ONE - The Messenger

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Lakes, Bay & Region February 7 2015 Vol. 11 Also Available Online
Your free weekly magazine
Real Estate
REIQ calls for
Abolition of
Stamp Duty
New Mozzie Defence Deployed for Region
Leonie, I need to get my daughter to
move on sooner rather than later, I
don't think I can continue doing all
this work as I'm getting too tired
Super Slow Startup Syndrome
Geek of the Week
Epic Fail
Film Review: Wild
Burpengary State Opens Gates
Honouring unsung heroes in our Community
Pro-Bono Program Legal Aid for Cancer Patients
Type 2 Diabetes affects more than 16k people in the region
but innovative approaches to care are aiming to turn the tide
our handy
Kid's Colouring
and Mega Maze
Including Digital
Now in its eleventh year, the Messenger is your
free weekly publication. Wholly owned, operated
and produced locally. Proudly independently
published. ABN 129 5493 7979.
The Messenger is dedicated to the community and we
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By advertising or submitting with the Messenger you agree to indemnify
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The Messenger 4
Unmanned Mozzie
A QLD First
Moreton Bay Regional Council
has become the first in
Queensland to use an unmanned
aerial vehicle (UAV) to put the bite
on mosquitoes
ayor Allan Sutherland said the
arrival of the Yamaha R-Max
remote controlled helicopter to
help combat salt marsh mosquitoes
coincided with the highest king tides of
the summer.
“King tides and rain are known
triggers for the hatching of salt marsh
mosquito larvae with the success of
council’s Vector Management Program
reliant on timing and the right weather
conditions,” Mayor Sutherland said.
“Moreton Bay Regional Council is the
first in Queensland to use a remote
controlled UAV to manage mosquito
larvae in areas that are usually difficult
for regular helicopters and ground
crews to reach.
“The UAV doesn’t replace full-sized
helicopters or ground crews, but it is
another tool at council’s disposal to
increase treatment coverage and put the
bite on mosquito numbers.”
Mayor Sutherland was at Redcliffe
Aerodrome last week to witness
the remote controlled helicopter’s
operational capabilities.
Moreton Bay Rail Project corridor that
a regular helicopter can’t because of
powerlines and the area’s proximity to
Hard to reach areas of Hays Inlet were
also targeted for salt marsh mosquito
larvae as part of council’s $1.4 million
investment in vector management in
The UAV is approximately 3 metres long “The UAV has been working in
partnership with two full-sized
and just over a metre high.
helicopters and ground crews to hit salt
marsh mosquito larvae before they get
Powered by a 246cc 2-cylinder engine,
their wings and invade our homes,”
the Yamaha R-Max has a flight time
Mayor Sutherland said.
of 30 minutes on a single tank and is
able to carry up to 26 litres of the spray
The versatile Yamaha R-Max was also
commonly used to target salt marsh
used to treat aquatic weeds in Upper
mosquito larvae.
Caboolture’s Thyme Court Lake.
To date, the agile Yamaha R-Max has
been tasked with treating parts of the
The Messenger 6
he growing area of Burpengary is
now an even more attractive place
to live, with a new state secondary
college opening its gates to hundreds of
new students, parents and teachers this
Member for Kallangur Trevor
Ruthenberg said the school was a
world-class facility, which would
benefit thousands of students for years
to come.
“I’m proud to see this school open
its gates and I congratulate the entire
school community, including parents
for their ongoing support in shaping
Burpengary State Secondary College,”
Mr Ruthenberg said.
“Local kids now have a great new
school at the doorstep, where they’ll
have access to a quality state education.
“We’ve seen great coordination between
the local community, state government
and local council.”
Member for Morayfield Darren
Grimwade said the new school would
be a fantastic community asset.
“Students will learn and teachers will
teach in new facilities including eight
junior classrooms, a resource centre,
Burpengary State
Opens Gates
an art and design building, a food
studies building, as well as a junior
applied technology building and an
administration block with staff centre,”
Mr Grimwade said.
“Burpengary State Secondary College
is an Independent Public School, and
one of 10 schools being built under the
Queensland Schools Public Private
Partnership project.”
the LNP – we have more teachers
in classrooms and better learning
facilities,” Mr Langbroek said.
“The opening of Burpengary State
Secondary College is an important
milestone for this government and it
demonstrates what a strong team can
Minister for Education, Training and
Employment JP Langbroek said the
state-of-the-art educational hub would
provide major benefits for local families.
“Burpengary State Secondary College
is one of 11 new schools that the
government will deliver in areas of
growth to ensure that Queensland
kids get the education experience they
“Education in Queensland has gone
from strength to strength under
To find out more, visit: www.
The Messenger 7
Cancer Council Queensland
spokesperson Katie Clift said the service
would help to relieve the distress many
patients experience as a result of legal
matters associated with their diagnosis.
Program Legal
Aid for Cancer
Cancer patients now have
access to no-cost legal
assistance, thanks to a new
pro-bono program launched by
Cancer Council Queensland
he Cancer Council Legal Referral
Service is the first of its kind in
Queensland and will allow cancer
patients, their carers and families to
access assistance on a pro bono basis if
they cannot afford to pay for advice.
“This new service will allow patients
and their families to access information
and advice about areas of law that
concern cancer patients, including
wills and enduring powers of attorney,
employment, consumer credit,
superannuation, insurance, family law
and other matters,” Ms Clift said.
“Pro bono legal assistance is available to
patients, as well as carers and bereaved
carers where their legal issue relates to
the patient’s cancer – for example a carer
needing early access to superannuation
due to financial hardship brought
about by cancer, or a carer experiencing
workplace discrimination on the basis of
carer responsibilities.
“It is a priority of Cancer Council
Queensland to reduce the burden of
cancer on all Queenslanders, and the
addition of this important service is
an important step forward in cancer
The Legal Referral Service is a
partnership between Cancer Council
and selected law firms, providing cancer
patients and their carers with assistance
on a pro bono basis if they cannot afford
to pay for advice.
Health professionals, support group
leaders, community organisations
and case workers can refer clients
or determine their suitability for the
Cancer Council Pro Bono Program by
calling 1300 882 173 and requesting a
registration form.
Around 28 per cent of calls to Cancer
Council’s information and support
line, 13 11 20, are for practical support,
with many patients affected by loss of
income, legal and insurance issues, and
broader financial concerns related to
their cancer diagnosis.
In Queensland, one in two people will
develop cancer in their lifetime and
many of these people, their families and
carers will require additional support.
More information about Cancer Council
Queensland is available via 13 11 20 or
The Messenger 8
Valentine’s Day… Japanese Style!
Written by Cherisse Buckland for Zen Chi Natural Therapies & Wellness
The only bad thing about Valentine’s Day is if you don’t have a
Valentine or a special someone and sometimes…this can be a little
lonely. But in Japan, they celebrate Valentine’s Day a little differently
and not at all like our traditional way.
In Japan, Valentine’s Day is celebrated in a very unique style. It is the
women who present gifts to men.
There is a strong tradition of women giving chocolates to men on
Valentine’s Day. There are three types of chocolates given out on
Valentine’s Day in Japen. “Giri choko”, “Honmei choko” and “Tomo
Choko. Giri choko means obligatory chocolate and is meant
to be for bosses, co-workers and for male friends to show their
appreciation. “Giri” means obligation hence this Giri choko has no
romance involved.
On the other hand, Honmei choko is given to a boyfriend, lover,
or husband with true love. This style of chocolate is expensive.
Japanese women often prepare the Honmei choko by themselves as
many of them think it is not true love if they just buy the readymade
chocolate at shops.
And last of all is “Tomo Choko” meaning friend chocolate and is
actually allowed to also be given to women.
What is more unique in Japan is that there exists a “White Day” which
takes place on March 14th, exactly one month after Valentine’s Day.
On White Day men are supposed to give return gifts to women who
gifted them chocolates on Valentine’s Day.
This tradition is a beautiful way of not leaving anyone out and really
sending the love out to one and all.
Happy Valentine’s Day! xxx
3491 8131
1455 Anzac Avenue, Kallangur (next to BOQ)
w w
The Messenger 9
FOOD - We chop it, bake it, serve it, share it, chat over it, offer it,
savour it and munch on it. Let’s not get too caught up on the science,
but show kids how to truly enjoy eating good food.
Deb Blakley
B App Sc, GrDip Nut&Diet
So, is your child picky or just normal? Being picky with food,
eating food one day and rejecting it the next and having an
appetite that’s as changeable as the wind are all hallmarks of
how normal children eat. Everyone has their own version of
normal, right?
Here’s my 3 step check to see if you need a little help with
moving past fussy:
y daughter was very young when I decided I had a
picky eater on my hands. From the very moment
I introduced solids at 6 months of age things didn’t go
Check 1: Is my child happy and relaxed at mealtimes? And
am I?
Does your child remain happy and relaxed at mealtimes? If
not, what can you do to help them (and you) come to the table
ready to eat.
Check 2: Can I see improvement?
Can you see your child slowly moving forwards with texture
progression and food variety? Or are you both stuck?
Check 3: Is my child’s fussy eating affecting our family life?
If you find yourself doing these things then warning bells
should be ringing:
While the other children in my mother’s group were gobbling • I only offer what he/she will eat. I’m so sick of the wasted
yoghurt and pureed pumpkin by the bucket load, my little
I no longer eat with my child. It’s way too stressful.
darling was turning her head away and pulling the most
hideous faces imaginable. I dreaded most meal times. I began • I hate feeding my child in front of others. It’s
to feel that her “refusal” to accept food, her “behaviour” was a
reflection on me.
• My partner and I have begun to argue about the kids’
Add the fact that I had at that time been a Dietitian for 10 years
and my sense of personal and professional failure was at an
Only YOU can decide whether fussy or picky eating has
all-time low. Looking back, I can see where I would do things become a problem for your family. The great thing is that you
differently if I could wind back the clock. I also accept that
have the power to turn things around, and the younger your
there was no point comparing my child with others. I now
children are when you take this step the easier the road will
know that there are some things that are unique to my little
girl that made things as they were.
Having spent the last 7 years researching childhood nutrition
and feeding practices, I now realise that defining fussy is
subjective. The parents who contact me for help are as diverse
as their children.
They have different personalities, family structures, beliefs
and values. What one mum thinks is outrageously picky
behaviour, another is happy to ignore and move on.
Eat happy! Deb
Helping families to lose the guilt, ditch the battles and eat happy!
0413 433 144
The Dietitian in Brisbane
for fussy eaters
Turning Fussy to Fun Webinar
11th February 2015
Check out website to register
0413 433 144
The Messenger 10
The Messenger 11
Australians raise over
$450,000 for Emergency
Services at Australia Day
Weekend Fundraiser BBQ
Thanks to the wonderful generosity of so many
Australians, over $450,000 has been raised to help
volunteer emergency services nation-wide at Bunnings’
Aussie Day Weekend Fundraiser BBQ.
Queensland residents helped raise over $88,000 and these
funds will go directly to Queensland State Emergency
Service (SES) and Queensland Rural Fire Service (QRFS).
Held on Saturday 24 January at every Bunnings store, the
Aussie Day Weekend Fundraiser BBQ’s were manned by
the Bunnings team to show support and appreciation for
the amazing work done by volunteer emergency services.
Bunnings Managing Director John Gillam, said the
Bunnings team were thrilled to be able to help.
“Thank you to everyone who bought a snag and
contributed to this great cause. And a huge thanks also
to all the emergency services volunteers and everyone in
our team that helped run the BBQ’s,” John said.
Over 3,700 team members, local volunteers and
emergency services volunteers ran more than 240 BBQ’s
all over Australia, helping cook more than 127,000
Behind the Lines
An exhibition celebrating political commentary by
the country’s best cartoonists will go on display at the
Redcliffe Museum from February 6.
Behind the Lines looks at the political controversies,
successes and failures of 2014 through the eyes and
sketch pads of 33 of Australia’s best cartoonists.
Featuring 80 cartoons, Redcliffe Museum is the first
venue in the country to host the touring Behind the Lines
exhibition until Sunday 29 March 2014.
Redcliffe Museum is open is Tuesday to Sunday 10am to
4pm and is located at 75 Anzac Avenue, Redcliffe.
Submissions Welcomed
See Page 4 for details and email your reports and pictures
to Editor Dan Fidler via:
Libraries get Strange
Discover the utopian world of
fantasy writer Delia Strange
when she visits Moreton Bay
Region Libraries during the
month of February.
Exploring a world of low
crime, good health and
advanced technology – all
with a dark twist – Delia will
share the inspirations behind
her latest novel Femme.
Delia is the Redcliffe-based
author behind Blue Shift and
Second Life, and co-author of
the Wanderer of the Worlds series.
The talk is free but bookings are essential and can be made
by emailing
For more information on events at Moreton Bay Region
Libraries visit or
phone 3205 0555.
Event Details:
• 06 February, 10am – Caboolture Library;
• 18 February, 10.30am – Redcliffe Library; and
• 19 February, 11am – North Lakes Library.
Northside Doll,
Bear and Craft
Calling all Doll Bear and Craft
lovers to the 2015 Northside
Doll Bear and Craft Show.
This year's show theme
is entitled My Lady's Wardrobe. Displays featuring
requisites needed to keep my lady in the manner she was
accustomed will delight many (think the Downton Abbey
TV series).
The Brisbane Miniaturist Enthusiasts will also be
displaying their creativity with doll houses and room
vinyettes. We again will have dolls, bears and figurines in
competition and a hall full of eager traders supplying doll
and bear making needs.
It's on Sunday 8th March 9am till 3pm, at the Pine Rivers
Show Grounds, Gympie Rd Lawnton. Admission is $5
Adults and under 15s are free. Parking on site is free.
Enquiries Phone: 38631430
The Messenger 12
Unit 12/343 Melton Road, Northgate
3266 2966 / 0408 675 954
The Messenger 13
The Geek Sheet
Epic Fail
Australia's Internet
Netflix is one of the most popular
and successful internet content
streaming services in the world,
(says almost every American).
However, a recent Australian prelaunch demonstration in Sydney was
labelled a disaster due to internet
The most recent "State of the Internet"
report shows on going epic fail status
for the NBN (National Broadband
Network) roll-out by showing
Australia as 44th on the worlds
internet speed listing, behind many
countries you wouldn't expect to
have the edge on us including our
favorite neighbors in New Zealand.
Despite the issues Netflix guarantees
it will still launch in Australia early in
2015, and will employ it's automatic
video quality adjustment technology
to insure the content gets delivered
to its new Aussie customers. Despite
the issues this writer believes Netflix
will shake up the market currently
dominated by iTunes, Telstra
Bigpond Movies, Fetch and Foxtel
On Demand.
Geek of the Week
The Felix - Certainly not a "Sub"
standard Sofa.
John Levey, King Furniture's head
of research and development has
won the geek of the week award this
week. Why? He and his team have
developed a series of sofas that are
high-tech ready! Some of the optional
features include surround speakers
and sub-woofers, laptop and device
mounts, light-bars, smartphone
enabled voice control and much,
much more.
Mr Levey makes an important point
about the high tech furniture in that
none of the technology is hardwired
in, because they want the couch to
stand the test of time and receive
appropriate tech upgrades as they
age. The couch of the future Felix
and it's fellow King family members
Cloud and prototype Cloud 2 are
really quite amazing and will no
doubt provide much to talk about
in 2015 as they continue their attack
on a relatively new niche market "Smart Furniture".
Super Slow
Top tech advice and current
news with David Kleinschmidt
CCleaner is the StartUp maintenance screen.
(After install, Choose Tools, then Startup)
In future articles I will explain many of this
program’s features.
In this screen you can view, disable and even
delete almost everything that Windows,
and your internet browsers are attempting
We all know this one. We arrive at our
to setup at startup. Most of these processes,
desk, rip raring to go, full of enthusiasm,
plugins, notifiers and tools are completely
motivation and the best of intentions. We
useless, and are just wasting you and your
press the power button, listen for the sounds,
devices time and resources. Ironically some
watch the window (or apple), perhaps we
of these utilities are actually meant to save
login (if we are on a network) and, and, and,
you time, generally however, they don’t. I
and... still waiting… oh bugger it, I will go get
strongly recommend disabling things first,
a cup of tea or coffee.
then restarting your machine and using it in
the new configuration for a while to ensure
If we bother to wait around and watch
that what you have disabled is not something
what the computer is doing, we will see
you actually need. You can always re-enable
that although the desktop looks ready, the
or delete them later using the same tool.
hourglass or waiting icon is still turning, and
we still do not appear to have any kind of
Here is a list of my top 5 things you do not
control over the operating system. What we
need in Window startup that inevitably
can see is the tell tail signs and symptoms of
get there, one way or another, (I only
“Super Slow Startup Syndrome” which are:
recommend to disable these):
• A desktop full of icons, some of which
have not yet appeared! (Try to minimise Adobe Product Updaters and Speed Launchers
- file them away)
• Adobe Assistant - acrotray.exe
• Adobe ARM - adobearm.exe
• A notification or system tray (bottom
right hand of screen where date and time • Adobe AAM - updaterstartuputility.exe
• SwitchBoard - switchboard.exe
is) that is adding items and icons like
they are going out of fashion.
• Dialog boxes or messages appearing that Apple Product Updaters and Speed Launchers
• iTunesHelper - iTunesHelper.exe
do not appear to make sense.
• QuickTime Related - various executables
• Blank spaces or sections of the screen
• Apple Push - various executables
that do not appear to be loading
Google Chrome / Skype and Other Cloud
Do not dismay! This problem can be fixed,
• Google Chrome Autoloader - chrome.exe
with some simple maintenance.
• Google Drive Sync - googledrivesync.exe
• Dropbox / Spotify / Evernote / Skype /
One of the most under-rated pieces of
Microsoft Office Sharing Services
software ever to hit the internet is a little
application that was initially named Crap
Sun Java / Java by Oracle
Cleaner, by the super geeks at Piriform
• SunJavaUpdateSched - jusched.exe
who wrote it. Since becoming a serious
commercially viable enterprise now with
Printer &/Or Other Peripheral Device
a number of very useful tools available
System Tray Applications
Piriform have renamed it CCleaner (For
• Many Printer Brands will put a print
Mac users Clean My Mac 2 by MacPaw has
control center of some sort in startup,
similar functions - CCleaner is also available
these are often not required, and will be
for Android) available at
started if needed the first time you print
CCleaner’s main purpose has always been
Next week we will take a Gigabyte or two
to be to get more space on your hard drive
out of a Hot Diggity Dog, using the same
and cleanup some of the temporary junk that
excellent tool!
windows fails to. The easiest and perhaps the
most powerful feature available from within
Catch you next week geeks!
David Kleinschmidt is the head tech guy at Klefen - The Clever Web Company
Questions, suggestions, tech help? email
The Messenger 14
making of
Made to Measure
The Messenger 15
From the pen of David Tristram, this I believe is his best work to date
In the tradition of classic British comedies.
This cast with a good mixture of youth and experience
With Cara Biffin , Gary Farmer as Jenny & Bill and Andrea O,Halloran
as the innocent Eve.
