see inside for our west bridgford feature

Issue 115
#nottsinfocus |
A Hucknall mum,
whose daughter was
diagnosed with a
severe brain tumour
at the age of seven,
is continuing her
support for a local
charity that truly made
a difference to her
daughter’s life.
By Gemma Allen
19 year old Abbie had had to
undergo three brain surgeries
and 14 months of chemotherapy
and has now been left with very
limited vision and damaged
audio memory because of the
Mandy Sims (Abbie’s Mum)
and her team of supporters have
raised over £14,000 for Wish
Upon a Star in the six years
that they have been fundraising.
If you include other charities
that she has raised money for,
the grand total is a whopping
£27,000! Every year Abbie’s
Team takes part in an event
to raise money with the hope
of sending just one child to
Lapland with Wish Upon a
Star, but each year they have
exceeded this.
This year is no different, Mandy
will be joining thousands of
cyclists taking part in the Great
Notts bike Ride (GNBR), a 25
mile bike ride part of Cycle Live
Read Abbie’s story
on page 11…
Price 20p
| 21- 27 April 2015
(Where Sold)
Nottingham to Croatia Tough on Begging
Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service
(NFRS) staff have been travelling to Croatia
to donate a former NFRS fire engine to offer
support to Croatian fire crews. The team have
just arrived at their destination after a three day
See page 3…
Cracking the Whip
The number of children missing lessons in
Nottingham has fallen faster than anywhere else
in the UK. Schools across Nottingham have been
cracking down on pupil absence and these figures
show that their consistent focus is really working.
Schools are also doing more to celebrate good
attendance and offer more attendance incentives
to pupils. See page 4…
Nottingham is cracking down
on begging and has recently
proved a success following the
conviction of two prolific
beggars. The majority of beggars
are not homeless, and come to
Nottingham because they see it
as a lucrative way to make a
living or fund their habits by
relying on the good nature of
Nottingham citizens.
There are charities that help the
homeless and anyone who has
a connection to Nottingham can
get shelter if they genuinely have
nowhere to go.
Pictured: 19 year
old Abbie and her
Mum, Mandy Sims
from Hucknall
See page 36…
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
Police Searches in Radford
for the body of a murdered
Polish man have been
Forensics experts
and detectives from
Nottinghamshire Police
searched a number of areas in
Player Street, Radford, for the
body of Bogdan Nawrocki.
Following intelligence
the force searched tunnels
underneath a former cigarette
factory on Thursday 16th
April, as well as waste
ground, and drains in
Beckingham Road on Friday
17th April 2015.
DCI Tony Heydon said: “I’m
clearly disappointed that the
searches haven’t generated
any further indication as to
where Bogdan’s body is.
“The investigation continues
and with the continued
support of the Polish
community and those who
have provided us with
information we will not stop
our search to find Bogdan.
“We have updated Bogdan’s
family and continue to
support them. I’d like to also
thank the Radford community
for their patience over the
past few days.”
Multi-Million Pound
University Campus
A major project is well underway
to create a new pavilion and
teaching buildings with state-ofthe-art facilities for Nottingham
Trent University.
Midlands-based contractor G F
Tomlinson has marked progress on
the energy efficient development,
known as the ‘Heart of the
Campus’, with a ‘topping out’
ceremony held on Thursday 16
To commemorate the landmark,
Professor Yvonne Barnett was
on hand from Nottingham Trent
The development involves the
construction of
communal areas in and around a
pavilion building, encouraging
students and staff to relax and
socialise in the large IT enabled
spaces, bespoke study pods and the
external classroom.
The scheme will also see the
creation of a new teaching building
to accommodate more than 800
students, with flat and tiered spaces
to suit teaching requirements. It
will also contain high quality IT
systems and a covered terrace and
a glazed façade to match the newly
constructed pavilion.
Andy Sewards, director at
G F Tomlinson Group, said:
“This is a landmark stage
reached for the project which
will help to transform the
university’s Clifton campus.
We are delighted to be
working with Nottingham Trent
University, we have developed
a good team spirit and are really
pleased with the progress being
made on site.
“Once complete, the scheme will
help the university to regenerate
the campus so that it leads the way
on innovation, sustainability and
enhancing the student experience.”
The Heart of the Campus
Development will be open to
students and staff from
Autumn 2015.
Are You Prepared?
By Gemma Allen
You may have noticed that in last
week’s issue we started a brilliant
feature on wills, explaining why
it is so important to make one and
some general information to put
you in the know.
There are many questions around
why, when and how to make a will
and if it’s the first time you have
looked into it, it may seem like a
daunting process. There’s no need
to panic, it’s relatively simple and
there are plenty of people available
to help you.
Personally I have never thought
about making a will but the more
I think about it the more I wonder
if I should. At the end of the day I
have nothing to lose but my family
potentially have a lot to gain and
if not gain then at least it would a
lesser burden if something were to
happen to me.
You don’t have to have millions in
the bank or even lots of antiques
and collectable hidden away,
it’s the small things that could
make a difference after you are
gone. Without a will it’s more
complicated for your family or
other half to take over what you
have left, even the smallest of
trinkets that are invaluable would
mean the world to your loved ones
and this is a burden that can be
relieved by simply having a will
in place.
I wanted to find out what some of
the residents in Nottinghamshire
thought about the process. Are you
prepared? Do you think you need
a will? Would you know what to
do if you decided to make a will
right now?
Here are some of the thoughts that
you shared with me…
If you want to find out
more about making
a will you can find
professional advice
by looking at this
week’s feature about
wills on page 30…
Amanda Eggleshaw,
33, Blidworth
“I’ve thought about doing a
will but have never got around
to it and to be honest I don’t
think I have a big enough
estate to leave and I wouldn’t
know where to start.”
George Nilsson,
65, Carlton
“I’ve got a funeral plan
but I haven’t done a will,
I can’t see there being an
issue with my family if
anything happened.”
James Newsome,
21, Ravenshead
“I’m too young to think
about a will, all I’ve got
to leave is a PS4 and a
drum kit! I think people
associate wills with age,
I definitely do.”
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
to Croatia
Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue
Service (NFRS) staff have been
travelling to Croatia to donate a
former NFRS fire engine to offer
support to Croatian fire crews.
The team have just arrived at
their destination after a three day
The project became possible with
the partnership of organisation
ITAP (Infrastructure, Training and
Assistance Projects). ITAP are
humanitarian organisation who
have helped with the coordination
of the trip and the logistics
The donated
fire engine
will be used
to help protect
more than 50
in the Varazdin
County. NFRS’
lease on the
fire engine has
ended and it was
offered back to
the Service by
the owners, and
the decision was
made to offer
the resource
to Croatian
To ensure
longevity, the
fire engine will
be fitted with
equipment to
enable it to be
serviced and
in the future,
which will
New To
The Web?
Do you know someone
who has never used the
internet before?
Nottingham City Libraries and
Information Service and partners
Digital Unite will be running
a series of fun and informative
activities aimed at to supporting
people to gain confidence and
develop their digital skills.
The week long programme called
Spring Online Week, takes place
in libraries across Nottingham
help prolong the use Croatian
colleagues will get from it.
Watch Manager Kevin Ruane
MBE, who is part of the project
and has been travelling to Croatia,
said: “The current fire engine they
have in Croatia is more than 35
years old and is falling to pieces.
The appliance we are able to
provide will be a massive boost to
the community.
While we are
there we, along
with ITAP, will
be training the Croatian crews
on how to use the equipment and
fire and rescue techniques. The
NFRS crew taking the appliance
to Croatia includes myself, Watch
Manager Dave Evans from Arnold
Fire Station and Grant Smith, a
retired Nottinghamshire instructor,
who are all equally excited to take
this voyage.”
City from 20th – 26th April 2015.
It aims to give new internet users
the knowledge and confidence
to explore the technology for
themselves. The programme will
make it possible for thousands
of people, often older people, to
try out computers, tablets and the
internet, for the very first time.
Spring Online Week is an awardwinning national campaign run by
Digital Unite which offers digital
learning opportunities to people
who don’t have much experience
of using the internet or electronic
The sessions are part of the
Libraries and Information
Service’s ongoing commitment
to provide people with access to
IT learning and enable them to
make more use of the Wi-Fi and
computer facilities available in
their local library.
