NAIDOC Week - The Messenger

Community | news | events | health | lifestyle | reviews | activities | and much more
Lakes, Bay & Region May 2 2015 Vol. 11 Also Available Online
Your free weekly magazine
We all Stand on
Sacred Ground
The family dinner has long been
touted as the magic bonding
agent in the fabric of family
Film Review
Moreton Bay Rail Link
Full Steam Ahead
Community Groups and
Workplaces - lace up!
Negative Gearing
will be Detrimental
warns REIQ
Colouring In
and Mega Maze
Geeky Self
Including Digital
for Life
Local Businesses,
Fast & Furious 7
The BIG Picture
We Publish Your Photos
Now in its eleventh year, the Messenger is your
free weekly publication. Wholly owned, operated
and produced locally. Proudly independently
published. ABN 129 5493 7979.
The Messenger is dedicated to the community and
we welcome contributions from residents, community
groups, schools, sporting groups, the private sector and
institutions of higher education.
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The Messenger 4
The Messenger 5
This is not your car
Slow down
Fangio, it's not
a race
Slow down and look out for
times to ensure the safety of children
travelling to and from the school gates,”
Mr Bailey said.
“We also have a rolling program of
works to install flashing lights in school
“Slowing down to 40km/h when you are zones at a number of schools across the
in a school zone could be all it takes to
state to warn motorists of the need to
prevent a tragedy. I urge all drivers to
slow down.
be mindful of the presence of children
getting on and off buses and walking
“These bright orange flashing signs have
or riding their bikes and scooters to
been installed at more than 400 schools
across Queensland.”
otorists are being warned to slow
down near school zones and be
mindful of the presence of students near Mr Bailey said initiatives such as
school crossing supervisors and the
the road.
Queensland Government’s school zone
flashing lights program are making the
Minister for Main Roads and Road
journey to school safer for students.
Safety Mark Bailey said that, given the
unpredictable nature of children, drivers
“There are 1795 school crossing
need to take extra care when they are
supervisors across Queensland, all
travelling in the vicinity of schools.
committed to ensuring that students
are able to safely cross the road. Their
“Motorists should be vigilant at all
dedication to the job offers great peace
of mind to parents,” he said.
Mr Bailey also encouraged parents to
drop off and pick up their children in
designated zones, and to follow the rules
and be vigilant about ensuring their
children are supervised when getting in
and out of cars.
“The golden rules are for drivers to
slow down and obey the rules, and for
parents to be vigilant in helping children
cross the roads safely,” he said.
Where every child matters...
Prep - Year 6
50 Brays Road, Murrumba Downs
3886 2677
The Messenger 7
We all Stand
on Sacred
Learn - Respect Celebrate
AIDOC celebrations are
held around Australia
each July to celebrate
the history, culture and
achievements of Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander
peoples. The week is
celebrated not just in the
Indigenous communities but
also in increasing numbers
of government agencies,
schools, local councils and
NAIDOC originally stood
for ‘National Aborigines and
Islanders Day Observance
Committee’. This committee
was once responsible for
organising national activities
during NAIDOC Week and
its acronym has since become
range of Aboriginal designed
products. Such products
range from keyrings
Locally, Dreamtime Kullillaand bookmarks to bags,
Art have been operating on
jewellery and materials and a
the Redcliffe Peninsula for
nearly 20 years starting with a comprehensive range of Bush
small tarp at the local markets Tucker products.
selling a few didgeridoos to
the large store front premises There is also a brand new
area - the Culture Cave at
they have today.
Unit 3 in the same complex
- to host and conduct a
Michael Connolly is an
range of workshops such
internationally renowned
Aboriginal Artist, Craftsman, as Bush Tucker Awareness
and Aboriginal Cultural
Didgeridoo Performer and
Cultural & Spiritual Educator Workshops as well as
providing a unique space for
and has performed and
exhibited internationally,
nationally, regionally
Michael and Jo have
and locally. He is also a
integrated this year’s
Traditional Owner of the
NAIDOC theme with their
Kullilli/Murawarri Nations
opening and inviting any and
and a respected Aboriginal
all to come along to learn,
Statesman and Cultural
respect and celebrate with
Ambassador for his people.
them all there is to learn and
experience about Aboriginal
Michael and Jo Connolly
culture and have invited
of Dreamtime Kullilla-Art
special guests to help with
are pleased to announce the
official opening of their newly this process such as:
renovated Aboriginal Art &
• DaleChapman,
Craft Retail Shop/Gallery
Aboriginal Bush Tucker
and completion of the new
Chef who will be
Culture Cave on 16th & 17th
conducting workshops
May 2015 at their business
on awareness raising on
complex situated at Units 7 &
bush tucker food
3/349-351 MacDonnell Road,
• WitjutiGrubBushFood
Clontarf on the Redcliffe
Nurserywho will be
conducting workshops on
bushfood plants for the
A decision was made last
home gardener; and
year to expand the business
to include more retail space
• GoombuckahCulture
to house the ever increasing
Busfrom the Sunshine
the name of the week itself.
Coast who will be
bringing Gubbi Gubbi
places and culture to life
on board this 34 seater
bus - a living history and
story-telling experience
with Kerry Neill
• MichaelConnolly
who will be conducting
Cultural Workshops on
everything you wanted
to know about Aboriginal
Culture but were too
afraid to ask!
The NAIDOC Weekend will
commence at 9:00am on
both Saturday and Sunday
16 - 17 May 2015 and will
wind up around 4:00pm each
day. There will be food and
refreshments available over
the weekend where you can
experience native foods as
well as lots of raffles and
giveaways each day including
Kullilla Kash Vouchers to
spend in the Retail Shop.
There will be a special offer
for NAIDOC week. If you
spend over $50.00 in the retail
shop during the weekend,
you earn an entry in the draw
for an original signed piece of
artwork by Michael Connolly
(valued at over $300.00) to be
drawn at the close on Sunday
For more information please
or ring 07 38801320
The Messenger 8
The Messenger 9
Moreton Bay Rail Link
Full Steam Ahead
The Messenger 10
ompletion of a 12.6-kilometre dualtrack passenger rail line servicing
the Moreton Bay region between
Petrie and Kippa-Ring is on track for
completion in late 2016.
Federal Member for Petrie Luke
Howarth MP said the first piece of track
was laid on 18 March 2015, about 1
kilometre out from Petrie Station.
“Construction work is now underway
on all six new rail stations and bridges to
be delivered as part of the project,” Mr
Howarth said.
“Aside from the new dual-track rail line,
the Moreton Bay Rail Link will involve a
multitude of rail overpasses, new access
roads to several stations and a shared
path for cyclists and pedestrians along
the entire length of the corridor.
“These improvements will ensure
adequate access to stations while
maintaining connectivity with the
broader urban transport network.”
Federal Member for Dickson Peter
Dutton MP today joined Mr Howarth
to view construction progress and
walk through the nearly completed
Murrumba Downs station.
central business district,” Ms Trad said.
“The Australian Government is
contributing $583 million to this vital
piece of transport infrastructure for the
Moreton Bay region,” Mr Dutton said.
“It is expected this will result in travel
time savings of up to 15 minutes during
peak periods.”
a faster alternative
to driving for
travelling to the
Brisbane central
business district
“Linking with the main North Coast
Line at Petrie, the project will connect
residents of the region with employment
centres and job opportunities locally and
in the broader Brisbane area.”
Moreton Bay Mayor Allan Sutherland
said the new rail link would cater to the
Moreton Bay region’s projected future
“Moreton Bay’s 350,000 residents make
it the third-largest local government area
in the country,” Councillor Sutherland
“It is a fast-growing region with
significant resulting traffic congestion,
which is impacting on the region’s
environment and economy.
“This project will help alleviate road
congestion for the 500,000 plus people
expected to call the area home by 2031.”
Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport
and Minister for Infrastructure, Local
The Queensland Government has
Government and Planning Jackie Trad
said the project would address a missing committed $300 million to the project,
link in Queensland’s transport network. with Moreton Bay Regional Council
contributing a further $105 million.
“The Moreton Bay Rail Link will
Pictured opposite left: Murrumba
provide a faster alternative to driving
for commuters travelling to the Brisbane Downs Station.
The Messenger 11
Barriers to
Australians are great recyclers at
home, but when it comes to work,
we are falling down on the job.
orkplaces generate over 12.5
million tonnes of waste each year
in Australia, 46 per cent of which is sent
to landfill. Alarmingly, the rate at which
new waste is generated is increasing,
compounding the problem.
There is a clear need for businesses to
establish recycling systems for their
waste, but despite the best of intentions,
workplace recycling programmes
sometimes flounder. Planet Ark has
identified a number of key barriers to
workplace recycling and some simple
actions to overcome them.
Four out of ten Australian workers feel
that their managers are not supporting
and leading pro- environmental
behaviour in the workplace.
Yet management level support
is essential for establishing and
maintaining successful recycling
programs as it helps to increase
awareness, motivates positive
environmental performance and
changes the attitudes and behaviour of
“A great way to get management
on board is to make a business case
for introducing recycling,” suggests
Ryan Collins, Recycling Programs
Manager at Planet Ark. “For example,
are you paying waste companies to
pick up bins filled with un-compacted
cardboard, food or plastic wrap? If so,
you are paying for them to transport air.
Compacting or separating materials can
save you money and no boss can argue
with that.”
Most employees don’t have a direct
financial interest to conserve energy
and reduce waste at work like they
do at home, so it’s important that staff
understand both how and why they are
being asked to recycle.
Develop a communications strategy
leading up to the launch of the recycling
or waste reduction program, motivate
and empower staff through suggestion
schemes and provide specific feedback
of total materials recycled and cost
“Put your hand up and start the
conversation,” said Mr Collins. “You
might find other colleagues equally keen
to make a positive impact on reducing
the amount of waste generated at work.”
The location of and signage on recycling
bins has a significant influence on
recycling rates and contamination levels.
Maximise participation and minimise
confusion by placing clearly marked
recycling bins next to every general
waste bin to ensure that staff can always
recycle. Place a ‘Cartridges 4 Planet
Ark’ bin next to the printer and bins for
comingled recyclables such as drink
containers in the kitchen.
The full Breaking the Barriers to
Workplace Recycling resource, free
signage and a step-by-step toolkit for
getting started are available on Planet
website, which aims to help businesses
and employees counteract the amount
of waste sent to landfill and potentially
save on waste costs.
The website is an online directory and
hotline specifically designed to make
it easy to find local recycling services
for more than 90 different materials.
The site is also supported by the
BusinessRecycling Hotline on 1300 763
Tell Us what
you're Really
Write to Your Say
The Messenger's Rants and Raves
3491 8131
1455 Anzac Avenue, Kallangur (next to BOQ)
w w
The Messenger 13
2,670 ha of Mosquito Treatments
Local to represent Australia in
Europe this month
North Lakes
hockey player Sam
Ruprecht is set to
wear the green and
gold uniform of
Australia for the
first time.
Moreton Bay Regional Council's vector management
helicopter was back in the sky for saltmarsh mosquito
treatments on Thursday, April 22.
The treatments over 1,410 hectares targeted saltmarsh
mosquito larvae in tidal areas including Bribie Island,
Elimbah, Toorbul and Ningi, following a high tide and
recent rain.
On Wednesday, the helicopter treated 1,260 hectares
including Hays Inlet, Mango Hill, Griffin, Deception Bay
and Lawnton.
A total of 2,670 hectares of tidal areas in the north and the
south of the Moreton Bay Region was treated from the air
over two days, while barrier and fogging treatments in
parks and reserves for adult mosquitoes are continuing as
The 17-year-old
will tour Europe
with the Australian
Schoolboys hockey
team in May.
The Australians
will play matches
against the
Germany, Belgium
and Netherlands
under-18 teams
during a fiveday tournament
in Mannheim,
hockey player
Sam Ruprecht.
Photo: Darrin
Sam is one of only two Brisbane players in the Australian
team, which will also tackle the Belgium Development
Squad in Antwerp, Belgium.
Residents are reminded to empty any containers around
the home such as pot plant saucers and old tyres that may
collect rain water and provide ideal breeding conditions
for freshwater container mosquitoes.
While in Europe the players will also spend time in Paris
and Amsterdam and visit historic World War I sites such
as the Somme battlefields and Villers-Bretonneux, the
town liberated by Australian troops in 1918.
Pet water bowls and bird baths should be changed
regularly and swimming pools chlorinated to help reduce
localised freshwater container breeding mosquitoes,
which normally live in areas in close to where they
Start Up Moreton Bay
Products for adult freshwater mosquitoes are available
from most hardware shops for residents wishing to treat
around the home.
Residents are also advised to apply insect repellent if
outside particularly around sunrise and sunset.
Residents of the Moreton Bay region setting up new
businesses will receive a boast through the delivery of a
new business start up program.
Regional Development Australia (RDA) Moreton Bay
has partnered with the Queensland Government to
jointly fund the development and delivery of a business
development program aimed at supporting new start
businesses with growth potential.
Promote your social group for
free in the Messenger
Shane Newcombe, Chair, RDA Moreton Bay said “It is
vital that as a region we better promote the opportunities
to start new businesses and support residents investing in
their new ventures.
Are you part of local community group and want to share
your story?
“The region needs to create more jobs for our residents.
Supporting both new business formation and the growth
of our existing businesses are the two key ways of
achieving this aim.”
Send us up to 250 words explaining who you are, what
you do, how new members can join and other relevant
info, include a pic and we'll get the word out for you, for
It is envisaged that the program will be delivered during
August – November, 2015. To register your interest
simply email Andrew Quain at andrewq@rdamoretonbay.
The Messenger 14
The Messenger 15
The Messenger 16
with Leonie
The family dinner has long been touted as the magic
bonding agent in the fabric of family
I am the mother of two nine year old girls
(identical twins) and a boy 13. I have a good
marriage and my husband runs the family
business. We have a nice home and also take
yearly holidays and sometimes even a holiday
in the middle of the year.
Sooooo much to unpack here. Firstly I will agree that the family dinner has
been touted as the magic bonding agent in the fabric of family for all time.
However, recent research suggest that the shared family meal may not be the
hinge that a close family will swing on but rather the research now shows that
there are far more important elements to developing and maintaining a close
family bond.
My family tend to pair off. My husband with
my son and my girls with each other and I
have somehow become house manager. My
issue may seem small but all my education
and all of the books that I have read on
parenting say that we should be having the
evening meal together with no phones or TV
to encourage a strong family. I am hitting
my head against the wall trying to make this
Social scientists have found that these strong family bonds were created by
other factors in the family dynamic such as having a sustainable household in
terms of finances, strong family relationships and parents who knew how to
create good boundaries for the children. You have nominated many of these
facets as being alive and well in your family.
My husband and son go to footy training
through the week and often on the weekends
and my girls being twins seem to chat to
themselves as if I were invisible even when
I sit between them at the table. And if I say
anything about not being included I get a
snotty answer like – I’m talking to my sister so
sue me - and so on.
There is a term called “Twinergy Synergy” one study undertaken states that
whilst Identical twins have 100 percent DNA similarity/relatedness, fraternal
twins and full siblings share only about 50 percent DNA similarities. This
means that identical twins are more similar in many ways. Not just in looks,
but also in psychological makeup and personality, and because of this they
actually have more “synergy” than many other siblings. So here I feel that
you are trying to control something that is not in your power to control and in
fact something that you should not try to control.
I feel like I am the chief cook and bottle washer
around here and there are no real family
times with all of us. There is only father and
son time, “twin time” and that’s about it! My
husband doesn’t spend much time talking
to me as he really only eats, watches TV and
From what you have told me in this email, the biggest area of concern for me
would be the disconnect between you and your husband. If mum and dad are
not spending time together, talking to each other, joking and goofing about,
kids may not feel very secure in the family structure. It doesn’t sound like
there is much joy in the household.
Forgotten Mum/Morayfield
Til next week, Leonie
Now as for your girls: In difficult times within the family, twins will often
turn to each other for support and comfort especially in childhood years but
often for life. If your girls feel that the boys are always together and that you
don’t participate with them they may feel that they need each other more.
I would encourage you to work on all your relationships: your marriage and
your relationships with your children. Consider pointing out to your husband
that you feel that he is not engaging enough with his daughters and that he
I feel that if I could just get us all taking
around the dinner table things might improve. is not feeding and watering the marriage and you want to help bring about
change in these areas. Consider couples and or family counselling to get the
What do you think about family dinners and
strategies to start building a more cohesive family.
what can I do about my fractured family?
Leonie Schilling is a qualified private practitioner.
For appointments please phone 3886 2715 or 0423 653 841
The Messenger 17
The Messenger 18
Major Discovery fuels
hope for Asthma Cure
By Dr Anita, Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local
ntil recently the underlying causes
of asthma have not been well
understood, but the King’s College
London has announced that its
scientists have made a major discovery.
Working in collaboration with Cardiff
University and the Mayo Clinic (USA),
researchers say they have identified
the potential root cause of asthma
and an existing drug that offers a new
Their study looked at the previously
unproven role of the calcium sensing
receptor (CaSR) in causing asthma, a
disease which affects 300 million people
The research was published in the
Science Translational Medicine journal
and highlights the effectiveness of a
class of drugs known as calcilytics
in manipulating CaSR to reverse all
symptoms associated with asthma.
“Our findings are incredibly exciting,”
said Cardiff University’s Professor
Daniela Riccardi.
“For the first time we have found a link
[to] airways inflammation, which can
be caused by environmental triggers such as allergens, cigarette smoke and
car fumes – and airways twitchiness in
allergic asthma,” she said.
“Our paper shows how these triggers
release chemicals that activate CaSR
in airway tissue and drive asthma
symptoms like airway twitchiness,
inflammation, and narrowing.
“Using calcilytics, nebulized directly
into the lungs, we show that it is
possible to deactivate CaSR and prevent
all of these symptoms.
“If this research proves successful we
may be just a few years away from a
new treatment for asthma,” Professor
Riccardi said, adding that investment
was needed for further clinical trials.
While a cure may still be some
way down the track, with the right
medications, lifestyle and support,
people with asthma are able to take
control of their condition now.
As a first step, people with asthma
should talk with their doctor to find
the right medication and work out the
correct dosages to suit their particular
They also need to know how to use their
inhaler properly, so the medication goes
to where it is needed. If unsure, speak to
a doctor, nurse or pharmacist.
Doctors and nurses can also help people
with asthma to develop a personal
asthma action plan, which provides
them with instructions on what to do if
their asthma gets worse.
Doctors in Brisbane’s Metro North
region can now go online to access the
latest clinical information on asthma
in adults, via a new ‘Map of Medicine’
pathway published recently.
These online pathways optimise patient
care by giving doctors instant access to
comprehensive, evidence-based local
pathways at the point of care.
The asthma in adults pathway
incorporates information from the
latest Australian Asthma Handbook,
published by the National Asthma
Council Australia.
Another way doctors can stay abreast
of the latest advice on medications is
through NPS Medicinewise educational
activities, delivered throughout
Australia via Medicare Locals.
Trained facilitators visit local medical
practices to provide one-to-one and
small group education on selected
prescribing and therapeutic topics.
Lately, NPS Medicinewise has been
talking to health professionals about
inhaled medicines use and asthma
Metro North Brisbane Medicare
Local also partnered with the Asthma
Foundation Queensland recently to host
two asthma education events.
Over 100 health professionals attended
these events, which covered individual
asthma action plans, use of aids (such
as the asthma control score), and correct
technique for inhaler use.
World Asthma Day is Tuesday, May 5,
and this year Asthma Australia is asking
people to stay in their PJs to help people
with asthma. To learn more, visit: www.
The Messenger 19
truly is an experience not to be missed,
and we challenge people of all ages and
fitness levels to join in.”
Ms Clift said organisers were also
looking for locals to join the organising
committee and help be the driving force
behind the first-time event.
“There are so many great ways to get
involved in Relay For Life this year, and
joining the committee is one of them,”
Ms Clift said.
Relay for Life
Local Businesses, Community Groups and Workplaces - lace up!