Rod Hogan as father Tomlin & Scott West as Miles.
Bill lawyer as well as Neville Eve's naïve fiancé.
This play has all the ingredients that have had audiences enjoying
this style of comedy that is truly timeless
But this play has a bite to it that has brought out the best in this cast.
And will the audiences , having truly enjoyed the journey.
Leonie Schilling
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For a confidential appointment
Phone 3886 2715 or
Mobile 0423 653 841
The Messenger 16
Moreton Bay
Region's Australia
Day Awards
Honouring unsung heroes in our
Leukaemia Foundation advocate
Hannah Granger was named the
Moreton Bay Region’s Young Citizen
of the Year for her work in raising $1
million to help support patients and
families living with Leukaemia and
other blood cancers.
Coach and volunteer Damien O’Flaherty
was awarded Sportsperson of the Year
olourful fundraiser Tony “Top Hat” for his continued mentorship of young
Moroney has been named Moreton people in martial arts and providing
Bay Regional Council’s Citizen of the
free self-defence classes to help reduce
Year at the 2015 Australia Day Awards
and is being honoured alongside six
other residents including a fellow
Young Sportsperson of the Year was
fundraiser and a young Paralympian.
awarded to Paralympian Lakeisha
Tony Moroney, the Woodford
fundraiser recognised by his top hat,
Lakeisha, also known as Lucky,
was honoured at the Redcliffe Cultural
has cerebral palsy and early-onset
Centre on January 24 for his efforts
Parkinson’s disease, and was
in supporting children with heart
recognised for her outstanding athletic
conditions and their families.
achievements at state and national level.
St Columbans student and
environmental warrior Tegan Lather
was honoured the Environmental
Achievement award for championing
wildlife conservation, including raising
more than $85,000 for local wildlife
“Congratulations not only to the
Moreton Bay Region’s Australia Day
Awards winners, but also to those who
were nominated,” the Mayor said.
“This year there were 44 nominees who
were identified by the community for
their tireless and appreciated service to
the Moreton Bay Region.
“They deserve to feel proud of their
Moreton Bay Regional Council
Australia Day Award Winners 2015:
Citizen of the Year: Tony Moroney –
In addition to raising money for the
Heart Kids Foundation, Tony was also
recognised for collecting food and
household donations to help those most
in need.
As well as being named in the Australian
Paralympic Swim Team, Lakeisha
also teaches children with a disability
how to swim and is a Cerebral Palsy
Queensland Ambassador.
Mayor Allan Sutherland congratulated
all seven recipients of Council’s 2015
Australia Day Awards.
Uncle Eric Beutal OAM, co-founder of
Brunga Widjung Justice Group, was
presented the region’s Cultural Award
in recognition of his work with young
people and organising the region’s
NAIDOC week celebrations.
Young Sportsperson of the Year:
Lakeisha Patterson – Caboolture;
Cultural Award: Uncle Eric Beutel
OAM – Caboolture;
Community Event Award: Dayboro
Men’s Shed; and
The Community Event award was
won by the Dayboro Men’s Shed, and
accepted by President Ben Stafford, for
the ongoing support of men’s health.
Environmental Award: Tegan
Lather – Bongaree.
“The Australia Day Awards honour
the unsung heroes in our community
by celebrating their outstanding
achievements and positive contribution
to helping make the Moreton Bay
Region an even better place to work, live
and play,” Mayor Sutherland said.
Young Citizen of the Year: Hannah
Granger – Beachmere;
Sportsperson of the Year: Damien
O’Flaherty – Kobble Creek;
The Messenger 17
The Messenger 18
with Leonie
Leonie, I need to get my daughter to move on sooner rather than later, I
don't think I can continue doing all this work as I'm getting too tired
Hi Leonie,
I am a 60 yrs old grandmother to three beautiful
grand-children. One is 6yrs old, the middle one is
4yrs old and the youngest 2yrs old. Our daughter
left her husband in September 14 and moved into
my home with my husband who also is 60yrs old.
I would start by going to your GP to get a full assessment of your health.
My daughter is a police woman and she works all
different shifts so the caring responsibility falls on
myself, as my husband works, so I am the primary
carer. I do everything for the grand-kids from
feeding, showering, dressing, discipline issues,
taking them to school and day care.
I just want to say that this is taking quite a toll
on myself as I am not able to keep up with all the
work involved with three grand-children under
6yrs. I am constantly at the kitchen sink, washing
up, cleaning, clothes washing, folding, and to be
honest Leonie I am stuffed. (Exhausted from dawn
to dusk) My daughter helps (sort of) when she can,
but as she is 33yrs old she spends most of her time
on the phone texting, even when she's here she's
not here really. The kids play up on their Mother
something awful and the noise is quite overbearing
for me and my husband.
I feel trapped in my own home, I have lost friends,
and I don't ask people over as the place looks like a
day care centre.
Leonie, I need to get my daughter to move on
sooner rather than later, I don't think I can continue
doing all this work as I'm getting too tired.
How can I encourage my daughter to look for
her own home, although it would be difficult as
I would have to go over and stay on some of her
night shifts? So I don't really get a break even if
she moved out, I feel stuck between a rock and a
really hard place. I don't want to sound like I don't
care for them, I do, very much, it's just that our
place and space is constantly being taken over by
children and noise.
Any suggestions?
Next I suggest that you tell your daughter that you are exhausted and
your health is declining. Explain that you are not just pulling the rug
out from under her but that you expect her to have sourced her own
accommodation and larger child care needs by Easter. This way you will
have given her fair notice that you cannot continue to supply support
at this level. Perhaps tell her that you will be there for back up support
This is not a selfish thing to do because if you just keep soldiering on,
it is very likely that your health will decline to the point where she
has no notice and will need to make other arrangements at the drop
of a hat if you are hospitalised. No matter how much you love your
daughter and grandchildren it is not your role to take on all this parental
responsibility: it is hers.
The other thing that you need to consider here is your relationship with
your husband. I would be very surprised if this situation did not affect
your marriage. You are at a time in your lives where you should be
enjoying life and the companionship of your partner and not being the
live in help. If you are worked to the bone, how much quality time are
you giving your husband in terms of intimacy and communication? It’s
likely that you are too burnt out to even think about his and your needs
and this is an unacceptable situation.
You could try family counselling or just showing this column to
your daughter. The fact that she is a police officer does not give her
situation any more weight in terms of expecting support than any other
profession and I strongly believe that you need to bring an end to this
situation sooner rather than later.
Why is her ex not sharing the childcare responsibilities? Why would
you have to go over there to do night shifts when she moves out? There
are 24 hour childcare facilities or she could get a live in childcare worker
and I know a few young women who work in child care centres in the
day and offer sleep over babysitting for extra money.
The bottom line here I feel is that if you keep thinking it is all up to you
, it will be. Put the responsibility back where it belongs and that is with
your daughter and her ex partner. Make it their responsibility to sort
something out.
I would hate to see you doing this to your life for fear of your daughter
not loving you or worrying about how things look.
Grand parent/Kippa Ring
Til next week, Leonie
Leonie Schilling is a qualified private practitioner.
For appointments please phone 3886 2715 or 0423 653 841
The Messenger 19
Taking Type 2
Diabetes to Task
By Dr Anita, Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local
Type 2 diabetes affects more than 16,000
people in the Moreton Bay region and
is the fastest growing chronic disease
in Australia, but new research and
innovative approaches to care are
aiming to turn the tide.
According to Diabetes Queensland, the
proportion of people in the Moreton
Bay Regional Council area living with
type 2 diabetes grew by a whopping 41
per cent between 2007 and 2011.
For most people diagnosed with type
2 diabetes, the reality is it could likely
have been prevented through healthy
eating, exercise and maintaining a
healthy weight.
Unfortunately, if the condition is
not managed properly, people with
diabetes can die up to 15 years younger
than those in the general population.
To help local residents better manage
their chronic disease symptoms at
home and avoid a hospital visit or
re-admission, a chronic disease pilot
project has been running at Redcliffe
Hospital since February last year.
Patients with diabetes who attend
the North Lakes Health Precinct for
treatment are encouraged to participate
in the project and many may have
already been approached by staff.
The project is collaboration between
Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local
and Metro North Hospital and Health
Service. All patients involved in the
project are able to access the services of
a hospital-based chronic disease nurse
and a Team Care Coordinator.
The Medicare Local’s Team Care
Coordinators are registered nurses who
have a wealth of local knowledge about
health services, community and home
support services and other assistance
such as government subsidies.
For more than seven years, Team Care
Coordinators have been providing
support to local General Practitioners
to help them manage the health care
of patients with chronic and complex
medical conditions.
While these types of services are
important for helping people with
diabetes to live healthier lives, a cure for
the condition is still some time away.
But researchers from Melbourne’s
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute,
working with colleagues from the
RIKEN Institute in Japan, have made a
promising discovery.
They have found they could ‘reverse’
type 2 diabetes in laboratory models by
dampening the inflammatory response
in fat tissue.
The researchers discovered that
specialised immune cells, called
regulatory T cells (Tregs), played a
key role in controlling inflammation
in fat tissue and maintaining insulin
People with type 2 diabetes have
reduced sensitivity to insulin, a
hormone that normally triggers uptake
of glucose by cells, and this means
their cells no longer respond to insulin
This decrease in insulin sensitivity is
thought to be a result of long-term,
low-level inflammation of fat tissue in
people who are obese.
Recent studies have shown that fat
tissue has its own unique type of Tregs,
which disappear from fat tissue during
Researcher Dr Ajith Vasanthakumar
said the fat tissue of obese people had
lower numbers of Tregs than the fat
tissue of people in a healthy weight
“Without Tregs, inflammation-causing
cell levels increase, and this rise in
inflammation can lead to insulin
resistance and high blood glucose
levels, a classic hallmark of type 2
diabetes,” Dr Vasanthakumar said.
The research team discovered a key
hormone called IL-33 (interleukin-33)
was able to selectively boost Treg
populations in fat tissue, effectively
halting the development of type 2
diabetes, or even reversing the disease
in preclinical models.
“Treatments that mimic IL-33 could
have the potential to reduce obesityrelated inflammation and type 2
diabetes,” Dr Vasanthakumar said.
To learn more about type 2 diabetes,
The Messenger 20
The Messenger 21
North Lakes Community Women’s Group Inc. News
Once again Club Pine Rivers, which
is always a good venue, hosted
about fifty of us for one of their
good value $15 meal choices,
which included desert and a drink.
We had several visitors that enjoyed
the comfortable atmosphere of
chatter and laughter that so often
encompasses any gathering of
our members. Some of the group
enjoyed themselves so much, they
chatted into the middle of the
afternoon before breaking up.
This year we have just three
months with five Tuesdays: March;
June; and September; with the
fifth Tuesday of December falling
outside our year of activity. These
are the days we organise a bus trip
for a day away. Just imagine 53
mature women in the confines of
a bus with the opportunity to not
act their age! Our choice of venue
varies considerable, last year we
went to Twin Towns for a show and
lunch, and we thoroughly enjoyed
Xmas in July at The Heritage
Restaurant on Mt Tamborine after
a spend up in the famous “Gallery welcome.
Walk.“ Yes, we do have fun indeed! Tuesday 24th February 11:30
LUNCH - TBA. Watch this space.
Visitors welcome.
Tuesday 10th February 09:45
ARTIST. An art demonstration of Our meetings are open to all
the highest degree by a popular, women in North Lakes/Mango
sought after Australian artist. Open Hill and surrounding districts.
to members and their guests only. Please refer to our listing under
Tuesday 17th February 09:45 IN the Community Notice Board.
HOUSE BINGO OR BOARD GAMES. For more information contact
TBA. Whichever, it is still a fun Julie, 3886 4552; Kay, 3385 6217;
morning with a lot of interaction Carmen, 0417 451 273. All are
and a few good laughs. Visitors welcome.
Redcliffe Tri Club
The Messenger 22
Film Reviews
with Ange Dean
From the director of Dallas Buyers Club (Jean-Marc Vallee) and starring and
produced by Academy Award Winner Reese Witherspoon, this film will take
you on a journey of finding your best self and holding onto it for as long as you
A brilliant film showcasing the courage of a young woman overcoming grief and
leading to a journey of self-discovery.
This film is based on the number best seller and true story of Cheryl Strayed,
who was living an out of control life while destroying her friendships and
marriage, until she decided to take on an unimaginable solo hike of almost
1200kms through Americas isolated pacific crest trail – with no training!
Spectacular scenery, one breathtaking location after another.
Strong female performances by two actresses - Reese Witherspoon has taken her
career to a whole new level of professionalism through this role and Laura Dern,
wow, a brilliant choice for the portrayal as the mother.
in cinemas now
Movies depicting the struggles of every-day people, particularly of women, give
a very valuable insight into these lives. I enjoyed the film immensely and will see
it again.
I’m giving it 4 ½ stars out of 5
see more at
The Messenger 23
Your Stars
Aquarius- Your once peaceful home life gets
shaken up this week. You've paid too high a
price for domestic bliss. Don't think twice about
adopting a zero tolerance policy.
Pisces- You may not like the new kid on the
block, but she's not going anywhere. Welcome
her with a polite embrace and air kisses.
Aries- You've made a lot of concessions lately
and now it's others turn to reciprocate. Don't
expect them to clue in on their own. You'll need
to insist.
Taurus- You finally find a superior to support
your cause, but you have to lose that chip on
your shoulder. Learn to work within the system
and you'll get what you want.
Gemini- Ask yourself how you are contributing
to rising tensions. You need to find a way to
bring light rather than heat to a situation.
Cancer- Your suggestions have been so helpful
that it makes sense that you'd be asked to
spearhead a group that's been floundering. This
reintroduces talents you'd forgotten about.
Leo- You have a big personality. Your a Leo
and you can't help it, but tone it down for now.
Other people have personalities too.
Virgo- You'd love to get away, but time doesn't
permit. If you can't go to Aruba then Aruba can
come to you. A quick stop for a spray tan is all
it takes!
Libra- There are public displays of affection and
then there are just public displays. Make sure
you don't get too carried away this week.
Scorpio- Success is great, but the reason it feels
fleeting is because people automatically expect
more. Do things by your timetable, not theirs.
Sagittarius - You have both the will, and the way
to tackle a huge obstacle heading your way this
Capricorn- Do you have ATM Machine tattooed
on your backside? Don't stress. You're flush
now and the bills will let up soon.
The Messenger 24
6.00 PAW Patrol. 6.30 Dora. 7.00
Weekend Today. 10.00 Mornings.
(PG) 12.00 Discover Downunder:
Summer Series. 12.30 Hot In
Cleveland. (PG) 1.00 Super Fun
Night. (PG) 1.30 Movie: Message
In A Bottle. (PG) (1999) 4.00
Explore Canada. (PG) 5.00 News.
5.30 Customs. (PG) 6.00 News.
7.00 Movie: Harry Potter And The
Prisoner Of Azkaban. (PG) (2004)
Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint.
9.50 Movie: A Few Best Men.
(MA15+) (2011) Xavier Samuel,
Laura Brent. 11.50 Movie: Dune.
(PG) (1984) Kyle MacLachlan. 2.30
Movie: Aces High. (M) (1976) 4.30
Global Shop. 5.00 Extra. 5.30
Wesley Impact Summer Series.
6.00 Saturday Disney. 7.00
Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 Morning
Show. (PG) 12.00 To Be Advised.
4.00 Better Homes And Gardens.
5.00 Creek To Coast. 5.30 Qld
Weekender. 6.00 News. 7.00
Movie: A Bug’s Life. (G) (1998)
Dave Foley, Kevin Spacey. 9.00
Movie: Herbie Fully Loaded. (G)
(2005) Lindsay Lohan, Michael
Keaton, Matt Dillon. A girl gets a
car with a mind of its own.11.00
To Be Advised. 12.00 Property
Ladder. (PG) 1.00 GCB. (M) 2.00
GCB. (M) 3.00 Harry’s Practice.
3.30 It Is Written. (PG) 4.00
Shopping. 5.00 Dr Oz. (PG)
6.00 A Taste Of Travel. 6.30 A
Taste Of Travel. 7.00 GCBC. 7.30
Places We Go. 8.00 Family Feud.
8.30 St10. 10.00 St10: Extra.
(PG) 11.00 The Living Room. (PG)
12.00 The Talk. (PG) 1.00 Healthy
Homes TV. 1.30 Weekend Feast.
2.30 Huey. 3.00 iFish Summer.
4.00 What’s Up! Downunder.
4.30 Escape With ET. 5.00 News.
6.00 Miguel’s Feasts. 6.30 David
Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities.
7.00 David Attenborough’s
Natural Curiosities. 7.30 Movie:
Mr Popper’s Penguins. (G) (2011)
Jim Carrey. 9.25 Movie: The
Cable Guy. (M) (1996) Jim Carrey,
Matthew Broderick. 11.25 Movie:
Bad Ass. (AV15+) (2012) 1.30
Shopping. 4.30 It Is Written. (PG)
5.00 Hour Of Power.
6.00 Rage. (PG) 10.30 Rage. (PG)
11.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG)
12.05 Time Team. 1.00 Antiques.
2.00 Bodyline: The Ultimate Test.
(PG) 3.00 Basketball. WNBL.
Round 16. Melbourne Boomers
v Dandenong Rangers. 5.00
Inspector George Gently. Final.
6.30 Attitude. 7.00 News. 7.30
New Tricks. (PG) Return. 8.30
Foyle’s War. (M) Return. 10.00 Call
The Midwife. (PG) Final. 11.00
Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 11.45
Rage. (MA15+) 5.00 Rage. (PG)
6.00 WorldWatch. 7.00 Al Jazeera.
7.30 Italian News. 8.10 Filipino
News. 8.40 French News. 9.30
Greek News. 10.30 German News.
11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic
News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00
PBS News. 2.00 Piaf’s Secret Story.
(PG) 3.20 The Magic Piano. 3.55
Munch 150. (PG) 4.55 A Season
At The Juilliard School New York.
(PG) 5.30 Who Do You Think
You Are? 6.30 News. 7.30 Great
Continental Railway Journeys.
8.30 Movie: Shaolin. (AV15+)
(2011) 10.55 Movie: Little Big
Soldier. (M) (2010) 12.45 Movie:
Storm Warriors. (M) (2009) 2.50
Two Greedy Italians. (PG) 3.50
Two Greedy Italians. 5.00 Korean
News. 5.35 Japanese News.
6.00 Thunderbirds. 7.00 PAW
Patrol. 7.30 Dogstar. 8.00 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 8.30 Tom And
Jerry. 9.00 Max Steel. (PG) 9.30
Adv Time. (PG) 10.00 Digimon
Fusion. (PG) 11.00 Heidi. New.
11.30 Move It. 12.00 Kitchen
Whiz. 12.30 Tenkai Knights. (PG)
1.30 Danoz. 2.00 Power Rangers.
(PG) 2.30 Search4hurt. (PG) 3.00
Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.00 Max Steel.
(PG) 5.00 America’s Got Talent.
(PG) 7.30 Movie: The Spy Next
Door. (PG) (2010) 9.30 Movie:
Jonah Hex. (M) (2010) Josh Brolin,
Megan Fox, John Malkovich.