The sessions which will be on an
informal drop-in basis are aimed at
older people who may be thinking
about buying a mobile internet
device or may have one they don’t
feel confident using. People are
encouraged to come along and use
the laptop and tablet computers
available in the library. Library
staff will be on hand throughout to
give advice and reassurance to new
internet users whether they would
like to research a subject, do their
online banking, book a holiday,
shop online or set up an email
address to keep in contact with
family members.
People can drop-in anytime
between 10.30am – 12.30pm at the
following Libraries:
Sherwood Library Tuesday 21st
Bulwell Riverside Library 22nd
Southglade Park Library 23rd
Meadows Library 24th April
For more details telephone
Nottingham Central Library
on 0115 91 52858 or visit
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
Creating Green Energy
Water found in disused coalmines following a two-year
has been identified as a new source study by Nottingham Trent
of renewable energy for the UK,
In conjunction with renewable
energy firm Alkane Energy,
research has established that
thermal energy found in
groundwater in mines - which is
naturally lukewarm due to ground
heat - can be condensed and used
The number of children
to heat or cool buildings above the
missing lessons in
The technology is based on
Nottingham has fallen
the use of a ground source
faster than anywhere
heat pump system which
else in the UK
takes the water from the
Statistics published by
mineshaft and pumps it to
the Department of Education
the surface where he latent thermal
show that in the last school
energy is extracted using a heat
year (Sept 2013 - July 2014)
pupil absence decreased from
Thereafter a heat pump is used
6.1% in 2012/13 to 5.1% in
to produce a much higher
2013/14. This is down to a
temperature than the original
drop in authorised absence
mine water by condensing the
rates from 4.0% to 3.3% and
energy and circulating it in a
unauthorised absence rates
separate central heating-type
also dropped slightly to 1.8%.
system. The cooler groundwater
One of the biggest changes
is then returned to the mine where
is the number of children
it becomes lukewarm again via
persistently missing class
ground heat.
(those who miss 15 per cent
Among the findings were that
of school) has dropped 1.8%
for periods when solar or wind
from 6.4% to 4.6%.
energy is insufficient to power
‘Illness’ is still the most
the ground source heat pump, the
common reason given for not
technology could still be four times
being in school, accounting
more efficient when running on
for 46.8% of all absences in
mains electricity than a modern gas
boiler with 90 per cent efficiency
But this figure is down
by 3% and is most noticeable
in secondary schools,
where a smaller proportion
of pupils are taking
time off.
Three New College Nottingham music
Schools across Nottingham
students who make up the band Same
have been cracking down
Streets have been named as the Fred Perry
on pupil absence and these
Subculture Band of the Week.
figures show that their
Their track ‘Wired’ has also made it to the
consistent focus is really
top of the Subculture playlist, with the band
working. Schools are also
being described as “a paragon of cool...”
doing more to celebrate good
The band are currently working hard in
attendance and offer more
the music scene, and were approached by
attendance incentives to
a scout from the Subculture team who had
heard their performance and asked if they
Last year pupils with the
would like to be their Band of the Week.
best attendance were given
Lead guitarist and vocalist for Same
prizes at a special Lord
Streets, James Gooch said: “It’s been a
Mayor’s Attendance Awards
great journey so far, we all came to NCN
at the Council House.
looking for new people to play with as we
Nottingham City Council
had all been in previous bands and
also joined forces with
projects. The course helped us to
Capital FM to run a campaign
meet likeminded people and gave
with secondary students to
us loads of time to rehearse with
help improve attendance
great equipment. We’ve also been
able to get a better understanding
The class from each school
of the music industry, which is
or academy with the best
exactly what we needed.
attendance record got the
“We’ve been playing gigs in and
chance to go to a top secret
around Nottingham and across
gig and watch girl band Neon
Professor Amin Al-Habaibeh with a small scale simulator of the technology for educational purposes
the Whip
What’s On
Near You?
Bark for Life
A Canine Event to Fight Cancer
This is a sponsored event
organised by Cancer Research
UK as part of Relay for Life. The
walk follows woodland paths and
surfaced lanes across Rushcliffe
Country Park in Ruddington. The
first event last year raised over
Cancer Research has helped
double survival rates from cancer
over the past 40 years and their
work relies on money from
Location: Rushcliffe Country Park
Date: Saturday 25th April
Cost: £5 per dog
Time: 10:00am
Course: 10k, 5k or 3k
More details are available at
A Paragon of Cool…
the country for about a year now, I think
we’ve played about 70 so far. The hope is
to get our music out there and inspire other
people to do the same. We’d love to play in
different places all around the world.”
James (guitar and vocals), 18, Jacob Harris,
17, (bass) and Seb McNish (drums), 19,
make up Same Streets and are all studying
the BTEC Extended Diploma in Music at
The feature on the band can be found on
the Fred Perry Subculture website, which
describes them as having a “raw energetic
passion for live shows…” The band will
be playing at the Nottingham Dot to Dot
Festival on Sunday 24th May.
Ripe Fruit Salsa
This salsa recipe works well with pork, grilled chicken breasts or lamb
chops. The salsa also makes a great dip or relish for serving with cooked
meats and cheeses.
• 600g ripe fruit, peeled and roughly chopped
• 4 spring onionvs
• 225g over-ripe tomatoes, core removed and finely chopped
• 3 tablespoons olive oil
• 1 tablespoon chutney
• 2-3 tablespoons coriander, roughly chopped
• Mix the finely chopped fruit with the spring onions, tomatoes, olive
oil, chutney and chopped coriander and serve
Veolia, (Nottinghamshire
County Council’s waste
contractors), are encouraging
Nottinghamshire residents
to make the most of their
leftovers with the help of
the Love Food Hate Waste
campaign. Cutting down on
food waste could save the
average family with children
£700 a year.
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
What’s On
Near You?
Murder Mystery Play “Hamlet,
23rd April, 2:00pm FREE
Come along and solve the mystery
of who murdered actor, Jack
Hughes! Celebrate WORLD
BOOK NIGHT with staff from
Mansfield Library as they “murder/
perform” this play. Tea/coffee will
be available.
Location: Mansfield Central
Library, Four Seasons Centre,
West Gate
CALL 01159 314380
Bowling, Friendship
and Sunshine …….
uddington Bowls
Club is inviting
people interested
in taking up
bowls to attend
their free Open
Day on Sunday
10th May 2015 from 2.30pm to
5pm at their Elms Park base in
Ruddington. Folks will be able to
try their hand at bowls, hear about
the club and enjoy refreshments
and cake to mark the occasion.
The club is also undertaking a
recruitment drive – so those who
like their free session on the Open
Day will be invited to take up
a New Member offer. For only
£5 people can enjoy 4 coaching
sessions with qualified coaches
and up to 6 informal games with
members. All equipment is
provided free for the trial and if the
person likes the club, the £5 comes
off their membership! All the club
asks is people wear flat smooth
soled shoes with no heals in order
to protect the greens.
Club Secretary Brian Tolley said:
“We have a lovely club, in a
fabulous setting with a caring and
mutually supportive membership.
People are made to feel welcome
and if necessary will get coaching
and help to learn the game. The
fact is, the game is great / easy
to learn – but, the real dividend
comes through the friendships and
companionship developed within
the membership. We have all
kinds of folks getting along and
would love to welcome more”.
The bowls season runs from May
through to September and the
game itself is very affordable and
easy to pick up.
To find out more contact Brian
on: 0743 405 6176, e-mail: rudd. or see the
website: www.ruddingtonbowls.
Free Citycard Cycle Hire
Following the success of
the popular free winter
Citycard Cycle day hire
offer, the City Council is
extending the promotion
over the summer as part of
Nottingham’s Cycle City
The summer will certainly
be inspirational for city
cyclists with the Festival
of Cycling bringing the
Milk Race, Cyclelive, the
Great Notts Bike Ride, Sky
Rides, a stage of the Tour of
Britain and the Nottingham
Schools Cycling Challenge
taking place.
