Weston Coyney & Parkhall Green News Green Party for the common good Number 4 • March 2015 People Power Forces Council U-Turn The Meals on Wheels service in Stoke was started in 1947 by a local businessman. It was intended as part of a system of welfare support. Users of the service pay only for the cost of the meals with the remaining costs being met by the council. Recently, the City Council announced the withdrawal of their £80,000 financial support for the scheme. Jan Zablocki, local resident and campaigner, supported the campaign to keep Meals on Wheels subsidised. He met the Vice Chair of the organisation, Mick Pointon. Mick told Jan that “the organisation and delivery is undertaken by unpaid volunteers and could not possibly be more efficient or cost effective”. Jan says “The service provides a vital social link for people who are often frail and lonely. It improves their chances of maintaining independent living. The council’s proposals is for a commercial business that needs to make profit. It will escalate the costs to service users massively”. A public campaign, led by the North Staffs Pensioners Convention, gathered 500 signatures of support. The City Council has been forced to abandon their plans to withdraw funding. It shows that public pressure can work! Jan Zablocki Green Party candidate Email: greenjanzab@ gmail.com Jan with Mick Pointon celebrating successful campaign to retain vital council funding Telephone: 07933 840737 There’s an “Offal Smell” in Weston Coyney The ongoing problem of blood and animal offal being spilt along Weston Road whilst being transported to Cheddleton seems to be getting worse. Jan Zablocki, local resident and campaigner, has been collecting the evidence of the scale of this problem. He photographed a line of blood and offal which had been dropped along Weston Road all the way through Meir and Weston Coyney. What the photos can’t show is the stench that goes with the problem. Jan has discovered that the City Council is unable to ban the vehicles carrying this material through Weston Coyney. He has written to local MP, Rob Flello, urging him to press for urgent action and suggesting a change in the “construction and use vehicle regulations”. This would force transport companies to use sealed vehicles for the transportation of “biological hazard” material. Rob has agreed to discuss these issues with industry representatives and the Under Secretary of State. Jan is passing his photographs to Rob as evidence of both the scale and seriousness of the problem and threat to public health. www.greenparty.org.uk www.northstaffs.greenparty.org.uk Printed by NSGP 37 Lytton Street, Stoke ST4 2AH Promoted by Jan Zablocki on behalf of North Staffs Green Party, both c/o 37 Lytton Street, Stoke ST4 2AH Printed on recycled paper Pollution in our City: The Impact on our Health Here in Stoke we often think of air pollution as a problem of the past. We aren’t surrounded by coal smoke any more but our modern society puts a new mixture of chemicals into the air. These range from microscopic particles to dangerous chemicals, all harmful to us. Most vulnerable are children with asthma and the elderly. Government figures say that 29,000 deaths a year are caused by air pollution. A lot of this comes from vehicles, which are of course extremely important to us. Most of us love the convenience of cars and we have to listen to those for whom driving is part of the job. Jan Zablocki, local campaigner says: “This is the sort of problem that can attacked by ‘joined-up thinking’. The Green Party calls for an immediate 10% reduction in bus and rail fares, to both help the low paid and make people think about alternatives. We could give more of the transport budget to making roads more pleasant for pedestrians and bike users. Even making things better for drivers can help. Improving traffic flow on major routes like Weston Road means less cars sitting idling. Electric cars and vans are becoming completely practical. People once looked at the smoky skies of old Stoke and saw only the money being made. Then in the 50’s we realised that the price we paid in lung disease wasn’t worth it, and took action. These things take time to accomplish, and our current government has done next to nothing. We need to keep pushing. Nowadays we would think it ludicrous for a teacher to smoke in classroom. Perhaps one day we’ll feel the same about a huge diesel wagon next to child in a pushchair. ” Copy of 1950’s postcard, but pollution is not just a problem of the past. Use both your Banking Madness! votes this election! Many people are unaware that they have two votes in the forthcoming May elections. One is for your local councillor. The other is for your area MP. The Green Party are putting up candidates for both elections as they are aware from the recent surge of interest that many people want to vote Green to show their choice for a new way of doing politics. Jan Zablocki has been selected as your local Green Party candidate for councillor. Green Growth It’s known on the internet as the #greensurge. In the last year the Green Party has grown from 14,000 members to over 53,000. Locally, our numbers keep going growing. Why is this? Quite simply, because we are realists, with a strong and unique set of ideas. Our country is facing a crisis. Our economic, social, and environmental systems are all failing and the last two governments have not made real change. But people, especially young people, grasp new realities faster than politicians do. The traditional parties are even hiring teams just to fight back against us. We take that as a great Green compliment! What’s 60 billion Euros between friends? Each month? That’s the amount that the European Central Bank gives to banks in the hope they’ll lend it to small businesses. But will this create jobs for real people? People know it doesn’t work. The banks are in a mess so they keep the money. They don’t lend it to companies that make things. The way to get the real economy going is to put money into transport, homes, and community projects, not to give more cash to the banks. And to invest in sustainable new technologies. That’s Green! Contacting Jan Zablocki Please get in touch if: • you would like your Green Party campaigners to take up any issues on your behalf; • you can deliver Green Party newsletters, would like to join or want more information. Website: www.northstaffs.greenparty.org.uk Facebook: Search for “North Staffordshire Green Party” Twitter: @NorthStaffsGP
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