NEWSLETTER in partnership with Dear Colleagues, Thank you so much for your support and contributions at the Services to Schools Event. The exhibition providers have given us some great feedback. It was a great way for all of us to speak with current providers we procure from, as well as research ing alternative contracts. This event came at the same time as the new procurement regulations come into play, whereby we all need to make sure we are transparent and robust in our procurement processes. In March, as part of my work with the Central England Business Management Group, I met with the procurement representative from the DfE who outlined some future training courses they are developing to help us all with this area of work. Hopefully we will be able to get them to come to our Autumn term meeting. For more information go to: attachment_data/file/409380/Effective_buying_for_your_ school__02_Mar_15.pdf Our next conference is a little bit different, as we’ll be working very closely with Schools Advisory Service on Wellbeing workshops and the ‘Go Mad’ team on the concept of ‘Different Thinking, Different Results’, together with coaching and mastering change workshops. ‘Go Mad’ stands for ‘Go Make a Difference’ and they have published lots of great books to support innovative thinking and tools to support your success in both school and personal life. Don’t miss it, there will be lots of valuable giveaways. We hope that we can get as many members as possible to attend. Don’t forget you can send a representative from your school if for any reason you are unable to join us. We’re almost at the point of registering our Charity Application to become a CIO which will hopefully be finalised in the next month or so. It has been a massive task but a big thank you goes out to the CEFM team for their help and support with this work. We have two more Business Network Events planned for you this academic year, so please book on these quickly to avoid disappointment:- • 11th May 2015 - Pupil Premium • 7th July 2015- HR and Performance Management Frances Rowland (Nottingham City Committee Representative) and I have also started our work with the DfE/NASBM/CIPFA on the accreditation/professional development for Schools/ Academies and Business Managers to recognise the good work going on in this sector. It is hoped this will be released to all Schools and Academies later in the Autumn Term. The committee is also still keen to get new representation from a member who is based at a Nottingham City School/Academy, please contact Frances Rowland at eduserve@nottinghamasbm. if you want to learn more about this opportunity. Likewise we are also on the look-out for volunteers from both City and County Schools and Academies to help us out on conference/ training days, but who will not have to get involved in a committee responsibility – if you are interested in this please contact myself at Finally, we have just arranged preferred supplier agreements with PS Financials and Reprotec and welcome them on board for the next 3 years with the group. Likewise, we will continue to work with SAS, CEFM and SAAF as our main partners and thank them for their continued support and guidance to Nottingham ASBM. Thank you so much for your continued support of the group and I look forward to seeing you again at our next event. Karen Bonser, Chair, Nottingham Association of School Business Management Issue 09 / April 2015 >>> NASBM Meetings 2014-2015 These are the draft agendas for our meetings this year. As last year the February meeting will be combined with the Services for Schools procurement event attended by 40 exhibitors. Final Conference 2014-2015 16th June 2015 Theme – Go MAD! Go Make a Difference! Sponsor update - SAS Go MAD is a company that provide leadership, innovation and business transformation programmes that are both inspirational and practical in helping people think differently See more at: Go MAD will arrange an interesting day for us all with workshop choices both before and after lunch Raffles and Chair Close Parc facilities open to delegates Nottingham ASBM – SUGGEST A LOCAL TRADER We often have members asking us to invite a particular trader or company to exhibit at our conferences. To help members let us know about a great local company or trader, we have created a simply online form which can be filled in directly from our website. You can access the form by navigating to our website and follow this route on the menu: Conferences > Exhibitors and Sponsors Please make sure the trader or company you are suggesting is aware of the exhibition charges and the facilities – these are clearly detailed on the online form. Nottingham ASBM – Business Network Training Events 11th May 2015 ked! Fully Boo Pupil Premium Workshop Fully Booked ! 