“We have a wide variety of roles to suit
any skill sets – with the one common
denominator being enthusiasm!
“Getting involved with the Relay
committee or registering a team might
only seem like a small way to make an
ancer Council Queensland is calling community and help make a difference
to all Queenslanders affected by cancer,” impact, but your contribution makes
on local businesses, community
such a lasting difference to locals
Ms Clift said.
groups and workplaces – to lace up
touched by the disease.”
and take part in Queensland’s very first
“The event will be a great opportunity
Corporate and Community Relay For
for the Brisbane business community to Relay For Life is an 18 hour event
involving teams of up to 15 people
come together and create a cancer free
keeping a baton moving in a relay style
The inaugural Cancer Council event
walk or run overnight, in support of the
will be held on September 12-13, 2015, at
one in two Queenslanders diagnosed
“CCQ’s Brisbane Corporate Relay For
RNA Showgrounds.
with cancer in their lifetime.
Life will make a great contribution
Workplaces and businesses from across to community leadership in our fight
Entry for Relay For Life is just $15 for
Brisbane are encouraged to get involved. against cancer.
Under 18s and $20 for adults, which
includes a purple shirt and breakfast at
“Your support allows Cancer Council
Cancer Council Queensland
the event.
Queensland to conduct cancer research
spokesperson Katie Clift called on
right here in Queensland and continue
Brisbane’s corporate community to
To register a team, visit www.
to support of those in the local region
unite in the fight against cancer and get or phone the
affected by cancer.
behind the inspirational event.
Fundraising Hotline 1300 65 65 85.
“With a range of fun and entertaining
“Join Relay For Life and be part of
More information about Cancer Council
something special – Relay offers the
activities on offer, to emotional and
Queensland is available via 13 11 20 or
perfect opportunity to give back to your empowering ceremonies, Relay for Life
Spectacle Lenses: – Same Quality Wherever
You Buy Them?
No!… There are many major lens manufacturers worldwide
producing lens blanks from various materials and with huge
variations in quality.
In addition, there are many different designs of lenses, especially
when it comes to multi-focal, vari-focal or “progressive” lenses. Even
single vision lenses are made in different designs giving variable
quality of vision - even with the same prescription.
Then there are coatings technologies. All lens surfaces can be
scratched and so usually a scratch resistant coating is applied.
Again, quality varies a lot.
Multi-layer anti-reflective coatings enhance the optical qualities
of the lens by increasing light transmission and reducing surface
reflectance, but yet again there is considerable variation in the
quality. Not just the reduction of reflections, but the ease which the
surface can be cleaned, scratched or compromised by heat varies
too. Some lenses are much easier to live with and have much longer
lives than others.
So if you compare lens prices from place to place you would not
generally be comparing like with like. That’s if you can get clear lens
prices that are not obscured by being part of prices for complete
spectacles or just add-on prices for various upgrades.
At North Lakes Optometry, we are passionate about providing you
with the best quality spectacle lenses and frames as well as vision
that is as clear and comfort as possible, all whilst ensuring your
ocular health. We use premium quality lenses and carefully match
the lens material and design we use with your prescription and with
the type of spectacle frame.
North Lakes Optometry is the only 100% Optometrist owned and operated
Optometry Practice in North Lakes. The practice at 4/12 North Lakes Drive (opposite
St George Bank, parking available behind the building): phone 3491 6786. www.
The Messenger 21
The Geek Sheet
two simple steps is astronomical.
Geeky Self Help
Top tech advice and current
news with David Kleinschmidt
e. It is rare, but sometimes cables can get
interference from other cables, especially
So let’s get qualified as a Level 1 Help
if the cables internal wires are poorly
1. Is it plugged in?
Desk Officer right now!
shielded or coated, and the cable is
carrying a great deal of signal or current.
2. Have you tried turning it off and
You can try separating the cables if they
on again?
(taking “plugging it in” to the next level)
are wound or managed in some way
together to see if performance or service
a. Check all connections thoroughly, with
returns. If it does you may need a higher
the power off, unplug them and plug them quality cable or to try wrapping the cable
back in again securely fastening any screws in electrical tape to try to reduce the
or clips to ensure the connections are solid. interference. It is a good idea to always
keep power cables separate from signal
b. Network and phone cables have little
plastic tabs that you squeeze to remove the
cable from the port. These spring tabs hold 2.TURNITOFFANDBACKON
the cable firmly against its contacts inside
the port. Be sure to bend the tab outwards
(Thisappliestomore than you would
to about 45-60 degrees (careful not to bend think)
too far as it will snap) before replacing it in
ome of you may recognise these
the port.
a. Firstly shutting down your device
from “THE IT CROWD” a very
properly and turning it back on again
humorous television program which
c. Most cables have metal contacts - copper, (often called a reboot, power-cycle or
was on the ABC. Roy, a slotherly geek
brass, steel, etc. These contacts can all
restart) will fix many things, this I have
and his very OCD and quite socially
oxidise and become non-conductive,
spoken about before.
awkward partner Moss are tasked as the especially inside battery compartments. By
IT support team for a fictional company. getting a sharp knife or something abrasive b. Many things other than the whole
you can scrub or scratch the oxidised salts
computer can be turned off and back on
again, disabling and re-enabling things
The opening episode sets the scene for the from a cable or sockets connecting contact
points. (Please be sure not to do this to
or using switches on the keyboard or
team’s service standard, by showing Roy
computer for turning things like wireless
at his messy desk attempting to ignore the any contact points of a live power source).
network devices on and off again can also
ringing phone. Eventually he relents, and I have revived many a children's toy
help with many issues.
with almost no listening skills whatsoever with this technique, especially in battery
recites these two golden rules of IT
c.Closing applications or software down,
support. Later he has a tape player rigged
d. Most cables have internal wires which
exiting windows, saving documents,
up to the phone to recite these two lines
spreadsheets or other work, then reto every caller without him needing to do if compressed (under heavy furniture),
tightly wound, sharply bent or stretched
opening these facilities can also help. .
it. The joke continues throughout almost
can break or fray internally. If you are
every episode of the show in various
getting no service, or patchy service from
As you can see, these two simple tasks, can
forms, and to be honest it never gets old.
the cable you can try straightening it out,
have many different meanings. But if you
or fiddling with the cable to see if service
keep them in mind when troubleshooting,
To quote Homer Simpson “It’s funny
returns, if you get response from different
and just ask yourself: how can I plug this
because it’s true”. The amount of times I
positions of the cable (straight or bent)
in properly, or turn it off and on again,
have found an issue with a computer (or
chances are you have a faulty cable and it
you will find you may just get a solution
other device, even coffee machines and
needs replacing.
to your problem.
fridges) to be rectified by following these
David Kleinschmidt is the head tech guy at Klefen - The Clever Web Company
Questions, suggestions, tech help? email
The Messenger 22
Film Reviews
with Ange Dean
By Cherisse Buckland, Manager @ Zen-Chi Natural Therapies &
Wellness Centre
I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got
into bed. I brushed my hair and my teeth every day.
I never had to worry about packing a nappy bag or making sure
there were on the go snacks or even making sure everyone had
gone to the toilet before going hitting the road.
I had never been puked on, pooped on, spat on, chewed on, or peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts…. I slept all night.
I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests...
or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got
gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn’t want to put it
down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I
couldn’t stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could
affect my life so much.
I never knew that special bond between a mother and her child.
I didn’t know that something so small could make me feel so
in cinemas now
I never knew that I could love someone so much…. I never knew I
would love being a Mum.
Dedicated to my two beautiful daughters Aliyana & Makaylee who
I love to the moon and back. Thank you for choosing me to be your
mum xx
Fast & Furious 7
Die-hard fans will be overjoyed at this latest wild ride
starring the hunky Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto along with
many loved stars from the previous films. A new face to the
franchise is Jason Statham as Ian Shaw, the villain who is out
to get revenge on Dominic.
Directed by James Wan (new to the series) this latest film
takes the story to a whole new level. Technology allows
much to be gained and nothing to be lost. The sad and
unexpected death of Paul Walker mid filming saw his brother
step into the filming. There are some emotional moments
and many in the cinema would have shed a tear.
The 'edge of the seat scenes' are gut wrenching - for example
the walk or should I say run across the bus by Brian
O’Conner (Paul Walker) as it teetered on a cliff edge…. But I
won't spoil it too much for you.
Michelle Rodriguez once again adds a feisty 'don't mess
with me' female swagger to the cast and although The Rock
(as Luke Hobbs) played a small part, I would hope that role
expands in Fast and Furious 8……
My 10year old son Liam was on the edge of his seat with
excitement the whole way through the thrills and spills, then
at the very end of the film Liam commented on how touching
the ending was and said, “I give this movie 5 out of 5 stars!”
I'm giving it 3 ½ stars.
see more at
The Messenger 23
a visit to Woody Point to
see what is left of HMQS
Getting your photo published in The Messenger is easy. All you have to do is send
your non-compressed picture to a few
words of description and your name.
Avenue of Memories
surrounds can be pre-purchased allowing families to
pay tribute to their loved ones under the magnificent
Great Northern Garden of Remembrance at cover of a delicate pink floral canopy.
Deception Bay has always been applauded for it’s
beautiful memorial gardens and their new addition "It's all about offering more choices and options for
will certainly add a touch more colour when in full families," Mrs Lenton said.“It doesn’t matter who your
funeral director is, you can plan your memorialisation
at Great Northern Garden of Remembrance and
Great Northern Garden of Remembrance Manager, know that everything is in place for the future”.
Rita-Marie Lenton said she was very excited with the
fifteen new Tabebuia Palmeri tree’s planted along the Great Northern remains the only family-owned
main driveway to create a stunning new memorial public crematorium on the Northside and
is undoubtedly the Moreton Region’s most
outstanding funeral venue, offering a magnificent
“The trees will lead from our entrance right through chapel as well as a fully catered refreshment
to the Chapel and each tree will have a beautiful lounge.
granite surround for the placement of memorial
Great Northern Garden of Remembrance is open
for inspection seven days a week with personal
Along with all of the other memorial options within selection appointments available during business
the Great Northern complex, the new Tabebuia hours by calling Mrs Lenton 3888 6622.
The Messenger 24
The internationally acclaimed
show, Faulty Towers the
Dining Experience, comes to
Mon Komo Hotel in Redcliffe
on Friday 8th May.
In true Faulty fashion, absolutely
anything can happen as Basil,
Sybil and Manuel serve guests
in their ‘Faulty Towers’ restaurant
– especially with just a third of
the show scripted. Expect all
the best gags, shambolic service
and a ‘70s style 3-course meal in
a show that’s ‘food-snortingly
funny’(Australian Stage). This fully
immersive, highly improvised
and site-specific comedy theatre
continues to be acclaimed around the world by audiences and critics alike.
The service might be ‘Faulty’, but the Mon Komo dinner won’t be. On the menu:
creamy leek and potato soup with crisp fried julienne of leek as an entrée. Main
course is pan seared chicken breast on a bed of sweet potato puree, roasted
asparagus, wild mushrooms and masala jus and a soft centered chocolate
Faulty Towers The Dining Experience was born in Brisbane in 1997 and made its
international debut in 2008 at the Edinburgh Fringe, where it’s sold out every
year since. It opened a residency in London’s West End in 2012 and continues
there still, ranking consistently high in TripAdvisor’s Top London Performances.
Venue: Mon Komo Hotel, 99 Marine Parade, Redcliffe
Date: Friday 8th May 2015
Times: pre-dinner drinks from 6:30pm, show starts 7pm.
Tickets: $79 pp including 3-course meal and 2 hour show.
OR: Dinner & Show with a 3 hour Beverage –$104.00 per person. Bookings
Bookings: (07)3284 6520 | |
Leonie Schilling
• Relationship Counselling
Personal Counselling
Grief and Loss Counselling
Qualified Trainer and Assessor for students of
Employment Coaching - resume and Selection CriteriaJob Search Skills and Job Interview Coaching
Qualified Training and Workshop Provider
For a confidential appointment
Phone 3886 2715 or
Mobile 0423 653 841
The Messenger 25
Your Stars
Aquarius Jan 20- Feb 17: Instead of blaming
circumstances, examine the mixed messages
that your sending. You say your heart is in it,
but is that really what you feel?
Pisces Feb 18- March 19: You're being pressured
to make a commitment, but there's a reason
for your ambivalence. Continue with the soul
Aries March 20- April 19: Desires and
responsibilities couldn't be more at odds.
Try not to swing too far in either direction. A
balanced perspective is best.
Taurus April 20- May 20: This is a rocky time
for relationships- especially where money is
involved? Nevertheless you are working out an
arrangement you can live with and that's good.
Gemini May 21- June 20: Dont feel bad. Just
because someone rebuffs your attempts to make
nice, doesn't mean that this person is over you.
If anything it signals that there's more beneath
the surface.
Cancer June 21- July 21: You've reached the
point where you can't bend over backwards.
Paradoxically, this brings yah and the other
party back together.
Leo July 22- Aug 22: You respect others feelings
and are certainly sympathetic however they
must also honour their pledges. Gently remind
Virgo Aug 23- Sept 22: It's unfortunate that
a manager reacts more personally than
professionally, but that's this persons problem.
Proceed tactfully.
Libra Sept 23- Oct 22: Give yourself a few days
to regroup. When you reenter the arena, you'll
be savvier than before.
Scorpio Oct 23- Nov 21: You drive a hard
bargain, but loosen up. Giving the other party
nowhere to turn isn't conductive to reaching an
Sagittarius Nov 22- Dec 20: There are signs of
growing disillusionment with most everyone
in your life. It's time to redress the balance
between the givers and takers.
Capricorn Dec 21- Jan 19: Walking the centreline
keeps enemies quiet, but it could also alienate
support. You're going to have to pick a side
The Messenger 26
6.00 PAW Patrol. 6.30 Dora. 7.00
Weekend Today. 10.00 Mornings.
(PG) 12.00 Recipes That Rock. (PG)
12.30 Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 1.00
Big Families. (PG) 2.00 Movie:
Little Big League. (PG) (1994)
4.30 Garden Gurus. 5.00 News.
5.30 Getaway. (PG) 6.00 News.
7.00 Movie: She’s The Man. (PG)
(2006) Amanda Bynes, Channing
Tatum. 9.05 Movie: Dear John. (M)
(2010) Channing Tatum, Amanda
Seyfried, Richard Jenkins. 11.20
Movie: The Stepfather. (AV15+)
(2009) Penn Badgley. 1.20 Movie:
Excalibur. (M) (1981) Nigel Terry.
4.00 Skippy. 4.30 Global Shop.
5.00 Extra. 5.30 Wesley Impact.
6.00 Saturday Disney. 7.00
Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 Morning
Show. (PG) 12.00 Malibu Country.
(PG) 12.30 Movie: Tinkerbell
And The Secret Of The Wings.
(G) (2012) 2.00 Movie: Are We
There Yet? (PG) (2005) 4.00 Better
Homes. 5.00 Creek To Coast.
5.30 Qld Weekender. 6.00 News.
7.00 Movie: Men In Black. (PG)
(1997) 9.00 Movie: After Earth.
(M) (2013) Will Smith. 11.05
Hustling America. (PG) 12.05 Dual
Suspects. (M) 1.05 Movie: Butter.
(AV15+) (1998) 3.05 Harry’s
Practice. 3.30 It Is Written. (PG)
4.00 Shopping. 5.00 Dr Oz. (PG)
6.00 The Offroad Adventure
Show. 6.30 Fishing Edge. 7.00
Fishing. 7.30 GCBC. 8.00 Family
Feud. 8.30 St10. 10.00 St10:
Extra. (PG) 11.00 The Living Room.
(PG) 12.00 Tour The World. 12.30
Everyday Gourmet. 1.00 Healthy
Homes TV. Final. 1.30 The Talk.
(PG) 2.30 Huey. 3.00 Car Torque.
(PG) 3.30 iFish. 4.00 What’s Up
Down Under. 4.30 Escape With
ET. 5.00 News. 6.00 Gold Coast
Cops. (PG) 6.30 Jamie’s Food Fight
Club. 7.30 Bondi Vet. (PG) 8.30
Movie: Flight. (M) (2012) 11.15
Motor Racing. International V8
Supercars Championship. Super
Sprint. Round 3. Highlights. 12.15
48 Hours. (M) 1.00 Shopping.
4.30 It Is Written. (PG) 5.00 Hour
Of Power.
6.00 Rage. (PG) 10.30 Rage.
(PG) 11.30 Spicks And Specks.
(PG) 12.00 For The Love Of Cars.
(PG) 12.50 Antiques. 1.50 The
Restaurant Inspector. 2.35 Kitchen
Cabinet. 3.10 River Cottage Veg
Every Day. 4.00 Saturday Landline.
4.30 Midsomer Murders. (PG)
Final. 6.00 The Checkout. (PG)
6.30 Gardening Aust. 7.00 News.
7.30 Father Brown. (PG) Return.
8.20 DCI Banks. (PG) 9.05 Scott
& Bailey. (M) 9.55 The Weekly.
(M) 10.25 Judith Lucy’s Spiritual
Journey. (M) 10.55 Rage. (MA15+)
5.00 Rage. (PG)
6.00 WorldWatch. 6.30 Chinese
News. 7.00 Al Jazeera English
News. 7.30 Italian News. 8.10
Filipino News. 8.40 French
News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30
German News. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30
Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News.
1.55 Elvis Costello. 3.05 Art Of
The Night. (PG) 4.15 The Magic
Piano. 4.55 Smart Secrets Of
Great Paintings. 5.30 Who Do
You Think You Are? 6.30 News.
7.30 Great Continental Railway
Journeys. (PG) 8.35 Movie: Monty
Python And The Holy Grail. (PG)
(1975) 10.10 Monty Python: Live
At The Hollywood Bowl. (MA15+)
11.40 Movie: Seraphine. (PG)
(2008) 1.55 Movie: Incendies.
(AV15+) (2010) 4.15 Countdown.
5.00 Korean News. 5.35
Japanese News.
6.00 Thunderbirds. 7.00 Kids’
WB Saturday. (PG) 7.05 Looney
Tunes. 7.30 Dogstar. 8.00 Green
Lantern. (PG) 8.30 Scooby-Doo!
(PG) 9.00 Looney Tunes. 9.30 Adv
Time. (PG) 10.00 The Batman.
(PG) 10.30 Ben 10. (PG) 11.00
Heidi. 11.30 Move It. 12.00
Kitchen Whiz. 12.30 SpongeBob.
1.30 Danoz. 2.00 Yu-Gi-Oh!
(PG) 3.00 Thunderbirds Are Go!
(PG) 3.30 Gumball. 4.30 Looney
Tunes. 5.30 Scooby-Doo! (PG)
6.00 Movie: Fantastic Mr Fox. (PG)
(2009) 7.45 Movie: Arthur And
The Invisibles. (PG) (2006) Freddie
Highmore, Madonna, David
Bowie. 9.45 Movie: Austin Powers:
Goldmember. (M) (2002) Mike
Myers, Beyoncé Knowles, Seth
Green. 11.45 Movie: Rendition.
(AV15+) (2007) 2.15 GO Surround
Sound. 2.30 The Amazing World
Of Gumball. 3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh!
Zexal. (PG) 4.00 PAW Patrol. 4.30
Robocar Poli. 4.50 Thunderbirds.
5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Saturday
Disney. 9.00 Jessie. 9.30 Shake
It Up. 10.00 Shopping. 11.00
Animal Academy. (PG) 11.30
Great South East. 12.00 Creek To
Coast. 12.30 Sydney Weekender.
1.00 Qld Weekender. 1.30 WA
Weekender. (PG) 2.00 Coxy’s Big
Break. 2.30 Lyndey And Herbie’s
Movable Feast. 3.00 Country
Calendar. (PG) 3.30 The Food
Truck. (PG) 4.00 The Kitchen Job.
(PG) 5.00 Make My Home Bigger.
(PG) 5.30 Four Rooms. (PG) 6.30
Escape To The Country. 7.30
Storage Hoarders. 8.30 Taggart.