As well as having more bikes,
the number of on-street
hire points has increased
too, with 28 convenient sites
in the city.
It has also never been easier to
hire a Citycard Cycle.
If registered on to the scheme,
it only takes a minute to send a
text to hire a bike for the day –
a Citycard isn’t needed.
For longer term hire a Citycard
is required.
A full list of hire points and
information on how to hire
the bikes can be found at
Purple flag is an accreditation
process similar to Green Flag
Award for parks and Blue Flag for
beaches. It leads to Purple Flag
status for town centres that meet or
surpass the standards of excellence
in managing the evening and nighttime economy.
Being awarded the Purple Flag
means a comprehensive set of
standards, management processes
and good practice examples
designed to help transform town
and city centres at night have been
met by that town or city. It
indicates that the applicant town
or city has an entertaining, diverse,
safe and enjoyable night out.
The team steering the Purple Flag
work in Mansfield involved
representatives from Mansfield
Association of Licensed Venues
(MALV), Mansfield BID,
Mansfield District Council,
Mansfield Partnership against
Crime (MPAC) and Notts police.
Many other organisations which
contribute to the town centre
experience helped too including
our fantastic businesses.
Why Choose Purple Flag
• We have something great for all
ages, budgets and tastes;
• We are a safe, welcoming,
friendly, fun town;
• We are easy to get to and from;
• We have history and tradition;
• We have an amazing selection of
shops, bars and restaurants.
A treasure hunt with great prizes,
street performers, a stunning light
box exhibition, a flash mob dance,
a colliery band and an evening
market are among the vast array of
attractions on offer at Mansfield’s
Purple Flag party on Saturday,
April 25th.
Those involved in staging the
event say that people who don’t
know Mansfield town centre –
including ones that live and work
in the area – have an outdated view
of what it is like and what it has
to offer.
And, they say, the party will help
show what a great place Mansfield
is for a night out by using venues
and bringing activities together on
one night that are available in the
town throughout the year.
The Purple Flag party is a
celebration of Mansfield being
awarded Purple Flag status. After
years of hard work and partnership
collaboration an application was
made to the Association of Town
and City Management (ATCM) for
Mansfield to be considered for the
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
CALL 01159 314380
Brand new weekend festival...
This summer, Walesby Forest
Festival will set up camp in
Sherwood Forest for the first time
ever, giving families and friends
alike an outdoor festival with
a difference, from 28th – 31st
The organisers are offering
performance artists in
Nottinghamshire a FREE entry and
performance pass.
Located on the site of one of the
UK’s biggest and most loved
adventure activity centres, visitors
will be able to combine outdoor
activity with a fun and vibrant
music scene with all proceeds
going back to Walesby Forest
Scout Centre, a not-for-profit
A full programme of acts is being
finalised, but already confirmed
are some of the best bands in the
world of folk, blues, country and
jazz. Flying in from Dublin, KILA
are hailed as one of Ireland’s most
innovative and exciting bands.
KILA provided the soundtrack for
Oscar nominated Irish film, Song
to suit all tastes. From yoga,
acrobats. Visitors are guaranteed
of the Sea, and in 2014 headlined archery and Ceilidh’s, to climbing, a unique weekend away in rural
the St Patrick’s Day celebrations at martial arts workshops and
The two on-site bars will be
serving a great choice of Real Ales,
wines and spirits, together with
a range of catering options, from
a purpose built cafeteria bar to a
selection of food stalls brought in
for the festival.
Early bird tickets for Walesby
Forest Festival are available to
purchase online now.
Guests have the option to purchase
one day access tickets or a full
weekend pass giving them access
to on-site camping facilities as well
as all of the activities, events and
musical entertainment.
For more information about
Trafalgar Square in London.
Canadian canoe experience,
Walesby Forest Festival, please
With over 40 on-site adventure
combined with entertainment
visit www.walesbyforestfestival.
activities, there will be something from break dancers, jugglers and
Women Who Do…!
The next ‘Women Who Do’
networking event is set to
provide women in business
the opportunity to meet up
with friends and contacts,
as well as the chance to listen
to some inspirational
speakers with ideas on how
to make the best use of social
media and how to become more
Guest speakers Catherine
Simpson from the E Business
Club and Susan Ritchie,
founder of You Time
Coaching, will be giving
delegates from Mansfield
and Ashfield top tips on how
to raise their professional and
personal profiles.
Catherine Simpson will deliver
a talk on ‘10 good reasons
why your business needs to
keep up with social media’.
Up until four years ago,
Catherine was totally against
social media, as she didn’t see the
point of it.
However, after starting her
own marketing consultancy, she
realised she had no option but
to be on social media, both for
herself and her clients. Now she is
The event will take
place at the Summit
Centre, Pavilion Road,
Kirkby-in-Ashfield on
Friday 24th April from
9.30am - 2pm. Lunch
will be included.
The ‘Women Who Do’
programme offers free, expert
support to all women across
Ashfield and Mansfield, who
want to explore the possibility
of working for themselves, or
pursue a new business idea and
develop enterprise skills.
To register for the event, email
womeninenterprise@mansfield. or telephone
01623 463165.
What’s On
Near You?
28th April, 10:00am – 4:00pm.
Prior to a new outpost of Dyslexia
in Action opening in Southwell
Library on Tuesday afternoons.
The new outpost will be available
to adults, children and students.
Location: Southwell Library, King
Street, Southwell
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
By Gemma Allen
Continued from the front page…
Her ordeal was far from over as
ten days later Abbie had to have
another surgery on her brain
bbie’s problems to try and remove the tumour.
Things did begin to look up at this
began with
point and the fourteen months of
headaches at the chemotherapy initially helped until
age of seven and she turned 15.
In 2010 Abbie had to have her third
as any parent
round of brain surgery because
would, Mandy
just assumed it was a headache and the tumour had grown, but since
then things have become far better
nothing more. Four visits later to
for her. Despite everything that
her GP, Abbie was taken directly
Abbie has gone through, she has
to the hospital in an ambulance to
defied the odds and continued to
undergo tests and was in theatre
just four days after to tackle a brain work hard at both school and sixth
form. Recording her lessons on a
Oaks Is Rooting
For Sherwood
Nottingham’s newest dining
concept has become the first of
its kind to be named a Champion
of Sherwood.
OAKS restaurant and bar on
Bromley Place, is set to open
this spring, serving handmade
sausages created to their own
recipe and chicken, steaks
and burgers, flavoured with
homemade marinades and
To celebrate this partnership with
the Wildlife Trust, OAKS is the
first restaurant ever to become a
Champion of Sherwood.
The Champion of Sherwood
charity campaign was developed
by the Nottinghamshire Wildlife
Trust to protect and restore
the woodland and wildlife of
Sherwood Forest that has been
damaged by development,
agriculture and climate change.
The 30-strong team will be
working with suppliers from
across Nottinghamshire to
deliver locally sourced food
cooked on a custom-built, cast
iron grill. This unique way of
cooking uses embers of wood
sustainably coppiced by the
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust.
The funds raised will also go
towards educating locals about
the famous forest and researching
its rich woodland, wetland and
heath habitats.
For more information
on the Nottinghamshire
Wildlife Trust, visit www.
A Victorious Opening
The winner of last year’s
Great British Sewing Bee is set
to visit Mansfield Woodhouse
to officially open a local
haberdashery store.
Heather Jacks, who sewed her
way to victory in series two of
the hit BBC programme, has
agreed to formally open The Faff
Room in Mansfield Woodhouse
in May this year.
Speaking ahead of her visit,
Heather Jacks said:
“I am delighted to be attending
The Faff Room in May. Apart
from officially opening the
building I am running two prebookable classes where local
sewers will make a dress in-a-
day under my guidance. Sewing
as a group can be a real joy so I
am looking forward to meeting
those who have similar interests
to myself.”
The Faff Room encourages
anyone with an interest in crafts
or sewing to drop into the shop
or find out when they could take
part in an organised class of their
The Faff Room moved to
Mansfield Woodhouse in March
this year, although the official
opening event will take place on
Saturday 16th May 2015.
To find out more about The Faff
Room visit www.thefaffroom.