7th July 2015 HR/Performance Management To book a place on these training events please go to the Nottingham ASBM website: and click on the conferences tab. Issue 09 / April 2015 >>> Richard Whitehead pictured with NASBM Vice Chair & Treasurer Jane Fowkes Conference Feedback Richard Whitehead - a hugely popular speaker At our conference in February we were delighted to welcome Richard Whitehead as our motivational speaker. Despite being absolutely exhausted following the very recent birth of his son, Richard was a huge hit with our delegates. The resoundingly positive feedback received for both Richard and Tricia Stewart in November is going to be a difficult act to follow! It’s definitely been inspirational – let’s hope we can try and match this success next year. As you know we really value your feedback and will be discussing your evaluations at our next committee meeting. We raised £222 for SCOPE with our Spring Raffle so a big ‘thank you’ for your donations. Issue 09 / April 2015 >>> Our Spring Term prize winners are listed below & good luck for our Summer raffle! PrizeWinner SAAF Red Letter Day Toni Allport – Redlands Primary Spa Voucher (NASBM) Rachel Hudd – Brunts Academy Zenergi – DEC Michelle Cavell – Prospect Hill Infants Zenergi – Champagne Jane Bellingham – Langold Dyscarr Primary Whittle - Kindle Janet – Trent Vale Infants Aspire – M&S voucher & supply day Anne Hall – Committee & Carlton Central Juniors Reprotec – Champneys set Lisa Wakelin – Bodet School Pod – Ultimate Choc collection Stella Sefton – Calverton St. Wilfrid’s Primary School Pod – Prosecco Amanda Ackroyd – Bunny C of E Primary Absolutely Catering – Bridges gift bag Katie Cresswell – Middleton Primary Simply Education – Thorntons Francesca Parr – Standhill Infants Sports Maintenance Service - Champagne Valerie Smith – Parkdale Primary Ridge – Bluetooth Wireless Speaker Wendy Haywood – Burton Joyce Primary Ridge – Sparkling Shiraz Chris Shaw – Jesse Gray Primary CEFM – Prosecco Linda Pickering – Arnbrook Primary ICT Services – Cabernet Sauvignon Janet Dobson – West Bridgford Infants Bodet – Shiraz Julie Dimaline – Old Basford School IDNS – Sony Digital Camera & biscuits Toni Allport – Redlands Primary In addition to the above Nottinghamshire County Council’s Finance Internal Audit competition ‘Guess the Amount in the Jar’- actual amount was £138.48 The winners were:1st place – Fiona Williamson – John Hunt Primary (£137.52) 2nd place – Karen Greenwood – Sutton-cum-Lound C of E Primary (£142.00) 3rd place – Christine Dalby – Ollerton School (£150.00) Issue 09 / April 2015 >>> Don’t feel you are getting value for money on your stationery supplier? Education Services Nottingham (ESN) ESN is a one stop shop of nearly 60 services available to regional schools and academies. Segmented into five sections of Business, Additional Needs, Premises, School Improvement and Curriculum Enrichment there are services to suit every specialism in your school. Services have been created and shaped to make the running of your busy school easier. Visit to see services that you can handover to our teams of experienced and dedicated professionals. We aim to make your back office finance administration simpler too. Consolidated billing with statements so you aren’t managing multiple invoices. Please contact Frances Rowland or Michelle Gabbitas to arrange a visit to your school to discuss your service requirements. or 0115 8764598 or 0115 87646401 ESN partnered with ESPO a year ago to extend excellent value for money for Nottingham City and County Schools and Academies. To celebrate we are offering the following to our customers: Save an extra 5% on stock items from the new ESPO catalogue when you place a stock order with ESPO between 13th April and 29th May 2015. When placing your order simply enter the text NOTTS15 5% discount on your order and you will receive a 5% discount on all stock products. *Please do not include non-stock items (codes that start X or A) on these orders. Use this great offer to stock up on all your school and classroom essentials ahead of the Summer rush. For more information on ESN please email or phone us on 0115 8764598 or visit Issue 09 / April 2015 >>> SAS raise national awareness of supporting staff through the menopause Mandy Gallagher, Head of nursing at Schools Advisory Service, was interviewed by BBC Breakfast News earlier this month raising the importance of providing support for school staff affected by the menopause. Around a quarter of teachers, including senior leaders, are female and aged between 40 and 54. This group represents some of the country’s most talented and experienced classroom practitioners. The news coverage came as government tsar Dr. Ros Altmann seeks to raise awareness of the issues faced by women in the workplace who are experiencing menopausal symptoms. Mandy said that staff affected by