(M) The body of a woman is
found in a river clothed in garbage
bags, mirroring a crime from 20
years earlier. 10.00 Wire In The
Blood. (AV15+) 12.00 Four Rooms.
(PG) 1.00 Storage Hoarders. 2.00
Escape To The Country. 3.00
Animal Academy. (PG) 3.30 The
Kitchen Job. (PG) 4.30 Country
Calendar. (PG) 5.00 The Food
Truck. (PG) 5.30 Lyndey And
Herbie’s Movable Feast.
6.00 Wild Racers. 7.00 M*A*S*H.
8.00 Netball. ANZ Championship.
Round 9. West Coast Fever v
Waikato Bay Of Plenty Magic.
Replay. 10.00 International Fishing
Series. 10.30 Big Fish, Small Boats.
11.00 4WD Touring Australia.
New. 12.00 RPM. 1.00 Sport
Science. 3.00 Megastructures.
4.00 Garage Gold. 4.30 Reel
Action. 5.00 Freddie Flintoff:
Lord Of The Fries. Final. 6.00
Garage Gold. (PG) 6.30 Monster
Jam. 7.30 Cops. (PG) 8.30 Motor
Racing. International V8 Supercars
Championship. Highlights. 9.30
Blue Bloods. (M) 10.30 Ross
Kemp: In Search Of Pirates. (M)
11.30 Blokesworld. (MA15+)
12.00 The Killing. 1.00 48 Hours.
2.00 NYC 22. 3.00 Cops. 4.00
RPM. 5.00 Motor Racing. TransTasman Trophy. Replay. 5.30 Motor
Racing. Aussie Racing Cars. Replay.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 2.25
Rob The Robot. 2.40 Fireman
Sam. 2.50 Yo Gabba Gabba!
3.15 dirtgirlworld. Final. 3.30 Play
School. 4.00 Bananas In Pyjamas.
4.10 Lah-Lah’s Adventures. 4.25
Joe & Jack. Final. 4.30 Let’s Go
Pocoyo. Final. 4.40 The Furchester
Hotel. 5.00 Sarah And Duck. 5.10
The Hive. 5.25 Peppa Pig. 5.30
Olivia. 5.45 Ben And Holly. 6.00
Peter Rabbit. 6.15 Tree Fu Tom.
6.35 Octonauts. 6.50 Shaun The
Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks.
(PG) 7.30 Total Wipeout. 8.25
Australian Encounters. 8.30 Build
A New Life In The Country. 9.20
Live At The Apollo. (M) 10.05
Buzzcocks. (M) Final. 10.35 The
Inbetweeners. (M) 11.00 The
Awesomes. (PG) Final. 11.25
Portlandia. (PG) 11.45 True Stories.
(PG) 12.35 True Stories. (PG) 1.20
True Stories. (PG) Final. 2.10 News
Update. 2.15 Close. 5.00 This Is
Scarlett And Isaiah. 5.05 Tilly And
Friends. 5.15 Waybuloo. 5.35
The Magic Roundabout. 5.50
Children’s Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 7.00 Russian
News. 7.30 Polish News.
8.00 Hungarian News. 8.30
Macedonian News. 9.05 Croatian
News. 9.40 Serbian News. 10.20
Portuguese News. 11.05 Japanese
News. 11.40 Hong Kong News.
12.00 Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch
News. 1.00 Soccer. A-League.
Elimination Final. Replay. 3.00
American Ninja Warrior. (PG) 3.30
American Ninja Warrior. (PG) 4.00
Monster Moves. 5.00 Departures.
(PG) 6.00 Knife Fight. (PG) 6.30
Heston’s Feasts. (M) 7.30 If You
Are The One. 8.30 Vikings. 9.25
Hunted. (M) 10.25 Hunted. (M)
11.25 Movie: Love Crime. (M)
(2010) 1.20 Movie: Ca$h. (M)
(2008) 3.10 CCTV News In English
From Beijing. 5.20 Latin American
News. 5.50 Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.25pm About
Time (2013) Drama.
Domhnall Gleeson,
Rachel McAdams. (M)
6.30pm Nebraska
(2014) Drama. Bruce
Dern, Will Forte. (M)
8.30pm The Rover
(2014) Crime. Guy
Pearce, Robert
Pattinson. (MA15+)
6.30pm Marriage
Bridezillas. (M)
6.30pm The Elaine
Paige Show. (PG)
7.30pm Switched
At Birth. (PG) FOX8
6.30pm Nazi
7.30pm My Cat
From Hell: Scratch
Tracks. (PG) Animal
7.30pm Bette Davis.
(PG) Biography
2.10pm Netball.
ANZ Championship.
Round 10. Steel v
Pulse. Fox Sports 4
4.30pm Football.
AFL. Round 5. Gold
Coast Suns v Brisbane
Lions. Fox Footy
7.30pm Football.
AFL. Round 5.
North Melbourne v
Fox Footy
The Messenger 27
6.00 PAW Patrol. 6.30 Dora.
7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00
Wide World Of Sports. 11.00
NRL Sunday Footy Show. 1.00
Wild Life Of Tim Faulkner. 1.30
Rugby League. Representative
match. Queensland v New South
Wales. 3.30 Rugby League. City
v Country. 6.00 News. 7.00
57th Annual TV WEEK Logie
Awards: Red Carpet Arrivals.
(PG) 7.30 57th Annual TV WEEK
Logie Awards. (PG) 11.00 Kings
Of Comedy. (PG) 12.00 Anger
Management. (M) 12.30 The Strip.
(M) 1.30 Impractical Jokers. (M)
2.00 Spyforce. (PG) 3.00 Global
Shop. 3.30 Skippy. 4.00 GMA.
5.00 News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Jake And The Never Land
Pirates. 6.30 Sofia The First. 7.00
Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 Morning
Show. (PG) 11.00 Tom, Rach
And Rosso Go Cruising. (PG)
12.00 Camp. (PG) 1.00 Movie:
Skyrunners. (PG) (2009) 3.00
Movie: The Lies Boys Tell. (PG)
(1994) 5.00 News. 5.30 Great
South East. 6.00 News. 7.00 My
Kitchen Rules. (PG) 8.30 Sunday
Night. Current affairs program.
Hosted by Chris Bath. 9.30
Castle. (M) Beckett must protect
a billionaire. 10.30 Castle. (M)
11.30 Cougar Town. (PG) 12.00 To
Be Advised. 2.20 Shopping. 3.00
NBC Today. 4.00 NBC Press. 5.00
Sunrise Extra. 5.30 News.
6.00 Mass. 6.30 Hillsong. 7.00
Joseph Prince. 7.30 Everyday
Gourmet. 8.00 GCBC. 8.30 St10.
10.00 Bolt Report. 11.00 All 4
Adventure. (PG) 12.00 The Talk.
(PG) 1.00 Let’s Do Coffee. New.
1.30 Huey. 2.00 iFish. 3.00 Bolt
Report. 4.00 RPM. 5.00 News.
6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30
Modern Family. (PG) 7.00 Modern
Family. (PG) 7.30 Shark Tank. (PG)
8.30 NCIS: New Orleans. 9.30
NCIS. (M) 10.30 Empire. 11.30
Motor Racing. International V8
Supercars Championship. Super
Sprint. Round 3. Highlights. 12.30
48 Hours. (M) 1.30 Shopping.
4.00 James Robison. (PG) 4.30
CBS Morning.
6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 Weekend
Breakfast. 9.00 Insiders. 10.00
Offsiders. 10.30 Australia Wide.
11.00 World This Week. 11.30
Praise. 12.00 Landline. 1.00
Gardening Aust. 1.30 The Mix.
2.00 Dr Sarmast’s Music School.
2.30 Diana Vreeland: The Eye
Has To Travel. 4.00 Restoration
Home. 5.00 Father Brown. (PG)
6.00 The Book Club. (PG) Return.
6.30 Compass. 7.00 News.
7.40 Animal Super Senses. 8.35
Poldark. (M) 9.35 Fortitude. (M)
Final. 10.25 Foyle’s War. (M)
11.55 Junior Doctors: Your Life
In Their Hands. (M) 12.55 Movie:
Marnie. (M) (1964) 3.00 Poldark.
(M) 4.00 Fortitude. (M) Final. 5.00
Collectors. 5.30 Eggheads.
6.00 Thunderbirds. 7.00 Kids’
6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Amazing
6.00 Sport Science. 7.00 Healthy
Homes TV. 7.30 Wild Racers. (PG)
6.00 Children’s Programs. 3.20
6.00 WorldWatch. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30
Turkish News. 1.00 The World
Game. 2.00 Speedweek. 4.00
Motorcycle Racing. Superbike
World Championship. Round Four.
Highlights. 4.30 UEFA Champions
League Magazine. 5.00 World Of
Cycling. 5.30 Inside The Cuban
Missile Crisis. (PG) 6.30 News.
7.35 China’s Great Wall. (PG)
8.30 She Wolves: England’s Early
Queens. 9.35 Sex, Death And
The Meaning Of Life. (M) 10.30
Movie: Bang-Bang Wedding!
(PG) (2008) 12.05 The Wrestlers:
Fighting With My Family. (M) 1.00
Jews And Money. 2.00 Death
Unexplained. (M) 2.50 The Circus.
3.00 First Australians. (PG) 3.55
First Australians. Final. 4.50 The
Date. (PG) 5.00 Korean News.
5.35 Japanese News.
WB. (PG) 7.05 Looney Tunes. 7.30
The Skinner Boys. 8.00 Green
Lantern. (PG) 8.30 Scooby-Doo!
(PG) 9.00 Looney Tunes. 9.30
Adv Time. (PG) 10.00 Young
Justice. (PG) 10.30 The Batman.
11.00 Rabbids. (PG) 12.00 Tom
And Jerry. 12.30 SpongeBob.
1.30 Danoz. 2.00 Power Rangers.
(PG) 3.00 Green Lantern. (PG)
4.00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 4.30
The Batman. 5.30 Scooby-Doo!
(PG) 6.00 Thunderbirds Are Go!
(PG) 6.30 Movie: Spaceballs. (PG)
(1987) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory.
(PG) 9.30 Movie: Mad Max 2: The
Road Warrior. (AV15+) (1981) Mel
Gibson, Bruce Spence, Vernon
Wells. 11.30 Two And A Half Men.
(M) 12.00 Nikita. (AV15+) 2.00
The Darren Sanders Show. (M)
2.30 The Batman. 3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh!
Zexal. (PG) 4.00 PAW Patrol. 4.30
Robocar Poli. 4.50 Thunderbirds.
5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic.
Facts. (PG) 7.00 Tomorrow’s
World. (PG) 7.30 Leading The
Way. (PG) 8.00 David Jeremiah.
(PG) 8.30 Shopping. 9.30 Home
And Away Catch-Up. (PG) 12.00
Downsize My Pet. 12.30 Travel
Oz. (PG) 2.00 The Travel Bug.
(PG) 3.00 The Great Australian
Doorstep. (PG) 3.30 Life Inside
The Markets. (PG) New. 4.00
Neighbours At War. (PG) 4.30
Four Rooms. (PG) 5.30 Mighty
Ships. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30
Escape To The Country. 9.30
Original Features. (PG) Presented
by Nick Knowles. 10.30 Best
Houses Australia. 11.00 Front
Of House. 11.30 Four Rooms.
(PG) 12.30 The Great Australian
Doorstep. (PG) 1.00 The Travel
Bug. (PG) 2.00 Best Houses
Australia. 2.30 Travel Oz. (PG)
4.00 Downsize My Pet. 4.30
Neighbours At War. (PG) 5.00
Original Features. (PG)
8.00 Sport Science. (PG) 9.00
Escape With ET. 9.30 4WD Touring
Australia. 10.30 Reel Action. 11.00
Sport Science. 12.00 Netball. ANZ
Championship. Round 10. NSW
Swifts v Melbourne Vixens. 2.00
Car Torque. (PG) 2.30 World Class
Bartender Of The Year 2014. (PG)
3.30 4x4 Adventures. 4.30 Fishing.
5.00 What’s Up Downunder?
5.30 iFish. 6.00 Family Feud:
Sunday. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG)
7.30 To Be Advised. 8.00
Last Man Standing. (PG) 8.30
Motor Racing. International V8
Supercars Championship. Super
Sprint. Round 3. Highlights. 9.30
Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP.
Spanish Grand Prix. Race 4. 11.00
Sons Of Anarchy. (AV15+) 12.00
RPM. 1.00 Fast Forward. (M)
2.00 NYC 22. (M) 4.00 48 Hours.
(M) 5.00 Wild Racers. 5.30 Wild
Racers. (PG)
Bert And Ernie. 3.30 Play School.
4.00 Bananas In Pyjamas. 4.10
Pingu. 4.20 Mister Maker Comes
To Town. 4.40 The Furchester
Hotel. 5.00 A Franklin And Friends
Adventure. 5.40 Peppa Pig.
5.50 Ben And Holly. 6.00 Peter
Rabbit. 6.15 Tree Fu Tom. 6.35
Octonauts. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep.
7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG)
7.40 Seconds From Disaster. (PG)
Final. 8.30 Movie: The Twilight
Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2.
(M) (2012) 10.15 Tattoo Tales.
(M) 10.45 Louis Theroux’s Weird
Weekends. (M) 11.35 Catfish: The
TV Show. (PG) Final. 12.15 Battle
For Brooklyn. (M) 1.50 The Real
Hustle: New Recruits. (PG) 2.20
News Update. 2.25 Close. 5.00
This Is Scarlett And Isaiah. 5.05
Tilly And Friends. 5.15 Waybuloo.
5.35 The Magic Roundabout. 5.50
Children’s Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 PopAsia.
(PG) 11.00 Portuguese News.
11.30 Croatian News. 12.00 Hindi
News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Be
Your Own Boss. (PG) 2.05 Foodie
Planet. (PG) 3.05 Bunk. (PG) 3.35
Eurovision Quiz Contest. 4.10
Bunk. (PG) 4.40 19 Reasons To
Love If You Are The One: Bitesize.
4.45 The Pitch. (M) 5.40 The Pitch.
(M) Final. 6.35 Duck Quacks Don’t
Echo. (PG) 7.30 If You Are The
One. 8.30 South Park. (M) 9.00
Cockroaches. (M) 9.30 Housos.
(MA15+) 10.00 Pizza. (M) 10.30
Toast Of London. (MA15+) 11.00
In Her Skin. (M) 11.50 In Her Skin.
(M) 12.40 24 Hours In Emergency.
(M) 1.35 Movie: The Dinner Guest.
(PG) (2007) 3.05 CCTV News In
English From Beijing. 5.00 French
News. 5.50 Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
7.30pm Guardians
Of The Galaxy
(2014) Action. Chris
Pratt, Zoe Saldana.
(M) Premiere
9.35pm Captain
America: The
Winter Soldier
(2014) Action. Chris
Evans, Samuel L.
Jackson. (M) Premiere
11.55pm Dom
Hemingway (2014)
Comedy. Jude Law,
Richard E. Grant.
(MA15+) Premiere
6.20pm Mrs
Brown’s Boys. (M)
7.30pm The Real
Housewives Of
Atlanta. Arena
10.05pm Gruen
Planet. (M) Comedy
7.30pm Tony
Robinson’s Tour Of
Duty. (PG) History
8.30pm Tobin:
Portrait Of A Serial
Killer. (M) Crime &
9.00pm StarTalk.
(M) National
3.00pm Football.
AFL. Round 5. St
Kilda v Essendon. Fox
Sports 3
5.00pm Soccer.
A-League. Elimination
Final. Fox Sports 4
8.15pm Motor
Racing. Auto
GP. Second race.
The Messenger 28
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 Movie: Born Romantic. (M)
(2000) 3.00 News Now. 4.00
News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat.
6.00 News. 7.00 ACA. 7.30 To Be
Advised. 8.30 Big Bang. (PG) 9.00
Big Bang. (PG) 9.30 Big Bang.
(PG) 10.00 Person Of Interest.
(M) 11.00 Person Of Interest.
(M) 11.50 Underbelly: A Tale Of
Two Cities. (M) 12.50 Impractical
Jokers. (M) 1.20 Nine Presents.
1.30 Extra. 2.00 Danoz. 2.30
Global Shop. 3.00 Skippy. 3.30
GMA. 5.00 News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00
To Be Advised. 1.30 The Daily
Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00
News. 5.00 Deal Or No Deal.
5.30 Million Dollar Minute. 6.00
News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG)
7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) Final.
Hosted by Pete Evans and Manu
Feildel. 9.50 Revenge. (M) Jack
is torn between Emily and the
new woman in his life. Nolan and
Louise bring Southern charm to
East Hampton. 10.45 The Amazing
Race. (PG) 11.40 Cougar Town.
(PG) Travis hates Laurie’s choices
for baby names and asks Ellie
to intervene. 12.15 Dr Oz. (PG)
1.30 Shopping. 3.00 Sons And
Daughters. (PG) 3.30 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise Extra. 5.30 News.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 GCBC.
7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00 Family
Feud. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 11.00
Shark Tank. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil.
1.00 Everyday Gourmet. 1.30 Ent.
Tonight. 2.00 The Doctors. (M)
3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s
Menu. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet.
4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family
Feud. Hosted by Grant Denyer.
6.30 The Project. Join the hosts
for a look at the day’s news,
events and hot topics. 7.30 To Be
Advised. 8.30 Law & Order: SVU.
(M) Detective Amaro is put in an
uncomfortable situation when
his estranged father is accused of
striking his bride. 9.30 Elementary.
(M) Watson joins Holmes and
Kitty to search for a missing nurse
she used to work with. 10.30
Elementary. (M) Mycroft pays
a visit to New York. 11.30 The
Project. A look at the day’s news.
12.30 David Letterman. (PG) 1.30
Shopping. 4.00 James Robison.
(PG) 4.30 CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 Landline. 11.00 Compass.
11.30 Eggheads. 12.00 News.
1.00 Antiques. 2.00 Animal Super
Senses. 2.50 Kitchen Cabinet.
(PG) 3.30 Midsomer Murders. (PG)
5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The
Drum. 6.00 Antiques. 7.00 News.
7.30 7.30. 8.00 Aust Story. 8.30
Four Corners. 9.20 Media Watch.
(PG) 9.35 Q&A. 10.35 Lateline.
11.05 The Business. 11.25 Enigma
Man: A Stone Age Mystery. (M)
12.20 Movie: Drive, He Said. (M)
(1971) 1.50 Movie: High, Wide
And Handsome. (PG) (1937) 3.50
The Making Of Modern Australia.
(PG) 5.00 Collectors. 5.30
6.00 WorldWatch. 10.30 German
News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00
Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News.
1.00 Andre Rieu: Magic Of The
Violin. 2.35 Saturday Girls. (PG)
2.50 Poh & Co. Bitesize. 3.00 Al
Jazeera. 3.30 Exploring China.
4.30 The Dales. 5.00 Living Black.
5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00
Food Safari. (PG) 6.30 News. 7.30
Michael Mosley: Trust Me, I’m
A Doctor. 8.30 Tea And Coffee
Trails With Simon Reeve. (PG)
9.35 Strip The Cosmos. 10.30
News. 11.00 Playing God. 12.05
Movie: Nightmare Detective.
(AV15+) (2006) 2.05 GGG. (M)
2.10 Thin Air. (PG) 2.20 Hellfjord.
(AV15+) 2.55 Hellfjord. (AV15+)
3.25 Hellfjord. (MA15+) Final.
4.00 One Born Every Minute:
What Happened Next? (M)
Final. 5.00 Korean News. 5.35
Japanese News.
6.00 Robocar Poli. 6.30 PAW
Patrol. 7.00 Thunderbirds Are
Go! (PG) 7.30 Kitchen Whiz. 8.00
Move It. 8.30 Rabbids. (PG) 9.00
Magical Tales. 9.30 SpongeBob
SquarePants. 10.00 Green Lantern.
(PG) 10.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG)
11.00 Power Rangers. (PG) 11.30
Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic. 12.00 Extra.