11.15 DC Showcase Collection.
(M) 11.30 Movie: Superman:
Doomsday. (M) (2007) 1.00 DC
Showcase Collection. (M) 1.30
Movie: The Exorcism Of Emily
Rose. (M) (2005) 4.00 Beware
The Batman. (M) 4.30 Robocar
Poli. 4.50 Power Rangers Super
Megaforce. (PG) 5.10 Yu-Gi-Oh!
Zexal. (PG) 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Saturday
Disney. 9.00 Good Luck Charlie.
9.30 Shake It Up. 10.00 Shopping.
11.00 Globe Trekker Specials. (PG)
12.00 Creek To Coast. 12.30 Qld
Weekender. 1.00 Great South
East. 1.30 Coxy’s Big Break. 2.00
Country Calendar. (PG) 2.30
Lyndey And Herbie’s Movable
Feast. (PG) New. 3.00 The Food
Truck. (PG) 3.30 Before And
After. (PG) 4.00 Nick Knowles’
Original Features. 5.00 The House
That $100K Built. (PG) 6.00 The
Inspector Lynley Mysteries. (PG)
After a doorkeeper at the House
of Lords is found in the Thames,
the man’s gambling debts are first
suspected as the motive.10.00
Tennis. Fed Cup. Germany v
Australia. Day 1. 1.00 Escape To
The Country. 2.00 The Inspector
Lynley Mysteries. (PG) 4.00 Globe
Trekker Specials. (PG) 5.00 Nick
Knowles’ Original Features.
6.00 Basketball. NBL. Round 17.
Wollongong Hawks v Melbourne
United. Replay. 8.00 Basketball.
NBL. Round 17. Adelaide 36ers
v Townsville Crocodiles. Replay.
10.00 Loaded. (PG) 10.30
Emergency Search & Rescue.
(PG) 11.30 Emergency Search
& Rescue. 12.00 Emergency
Search & Rescue. (PG) 12.30
People Of The Vines. 1.00 Motor
Racing. World Series Sprintcars.
2.00 Megafactories. 3.00 The
Offroad Adventure Show. 3.30
Undercover Boss. (PG) 4.30 Adv
Angler. 5.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 6.00
Get Smart. (PG) 6.30 Monster
Jam. 7.30 Cops. (PG) 8.30 Movie:
Lincoln. (M) (2012) Daniel Day
Lewis. 11.40 Touch. (M) 12.40
Blokesworld. (MA15+) 1.10
Cops. (PG) 2.10 Cricket. T20 Big
Bash League. Grand final. Perth
Scorchers v Sydney Sixers. Replay.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.35
In The Night Garden. 12.00
Sesame Street. 12.30 Arthur.
12.45 Maya The Bee. 12.55
Daniel Tiger’s. 1.15 Q Pootle 5.
1.30 Little Princess. 1.40 Boj. 1.55
Pingu. 2.00 LazyTown. 2.25 Mister
Maker. 2.50 Tree Fu Tom. 3.15
Peg + Cat. 3.30 Play School. 4.00
Bananas In Pyjamas. 4.10 Hoopla.
4.25 Wiggle. 4.40 Tinga Tinga
Tales. 5.00 Fireman Sam. 5.10 Ben
And Holly. 5.25 Dinosaur Train.
5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.45 Octonauts.
6.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. 6.15
Charlie And Lola. 6.25 Maya
The Bee. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50
Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks
And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Winter
Wipeout. 8.30 Build A New Life
In The Country. New. 9.15 Live At
The Apollo. (PG) 10.00 Buzzcocks.
(M) 10.35 The Inbetweeners. (M)
11.00 Plebs. (M) 11.25 Siblings.
(M) 11.55 Hustle. (M) Final. 12.55
Grandma’s House. (M) 1.25
Grandma’s House. (M) 1.55 News
Update. 2.00 Close. 5.00 Louie.
5.05 Joe & Jack. 5.15 Franklin And
Friends. 5.35 Ella The Elephant.
5.50 Children’s Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 7.00 Russian
News. 7.30 Polish News.
8.00 Hungarian News. 8.30
Macedonian News. 9.05 Croatian
News. 9.40 Serbian News. 10.20
Portuguese News. 11.05 Japanese
News. 11.40 Hong Kong News.
12.00 Chinese News. 12.30 Dutch
News. 1.00 Soccer. A-League.
Round 16. Newcastle Jets v
Brisbane Roar. Replay. 3.00 Arctic
With Bruce Parry. 4.00 Departures.
(PG) 5.00 Planet Sport. (PG) 6.00
No Kitchen Required. (PG) 6.50
Knife Fight. (PG) 7.40 If You Are
The One. 8.40 Don’t Tell My
Mother I’m In… (M) Final. 9.30
Don’t Tell My Mother… (PG) 10.00
No Limit. (M) Final. 11.00 Movie:
Sin Nombre. (AV15+) (2009) 12.45
Toughest Place To Be A… (M) 1.50
Movie: Beijing Bicycle. (M) (2001)
3.50 CCTV News In English From
Beijing. 5.20 Latin American News.
5.50 Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
5.50pm God’s
Pocket (2014)
Crime. Philip
Seymour Hoffman.
(MA15+) Masterpiece
7.30pm Deadfall
(2012) Thriller. Eric
Bana, Olivia Wilde.
(MA15+) Premiere
9.10pm Tracks
(2014) Biography.
Mia Wasikowska.
(M) Premiere
6.30pm Best
Australian Gardens.
LifeStyle Home
6.30pm Hawaii
Five-0. (MA15+) TV1
7.30pm Fashion
Police: Fashion
Bowl Special. (M) E!
7.30pm Fatal
Attraction. (M)
Crime & Investigation
7.30pm The
Forgotten General.
(M) History
8.30pm Edge
Of Alaska. (M)
Basketball. NBA.
Miami Heat v San
Antonio Spurs. ESPN
1.00pm Golf. Euro
PGA Tour. Malaysian
Open. Third Round.
Fox Sports 3
4.00pm Soccer.
A-League. Central
Coast v Adelaide.
Fox Sports 4
The Messenger 25
6.00 PAW Patrol. 6.30 Dora.
7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00
Financial Review. Return. 10.30
Surfing. 2014 ASP Men’s World
Championship Tour. Round 11.
Billabong Pipe Masters. Highlights.
11.30 Cycling. Women’s Santos
Tour Down Under. Highlights.
12.00 Cycling. Santos Tour Down
Under. Stage 6. Highlights. 1.00
Ironman. Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain
Series. Round 5. M-Shape. 3.00
Movie: Monkey Trouble. (G) (1994)
5.00 News. 5.30 Getaway. (PG)
6.00 News. 7.00 60 Minutes. 8.45
House Of Hancock. (M) 10.20 The
Block Triple Threat. (PG) 12.00
Dallas. (M) 1.00 Financial Review.
1.30 Nightline Prime. (PG) 2.30
Skippy. 3.00 Global Shop. 3.30
Danoz. 4.00 GMA. 5.00 News.
5.30 Today.
6.00 Jake And The Never Land
Pirates. 6.30 Sofia The First. 7.00
Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 Morning
Show. (PG) 11.00 Dr Oz. (PG)
12.00 The Amazing Race. (PG)
1.00 Motor Racing. Bathurst 12
Hour. 5.00 Surf Patrol. 5.30 Great
South East. 6.00 News. 6.30 To
Be Advised. 12.15 Ready For
Love. (M) 2.00 Shopping. 3.00
NBC Today. 4.00 NBC Press. 5.00
Sunrise Extra. 5.30 News.
6.00 Mass. 6.30 Hillsong. 7.00
Joseph Prince. 7.30 Everyday
Gourmet. 8.00 Where It All
Began. New. 8.30 St10. 10.00
St10: Extra. (PG) 11.00 Weekend
Feast. 12.00 The Talk. (PG) 1.00
The Offroad Adventure Show.
Final. 1.30 iFish. 2.00 Basketball.
NBL. Round 18. Sydney Kings v
Cairns Taipans. 4.00 Jamie Oliver’s
Food Revolution. (PG) 5.00 News.
6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 I’m A
Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!
(PG) 8.00 Shark Tank. New. 9.00
NCIS: New Orleans. (M) 10.00
NCIS: New Orleans. (M) 11.00
Movie: Matching Jack. (M) (2010)
1.10 Shopping. 4.00 James
Robison. (PG) 4.30 CBS Morning.
6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 Weekend
Breakfast. 9.00 Insiders. 10.00
Offsiders. 10.30 World This Week.
11.00 The Mix. 11.30 Praise.
12.00 Landline. 1.00 Return
To Lake Eyre: The Deluge. 2.00
Muriel Matters! 2.35 Soundtrack
For A Revolution. (PG) 4.00
Restoration Home: One Year On.
5.00 New Tricks. (PG) 6.00 Who’s
Been Sleeping In My House? 6.30
Jillaroo School. (PG) 7.00 News.
7.40 Conquest Of The Skies.
8.35 Sherlock. (M) 10.05 Movie:
Brideshead Revisited. (M) (2008)
12.15 Side By Side. (M) 1.55
Casualties Of War. (MA15+) 2.20
Sherlock. (M) 3.50 Hungry Beast.
(M) 4.30 A Quiet Word… With
Rob Brydon. 5.00 Big Ideas.
6.00 WorldWatch. 7.00 Al Jazeera.
7.30 WorldWatch. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30
Turkish News. 1.00 Big, Bigger,
Biggest. 1.55 Silvia Colloca: Made
In Italy Bitesize. 2.00 Speedweek.
4.00 Football Asia. 4.30 Massive
Moves. (PG) 5.00 Climbing
Great Buildings. Final. 5.30 Nazi
Megastructures. (PG) New. 6.30
News. 7.30 Jungle Atlantis. (PG)
8.30 Miracle Landing On The
Hudson. (M) 10.10 Mad Men.
(PG) 11.05 Movie: Everlasting
Moments. (MA15+) (2008) 1.25
Easter Island Underworld. (PG)
2.25 The Secret History Of Our
Streets. (PG) 3.30 Russia: A
Journey With Jonathan Dimbleby.
(PG) 4.35 The Wholly Family.
(M) 5.00 Korean News. 5.35
Japanese News.
6.00 Thunderbirds. 7.00 PAW
Patrol. 7.30 Dennis & Gnasher.
8.00 Tom And Jerry. 9.00 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 9.30 Teen Titans
Go! (PG) 10.30 Power Rangers.
(PG) 11.30 Digimon Fusion. (PG)
12.30 Tenkai Knights. (PG) 1.30
Danoz Direct. 2.00 Power Rangers
Super Megaforce. (PG) 3.00
Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal. (PG) 4.00 Max
Steel. (PG) 5.00 Adventure Time.
(PG) 5.30 Scooby-Doo! Mystery
Incorporated. (PG) 6.30 Movie:
Planet 51. (PG) (2009) 8.30 The
Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 Movie:
Swordfish. (AV15+) (2001) John
Travolta, Hugh Jackman, Halle
Berry. 11.30 Arrow. (M) 12.30
America’s Got Talent. (PG) 3.00
Top Gear. (PG) 4.30 Robocar
Poli. 4.50 Power Rangers Super
Megaforce. (PG) 5.10 Yu-Gi-Oh!
Zexal. (PG) 5.30 Thunderbirds.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Tomorrow’s
World. (PG) 7.30 Leading The
Way. (PG) 8.00 David Jeremiah.
(PG) 8.30 Shopping. 9.30 Cycling.
Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road
Race. Elite men’s race. Highlights.
10.30 Home And Away Catch-Up.
(PG) 1.30 Bazaar. (PG) 2.00 Treks
In A Wild World. (PG) 2.30 The
Hook & The Cook. (PG) 3.00 The
Great Australian Doorstep. 3.30
Life After People. (PG) 4.30 Bush
Pilots. (PG) 5.30 Mighty Ships.
(PG) 6.30 Fawlty Towers. (PG)
7.00 Keeping Up Appearances.
(PG) 7.30 Escape To The Country.
Presented by Nicki Chapman.9.30
Nick Knowles’ Original Features.
Nick Knowles heads to the Kent
countryside to meet a couple who
are renovating a former pub that
boasts an eccentric history.10.30
Tennis. Fed Cup. Germany v
Australia. Day 2. 1.30 The Great
Australian Doorstep. 2.00 Bazaar.
(PG) 2.30 Treks In A Wild World.
(PG) 3.00 Bush Pilots. (PG) 4.00
Escape To The Country. 5.00 Nick
Knowles’ Original Features.
6.00 Sport Science. 7.00 Healthy
Homes TV. 7.30 Savage Family
6.00 Children’s Programs. 2.00
Diggers. 8.00 Sport Science.
9.00 Escape With ET. 9.30 Adv
Angler. 10.00 Safe Breakers.
11.00 Game Of Champions. 12.00
Motor Racing. FIA Formula E
Championship. Round 2. Putrajaya
ePrix. Highlights. 1.00 Extreme
Collectors. 2.00 Attenborough’s
Life In The Undergrowth. 3.00
Totally Wild. 3.30 4x4 Adventures.
4.30 People Of The Vines. 5.00
What’s Up Down Under. 5.30 Get
Smart. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30
M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Extreme
Fishing. (PG) 8.30 Extreme Fishing.
(PG) 9.30 Movie: Transformers.
(M) (2007) 12.20 Gang Related.
(M) 1.20 Loaded. (PG) 1.50
Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG)
2.50 Emergency Search & Rescue.
3.20 Emergency Search & Rescue.
(PG) 3.50 Blokesworld: Cowboy
Shooters. (PG) 4.00 Adv Angler.
4.30 Adv Angler. 5.00 Adv Angler.
LazyTown. 2.25 Mister Maker.
2.50 Tree Fu Tom. 3.15 Peg + Cat.
3.30 Play School. 4.00 Bananas
In Pyjamas. 4.10 Hoopla. 4.25
Wiggle. 4.40 Tinga Tinga Tales.
5.00 Meet The Small Potatoes.
5.50 Peppa Pig. 6.00 Octonauts.
6.15 Charlie And Lola. 6.25 Maya
The Bee. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50
Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks
And Specks. (PG) 7.30 Stan Lee’s
Superhumans. (PG) 8.15 Swamp
Brothers. (PG) 8.40 Crisis: Then
The Wind Changed. (M) 9.40 The
Miracle Hunter. (M) 10.25 Catfish:
The TV Show. (M) 11.10 My
Child’s Not Perfect. (M) 11.55 My
Child’s Not Perfect. (PG) 12.45 The
Real Hustle: Celebrity Scammers.
(PG) 1.15 Scrappers. 1.45 News
Update. 1.50 Close. 5.00 Louie.
5.05 Joe & Jack. 5.15 Franklin And
Friends. 5.35 Ella The Elephant.
5.50 Children’s Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 PopAsia.
(PG) 11.00 Portuguese News.
11.30 Croatian News. 12.00
Serbian News. 12.30 Dutch News.
1.00 Urban Freestyler. 1.10 The
World Of Jenks. (PG) 2.00 Foodie
Planet. (PG) 3.05 Toughest Place
To Be A… (M) 4.05 Rhod Gilbert’s
Work Experience. (PG) 4.40 The
Pitch. (PG) 5.30 Brazil’s Next
Top Model. (PG) 6.30 Parks And
Recreation. (PG) 7.00 Parks And
Recreation. (PG) 7.30 If You Are
The One. 8.30 South Park. (M)
9.00 South Park. (MA15+) Final.
9.30 Danger 5. (MA15+) 10.00
A-League Extra Time. 11.00 In Her
Skin. (M) 11.50 Free Radio. (PG)
12.15 24 Hours In Emergency. (M)
1.15 Movie: Dark Blue World. (M)
(2001) 3.15 CCTV News In English
From Beijing. 5.00 French News.
5.50 WorldWatch.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
5.15pm Need
For Speed (2014)
Action. (M) Premiere
7.05pm 28 Hotel
Rooms (2012)
Drama. Marin
Ireland. (MA15+)
World Movies
7.30pm RoboCop
(2014) Action.
Joel Kinnaman.
(M) Premiere
5.30pm Amy
(M) Studio
5.30pm World’s
Worst Near Misses.
(MA15+) FOX8
6.30pm Outlander.
(MA15+) SoHo
5.30pm Cycling’s
Greatest Fraud. (M)
National Geographic
5.30pm Gold Rush.
(PG) Discovery
7.30pm The
Blackheart Diaries.
(M) Crime &
10.30am Basketball.
NBA. Golden State
Warriors v New York
Knicks. ESPN
1.00pm Golf. Euro
PGA Tour. Malaysian
Open. Final Round.
Fox Sports 3
4.00pm Soccer.
A-League. Western
Sydney Wanderers
v Wellington.
Fox Sports 4
The Messenger 26
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 Movie: Speechless. (M)
(1994) Michael Keaton. 3.00 News
Now. 4.15 News. 5.30 Millionaire
Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 A
Current Affair. 7.30 The Block
Triple Threat. (PG) 8.40 Gallipoli.
(M) Return. 10.30 In Their
Footsteps. (PG) 11.30 Love Child.
(M) 12.30 Nothing Trivial. (M) 1.30
Extra. 2.00 Danoz. 2.30 Global
Shop. 3.00 Skippy. 3.30 GMA.
5.00 News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00
Movie: The People Next Door. (M)
(1996) 2.00 The Daily Edition.
3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00
Deal Or No Deal. 5.30 Million
Dollar Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00
Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My
Kitchen Rules. (PG) Hosted by Pete
Evans and Manu Feildel.8.45 To Be
Advised. 10.00 Grey’s Anatomy.
(M) Owen introduces Callie to the
Veterans Hospital patients.11.00
Scandal. (M) 12.00 How The
Other Half Live. (PG) 1.00
Shopping. 3.00 Harry’s Practice.
3.30 Sons And Daughters. (PG)
4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise
Extra. 5.30 News.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 GCBC.
7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00 Family
Feud. 8.30 Studio 10. 11.00 To Be
Advised. 12.30 Dr Phil. (M) 1.30
Ent. Tonight. 2.00 To Be Advised.
3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s
Menu. 4.00 GCBC. 4.30 Bold.
5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud.
6.30 The Project. A look at the
day’s news.7.30 I’m A Celebrity…
Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) It’s
day seven, and a few of the
celebrities are having more trouble
than others adjusting to the loss
of their luxurious lifestyles.9.00
Law & Order: SVU. (M) Return.
Benson adjusts to being a foster
mum to baby Noah, whose
life is in jeopardy.10.00 Law &
Order: SVU. Follows the Special
Victims Unit.11.00 The Project.
12.00 David Letterman. (PG) 1.00
Shopping. 4.00 James Robison.
(PG) 4.30 CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 Landline. 11.00 Compass.
11.30 Eggheads. 12.00 News.
1.00 Conquest Of The Skies. 2.00
Parliament. 3.10 Bed Of Roses.
(PG) 4.10 Father Brown. (PG) 5.00
News: Early Edition. 5.30 The
Drum. 6.00 Antiques. 7.00 News.
7.30 7.30. 8.00 Aust Story. 8.30
Four Corners. 9.20 Media Watch.