Pictured: 19 year old Abbie and her Mum, Mandy Sims from Hucknall
Dictaphone she was determined
to not let her ordeal take over her
life and she has certainly done her
family proud, coming out with an A
and two Cs for her A Levels.
Abbie also takes part in the
fundraising, every year she
organises a cake sale in her back
garden and from what I have been
told she is certainly a brilliant baker,
raising over £500 for Wish Upon a
Star from the past two events.
Abbie was picked as one of the
children to go to Lapland in 2003,
organised by the charity. She was
also lucky enough to be given VIP
tickets to meet her favourite band,
She told the Nottinghamshire in
Focus: “Everyone at Wish Upon
a Star is really nice, I mainly see
Barbara but they are all really
friendly. The work they do is really
good, they really helped me and
they continue to do the same for
so many other children. I’d like to
thank them for everything they have
done for me and everything they do
for so many people.”
Mandy is a fitness fanatic but has
only been cycling for a few months
and is looking forward to the 25
mile challenge.
“I’m really excited, I hope we
raise a lot of money along the way
and have a great time.” Explains
Mandy, “Wish Upon a Star mean
the world to me, they have put the
good memories there to replace the
bad ones and they give everyone
something positive to think about.
They make you realise that there
are so many good people out there
that want to help you along a very
difficult journey.”
If you want to sponsor Abbie’s
Team you can do so by
Class Act
A restoration project on a 19th
century Nottingham school has
received a prestigious award
for its sensitive design and
Forest Fields Primary School
and the grade two-listed Berridge
Centre saw an extensive
restoration – led by Nottingham
City Council, Wates Construction
and Nottingham-based architects
The project has received the 2015
Valerie Gillespie Award from
the Nottinghamshire Branch
of the Campaign to Protect
Rural England (CPRE) which
recognises the best community
initiative that enhances the
environment in Nottinghamshire.
The refurbishment included
restoring the roof including the
high level cupola, the creation of
12 classrooms, computer room,
hall and all the ancillary spaces
that a school requires.
Many of the original features
were retained including wooden
panels complete with graffiti
from the 1940s, the Victorian
wall tiles in the hall were stripped
of many layers of paint and
restored to their former glory.
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
Along with Trucking Magazine
and Custom Car Magazine
& Live Promotions, The
Lizard Lick Krew are also
offering 2 lucky fans a
trip of a lifetime, with
a top prize to North
Carolina and the home
of the Lizard Licks
Ron and Amy.
movers attending the Peterborough
To enter the
show it is the perfect venue for all
those in the Trucking industry and
TruckFest can provide access to this you must
wide ranging and valuable profile of attend
the event
manufacturers, fleet operators and
over the
owner drivers.
TruckFest is trusted by all the
and enter
leading truck manufacturers and
via a
operators in the sector to provide
an environment they can do
entry form
business in.
which will be at
TruckFest successfully mixes
the DAF stand over the 2 days,
business and pleasure in one event
the winners will be drawn and
with entertainment for the whole
announced in the main arena on
family throughout the weekend,
Monday 4th May at 4pm.
main arena displays and stunt
Another top celebrity who will be
show are always a big attraction
there to meet and greet his fans
at Truckfest and the event is
will be world champion darts
famous for the fabulous stars and
player Martin “Wolfie” Adams
personalities that attend from TV
shows including ‘Ice Road Truckers’ over the bank holiday weekend.
With funfair & fairground rides,
, Lizard Lick & ‘Eddie Stobart
Donnie & Mikey from the Teenage
Trucks and Trailers’
Mutant Ninja Turtles will appear
over the weekend and live music,
This year at Truckfest
stunt bikes and monster trucks
Peterborough we will have
4 of the crazy Lizard Lick
competing and 100’s of stands in
Krew flying in all the way
the shopping malls and 1,000’s
from North Carolina – with
of trucks on show from classic
Ron and Amy Shirley
vehicles to American rigs it is
coming along to meet their
bound to be a great weekend for all
fans with their outrageous
the family.
cousin Johnny and the lovely
As always top manufacturers will
Juicy making her
be on display as well as family
appearance for the first
entertainment on the Saturday
time so it’s bound to be a
night with the traditional and ever
great weekend at the East
popular light display and fireworks.
of England Showground’s.
Top band the great divide are
Established 31 years ago and
the benchmark event for the
road haulage industry, Truckfest
Peterborough returns to the East of
England Showground’s on Sunday
3rd and Monday 4th May, the largest
event of the Truckfest calendar it
will as always bring the industry
together in one place and provide
the perfect showcase for hauliers to
display the best examples from
their fleets.
With top sponsors and big names
coming on board this year including
Protruck, Close Brothers, Towergate
and DAF trucks this event promises
to be bigger and better than last year.
2014 saw a record number of truck
entries at Peterborough with 2000
trucks on display and we believe
that we will beat this record in
2015 as already we are up on
numbers that we had entered this
time last year!
The logistics sector contributes £85
Billion to the UK economy and
many of the major fleet operators
and their drivers attend TruckFest,
with over 150 fleet operators
including some of UK’s prime
& 4th
O VER 10
playing on Saturday
evening and on the
Sunday evening it will
be top 80’s band the 80’s
project, exclusively for
truckers, campers and exhibitors
staying the weekend.
Ticket prices are £17 for an adult
and children’s tickets (5-15) are
only £6.00 and Family tickets are
£40.00 (2 adults & 2 children)
Tickets can be pre -booked by etickets online on www.truckfest. and simply bring your printed
ticket with you to the showground’s
or alternatively download your
ticket onto your smart phone and
present your ticket at the gates to
gain entry. Make sure you book
your tickets today to receive the
early bird price.
Parking is free and available on site
with Disabled parking allocated to
customers with a blue sign so please
ensure to display this when parking
your car.
To book your tickets or
to find out more log on
No doubt it will be a great
weekend and hope to
see you there.
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
in the building. “I didn’t know that
you were making games, I thought
you were just showing them,’ she
said. Her friend Abena was excited
by the prospect of making her own
games as well as learning about
games of the past. The Makey
Makey workshop was a resounding
success, with every single child
playing a part in producing a
working controller. At the end of the
session the children joined hands to
make one giant circuit and controlled
a musical game.”
Doh and other everyday objects to a Reflecting on the day, Mrs Flesher
said: “I know that I want to come
device called a Makey Makey. Mrs
again. Hopefully our school can
Flesher, Class teacher for Year 2,
said: “At school we use computers to actually come here as part of the
curriculum. I think we have to seize
make animations and to do coding.
this opportunity. If you don’t look
We are trying to give the children a
forward then you’re not helping the
diverse learning package.”
children who will be the adults of
Mrs Flesher noticed a very positive
Everybody is Welcome at The
National Videogame Arcade
The National Videogame Arcade
opened its doors to the public at
the end of March and the response
has been incredible. Thousands
of people from across the UK
have made the journey to Hockley
in Nottingham’s City Centre
to experience the world’s first
permanent centre that celebrates
videogame culture. The team at the
NVA have been having a very busy
Easter break.
School groups are no exception
and St Joseph’s Primary School
in Nottingham City Centre were
invited to preview the brand new
building ahead of its recent opening.
Eleven pupils aged six and seven
from St Joseph’s Primary School
were given a tour of the galleries,
and became the first people to try
out some of the building’s bespoke
games, including the adrenalinepumping Dash And Bash and the
Wall Of Jumps.
As part of the GameCity project,
the NVA’s school’s programme will
reach pupils of all ages through class
visits, talks and activities. Tailored
workshops will include topics
such as making a games controller,
interactive storytelling and using
creative software programmes.
The children were then invited
to the NVA’s dedicated learning
space where they were shown
how to make working video game
controllers by attaching fruit, Play-
response from her pupils, “My class
are a very gentle, calm group of
children, and I can see that they are
drinking in everything. They are
buzzing - absolutely buzzing. Some
of the children who are naturally shy
are suddenly animated, jumping up
and down and pointing to things. It’s
wonderful because they are gentle,
quiet people and this has really
captured their interest.”