the menopause are often “suffering quietly” when balancing the demands of work and home life – including bringing up children and supporting aging parents. This can often be to the detriment of their own personal health and wellbeing. Many women may put the common symptoms of fatigue, hot flushes and increased irritability, down to the stress of these demands, rather than realising that there may be an underlying reason for the way they are feeling. “As a nation” says Mandy “we invest thousands of pounds in our female school leaders and teaching staff, all of whom form a valuable part of society. Indeed, teachers and leaders are key to the success of schools and their pupils. Headteachers and governing bodies are increasingly recognising the risk of long-term absence amongst their most talented and experienced teachers due to these health issues and a lack of support. Prioritising support for these colleagues requires a culture that gives individuals the confidence that they can discuss these sensitive issues with their line manager and that support will follow.” Schools advisory services’ nursing team is placing an increased focus on providing confidential support to client schools, both through access to online resources and confidential telephone consultations with experienced nursing staff. For more information on confidential support services available to staff in SAS client schools, please visit the website at: Issue 09 / April 2015 >>> The most comprehensive advice service for schools CEFMi is recognised as one of the most comprehensive resources for school managers. Our telephone support service now includes the following integrated services: No other provider offers such a broad range of national expertise delivered at a local level. Membership not only provides access to our team of experts, but also includes the following free benefits: Nottingham ASBM discount – members of Nottingham ASBM benefit from significant discounts on our services. CEFMinform - our regular informative email. Delegate places on our very popular school management essential updates events. Course discounts - subsidised delegate places on CEFM run courses. For details: CEFM Red Lion House, 9-10 High Street, High Wycombe, Bucks. HP11 2AZ T 01494 459183 F 01494 474480 E Tel: 01494 459183 Web: Email: Issue 09 / April 2015 >>> Top Valley Academy, Top Valley Drive, Top Valley, Nottingham, NG5 9AZ Happy Easter, we hope you enjoyed your break and are ready for the Summer Term. During the last half term we have been busy supporting schools with budget setting, we are now moving into supporting our academies with budget setting as well as supporting our schools with closing down the 2014/15 financial year. SAAF Newsletters We regularly post news articles on our website with important updates and deadline information for schools and academies. We have recently implemented an e-newsletter; which will be sent to schools and academies once every half term, the e-newsletter includes links to relevant news articles and information we feel may be beneficial to you. However please continue to check our website regularly to ensure you receive information as soon as we post it. SAAF Software Budget Planning Application SAAF’s new Budget Planning Application (BPA) has now been launched for all Nottingham City schools and is being used to set 2015/16 budgets. Academies and Nottinghamshire County schools will have access later in the year. We have already received excellent feedback from many of our City schools regarding the application and its capabilities; it is very easy to navigate and extremely user friendly. The new tool is able to handle full curriculum costing including apportionable staff costs; ideal for performance related pay reviews and great for tracking your Pupil Premium. It also incorporates a maternity calculator, flash reporting; including dynamic and user tailored KPI analysis, internal benchmarking and our one click ‘Fix & Submit’ function. We also now give you the ability to create multiple budgets in the single application ensuring optimum version control. As the tool evolves we will also be implementing a multi year budget planner, in year forecasting and much more. SAAF Payroll Michelle McDonald joined SAAF in October as SAAF’s payroll manager; she has worked exhaustively to support our current payroll customers as well as continuing to grow the service. Michelle is dedicated to providing an excellent service and is always on hand to support and advise our schools and academies. We have now added HR and pension admin to our payroll service package. Issue 09 / April 2015 >>> New Team member We would like to welcome Gareth Norrey, the newest member of the SAAF team. Gareth is an academy finance specialist; he has worked extensively with academies for a number of years and