(PG) 9.35 Q&A. 10.30 News.
10.45 Kakadu. 11.45 The Cut.
(M) Final. 12.40 Parliament. 1.40
Movie: Affair With A Stranger. (G)
(1953) 3.05 Movie: High, Wide
And Handsome. (PG) (1937) 5.00
Big Ideas.
6.00 WorldWatch. 7.00 Al Jazeera.
7.30 WorldWatch. 9.30 Greek
News. 10.30 German News. 11.00
Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic News.
12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 David
Garrett: Music! Live In Concert.
3.00 Al Jazeera. 3.30 Monty Halls’
Great Irish Escape. 4.30 Costa’s
Garden. 5.00 Grand Tours. 5.30
Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Rick
Stein’s Spain. 6.30 News. 7.30
Swallowed By A Black Hole. 8.30
Worst Place To Be A Pilot. (M) 9.30
Uncle. (M) 10.05 Man Down. (M)
10.30 News. 11.00 Real Humans.
(M) 12.10 Movie: On Tour. (M)
(2010) 2.10 Fukushima: Is Nuclear
Power Safe? 3.10 One Born Every
Minute. (M) 4.05 One Born Every
Minute. (M) 5.00 Korean News.
5.35 Japanese News.
6.00 Tom And Jerry. 6.30 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 7.00 Magical Tales.
7.30 Kitchen Whiz. 8.00 Move It.
8.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 9.00 Teen
Titans Go! (PG) 9.30 Max Steel.
(PG) 10.00 Power Rangers Super
Megaforce. (PG) 10.30 Ben 10:
Omniverse. (PG) 11.00 Yu-Gi-Oh!
Classic. 11.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal.
(PG) 12.00 Extra. 12.30 TMZ. 1.00
TMZ Live. 2.00 Car SOS. (PG) 3.00
Extra. 3.30 Power Rangers Super
Megaforce. (PG) 4.00 Looney
Tunes Classics. 4.30 The Tom
And Jerry Show. 5.00 Ben 10:
Omniverse. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans
Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG)
6.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00
The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30
Car SOS. (PG) 8.30 Top Gear Top
41. (PG) 9.30 Movie: The Hurt
Locker. (AV15+) (2008) Jeremy
Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brian
Geraghty. 12.00 Top Gear Top 41.
(PG) 1.00 Regular Show. (PG) 1.30
Looney Tunes Classics. 2.00 TMZ
Live. 3.00 TMZ. 3.30 Extra. 4.00
Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
(PG) 4.30 Robocar Poli. 4.50 Ben
10: Omniverse. (PG) 5.10 Yu-GiOh! Zexal. (PG) 5.30 Thunderbirds.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Lab Rats.
7.30 Teenage Fairytale Dropouts.
8.00 Jay’s Jungle. 8.30 Harry’s
Practice. 9.00 Home And Away:
The Early Years. (PG) 9.30
Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00
Men Behaving Badly. (PG) 10.30
Escape To The Country. 11.30
Fawlty Towers. (PG) 12.00 Taggart.
(M) 3.00 The Martha Stewart
Show. 4.00 60 Minute Makeover.
(PG) 5.15 Homes Under The
Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30
Britain’s Greatest Machines. (PG)
Chris Barrie takes a look at the
1950s.8.30 Judge John Deed.
(M) The parents of a comatose
infant take their physician to
court.10.30 Waking The Dead. (M)
12.30 Britain’s Greatest Machines.
(PG) 1.30 Colour Of War. (M)
2.30 Judge John Deed. (M) 4.30
The Martha Stewart Show. 5.30
Shortland Street. (PG)
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 9.00 Megafactories. 10.00
Forest Designs. 11.00 Safe
Breakers. 12.00 24: Live Another
Day. (M) 1.00 Wedding Band.
(PG) 2.00 MasterChef All-Stars.
(PG) 3.00 Totally Wild. 4.00 Get
Smart. (PG) 4.30 Emergency
Search & Rescue. (PG) 5.00 Adv
Angler. 5.30 iFish Summer. 6.00
Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG)
7.30 Undercover Boss. (PG) 8.30
Undercover Boss. 9.30 Movie: First
Knight. (M) (1995) Sean Connery.
12.15 Safe Breakers. 1.15 Movie
Juice. 1.30 Fast Forward. (M)
2.30 Blokesworld. (MA15+) 3.00
Would You Rather? (M) 4.00 Get
Smart. (PG) 4.30 Savage Family
Diggers. (PG) 5.00 Football’s
Greatest Teams.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 1.50
Pingu. 2.00 LazyTown. 2.25 Mister
Maker. 2.50 Tree Fu Tom. 3.15
Peg + Cat. 3.30 Play School. 4.00
Bananas In Pyjamas. 4.10 Hoopla.
4.25 Wiggle. 4.40 Tinga Tinga
Tales. 5.00 Fireman Sam. 5.10 Ben
And Holly. 5.25 Dinosaur Train.
5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.45 Octonauts.
6.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. 6.15
Charlie And Lola. 6.25 Maya
The Bee. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50
Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks
And Specks. 7.30 That ’70s Show.
(PG) 7.50 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 8.30
The Miracle Hunter. (M) 9.20
Holidays In The Danger Zone:
Places That Don’t Exist. (PG) 9.50
The Trail Of Genghis Khan. Final.
10.20 Arrested Development.
(M) 10.55 Red Dwarf. (PG) 11.25
Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 12.05 That ’70s
Show. (PG) 12.30 To Be Advised.
1.30 Red Dwarf. (PG) 1.55 News
Update. 2.00 Close. 5.00 Louie.
5.05 Joe & Jack. 5.15 Franklin And
Friends. 5.35 Ella The Elephant.
5.50 Children’s Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 Croatian
News. 9.40 Serbian News. 10.20
Portuguese News. 11.05 Japanese
News. 11.40 Hong Kong News.
12.00 Chinese News. 12.30
Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News.
1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish
News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.00 Iron
Chef. 4.50 The Urban Freestyler
Extreme. 5.00 A-League Extra
Time. 6.00 Community. (PG) 6.30
MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 The Feed.
Return. 8.00 Gadget Man. 8.30
Derren Brown: The Events. (PG)
9.30 Lost Girl. 10.25 @midnight.
(M) 10.55 In Her Skin. (M) 11.50
Life Support. (M) 12.20 The Feed.
12.50 Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
(M) 1.05 Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
(M) 1.20 Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
(M) 1.35 Movie: Sissi: The Fateful
Years. (PG) (1957) 3.35 RT News
In English From Moscow. 5.00
French News. 5.50 Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
5.55pm Upstream
Color (2013) Drama.
(M) World Movies
7.30pm The Hobbit:
The Desolation
Of Smaug (2013)
Fantasy. Martin
Freeman. (M)
7.35pm The Book
Thief (2013) Drama.
(PG) Masterpiece
5.30pm Great
Australian Albums.
(M) Studio
6.30pm ABBA
Arrival: The
Ultimate Review.
(PG) Studio
7.30pm 57th
Annual Grammy
Awards. (M) FOX8
5.30pm Great
Romances Of
The 20th Century.
(PG) Biography
6.30pm CI Aust:
Families of Crime.
(MA15+) Crime &
6.30pm Coast
Australia. History
5.00am Bowling.
PBA Bowling. USBC
Masters. ESPN
6.00am Golf.
Tour. Allianz
Championship. Final
Round. Fox Sports 2
6.00am Soccer. La
Liga. Fox Sports 4
The Messenger 27
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 The Strip. (M) 2.00 The Block
Triple Threat. (PG) 3.00 News
Now. 4.15 News. 5.30 Millionaire
Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 A
Current Affair. 7.30 The Block
Triple Threat. (PG) 9.00 The Big
Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 The Big
Bang Theory. (PG) 10.00 The Big
Bang Theory. (PG) 10.30 House Of
Hancock. (M) 12.00 20/20. 1.00
Extra. 1.30 Danoz. 2.30 Global
Shop. 3.00 Skippy. 3.30 GMA.
5.00 News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00
Movie: Hijacked: Flight 285. (M)
(1996) 2.00 The Daily Edition.
3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00
Deal Or No Deal. 5.30 Million
Dollar Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00
Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My
Kitchen Rules. (PG) Gina and Anna
try to impress the judges.8.45 To
Be Advised. 10.00 Grey’s Anatomy.
(M) Secrets from Ellis Grey’s past
come to light.11.00 Scandal.
(M) 12.00 Happy Endings. (PG)
12.30 Happy Endings. (PG) 1.00
Shopping. 3.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 4.00
NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Extra.
5.30 News.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 GCBC.
7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00 Family
Feud. 8.30 Studio 10. 11.00 To Be
Advised. 12.30 Dr Phil. (PG) 1.30
Ent. Tonight. 2.00 The Doctors.
(PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30
Ben’s Menu. 4.00 GCBC. 4.30
Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family
Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 I’m A
Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!
(PG) 8.30 NCIS. (M) The team
consults with three cyber-terrorists
they imprisoned after a citywide
internet shutdown.9.30 NCIS: LA.
(M) Hetty orders a lockdown.10.30
NCIS: LA. (M) 11.30 The Project.
12.30 David Letterman. (PG) 1.30
Shopping. 4.00 James Robison.
(PG) 4.30 CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 Four Corners. 10.45
Media Watch. (PG) 11.00 Jillaroo
School. (PG) 11.30 Eggheads.
12.00 News. 1.00 Antiques. 2.00
Parliament. 3.10 Bed Of Roses.
(PG) 4.05 Father Brown. (PG)
5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30
The Drum. 6.00 Antiques. 7.00
News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Catalyst.
8.30 Fake Or Fortune? 9.30 My
Last Summer. (M) 10.20 News.
10.35 Miniseries: The Pillars Of
The Earth. (M) 12.20 Silk. (M)
1.20 Parliament. 2.20 Jedis And
Juggalos: Your Census Guide.
3.00 Basketball. WNBL. Round 16.
Melbourne Boomers v Dandenong
Rangers. Replay. 5.00 Big Ideas.
6.00 WorldWatch. 7.00 Al Jazeera.
7.30 WorldWatch. 9.30 Greek
News. 10.30 German News.
11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic
News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00
Literary Landscapes. 1.30 France
24. 1.45 Journal. 2.00 PBS News.
3.00 Al Jazeera. 3.30 Brave New
World. 4.30 Wildest India. 5.30
Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Rick
Stein’s Spain. 6.30 News. 7.30
Who Do You Think You Are?
8.30 Best Of Insight. 9.30 Best
Of Dateline. 10.30 News. 11.00
Rectify. (M) 11.50 Movie: The
Silence. (M) (2010) 2.00 Movie:
Under The Salt. (M) (2008) 4.15
Countdown. 5.00 Korean News.
5.35 Japanese News.
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 M*A*S*H.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 2.50
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 Croatian
6.00 Tom And Jerry. 6.30 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 7.00 Magical Tales.
7.30 Kitchen Whiz. 8.00 Move It.
8.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 9.00 Teen
Titans Go! (PG) 9.30 Max Steel.
(PG) 10.00 Power Rangers Super
Megaforce. (PG) 10.30 Ben 10:
Omniverse. (PG) 11.00 Yu-Gi-Oh!
Classic. 11.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal.
(PG) 12.00 Extra. 12.30 TMZ. 1.00
TMZ Live. 2.00 Car SOS. (PG) 3.00
Extra. 3.30 Power Rangers Super
Megaforce. (PG) 4.00 Looney
Tunes Classics. 4.30 The Tom
And Jerry Show. 5.00 Ben 10:
Omniverse. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans
Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG)
6.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00
The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.00
Top Gear. (PG) 9.30 Movie: Law
Abiding Citizen. (AV15+) (2009)
Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx, Leslie
Bibb. 11.40 Anger Management.
(M) 12.00 Top Gear. (PG) 1.30
Looney Tunes Classics. 2.00 TMZ
Live. 3.00 TMZ. 3.30 Extra. 4.00
Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
(PG) 4.30 Robocar Poli. 4.50 Ben
10: Omniverse. (PG) 5.10 Yu-GiOh! Zexal. (PG) 5.30 Thunderbirds.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Lab Rats.
7.30 Teenage Fairytale Dropouts.
8.00 Jay’s Jungle. 8.30 Harry’s
Practice. 9.00 Home And Away:
The Early Years. (PG) 9.30
Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00
Bargain Hunt. 11.00 Homes Under
The Hammer. 12.30 Deception.
(M) 2.30 Men Behaving Badly. (PG)
3.00 The Martha Stewart Show.
4.00 60 Minute Makeover. (PG)
5.15 Homes Under The Hammer.
6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Highway
Patrol. (PG) Officers attend an
accident.8.30 Criminal Minds.
(M) The unit investigates a mass
murder at an internet security
company and come to suspect the
victims may not be the killer’s true
target.10.30 Castle. (M) 11.30 I
Shouldn’t Be Alive. (M) 12.30 The
World Around Us. 1.30 Harry’s
Practice. 2.30 Highway Patrol. (PG)
3.30 Waking The Dead. (M) 4.30
The Martha Stewart Show. 5.30
Shortland Street. (PG)
(PG) 9.00 Monster Jam. 10.00
Animal Conflict. 11.00 Motor
Racing. World Series Sprintcars.
Replay. 12.00 24: Live Another
Day. (M) 1.00 Wedding Band.
(PG) 2.00 MasterChef All-Stars.
(PG) 3.00 Totally Wild. 4.00 Get
Smart. (PG) 4.30 Emergency
Search & Rescue. (PG) 5.00 Adv
Angler. 5.30 iFish Summer. 6.00
Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 7.30 Attenborough’s
Life In The Undergrowth.
8.30 Extreme Collectors. 9.00
Extreme Collectors. (PG) 9.30
48 Hours. (M) 11.30 Movie
Juice. 12.00 Homeland. (M) 1.00
Motor Racing. FIA Formula E
Championship. Round 2. Putrajaya
ePrix. Highlights. 2.00 Basketball.
NBL. Round 16. Wollongong
Hawks v Adelaide 36ers. Replay.
4.00 Basketball. NBL. Round
16. Sydney Kings v Adelaide
36ers. Replay.
Tree Fu Tom. 3.15 Peg + Cat.
3.30 Play School. 4.00 Bananas
In Pyjamas. 4.10 Hoopla. 4.25
Wiggle. 4.40 Tinga Tinga Tales.
5.00 Fireman Sam. 5.10 Ben
And Holly. 5.25 Dinosaur Train.
5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.45 Octonauts.
6.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. 6.15
Charlie And Lola. 6.25 Maya
The Bee. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50
Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks
And Specks. 7.30 That ’70s Show.
(PG) 7.50 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 8.40
The Girl Who Became Three Boys.
(M) 9.30 Buzzcocks. (M) 10.00
Siblings. 10.30 Red Dwarf. (PG)
11.00 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.40
That ’70s Show. (PG) 12.05 Being
Human. (M) 1.05 Whisker Wars.
(PG) 1.30 Red Dwarf. (PG) 1.55
News Update. 2.00 Close. 5.00
Louie. Final. 5.05 Joe & Jack. Final.
5.15 Franklin And Friends. 5.35
Ella The Elephant. 5.50 Children’s
News. 9.40 Serbian News. 10.20
Portuguese News. 11.05 Japanese
News. 11.40 Hong Kong News.
12.00 Chinese News. 12.30
Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News.
1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish
News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.05 Iron
Chef. 4.55 Knife Fight. (PG) 5.20
The Office. (PG) 5.50 The Office.
(PG) 6.15 Community. (PG) 6.40
American Ninja Warrior. (PG) 7.30
The Feed. 8.00 Gadget Man. 8.30
50 Ways To Kill Your Mammy. (PG)
9.25 Cordon. (M) 10.25 Cordon.
(M) 11.20 @midnight. (M) 11.50
The Feed. 12.20 Tim And Eric
Awesome Show, Great Job! (M)
12.35 Tim And Eric Awesome
Show, Great Job! (MA15+)
12.50 Tim And Eric Awesome
Show, Great Job! (MA15+) 1.05
Movie: Kikujiro. (M) (1999) 3.20
France 24 News In English From
Paris. 5.00 French News. 5.50
Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
5.00pm The Hunger
Games: Catching
Fire (2013) Action.
Jennifer Lawrence.
(M) Premiere
7.30pm Winter’s
Tale (2014) Drama.
Colin Farrell, Russell
Crowe. (M) Premiere
7.30pm 20 Feet
From Stardom
(2014) Documentary.
Lisa Fischer. (M)
6.00pm The Nightly
Show With Larry
Wilmore. (M)
Comedy Channel
6.30pm A Day In
The Life. (PG) Studio
7.00pm Everybody
Street: NYC Street
Photography. (M)
6.30pm Handsome
Devils. (M) Crime &
7.30pm Neil
Needle Time. (M)
8.30pm Lost Tapes.
(M) Animal Planet
5.45am Soccer.
La Liga. Fox Sports 3
5.50am Soccer.
English Premier
League. Fox Sports 4
Basketball. Big 12
Conference. Iowa
State v Oklahoma.
The Messenger 28
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 Extra. 1.30 The Block Triple
Threat. (PG) 3.00 News Now. 4.15
News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat.
6.00 News. 7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 The Block Triple Threat. (PG)
8.45 To Be Advised. 11.30 Mike
& Molly. (M) 12.05 Ground Floor.
(PG) 12.30 Extra. 1.00 Impractical
Jokers. (M) 1.30 Danoz Direct.
3.00 Global Shop. 3.30 GMA.
5.00 News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00
Movie: Midwest Obsession. (M)
(1995) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00
The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 Deal
Or No Deal. 5.30 Million Dollar
Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00 Home
And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen
Rules. (PG) 9.00 Winter. (M) Eve
is caught between solving Karly’s
murder with Lachlan and her
team, and finding Indiana.10.00
Criminal Minds. (M) 11.00 Grimm.
(M) 12.00 The Secret Life Of
Students. (M) 1.00 Shopping. 3.00
Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Sons And
Daughters. (PG) 4.00 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise Extra. 5.30 News.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 GCBC.
7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00 Family
Feud. 8.30 Studio 10. 11.00 To
Be Advised. 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG)
1.00 Everyday Gourmet. 1.30
Ent. Tonight. 2.00 To Be Advised.
3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s
Menu. 4.00 GCBC. 4.30 Bold.
5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30
The Project. 7.30 I’m A Celebrity…
Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) 8.30
Wonderland. (M) Miranda fears
that she will lose Tom.9.30 The
Good Wife. (M) 10.30 Hawaii
Five-0. Return. 11.30 The Project.
12.30 Movie Juice. 1.00 David
Letterman. (PG) 2.00 Shopping.
4.00 James Robison. (PG) 4.30
CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 Q&A. 11.00 Boomtown.
(PG) 11.30 Eggheads. 12.00
News. 12.30 Press Club. 1.30
Children’s Programs. 2.00
Parliament. 3.15 Bed Of Roses.
(PG) 4.10 Father Brown. (PG)
5.00 News: Early Edition. 5.30
The Drum. 6.00 Antiques. 7.00
News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 QI. (PG)
8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS
HELL. (PG) Return. 9.00 Judith
Lucy Is All Woman. (M) New.