One of the pupils, Lamar, was
impressed by the range of activities
The National Videogame Arcade
offers three floors of playable
exhibitions and bespoke workshops
suitable for all key stages in the
National Curriculum. The NVA
holds regular events for teachers
to meet in the building on the first
Thursday of each month where
they can network and feed into the
education programme. Any teacher
wanting to get involved should email
A Reputation for Success
Runwood Homes has an
excellent reputation as a successful
and growing care homes group.
At a time when the industry
is under intense scrutiny their
continued success stems from
forward, their reputation for
providing innovative care for
people living with dementia
continues to grow.
Since Runwood Homes acquired
into their group in 2012, the
families and friends to meet
in a relaxing old fashioned
tea room environment. The aim
is for residents to have a really
enjoyable day out experience
without leaving the home. The
Leawood Manor
the consistent quality of care
that is provided. The skilled and
motivated staff teams are dedicated
in giving attention to detail with
every resident, day care and respite
care client they serve.
Runwood Homes Group invests
heavily in internal, external,
and E.Training programmes
for their staff at every level.
Runwood provides privately
funded services but also work
closely with Public Social and
Healthcare organisations. Moving
six homes previously run by
Nottinghamshire County Council
have been expanded and improved
upon to reflect the model of
Runwood’s expanding group of
Themed Tea Rooms
As part of the living in full
engagement approach to
Care and Dementia Care in
particular, Runwood are rolling
out Themed Tea Rooms in many
of their Homes.
These are essentially for residents,
Jubilee Court
Tea Rooms help to make the
often difficult experience of
visiting a loved one in a care
home into a positive one for all,
thereby improving and enhancing
In Nottinghamshire, homes with
themed tea rooms include Jubilee
Court, Leawood Manor and
Please visit www.runwoodhomes. to find out more or
alternatively you can call
0800 412 5660.
Your Beard
Needs Us!
make all the difference as this
stops the dead skin accumulating
and causing the often complained
about itching.
29 is coming up to it’s 4th
anniversary and we continue to
strive to give our clients the best
grooming experience and the
The private “cooler” room at 29
top level service that they have
Market Place, means you can relax become accustomed to.
and be pampered. From a full
luxury shave to a beard trim, our
Here is what a few of our
private room is at your disposal. If
recent reviewers have
you prefer the buzz and banter of
had to say:
the Main barber then you have the
option too.
• Amazing on every level.
Beards are becoming a main
• 5 star service and
stream look for many gents of all
ages. The big full ‘caveman’ style
may be beginning to wain but we
• 5 out of 5, Lovely
are seeing this translating into
friendly hairdressers.
a more groomed look which is
• Love taking my son
easier to maintain and a little more
female friendly.
there and having our
There are literally a 100 different
haircut together.
beard styles (honestly we have the
• Prompt, friendly service
book and the poster to help you
select your style) so it’s not as
at short notice.
straight forward as you think!
results as always.
The rise in popularity of beard
• 5 out of 5 Friendly
related products is helping to drive
this trend as gents are enjoying this service and great haircut.
new retail opportunity!
The scented beard oils are very
For more information or to
popular, we find Black pepper and book an appointment you can
citrus are the favourites at 29.
call 01949 837733 or visit
Grooming is important and so is
learning to care for your skin and
29 Market Place Barbers & Shop,
beard. A simple daily scrub can
Bingham, Notts NG13 8AN
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
Community Protection and
Nottingham City Homes (NCH)
have secured an injunction under
the new Antisocial Behaviour
Crime and Policing Act 2014, on
a Nottingham City Homes tenant.
James Grant, aged 61, of
Brightmoor Court, Nottingham,
repeatedly breached his tenancy
agreement over the past 12
months, by leaving his car parked
within the residents’ communal
car park in various states of
Grant appeared at Nottingham
County Court on April 10,
2015, and accepted a one-year
injunction that allows him a
further 28 days to remove the
vehicle or make it roadworthy.
After numerous warnings from
both NCH and Community
Protection allowing him enough
time to either repair or remove
his vehicle, Mr Grant failed to
comply with the requests made
of him, in breach of his tenancy
Complaints from neighbours
continued to be made due to
the vehicle’s condition, such as
being jacked up on bricks with
no wheels, noise nuisance during
the repeated attempts at repairs
and the general poor appearance
and dangerous condition it was
often left in within the courtyard.
Residents raised concerns that
this vehicle had been in this poor
condition for a number of years.
Grant stated in court that the
vehicle had been removed and
that he would comply with the
terms of his Court Order.
A second man has been arrested
in connection with a bag snatch
incident in Sherwood.
A 31-year-old man was arrested at
the weekend on suspicion of the
theft of a shopping bag from
a 67-year-old woman in
Daybrook Street on the afternoon
of Thursday 9th April.
He is also being questioned about a
similar incident which happened on
nearby Victoria Street on 11th April.
A 45-year-old man has already
been arrested and bailed pending
further enquiries.
Get Yours Quick!
icket prices for
the ever popular
Burghley House
Battle Proms
Picnic Concert
(Saturday 4th
July 2015), an
evening of sublime classical music
and dramatic displays set against
the striking backdrop of Burghley
House, are set to rise on Friday
1st May. Currently adult tickets
are just £33 (with bookings of 10
or more enjoying a £2 per ticket
2015 is a year to celebrate with
The Battle Proms, which takes
much of its historical inspiration
from the Napoleonic wars, which
came to a conclusion 200 years
ago at the Battle of Waterloo.
As well as marking this 200th
anniversary the Battle Proms team
are also planning to celebrate 75
years since the Battle of Britain
By Gemma Allen
Following the success of their
tour last year, the magnificent
McBusted took to the stage again,
gracing Nottingham with their
presence and I was lucky enough
to be there on Sunday!
(I also felt like a teenager again!)
This is when the show really
took off, I think it brought back
memories for everyone who ever
had their albums and I personally
think that joining the two together
has been a humongous success.
The six-piece, with McFly’s
Tom Fletcher, Danny Jones,
Harry Judd and Dougie
Pointer, along with Busted’s
Matt Willis and James Bourne,
had had everyone up on their feet
dancing and singing along to old
and new music that we all know
and love.
The boys were cheeky as ever
throughout the show, they certainly
had me laughing throughout!
The super band kicked things off
with Air Guitar but they soon came
to their older, individual songs like
Year 3000 and What I Go
To School For! This was one
of my favourite parts, it took me
back to the days of Busted and
McFly when they both began their
pop careers.
The first sing-along was to
McFly’s hit Obviously, and then
we had the all time hit All About
you which was accompanied
by the ‘KISSCAM’. This was
priceless and created lots of
smooching throughout the arena, it
really was genius!
Then came one of my favourite
moments, every light in the Capital
FM Arena went down and the
audience lit up the entire space
with phone lights alone, it was
brilliant and such a wonderful
thing to see.
If you are thinking about going
to see McBusted in concert, all I
can say is stop thinking and start
doing! It’s well worth it and you
will certainly have a fabulous
evening, I certainly did!
The Magnificent
and 70 years since the
end of the Second World War
with a number of additions to the
programme. These will include
The Battle of Britain Evening Gun
Salute, honouring this pivotal air
campaign and end of the war itself,
as our gunners herald the arrival of
the Grace Spitfire with a volley of
shots from a vintage 13 Pounder
field gun.
If you would like to join the Battle
Proms in their summer celebration
you can book tickets at www. or by calling
01432 355 416, but don’t forget to
book by the end of the month to
get the best possible prices!
Death By
A Newthorpe man has been
charged with causing death by
dangerous driving.
Matthew Scrimshaw, 36,
of Halls Lane was charged in
connection with a fatal collision
which took place in Mansfield
Road, Eastwood, on 9th
December 2014.
The crash involved Scrimshaw’s
Audi TT and a Vauxhall Corsa
being driven by 68-year-old Iris
Higginson, who was killed.
Scrimshaw is also charged with
causing serious injury to one
of his passengers by dangerous
driving, driving with excess
alcohol, failing to stop following
a collision and failing to report
the incident.
He has been bailed to appear at
Nottingham magistrates’ court on
19th May 2015.
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
Italian Running
A unique Italian running event, is coming
to Nottingham on Friday 3rd July 2015
with the city having been chosen as the
first international destination for a series of
events that has taken Italy by storm.
