2-hjuls Container Systemer MGB 360 Product Details Product Details Produkt detaljer Product Details MGB MGB140 360 MGB 140 EURO2 MGB 360 (High polyethylene). Resirkulerbar. ႑ density Resistant to decay, frost, heat and many chemicals ႑ Polymer moulded from specially ႑ components Resistant to injection decay, frost, heat and many chemicals Værbestandig. Tåler frost, varme, og flere kjemikalier. Temperaturer ႑ Special UV-stabilisation provides excellent ageing characteristics designed HDPE ႑ Special UV-stabilisation provides excellent ageing characteristics fra ႑– 40 til + components 80°Cfrost, heat Metal areand corrosion resistant ႑ Resistant to decay, many chemicals ႑ Metal components are corrosion resistant UV ႑bestandig og slagfast Quiet-running solid rubber tyres ageing characteristics ႑ Special provides excellent ႑ UV-stabilisation Quiet-running solid rubber tyres Deler iLifting rustfritt stål ႑ components comb atcorrosion same height as MGB 240 ႑ Metal are resistant ႑ Suitable for all DIN lifting equipment Stillegående solide ႑ Suitable for rubber allgummihjul DIN tyres lifting equipment ႑ Quiet-running solid ႑ Compatible with identifi cation and weighing systems DIN႑norm i henhold tilidentifi EN 1501-5 Compatible with cation and weighing systems ႑ Suitable all DIN lifting equipment ႑ for Fitted as standard with chip nest in accordance with RAL GZ 951/1 Kompatibel med veiesystemer som ႑ Fitted asidentifi standard with chip nesterini markedet accordance with RAL GZ 951/1 ႑ Compatible with ႑ EURO 2 lid cation and weighing systems Tilpasset chip i henhold tilnest iht.in RAL 951/1 ႑ asTwo lid options: standard lid orGZ EURO 2 with lid RAL GZ 951/1 ႑ Fitted standard with chip accordance • • • • • • • •႑ EURO2 lid 2 lokk EURO QUALITY QUALITY KVALITET Certifi accordingtotoEN EN840 840and andRAL RALGZ GZ951/1 951/1 ႑႑ Certifi ededaccording •QUALITY Sertifikater ied henhold til EN 840 and according RAL GZ 951/1 Certifi edmanagement management systems according DINEN ENISO ISO9001:2008, 9001:2008, ႑႑ Certifi systems totoDIN edDIN according to14001:2004 ENi henhold 840 and RAL GZ 951/1 •႑ Certifi Sertifiserte systemer tilBS DIN EN ISO 9001:2008, DINEN EN ISO 14001:2004 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007 ISO and OHSAS 18001:2007 ႑ Certifi edConstant management systems to DINown EN ISO 9001:2008, DIN႑EN ISO 14001:2004 ogofBS OHSAS 18001:2007 ႑ Constant supervision ofaccording quality through ownlaboratory laboratory and supervision quality through and DIN EN ISO 14001:2004 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Kvalitetssikring gjennom eget laboratorium og uavhengige institutter independent institutes independent institutes Constant supervision of quality through own laboratory and Materiale i høy kvalitet etterand demost mest avanserte produksjonsprosesser High quality materials and most advanced manufacturing processes ႑႑ High quality materials advanced manufacturing processes independent institutes konsturert forservice lang levetid forlong long service life for life ႑ High materials and advanced manufacturing processes Alle႑quality deler er resirkulerbare ႑ All Allcontainer container partsmost arerecyclable recyclable parts are MGB 140 for long service life Tilsetningsstoffene inneholder ingen miljøfarlige stoffer Additives arecadmium cadmiumfree free andenvironmentally environmentally friendly ႑႑ Additives are and friendly ႑ All container parts are recyclable SPESIFIKASJONER ႑ Additives are cadmium free and environmentally friendly • •႑ • • ཱMGB 140 EURO2 SIKKERHET OGHANDLING HÅNDTERING SAFETY AND SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY AND HANDLING SPECIFICATIONS • Dobbel, vinklet løftekant ekstra sikkerhet tømming ႑ Double angle rail for gir highest safety duringved emptying ႑ D ouble angle rail for highest safety during emptying