12.30 The Middle. (PG) 2.00
Car SOS. (PG) 3.00 SpongeBob
SquarePants. 3.30 Thunderbirds
Are Go! (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG)
4.05 Looney Tunes. 4.30 Tom
And Jerry. 5.00 Ben 10. (PG) 5.30
Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular
Show. (PG) 6.30 Adventure Time.
(PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory.
(PG) 7.30 Car SOS. (PG) 8.30 Top
Gear: Ambitious But Rubbish.
9.30 Movie: Blade II. (AV15+)
(2002) 12.00 Secret Mountain Fort
Awesome. (PG) 12.30 Adventure
Time. (PG) 1.00 Regular Show.
(PG) 1.30 Rabbids. (PG) 2.00
TMZ Live. 3.00 TMZ. 3.30 Yu-GiOh! (PG) 4.00 PAW Patrol. 4.30
Robocar Poli. 4.50 Thunderbirds.
5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Flushed.
7.30 Teenage Fairytale Dropouts.
8.00 Jay’s Jungle. 8.30 Man About
The House. (PG) 9.00 Home And
Away. (PG) 9.30 Shortland Street.
(PG) 10.00 Escape To The Country.
11.00 Mighty Ships. 12.00
Taggart. (M) 3.00 Man About
The House. (PG) 3.30 The Martha
Stewart Show. 4.30 60 Minute
Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under
The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt.
7.30 Cities Of The Underworld.
(PG) A look at the history of the
mafia in Sicily. 8.30 A Touch Of
Frost. (M) While investigating the
death of a hunt saboteur, Frost
suspects foul play and launches
a murder inquiry. 10.45 Waking
The Dead. (MA15+) 12.00 Bargain
Hunt. 1.00 Taggart. (M) 4.00
Love Thy Neighbour. (PG) 4.30
The Martha Stewart Show. 5.30
Shortland Street. (PG)
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 9.00 Megastructures. 10.00
The Maori Guides. 11.00 RPM.
12.00 NYC 22. (M) 1.00 The
Goodwin Games. (M) 2.00 The
Living Room. (PG) 3.00 Totally
Wild. 4.00 Fishing. 4.30 Wild
Racers. (PG) 5.00 Fishing Edge.
5.30 iFish. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30
M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Undercover
Boss. (PG) 9.30 Movie: Scarface.
(AV15+) (1983) Al Pacino, Steven
Bauer. 12.45 Shopping. 2.15
Awake. (M) 3.20 Blokesworld.
(MA15+) 3.55 Motorcycle Racing.
MotoGP. Spanish Grand Prix.
Race 4. Replay. 5.30 Football’s
Greatest Managers.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.00
Bananas In Pyjamas. 4.10 Pingu.
4.20 Mister Maker Comes To
Town. 4.40 The Furchester Hotel.
5.00 Sarah And Duck. 5.10 The
Hive. 5.25 Peppa Pig. 5.30 Olivia.
5.45 Ben And Holly. 6.00 Peter
Rabbit. 6.15 Tree Fu Tom. 6.40
Octonauts. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep.
7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30
Doctor Who. (PG) 8.15 That ’70s
Show. (PG) 8.35 Louis Theroux’s
Weird Weekends. (PG) 9.25 Hard
Time. (PG) 10.10 Gruen Planet:
Cutdowns. (PG) 10.25 Jimmy
Fallon. (PG) 11.05 Movie: The
Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn
– Part 2. (M) (2012) 12.50 Kids
Behind Bars. (M) 1.45 That ’70s
Show. (PG) 2.10 Jimmy Fallon.
(PG) 2.50 News Update. 2.55
Close. 5.00 This Is Scarlett And
Isaiah. 5.05 Tilly And Friends.
5.15 Waybuloo. 5.35 The Magic
Roundabout. 5.50 Children’s
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.40 Serbian
News. 10.20 Portuguese News.
11.05 Japanese News. 11.40 Hong
Kong News. 12.00 Hindi News.
12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian
News. 1.35 German News. 2.05
Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News.
4.00 Soccer. A-League. Second
elimination final. Replay. 6.00
Never Ever Do This At Home. (M)
Final. 6.35 If You Are The One.
7.30 The Feed. 8.00 30 Rock. (PG)
8.30 Movie: From Dusk Till Dawn.
(MA15+) (1996) 10.30 Movie: We
Are The Night. (MA15+) (2010)
12.15 @midnight. (M) 12.45 The
Feed. 1.15 Live At The Electric.
(MA15+) 1.50 Movie: Boudu. (M)
(2005) 3.40 RT News In English
From Moscow. 5.00 French News.
5.50 Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
8.30pm X-Men:
Days Of Future Past
(2014) Action. Hugh
Jackman, James
McAvoy. (M) Premiere
8.30pm Chinese
Puzzle (2014)
Drama. Romain Duris,
Audrey Tautou. (M)
8.30pm The
World’s End (2013)
Comedy. Simon
Pegg. A troubled
man reunites his old
friends to re-create
an epic pub crawl
they attempted as
teenagers. (MA15+)
6.00pm Scrubs. (PG)
Comedy Channel
7.55pm Would I Lie
To You? (PG) UKTV
6.30pm Cops Uncut.
(MA15+) Crime &
8.00pm Auction
Hunters. (PG)
8.30pm In The
Footsteps Of
Audrey Hepburn.
(PG) Biography
10.00am Baseball.
MLB. New York
Yankees v Boston Red
7.30pm Aston Villa
EPL Match of Week.
Motor Racing.
British Championship.
First race.
The Messenger 29
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 To Be Advised. 3.00 News
Now. 4.00 News. 5.30 Millionaire
Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 ACA.
7.30 To Be Advised. 8.30 The Big
Bang Theory. (PG) 9.00 The Big
Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 The Big
Bang Theory. (PG) 10.00 2 Broke
Girls. (M) 10.30 2 Broke Girls. (M)
11.00 Mike & Molly. (M) 11.30
20/20. 12.20 Nine Presents. (PG)
12.30 Anger Management. (PG)
1.00 Extra. 1.30 Danoz. 2.30
Global Shop. 3.00 Skippy. 3.30
GMA. 5.00 News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00
Movie: My Family’s Secret. (M)
(2010) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00
The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 Deal
Or No Deal. 5.30 Million Dollar
Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00 Home
And Away. (PG) 7.30 House Rules.
(PG) Return. Team Victoria hand
over the keys to their homes. 9.00
Ramsay’s Costa Del Nightmares.
(M) In Gaucin, La Granada Divino
has only been open for eight
weeks, but is already heading for
disaster. 10.00 Grey’s Anatomy.
(M) 11.00 Grey’s Anatomy. (M)
12.00 Smash. (M) 1.00 Shopping.
3.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise
Extra. 5.30 News.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 GCBC.
7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00 Family
Feud. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 11.00
Gold Coast Cops. (PG) 11.30
Bondi Rescue. 12.00 Dr Phil. (M)
1.00 Everyday Gourmet. 1.30 Ent.
Tonight. 2.00 The Doctors. (PG)
3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s
Menu. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet.
4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family
Feud. Hosted by Grant Denyer.
6.30 The Project. Join the hosts
for a look at the day’s news,
events and hot topics. 7.30 To Be
Advised. 8.30 NCIS. (M) DiNozzo
is partnered with his girlfriend,
ATF Special Agent Zoé Keates,
after it’s discovered they share
a case. 9.30 NCIS: LA. (M) The
team investigates when a missile
test is hijacked and the missile
is sent off course. 10.30 NCIS:
LA. (M) Follows a team of special
agents. 11.30 The Project. A look
at the day’s news. 12.30 David
Letterman. (PG) 1.30 Shopping.
4.00 James Robison. (PG) 4.30
CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 Four Corners. 10.45 Media
Watch. (PG) 11.00 Boomtown.
11.30 Eggheads. 12.00 News.
1.00 Antiques. 2.00 Rake. (M)
2.55 Kitchen Cabinet. 3.30
Midsomer Murders. (PG) 5.00
News: Early Edition. 5.30 The
Drum. 6.00 Antiques. 7.00 News.
7.30 7.30. 8.00 Foreign Corre.
8.30 Slow Train Through Africa.
New. 9.20 Kevin McCloud’s Man
Made Home. (PG) 10.05 Family
Confidential. (PG) 10.35 Lateline.
11.05 The Business. 11.25
Wallander. (M) 12.55 Movie:
Imitation Of Life. (PG) (1959) 2.55
Movie: Beauty For The Asking. (G)
(1939) 4.00 Slow Train Through
Africa. 5.00 Collectors. 5.30
Australia’s Remote Islands.
6.00 WorldWatch. 8.10 Filipino
News. 8.40 French News. 9.30
Greek News. 10.30 German News.
11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic
News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00
Massive Moves. 1.25 Poh & Co.
Bitesize. 1.30 France 24. 1.45
Journal. 2.00 PBS News. 3.00 Al
Jazeera. 3.30 Crash Test Dummies.
(PG) 4.30 Owl’s Odyssey. 5.30
Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Food
Safari. 6.30 News. 7.30 Queen
Victoria’s Children. (PG) 8.30
Insight. 9.30 Dateline. 10.00
News. 10.30 Kurt Wallander. (M)
12.15 Movie: Caramel. (M) (2007)
1.55 Churchill’s Desert War. (M)
3.35 Free Kick. (M) 3.50 Along
The Road. (PG) 4.00 Pagans And
Pilgrims. (PG) 4.30 Soccer. UEFA
Champions League. Matchday 11.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 3.30
6.00 WorldWatch. 8.00 Ukrainian
6.00 Robocar Poli. 6.30 PAW
Patrol. 7.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 7.30
Kitchen Whiz. 8.00 Move It. 8.30
Rabbids. (PG) 9.00 Magical Tales.
9.30 SpongeBob SquarePants.
10.00 Green Lantern. (PG) 10.30
Teen Titans Go! (PG) 11.00 Power
Rangers. (PG) 11.30 Yu-Gi-Oh!
Classic. 12.00 Extra. 12.30 TMZ.
1.00 TMZ Live. 2.00 Top Gear:
Ambitious But Rubbish. 3.00
SpongeBob. 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG)
4.05 The Looney Tunes Show.
4.30 The Tom And Jerry Show.
5.00 Ben 10: Omniverse. (PG) 5.30
Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular
Show. (PG) 6.30 Adventure Time.
(PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory.
(PG) 8.00 Top Gear. (PG) 9.30
Movie: Gangster Squad. (AV15+)
(2013) Sean Penn, Ryan Gosling,
Emma Stone. 12.00 MAD. (M)
12.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 1.00
Regular Show. (PG) 1.30 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 2.00 TMZ Live. 3.00
TMZ. 3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal. (PG)
4.00 PAW Patrol. 4.30 Robocar
Poli. 4.50 Thunderbirds. 5.30
Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Flushed. 7.30
In Your Dreams. 8.00 Jay’s Jungle.
8.30 Man About The House.
(PG) 9.00 Home And Away. (PG)
9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00
Homes Under The Hammer. 11.00
Kingswood Country. (PG) 12.00
Taggart. (M) 2.30 Cities Of The
Underworld. (PG) 3.30 The Martha
Stewart Show. 4.30 60 Minute
Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under
The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt.
7.30 The Vicar Of Dibley. (PG)
8.00 Keeping Up Appearances.
(PG) Hyacinth takes Daddy out for
a picnic. 8.30 Endeavour. (M) After
a young secretarial student dies
at home, DC Morse senses there
is more to the case than “natural
causes”. 10.30 Waking The Dead.
(AV15+) 11.45 I Shouldn’t Be
Alive. (M) 12.45 Bargain Hunt.
1.45 Taggart. (M) 4.00 Kingswood
Country. (PG) 4.30 The Martha
Stewart Show. 5.30 Shortland
Street. (PG)
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 9.00 Monster Jam. 10.00
Pushing The Limits. 11.00 Sport
Science. (PG) 12.00 NYC 22. (M)
1.00 Common Law. (M) 2.00 The
Living Room. (PG) 3.00 Totally
Wild. 4.00 Reel Action. 4.30 Wild
Racers. (PG) 5.00 Fishing Edge.
5.30 iFish. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30
M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Hidden
Kingdoms With Stephen Fry. 9.30
Shark Tank. (PG) 10.30 Movie
Juice. 11.00 Aussie Millions Poker
Championship. 12.00 Super Rugby
Extra Time. (PG) 1.00 Shopping.
2.00 Tyrant. (AV15+) 3.00 Bellator
MMA. (M) 5.00 Sport Science.
Play School. 4.00 Bananas In
Pyjamas. 4.10 Pingu. 4.20 Mister
Maker Comes To Town. 4.40 The
Furchester Hotel. 5.00 Sarah And
Duck. 5.10 The Hive. 5.25 Peppa
Pig. 5.30 Olivia. 5.45 Ben And
Holly. 6.00 Peter Rabbit. 6.15 Tree
Fu Tom. 6.35 Octonauts. 6.50
Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks
And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Doctor
Who. (PG) 8.15 That ’70s Show.
(PG) 8.35 Good Game. 9.05 The
Checkout. (PG) 9.35 Unsafe Sex In
The City. (M) 10.35 Jimmy Fallon.
(PG) 11.15 Alan Carr: Chatty Man.
(M) 12.00 Build A New Life In The
Country. 12.45 That ’70s Show.
(PG) 1.10 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 1.50
News Update. 1.55 Close. 5.00
This Is Scarlett And Isaiah. 5.05
Tilly And Friends. 5.15 Waybuloo.
5.35 The Magic Roundabout. 5.50
Children’s Programs.
News. 8.30 Macedonian News.
9.05 Croatian News. 9.40 Serbian
News. 10.20 Portuguese News.
11.05 Japanese News. 11.40 Hong
Kong News. 12.00 Hindi News.
12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian
News. 1.35 German News. 2.05
Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News.
4.00 Iron Chef. 4.45 Vs Arashi.
5.40 American Ninja Warrior. 6.30
If You Are The One. 7.30 The
Feed. 8.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
(PG) 8.30 Unplanned America.
(M) 9.00 Unplanned America.
(MA15+) 9.30 Orphan Black.
(MA15+) 10.20 Graffiti Wars. (M)
11.20 South Park. (M) 11.50 @
midnight. (M) 12.20 The Feed.
12.50 Live At The Electric. (M)
1.25 Movie: The Cost Of Living.
(M) (2003) 3.20 France 24 News
In English From Paris. 5.00 French
News. 5.50 Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.35pm Grudge
Match (2013)
Comedy. Sylvester
Stallone, Robert De
Niro. Two old boxing
rivals are coaxed out
of retirement. (M)
8.30pm Chef (2014)
Comedy. Sofía
Vergara, Robert
Downey Jr. (M)
10.30pm The
Wolverine (2013)
Action. Hugh
Jackman, Will Yun
Lee, Brian Tee. (M)
6.30pm NCIS. (M)
7.30pm Wheel Of
Fortune. (G) Arena
8.00pm The Big
Bang Theory. (M)
Comedy Channel
Tutankhamun: The
Truth Uncovered.
8.30pm Boy
George: Behind The
Music. (M) Biography
9.30pm Mark
Knopfler: An
Evening With. (PG)
7.00pm Soccer. AFC
Champions League.
Fox Sports 4
7.30pm Cricket.
Third Test. England v
West Indies. Day 4.
Fox Sports 3
10.00pm AFL 360.
Fox Footy
The Messenger 30
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 To Be Advised. 3.00 News
Now. 4.00 News. 5.30 Millionaire
Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 A
Current Affair. 7.30 To Be Advised.
8.30 The Amazing ’90s. (M) 9.30
Forever. (M) 10.30 The Mentalist.
(M) 11.30 Believe. (M) 12.20
Ground Floor. (M) 12.50 Nine
Presents. 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Danoz
Direct. 2.30 Skippy The Bush
Kangaroo. 3.00 Global Shop. 3.30
GMA. 5.00 News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00 To
Be Advised. 1.30 The Daily Edition.
3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00
Deal Or No Deal. 5.30 Million
Dollar Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00
Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 House
Rules. (PG) 8.45 Criminal Minds.
(M) The team investigates the
murders of several young men.
9.45 Criminal Minds. (M) 10.40
Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
(M) Skye meets an enigmatic
Inhuman. 11.35 Men At Work.
(PG) Return. 12.00 Vicious.
(PG) 12.30 Vicious. (PG) 1.00
Shopping. 3.00 Sons And
Daughters. (PG) 3.30 Harry’s
Practice. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00
Sunrise Extra. 5.30 News.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 GCBC.
7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00 Family
Feud. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 11.00
Bondi Vet. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil.
1.00 Everyday Gourmet. 1.30 Ent.
Tonight. 2.00 Wonderland. (M)
3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s
Menu. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet.
4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family
Feud. Hosted by Grant Denyer.
6.30 The Project. A look at the
day’s news. 7.30 To Be Advised.
8.30 Wonderland. (M) Miranda
discovers a secret that could
destroy any chance of a reunion
between Sasha and Tom. 9.30
The Good Wife. Following her
husband’s corruption scandal and
incarceration, a woman returns to
work as a lawyer. 10.30 Hawaii
Five-0. (M) A neurosurgeon is
assassinated. 11.30 The Project.
12.30 Movie Juice. 1.00 David
Letterman. (PG) 2.00 Shopping.
4.00 James Robison. (PG) 4.30
CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 Q&A. 11.10 Kevin
McCloud’s Man Made Home. (PG)
12.00 News. 12.30 Press Club.
1.30 The Book Club. (PG) 2.00
Rake. (M) 2.55 Kitchen Cabinet.
3.30 Midsomer Murders. (PG)
5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30 The
Drum. 6.00 Antiques. 7.00 News.
7.30 7.30. 8.00 QI. (PG) 8.30
The Weekly. (M) 9.00 The Agony
Of… (M) 9.30 8MMM. (M) 10.00
Comedy Up Late. (MA15+) 10.30
Lateline. 11.00 The Business.
11.20 Trigger Point. (MA15+)
12.20 Four Corners. 1.05
Media Watch. (PG) 1.20 Movie:
Playmates. (G) (1941) 2.55 Movie:
The Four Feathers. (PG) (1939)
5.00 Collectors. 5.30 Eggheads.
6.00 Soccer. UEFA Champions
League. Matchday 11. Continued.
7.00 WorldWatch. 8.10 Filipino
News. 8.40 French News. 9.30
Greek News. 10.30 German News.
11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic
News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00
Dateline. 1.30 France 24. 1.45
Journal. 2.00 PBS News. 3.00
Al Jazeera. 3.30 Insight. 4.30
Survivors: Nature’s Indestructible
Creatures. (PG) 5.30 Letters And
Numbers. 6.00 Food Safari. 6.30
News. 7.30 Sacred Wonders Of
Britain. 8.30 Struggle Street.
(MA15+) 9.30 The Legacy. (M)
10.35 News. 11.05 Adam Looking
For Eve. (MA15+) 11.55 Movie:
The Girl By The Lake. (M) (2007)
1.40 Movie: Burn. (M) (2009) 3.30
Food Lovers’ Guide. 4.00 Pagans
And Pilgrims. 4.30 Soccer. UEFA
Champions League. Matchday 11.
6.00 Robocar Poli. 6.30 PAW
Patrol. 7.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal. (PG)
7.30 Kitchen Whiz. 8.00 Move It.
8.30 Rabbids Invasion. (PG) 9.00
Magical Tales. 9.30 SpongeBob
SquarePants. 10.00 Green Lantern:
The Animated Series. (PG) 10.30
Teen Titans Go! (PG) 11.00 Power
Rangers Megaforce. (PG) 11.30
Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic. 12.00 Extra.
12.30 TMZ Live. 1.30 Top Gear.
(PG) 3.00 SpongeBob SquarePants.
3.30 Rabbids Invasion. (PG) 4.00
Kids’ WB Weekdays. (PG) 4.05
The Looney Tunes Show. 4.30
The Tom And Jerry Show. 5.00
Ben 10: Omniverse. (PG) 5.30
Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular
Show. (PG) 6.30 Adventure Time.
(PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory.