5.30 is a 5.3km non-competitive run/walk
around the deserted streets of the city
With Tenant…
centre at 5.30am on a Friday morning. All
participants are encouraged to take part at
their own pace and are rewarded with a
fresh fruit breakfast when they finish.
The event in Nottingham will start and
finish in the Old Market Square and
the route will take in other Nottingham
home at Heathside Gardens, on Jubilee
Way, which offers a rental yield of 5.74%.
The buy-to-let market is expected to
continue to grow throughout 2015, after the
latest figures from the Council of Mortgage
Lenders revealed that buy-to-let lending
Rippon Homes is offering investors the
rose by 26% in the last three months of
chance to own a buy-to-let complete with 2014 and rose in total by 23% compared
tenant and a great return at a development to 2013.
in Mansfield.
To make an appointment or to find out
The house builder is giving investors
more, please call 0800 169 7644 or go to
the chance to own a new three-bedroom
landmarks including the
Castle and the Old Trip to
The concept was devised by
Dr Sabrina Severi, a nutritional
biologist and keen runner, who
wanted to promote healthy
habits in people’s lifestyle and to
encourage them to enjoy some
exercise and a healthy breakfast
before going to work. Over 15,000
people now take part annually in
Italian cities such as Venice, Rome,
Milan and Modena. The Italian
tour will start on Friday 8 May in
Verona and finish in Mantova on
11 September – with a total of 13
cities visited.
Sergio Bezzanti, the creator of
5.30, commented, “We started 5.30
in our home city of Modena to
encourage local people to take part
in some physical activity without
it eating into family time at a
weekend. By running (or walking)
in the morning when the cities are
deserted, it gives people the chance
to enjoy the places they know so
well in a unique way. Our research
has shown that people who take
part in physical activity and eat
well before work tend to be more
productive, so 5.30 provides the
perfect platform for this.”
Entries are open now at
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
Want to join in with all those
cyclists attracted by big
cycling events, saving money,
getting fit and having fun?
Cycling for Health is a
service delivered by
Ridewise, part of a local
sustainable and active travel
charity. They offer a range
of free cycle training
sessions and
for people in Nottingham.
Ridewise will help you to
improve your confidence
and skills to get cycling
safely, either on or off the
road from lots
of places
It doesn’t matter
whether you are a
complete beginner,
are dusting off the
rust after years
of not cycling
or whether
you just want
to ride with
other people
to get fit
- Cycling
for Health
provides just
the right level
Instructors or
Ride Leaders
but under 16s must be
accompanied by an adult.
If you don’t have a bicycle,
that’s not a problem as
RideWise provide
the CityCard
hire bikes
free of
you are
and going
on rides.
To find out
where you
can go for
training and
the bike rides go
of instruction for you and
also regular weekly rides that to www.ridewise. nice and easy, lasting
between 45 – 60 minutes at
As well as this service,
a gentle pace along quiet
Ridewise provide
roads and cycle paths.
schools cycle training,
Rides are suitable for
cycling events and
people who have a basic
activities for those
level of cycling and the
with disabilities,
rides are led by Cycling
classes, route
advice, bike buddies
and cycle maps.
For more information go to
or e-mail or call on
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
National Pet Month
Older pets and older people will
share the spotlight during National
Pet Month – April 1 – May 4, 2015
This year’s theme - Pets and
the elderly: enjoying later years
together – will shine a light on the
positive impact pets have on the
elderly and highlight the need for
forever homes for older pets.
Pet fans across Britain are being
urged to join in this nationwide
celebration of pet ownership
which will see all kinds of fun,
pet themed events taking place up
and down the country from April
1- May 4 to raise money for UK
pet charities.
National Pet Month Chairman
Michael Bellingham explains:
“This year’s theme also asks us to
consider the benefits of providing
a forever home for an older pet,
often overlooked for rehoming in
their later years, so we are hoping
that together the great British
public can help us provide much
needed support to our pets in
National Pet Month,
now in its 26th year,
encourages people of all
ages to celebrate life with
pets and support a UK
pet charity of their choice
either by attending or
organising a fundraising
Thousands of animal
fans help spread the key
messages of responsible
pet ownership, the mutual
benefits of living with
pets, the role of pet care
specialists and the value
of working and assistance
companion animals.
As well as all kinds of
fabulous competitions for
schools, pets and owners,
hundreds of fun and
educational events take
place around the country
– from cake bakes, dog
walks and veterinary open
days to art exhibitions,
fancy dress parades, pet
shows and lots more in
If you love pets and
would like to be part
of this year’s exciting
National Pet Month
campaign then check out
www.nationalpetmonth. and sign up as a
supporter. It’s free and
only takes a minute.
A Loving Home
I had the pleasure of visiting
four beautiful dogs in need
of a loving home at Coxmoor
House Kennels and Cattery in
Kirkby-in-Ashfield. All of them
had great temperaments and in
all honesty I can’t understand
why they are all still there. If I
A beautiful Sharpei
and would be suited
to a previous Sharpei
owner. He is deaf
and has limited sight
but has a lovely
temperament, is bubbly
and full of character.
A four year old
Staffie, he’s very
lively and is better
suited to female
dogs, he would be
the ideal, loving
addition to a
wonderful family.
had the room I would have taken
all of them home with me, but
seeing as I can’t, why don’t you
take a look and see if you could
be the one to offer one of these
beautiful dogs a loving home.
You can call 01623 753174 to
arrange a visit.
A wonderful Jack Russel
cross, she is 18 months old
and would be perfect for
any family and she is still so
young and therefore trainable.
She is full of life, so friendly
and one of the most loveable
dogs I have met.
A two year old
Staffie, she has
great mannerisms
and is quite calm
for a Staff. Bonnie
is great with people
and is well suited to
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
is the décor in theme with a
day out at the spa, there’s also
a spa bath on the ground floor
which I’m sure everyone will
appreciate and make full
use of!
On entering The Grand Care
Centre on Greythorn Drive in
West Bridgford, I was amazed
with how fresh, elegant and
welcoming the entire building
was. It is definitely one of the
best care facilities that I have
ever had the pleasure of
Rushcliffe has been named as the 8th best
place to live in the Country and I wouldn’t
be surprised if West Bridgford was one of
the many reasons for that honour.
West Bridgford, the area located south of
Nottingham city centre, is home to some of
the major sporting attractions in the region.
Within just a few hundred yards of each
other is the third oldest
Test Match ground in
the world, Trent Bridge,
and the City Ground,
home to two times European Cup winners,
Nottingham Forest.
Whether it’s the array of shops and
independent stores you want or perhaps
you’re after the vibrant night life, West
Bridgford certainly has a lot to offer.
It is extremely accessible as well, there’s
plenty of parking, taxi’s are always
and buses
pass through
constantly from
various areas
in Nottingham;
it really is the
ideal place to
visit and has
a wonderful
Venturing through…
Head through West Bridgford and
you’ll find the National Water
Sports Centre at Holme Pierrepont,
which boasts an impressive
white water rafting course and
regatta lake. Water sports aren’t
compulsory though, you can enjoy
this attraction as a great place for
cycling, a gentle stroll or catching
the wildlife.
Explore the streets immediately
surrounding Trent Bridge and
the City Ground. In particular
check out the specialist ales at
The Southbank Bar, setting off the
sporting theme perfectly by being
a designated sports bar.
As you venture into West
Bridgford, around Central Avenue
and Bridgford Road, there are
many other good quality bars and
restaurants to try out. Along here
you’ll find The Monkey Tree,
Copper Bar Café and Escabeche a restaurant offering food inspired
by the Mediterranean and brought
to you by the same team behind the
highly regarded Perkins restaurant.
Visitors looking to stay near the
cricket or football venues are
advised to book early as rooms
are in high demand. Nearby
accommodation providers include
the County Hotel and The Swans
Hotel. Slightly further afield
but well worth considering is
Jurys Inn, it’s an easy walk away
and also offers quick access to
Nottingham city centre.
