Joint and Circuit notices Northstead & Wreyfield Drive Methodist

Joint and Circuit notices
Friends of Priceholme Support Group
Spring Fair
Sat 21st March at Northstead Church
Coffee served from 10am and Bacon
Butties from 11am—1pm
Various stalls
Music and Message Service
Sun 22nd March 2015 at 6.30pm.
Led by Rev Peter Cross
The theme is Classical Praise
and will include organ and piano
duets by Helen and Peter.
All are welcome.
Westborough Methodist Church
Mission in Britain Sunday
15th March
The Reverend Paul Wilson, B.A., B.D., M. Phil.
(Development Worker for Methodist Evangelicals Together (MET))
10.30 a.m. Morning Worship
4.00 p.m. An opportunity to hear Paul Wilson share with us followed by a faith tea
6.30 p.m. Evening Worship
Circuit United Service for all churches.
You are warmly invited to hear about mission and how you can be involved
Worship and give thanks for the work of Mission in Britain
Methodist Women in Britain
Daffodil Rally
Robin Hoods Bay Methodist Church
Wed 14th April 2014 at 2.30.p.m.
Speaker: Rev Pat Took
Light Refreshments
Bring & Buy Stall
District World Church Day
Lidgett Grove
Methodist Church York
10 am – 3 pm on 21st March
Morning Speaker:
Recent Ecumenical Observer
in Palestine, Israel
Mr Hodgson from West Yorkshire
Afternoon discussion on the theme:
One Mission
Refreshments available
(please bring packed lunch)
Good Friday, 3rd April at 7.30.
The film “The Cross”,
Ebenezer Baptist Church,
Doors open at 7.00 and there
will be no entrance fee.
Connecting Disciples.
Learning and development opportunity.
See poster for details.
Westway Open Arms
Presentation Evening
Tues 24th March at 7.00pm
A chance to see what has been
happening over the last year. There
will be some short presentations,
and our guest speakers are Brian
Ward and Adrian Moor from Street
and Community Angels, followed by
refreshments and a buffet.
Northstead & Wreyfield Drive
Methodist Churches
Minister—Rev. Clare Stainsby Tel 361841
Welcome to our two churches working together to serve the
Barrowcliff and Northstead communities. You are welcome and
encouraged to attend any of the meetings at either church.
Please join us for refreshments after the morning service.
Sunday 15th March
(Mothering Sunday)
Prayers in church lounge
10.30am Miss Joyce Dark
All Age Worship
Wreyfield Drive 10.30am Rev Clare Stainsby
All Age Worship
Wednesday 18th March
Praise Midweek
Sunday 22nd March
(Passion Sunday)
9.30am Prayers in church lounge
Joint worship for both churches at
Wreyfield Drive 10.30am Rev Clare Stainsby
Lifts available from Northstead 10—10.20am
St. Marks
CTAB Joint Worship
Interactive Stations of the Cross
(not St. Josephs as previously advertised)
Mon 16th Mar 7.15pm
Singing for Fun
Tues 17th Mar 9.30am-11.30 Coffee, chat + games (in Church)
7.30pm Ladies Circle AGM + Games
Wed 18th Mar 2.30pm
Fellowship –All things bright and
Praise Midweek
Thurs 19th Mar 9.30am Parents + Toddler s
1.45pm Ladies Keep Fit
7.30pm Badminton
Fri 20th Mar 6.00pm
Sat 21st Mar
10am-1pm Friends of Priceholme Coffee
morning - see back page for details
Items for the
next newsletter
should be handed
to Ros by next
Sunday please—
Badminton Charity Quiz
There will be a Coffee Morning at the
home of Marjorie & Trevor;
4 Norwich Close on Saturday 11th April
from 10.30am to 12.00 noon, where we
hope to announce the results!
All proceeds to be added to the
badminton Charity Quiz fund.
There’s still time to get a quiz sheet!
Any notices for the next notice sheet to Ann Maynard (tel 353959)
email by Wednesday please.
Mon 16th Mar 7.15am
Pr ayer meeting
10.00am Pop In
Girl’s Group
8.00pm Badminton (over 16’s)
Tues 17th Mar 2.00pm Women’s fellowship
5.00pm Rainbows
6.00pm Brownies
Girl Guides
Wed 18th Mar 9.30am
Pr ayer Group 147 Coldyhill Lane
The Boys’ Brigade
Thurs 19th Mar 3.30pm
Bar rowcliff Community Choir
The Girls’ Brigade
Fri 20th Mar
BB/GB Band Practice
The Boys’ Brigade
7.00 pm
Sunrise on Easter Sunday
Churches Together Around Barrowcliff will be holding an informal service at
sunrise on Easter Sunday. This will take place on Jonno’s field in the centre of
the estate where there is a superb view across Scarborough. The sun will rise
at 6.23 am, and therefore we will meet on the field at 6.00 am. A map is
available for those who need directions.
Easter Events 31st March - 5th April
Holy Week Service Tuesday 11.00am Scalby
Maundy Thursday 6.30pmNorthstead
Good Friday 9.30am followed by walk and picnic Wreyfield
Saturday Coffee morning 10.00am Wreyfield
Easter Day 9.30 Traditional Communion Service Northstead
!0.45am All Age Worship Café Style Wreyfield
Please send notices for the next notice sheet to: 4 Alexandra Park or email to no later than12noon on Wed. Thank you.