has an expert knowledge of academy finance. New Services SAAF are excited to have started working with select partners in order to offer you additional services that are excellent value for money. Our new services range from no win no fee bid writing to sign writing and Training! Please visit our website for more information. If you are looking for a new service or would like to change your current supplier we are happy to assist with recommending alternative suppliers or offering support with your procurement/tender process. Please contact Emma Cripwell using the details below. SAAF Annual Conference SAAF will be hosting an annual conference in partnership with PS Financials later in the calendar year, please ensure you look out for your invitation. Further details will be emailed to you next term. Phone: 0115 975 2400 Email: Website: We look forward to seeing you at the next Nottingham ASBM conference. Issue 09 / April 2015 >>> National Association of School Business Management The last few weeks have seen the evolution of the standards from an initial concept into the first full iteration, which has been developed through the collaboration of the practitioner consultation group, the stakeholder steering board and sector experts, and has been overseen by CIPFA and the association. This development has seen much discussion on the nature and role of our profession and its future evolution. Effective School Business Management is not the responsibility of an individual although in many cases many elements may reside with an SBM or equivalent. In some cases those responsible and accountable for School Business Management will have little hands on involvement; they may direct, deploy or outsource. In other cases those responsible are also heavily involved in the doing. For the majority it’s probably a mix of the two. The blueprint for effective School Business Management will celebrate, recognise and articulate the very best practice and approach to each of the agreed functional areas. The statements made under each segment of the standards will be sufficiently robust and high level to accommodate every school phase and type where overarching principles apply to all. We are on track to share the full proposed version of the national standards framework with the sector at the start of May and we would encourage you all to mark this consultation in your diary and ensure that you engage in the future of your profession. This consultation will be hosted on the NASBM website and will be open to everyone, no membership of the association will be required. We will be sharing the link for the consultation with all affiliated local group representatives and be asking them to share this information with their members. The development of national professional standards for the profession is one that should and must be collaborative. Stephen Morales Executive Director NASBM Issue 09 / April 2015 >>> 3 Hour World of Spa Session vvvvv £25.00 Per Person The World Of Spa includes:- Aqua Meditation Room, Greek Herbal Bath, Ice Fountain, Indian Blossom Steam Room, Japanese Salt Room, Japanese Zen Garden, Laconium, Multi-Sensory Showers, Reflexology Footbaths, Spa Pool, Tyrolean Garden, Turkish Hamman, Tyrolean Sauna, Tepidarium and Waterbeds. Complimentary use of towels and robes are included. To book, please call 01623 827482 Terms and Conditions: This offer is subject to availability and all bookings must be pre booked prior to arrival. To book, please call 01623 827482, Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm. This offer is not available through any other booking system. This offer does not include treatments. Full payment for each session is required at the time of booking. All bookings must be made by Monday 3rd November 2014. Issue 09 / April 2015 >>> COMMITTEE MEMBERS Chair Karen Bonser, The National CofE Academy, Hucknall E-Mail: Vice Chair/Treasurer Jane Fowkes, School Consultant E-Mail: or Membership Secretary Trina Ridgill, Colonel Frank Seely School, Calverton E-Mail: Sponsorship / Exhibitions Clare Stokes, Newark Orchard Special School E-Mail: Schools Forum/Business Network Anne Hall, Carlton Central Jnr School Events/Fundraising & Marketing E-Mail: Co-ordinator Nottinghamshire County Council Liaison/ Kirstie Phillips, Nottinghamshire County Council Legal & Insurance Advice E-Mail: Nottingham City Liaison/ Frances Rowland, Nottingham City Council Workshop Provision Email: IT Management Craig Wilkie, eLearning Team E-Mail: Venue Co-ordinator Erica Fletcher E-Mail: Sponsor/Marketing Support Les Marshall, Schools Advisory Service Sponsor/Finance Trainer Vickie Lievesley, Finance Consultant E-Mail: Sponsor/Business Trainer, Jason Foster, CEFM Finance & HR Partners For further information please email
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