(PG) 8.30 The Last Ship. 9.30
Movie: Blood Diamond. (AV15+)
(2006) Leonardo DiCaprio, Djimon
Hounsou, Jennifer Connelly. 12.30
Adventure Time. (PG) 1.00 Regular
Show. (PG) 1.30 Rabbids Invasion.
(PG) 2.00 TMZ Live. 3.00 TMZ.
3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal. (PG) 4.00
PAW Patrol. 4.30 Robocar Poli.
4.50 Thunderbirds. 5.30 Yu-GiOh! Classic.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Flushed.
7.30 In Your Dreams. 8.00 Jay’s
Jungle. 8.30 Man About The
House. (PG) 9.00 Home And
Away. (PG) 9.30 Shortland Street.
(PG) 10.00 Homes Under The
Hammer. 11.00 Kingswood
Country. (PG) 12.00 Taggart. (M)
2.15 I Shouldn’t Be Alive. (PG)
3.30 The Martha Stewart Show.
4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG)
5.30 Homes Under The Hammer.
6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Pie In The
Sky. (PG) 8.30 Inspector Morse.
(M) After his friend is murdered,
Inspector Morse is on top of the
list of suspects. 10.45 Suspects.
(MA15+) 11.45 Bargain Hunt.
1.00 Kingswood Country. (PG)
1.30 Love Thy Neighbour. (PG)
2.00 Shopping. 3.00 Sons And
Daughters. (PG) 3.30 Harry’s
Practice. 4.00 Kingswood Country.
(PG) 4.30 The Martha Stewart
Show. 5.30 Shortland Street. (PG)
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 9.00 4WD Touring Australia.
10.00 The Longest Day. (PG) 11.00
Movie Juice. 11.30 Garage Gold.
(PG) 12.00 NYC 22. (M) 1.00
Common Law. (M) 2.00 The Living
Room. (PG) 3.00 Totally Wild.
4.00 Super Rugby Extra Time.
(PG) 5.00 Fishing Edge. 5.30 iFish.
6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 7.30 Cops. (PG) 8.30 Hawaii
Five-0. (M) 9.30 Sons Of Anarchy.
(AV15+) 11.00 Aussie Millions
Poker Championship. 12.00 The
Glades. (M) 1.00 Shopping. 2.00
Common Law. (M) 3.00 Maxim
TV. (M) 3.30 Cops. (PG) 4.30
Football’s Greatest Teams. (PG)
5.00 Sport Science. (PG)
6.00 Children’s Programs. 3.20
Bert And Ernie. 3.30 Play School.
4.00 Bananas In Pyjamas. 4.10
Pingu. 4.20 Mister Maker Comes
To Town. 4.40 The Furchester
Hotel. 5.00 Sarah And Duck. 5.10
The Hive. 5.25 Peppa Pig. 5.30
Olivia. 5.45 Ben And Holly. 6.00
Peter Rabbit. 6.15 Tree Fu Tom.
6.35 Octonauts. 6.50 Shaun The
Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks.
(PG) 7.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.30
World’s Toughest Jobs. (M) Final.
9.30 Tattoo Tales. (M) 10.00
Buzzcocks. (PG) 10.30 Jimmy
Fallon. (PG) 11.15 The Real Hustle:
New Recruits. (PG) 11.45 Seconds
From Disaster. (PG) Final. 12.30
Metal Evolution. (M) 1.15 Jimmy
Fallon. (PG) 1.55 News Update.
2.00 Close. 5.00 This Is Scarlett
And Isaiah. 5.05 Tilly And Friends.
5.15 Waybuloo. 5.35 The Magic
Roundabout. 5.50 Children’s
6.00 WorldWatch. 8.00 Ukrainian
News. 8.30 Macedonian News.
9.05 Croatian News. 9.40 Serbian
News. 10.20 Portuguese News.
11.05 Japanese News. 11.40
Hong Kong News. 12.00 Hindi
News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00
Italian News. 1.35 German
News. 2.05 Spanish News. 3.05
Greek News. 4.00 Iron Chef.
4.45 Vs Arashi. 5.40 American
Ninja Warrior. 6.35 If You Are
The One. 7.30 The Feed. 8.00
Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (PG) 8.30
Movie: Re-Animator. (1985) 10.30
Soccer. UEFA Champions League.
Matchday 11. 12.00 @midnight.
(M) 12.30 The Feed. 1.00 Movie:
Jacquou Le Croquant. (M) (2007)
3.35 DW News In English From
Berlin. 5.00 French News. 5.50
Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.55pm Very Good
Girls (2014) Drama.
Dakota Fanning,
Elizabeth Olsen.
(M) Premiere
8.30pm The Fault
In Our Stars (2014)
Romance. Shailene
Woodley, Ansel
Elgort. Two teenagers
fall in love at a
cancer support
group. (M) Premiere
8.30pm Cold
Mountain (2003)
Drama. Jude Law,
Nicole Kidman.
A deserter tries
to return home.
(MA15+) Romance
6.00pm Family Guy.
(MA15+) FOX8
7.30pm Bones. (M)
10.30pm Escape To
The Country. (G)
7.00pm Science
Of Stupid. National
7.30pm The Fashion
Fund. (PG) Biography
9.30pm Man-Eating
Super Snake. (M)
Animal Planet
6.00pm Soccer.
UEFA Champions
League. ESPN
7.30pm Golf
Special. Fox
Sports 2
10.00pm Cycling.
UCI European
Tour. Four Days of
Dunkirk. Stage 1.
Redcliffe Tri Club
The Messenger 31
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 To Be Advised. 3.00 News.
4.00 News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot
Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 ACA. 7.30
To Be Advised. 8.30 The NRL
Footy Show. (M) 10.30 Anger
Management. (M) 11.00 Anger
Management. (M) 11.30 The AFL
Footy Show. (M) 1.30 Extra. 2.00
Danoz. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00
Skippy. 3.30 GMA. 5.00 News.
5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00
Movie: Talk To Me. (M) (1996)
2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The
Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 Deal
Or No Deal. 5.30 Million Dollar
Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00 Home
And Away. (PG) 8.00 House Rules.
(PG) Hosted by Johanna Griggs.
9.15 Downton Abbey. (PG) The
Crawleys head to a shooting party
at Brancaster Castle, where a
scandalous secret threatens the
holiday. 10.15 Mr Selfridge. (PG)
Return. Harry looks forward to
his daughter’s wedding. 11.15 Air
Crash Investigations. (PG) Return.
12.00 Desperate Housewives. (M)
1.00 Shopping. 3.30 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise Extra. 5.30 News.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 GCBC.
7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00 Family
Feud. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 11.00
Reef Doctors. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil.
1.00 Everyday Gourmet. 1.30 Ent.
Tonight. 2.00 The Doctors. (PG)
3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s
Menu. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet.
4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00
Family Feud. 6.30 The Project.
A look at the day’s news. 7.30 To
Be Advised. 8.30 Law & Order:
SVU. (M) Follows the Special
Victims Unit, an elite squad of
NYPD detectives who investigate
sex-related crimes. 9.30 Law &
Order: SVU. (M) Detectives Benson
and Fin investigate after the
crusading host of the TV show
Neighbourhood Predator receives
death threats from a stalker.
10.30 Blue Bloods. (M) 11.30 The
Project. 12.30 David Letterman.
(PG) 1.30 Shopping. 4.00 James
Robison. (PG) 4.30 CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 Aust Story. 10.30 Foreign
Corre. 11.00 QI. (PG) 11.30
Eggheads. 12.00 News. 1.00
Antiques. 2.00 Rake. (M) 2.55
Kitchen Cabinet. 3.30 Midsomer
Murders. (PG) Final. 5.00 News:
Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum.
6.00 Antiques. 6.55 Clarke And
Dawe. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30.
8.00 The Checkout. (PG) 8.30
Our Girl. (M) 9.30 The Super-Rich
And Us. 10.25 Lateline. 10.55
The Business. 11.10 Miniseries:
Kidnap And Ransom. (M) 12.00
Lowdown. (M) 12.30 The
Librarians. (M) 12.55 Comic Book
Heroes. (MA15+) 1.25 Jonathan
Ross. (PG) 2.10 Our Girl. (M) 3.15
Miniseries: Kidnap And Ransom.
(M) 4.00 The Super-Rich And Us.
5.00 Collectors. 5.30 Eggheads.
6.00 Soccer. UEFA Champions
League. Matchday 11. Continued.
7.00 WorldWatch. 10.30 German
News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00
Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News.
1.00 Living Black. 1.30 France 24.
1.45 Journal. 2.00 PBS News. 3.00
Al Jazeera. 3.30 Fit To Rule: How
Royal Illness Changed History.
(PG) 4.30 Murdoch. (PG) 5.30
Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Food
Safari. 6.30 News. 7.30 Rachel
Khoo’s Cosmopolitan Cook. 8.00
Poh & Co. 8.30 Heston’s Feasts.
(M) 9.30 Vikings. 10.25 News.
11.00 UEFA Champions League
Highlights. 12.00 Movie: Lula,
The Son Of Brazil. (M) (2009)
2.25 The Hunger. (MA15+) 2.45
Movie: The Strength Of Water. (M)
(2009) 4.15 Food Lovers’ Guide.
4.45 Soccer. UEFA Europa League.
Semi-final. First Leg.
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 M*A*S*H.
Mister Maker Comes To Town.
4.40 The Furchester Hotel. 5.00
Sarah And Duck. 5.10 The Hive.
5.25 Peppa Pig. 5.30 Olivia. 5.45
Ben And Holly. 6.00 Peter Rabbit.
6.15 Tree Fu Tom. 6.35 Octonauts.
6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00
Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30
Doctor Who. (PG) 8.15 That ’70s
Show. (PG) 8.35 The Weekly. (M)
9.05 The Inbetweeners. (M) Final.
9.30 Comedy Up Late. (MA15+)
10.00 Portlandia. (M) 10.25 Jimmy
Fallon. (PG) 11.05 Good Game.
11.35 Total Wipeout. 12.30 That
’70s Show. (PG) 12.55 Jimmy
Fallon. (PG) 1.35 News Update.
1.40 Close. 5.00 This Is Scarlett
And Isaiah. 5.05 Tilly And Friends.
5.15 Waybuloo. 5.35 The Magic
Roundabout. 5.50 Children’s
6.00 Robocar Poli. 6.30 PAW
Patrol. 7.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 7.30
Kitchen Whiz. 8.00 Move It. 8.30
Rabbids. (PG) 9.00 Magical Tales.
9.30 SpongeBob. 10.00 Green
Lantern. (PG) 10.30 Teen Titans
Go! (PG) 11.00 Power Rangers.
(PG) 11.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic.
12.00 Extra. 12.30 TMZ. 1.00
TMZ Live. 2.00 Community. (M)
3.00 SpongeBob. 3.30 Rabbids.
(PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB Weekdays.
(PG) 4.05 The Looney Tunes
Show. 4.30 The Tom And Jerry
Show. 5.00 Ben 10: Omniverse.
(PG) 5.30 Teen Titans Go! (PG)
6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30
Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00 The Big
Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30 Auction
Hunters. (PG) 8.30 The Big Bang
Theory. (PG) 9.30 Survivor: Worlds
Apart. (PG) 10.30 2 Broke Girls.
(M) 11.30 Two And A Half Men.
(M) 12.00 Supernatural: The
Animated Series. (AV15+) 12.30
Adventure Time. (PG) 1.00 Regular
Show. (PG) 1.30 Rabbids Invasion.
(PG) 2.00 TMZ Live. 3.00 TMZ.
3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal. (PG) 4.00
PAW Patrol. 4.30 Robocar Poli.
4.50 Thunderbirds. 5.30 Yu-GiOh! Classic.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Flushed. 7.30
In Your Dreams. 8.00 Jay’s Jungle.
8.30 Man About The House.
(PG) 9.00 Home And Away. (PG)
9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00
Homes Under The Hammer. 11.00
Kingswood Country. (PG) 12.00
Taggart. (M) 2.15 Pie In The Sky.
(PG) 3.30 The Martha Stewart
Show. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover.
(PG) 5.30 Homes Under The
Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30
Pie In The Sky. (PG) Fisher assigns
Henry to guard a woman. 8.30
Lewis. (M) It’s Halloween, and
Lewis and Hathaway investigate
the murder of a stem-cell
research scientist who was also
an old friend of Laura’s. 10.30
Blue Murder. (M) 11.45 Bargain
Hunt. 12.45 Taggart. (M) 3.00
Kingswood Country. (PG) 4.00
The Martha Stewart Show. 5.00
Shortland Street. (PG) 5.30
(PG) 9.00 Sport Science. (PG)
10.00 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP.
Spanish Grand Prix. Race 4. Replay.
11.30 Car Torque. (PG) 12.00 NYC
22. (M) 1.00 Common Law. (M)
2.00 The Living Room. (PG) 3.00
Totally Wild. 4.00 Wild Racers.
(PG) 5.00 Fishing Edge. 5.30 iFish.
6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 7.30 Last Man Standing. (PG)
8.30 Dads. (PG) 9.00 Movie: Two
Little Boys. (2012) Bret McKenzie.
11.00 Blokesworld. (MA15+)
11.30 The League. (MA15+) 12.00
Shopping. 2.00 Common Law.
(M) 3.00 RPM. 4.00 Motorcycle
Racing. MotoGP. Spanish Grand
Prix. Race 4. Replay. 5.30 Wild
Racers. (PG)
6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.20
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.40 Serbian
News. 10.20 Portuguese News.
11.05 Japanese News. 11.40 Hong
Kong News. 12.00 Hindi News.
12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian
News. 1.35 German News. 2.05
Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News.
4.00 Iron Chef. 4.45 Vs Arashi.
5.40 American Ninja Warrior. 6.35
If You Are The One. 7.30 The
Feed. 8.00 Parks And Recreation.
(PG) 8.30 South Park. (M) 9.00
Town Of The Living Dead. (M)
9.30 On The Piste. (M) New. 10.25
Orphan Black. (MA15+) 11.15
South Park. (M) 11.45 @midnight.
(M) 12.15 The Feed. 12.45 Live
At The Electric. (M) 1.20 Movie:
The Colonel. (M) (2006) 3.20
NHK World News In English From
Tokyo. 5.00 French News. 5.50
Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.40pm Non-Stop
(2014) Thriller. Liam
Neeson, Julianne
Moore. (M) Premiere
8.30pm Sex Tape
(2014) Comedy.
Jason Segel,
Cameron Diaz.
(MA15+) Premiere
Anchorman 2: The
Legend Continues
(2013) Comedy. Will
Ferrell, Paul Rudd.
(M) Premiere
6.30pm Bargain
Hunt. (G) LifeStyle
7.30pm Keeping
Up With The
Kardashians. (M)
8.30pm Scandal.
(AV15+) SoHo
7.30pm My Wild
Affair. (PG) Animal
Final 24. (MA15+)
9.30pm Inside
Cocaine Wars.
National Geographic
7.00pm Rugby
Union. Super Rugby.
Round 12. Brumbies
v Waratahs. Fox
Sports 2
8.30pm Golf.
Asian PGA Tour.
Mauritius Open.
Round 1. Fox
11.00pm Cycling.
UCI European
Tour. Four Days of
Dunkirk. Stage 2.
The Messenger 32
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 The Brokenwood Mysteries.
(M) 3.00 News. 4.00 News. 5.30
Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 News.
7.00 ACA. 7.30 Rugby League.
NRL. Round 9. Brisbane Broncos
v Penrith Panthers. From Suncorp
Stadium, Brisbane. 9.30 Rugby
League. NRL. Round 9. Sydney
Roosters v Wests Tigers. From
Allianz Stadium, Sydney. 11.30
Movie: Rush Hour. (M) (1998)
Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker. 1.30
Movie: Detroit Rock City. (MA15+)
(1999) Edward Furlong. 3.30
Anger Management. (M) 4.00
Global Shop. 4.30 GMA.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00
Movie: Reaper. (M) (2000) 2.00
The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase.
4.00 News. 5.00 Deal Or No Deal.
5.30 Million Dollar Minute. 6.00
News. 7.00 Better Homes. Hosted
by Johanna Griggs. 8.30 To Be
Advised. 12.00 Movie: Mexico
City. (M) (2000) 1.50 Harry’s
Practice. 2.20 Harry’s Practice.
3.00 Shopping. 4.00 NBC Today.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 GCBC.
7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00 Family
Feud. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 11.00
The Living Room. (PG) 12.00 Dr
Phil. 1.00 Everyday Gourmet. 1.30
Ent. Tonight. 2.00 The Doctors.
(PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30
Ben’s Menu. 4.00 Everyday
Gourmet. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News.
6.00 Family Feud. Two families
try to win big prizes by guessing
the most popular responses to
a survey of the public. 6.30 The
Project. Join the hosts for a look
at the day’s news, events and
hot topics. 7.30 To Be Advised.
8.30 To Be Advised. 9.30 Graham
Norton. Irish comedian Graham
Norton chats with Sean Penn,
Celia Imrie, Ross Noble and Kelly
Clarkson. 10.30 Shark Tank. (PG)
Hosted by Sarah Harris. 11.30 The
Project. A look at the day’s news.
12.30 David Letterman. (PG) 1.30
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 One Plus One. 10.30 Life
At 9. (PG) 11.30 Eggheads. 12.00
News. 1.00 Antiques. 2.00 Rake.
(M) 2.55 Kitchen Cabinet. 3.25
Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple.
(PG) 5.00 News: Early Edition.
5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques.
7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 QI.
(PG) Final. 8.30 Miss Fisher’s
Murder Mysteries. (M) Return.
9.30 Silent Witness. (M) 10.30
Lateline. 11.00 The Business.
11.15 Rage. (MA15+) 5.00
Rage. (PG)
6.00 Soccer. UEFA Europa League.
Semi-final. First Leg. Continued.
7.15 WorldWatch. 8.40 French
News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30
German News. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30
Turkish News. 1.00 NITV News
Week In Review. 1.30 France 24.
1.45 Journal. 2.00 PBS News.
3.00 Al Jazeera. 3.30 Inspector
Rex. (PG) 4.25 Coast. 5.30 Letters
And Numbers. 6.00 Heston’s In
Search Of Perfection. 6.30 News.
7.30 Twilight Of Civilisations. 8.30
Easter Island: Mysteries Of A Lost
World. (PG) 10.10 Grand Tours.
10.45 News. 11.10 Brooklyn
Nine-Nine. (PG) 11.35 Brooklyn
Nine-Nine. (PG) 12.05 Movie:
Casanegra. (M) (2008) 2.25
Movie: Lemon Tree. (PG) (2008)
4.20 Countdown. 5.00 Korean
News. 5.35 Japanese News.
6.00 Robocar Poli. 6.30 PAW
Patrol. 7.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 7.30
Kitchen Whiz. 8.00 Move It. 8.30
Rabbids. (PG) 9.00 Magical Tales.
9.30 SpongeBob. 10.00 Green
Lantern. (PG) 10.30 Teen Titans
Go! (PG) 11.00 Power Rangers.
(PG) 11.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic.
12.00 Extra. 12.30 TMZ. 1.00 TMZ
Live. 2.00 Auction Hunters. (PG)
3.00 SpongeBob. 3.30 Rabbids.
(PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB Weekdays.
(PG) 4.05 The Looney Tunes Show.
4.30 The Tom And Jerry Show.
5.00 Ben 10: Omniverse. (PG) 5.30
Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular
Show. (PG) 6.30 Movie: ScoobyDoo 2: Monsters Unleashed. (PG)
(2004) 8.30 Movie: The Dark
Knight. (M) (2008) Christian Bale,
Heath Ledger, Maggie Gyllenhaal.
11.30 Gotham. (M) 1.30 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 2.00 TMZ Live. 3.00
TMZ. 3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal. (PG)
4.00 PAW Patrol. 4.30 Robocar
Poli. 4.50 Thunderbirds. 5.30
Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Flushed. 7.30
DaVincibles. 8.00 Jay’s Jungle.
8.30 Man About The House.
(PG) 9.00 Home And Away. (PG)
9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00
Homes Under The Hammer.