As you head along Radcliffe Road
directly adjacent to the cricket
ground, you’ll find a few bars and
cafes, including the world famous
Trent Bridge Inn. Around the
back of the cricket ground seek
out the Larwood and Voce pub for
excellent food and real ales.
Only around a mile from
Nottingham City Centre, West
Bridgford provides a very local
and friendly feel, it wasn’t
uncommon back in the day to find
a certain Mr Brian Clough in the
local paper shop! Definitely worth
a visit whether you’re a sports fan
or not.
This beautiful suburb really does
have it all, it has enough to offer
for you to make a day and evening
out of it and with such a vast
selection of places and activities
on offer you definitely won’t be
West Bridgford has
a lively town centre,
offering a range of
shops to cater for
most everyday needs,
with plenty of lowcost parking and there
are large superstore
shopping developments
in the area.
West Bridgford, a leafy
suburb, is where the
Borough Council has
its Community Contact
Centre at the West
Bridgford Police station.
The council’s Civic
Centre is also based in
the town.
For those who prefer
life in the country, the
Rushcliffe area offers
the best of both worlds:
the delights of rural
living coupled with
good transport links for
getting to work and to
other parts of the county
and country.
Whatever you are after,
I highly recommend
giving this brilliant place
a chance to fulfil your
needs. It’s a personal
favourite of mine and
that of many others, I
can assure you that you
will be impressed by
what’s on offer.
You can find out more about this beautiful suburb by visiting
The Grand is a stunning
purpose-built, 82 bed
care centre offering
exceptional services
for residential, nursing
and dementia care.
Each room has an en
suite and follows the
exceptional standard
that can be found
throughout the centre.
Grand is no ordinary care
home, it’s a home for life with
so much attention to detail.
With an array of beautiful
lounges and dining areas,
During my tour I was
pleasantly surprised with
the spectacular interior
design throughout, all by the
lovely Katie McGoff and it is
simply outstanding. Every room
I walked into was one that I
wanted replicating in
my own home! The
along with a large garden
perfect for relaxation, residents
will truly feel at ease and will
certainly feel at home. If this
isn’t relaxing enough, there’s
an assisted bathroom
on every floor.
Not only
The Grand is full of
surprises, along with
the expected
facilities, there’s
a cinema,
a hair
dressers and
a nail bar.
This will ensure
that residents
have something
to do regardless
of their mobility;
independence is a key
factor here.
A wonderful
feature is
the retail coffee shop
where residents can
pop in at any time
throughout the day, but
it’s also open to the public
and I can see this having a
number of benefits. Firstly,
residents can use the
facility as a stop for their
days out if they are
unable to travel far,
as the residents are
able to leave the
complex and
enter through
the public
entrance, which
will help them in
feeling like they
have got out and
Secondly, it gives the
public a chance to see
what The Grand
has to offer
for potential
residents along
with their
family. You
don’t have
to take
my word
for it, pop in
yourself and
Manager Dawn Collett will be
on hand to answer any of your
Some residents have already
booked their place at The Grand
and by what I have seen I’m sure
the spaces will go rather quickly, if
you want to find out more you can
email enquiries@newcarehomes.
com or call 0115 828 4099.
The Grand
Care Centre
you require
Nursing or
Dementia Care,
the team are
ready to
welcome you
Call in to meet the team or contact Dawn Collett for further details
Tel: 0115 828 4099 | Email:
Greythorn Drive, West Bridgford NG2 7GG
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
Get Into Golf
It’s not an understatement
to say that exercise is a
miracle cure for health and
wellbeing – and playing
golf is a great way to tap
into the amazing benefits of
keeping active.
Whatever your age you can reap
the health benefits of exercise on
the golf course. So whether you’re
a desk-bound twenty something or
looking to get out and about more
now you’re retired – getting active
with golf is one of the best ways to
stay fit,
active and healthy through
your lifetime.
An average game of golf
will see you walk briskly
for around six miles. This
will easily achieve the
recommended 150 minutes
of moderate exercise a week
recommended by the NHS to
keep healthy.
Golf burns off more energy
than you’d think: playing an
18-hole game of golf uses at
least 900 calories.
Golf also offers all the known
weight-loss benefits of
walking combined
with the toning
and muscle
benefits of swinging
the clubs and
carrying or pulling
golf bag.
You’ll also have
fun while you play
golf. Rather than
clock-watching in
the gym or on the
treadmill, exercise
is transformed into
an enjoyable activity
and you are more
likely to stick with it
and reap the benefits.
Try a taster session,
they normally last around
an hour and it gives you the
chance to really get to know
the sport and see if it’s
something for you.
There’s also the option of
a beginners course which will
teach you the basics, from grip
and posture to golf etiquette and
how to play a full game. The
time and cost varies depends on
where you go but on average
it’s normally around 5 weeks
for £25. Alternatively you can
look for the option to learn golf
in a day, usually lasting around
5 hours it’s the same as the
beginner’s course but rolled
into one day.
Footgolf success at
Oakmere Park Golf Club
Oakmere’s Footgolf course
opened over Easter and proved a
great success with fantastic feed
back from all participants.
The game is played the same
way as golf, except players use a
football instead of a golf ball, and
the ball is kicked rather than struck
with a club, working towards a
21-inch “cup” in place of the usual
golf hole. The player who plays
the 9 or 18 holes with the fewest
shots wins. Footgolf as a sport is
played on golf courses only. The
first shot has to be played from
the tee box, and to reach the hole,
bunkers, trees, water and hills
have to be crossed or avoided.
This means a powerful shot is
useful, but not decisive. Reading
the course, a smart approach and
accurate putting are even more
The game is played with a
regulation Size 5 Football .
Because footballs travel less
distance than golf balls, footgolf
is played on holes shorter than
those used for golf, Oakmere’s
course has holes ranging from a
par 3 of 48 yards to a par 5 at 127
yards. Paul Collinson of the UK
Footgolf Association has observed
that compared to golf, Footgolf is
quicker to play, more accessible
to players, and does not require
expensive equipment. Oakmere’s
Footgolf course has been rated
as the best in Nottinghamshire
however new courses are opening
all the time.
It’s also currently taking over
as the must-do childrens party
destination with catering available
on site.
This Sunday will be the monthly
County order of merit competition
which is open to all newcomers.
They are also starting a summer
league for teams of 4 -5 players
every Tuesday.
Oakmere’s course is open every
weekend afternoon. To book your
kick off time phone Oakmere on
0115 965 3545.
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
The Great British Food Festival is
back at Hardwick Hall this May
Bank Holiday, Sat May 2nd over
the weekend to Bank Holiday
Monday, May 4th.
The recipe for the weekend,
well take over 80 top local and
artisan producers, a big serving
of stunning hot food, add a dash
of real ale and wine bars, kids
cookery lessons and lots of
top chef
from the
likes of
Bake Off
Middleton, Luis
Troyano and
Master Chefs
Luke Owen,
stir in a cake
and the popular
Men V’s Food,
with lashings of
excellent live
music and mix
together to make
a lovely foodie
family day out.
The main chef
demo area hosts
great local and
TV chefs, all
demos are free (as part of
your admission ticket) to
enter so everyone can pick
up top foodie tips. There
are also regular Artisan
Foodie talks and the
Great British Cake off and Men
V’s Food for you to get involved
with! The Great British Food
Festival has attracted lots of
producers showcasing the best in
local, seasonal and speciality food
and drink. It’s a great opportunity
to get a real taste of the best of
Derbyshire and Great British
produce - sample, enjoy and buy.
With Great Britain’s amazing mix
of cultures and cuisines we thought
it would be a shame to overlook
some more exotic elements - so
you can try Thai, Mexican, Asian
as well as
pulled pork, prime
steak, and the best
local burgers and
sausages, for
those with more
traditional tastes!
After you’ve
done your foodie
shopping, sit out
enjoying tasty hot
food, a refreshing
drink (or two), with great
live music in the stunning
surroundings of Hardwick Hall.
The perfect recipe for a fun, foodie
day out for the whole family.
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
Out & About
Calling All Gardeners!
With Spring finally here, green fingered
gardeners will be glad of the assistance
available at Walkers Bulbs.
