Hike the Montague Plains On Sunday, May 10

Hike the Montague Plains
Sunday, May 10th from 9-12noon
The Eastern Towhee is one
of the bird species that is more
common as a breeder in the
Montague Sandplains than
in other areas of Western MA
Join Naturalist Josh Rose in a hike exploring
wildlife and biodiversity on this natural resource
where the proposed Kinder Morgan/TGP 36”
pipeline could be built.
Learn about birds, other animals and rare plants that inhabit this protected
land. The Montague Plains Wildlife Management Area (MPWMA) is
owned by the Recreation (DCR) Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
(DFW). The Montague Sandplains are one of the most remarkable natural
areas in the state.
Directions: Follow Lake Pleasant Rd. from Turners Fall Road (across from airport) for 1.5 miles.
Turn right onto the dirt road and follow to Mohawk Ramblers Motorcycle Clubhouse (Bartlett
Road). There is parking there. We will meet there at 9:00 a.m. to begin hike.
Sponsored by MAP (Montague Against Pipeline), The Enviro Show, No. Quabbin Pipeline Action
See www.northquabbinenergy.org/wordpress, www.nofrackedgasinmass or email
plarson24@hotmail.com for more information.