March 2015 0115 943 6081 Registered charity number 1137107 Headline news Local Foodbank project news:- 2014 – A Year to Celebrate!! Last year was a very full one; Hope Nottingham grew again from 9 to 14 foodbank centres, feeding 7000 people, as well as providing free furniture and other household items to over 150 households. Our Employment Pathway has developed dramatically with about 25 participants receiving voluntary work experience, mentoring and basic skills tuition, enabling them to make significant progress towards stable lifestyles and employment. Of the many encouraging and exciting things last year, one highlight was the wedding of Karl & Eliza in November, with their reception at Hope House attended by many friends and volunteers. The rapid growth of the work has sometimes stretched our resources to the limit, but the support we have received has been immense. We are very grateful. God is Good!! Karl & Eliza, just married!! Local Foodbank project news:- Mount Zion Millennium Church, Bobbersmill, was opened in February 2014 and has been supported by many volunteers from different walks of life and locations around Nottingham, including some people who were helped themselves through this food bank. In January 2015, the original Tuesday morning food bank was expanded to include Thursday mornings and already has a good number of volunteers to meet the additional workload. Bilborough A new HOPE Nottingham food bank was opened at Bilborough Baptist Church in October 2014. Already they have 11 volunteers and are receiving locally donated food to provide food bags to those in need. One of the visitors to be helped was a recently bereaved widow whose benefit payments had been frozen such that she was unable to afford food. Visiting the food bank has also provided her with a safe location for a hot drink and a chat. Hope ‘Grow & Grow’ Club Nottingham City Council and Nottingham City Homes have teamed up to bring back into use a disused HRA/allotment site in Lenton Abbey with local church group HOPE Nottingham. NCC and NCH had worked with Community Payback and Ward Councillors to transform this site which had previously been a target for fly tipping. HOPE Nottingham put together a business plan based on their “Pathway to Work programme” to give people a better future through learning new skills to help them find meaningful employment or become more work ready. Following a number of meetings and scrutiny, their business plan has been approved and we can now hand the keys to the site over. Hope Nottingham plan to turn the disused site into a food growing site and make use of the space to teach people skills that will be useful in the workplace and to build confidence. Some of the produce will be used to make food for their community café which brings people from different walks of life together. Hope Nottingham will use low maintenance and organic growing methods to produce crops and we’ll be supporting them through the lifetime of the project. Local Foodbank project news :- Wollaton Methodist Church One volunteer’s story: When we were last on duty a mother arrived pushing a buggy and carrying numerous bags of groceries. She had spent the previous evening texting all her friends to bring food to the school playground the next day and she was bringing the results. She said they would like to know how to help further e.g. becoming volunteers. Local Foodbank project news Local Foodbank project news :- Broxtowe St Martha’s, Gave out 1006kg food on receipt of 51 food vouchers in December, an achievement enabled by many generous food donations ranging from local harvest festivals and the Rotary Club to two young girls bringing a few bags of food. The volunteers say how much they value the camaraderie, being part of a team, and working with people from other churches. :- Netherfield & Colwick Food Bank BETHESDA COMMUNITY HALL Forester Street, Netherfield, NG4 2LJ Our first anniversary – is February 2015. A big THANKYOU to our volunteer team for their faithful service, and to our generous donors – both commercial and individual - who have given so freely since we started. We also thank Hope Nottingham – for their guidance in starting up, and continued support during the year We could not have reached our anniversary without your help. HEALING ON THE STREETS TRAINING On Sat 15th March in Hucknall, Nigel will be leading some training to enable starting HOTS on Hucknall. If you are interested in the training to get involved in Hucknall or the existing team in Beeston, do get in touch. FORTHCOMING EVENTS :WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!! The next newsletter will be coming out in April 2015 and we would love to hear stories from around the foodbanks and projects. Please send items for the next newsletter to by 15th April 2015. Thanks New Hope Blog This new blog provides weekly Hope updates every Sunday together with a short daily Bible reading and reflection each day, which we use for our daily prayer time at Hope House and will be encouraging our other foodbanks to use. Do have a look. A poem from one of our friends at Hope House …Christmas is more, it’s about love and grace The special birth that came to earth Which some find hard to embraceThat he came to save the human race But for some people Christmas is another day To feel alone, as always The deep pain inside and sorrow within Won’t go away Won’t anyone help them? Reach them when they’re drowning in a storm As they reach out their hands and say “help me please!” For those who feel this way Look again to the skies The answer is near There’s someone who loves you Who wants to calm your fears… CONTACT HOPE NOTTINGHAM Hope House, Boundary Road, Nottingham NG9 2RF Tel 0115 943 6081 email STAFF: Admin: Ruth Stephen (Mon, Thurs am, Tue, Weds pm) Volunteer Manager: Sue Hillier (Mon-Thurs 9-3.45, Fri 9-12) (term time only) Centre Manager: Russell Batchelor, full time Health Liaison: Laura Ward (Mon & Tue 9.30-2.30) Development Manager: Michael Singh, full time Community Pastor: Capt. Paul Ward, full time PA to the Director: Helen Clark (Mon & Tue 9-4, Wed 9-1) Director: Nigel Adams, full time
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