11.00 Kingswood Country. (PG)
12.00 Taggart. (M) 2.15 Pie In
The Sky. (PG) 3.30 The Martha
Stewart Show. 4.30 60 Minute
Makeover. (PG) 5.30 Homes Under
The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt.
7.30 The Indian Doctor. (PG) Prem
and Emlyn begin to suspect foul
play behind the collapse at the
mine, and Aled and Daf are the
prime suspects. 8.30 Escape To
The Country. Jonnie Irwin joins
the house hunt in East Anglia
to help a young family in need
of a country residence. 9.30
House Wreck Rescue. (PG) After
falling in love on a previous build,
property developer Jo and builder
Mike buy Lanwarnick farm in
Cornwall. 10.30 Make My Home
Bigger. (PG) 11.00 Best Houses
Australia. 11.30 Homes Under
The Hammer. 12.30 Taggart. (M)
3.00 Kingswood Country. (PG)
4.00 The Martha Stewart Show.
5.00 Shortland Street. (PG) 5.30
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 9.00 RPM. 10.00 Working
With Dangerous Animals. 11.00
Undercover Boss. (PG) 12.00 NYC
22. (M) 1.00 Common Law. (M)
2.00 The Living Room. (PG) 3.00
Totally Wild. 4.00 Fishing. 4.30
The Home Team. 5.00 Fishing
Edge. 5.30 iFish. 6.00 Family Feud.
6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 World’s
Toughest Trucker. (PG) 8.30 Cops:
Adults Only. (M) 9.30 Movie:
Enemies Closer. (AV15+) (2013)
Tom Everett Scott, Jean-Claude
Van Damme. 11.20 Bellator
MMA. (M) 1.20 Shopping. 2.20
Cops: Adults Only. (M) 3.30 Ross
Kemp: In Search Of Pirates. (M)
4.30 Wild Racers. (PG) 5.00 Sport
Science. (PG)
6.00 Children’s Programs. 1.15
The WotWots. 1.30 LazyTown.
1.50 The Numtums. Final. 2.00
Little Princess. Final. 2.10 Gaspard
And Lisa. Final. 2.25 Q Pootle 5.
2.40 Fireman Sam. 2.50 Yo Gabba
Gabba! 3.20 Bert And Ernie.
3.30 Play School. 4.00 Bananas In
Pyjamas. 4.10 Pingu. 4.20 Mister
Maker Comes To Town. 4.40 The
Furchester Hotel. 5.00 Sarah And
Duck. 5.10 The Hive. 5.25 Peppa
Pig. 5.30 Olivia. 5.45 Ben And
Holly. 6.00 Peter Rabbit. 6.15 Tree
Fu Tom. 6.35 Octonauts. 6.50
Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks
And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Doctor
Who. (PG) 8.15 That ’70s Show.
(PG) 8.35 The Midwives. (M) 9.35
I Am An Adult Baby. (MA15+)
10.25 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.05
World’s Toughest Jobs. (M) 12.05
The Undateables. 12.50 That ’70s
Show. (PG) 1.15 Jimmy Fallon.
(PG) 1.55 News Update. 2.00
Close. 5.00 This Is Scarlett And
Isaiah. 5.05 Tilly And Friends.
5.15 Waybuloo. 5.35 The Magic
Roundabout. 5.50 Children’s
6.00 WorldWatch. 8.00 DW
Global 3000. 8.30 Macedonian
News. 9.05 Croatian News. 9.40
Serbian News. 10.20 Portuguese
News. 11.05 Japanese News.
11.40 Hong Kong News. 12.00
Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News.
1.00 Italian News. 1.35 German
News. 2.05 Spanish News. 3.05
Greek News. 4.00 Iron Chef. 4.45
Vs Arashi. 5.40 American Ninja
Warrior. 6.30 UEFA Europa League
Highlights. 7.30 Friday Feed. 8.00
Parks And Recreation. (PG) 8.30
Geeks. New. 9.30 How To Lose
Your Virginity. 10.45 American
Swing. (MA15+) 12.15 Friday
Feed. 12.45 Live At The Electric.
(M) 1.20 PopAsia. (PG) 3.20 NHK
World News In English From
Tokyo. 5.00 French News. 5.50
Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
8.30pm Forgetting
Sarah Marshall
(2008) Comedy.
Jason Segel, Kristen
Bell. (MA15+)
8.35pm Valkyrie
(2008) War. Tom
Cruise, Bill Nighy. (M)
10.40pm Locke
(2014) Drama.
Tom Hardy, Olivia
Colman. (MA15+)
7.30pm Andre
Rieu: Magic Of The
Violin. Arts
8.30pm Silent
Witness. (MA15+)
9.30pm Everybody
Loves Raymond.
(PG) TV1
8.30pm Deadline
Gallipoli: The Full
Story. (M) History
8.30pm Rock
Legends. (PG)
9.30pm Tony
Tour Of Duty.
(PG) History
7.30pm Rugby
Union. Super Rugby.
Round 13. Rebels v
Blues. Fox Sports 2
7.30pm Soccer.
First Semi-final.
Fox Sports 4
8.30pm Golf. Asian
PGA Tour. Mauritius
Open. Round 2. Fox
Sports 3
The Messenger 33
Real Estate
Housing Construction Leads Recovery
ueensland’s strengths in
construction and housing are
highlighted in two economic reports
released recently, Treasurer Curtis Pitt
Mr Pitt said Queensland continues to
rank 5th in the CommSec State of the
States report, unchanged from January.
“Queensland ranks 3rd in construction
work and 3rd in population growth,” he
“There were encouraging signs in
Queensland’s construction industry
in particular, which is up 10.7 per cent
on our decade average, according to
“Meanwhile, the Deloitte Access
Economics Business Outlook report
for the March quarter 2015 found
Queensland has a growth portfolio with
housing construction, tourism, foreign
education moving up a gear.
“According to the Deloitte report,
housing construction in Queensland
is rising strongly, and a strong lift in
approvals suggests there’s more to
This has led Deloitte Access Economics
to up its growth forecast for Queensland
from 3.6 per cent to 4.3 per cent in 201516.
“I am confident Queensland’s Gross
State Product will accelerate in 2015-16
and it’s good to see respected analysts
like Deloitte Access Economics boosting
their forecasts for Queensland’s
economic growth,” Mr Pitt said.
“The Palaszczuk Government has
inherited weaker economic conditions
than the former Newman LNP
Government, with economic growth
ranking at 4th in April 2015, down from
2nd in April 2012 when the LNP came to
“The LNP slowed the Queensland
economy, which makes our task much
Mr Pitt said unemployment remained
the big challenge left by the former LNP
Government - a point not lost on Deloitte
Access Economics, who referenced the
LNP’s handling of public sector issues as
a constraint on growth.
“Today’s reports again underscore
the importance of the Palaszczuk
Government’s Working Queensland
plan,” he said.
“Last week’s ABS labour force data
was welcome news, with full-time
employment growing in Queensland.
“The latest labour force data revealed
steady trend unemployment in
Queensland, with 4,800 extra full-time
jobs created in March.
“Recent ABS data also shows a high
level of investor commitments for the
construction of new dwellings.”
“We expect to see continued growth in
exports of LNG as production rampsup over the next year and a half and
all three projects head towards full
Mr Pitt said the CommSec report ranked
Queensland in the top four states
for economic growth, while Deloitte
predicts that Queensland will carve out
a larger share of the Australian economy
over time.
“There are no surprises in the reports
released today,” he said. “We’re seeing
some encouraging signs for Queensland
amid challenging economic conditions.
“We have a pro-growth, pro-jobs agenda
to get more Queenslanders back to work
through initiatives such as the Skilling
Queenslanders for Work program.
“We’re also supporting jobs-generating
projects such as the proposed
Carmichael mine. The Abbot Point
dredge disposal component of the
Adani project is now with the Federal
Government for environmental
The Deloitte report predicts LNG
projects will produce a huge export
dividend that will drive Queensland’s
output growth.
“We’ll continue to work with business
and industry to create more jobs,
grow the economy and provide
more employment opportunities for
“Labor’s investment in the LNG
industry earlier this decade is now
paying dividends,” he said. “Increasing
shipments of liquefied natural gas
from Gladstone will contribute to this
projected export growth.
“Deloitte Access Economics has
recognised our intention to cut through
red tape and get major projects moving
in Queensland again, using the example
of the multi-billion dollar Aquis resort
proposed in Cairns.
“The production phase of Queensland’s
LNG industry commenced in early
January and already we’ve seen $256
million worth of LNG exports in the two
months to February.
“It’s an exciting time to invest in
Queensland. We have established
Building Queensland for major project
assessment and will release our
Queensland Infrastructure Plan within
the first 12 months of Government.”
The Messenger 34
The Messenger 36
The Messenger 37
The Messenger 38
The Messenger 39
will be
warns REIQ
he Real Estate Institute of
Queensland (REIQ) has rejected
suggestions from Labor Shadow
Treasurer Chris Bowen that tinkering
with negative gearing would be a
fiscally responsible measure to help
minimise the budget deficit.
Negative gearing brings significant
benefits to the economy and social
benefits to the broader community and
the sudden removal of this would be
detrimental, the profession’s leading
organisation warned.
REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella said
the real estate peak body supported
negative gearing in its current form
because it encouraged investment in
property, contributed to growth and
kept rental affordability in check.
She dismissed as shortsighted, views
that removing negative gearing benefits
would benefit the economy.
“Investors help maintain supply to
the rental market and a strong supply
also ensures rental affordability is
maintained,” Ms Mercorella said.
reduced this would place enormous
strain on the limited resources in public
housing,” she said.
“It would also serve to drive up rents in
remaining limited stock.”
Ms Mercorella said a review of history
would confirm this, with the Hawke
government removing gearing benefits
in in 1985 only to reinstate them in 1987
when rents surged approximately 24 per
“We saw rental affordability plummet in
Sydney and Melbourne when negative
gearing benefits were quarantined.
“Sydney and Melbourne are our
bellwether states, and they lead the
property market trends, so we know
with absolute certainty what will
happen if we do this again – it will
destroy rental affordability and place
enormous strain on the public housing
system as investors desert property as
an asset class,” she said.
“In Queensland more than a third of our
population is in rental accommodation,
so it’s crucial that supply is maintained
for this large section of the community.
In its 2013 report Housing 2020, the
Queensland State Government outlined
its public housing strategy to limit
its public housing new builds and to
actively transition residents through its
public housing, moving them towards
private rentals or home ownership.
“If private rentals were drastically
The Government strategy focuses on
moving residents away from “a view
that social housing is a home for life”
and instead, place “greater emphasis on
social housing as a transitional period
on the path to private rental or home
Ms Mercorella said if supply was limited
to the private rental market and public
housing was being scaled back, the
social consequences would be significant
and extremely detrimental.
She also said encouraging individuals
to save and invest in property boosted
financial self-sufficiency for individuals
later in retirement, a key plank of
government policy.
Ms Mercorella said there was a common
misconception about investors who
access negative gearing benefits
and capital gains tax concessions, as
very wealthy with a vast portfolio of
Recent statistics from February 2015
revealed that about 70 per cent of
investors who benefit from negative
gearing earn about $80,000 and about
73 per cent own just one investment
In Queensland, owner occupiers account
for two-thirds of the residential dwelling
market, with investors making up about
a third (34 per cent).
The Messenger 40
The Messenger 41
New pricing
structure for
Moreton Bay
A long-term project to simplify
Unitywater’s fees and charges
is coming to an end, with most
customers now transferred to a
more consistent and fair pricing
hen Unitywater was formed in 2010,
it inherited hundreds of different
fees and charges from the six former
The new pricing structure standardises
fees and charges for water and sewerage
services and gives customers more control
over their bills, with an emphasis on user
Unitywater Executive Manager Retail
Services Judy Bailey said since July 2013,
residential customers, sporting and
community groups and retirement villages
had transferred to the new structure.
“Non-residential customers, including
schools, child care centres, nongovernment organisations and
commercial and industrial customers
have come across this month,” Ms Bailey
“This has been one of the most complex
and significant undertakings in the
history of Unitywater. But it has been
essential to ensure our business runs
more efficiently into the future.”
More than 4500 Moreton Bay businesses
have moved to the structure, with 66%
expected to pay less for water and
sewerage services at current water
consumption levels.
The changes for business customers
include fixed access charges based on
the number and size of water meters on
the property and a single tier for water
There will also be a sewerage usage
charge, calculated as being a percentage
of water usage determined by the
property’s land use code.
“The changes we’ve introduced for our
business customers reflect our ongoing
efforts to drive prices down and we will
continue to work hard to identify further
savings that can be passed on to our
customers,” Ms Bailey said.
She said Unitywater had written to all
affected customers to explain the new
structure and was working with those
most affected to make the transition as
smooth as possible.
“We contacted the most affected
customers earlier this year to explain
the changes and we have been working
through a process designed to assist
them,” she said.
More than 10,000 business customers
across the Moreton Bay, Sunshine
Coast and Noosa council areas have
transferred to the new structure.
Trade waste customers and customers
who have been put on hold due to
complexities with their accounts or
water meters will transfer to the new
structure later this year.
The transfer of customers to the new
pricing structure will cost Unitywater $4
million in reduced revenue annually.
The Messenger 42
A: Shop 5/ 9 Discovery Drive, North Lakes • E: • P: 3385 0180
The Messenger 43
North Lakes Community Kenton Ross Funerals
Women’s Group Inc. News
A Caring
Our Craft Sales & Trivia morning
was a great success. We started
with a short commerative service
in respect of the up and coming
ANZAC Day celebrations. Thank
you Colleen E for all the poppies
you made for everyone. There
were multiple crafts on display
for sale including food items,
costume jewellery, plants,
stuffed toys and much, much
more. There was nothing trivial
about the trivia that followed.
The rivalry between teams was
certainly robust with resounding
cheers for correct answers filling
the room, it was a tonne of fun
enjoyed by all. Thank you Sue B
and Colleen E for your efforts, you
did a great job.
Tuesday 12th May 09:45
NORTH INC., spokesperson,
Club President, Marney
Perna. Soroptimist SWP is a
worldwide organisation for
women in management and the
professions working through
service projects to advance
human rights and the status of
women. Visitors welcome.
Tuesday 19th May 09:45
FASHION PARADE presented by
truly popular event for everyone.
The selection for our group will
be both stylish and affordable
catering for a wide range of
personal styles and tastes, also
covering a broad age range and
Tuesday 5th May 09:45
the prices represent "value for
MONTHLY GENERAL MEETING, money." Visitors welcome.
a fun morning that involves
some general business and up Our meetings are open to all
and coming events. Following women in North Lakes/Mango
our meeting this month we Hill and surrounding districts.
have a Guest Speaker from Salt Please refer to our listing under
Halo - Salt Studio; “Salt therapy the Community Notice Board.
or (Halotherapy) is a pain-free, For more information contact
drug-free alternative therapy...” Julie, 3886 4552; Kay, 3385 6217;
Visitors welcome.
Carmen, 0417 451 273. All are
Funeral Service
Call Anytime 24hrs
• Kallangur - 3285 5155
• Southside - 3848 8666
Agents for: My Funeral Plan
“A simple payment towards
future funeral expenses”
Family owned and operated
100% Australian, Servicing all area’s
The Messenger 44
Crossword # 6399
50% weight by volume. Supplied by Laurie Stibbe
Brain Teaser
Solution next week
Last week’s Brain Teaser Solution
Crossword Solution from last issue
The Messenger 45
Community Notice Board
NL/MH Police:
3482 1444
Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000
SES: 132 500
Health Advice:
13432 584
Wildlife Rescue:
0401 350 799
RSPCA: 1300 363 736
Dakabin Pound: 3886 0357
THE 500 CLUB If you enjoy a friendly of 500 you can join us at
Redcliffe Senior Citizens centre, 401 Oxley Avenue Redcliffe every
monday from 12.30 pm - 4 pm Contact Trish on 32035047 or Vivi
on 0407238163
A.C.M.A MIN MIN BRANCH. Kruger Hall Ann St. Kallangur.
Note: starting time now 7.00P.M. 4th Saturday night each
month. Special guest artists walk-ups welcome. Further info
contact Queenie 5497 9395.
A.I.R. Moreton Bay Region Branch The Association of
Independent Retirees (AIR) Limited meets on the 3rd Monday
of each month (except December) at the Redcliffe Public
Library meeting rooms commencing at 12.30pm. Visitors are
welcome. AIR provides members with information to help
plan their retirement and undertakes advocacy on the many
issues confronting retirees. Contact 3142 2506 Website www.
Al-ANON. If someone you love, or are dependant on has a
drinking problem and you can see what it is doing to them; if
you're also concerned how it's affecting you. We can help. AlAnon Family group meets Tuesdays at 12.30 at the Church of
Christ Church on Ashmole Road, Redcliffe. For futher information
phone 1300252666
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. If you want to drink that's your
business.If you wish to stop, we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous
meets every Monday morning and every Thursday morning at
Peace Christian Community Church,40 Portwood Street,Redcliffe
at 10am. Helpline phone 3255-9162 (10am -10pm 7 days ) Web
ALL ABOUT LIVING is an aged care service provider that is
looking for volunteers to assist with transport, administration,
activity groups and projects. If you are interested in helping our
participants please contact Kathy on 07 3269 1915, or see our
website - We promote Choice,
Support and Connection
A.L.P. To all ALP members in North Lakes & Mango Hill. The local
branch of the Australian Labor Party meets the 1st Wednesday
of every month at 'The Space' North Lakes cnr of Endeavour Blvd
and Lakefield Drive. For more information contact Mick 0422
434 562 or Judi 0407 958 610 or Email alp.murrumba.east@
worship with us this Sunday at either of our services. Communion
is celebrated at our 8am Traditional service each week or on the
1st Sunday of each month at our 10am Contemporary service.
All services are held in the Performing Arts Centre of North Lakes
State College on Joyner Circuit. For further info, call Fr Dan on
0403 977 512 or visit our website at www.thelakesanglican.
ANNE’S SOCIAL CIRCLE. Looking to welcome new members. We
are a group of Single Men, Women and Couples from all walks of
life. We get involved in a diverse range of activities, including Live
bands, Tribute shows, lots of dancing, Live Theatre, Restaurants
and trips planned for the future. A wine tasting coming up. The
more the merrier, a non clicky group of fun people. Don’t sit at
home go out and have fun. For more information call Anne on
3880 1088.
meet second Monday of the month at William Abell Community
Centre, 10.30am. The purpose is to propose events for the
centennial celebrations of WWI to be celebrated in 2015. Anyone
is welcome to come along to the meetings and have input. More
information please contact Tony Watson, Media Officer on 0408
766 992 or email See our website
for updates:
ARANA VIEW CLUB Luncheon meeting commencing
10.30am Wednesday 6th May at Arana Leagues Club, Dawson
Parade, Keperra. Guest speaker from Assist-A-Sista, a group of
community volunteers who work together to help survivors of
domestic violence to rebuild and repair by bringing hope and
restoring faith. Raffles. Two-course lunch incl tea/coffee ($24.00).
Bookings: phone Heather 3300 3733 by 4pm Monday 4th May.
BAHA’I FAITH of Moreton Bay Region openly invites enquiries
of Belief Principles, Children’s Classes, General Information, Holy
Day Events, Holy Script Study Groups, Internet Sites, Library
Books, Pamphlets, Social Gatherings, School Religious Classes,
Youth and Pre-Youth Activities and more. “The world is but
one country and mankind its citizens”. Baha’u’llah Phone: 07
38861567 Email: Moreton Bay LSA []
Web: or
Cornelius Street, Clontarf. Socials 4th Sunday of each month.
Contact: Julie 3889 3179 or Lesley 3284 1083. All welcome.
Entry $5.00
Brendale Evening VIEW Club meet for dinner on the third
Tuesday of the month at Wantima Country Club, (Golf Club)
530 South Pine Road, Brendale. We enjoy a two course meal, a
guest speaker, raffles and lucky door prize. We raise funds for the
children’s charity The Smith Family and support students through
their education. Ladies come meet new friends. Visitors and new
members welcome. Phone Trish on 3264 2213
BRIDGE PLAYERS,We have a small club at North lakes library
level No1 meeting Monday and Friday mornings at 9.30 till
approx. 12.30.come along or ring Ken Hooper on 32045636.