9.30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg.
10.15 Soul Mates. (MA15+) 10.40
News. 10.55 Making Couples
Happy :) (M) 11.50 Four Corners.
12.40 Media Watch. (PG) 12.55
Parliament. 1.55 Movie: Joy Of
Living. (G) (1938) 3.25 Obama:
What Happened To Hope? 4.15
Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 5.00 Big
Ideas. (PG)
6.00 WorldWatch. 7.00 Al Jazeera.
7.30 WorldWatch. 8.40 French
News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30
German News. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30
Turkish News. 1.00 Madhur
Jaffrey’s Curry Nation. 1.30 France
24. 1.45 Journal. 2.00 PBS News.
3.00 Al Jazeera. 3.30 Best Of
Insight. 4.30 Wildest Africa. (PG)
5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00
Rick Stein’s Spain. Final. 6.30
News. 7.30 Walking Through
History. 8.30 WWII Air Crash
Detectives. (PG) 9.30 Rectify.
(M) 10.25 News. 11.00 Sons Of
Liberty. 11.50 Living The End. (M)
12.50 Movie: Happy-Go-Lucky. (M)
(2008) 3.00 Movie: The Marriage
Certificate. (PG) (2001) 4.55
MeTube: August Sings Carmen
“Habanera”. (M) 5.00 Korean
News. 5.35 Japanese News.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.10
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 Croatian
6.00 The Tom And Jerry Show.
6.30 Rabbids Invasion. (PG) 7.00
Magical Tales. 7.30 Kitchen Whiz.
8.00 Move It. 8.30 Yu-Gi-Oh!
Zexal. (PG) 9.00 Teen Titans Go!
(PG) 9.30 Max Steel. (PG) 10.00
Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
(PG) 10.30 Ben 10: Omniverse.
(PG) 11.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic.
11.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal. (PG) 12.00
Extra. 12.30 TMZ. 1.00 TMZ
Live. 2.00 Top Gear. (PG) 3.00
Extra. 3.30 Power Rangers Super
Megaforce. (PG) 4.00 Looney
Tunes Classics. 4.30 The Tom
And Jerry Show. 5.00 Ben 10:
Omniverse. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans
Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG)
6.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00
The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.30
Carl Barron: One Ended Stick.
(MA15+) 10.15 Movie: Zoolander.
(M) (2001) Ben Stiller, Owen
Wilson, Christine Taylor. 12.05
MAD. (M) 12.30 Adventure Time.
(PG) 1.00 Regular Show. (PG) 1.30
Looney Tunes Classics. 2.00 TMZ
Live. 3.00 TMZ. 3.30 Extra. 4.00
Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
(PG) 4.30 Robocar Poli. 4.50 Ben
10: Omniverse. (PG) 5.10 Yu-GiOh! Zexal. (PG) 5.30 Thunderbirds.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Lab Rats.
7.30 Teenage Fairytale Dropouts.
8.00 Jay’s Jungle. 8.30 Harry’s
Practice. 9.00 Home And Away:
The Early Years. (PG) 9.30
Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00
Bargain Hunt. 11.00 Homes Under
The Hammer. 12.30 Jonathan
Creek. (PG) 2.30 Men Behaving
Badly. (PG) 3.00 The Martha
Stewart Show. 4.00 60 Minute
Makeover. (PG) 5.15 Homes
Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain
Hunt. 7.30 Pie In The Sky. (PG)
8.30 Inspector Morse. (M) The
murder of a church warden is the
first in a series of killings near
a quiet, country church.10.30
Jonathan Creek. (M) 11.30 Alaska
Wing Men. (PG) 12.30 Pie In The
Sky. (PG) 1.30 Men Behaving
Badly. (PG) 2.00 Shopping.
3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Sons
And Daughters. (PG) 4.00 Men
Behaving Badly. (PG) 4.30 The
Martha Stewart Show. 5.30
Shortland Street. (PG)
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 9.00 Attenborough’s Life
In The Undergrowth. 10.00 No
Ordinary Journey. (PG) 11.00
Movie Juice. 11.30 People Of The
Vines. 12.00 24: Live Another
Day. (M) 1.00 Wedding Band.
(PG) 2.00 MasterChef All-Stars.
3.00 Totally Wild. 4.00 Get Smart.
(PG) 4.30 Emergency Search &
Rescue. (PG) 5.00 Adv Angler. (PG)
5.30 iFish Summer. 6.00 Family
Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30
White Collar. (PG) 8.30 Hawaii
Five-0. (M) 9.30 Gang Related. (M)
10.30 Sons Of Anarchy. (AV15+)
11.30 The Glades. (M) 12.30 Get
Smart. (PG) 1.00 Motor Racing.
World Series Sprintcars. Replay.
2.00 Basketball. NBL. Round 17.
Wollongong Hawks v Melbourne
United. Replay. 4.00 Basketball.
NBL. Round 17. Adelaide 36ers v
Townsville Crocodiles. Replay.
Ben And Holly. 5.25 Dinosaur
Train. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.45
Octonauts. 6.00 Grandpa In My
Pocket. 6.15 Charlie And Lola.
6.25 Maya The Bee. 6.35 Peter
Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep.
7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30
That ’70s Show. (PG) 7.50 Jimmy
Fallon. (PG) 8.40 The Hoarder
Next Door. (PG) 9.30 Scrappers.
(M) 10.00 Story Club. 10.30
Red Dwarf. 11.00 Jimmy Fallon.
(PG) 11.45 That ’70s Show. (PG)
12.05 Stan Lee’s Superhumans.
(PG) 12.50 Swamp Brothers. (PG)
1.15 Walk On The Wild Side. 1.45
Red Dwarf. 2.10 News Update.
2.15 Close. 5.00 Wild Animal
Baby Explorers. 5.15 Franklin And
Friends. 5.35 Ella The Elephant.
5.50 Children’s Programs.
News. 9.40 Serbian News. 10.20
Portuguese News. 11.05 Japanese
News. 11.40 Hong Kong News.
12.00 Chinese News. 12.30
Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News.
1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish
News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.05
Iron Chef. 4.55 Knife Fight. 5.20
The Office. (PG) 5.50 The Office.
(PG) 6.15 Community. (PG) 6.40
American Ninja Warrior. (PG) 7.30
The Feed. 8.00 Gadget Man. 8.30
Movie: Thunderbolt. (1995) 10.30
Movie: The Lost Bladesman. (M)
(2011) 12.25 The Feed. 12.55
Robot Chicken. (M) 1.10 Robot
Chicken. (M) 1.25 Robot Chicken.
(M) 1.35 Miniseries: Vargas:
Neptune’s Thunder. (M) 3.15 DW
News In English From Berlin. 5.00
French News. 5.50 Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
5.30pm The Life
Aquatic With
Steve Zissou (2004)
Comedy. Bill Murray,
Cate Blanchett. (M)
7.30pm The Wolf
Of Wall Street
(2013) Biographical.
Leonardo DiCaprio,
Jonah Hill. Premiere
7.30pm The
Lone Ranger
(2013) Western.
Johnny Depp. (M)
5.30pm Bargain
Hunt. (G) LifeStyle
7.30pm Cordon.
(M) Studio
7.30pm Call The
Midwife. (PG) UKTV
6.30pm Unlikely
Friends. (M) Crime &
6.30pm Railroad
Alaska. (PG)
8.30pm The Real
Lion Queen. (PG)
Animal Planet
5.45am Soccer.
English Premier
League. Fox Sports 1
10.00am Basketball.
Kentucky v LSU. ESPN
12.00pm Basketball.
Big Ten Conference.
Wisconsin v
Nebraska. ESPN
The Messenger 29
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 The Strip. (M) 2.00 The
Block Triple Threat. (PG) 3.00
News Now. 4.15 News. 5.30
Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 News.
7.00 ACA. 7.30 The Block Triple
Threat. (PG) 8.45 The Block Open
House. (PG) 9.45 CSI: Crime
Scene Investigation. (M) 10.45
Inside Story. 11.40 Golden Boy.
(M) 12.35 The Following. (AV15+)
1.30 Extra. 2.00 Danoz. 2.30
Global Shop. 3.00 Skippy. 3.30
GMA. 5.00 News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00
Movie: The Making Of A
Hollywood Madam. (M) (1996)
2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00
The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00
Deal Or No Deal. 5.30 Million
Dollar Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00
Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My
Kitchen Rules. (PG) Work friends
try to impress the judges.9.00
Movie: The Proposal. (PG) (2009)
Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds.
An editor gets engaged to her
assistant.11.15 To Be Advised.
12.10 Desperate Housewives.
(M) 1.00 Shopping. 3.30 Harry’s
Practice. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00
Sunrise Extra. 5.30 News.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 GCBC.
7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00 Family
Feud. 8.30 Studio 10. 11.00 To
Be Advised. 12.00 Dr Phil. (M)
1.00 Everyday Gourmet. 1.30
Ent. Tonight. 2.00 The Doctors.
(PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30
Ben’s Menu. 4.00 GCBC. 4.30
Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family
Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 I’m
A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of
Here! (PG) Hosted by Julia Morris
and Chris Brown.9.00 Gogglebox.
(M) New. TV fanatics open up
their living rooms to reveal their
reactions to popular and topical
TV shows.10.00 Law & Order:
SVU. Follows the Special Victims
Unit.11.00 Blue Bloods. (M) 12.00
The Project. 1.00 David Letterman.
(PG) 2.00 Shopping. 4.00 James
Robison. (PG) 4.30 CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 Aust Story. 10.30 Catalyst.
11.00 QI. (PG) 11.30 Eggheads.
12.00 News. 1.00 Antiques. 2.00
Parliament. 3.10 Bed Of Roses.
(PG) 4.10 Father Brown. (PG) 5.00
News: Early Edition. 5.30 The
Drum. 6.00 Antiques. 6.55 Clarke
And Dawe. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30.
8.00 Outback ER. (PG) New. 8.30
Hiding. (M) 9.30 Louis Theroux’s
LA Stories. (M) 10.30 News. 10.40
Please Like Me. (M) 11.10 Derek.
(M) 11.35 Rev. (M) 12.05 Bored
To Death. (M) 12.30 Parliament.
1.30 Life In Movement. (M) 2.50
Derek. (M) 3.15 Rev. (M) 3.45
Louis Theroux’s LA Stories. (M)
5.00 Big Ideas.
6.00 WorldWatch. 7.00 Al Jazeera.
7.30 WorldWatch. 9.30 Greek
News. 10.30 German News.
11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic
News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00
German Wanderlust. 1.30 France
24. 1.45 Journal. 2.00 PBS News.
3.00 Al Jazeera. 3.30 Jerusalem:
The Making Of A Holy City. (PG)
4.30 Rebuilding The Past. 5.30
Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Luke
Nguyen’s Vietnam. 6.30 News.
7.30 Destination Flavour Down
Under. 8.00 Made In Italy. Final.
8.30 Heston’s Fantastical Food.
9.30 Sons Of Liberty. (MA15+)
10.25 News. 11.00 Frisky Business.
(MA15+) Final. 11.55 Movie:
Fugitive Pieces. (MA15+) (2007)
1.50 Movie: The Secrets. (2007)
4.05 Countdown. 4.50 Fugu &
Tako. 5.00 Korean News. 5.35
Japanese News.
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 M*A*S*H.
Bananas In Pyjamas. 4.10 Hoopla.
4.25 Wiggle. 4.40 Tinga Tinga
Tales. 5.00 Fireman Sam. 5.10
Ben And Holly. 5.25 Dinosaur
Train. 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.45
Octonauts. 6.00 Grandpa In My
Pocket. 6.15 Charlie And Lola.
6.25 Maya The Bee. 6.35 Peter
Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep.
7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30
That ’70s Show. (PG) 7.50 Jimmy
Fallon. (PG) 8.35 Shaun Micallef’s
MAD AS HELL. (PG) 9.05 The
Inbetweeners. (M) 9.30 Plebs.
(M) 9.55 Arrested Development.
(M) 10.30 Red Dwarf. (PG) 11.00
Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.40 That ’70s
Show. (PG) 12.05 Don’t Just Stand
There, I’m Having Your Baby. (M)
1.05 Winter Wipeout. 2.05 Red
Dwarf. (PG) 2.35 News Update.
2.40 Close. 5.00 Wild Animal
Baby Explorers. 5.15 Franklin And
Friends. 5.35 Ella The Elephant.
5.50 Children’s Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.40 Serbian
6.00 Tom And Jerry. 6.30 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 7.00 Magical Tales.
7.30 Kitchen Whiz. 8.00 Move It.
8.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 9.00 Teen
Titans Go! (PG) 9.30 Max Steel.
(PG) 10.00 Power Rangers. (PG)
10.30 Ben 10. (PG) 11.00 Yu-GiOh! Classic. 11.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)
12.00 Extra. 12.30 TMZ. 1.00
TMZ Live. 2.00 Two And A Half
Men. (M) 3.00 Extra. 3.30 Power
Rangers. (PG) 4.00 Looney Tunes.
4.30 Tom And Jerry. 5.00 Ben 10:
Omniverse. (PG) 5.30 Teen Titans
Go! (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG)
6.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00
The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30
Auction Hunters. (PG) 8.30 The
Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 Movie:
Broken City. (MA15+) (2013) Mark
Wahlberg, Catherine Zeta-Jones,
Russell Crowe. 12.00 Search4hurt.
(PG) 12.30 Adventure Time. (PG)
1.00 Regular Show. (PG) 1.30
Looney Tunes Classics. 2.00 TMZ
Live. 3.00 TMZ. 3.30 Extra. 4.00
Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
(PG) 4.30 Robocar Poli. 4.50 Ben
10: Omniverse. (PG) 5.10 Yu-GiOh! Zexal. (PG) 5.30 Thunderbirds.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Lab Rats.
7.30 Teenage Fairytale Dropouts.
8.00 Jay’s Jungle. 8.30 Harry’s
Practice. 9.00 Home And Away.
(PG) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG)
10.00 Bargain Hunt. 11.00
Homes Under The Hammer.
12.30 Downton Abbey. (M) 2.30
Men Behaving Badly. (PG) 3.00
The Martha Stewart Show. 4.00
60 Minute Makeover. (PG) 5.15
Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30
Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Pie In The
Sky. (PG) Crabbe evaluates police
services.8.30 Lewis. (M) After a
female student is murdered in a
hotel room, Detectives Lewis and
Hathaway are drawn into a case
driven by celebrity.10.30 Downton
Abbey. (M) 12.00 Movie: George
White’s Scandals. (G) (1945) 2.00
The World Around Us. 3.00 Harry’s
Practice. 4.00 The Martha Stewart
Show. 5.00 Shortland Street. (PG)
5.30 Shopping.
(PG) 9.00 Extreme Collectors.
9.30 Extreme Collectors. (PG)
10.00 On The Ball. (PG) 11.00
Safe Breakers. (PG) 12.00 24: Live
Another Day. (M) 1.00 Wedding
Band. (PG) 2.00 MasterChef
All-Stars. 3.00 Totally Wild. 4.00
Get Smart. (PG) 4.30 Emergency
Search & Rescue. (PG) 5.00 Adv
Angler. 5.30 iFish Summer. 6.00
Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG)
7.30 Last Man Standing. (PG)
8.30 Sirens. (M) 9.00 Movie: The
Phantom. (PG) (1996) Billy Zane.
11.00 The League. (MA15+) 11.30
Blokesworld. 12.00 Would You
Rather? (M) 1.00 Get Smart. (PG)
1.30 Adv Angler. 2.00 Basketball.
NBL. Round 18. Perth Wildcats
v Cairns Taipans. Replay. 4.00
Basketball. NBL. Round 18. Sydney
Kings v Cairns Taipans. Replay.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.00
News. 10.20 Portuguese News.
11.05 Japanese News. 11.40
Hong Kong News. 12.00 Chinese
News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00
Italian News. 1.35 German News.
2.05 Spanish News. 3.05 Greek
News. 4.05 Iron Chef. 4.55
Knife Fight. (PG) 5.20 The Office.
(PG) 5.50 The Office. (PG) 6.15
Community. (PG) 6.40 American
Ninja Warrior. (PG) 7.30 The Feed.
8.00 Gadget Man. 8.30 South
Park. (M) 9.00 Danger 5. (MA15+)
9.30 Bi-Curious Me. (M) 10.30 @
midnight. (M) 11.00 Cordon. (M)
12.00 Cordon. (M) 1.00 The Feed.
1.30 Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
(M) 2.15 Movie: Mifune. (MA15+)
(1999) 4.05 NHK World News In
English From Tokyo. 5.00 French
News. 5.50 Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
5.30pm Riddick
(2013) Action.
(MA15+) Premiere
7.30pm The Great
Beauty (2014)
Comedy. Toni Servillo.
(MA15+) Masterpiece
8.30pm On
My Way (2013)
Drama. (MA15+)
World Movies
5.30pm Lines
Of Wellington.
(M) Studio
6.30pm How The
Beatles Rocked The
Kremlin. (PG) Studio
7.30pm Impractical
Jokers. (M) Comedy
5.00pm Meerkat
Manor. (G)
Animal Planet
6.30pm James
Bulger: A Mother’s
Story. (M) Crime &
6.30pm Teen
Spirit, Teenagers
And Hollywood.
(MA15+) Biography
5.45am Soccer.
English Premier
League. Fox Sports
3Fox Sports 4
1.30pm Basketball.
NBA. Houston
Rockets v Los Angeles
Clippers. ESPN
7.15pm Alpine
Skiing. World Cup.
Women Individual.
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The Messenger 30
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 The Strip. (M) 2.00 The Block
Triple Threat. (PG) 3.00 News.
4.15 News. 5.30 Millionaire Hot
Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 ACA. 7.30
Rugby League. Indigenous All
Stars v NRL All Stars. From Cbus
Super Stadium, Gold Coast. 9.45
Movie: Ransom. (AV15+) (1996)
Mel Gibson, Rene Russo, Lili Taylor.
12.15 Movie: Rest Stop: Don’t
Look Back. (AV15+) (2008) Richard
Tillman. 2.00 Movie: Alfie Darling.
(M) (1976) Alan Price. 4.00 Global
Shop. 4.30 GMA.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00
Movie: Striking Poses. (M) (1999)
2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The
Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 Deal
Or No Deal. 5.30 Million Dollar
Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00 Better
Homes And Gardens. 8.30 Movie:
Oblivion. (M) (2013) Tom Cruise,
Morgan Freeman. 11.00 To Be
Advised. 12.00 Property Ladder.
(PG) 1.00 Movie: Dying On The
Edge. (M) (2001) 3.00 Shopping.
4.00 NBC Today.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 GCBC.
7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00
Family Feud. 8.30 Studio 10.
11.00 To Be Advised. 12.30 Dr
Phil. (M) 1.30 Ent. Tonight. 2.00
The Doctors. (PG) 3.00 Judge
Judy. (PG) 3.30 Ben’s Menu. 4.00
GCBC. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News.
6.00 Family Feud. Hosted by
Grant Denyer.6.30 The Project.
Join the hosts for a look at the
day’s news, events and hot
topics.7.30 The Living Room.
