affect or limit full participation in swimming, backpacking, hiking long distances, or
playing strenuous physical games:
List equipment needed such as wheelchair, braces, glasses, contact lenses, etc.:
Immunizations: (Give date of last inoculation.)
Tetanus toxoid ____________________ Measles ____________________ Polio _____________________ Diphtheria
________________________ Mumps _____________________ Pertussis ________________ Rubella ____________________
It is a requirement of the State of California and Firestone Scout Reservation that a Parental Firearms
Permission and Release is required of each minor participant in Camporee. There is a shotgun range as part of
the reservation, as well as planned activities such as archery, slingshot, BB gun and tomahawk throwing. There
is also a handgun range for registered venture scouts. You are acknowledging that fact these events are taking
place and that your scout may participate.
Should you desire that your scout not participate please indicate your wish at the bottom of the form below your
signature. They will not be issued the wrist band required to enter the range.
S 12552: Furnishing Firearms to Minors under 18 without permission of parent. --- Every person who
furnishes any firearm, air gun, or gas-operated gun, designed to fire a bullet, pellet, or metal projectile,
to any minor under the age of 18 years, without the express or implied permission of the parent or legal
guardian of the minor, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
I give my permission for _______________________________________ to use a firearm as described above.
Signed: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________
My Son/Daughter ____________________________, MAY NOT participate or use a firearm.