BRIDGE Redcliffe Bridge Club plays most days of the week.
Players of all levels are welcome. Lessons held every six months.
Morning and afternoon sessions. If interested please contact
Richard on 3882 5970.
every Tuesday 7pm - 9.30pm for a group meditation and to learn
about a new psychic tool each week. Mango Hill Community
Hall, Chermside Road, Mango Hill. For more info contact Angela
0433 079 555.
BUSH POETRY, NORTH PINE We meet 1st and 3rd Sundays
9am until noon at The Distillery North Pine Hotel Old Petrie Town
Dayboro Rd Petrie. All welcome. Perform or listen, have your
work read, Closet Poets set yourself free in a friendly nurturing
environment. C’mon dip your toes in the water. Contact Mary on
07 5495 5110 or front up and make yourself known to the MC.
Change your Life for the better, take the first step.
CABOOLTURE FAMILY HISTORY Research Group. One hour of
FREE assisted local, Australian and overseas research is available
at Caboolture Family History Research Group Inc, located at
Caboolture Historical Village, Beerburrum Road on Monday,
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday between 9.30am - 2.00pm.
(No entry fee to village for CFHRG research) Tel (07) 54282018
or email us at
is welcome to join any of our regular Masses. These are held at
the Holy Cross Church, Anzac Ave, Kippa-Ring, at 6pm Saturday
(Vigil); 9am Sunday; and 5pm Sunday. Mass is held at Mary
Queen of Peace Church, Victoria Ave, Woody Point at 7.30am
Sunday. Weekday masses are also held. See details in the Parish
Newsletter at our website, or
phone 3293 0800.
Everyone is welcome to our Sunday Mass at 9.30 am in St
Benedict’s School, Capestone Blvd (off Anzac Ave) Mango Hill. We
have a very active youth group. We often hold weekday masses
at St Benedict’s School, and other interesting events where you
will be most welcome. See details in the Parish Newsletter at our
THE CENTRAL LIONESS CLUB Lioness Club Redcliffe. Meet
new friends & provide community services for your local area.
We meet on the 2nd & 4th Monday at 6.30pm at Woody Pt Hall,
Redcliffe. Contact Gill Bust 32842025 & Liz Alcock 3284 9415.
Find out what the Bible really teaches. Addresses held each
Sunday evening at 7pm, - 2pm on the first Sunday of each
month. Join us on the left side of the Redcliffe jetty, last Saturday
of each month, 10:30am. All our activities are totally free, no
collections, all your questions will be truthfully answered. E-mail for further information.
CHRISTIAN GROW GROUP meets at Deception Bay Baptist
Church, Cnr. Silver Street and Maine Terrace, Deception Bay,
each Tuesday morning at 9.30 am. Our group welcomes anyone
battling a mental health problem. We use Grow’s long tried and
tested 12 Step Program with practical steps and peer support to
aid in recovery of mental health. For more details, phone Malcolm
on 3888 0594.
CLASSICALLY TRAINED VOCALISTS wanted to start a group of
3-4 females aged between 25-40. Classical crossover e.g. Celtic
women, Katherine Jenkins, Sarah Brightman, and traditional
classical repertoire. Contact Rebecca, classical_music_girl1@
CONSUMER ADVOCACY For patients who have endured/
enduring difficulty with current illness/disability or treatments.
Jodie from can assist patients with free
assistance and advice, particularly in the area of how to get
the most out of the medical system and the best consumer
outcomes. Jodie also speaks at functions and has a team
of consumer consultants who can help anyone using the
healthcare system at - contact at
COPE Cast Off Parents Effect. Have you experienced rejection
by your adult children.? Loss of access to grandchildren? A
discussion group held 13th November from 9 am-noon with two
guest speakers, after morning tea. Venue: 'Encircle' building in
Lamington Drive, Redcliffe. Aim: A support group for grief and
growth. Enquiries to 3880 3060. your call will be returned. Let us
gather to talk about it.
every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the Month from 7.00- 8.30PM
at Redcliffe Uniting Church hall, 1 Richens St Redcliffe. Cost
$2.00 & bus pick up a extra $1.00. Phone 3284 6451 for further
Saturday at Deception Bay Primary School Music Hall Corner
of King Street & Beauford place at 9:30 am for bible study
and 11:am worship service. Everyone most welcome. Contact
Humberto 0738865818 for further information.
until 5.30pm for Meditation, Healing and Service. We also sell
Crystal Gemstones at a very reasonable cost. All enquires contact
Rev Carol Bloor 0418 592 412.
DISCOVERY BAPTIST CHURCH, North Lakes, is a Christian
Church committed to knowing God deeply and making a
difference in our community of North Lakes. We’d love for you to
join us for Sunday worship and God’s Gems (Sunday School) at
9.30 am at The Space – corner of Lakefield Drive and Endeavour
Boulevard, North Lakes. For other information and activities
please visit our website at: or
contact Pastor Phil Smith: 0430811967.
DRILLDANCE (Redcliffe) SYNERGY offers a sport that is fun
and enjoyed in a team environment. Our aims are to build self
confidence, deportment, fitness, friendship and team spirit.
All ages are welcome. We have teams from 6 to 60. For further
information please contact 0421 3456 14 or view www.
EILDON CROQUET CLUB is an enjoyable club to join and play
croquet. We play 4 forms of croquet, ricochet, golf, association
and gateball. We play Monday ,9:30, Tuesday 8:30, Wed 9:30
Friday, 3:30 and Saturday 8:30. This is a game that all ages can
enjoy. We have 3 members of the gateball team who are children
and they play very well with the adults, hence a great family
game. You are most welcome to phone 3203 7262 or 3283 2924
and arrange to come along.
FLORAL ART Peninsula Floral Art Group welcome visitors and
new members to join them each month to have fun with flowers.
We are a small group of ladies who enjoy each other's company
and learning the skills of flower arranging. Our meetings are
at Red Cross Rooms Portwood Street Redcliffe on the 2nd
Tuesday each month (February-November) at 9.30am morning
tea, 10.00am workshop and meeting. Enquiries: Pat Spillman
Secretary Ph 3284 5795 Email
9.30 – 11am or Tuesday Evening 7 – 8.30pm . All ages. In
Deception Bay, crn Maine tce & Water st. Phone: Susan 04496
FRIENDLY SOCIAL TABLE TENNIS club. We are a group of 50
and overs (men and women) that will welcome new members.
We play every Monday from 8am untill 12 noon at Redcliffe
Senior Citenzens hall, Oxley Avenue (next to the old fire station)
cost is minimal including morning tea. come along or contact Pat
3880 1210 or
caring for your grandchildren full time and would like to join a
friendly group of other grandparents for social support, then give
us a call. We are meeting each Tuesday fortnight with our next
meeting on Tuesday 10th June, 12.30pm to 2.30pm at Redcliffe.
Ring Sheree for details 3284 3081 (9am to 2.30pm Mon to Thurs).
for grandparents who raise their grandchildren full-time. We
cover all of the Moreton Bay area. We are only a phone call away
for a chat, advise. The group meets on the first Wednesday of
each month (except sch holidays)
in a conference room next to the Caboolture Library known as
The Hub. For information phone Lynn Fielding 0407251274.
GROUP OUTDOOR FITNESS North Lakes This isn't a business
it's just a small group M/F aged between 20ish and 50ish who
get together twice a week in the park in Little Burke Street at
North Lakes to train, Tuesday and Thursday from 6.30pm sessions
go for about an hour, join us and get great encouragement and
help, For more information and questions answered call or txt
Bryan on 0428337525
HER INSTINCT CLUB @ North Lakes If you love sharing your
talent, passion and life in food, writings, music, photography
and art etc, meet us at the new club. Create and collaborate on
projects that you enjoy and we may publish them on our notfor-profit website. Or simply brainstorm your next big idea with
like-minded members at our gatherings. Dreamers, amateurs
and professionals welcome. Men/women. Email chrisoer@gmail.
com to find out more
JETTY ARCADE FREE CONCERT Redcliffe Surfside Country
Variety second Sunday each month from 9.30a.m.with ROD
BRANDT & his BOUNDARY RIDERS and selected guest artists.
Contact Rod & Colleen on 3885 4347 further details.
JP BOOTH Deception Bay shopping centre 9-12 Mon-Fri 9-1 Sat
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SERVICE Run by volunteers, a Justice of
the Peace Service is available at Westfield North Lakes Monday –
Friday 10.30 am -2.30 pm, Thursday Night 6.30 – 8 pm. Saturdays
9.30am – 12 midday. Call Westfield Centre Management 3491
9072 or emergencies only Dept of Justice Brisbane 1300 301 147.
KALLANGUR INDOOR BOWLS Monday Afternoons from
1pm-4pm Kallangur Community Centre, Next to the Library on
Anzac Avenue, Kallangur Cost: Only $4 which includes tea, coffee
and biscuits. Come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun. Join a
friendly group who will welcome all new members. Beginners
very welcome. For more information please contact Wyn Carlton
on 07 3886 2779
Pairs 12.30 pm. Thursday Ladies/Mixed 9.30 am. Saturday
Open Social 12.30 pm. Large airconditioned function room,
private bar facilities and catering available. Friday night meals
at very reasonable prices. Greens available for barefoot bowls
for individual or corporate groups. Telephone 3285 2267 email: for more information.
KALLANGUR, the Pine Rivers Senior Citizens Club Inc. welcomes
you to join us for indoor bowls,sq dancing every Tuesday,concerts
2nd Wednesday of month,bus trips 3rd Wednesday,and bingo
last Wednesday of each month. Venue is the community hall
1480 Anzac avenue(opp Red Rooster) for further info please
Fred on 32054024 or email prscc2@gmail.Com.
KALLANGUR OVER 50'S SOCIAL CLUB Do you enjoy bingo?
How about bus trips or maybe just a cuppa and a chat with
new friends? Then why not pop into North Leagues Club on a
Thursday morning at 9.30 a.m. and see what we have to offer.
New members welcome. Please phone Gailene 3285 3905 or Val
3410 0112 for more details.
KIDNEY SUPPORT NETWORK; we are a Support Group for
people with Kidney Disease, including Carers/Families. Our
meetings focus on open discussion and information exchange on
all issues relevant to coping with kidney disease. Meetings take
place on alternative months at Redcliffe RSL (third Wednesday
in the month) and North Lakes Medical Health Precinct (third
Tuesday in the month). All meetings commence at 2pm, Phone:
3204 8666 / 3889 4573 – visitors always welcome.
organisation that has been in operation for over 19 years. We can
be contacted 24/7 for ALL wildlife on 0401 350 799. We meet at
Pendicup Place 365 Samsonvale Rd Warner at 7pm on the 4th
Thursday of each month all welcome. We are always looking
for rescuers & new members. All enquiries please phone 0401
350 799.
KSP Theatre Inc: is an amateur, not for profit, theatre group
celebrating our 30th year. Cnr Old Bay Rd and Maitland Rd
Burpengary. We welcome new members of all ages who are
interested in any aspect of live theatre. Five productions per year:
pantomimes, comedies, theatre restaurants etc. Family friendly
environment. For information about shows, membership, or to
receive our newsletter please call 38888580.
LADIES 50 - 60S age bracket needed for social tennis, played
at Chermside Rd in Danzy Buchanan Park Mango Hill on Friday
mornings from 8.30 am to 11.30 am please Contact Maureen
on 0738892750 or Christine 0732045763 lovely friendly ladies
would welcome you.
LADIES SMALL CARD GROUP Canasta five & pony 50's - 60's
age bracket Wednesday 10am - 3pm North Lakes 3203 1239
Will teach if needed.
LAWN BOWLS, DECEPTION BAY. Visitors welcome. Tuesday
Open Pairs, 12.30 pm. Thursday Open Club selected, 8.30 am.
Kitchen open for lunch and dinner Tuesday to Saturday. Barefoot
bowls and functions available. Phone 32031233. www.
LIFE! CHURCH Sunday 9.30am @ Kallangur State School +
5pm @ North Lakes State College. We are a contemporary church
where we enjoy life, great music, friendships & getting to know
God in a real way! For more info go to
us to help support our local district. We meet on the 1st Thursday
of each month for a Dinner Meeting, 6.00 for 6.30pm for a short
meeting and socializing. Also, on the 3rd Wednesday morning
9.30 for 10.00am for a Business Meeting. Venues will be advised
on contact. Contact Margaret Zonca 5499 0509 or Joy Hynes
5433 0650.
LIONS CLUB OF NORTH LAKES: If you’re a new resident of North
Lakes wishing to integrate into the community and want to make
new friends, please consider joining our club. We Dinner/Meet
the 2nd & 4th Wednesday evenings of each month, have regular
interesting guest speakers, are pro-active and incorporate a
varied social outing calendar, mindful of keeping a balance
between family, work and play. We’re a very happy Lions club
and encourage couples to join. Call Chris on 0429 457 722 and I’ll
arrange our Membership Chairman to call you.
We need your involvement to support the Redcliffe Peninsula
Community. We meet on the 1st Thursday of each month for our
Dinner Meeting 6.30 for 7.00pm. Also on the 3rd Thursday for our
Business Meeting 6.30 for 7.00pm. Venue information available
on contact. Contact Jack Emery (Pres) on 0418 784 410 or Norm
Alcock (Sec) on 0417 714 284.
flourishing Club, supporting the local community. We run the
Redcliffe Showgrounds Community Markets every Sunday from
6am – 11am. We visit the elderly & isolated, and recycle used
spectacles to send to needy countries, plus more! Meetings held
1st & 3rd Tuesdays at Rothwell Hall, Board meeting 2nd Tuesday.
Call 0418 191 578.
Course Starting Soon.“SEASONS”is an adult peer support group.
We offer an opportunity to talk about & explore what happens to
us when we experience significant loss. This program provides an
encouraging and accepting environment in a small, confidential
group. It helps us to affirm and sustain ourselves in difficult
times. Starting 1st September 6pm at Freshwater Anglican Hall,
43 Park Road, Deception Bay for 6 weekly sessions. For more
information call 38800251 or 0421901737.
MAGS (Middle Aged Girls). Dinner meetings the first and third
Wednesdays of the month at various venues in and around North
Lakes. Married or single, come along and enjoy a meal with an
informal group who enjoy interesting and diverse conversation.
Please phone Barb on 0439764840 for details, please leave a msg
if no instant pick up.
MAKE FRIENDS HAVE FUN with The Moreton Bay Social Group
45+ Join us Tuesday evenings from 6pm at Redcliffe Leagues
Club as friends, lets chat and maybe enjoy dinner in a relaxed
atmosphere with friendly people and discuss outings to enjoy
for the month and beyond. If you are interested in a group that
only wants to socialize Ph Maureen 34918998 Nick 0423543833
Jen 38803357
MASONIC MEETINGS Freemasons, and anyone interested
in learning about Freemasonry, wishing to attend a Daylight
Lodge. We meet 9-30am. the fourth Monday of every month
at Freemasons Centre Seaville Av.Scarborough, on the Redcliffe
Peninsula. Our friendly Ladies ,who attend every Luncheon,will
extend a warm welcome to your wife,please bring your wife
along. Phone Les 3888 0739.
MEN'S SHED REDCLIFFE Community is now up and running
and available to All Men, in the area. Activities, or just a cuppa
and a yarn are on offer in this new Shed . The Shed is at The
CommunityHouse 1 Laminton Drive , off Oxley Avenue and hours
are Mon,Wed,Fri, 9-00am til 1-00pm. Call in for a chat or phone
0490 468 222 and speak to Wal or Joe
MEN’S SHED The Pine Rivers men’s Shed operates every Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30am – 1.30pm at our shed,
Old Petrie Town, Dayboro Rd, Kurwongbah. If you like activities
such as woodwork, metalwork, computing, etc and making
items for the community, or if you just enjoy a cuppa and a chat –
come along. All men of any age welcome. For further information
contact Sal 32612323 or 0438612324.
seminars. On every Wednesday at 7.30pm. Various Topics. 4
Whites Rd Petrie. For more info call 0411 649 466 or email info@
quality music for the Moreton Bay region. MBSO performs a
selection of music such as contemporary popular, classical and
large scale symphonic music. Subsidiary groups include a Junior
Strings (under 15), Youth Symphony (under 25), Jazz Band and
Flute Choir. Play an instrument? We are always on the lookout for
more musicians! Like us on Facebook! Email: enquiries@mbso. Visit our website at:
MOUSETRAP THEATRE Redcliffe Showgrounds home to plays,
The Messenger 46
A free service provided by the Messenger for community, social & non-profit organisations
musicals, cabarets, pantomimes and theatre festivals. Acting
workshops for primary & high school aged children. Technical
workshops. We are a warm and friendly little theatre company,
where everyone is welcome, either in acting, backstage,
technical, directing roles etc. Further information: 0439 954 719
NAVY CADETS – TS Koopa Youth 13-19 Years Parade 630pm to
930pm Friday Nights TS Koopa Kal-Ma-Kuta Dr Sandstone Point
Enquiries 0430 940 189
on the first three Tuesdays of the month at 09:45 am at the
Community Centre, The Corso, North Lakes. On other Tuesdays
we meet for lunches, bus trips and planned outings. Enquiries
please phone: Julie, 3886 4552; Kay, 3385 6217; or Carmen, 0417
451 273. All welcome.
NORTH LAKES UNITING CHURCH offers a family service with
children’s Sunday School. Services each Sunday at 9:30am
followed by fellowship and refreshments are held at The Lakes
College located at Cnr College Street and Discovery Drive, North
Lakes. All welcome. Contact Mark Cornford on 0421 950 325 or
PENINSULA ANIMAL AID is an animal refuge shelter for rescued
dogs and cats. The shelter is located at Clontarf on the Redcliffe
peninsula and is solely run by volunteers and has been operating
since 1971. If you would like more information about adopting
an animal, volunteering, becoming a member or attending our
monthly meetings, please phone 3284 1927 or go to our website
THE PENINSULA HERB GROUP meets every third Saturday
in The Wallum Centre at the Redcliffe Botanic Gardens, Henzell
St Redcliffe. Meetings start at 1:30, we welcome all visitors and
anyone interested in herbs. For any enquires please ring the
secretary on 32843279 or herb garden coordinator on 32831828.
PINE RIVERS SLIMMERS CLUB. Trying to lose weight? Need
Help? Join us every Wednesday morning at the Lions Hall,
Lawnton Showgrounds from 8.15am – 9.45am. Joining fee
$12. Weekly fee $3. For a relaxed social atmosphere, friendly
support, nutritional advice, recipes and competitions. 30years+
in the operating in the shire. Contact Chris 3285 2949
PENINSULA SOCIAL GOLF CLUB welcomes both male and
female golfers of any level, with or without an AGU Handicap.
Peninsula Social Golf Club plays at a variety of courses with both
single and team events, has an annual dinner and presentation
evening and a weekend end of year trip. Any golfers interested
can contact Club Secretary Noel Price 0413 781 830 www.
Services 1st & 3rd Sundays at 10am Strathpine Gardens
Community Hall Cnr Nicol Way and Turner Drv, Brendale. For all
infomation regarding services, Ring Rev Rosina 076393 1969 or
PINE RIVERS SPIRITUAL CHURCH will be having a Physic Fair
on the 13 Sept, there will be Tarot card and clairvoyant readers,-a
Physic Artist,channelled healing, sausage sizzle and stalls-For
more information ring Deborah on 32699778 or 0402510424
PINE RIVERS VIEW Club meets on the third Wednesday of each
month for lunch at Murrumba Downs Tavern,Murrumba Downs.
