‘Do you have any lingering health problems you are unable to resolve by conventional means?’ ‘Are you looking for a new way to resolve the problem and remove any discomfort and inconvenience?’ ‘Do you want to try something different?’ ‘Perhaps the solutions offered by the NHS have not been successful’ Hello, I’m Elena Ewing, Medical Director of Mimex Montague Healthcare in Cotgrave. I’m working with a medical technology called Strannik Virtual Scanning. ‘It is a digital innovation which may be able to improve the quality of your life’. It is, at least in theory, a more advanced technology concept than genetic screening. There is no other comparable technology. We can test your health in a simple computer based test. It’s non-invasive, safe, quick and fun! It provides you with a complete report of your health in a level of detail which is completely unprecedented in modern medicine. We can determine the onset of conditions at a much earlier stage than current tests. Medical professional, complementary health practitioner and lecturer in midwifery: “This is just phenomenal - working within the health service for so long as a square peg in a round hole has always been a difficulty but I have always thought that there was something out there that would revolutionise medical care”. See this technology before you decide to have a test Just book a preliminary 15 minute demonstration for £25. If you want to be tested, it will cost an additional £65. What would you need to do? We call the Strannik test a ‘game’. Even if you’re not used to computers, it’s easy to do. Watch each picture on the computer screen for abt 15 seconds and memorise the colours. The colours then disappear from the picture by the imposition of a colour filter. Your task is to click on a colour palette and add the colours back into the picture. Recreate what you first saw! There will be approximately 5 pictures. It takes abt 10-15 minutes to complete the test. ‘Seemingly endless trips to the doctors and hospitals and I’m still waiting…’ No more waiting lists. ‘Something’s niggling me, I need to get it sorted. My GP is unhelpful and tells me there is nothing the matter with me.’ Don’t put it off any longer.Get your results ‘I feel so washed out. I’d like to nip this problem in the bud before it gets worse’ We can help you. A Strannik Virtual Scanning report provides information about all common pathologies in the 30 main organs of your body. It also provides you with a unique form of Light Therapy which initial research has shown appears to be highly effective, typically 83-96% effective, when treating lifestyle related problems. It does so because it is based upon an unprecedented level of understanding of how the brain regulates the autonomic nervous system. This technique has been widely used to treat patients suffering from migraine, dyslexia, epilepsy, depression, diabetic circulatory problems, dysarthria, poor quality and quantity of sleep, breathing disorders and many more diverse ailments. If you want to be treated using Strannik Light Therapy We charge £75 for the therapy. You need a computer or laptop at home. What is the therapy? It is called Strannik Light Therapy. It involves you sitting in front of your computer watching various sequences and colours flash on the screen for about 20 minutes. It is ideally done once in the morning and once again in the evening. Repeat consultations Upon completing the course of therapy, ideally you should return for another test. Repeat consultations are £75. Compare the cost : Nuffield Hospitals £513 (www.nuffieldhealth.com) BUPA Wellness £445 (www.BUPA.com) Bluecrest £129 (4 test cardiovascular screen) Strannik Virtual Scanning £90 (5-15 pathologies in each of the 30 major organs) This technology is registered with the health regulator in the UK so it is now on the market. It’s been used since 2001. We have many case studies of people who have successfully used Strannik, many of these published in peer-reviewed medical journals. We have testimonials from patients, practitioners, doctors and editors of medical journals. Our article ‘A further review of the genetic and phenotypic nature of diabetes mellitus’ has been downloaded 550 times and is a highly successful article. Our bibliography can be viewed on Linkedin or Research gate. Finally, an extensive list of Case Studies is available upon request and/or can be accessed via www.montague-diagnostics.co.uk Elena Ewing, Medical Director/Graham Ewing, Chief Executive To book a patient consultation or to request more information call today Mimex Montague Healthcare Ltd , Mulberry House, 6 Vine Farm Close, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3TU. UK Tel : 0115 989 9618 Fax : 0115 989 9826 Skype : quemaco1 Email : graham.ewing@mmhcl.co.uk web : www.montague-diagnostics.co.uk; www.montaguehealthcare.co.uk Company registered in England & Wales no 8439352
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