Return. This Valentine’s Day, Chris
heads to Aitutaki in the Cook
Islands, known as the world’s
most romantic island.8.30 To Be
Advised. 11.30 The Project. A look
at the day’s news.12.30 David
Letterman. (PG) 1.30 Shopping.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 One Plus One. 10.30
How To Grow A Planet. 11.30
Eggheads. 12.00 News. 1.00
Antiques. 2.00 Serangoon Road.
(M) 3.15 Bed Of Roses. (PG) 4.10
Father Brown. (PG) 5.00 News:
Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00
Antiques. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30.
8.00 QI. (PG) 8.30 The Doctor
Blake Mysteries. (PG) Return.
9.30 Silent Witness. (M) 10.30
News. 10.40 Whitechapel. (M)
Final. 11.30 Rage. (MA15+) 5.00
Rage. (PG)
6.00 WorldWatch. 7.00 Al Jazeera.
7.30 WorldWatch. 10.30 German
News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00
Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News.
1.00 NITV News Week In Review.
1.30 France 24. 1.45 Journal. 2.00
PBS News. 3.00 Al Jazeera. 3.30
Rex In Rome. (PG) 4.30 Coast.
5.30 News. 6.30 Soccer. A-League.
Round 17. Central Coast Mariners
v Brisbane Roar. 9.00 MythBusters.
10.00 News. 10.30 Movie: Blue
Velvet. (MA15+) (1986) 12.40
Letters And Numbers. 1.10 How
To Cook Like Heston. 1.40 Top
Secret America: 9/11 To The
Boston Bombing. (PG) 2.40 One
Born Every Minute USA. (PG) 3.30
South American Journey. (PG) 4.35
The Op Shop. (M) 4.45 Luminaris.
4.55 The Tannery. 5.00 Korean
News. 5.35 Japanese News.
6.00 Tom And Jerry. 6.30 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 7.00 Magical Tales.
7.30 Kitchen Whiz. 8.00 Move It.
8.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 9.00 Teen
Titans Go! (PG) 9.30 Max Steel.
(PG) 10.00 Power Rangers. (PG)
10.30 Ben 10. (PG) 11.00 Yu-GiOh! Classic. 11.30 Yu-Gi-Oh!
(PG) 12.00 Extra. 12.30 TMZ.
1.00 TMZ Live. 2.00 Auction
Hunters. (PG) 3.00 Extra. 3.30
Power Rangers. (PG) 4.00 Looney
Tunes. 4.30 Tom And Jerry. 5.00
Ben 10: Omniverse. (PG) 5.30
Teen Titans Go! (PG) 6.00 Movie:
Space Chimps. (PG) (2008) 7.40
Movie: Charlie And The Chocolate
Factory. (PG) (2005) Johnny Depp,
Freddie Highmore, David Kelly.
10.00 Movie: Starsky & Hutch.
(M) (2004) 12.00 Beware The
Batman. (M) 12.30 MAD. (M)
1.00 Robotomy. (M) 1.30 Looney
Tunes Classics. 2.00 TMZ Live.
3.00 TMZ. 3.30 Extra. 4.00 Power
Rangers Super Megaforce. (PG)
4.30 Robocar Poli. 4.50 Ben 10:
Omniverse. (PG) 5.10 Yu-Gi-Oh!
Zexal. (PG) 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Lab Rats.
7.30 Teenage Fairytale Dropouts.
8.00 Jay’s Jungle. 8.30 Harry’s
Practice. 9.00 Home And Away.
(PG) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG)
10.00 Bargain Hunt. 11.00
Homes Under The Hammer. 12.30
Downton Abbey. (M) 1.30 Pie In
The Sky. (PG) 2.30 Men Behaving
Badly. (PG) 3.00 The Martha
Stewart Show. 4.00 60 Minute
Makeover. 5.15 Homes Under
The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain Hunt.
7.30 Air Crash Investigations.
(PG) 8.30 Escape To The Country.
Jonnie Irwin heads to the North
Devon Coast to help a couple with
a budget of $2.2 million find a
country residence.9.30 The House
That $100K Built. (PG) Hosted by
Kieran Long.10.30 Before And
After. (PG) 11.00 Front Of House.
11.30 Hotel Secrets. (M) 12.30
Air Crash Investigations. (PG) 1.30
Escape To The Country. 2.30 The
Martha Stewart Show. 3.30 Front
Of House. 4.00 Hotel Secrets. (M)
5.00 Shortland Street. (PG) 5.30
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 9.00 Undercover Boss. 10.00
Fraser Island. 11.00 Extreme
Fishing. (PG) 12.00 24: Live
Another Day. (M) 1.00 Wedding
Band. (PG) Final. 2.00 MasterChef
All-Stars. 3.00 Totally Wild. 4.00
Get Smart. (PG) 4.30 Emergency
Search & Rescue. (PG) 5.00 Adv
Angler. 5.30 iFish Summer. 6.00
Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG)
7.30 Megafactories. 8.30 Cops:
Adults Only. (M) 9.30 Basketball.
NBL. Round 19. Cairns Taipans
v Melbourne United. 11.30 48
Hours. (M) 12.30 Cops: Adults
Only. (M) 1.30 Safe Breakers.
2.30 Sport Science. (PG) 3.30
Motor Racing. FIA Formula E
Championship. Round 2. Putrajaya
ePrix. Highlights. 4.30 Motor
Racing. World Series Sprintcars.
Replay. 5.30 Football’s Greatest
Managers. (PG)
6.00 Children’s Programs. 12.55
Daniel Tiger’s. 1.15 Q Pootle 5.
1.30 Little Princess. 1.40 Boj. 1.50
Pingu. 2.00 LazyTown. 2.25 Mister
Maker. 2.50 Tree Fu Tom. 3.15
Peg + Cat. 3.30 Play School. 4.00
Bananas In Pyjamas. 4.10 Hoopla.
4.25 Wiggle. 4.40 Tinga Tinga
Tales. 5.00 Fireman Sam. 5.10 Ben
And Holly. 5.25 Dinosaur Train.
5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.45 Octonauts.
6.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. 6.15
Charlie And Lola. 6.25 Maya
The Bee. 6.35 Peter Rabbit. 6.50
Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks
And Specks. (PG) 7.30 That ’70s
Show. (PG) 7.50 Jimmy Fallon.
(PG) 8.30 Don’t Just Stand There,
I’m Having Your Baby. (M) 9.30
Catfish: The TV Show. (M) 10.15
Red Dwarf. (PG) 10.45 Jimmy
Fallon. (PG) 11.25 That ’70s Show.
(PG) 11.50 The Hoarder Next
Door. (PG) 12.40 Pineapple Dance
Studios. (PG) 1.25 Red Dwarf. (PG)
1.55 News Update. 2.00 Close.
5.00 Wild Animal Baby Explorers.
5.15 Franklin And Friends. 5.35
Ella The Elephant. 5.50 Children’s
6.00 WorldWatch. 8.00 DW
Global 3000. 8.30 WorldWatch.
9.40 Serbian News. 10.20
Portuguese News. 11.05 Japanese
News. 11.40 Hong Kong News.
12.00 Chinese News. 12.30
Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News.
1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish
News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.05
Iron Chef. 4.55 Knife Fight. (PG)
5.20 The Office. (PG) 5.45 The
Office. (PG) 6.10 Community. (PG)
6.35 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 The
Feed. 8.00 Gadget Man. 8.30 Ali
G: Remixed. (M) 9.25 Sex In The
World’s Cities. (MA15+) 10.30
@midnight. (M) 11.00 Naked
Calendars. (M) 11.55 The Feed.
12.25 Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
(M) 1.10 PopAsia. (PG) 3.10 NHK
World News In English From
Tokyo. 5.00 French News. 5.50
Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
5.25pm Only
Lovers Left Alive
(2013) Drama.
Tilda Swinton, Tom
Hiddleston. (M)
7.30pm The
World’s End (2013)
Comedy. Simon
Pegg, Nick Frost.
(MA15+) Comedy
7.35pm Blue
Jasmine (2013)
Drama. Cate
Blanchett, Alec
Baldwin. (M)
6.30pm Talks Music.
(M) Studio
7.30pm Drop Dead
Diva. (PG) SoHo
7.30pm Kirstie’s
Fill Your House For
Free. (G) LifeStyle
6.30pm Kentucky
Justice. (M) Crime &
6.30pm The
Roberta Flack Story.
(M) Biography
7.30pm Abalone
Wars. (M) Discovery
11.00am Surfing.
Australian Open.
Day 1. Fox Sports 2
6.30pm Rugby
Union. Super Rugby.
Round 1. Brumbies v
Reds. Fox Sports 2
6.30pm Soccer.
A-League. Central
Coast v Brisbane.
Fox Sports 4
The Messenger 31
Real Estate
REIQ calls for
Abolition of
Stamp Duty
Queensland’s peak real estate
industry body has called for
the abolition of stamp duty in
a pitch to the state’s political
leaders for further reforms to
promote growth in the residential
property sector
eal Estate Institute of Queensland
(REIQ) CEO Antonia Mercorella
said a broad legislative program was
needed to create an even stronger local
real estate industry.
Ms Mercorella said the State’s
lawmakers had already shown a
commitment to reform through
the introduction of the Property
Occupations Act in 2014 - but said more
needed to be done.
“Queensland’s residential real estate
sector is in recovery mode and it’s
important to build on this momentum,”
she said.
“Real estate is crucial to the Queensland
economy, contributing more than $8
billion towards Queensland’s gross
state product and supporting almost
50,000 jobs throughout the state.
“That’s why we’re challenging the
state’s lawmakers to ensure real estate
reform is at the top of the political
agenda throughout 2015.
“The real estate industry is vital to
the state’s prosperity and we want
to see further reforms introduced in
Queensland, including:
• Abolition of stamp duty on
property transactions;
• Reinstatement of first home owner
grants for existing housing; and
• Allowing first homebuyers to access
their superannuation to purchase a
It’s a regressive
tax which imposes
additional costs on
property transactions,
thereby discouraging
turnover of housing...
Ms Mercorella said the abolition of
inefficient property taxes, along with
incentives to generate more transactions
and turnover, would pave the way for
further growth in the industry.
“Stamp duty on property transactions
should be abolished and replaced by a
more efficient source of revenue,” Ms
Mercorella said.
“It’s a regressive tax which imposes
additional costs on property
transactions, thereby discouraging
turnover of housing and distorting
choices between renting and buying.
“It also distorts choices between moving
house and renovating and can deter
labour mobility for those changing jobs,
resulting in reduced investment in the
property market.”
Ms Mercorella said reinstating the full
spectrum of first home owner incentives
would greatly assist with Queensland’s
residential housing recovery.
“We want to see the first home owner
grant for existing housing reinstated, so
that incentives exist for both new and
established housing,” she said.
“First home owner grants are an
important form of financial assistance
and there’s no sound basis for the
preferential treatment which currently
exists for buyers who purchase newly
built properties.
“A more widely available first home
owner grant will strengthen the real
estate market, while delivering a crucial
boost to the state’s wider economy.
“The REIQ also wants to encourage
younger Queenslanders to realise their
dream of home ownership.
“One of the biggest obstacles they face
is getting a deposit together, so it makes
sense to allow them to access their super
for this purpose, provided the money is
paid back within a specific period.
“We believe this raft of reforms has the
potential to boost real estate markets
throughout Queensland and promote
growth and jobs in the state economy.”
The Messenger 32
The Messenger 35
The Messenger 36
The Messenger 37
The Messenger 38
The Messenger 39
Local business owner and real estate professional, Mark
White has written and published his book “GOING FOR SOLD!
Mark states, “For most of us, our property is the greatest asset
that we will ever own, so when it comes to selling our property, it’s
imperative that we achieve the best result in any given market.”
It is well known that Real Estate Agents are not well regarded,
with many thinking agents just want to get the property listed
and hopefully make a quick sale. “Short term thinking restricts
the ability to maximize the returns when the property is on the
market,” says Mark; hence the reason for writing this book.
In our office we love what we do and we go the extra mile. Our
team is professional and committed 110% to giving our clients
a positive experience.
Topics included in Mark’s book:
• Planning for sale and how to do it
• Choosing the right Real Estate Sales Agent
• Promotion of your property
• Building and Pest Inspections
• Pricing your property.
With a RRP $29.95 this book could be the best investment you
make in getting your property ready for “SOLD”.
Mark is giving away 6 copies this week to owners who are
thinking of making a move soon.
Just SMS or call Mark on 0424 701 370.
The Messenger 42
The Messenger 43
Kenton Ross Funerals
A Caring
Funeral Service
Call Anytime 24hrs
• Kallangur - 3285 5155
• Southside - 3848 8666
Agents for: My Funeral Plan
“A simple payment towards
future funeral expenses”
Family owned and operated
100% Australian, Servicing all area’s
Technology made simple
The Messenger 44
Crossword # 6390
Now made with 80% recycled black squares by Laurie Stibbe
Brain Teaser
Three Two One
When you have three, you have three.
When you have two, you have two.
But when you have one, you have none.
What is it?
Solution next week
Last week’s Brain Teaser Solution
Dark Room
The match
Crossword Solution from last issue
The Messenger 45
Community Notice Board
NL/MH Police:
3482 1444
Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000
SES: 132 500
Health Advice:
13432 584
Wildlife Rescue:
0401 350 799
RSPCA: 1300 363 736
Dakabin Pound: 3886 0357
THE 500 CLUB If you enjoy a friendly of 500 you can join us at
Redcliffe Senior Citizens centre, 401 Oxley Avenue Redcliffe every
monday from 12.30 pm - 4 pm Contact Trish on 32035047 or Vivi
on 0407238163
A.I.R. Moreton Bay Region Branch The Association of Independent
Retirees (AIR) Limited meets on the 3rd Monday of each month
(except December) at the Redcliffe Public Library meeting rooms
commencing at 12.30pm. Visitors are welcome. AIR provides
members with information to help plan their retirement and
undertakes advocacy on the many issues confronting retirees.
Contact 3142 2506 Website
Al-ANON. If someone you love, or are dependant on has a drinking
problem and you can see what it is doing to them; if you're also
concerned how it's affecting you. We can help. Al-Anon Family group
meets Tuesdays at 12.30 at the Church of Christ Church on Ashmole
Road, Redcliffe. For futher information phone 1300252666
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. If you want to drink that's your
business.If you wish to stop, we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous
meets every Monday morning and every Thursday morning at Peace
Christian Community Church,40 Portwood Street,Redcliffe at 10am.
Helpline phone 3255-9162 (10am -10pm 7 days ) Web site www.
ALL ABOUT LIVING is an aged care service provider that is looking
for volunteers to assist with transport, administration, activity
groups and projects. If you are interested in helping our participants
please contact Kathy on 07 3269 1915, or see our website www. - We promote Choice, Support and Connection
A.L.P. To all ALP members in North Lakes & Mango Hill. The local
branch of the Australian Labor Party meets the 1st Wednesday of
every month at 'The Space' North Lakes cnr of Endeavour Blvd and
Lakefield Drive. For more information contact Mick 0422 434 562 or
Judi 0407 958 610 or Email
ANGLICAN CHURCH OF NORTH LAKES You are invited to worship
with us this Sunday at either of our services. Communion is celebrated
at our 8am Traditional service each week or on the 1st Sunday of each
month at our 10am Contemporary service. All services are held in the
Performing Arts Centre of North Lakes State College on Joyner Circuit.
For further info, call Fr Dan on 0403 977 512 or visit our website at
ANNE’S SOCIAL CIRCLE. Looking to welcome new members. We
are a group of Single Men, Women and Couples from all walks of
life. We get involved in a diverse range of activities, including Live
bands, Tribute shows, lots of dancing, Live Theatre, Restaurants and
trips planned for the future. A wine tasting coming up. The more the
merrier, a non clicky group of fun people. Don’t sit at home go out and
have fun. For more information call Anne on 3880 1088.
ANZAC MEMORIAL AVENUE Centennial Committee (AMACC) meet
second Monday of the month at William Abell Community Centre,
10.30am. The purpose is to propose events for the centennial
celebrations of WWI to be celebrated in 2015. Anyone is welcome
to come along to the meetings and have input. More information
please contact Tony Watson, Media Officer on 0408 766 992 or email See our website for updates: www.
Arana VIEW Club Luncheon meeting commencing 10.30am on
Wednesday 4th February at Arana Leagues Club, Dawson Parade,
Keperra. Guest speaker from Maverick Travel. Two-course lunch incl
tea/coffee ($24.00). Raffles. Bookings: phone Dorothy 3351 5196 by
4pm Monday 2nd February
BAHA’I FAITH of Moreton Bay Region openly invites enquiries of
Belief Principles, Children’s Classes, General Information, Holy Day
Events, Holy Script Study Groups, Internet Sites, Library Books,
Pamphlets, Social Gatherings, School Religious Classes, Youth and
Pre-Youth Activities and more. “The world is but one country and
mankind its citizens”. Baha’u’llah Phone: 07 38861567 Email:
Moreton Bay LSA [] Web:
BLUE DENIM COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB Progress Hall, 34 Cornelius
Street, Clontarf. Socials 4th Sunday of each month. Contact: Julie
3889 3179 or Lesley 3284 1083. All welcome. Entry $5.00
Brendale Evening VIEW Club meet for dinner on the third Tuesday
of the month at Wantima Country Club, (Golf Club) 530 South Pine
Road, Brendale. We enjoy a two course meal, a guest speaker, raffles
and lucky door prize. We raise funds for the children’s charity The
Smith Family and support students through their education. Ladies
come meet new friends. Visitors and new members welcome. Phone
Trish on 3264 2213
BRIDGE Redcliffe Bridge Club plays most days of the week. Players of
all levels are welcome. Lessons held every six months. Morning and
afternoon sessions. If interested please contact Richard on 3882 5970.
Tuesday 7pm - 9.30pm for a group meditation and to learn about a
new psychic tool each week. Mango Hill Community Hall, Chermside
Road, Mango Hill. For more info contact Angela 0433 079 555.
BUSH POETRY, NORTH PINE We meet 1st and 3rd Sundays 9am
until noon at The Distillery North Pine Hotel Old Petrie Town Dayboro
Rd Petrie. All welcome. Perform or listen, have your work read, Closet
Poets set yourself free in a friendly nurturing environment. C’mon
dip your toes in the water. Contact Mary on 07 5495 5110 or front up
and make yourself known to the MC. Change your Life for the better,
take the first step.
CABOOLTURE FAMILY HISTORY Research Group rooms will be
closed from Fri 17 Dec 2014 & will reopen for the Historical Village
Australia Day celebrations on 26 Jan 2015. Tel 07 54324498 or email
CAROLS BY DAYLIGHT will be presented by Counterpoint Vocal
Ensemble on Sunday 13 December at the Uniting Church hall in
Richens St, Redcliffe. The programme features the Five Advent
Canticles by contemporary Australian composer George Palmer. Entry
$15 (school-age children free) includes morning tea from 10:30 a.m.
before the concert. Purchase tickets through
or phone 0424 376 468.