VOLUM EGENVEKT LASTEVEKT HJUL, FILLING APPROVED EMPTY AXLE VOLUMENOMINAL NOMINAL EMPTY WEIGHT MAX.MAX. FILLING APPROVED TOTAL •SAFETY Håndtaket er festet i beholder, ႑ AND Safe and easy to manoeuvreenkel manøvrering HANDLING SPECIFICATIONS WEIGHT TOTAL VOLUME ႑ Safe and hindrer easy to manoeuvre WEIGHT (KG) (KG) WEIGHT (KG) (L) (L) (KG) (KG) WEIGHT (KG) (MM Ø) •႑ DSpesielle ribber at beholdere setter seg fast ved stabling ႑ angle Continuous onsafety the body WEIGHT (KG) (KG) (L) ouble rail forhandle highest emptying ႑ stabil Continuous handle on ytre the during body NOMINAL VOLUME EMPTY WEIGHT MAX. FILLING APPROVED TOTAL •႑ SMeget på grunn av containers et hjulfeste Seasy pecial prevent from becoming jammed afe ႑ and toribs manoeuvre (L) (KG) WEIGHT (KG) WEIGHT (KG) ႑ R ecessed step at the rear to aid tilting 360 19,6 144 200/300 •႑ CÅpen løsning på hjulene hindrer ansamling av smuss 360 19,6 144,0 160,0 when stacked ontinuous handle onprevent the bodycontainers from becoming jammed Pipe axle 140 9,4 56,0 70,0 ႑rengjøring Special ribs •႑ REnkel som følge av glatte flater og avrundede ႑ P articularly stable due to external position of wheels ecessed step at the rear to aid tilting whenhjørner stacked innvendige ႑ ribs Openprevent wheel containers case prevents accumulation of dirt ႑ S pecial from becoming jammed ႑ P articularly stable duenår to external position of wheels Ingen inntrengning av vann lokket åpnes Easy to clean due to smooth surfaces and rounded internal corners when႑stacked ႑ Open wheel case prevents accumulation of dirt ႑ No water ingress when opening theoflid ႑ Particularly stable due to external position wheels ႑ Easy to clean due to smooth surfaces and rounded internal corners ႑ Open wheel dirt ႑ Nocase waterprevents ingress accumulation when openingofthe lid ႑ EStandard asy COLOURS to clean due togrå, smooth surfaces farger: grønn, brun, and blå rounded internal corners ႑ NOpsjon: o water ingress when opening the lid rød, gul, hvit, orange ႑ Standard colours: grey, green, brown, blue • 360 Solid axle 19,6140 FARGER • • COLOURS • Spesialfarger levers på forespørsel ႑ Option colours: red, yellow, white, orange ႑ Standard colours: grey, green, brown, blue ႑ Special colours are available on request COLOURS ႑ Option colours: red, yellow, white, orange ႑ S tandard colours: grey, green, brown, blue ႑ S pecial colours are available on request ႑ Option colours: red, yellow, white, orange ႑ Special colours are available on request EnviroPac AS Kakkelovnskroken 1, 0954 Oslo • P.b. 128, Kalbakken, 0902 Oslo SULO UMWELTTECHNIK GMBH ႛ Bünder Str. 85 ႛ• 32051 Herford ႛ Germany Tel 06130 • www.enviropac.no SULO UMWELTTECHNIK GMBH ႛ Bünder Str. 85 ႛinfo@enviropac.no 32051 Herford ႛ Germany tel +49 (0) 5221 598-05 ႛ fax +49 (0) 5221 598-475 ႛ www.sulo.com ႛinfo@sulo.com tel +49 (0) 5221 598-05 ႛ fax +49 (0) 5221 598-475 ႛinfo@sulo.com Salgႛ www.sulo.com og service i hele Skandinavia SULO UMWELTTECHNIK GMBH ႛ Bünder Str. 85 ႛ 32051 Herford ႛ Germany 10,2 144,0 56,0 160,0 70,0 All dimensions may vary due to production conditions. The specified weights are a rounded average based on the standard specification. The actual weight may differ due to production conditions and different specifications. MATERIAL AND DESIGN MATERIAL AND DESIGN MATERIALE DESIGN ႑ PolymerOG components injection moulded from specially ႑ Polymer components injection moulded from specially •MATERIAL Komponenter er sprøytestøpt i polymer fra en spesialutviklet HDPE designed HDPE AND DESIGN designed HDPE © SULO - 04/2015 © SULO - 07/2014 ཱ All dimensions may vary due to production conditions. The specified weights are a rounded average based on the standard specification. The actual weight may differ due to production conditions and different specifications. MGB 360
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