Interesting speaker. On the first Wednesday of each month we
have an outing to a place of interest. Ladies come and meet
new friends. Visitors welcome. Phone Sandra 3425 2738 and
Elizabeth 38864937
PLAYGROUP MANGO HILL. 9:10-10:10am each Friday
(except school holidays) for families of children planning to
attend Mango Hill State School. Indoor and outdoor play,
music and story time for children aged 2-5 with their parents/
carers. Program led and facilitated by a teacher. All activities are
free! Come along and get to know others in our caring school
community. Contact Gabrielle Douglas
PLAYTIME ROTHWELL Thursday 9am -11am Mueller College
A Block Morris Road. Suitable for children aged 0 to 4. Operates
during school terms. Enjoy a cuppa and a chat with other adults
while the children interact, playing with toys and doing craft.
Shared morning tea is on a roster basis. Gold coin donation each
week. Provided by Mueller Community Church. Contact Isabel
on 3897 2869
P.U.B.S Home brew beer club, meets last Tuesday of every
month at Kruger Hall, Kallangur at 7pm, for advice, comps and
everything home brew, new members welcome, for more info
call Greg on 0423205205
PULSE YOUTH is the youth program of Life! Church. Come check
out the craziest games, pumping music, hear a great word, be
part of a connect group and make amazing friends! Every
Friday night, 6-8.15pm Kallangur State School Hall, School Rd,
Kallangur! For more info contact Scott & Miriam on 0413905336
or youth -
PROBUS CLUB OF REDCLIFFE Inc. The Club is for Male
and Female retirees Seeking fellowship and fun. We enjoy
Entertainment, Coach trips, Cruises, Dine-outs, Local and QPAC
Theatre days, Lawn bowls, Beach BBQs & Coffee mornings,
Meetings - second Monday of every month at the Redcliffe
Golf Club. President Barry Lynch 3284-3434 or 0400 270 760
on the second Tuesday of every month. Medical professionals
speak at each meeting and is an opportunity to talk to these
as well as other men and their partners affected by the disease.
Partners of men attend regularly. Meetings start at 6.30pm at
the Education Centre of Redcliffe Hospital. All men, partners and
family members are welcome to attend. More info contact Fred
Travis on 3480 5904 or 0404 495 898.
QUEEN'S BEACH INDOOR BOWLS Club Inc. Monday 7.15pm
Thursday afternoon 1.15 pm Church Hall cnr. Griffith Road. &
Prince Edward Pde.Scarborough.
at North Lakes Health Precinct on the second Monday of each
month at 6.30pm for a light supper followed by our meeting
at 7 pm. If you would like new friendships, share in our local
community and support local and international projects, give
us a call. For more information on the work that we do and be
involved with this great club, call Lyn on 0408 873 939 or Val on
3385 0661.
the last Friday each month at 10-00 a.m. for 10-30 a.m. in the
“Kokoda Room “ of the Redcliffe R.S.L. Club. Phone secretary
Lynette on 3204 1678
REDCLIFFE CITY CHOIR practises weekly in the Rothwell area,
Monday nights from 7:15 - 9:30pm. We sing a range of music from pop, folk and jazz to classical and light opera. Most pieces
are in four-part harmony. New members are always welcome!
More information phone 3385 9778 or 3889 5789.
REDCLIFFE CITY LIONESS CLUB meets on the 1st & 3rd
Mondays at 6.30pm at the Woody Pt Hall, Redcliffe. Make new
friends & support local community projects. New members
welcome. For further information contact Noelene on 3293
1222 or Trish on 3284 3498 or 040 7117212
Showgrounds Scarborough Rd. Socials : 3Rd.Sunday 1.00P.M. 4Th
Friday Night 7.30.P.M. Quality Guest Artists & Walk-Ups. Contact
Trudi on 3284 7609. All Welcome: Entry $ 4.00.
REDCLIFFE DEMONS RUGBY UNION. Players aspiring to play
Redcliffe Senior Rugby Union in 2015 are invited to attend sign
on & training 6.30pm each Tuesday & Thursday. Team positions
for seniors, colts, veterans (35+). Club schedule at www. (events page) Ray Frawley Fields. Silcock St
Clontarf. Mark 0423214202 or senior.secretary@redclifferugby.
Membership open to anyone wishing to research their ancestors.
Our Library contains over 600 books, microfiches, CD’s and
computer access. Help is always available, with tea, coffee and a
friendly chat. We meet every Tues & Thurs morning 9.30 am till
12.30 pm, and one Mon evening a month by appointment, at the
Scout Hut, Isobell Street, Clontarf. Contact 3293 0567, or email
each month, 10.30am, Meeting Room Redcliffe RSL, Irene St,
Redcliffe. Exservicewomen of all ages from all services welcome
to share social comradeship with others. Phone Wendy on 3880
2602 for more details.
REDCLIFFE FAMILY FUN is a new community Facebook
page listing activities and events for families in Redcliffe and
other Brisbane Northside suburbs.
REDCLIFFE HISTORICAL SOCIETY holds its general meeting on
the second Friday of the month at 2pm, in the Meeting Room
of the Redcliffe Library. Monthly guest speakers highlight
interesting aspects of Redcliffe's history. Members and guests
are invited to participate in the meeting and share afternoon
tea. Enquiries to the Secretary Nette Griggs on 0458643506
or at Website: www.
REDCLIFFE LADIES PROBUS CLUB Meets on the 2nd Thursday
every month at The Bramble Bay Bowls Club, Hornibrook/
Victoria, Woody Point at 9.30am for 10.00am. Enjoy morning
tea, a guest speaker and outings. Visitors welcome. Contact
Margaret 3284 4242
their 45th Annual Autumn orchid show on the 6th, 7th, and 8th
of May at the Redcliffe Library, Oxley Avenue, Redcliffe. Library
hours and free entry. Massed blooms will be on show as well as
bromeliads, anthuriums and foliage plants. There are a variety of
plants for sale, a craft stall and a raffle. Members are on hand to
answer your questions. Potting mix is available in smaller bags.
For information call Helen on 32030150
at CWA Hall Prince Edward Parade, every Wednesday night
from 6.30-10.30 pm. Band music to modern and new vogue
dancing. New participants most welcomed. Supper provided.
Theme nights throughout the year. Singles, new dancers
and all abilities welcomed. Non profit organisation. www.
Cultural Centre Redcliffe in the Schillam Room at 10am on the
first Tuesday of the month. Cost is $2 and morning tea is supplied.
For more information please contact Dot 54 95 1335.
needed to our Wednesday night fixtures. A & B Division Teams.
No need to register with a full team - we can certainly get you in
a side now. $15 yearly registration & $4 fees per night. Licenced
bar facility. Call Patty Martin 3203 8587
REDCLIFFE PENINSULA POETS Group meet on the first Tuesday
of the month at the Redcliffe Cultural Centre 7pm in the Winton
room. Everyone is welcome to come along. Read your own poetry
or some from a book! Our next concert is April 29- 10am Cultural
Centre Redcliffe $6.50 “Humour in Uniform”. Lots of Laughs and
fun- I’m sure you will enjoy the morning. President Janice 3889
Tuesday of each month at the Kokoda Room, Redcliffe RSL, Irene
ST. Redcliffe at 10.30am. New members most welcome. Contact
President Bob Ph. 3467 3091 or Secretary Ray 3203 2611
the community? Fancy joining one of the most iconic Australian
organisations? Ever thought of learning lifesaving skills? Situated
at Suttons Beach, Redcliffe, we run a nipper program for those
aged between 5 and 13 every Sunday between the months
of September and March. Call 32844105 or go to www.
REDCLIFFE PENINSULA VIEW CLUB Ladies, come and join an
organisation that provides friendship and fun while supporting
disadvantaged school students through the Smith Family’s
‘Learning for Life’ programme. We meet at the Moreton Bay
Boat Club, Bird O’ Passage Parade, Scarborough on the second
Thursday of the month at 10am. We have interesting speakers
each meeting as well as social activities through the month.
Phone Robyn on 3293 6003 for more information.
REDCLIFFE RSL SUB-BRANCH General Meetings of the Sub-
Branch every two months on the third Sunday of the month
at 10.30 am. We also conduct interviews for Service pensions,
disabilities and Advocacy claims covering Service personnel,
police and cadets. For appointments call 3889 4872.
REDCLIFFE RUGBY UNION. Senior Rugby Union training
6.30pm Tuesday & Thursday, Veterans touch footy 6.30pm
Wednesday, senior games played Saturday, Veterans games
played Friday night. Seniors & veterans (35+) team info, club
news & game dates at Enquiries to
play Mark 0423214202 or
au Ray Frawley Fields. Silcock St Clontarf.
Q 4020. Membership $8 with joining fee $2.Activities table/
tennis Auction Bridge, Indoor Bowls, Concerts, Hoy, Snooker,
Dancing twice a week, amd other Activities plus Bus trips.
Contact 3284 1366
REDCLIFFE SNOOKER CLUB Inc. Meets every Monday 5.00pm
at our new Clubrooms, 1 Bowling Green Lane, Redcliffe for a
social competition. We have 4 snooker tables and the rooms are
also open to visitors 10.00am to 4.00pm every Thursday, Friday
and Saturday for a practice hit. Costs are $2.00 per hour per
person with partner- for further information please ring Garry
Wardle 0414722189 or email
3 (down the back) 124-130 Oxley Avenue, Woody Point (near
Ellen Street), on the first Friday of each month, at 7.30 pm. We
explore theosophy, Alice Bailey writings, poetry of Rumi, holistic
psychology of Carl Jung, the I Ching, Taoism and Zen, Feng Shui,
Tibetan Buddhism, progressive Christianity, sacred sites, music,
prayer, meditation and so on. All welcome. Tel: 3283 8386.
atmosphere and has a range of players from beginners to
very experienced. The club is located at Clontarf High School
Gymnasium in Isobel Street, Clontarf every Friday night from
7.30pm. Quality Stiga tables and 3 star balls are provided and
bats are available for use by casual visitors. Charges are very
reasonable. For further information contact Terry on 0407007143
or email
REDCLIFFE TPI SUB BRANCH meets on the first Monday
of every month, 9.30 a.m. at the Redcliffe Bridge Club Rooms
in Irene Street Redcliffe (next to the RSL). All TPI, Special Rate
Pensioners, prospective members and Spouses are invited to
attend. Further information available from Mick Karolak on
3283 1721 or Pedro Newman on 3889 5704.
ST JOHN AMBULANCE Moreton bay Cadets and Adults ages 8
and up meet Thursdays from 6:30pm at the Redcliffe SES hall 35
– 41 Portwood Street Redcliffe. For more information contact the
Divisional Manager on 0402 895 206
lakes. I am seeking riders utilizing bike lanes and bikeways in a
safe and friendly environment. 7am starts with a coffee/ drink
break. beginners and intermediate riders, not setting any land
speed records just enjoying the great infrastructure of north lakes.
Phone Dean at Allsorts- BERG ph 0431286322
SCOUTS offers an exciting and adventure filled learning
environment for youth members. Interested? Kallangur Scout
Group invites boys and girls from age 6 upwards to join in the fun.
For further info contact the Group Leader Chris on 0404 438014.
SEASIDE BAYSIDE ARTZ THEATRE Productions Inc are in need
of Actors and Singers ages 9 to 65 to audition for our upcoming
short film production. Filming based on Brisbane's Northside
and Moreton Bay Regional areas. Please donate to our crowd
funding page to help us achieve our goal of providing the film
to the wider community.
s?ra=351723 or email for
more information
SINGERS INVITED to join the Peninsula Park Retirement Village
Choir. Rehearsals are on Monday mornings from 9 to 11:30. No
singing experience is necessary, just a good dose of enthusiasm!
For further details please call Joan on 3203 1019.
SINGLE MUMS MEET UP. To meet like minded people in a public
place; let the kids have a play and have the opportunity to make
new friendship. A time to share a positive attitude and have a
good time. Meet every second Tuesday morning at 9.30 And
every last saturday of the month at 10 am. At the Caboolture park.
Centenery lake Start Tuesday the 18 of march. Bring a blanket, a
healthy picnic and come to socialise with or without your kids if
it is an off week. contact Wendy: 0409238880 Facebook: Single
Mum, Single Dad and Empowered
SINGLE SENIORS OVER 60yo in Moreton Bay area. Would you
be interested in joining a small social group of single men and
women? We've all experienced the times when we would like to
dine out, see a movie, have a picnic, see a show etc etc but maybe
not on our own!! So why not join our group and share company. If
interested, please email Kate at
Q.C.W.A. Hall, Anzac Ave., Kallangur on Friday Mornings at 9 am.
NEW MEMBERS WELCOME. For more information please contact
Bev. 3882 4598, Denise 3205 3989 or Gail 3204 4163..
SMALL DOG CARER’S CLUB Meet other dog lovers and socialise
your small dog with other small dogs. Join the club and have your
dog lovingly cared for while you are on holidays, no need to use
a kennel. We meet once a month on the first Monday of the
month. New members (retired or semi- retired) are welcome.
Phone Kevin on 3881 1282.
SOCIAL COFFEE LOVERS GROUP If you enjoy coffee and
stimulating conversation, and meeting new people then join us
to take advantage of some of the beautiful Peninsula cafes on
offer. If interested email Carolyn at
SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL Moreton North Inc. is a global
voice for women representing 90,000 members in 126 countries.
Our projects assist women and girls to access education and
leadership opportunities, health care and human rights locally
and internationally. Regular meetings and social events are held
throughout the Moreton Bay Region. Contact Caryl 0417 730
155 or Audrey on 0402776840 Email simoretonnorth@siswp.
Lakes”facebook page to connect with fellow South Africans in the
North Lakes and Surrounding areas. Contact Catherine for more
information. 0406781261 or
Network meets at 1.00pm on Wednesday 6 May at the Kallangur
Memorial Bowls Club, 1351 Anzac Avenue, Kallangur. New
members welcome. For more information phone Spinal Injuries
Australia on 3391 2044.
STRATHPINE TOUGHLOVE Parent Support Group can help you
find solutions to the problems you face. Build your knowledge,
skills, and confidence to tackle problems effectively. Meetings
held each Thursday at 7pm. Call 3856 3211 or www.qld. for more information.
SUPPORT FOR PARENTS Concerned about your teen’s
behaviour? Don’t know what to do? You're not alone. A lot of
parents are facing problems just like yours.
SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN. Men Supporting Men Inc. meets
at the new Neighbourhood Centre, 9 George St, Caboolture
(opposite the Caboolture State School) every Thursday from
6:45pm-10pm. The group encourages self awareness in a safe
and supportive environment. Any man is welcome to attend.
Enquiries: Allan 5497 4022 or Paul 0401 625 141 up to 9pm.
SUPPORT GROUP for women battling their poker machine
addiction. I am dealing with a pokies addiction and am on my
way to beating it. One thing I always wanted was someone
to talk to who understood. This group is not therapy or a cure
but a chance to share our experiences and, maybe, help each
other beat our addiction. Meet Wednesday evenings 7.30pm,
Redcliffe. Please email me for details.
SWIMMING CLUB Would your child like to learn how to race
and participate in swimming meets? If your child can swim
a minimum of 25m join us for a free introductory club night
(conditions apply). Year-round, indoor heated 50m pool. www. or phone Shane 0410 468 205
or Jane 0403 859 185
TEAR Groups are local groups that meet to discuss issues relating
to poverty and injustice in Australia and overseas and to advocate
on the behalf of disempowered and poor people – most often
the poorest of the poor. A Christian Justice Group, meets locally
on the first Monday of each month from 7pm-9pm. If you care
about poverty, injustice and advocacy for the poorest of the poor
then please join us. Phone Di on 073888 0571 or 04-08881507
for details of meetings.
TUESDAY CLUB INC is a non-profit working organization that
raises funds for the underprivileged & disadvantaged within the
Redcliffe Area. Meetings are held at the Moreton Bay Boat Club
every 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 10am, New Members very
welcome, Contact Marion 32845167 or Loela 32844167
U3A REDCLIFFE INC. provides an educational environment for
people in the third stage of life. It holds a variety of classes run
by volunteer tutors. A subscription of $20 per year applies and
a small fee for each class of $2. Computer classes are $30 for 8
weeks. Make enquiries at the office on Level 1, 157-159 Sutton
Street or call 3284 2687 email More
information is on the net at
supportive, not for profit group aimed at assisting people solve
the problem of being overweight. We meet every Tuesday
morning from 8:30 am at the Rothwell Community Hall, Morris
Rd, Rothwell. Tel: 3204-0870 or Mob: 0424 671 554
WORLD HARVEST MINISTRIES. You are invited to our Sunday
worship services 9am and 6.30pm! Come and experience the
presence and power of God! Let your life be transformed, receive
healing in your body, soul and spirit. Learn about God’s truth. We
teach the uncompromised Word of God. Families welcome! 53
Telegraph Road, Bald Hills. Tel: World Harvest Ministries 3261
YE OLDE BRASS RSL Memorial Band Redcliffe Inc are holding
a Saint Patrick's Day Concert with Bangers and Mash lunch at
Redcliffe RSL Kakoda Room on Tuesday 17th March commencing
at 10.30 AM . Entry is $9.90 which includes lunch . Please book at
Redcliffe RSL prior to event
YOUTH GROUP The Salvation Army, Redcliffe Come join us on
the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month from 7 til 9 pm and enjoy
a mass of activities from old school video games to ping pong
and movies. We are located on Ashmole Road, Redcliffe (Turn
left off Anzac Ave). Check out for contact
information and further details.
ZONTA CLUB REDCLIFFE Membership is open to all women
who are actively involved in business and professions. Meetings
are held on the 4th Monday at each month. Interested? Further
information may be obtained by contacting info@zontaredcliffe. Or: 0457426806
Submit to
Maximum of 60 words per submission
Please resubmit your item in full when making alterations
To guarantee placement for the following week, please make your
submission by Thursday prior
Your submission will run ongoing until you notify us otherwise.
The Messenger 47
Classifieds E-mail
Employment Wanted
have comprehensive
experience in management,
business development and
sales in the engineering
field. I offer trust, honesty
with skills and knowledge
that are transferable to
other industries so will I
consider any opportunity of
employment. With recently
completing a contract I now
desire full time employment.
Please phone me today to
discuss further 0417 750 871
For Sale
2013 Honda Civic VTi-s
5 door hatch, only 14,000
kms, 1 private owner,full
honda service history,
balance of new car warranty
until November 2016.
Features red duco, 6 speed
manual, climate control
A/C, airbags,abs,cruise,full
electrics, rear view camera,
alloy wheels and more. Priced
to sell $17,900 ono Anthony
Position Available
GIVERS with a heart for the
elderly required to provide
in-home non-medical care on
a casual hourly basis, (build
your hours as our client base
grows), helping our seniors
remain independent in their
own homes. Cert III in Aged
Care qualified, mature age
not a barrier. Sound like You?
Please call Patrice on : 041 888
Classified advertising cost is $8.80 GST
included for one week.
First two words can be in capitals, rest
in plain text (no images).
Please double check your details
before sending.
Email your ad to before Thursday morning the week prior.
Call Nick on 1300 300 608 with credit
card payment
School Café Co-ordinator/
Convenor position
St Benedict’s is looking for a
dynamic, innovative and vibrant
person with a passion for tasty
and healthy food to establish and
run our school café. Some of the responsibilities would be
organizing a roster of volunteers, ordering food, preparing
a healthy and delicious menu for students and our school
community and keeping records of expenditure. Chef, cook
and/or food service skills will be highly regarded.
Is this you? For more information please contact Mr Mark
Creevey, Principal - Phone: 3481 4600 or email:
The Dietitian in Brisbane for fussy eaters
Want to get family mealtimes on track?
Call now for a free 10 min consult
0413 433 144
A new edition is available every
Thursday morning at 9am
The Messenger 48
Trades & Services Directory
Ph: 1300 300 608 or Email
The Messenger 49
Garden design, construction
and refurbishments, turfing,
paving and water features.
Call Alan on
0412 304 324
Available for primary and
high school students. I offer
tutoring for Maths, Science and English. If you are interested and would like
further details, please contact me via mobile or email.
M: 0414 820 110 • E:
The Messenger 50
mega Maze
Colouring In
The Messenger 52