PENINSULA. All are welcome to share our Christmas Masses on the
Redcliffe Peninsula as follows: Holy Cross Church, Anzac Ave, KippaRing – Christmas Eve; Children’s Christmas Mass 6pm, Christmas
Carols 8pm followed by Mass at 8.30pm, Midnight Mass. Christmas
Day 9am Mass, No evening Mass. Mary Queen of Peace Church,
Victoria Ave, Woody Point, Christmas Day 7.30am. See details in the
Parish Newsletter at our website,
CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS at Arana VIEW Club’s luncheon, 10.30am
Wednesday 3rd December, Arana Leagues Club, Dawson Parade,
Keperra. Rock’n’Roll entertainment by Romio & Juliet Duo, raffles.
Two-course lunch incl tea/coffee ($24.00). Bookings: Dorothy 3351
5196 by 4pm Monday 1st December. New members and visitors
welcome. Meet other women, establish lasting friendships, help
disadvantaged Australian children.
THE CENTRAL LIONESS CLUB Lioness Club Redcliffe. Meet new
friends & provide community services for your local area. We meet on
the 2nd & 4th Monday at 6.30pm at Woody Pt Hall, Redcliffe. Contact
Gill Bust 32842025 & Liz Alcock 3284 9415.
Find out what the Bible really teaches. Addresses held each Sunday
evening at 7pm, - 2pm on the first Sunday of each month. Join us
on the left side of the Redcliffe jetty, last Saturday of each month,
10:30am. All our activities are totally free, no collections, all your
questions will be truthfully answered. E-mail redcliffeges@optusnet. for further information.
CHRISTIAN GROW GROUP meets at Deception Bay Baptist Church,
Cnr. Silver Street and Maine Terrace, Deception Bay, each Tuesday
morning at 9.30 am. Our group welcomes anyone battling a mental
health problem. We use Grow’s long tried and tested 12 Step Program
with practical steps and peer support to aid in recovery of mental
health. For more details, phone Malcolm on 3888 0594.
CHRISTMAS MARKETS & CAROLS @ Pine Rivers Uniting Church
30 Narangba Rd, Kallangur Sunday 21st December 2014 from 4pm
Free Christmas food, sausage sizzle & slushies Free Family fun & kids
activities Christmas markets Carols at 6.30pm Phone Church office on
3285 6126 for further info
CONSUMER ADVOCACY For patients who have endured/enduring
difficulty with current illness/disability or treatments. Jodie from can assist patients with free assistance and
advice, particularly in the area of how to get the most out of the
medical system and the best consumer outcomes. Jodie also speaks
at functions and has a team of consumer consultants who can help
anyone using the healthcare system at contact at
COPE Cast Off Parents Effect. Have you experienced rejection by your
adult children.? Loss of access to grandchildren? A discussion group
held 13th November from 9 am-noon with two guest speakers, after
morning tea. Venue: 'Encircle' building in Lamington Drive, Redcliffe.
Aim: A support group for grief and growth. Enquiries to 3880 3060.
your call will be returned. Let us gather to talk about it.
1st & 3rd Thursday of the Month from 7.00- 8.30PM at Redcliffe
Uniting Church hall, 1 Richens St Redcliffe. Cost $2.00 & bus pick up a
extra $1.00. Phone 3284 6451 for further information.
at Deception Bay Primary School Music Hall Corner of King Street &
Beauford place at 9:30 am for bible study and 11:am worship service.
Everyone most welcome. Contact Humberto 0738865818 for further
DECEPTION BAY SPIRITUAL CENTRE Every Sunday from 2.30 until
5.30pm for Meditation, Healing and Service. We also sell Crystal
Gemstones at a very reasonable cost. All enquires contact Rev Carol
Bloor 0418 592 412.
DISCOVERY BAPTIST CHURCH, North Lakes, is a Christian Church
committed to knowing God deeply and making a difference in our
community of North Lakes. We’d love for you to join us for Sunday
worship and God’s Gems (Sunday School) at 9.30 am at The Space –
corner of Lakefield Drive and Endeavour Boulevard, North Lakes. For
other information and activities please visit our website at: www. or contact Pastor Phil Smith: 0430811967.
DRILLDANCE (Redcliffe) SYNERGY offers a sport that is fun and
enjoyed in a team environment. Our aims are to build self confidence,
deportment, fitness, friendship and team spirit. All ages are welcome.
We have teams from 6 to 60. For further information please contact
0421 3456 14 or view
EILDON CROQUET CLUB is an enjoyable club to join and play
croquet. We play 4 forms of croquet, ricochet, golf, association and
gateball. We play Monday ,9:30, Tuesday 8:30, Wed 9:30 Friday,
3:30 and Saturday 8:30. This is a game that all ages can enjoy. We
have 3 members of the gateball team who are children and they
play very well with the adults, hence a great family game. You are
most welcome to phone 3203 7262 or 3283 2924 and arrange to
come along.
FLORAL ART Peninsula Floral Art Group welcome visitors and new
members to join them each month to have fun with flowers. We
are a small group of ladies who enjoy each other's company and
learning the skills of flower arranging. Our meetings are at Red Cross
Rooms Portwood Street Redcliffe on the 2nd Tuesday each month
(February-November) at 9.30am morning tea, 10.00am workshop
and meeting. Enquiries: Pat Spillman Secretary Ph 3284 5795 Email
– 11am or Tuesday Evening 7 – 8.30pm . All ages. In Deception Bay,
crn Maine tce & Water st. Phone: Susan 04496 63421
for your grandchildren full time and would like to join a friendly group
of other grandparents for social support, then give us a call. We are
meeting each Tuesday fortnight with our next meeting on Tuesday
10th June, 12.30pm to 2.30pm at Redcliffe. Ring Sheree for details
3284 3081 (9am to 2.30pm Mon to Thurs).
grandparents who raise their grandchildren full-time. We cover all
of the Moreton Bay area. We are only a phone call away for a chat,
advise. The group meets on the first Wednesday of each month
(except sch holidays)
in a conference room next to the Caboolture Library known as The
Hub. For information phone Lynn Fielding 0407251274.
GROUP OUTDOOR FITNESS North Lakes This isn't a business it's just
a small group M/F aged between 20ish and 50ish who get together
twice a week in the park in Little Burke Street at North Lakes to train,
Tuesday and Thursday from 6.30pm sessions go for about an hour, join
us and get great encouragement and help, For more information and
questions answered call or txt Bryan on 0428337525
HER INSTINCT CLUB @ North Lakes If you love sharing your talent,
passion and life in food, writings, music, photography and art etc,
meet us at the new club. Create and collaborate on projects that you
enjoy and we may publish them on our not-for-profit website. Or
simply brainstorm your next big idea with like-minded members
at our gatherings. Dreamers, amateurs and professionals welcome.
Men/women. Email to find out more
INSPIRED LIVING FAIR Sunday April 12 9am - 4pm Kallangur
Community Hall Readers, Healers, Stall holders, coffee, food, all
day workshops including Learning Henna, La Luna Circle, What is
Metaphysics, Tie Dying, Sun catchers and Aura Art. Gold coin donation
going to charity.. 0424160093
JETTY ARCADE FREE CONCERT Redcliffe Surfside Country Variety
second Sunday each month from 9.30a.m.with ROD BRANDT & his
BOUNDARY RIDERS and selected guest artists. Contact Rod & Colleen
on 3885 4347 further details.
JP BOOTH Deception Bay shopping centre 9-12 Mon-Fri 9-1 Sat
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SERVICE Run by volunteers, a Justice of
the Peace Service is available at Westfield North Lakes Monday –
Friday 10.30 am -2.30 pm, Thursday Night 6.30 – 8 pm. Saturdays
9.30am – 12 midday. Call Westfield Centre Management 3491 9072
or emergencies only Dept of Justice Brisbane 1300 301 147.
KALLANGUR INDOOR BOWLS Monday Afternoons from 1pm-4pm
Kallangur Community Centre, Next to the Library on Anzac Avenue,
Kallangur Cost: Only $4 which includes tea, coffee and biscuits. Come
along and enjoy an afternoon of fun. Join a friendly group who will
welcome all new members. Beginners very welcome. For more
information please contact Wyn Carlton on 07 3886 2779
12.30 pm. Thursday Ladies/Mixed 9.30 am. Saturday Open Social
12.30 pm. Large airconditioned function room, private bar facilities
and catering available. Friday night meals at very reasonable prices.
Greens available for barefoot bowls for individual or corporate groups.
Telephone 3285 2267 email: for more
KALLANGUR OVER 50'S SOCIAL CLUB Do you enjoy bingo? How
about bus trips or maybe just a cuppa and a chat with new friends?
Then why not pop into North Leagues Club on a Thursday morning
at 9.30 a.m. and see what we have to offer. New members welcome.
Please phone Gailene 3285 3905 or Val 3410 0112 for more details.
KIDNEY SUPPORT NETWORK; we are a Support Group for people
with Kidney Disease, including Carers/Families. Our meetings focus
on open discussion and information exchange on all issues relevant
to coping with kidney disease. Meetings take place on alternative
months at Redcliffe RSL (third Wednesday in the month) and
North Lakes Medical Health Precinct (third Tuesday in the month).
All meetings commence at 2pm, Phone: 3204 8666 / 3889 4573 –
visitors always welcome.
organisation that has been in operation for over 19 years. We can
be contacted 24/7 for ALL wildlife on 0401 350 799. We meet at
Pendicup Place 365 Samsonvale Rd Warner at 7pm on the 4th
Thursday of each month all welcome. We are always looking for
rescuers & new members. All enquiries please phone 0401 350 799.
KSP Theatre Inc: is an amateur, not for profit, theatre group
celebrating our 30th year. Cnr Old Bay Rd and Maitland Rd
Burpengary. We welcome new members of all ages who are
interested in any aspect of live theatre. Five productions per year:
pantomimes, comedies, theatre restaurants etc. Family friendly
environment. For information about shows, membership, or to
receive our newsletter please call 38888580.
LADIES 50 - 60S age bracket needed for social tennis, played at
Chermside Rd in Danzy Buchanan Park Mango Hill on Friday mornings
from 8.30 am to 11.30 am please Contact Maureen on 0738892750
or Christine 0732045763 lovely friendly ladies would welcome you.
LADIES SMALL CARD GROUP Canasta five & pony 50's - 60's age
bracket Wednesday 10am - 3pm North Lakes 3203 1239 Will teach
if needed.
LAWN BOWLS, DECEPTION BAY. Visitors welcome. Tuesday Open
Pairs, 12.30 pm. Thursday Open Club selected, 8.30 am. Kitchen
open for lunch and dinner Tuesday to Saturday. Barefoot bowls and
functions available. Phone 32031233. www.deceptionbaybowlsclub.
LIFE! CHURCH Sunday 9.30am @ Kallangur State School + 5pm @
North Lakes State College. We are a contemporary church where we
enjoy life, great music, friendships & getting to know God in a real
way! For more info go to
help support our local district. We meet on the 1st Thursday of each
month for a Dinner Meeting, 6.00 for 6.30pm for a short meeting and
socializing. Also, on the 3rd Wednesday morning 9.30 for 10.00am
for a Business Meeting. Venues will be advised on contact. Contact
Margaret Zonca 5499 0509 or Joy Hynes 5433 0650.
your involvement to support the Redcliffe Peninsula Community. We
meet on the 1st Thursday of each month for our Dinner Meeting 6.30
for 7.00pm. Also on the 3rd Thursday for our Business Meeting 6.30
for 7.00pm. Venue information available on contact. Contact Jack
Emery (Pres) on 0418 784 410 or Norm Alcock (Sec) on 0417 714 284.
LIONS CLUB OF REDCLIFFE KIPPA-RING Come join our flourishing
Club, supporting the local community. We run the Redcliffe
Showgrounds Community Markets every Sunday from 6am – 11am.
We visit the elderly & isolated, and recycle used spectacles to send
to needy countries, plus more! Meetings held 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at
Rothwell Hall, Board meeting 2nd Tuesday. Call 0418 191 578.
Course Starting Soon. “SEASONS” is an adult peer support group.
We offer an opportunity to talk about & explore what happens to
us when we experience significant loss. This program provides an
encouraging and accepting environment in a small, confidential
group. It helps us to affirm and sustain ourselves in difficult times.
Starting 1st September 6pm at Freshwater Anglican Hall, 43 Park
Road, Deception Bay for 6 weekly sessions. For more information call
38800251 or 0421901737.
MAGS (Middle Aged Girls). Dinner meetings the first and third
Wednesdays of the month at various venues in and around North
Lakes. Married or single, come along and enjoy a meal with an
informal group who enjoy interesting and diverse conversation.
Please phone Barb on 0439764840 for details, please leave a msg
if no instant pick up.
MAKE FRIENDS HAVE FUN with the Moreton Bay Social Group 45
+ meet our friendly Singles and Couples. We have lots of choices for
you, some events are Dining, Dancing, BBQs, Theatre, Theme Parties,
Day Trips. We meet every Tuesday night at 6pm for Fun and Friendship
at the Redcliffe Leagues Club. Contact Maureen 34918998 or Keith
32846644 or Jen 38803357
holding a Community presentation by the Moreton Bay Rail
Environment Team at 7:30pm on Wed 3rd September at the Mango
Hill Community Hall, Chermside Road, Mango Hill. The team will be
talking about the Environmental work they have been carrying out
as part of the new Rail Link project.
MASONIC MEETINGS Freemasons, and anyone interested in learning
about Freemasonry, wishing to attend a Daylight Lodge. We meet
9-30am. the fourth Monday of every month at Freemasons Centre
Seaville Av.Scarborough, on the Redcliffe Peninsula. Our friendly
Ladies ,who attend every Luncheon,will extend a warm welcome to
your wife,please bring your wife along. Phone Les 3888 0739.
MEN'S SHED REDCLIFFE Community is now up and running and
available to All Men, in the area. Activities, or just a cuppa and a yarn
are on offer in this new Shed . The Shed is at The CommunityHouse
1 Laminton Drive , off Oxley Avenue and hours are Mon,Wed,Fri,
9-00am til 1-00pm. Call in for a chat or phone 0490 468 222 and
speak to Wal or Joe
MEN’S SHED The Pine Rivers men’s Shed operates every Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30am – 1.30pm at our shed, Old
Petrie Town, Dayboro Rd, Kurwongbah. If you like activities such as
woodwork, metalwork, computing, etc and making items for the
community, or if you just enjoy a cuppa and a chat – come along.
All men of any age welcome. For further information contact Sal
32612323 or 0438612324.
MORETON BAY CHRISTADELPHIANS Free Bible based seminars. On
every Wednesday at 7.30pm. Various Topics. 4 Whites Rd Petrie. For
more info call 0411 649 466 or email
MORETON BAY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA aims at providing quality
music for the Moreton Bay region. MBSO performs a selection
of music such as contemporary popular, classical and large scale
symphonic music. Subsidiary groups include a Junior Strings (under
15), Youth Symphony (under 25), Jazz Band and Flute Choir. Play an
instrument? We are always on the lookout for more musicians! Like
us on Facebook! Email: Visit our website at:
MOUSETRAP THEATRE Redcliffe Showgrounds home to plays,
musicals, cabarets, pantomimes and theatre festivals. Acting
The Messenger 46
A free service provided by The Messenger for community, social & non-profit organisations
workshops for primary & high school aged children. Technical
workshops. We are a warm and friendly little theatre company, where
everyone is welcome, either in acting, backstage, technical, directing
roles etc. Further information: 0439 954 719
the first three Tuesdays of the month at 09:45 am at the Community
Centre, The Corso, North Lakes. On other Tuesdays we meet for
lunches, bus trips and planned outings. Enquiries please phone: Julie,
3886 4552; Kay, 3385 6217; or Carmen, 0417 451 273. All welcome.
NORTH LAKES RLFC AGM Friday 28th November 2014 7.30Pm
At 27 Grampion Cct North Lakes. Nominations to be forked to by 26th November.
NORTH LAKES UNITING CHURCH offers a family service with
children’s Sunday School. Services each Sunday at 9:30am followed
by fellowship and refreshments are held at The Lakes College located
on the corner of College Street and Discovery Drive, North Lakes. All
welcome. Contact Rev. Mark Cornford on 0421 950 325 or email nluc.
PENINSULA ANIMAL AID is an animal refuge shelter for rescued
dogs and cats. The shelter is located at Clontarf on the Redcliffe
peninsula and is solely run by volunteers and has been operating
since 1971. If you would like more information about adopting an
animal, volunteering, becoming a member or attending our monthly
meetings, please phone 3284 1927 or go to our website www.
THE PENINSULA HERB GROUP meets every third Saturday in The
Wallum Centre at the Redcliffe Botanic Gardens, Henzell St Redcliffe.
Meetings start at 1:30, we welcome all visitors and anyone interested
in herbs. For any enquires please ring the secretary on 32843279 or
herb garden coordinator on 32831828.
PINE RIVERS SLIMMERS CLUB. Trying to lose weight? Need
Help? Join us every Wednesday morning at the Lions Hall, Lawnton
Showgrounds from 8.15am – 9.45am. Joining fee $12. Weekly fee
$3. For a relaxed social atmosphere, friendly support, nutritional
advice, recipes and competitions. 30years+ in the operating in the
shire. Contact Chris 3285 2949
PENINSULA SOCIAL GOLF CLUB welcomes both male and female
golfers of any level, with or without an AGU Handicap. Peninsula
Social Golf Club plays at a variety of courses with both single and
team events, has an annual dinner and presentation evening and
a weekend end of year trip. Any golfers interested can contact Club
Secretary Noel Price 0413 781 830 www.peninsulasocialgolfclub.
& 3rd Sundays at 10am Strathpine Gardens Community Hall Cnr Nicol
Way and Turner Drv, Brendale. For all infomation regarding services,
Ring Rev Rosina 076393 1969 or 0416002195
PINE RIVERS SPIRITUAL CHURCH will be having a Physic Fair
on the 13 Sept, there will be Tarot card and clairvoyant readers,-a
Physic Artist,channelled healing, sausage sizzle and stalls-For more
information ring Deborah on 32699778 or 0402510424
PINE RIVERS VIEW Club meets on the third Wednesday of each
month for lunch at Murrumba Downs Tavern,Murrumba Downs.
Interesting speaker. On the first Wednesday of each month we have
an outing to a place of interest. Ladies come and meet new friends.
Visitors welcome. Phone Sandra 3425 2738 and Joy 32855989
PLAYGROUP MANGO HILL. 9:10-10:10am each Friday (except
school holidays) for families of children planning to attend Mango
Hill State School. Indoor and outdoor play, music and story time
for children aged 2-5 with their parents/carers. Program led and
facilitated by a teacher. All activities are free! Come along and get
to know others in our caring school community. Contact Gabrielle
PLAYTIME ROTHWELL Thursday 9am -11am Mueller College A
Block Morris Road. Suitable for children aged 0 to 4. Operates during
school terms. Enjoy a cuppa and a chat with other adults while the
children interact, playing with toys and doing craft. Shared morning
tea is on a roster basis. Gold coin donation each week. Provided by
Mueller Community Church. Contact Isabel on 3897 2869
P.U.B.S Home brew beer club, meets last Tuesday of every month
at Kruger Hall, Kallangur at 7pm, for advice, comps and everything
home brew, new members welcome, for more info call Greg on
PULSE YOUTH is the youth program of Life! Church. Come check
out the craziest games, pumping music, hear a great word, be part
of a connect group and make amazing friends! Every Friday night,
6-8.15pm Kallangur State School Hall, School Rd, Kallangur! For more
info contact Scott & Miriam on 0413905336 or youth - youngadults@
PROBUS CLUB OF REDCLIFFE Inc. meets on the second Monday
of the month at the Redcliffe Golf Club, Handsworth St., Clontarf,
9.30am for 10am. For further information contact Maureen, phone
3284 3772.
PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP at Redcliffe meets on the
second Tuesday of every month. Medical professionals speak at
each meeting and is an opportunity to talk to these as well as other
men and their partners affected by the disease. Partners of men
attend regularly. Meetings start at 6.30pm at the Education Centre
of Redcliffe Hospital. All men, partners and family members are
welcome to attend. More info contact Fred Travis on 3480 5904 or
0404 495 898.
QUEEN'S BEACH INDOOR BOWLS Club Inc. Monday 7.15pm
Thursday afternoon 1.15 pm Church Hall cnr. Griffith Road. & Prince
Edward Pde.Scarborough.
QUOTA INTERNATIONAL CLUB of North Lakes meets at North Lakes
Health Precinct on the second Monday of each month at 6.30pm for
a light supper followed by our meeting at 7.00pm. If you would
like new friendships, share in our local community and support
international projects, give us a call. For more information on the
work that we do and be involved with this great club, call Glynis 34916248 or Val 3385-0661.
RAINBOW EVOLUTION New Age Kids Fair January 17 &18 2015 9am
- 4pm Kruger Hall Kallangur, Penson Park, Ann Street, Kallangur An
opportunity for kids to engage in Drumming, Yoga, Aura Art, Candles,
Learn Henna, Make a Dream Catcher and Mandala and so much more.
Wonderful markets. Gold Coin Donation with proceeds going to a
children's charity.
Friday each month at 10-00 a.m. for 10-30 a.m. in the“Kokoda Room
“ of the Redcliffe R.S.L. Club. Phone secretary Lynette on 3204 1678
REDCLIFFE CITY CHOIR practises weekly in the Rothwell area,
Monday nights from 7:15 - 9:30pm. We sing a range of music from pop, folk and jazz to classical and light opera. Most pieces are
in four-part harmony. New members are always welcome! More
information phone 3385 9778 or 3889 5789.
REDCLIFFE CITY LIONESS CLUB meets on the 1st & 3rd Mondays at
6.30pm at the Woody Pt Hall, Redcliffe. Make new friends & support
local community projects. New members welcome. For further
information contact Noelene on 3293 1222 or Trish on 3284 3498
or 040 7117212
Showgrounds Scarborough Rd. Socials : 3Rd.Sunday 1.00P.M. 4Th
Friday Night 7.30.P.M. Quality Guest Artists & Walk-Ups. Contact
Trudi on 3284 7609. All Welcome: Entry $ 4.00.
REDCLIFFE DEMONS RUGBY UNION invite members for the 2015
season. A Grade, Colts & Veterans (35+). All persons experienced or
interested in being involved as coach, trainer, players, medic, strapper,
volunteers. Learn skills, make friends & stay fit whilst competing at
the highest level. Redcliffe Rugby training at Ray Frawley Fields
Silcock St Clontarf. Details Mark senior. 0423214202
open to anyone wishing to research their ancestors. Our Library
contains over 600 books, microfiches, CD’s and computer access.
Help is always available, with tea, coffee and a friendly chat. We
meet every Tues & Thurs morning 9.30 am till 12.30 pm, and one Mon
evening a month by appointment, at the Scout Hut, Isobell Street,
Clontarf. Contact 3293 0567, or email
month, 10.30am, Meeting Room Redcliffe RSL, Irene St, Redcliffe.
Exservicewomen of all ages from all services welcome to share social
comradeship with others. Phone Wendy on 3880 2602 for more
REDCLIFFE HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Society welcomes members
and visitors to attend our meetings which are held on the second
Friday of the month at 2pm, at the Meeting Room of Redcliffe Library.
Our monthly guest speakers highlight many interesting aspects of
Redcliffe area history. All are welcome to enjoy the meeting and
afternoon tea. Enquiries to Secretary Stella Burnell on 0431578430.
email Web address www.
REDCLIFFE LADIES PROBUS CLUB Meets on the 2nd Thursday every
month at The Bramble Bay Bowls Club, Hornibrook/Victoria, Woody
Point at 9.30am for 10.00am. Enjoy morning tea, a guest speaker and
outings. Visitors welcome. Contact Margaret 3284 4242
Prince Edward Parade, every Wednesday night from 6.30-10.30 pm.
Band music to modern and new vogue dancing. New participants
most welcomed. Supper provided. Theme nights throughout the
year. Singles, new dancers and all abilities welcomed. Non profit
Cultural Centre Redcliffe in the Schillam Room at 10am on the first
Tuesday of the month. Cost is $2 and morning tea is supplied. For
more information please contact Dot 54 95 1335.
REDCLIFFE PENINSULA POETS Group meet on the first Tuesday of
the month at the Redcliffe Cultural Centre 7pm in the Winton room.
Everyone is welcome to come along. Read your own poetry or some
from a book! Our next concert is December 3rd- 10am Cultural Centre
Redcliffe $6.50 “Christmas Celebrations”. Lots of Laughs and fun- I’m
sure you will enjoy the morning. President Janice 3889 4701
of each month at the Kokoda Room, Redcliffe RSL, Irene ST. Redcliffe
at 10.30am. New members most welcome. Contact President Bob Ph.
3467 3091 or Secretary Ray 3203 2611
the community? Fancy joining one of the most iconic Australian
organisations? Ever thought of learning lifesaving skills? Situated at
Suttons Beach, Redcliffe, we run a nipper program for those aged
between 5 and 13 every Sunday between the months of September
and March. Call 32844105 or go to
REDCLIFFE PENINSULA VIEW CLUB Ladies, come and join an
organisation that provides friendship and fun while supporting
disadvantaged school students through the Smith Family’s‘Learning
for Life’ programme. We meet at the Moreton Bay Boat Club, Bird
O’ Passage Parade, Scarborough on the second Thursday of the
month at 10am. We have interesting speakers each meeting as
well as social activities through the month. Phone Robyn on 3293
6003 for more information.
REDCLIFFE RSL SUB-BRANCH General Meetings of the SubBranch every two months on the third Sunday of the month at 10.30
am. We also conduct interviews for Service pensions, disabilities and
Advocacy claims covering Service personnel, police and cadets. For
appointments call 3889 4872.
Q 4020. Membership $8 with joining fee $2.Activities table/tennis
Auction Bridge, Indoor Bowls, Concerts, Hoy, Snooker, Dancing twice
a week, amd other Activities plus Bus trips. Contact 3284 1366
REDCLIFFE SNOOKER CLUB Inc. Meets every Monday 5.00pm at
our new Clubrooms, 1 Bowling Green Lane, Redcliffe for a social
competition. We have 4 snooker tables and the rooms are also open
to visitors 10.00am to 4.00pm every Thursday, Friday and Saturday for
a practice hit. Costs are $2.00 per hour per person with partner- for
further information please ring Garry Wardle 0414722189 or email
the back) 124-130 Oxley Avenue, Woody Point (near Ellen Street), on
the first Friday of each month, at 7.30 pm. We explore theosophy,
Alice Bailey writings, poetry of Rumi, holistic psychology of Carl
Jung, the I Ching, Taoism and Zen, Feng Shui, Tibetan Buddhism,
progressive Christianity, sacred sites, music, prayer, meditation and
so on. All welcome. Tel: 3283 8386.
REDCLIFFE TABLE TENNIS ASSOC INC offers a social atmosphere
and has a range of players from beginners to very experienced. The
club is located at Clontarf High School Gymnasium in Isobel Street,
Clontarf every Friday night from 7.30pm. Quality Stiga tables and 3
star balls are provided and bats are available for use by casual visitors.
Charges are very reasonable. For further information contact Terry on
0407007143 or email
REDCLIFFE TPI SUB BRANCH meets on the first Monday of every
month, 9.30 a.m. at the Redcliffe Bridge Club Rooms in Irene
Street Redcliffe (next to the RSL). All TPI, Special Rate Pensioners,
prospective members and Spouses are invited to attend. Further
information available from Mick Karolak on 3283 1721 or Pedro
Newman on 3889 5704.
ST JOHN AMBULANCE Moreton bay Cadets and Adults ages 8
and up meet Thursdays from 6:30pm at the Redcliffe SES hall 35
– 41 Portwood Street Redcliffe. For more information contact the
Divisional Manager on 0402 895 206
SATURDAY MORNING BICYCLE RIDE in and around north lakes.
I am seeking riders utilizing bike lanes and bikeways in a safe
and friendly environment. 7am starts with a coffee/ drink break.
beginners and intermediate riders, not setting any land speed records
just enjoying the great infrastructure of north lakes. Phone Dean at
Allsorts- BERG ph 0431286322
SCOUTS offers an exciting and adventure filled learning environment
for youth members. Interested? Kallangur Scout Group invites boys
and girls from age 6 upwards to join in the fun. For further info contact
the Group Leader Chris on 0404 438014.
SENIORS WEEK Ye Olde Brass RSL Memorial Band Redcliffe Cordially
Invites Yoy and Your Friends to the Annual Fish & Chip Concert on
Tuesday 12th August at 10.30 AM at Redcliffe RSL Kakoda Room
Admission $9.90.
SINGLE MUMS MEET UP. To meet like minded people in a public
place; let the kids have a play and have the opportunity to make new
friendship. A time to share a positive attitude and have a good time.
Meet every second Tuesday morning at 9.30 And every last saturday
of the month at 10 am. At the Caboolture park. Centenery lake Start
Tuesday the 18 of march. Bring a blanket, a healthy picnic and come to
socialise with or without your kids if it is an off week. contact Wendy:
0409238880 Facebook: Single Mum, Single Dad and Empowered
SINGLE SENIORS OVER 60yo in Moreton Bay area. Would you be
interested in joining a small social group of single men and women?
We've all experienced the times when we would like to dine out, see
a movie, have a picnic, see a show etc etc but maybe not on our own!!
So why not join our group and share company. If interested, please
email Kate at
QCWA Hall, Anzac Ave., Kallangur on Friday mornings at 9 am. NEW
MEMBERS WELCOME. For more information please contact Joy 3865
6364, Bev. 3882 4598 or Gail 3204 4163.
SMALL CARAVAN AND MOTORHOME group for single travellers
that own a caravan or motorhome that like to travel and be part of
a group .enjoy trips and social outings. Over 55 years old. Enquiries
SMALL DOG CARER’S CLUB Meet other dog lovers and socialise
your small dog with other small dogs. Join the club and have your
dog lovingly cared for while you are on holidays, no need to use a
kennel. We meet once a month on the first Monday of the month.
New members (retired or semi- retired) are welcome. Phone Kevin
on 3881 1282.
SOCIAL COFFEE LOVERS GROUP If you enjoy coffee and stimulating
conversation, and meeting new people then join us to take advantage
of some of the beautiful Peninsula cafes on offer. If interested email
Carolyn at
SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL Moreton North Inc. is a global
voice for women representing 90,000 members in 126 countries.
Our projects assist women and girls to access education and
leadership opportunities, health care and human rights locally
and internationally. Regular meetings and social events are held
throughout the Moreton Bay Region. Contact Caryl 0417 730 155 or
Audrey on 0402776840 Email www.
Lakes” facebook page to connect with fellow South Africans in the
North Lakes and Surrounding areas. Contact Catherine for more
information. 0406781261 or
SPINAL INJURIES AUSTRALIA Brisbane Post Polio Network will
meet at 2.00p.m on Saturday 14 February at Spinal Injuries Australia
109 Logan Road, Woolloongabba. (Entrance and parking off Balaclava
Street). Guest speaker will be from Diabetes Qld. New members are
welcome. For more information please ring the facilitator Albert on
3381 0976.
STAMP CLUB, Redcliffe & Districts, meets on the second Saturday
each month (ex Jan) in the meeting room of the Redcliffe Library,
Oxley Ave, starting at 1.30 pm. Please ring Merv Hurse on 3204 6095
to confirm meeting details.
STRATHPINE TOUGHLOVE Parent Support Group can help you find
solutions to the problems you face. Build your knowledge, skills,
and confidence to tackle problems effectively. Meetings held each
Thursday at 7pm. Call 3856 3211 or for
more information.
SUPPORT FOR PARENTS Concerned about your teen’s behaviour?
Don’t know what to do? You're not alone. A lot of parents are facing
problems just like yours.
SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN. Men Supporting Men Inc. meets at
the new Neighbourhood Centre, 9 George St, Caboolture (opposite
the Caboolture State School) every Thursday from 6:45pm-10pm.
The group encourages self awareness in a safe and supportive
environment. Any man is welcome to attend. Enquiries: Allan 5497
4022 or Paul 0401 625 141 up to 9pm.
SUPPORT GROUP for women battling their poker machine
addiction. I am dealing with a pokies addiction and am on my way
to beating it. One thing I always wanted was someone to talk to who
understood. This group is not therapy or a cure but a chance to share
our experiences and, maybe, help each other beat our addiction.
Meet Wednesday evenings 7.30pm, Redcliffe. Please email me for
SWIMMING CLUB Would your child like to learn how to race and
participate in swimming meets? If your child can swim a minimum of
25m join us for a free introductory club night (conditions apply). Yearround, indoor heated 50m pool. www.australiancrawl.swimming. or phone Shane 0410 468 205 or Jane 0403 859 185
TEAR Groups are local groups that meet to discuss issues relating to
poverty and injustice in Australia and overseas and to advocate on the
behalf of disempowered and poor people – most often the poorest of
the poor. A Christian Justice Group, meets locally on the first Monday
of each month from 7pm-9pm. If you care about poverty, injustice
and advocacy for the poorest of the poor then please join us. Phone Di
on 073888 0571 or 04-08881507 for details of meetings.
TUESDAY CLUB INC is a non-profit working organization that raises
funds for the underprivileged & disadvantaged within the Redcliffe
Area. Meetings are held at the Moreton Bay Boat Club every 2nd
Tuesday of the Month at 10am, New Members very welcome, Contact
Marion 32845167 or Loela 32844167
U3A REDCLIFFE INC. provides an educational environment for
people in the third stage of life. It holds a variety of classes run by
volunteer tutors. A subscription of $20 per year applies and a small
fee for each class of $2. Computer classes are $30 for 8 weeks. Make
enquiries at the office on Level 1, 157-159 Sutton Street or call 3284
2687 email More information is on the net
supportive, not for profit group aimed at assisting people solve the
problem of being overweight. We meet every Tuesday morning from
8:30 am at the Rothwell Community Hall, Morris Rd, Rothwell. Tel:
3204-0870 or Mob: 0424 671 554
WORLD HARVEST MINISTRIES. You are invited to our Sunday
worship services 9am and 6.30pm! Come and experience the
presence and power of God! Let your life be transformed, receive
healing in your body, soul and spirit. Learn about God’s truth. We
teach the uncompromised Word of God. Families welcome! 53
Telegraph Road, Bald Hills. Tel: World Harvest Ministries 3261 4555.
YOUTH GROUP The Salvation Army, Redcliffe Come join us on the
1st and 3rd Friday of the month from 7 til 9 pm and enjoy a mass
of activities from old school video games to ping pong and movies.
We are located on Ashmole Road, Redcliffe (Turn left off Anzac Ave).
Check out for contact information and
further details.
ZONTA CLUB REDCLIFFE Membership is open to all women who
are actively involved in business and professions. Meetings are held
on the 4th Monday at each month. Interested? Further information
may be obtained by contacting Or:
Submit to
Maximum of 60 words per submission
Please resubmit your item in full when making alterations
To guarantee placement for the following week, please make your
submission by Thursday prior
Your submission will run ongoing until you notify us otherwise.
The Messenger 47
to place your classified e-mail
For Sale
BOX TRAILER @ North Lakes 6x4
Box Trailer with cage. 185x14 Tyres
with good tread. New axle bearings &
seals. As new jockey wheel. 6months
Rego,Very good condition all round.
$575.00 Phone 0417690989.
Car for sale. 2005 Astra CDXAH
hatchback. Regd - mechanical and body
good condition. Blue -151,000 kms.
Manual. $4500 ono. 0411542438.
ELKHORN FERN, massive size with
over 40 years growth. Grown into a
big hanging ball shape ~ very healthy
~ much loved ~ downsizing our home.
Easy yard access for collection. Can send
photos. $350 neg. Ph: John 0409 718 059
Garage Sales
Street North Lakes New with tags and
Used Babies/children’s clothes & shoes
Toys, 4 x car seats, cot, changing table
Bedding items New BBQ, outdoor table
& chairs household goods and bric a
brac, plants must go!
Garage Sale - Saturday 7th Feb, from
7am at 35 Winifred Street, Mango Hill.
Retro furniture, household items, Elvis
memorabilia, porcelain dolls, books,
bric-a-brac - something for everyone!!
Please No Dealers
Position Vacant
WE ARE SEEKING a 2nd or 3rd year
Automotive Technician to join our team.
Requirements are sound knowledge
of your trade, good working
standards, able to communicate both
with customers and fellow workers.
Enthusiasm to learn is required.
The position advertised is for our
workshop at Chermside but at times
you will be required to work at our
Redcliffe store.
If you would like to be part of a
successful, happy team please send your
resume to: or
call 0418 175 340
TUTOR REQUIRED for year 7 boy,
two hours per week, North Lakes. May
suit year 11 or 12 student. Please phone
or text Mark on 0422268687 or email
IF YOU LOVE Candles, You'll Love
this Career! Partylite, a leading direct
sales marketer of Candles & Candle
Accessories, has exciting Full & Part
time career opportunities for new
Consultants.No Start Up Fee, set
your own hours,on going training
and support Start earning income
For more information and a free product
catalogue, Call Robyn-Independent
PartyLite Consultant 0408 036334.
We are seeking a qualified Automotive
Technician to join our team.
Requirements are sound knowledge of
your trade, good working standards,
able to communicate both with
customers and fellow workers and the
ability to work unsupervised or as part
of a team. Enthusiasm to move forward
in your career is required.
The position advertised is for our
workshop at Chermside but at times
you will be required to work at our
Redcliffe store.
If you would like to be part of a
successful, happy team please send your
resume to: or
call 0418 175 340
Classified advertising cost is $8.80 GST included for one week.
First two words can be in capitals, rest in plain text (no images).
Please double check your details before sending.
Email your ad to before Thursday
morning the week prior.
Call Nick on 1300 300 608 with credit card payment
The Messenger 48
Trades & Services Directory
Ph: 1300 300 608 or Email
Garden design, construction
and refurbishments, turfing,
paving and water features.
Call Alan on
0412 304 324
The Messenger 49
POOLS cont.
The Messenger 50
Colouring In
mega Maze
The Messenger 51