From daffodils to tulips and indoor
hyacinths to alliums, here you will
certainly find a variety beautiful flowers
to put the spring back into your house
and garden.
Leading this division is Johnny
Walkers, who is a name synonymous
with Daffodils. Some might say he is
obsessed but he says it’s just because
bulbs are in his blood.
Johnny worked with his parents and
attended Horticultural College before
flying the coup to prove his own way in
are often
due to the
amount we
see bursting
through in the
Spring months
but they are beautifully suited to
naturalising and planting in large,
generous drifts. There are a number of
different varieties, so don’t think that a
daffodil is just a daffodil; they are much
more than just that.
Walkers Bulbs are the mail order
subsidiary of Taylors Bulbs the UK’s
leading supplier of bulbs to the trade.
the bulb world. Johnny helped establish
a quality assurance scheme for a group
of English bulb growers and part of his
responsibility involved advising growers
from Cornwall, Norfolk and Lincolnshire
on bulb production techniques and
maintaining quality standards. The work
of this group was so successful that
by the time Johnny left the group was
exporting over 5,000 tonnes of daffodils
per annum to countries all over the world
However, circumstances now meant
that Johnny could finally indulge his
true passion – Daffodils. So he left his
full time career and started his own mail
order business selling specialist Daffodil
varieties (and other Spring bulbs) to
narcissus lovers around the country.
In 2003 Johnny was formally recognised
by the Daffodil Society who made
him an Honorary Vice-President in
recognition of his years of work in
maintaining daffodil quality standards
and also for his endless efforts in
promoting these gorgeous blooms.
Walkers Bulbs will be
exhibiting a variety of
daffodils at the Harrogate
Spring Show later this
month and the Chelsea
Flower Show in May where
they have already won 23
consecutive gold medals.
To find out more or to place an order
you can visit or if
you have any questions you can
call the helpful team on
01406 426 216.
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
Out & About
Calling all cheese lovers!
Your chance to sample
some of the rarest
cheeses around as the
UK’s largest cheese fair
hits the East Midlands this
The UK’s largest
cheese fair will
return for its
fifth year in
2015 when
the Artisan
Cheese Fair
takes place
in Melton
from 2-3
May. Over 50
will be
showcasing in
excess of 250
different products
at the Fair including
some of the UK’s
rarest cheeses.
The Artisan Cheese
Fair will be held
from 10am to
4pm from 2-3 May
2015 at the Cattle
Market, Scalford
Road. Melton
Mowbray, LE13 1JY.
Entry to the Fair is just
£2 per person.
Visitors to the Fair will
have the opportunity
to taste some of the
UK’s rarest cheeses.
They can also
learn about
cheese in the
daily programme
of talks,
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
You’ll Be Catered
for in Norfolk…
What’s your view of Norfolk, the bit
on the mid-Eastern coast of the United
Kingdom that bulges out into the North
Sea? It’s where The Queen holidays
over Christmas and where Kate and
Wills have a home with their son
There’s never been a better
time to plan a trip to Norfolk.
and tastings
given by industry
experts including
the School of
Artisan Food and the
Stilton Cheesemakers
Association, as well as
enjoying other local
produce including ales,
wines, chutneys and Melton
Mowbray’s famous Pork Pie.
For more information, visit
An inspired new opera with
a cast including individuals
experiencing homelessness
will soon be premiering in
Written and directed by Hazel
Gould, To the Silkwood Tree
follows the story of a traveller
on a long, uncertain road to an
unknown destination. Set to
music by established composer
John Barber, the opera hopes
to intrigue, entrance and send
audiences away with a lift in
their hearts.
An award-winning charity,
Streetwise Opera works with
homeless people across the UK
and uses the power of music
and performance to help them
make positive changes in their
lives. Working across the UK,
Streetwise Opera has supported
homeless people to perform to
audiences at London’s Royal
Opera House in a show which
has just been nominated for an
Olivier Award for ‘Best New
Opera Production’.
The 30 minute performance
will take place on 16th May
at Nottingham Contemporary,
from 8.30pm. Tickets are
free, but limited and can
be reserved online through
Eventbrite: www.eventbrite.
Whatever their interests and whenever
they visit, visitors can be assured of a
warm welcome in the county, with its
diverse range of attractions and huge
variety of quality and value-for-money
places to visit and things to do. It’s also
the combined sunniest/driest county
in the UK. Add to this a wealth of
stately homes, including Sandringham,
Houghton, Holkham and
the National Trust-run
Blickling, Felbrigg and
heritage railways including the
wonderful Poppy Line between
Sheringham and Holt, and an abundance
of visitor attractions for all ages,
including Banham Zoo, Wroxham Barns,
Bressingham Gardens, Pensthorpe,
Fairhaven and Thursford (also famous
for their Christmas Spectacular).
Nearby is one of the UK’s top seaside
resorts, Great Yarmouth. The Golden
Mile with its two piers is packed with
attractions and amusements and the town
has excellent shows and entertainment,
a popular racecourse, and a fascinating
maritime heritage that includes the
award-winning Time & Tide
On the
beautiful north Norfolk coast combine
a visit to Holkham with a boat trip to
see England’s largest seal colony at
Blakeney, a show at Cromer Pier, a trip
on the North Norfolk Railway or the
Wells-Walsingham Light Railway or
take in a spot of bird watching at one of
the many excellent coastal reserves.
Whatever you’re interested in doing,
Norfolk is sure to be able to cater for it.
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
Where there’s a Will,
there’s a way!
Why is it important
to make a will?
If you die without a will, there are
certain rules which dictate how the
money, property or possessions
should be allocated. This may not
be the way that you would have
wished your money and possessions
to be distributed.
Unmarried partners and partners
who have not registered a civil
partnership cannot inherit from
each other unless there is a will, so
the death of one partner may create
serious financial problems for the
remaining partner.
If you have children, you will
need to make a will so that
arrangements for the children
can be made if either one or both
parents die.
It may be possible to reduce the
amount of tax payable on the
inheritance if advice is taken in
advance and a will is made.
If your circumstances have changed,
it is important that you make a
will to ensure that your money
and possessions are distributed
according to your wishes.
If you are in any doubt as to
whether or not you should make a
will, you should consult a solicitor
or a Citizens Advice Bureau who
can give you lists of solicitors.
Who are executors?
Executors are the people who will
be responsible for carrying out
your wishes and for sorting out the
estate. They will have to collect
together all the assets of the estate,
deal with all the paperwork and
pay all the debts, taxes, funeral and
administration costs out of money in
the estate. They will need to pay out
the gifts and transfer any property to
Who to choose as executors…
It is not necessary to appoint more
than one executor although it is
advisable to do so, for example, in
case one of them dies. It is common
to appoint two, but up to four
executors can take on responsibility
for administering the will after a
Getting a copy of the will
when probate has been
When someone dies,
the person who is dealing
with their estate (for example,
money and property) must
usually get authorisation
to do so from the Probate
Service. If there is a will, this
authorisation is called a grant
of probate.
When probate is granted,
the will is kept by the
Probate Service and any
member of the public can
get a copy.
What is probate?
Probate is a legal
document. Receipt of
probate is the first step in
the legal process of
administering the estate of a
deceased person, resolving
all claims and distributing the
deceased person’s property
under a will.
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
Call for Teaching
Professionals in
Nottinghamshire to
Consider Becoming
a Foster Carer
Every day teachers are making
a difference to the pupils they
teach, so it is not surprising
to learn many of Foster Care
Associates’ (FCA) foster
families have a background
in education and working
with children. With a national
shortage of carers, FCA would
like to build on this trend and is
calling on current and former
teaching professionals who
want to provide a safe and
stable home to young people in
Nottinghamshire to get in touch.
Anita Ward, fostering
services manager from FCA
Yorkshire and Lincolnshire,
said: “We’re continually
seeking to attract new carers
who believe they have the
patience, understanding and
determination to make a
difference to young people’s
lives. There are huge parallels
between the motivation to
teach and to foster, which
probably explains why so many
of our foster families have a
background in education.
Seeing young people make
positive progress is the reward
that carers and teachers share.
“Our carers come from a
range of backgrounds and
at different stages of life.
From people whose children
have left home and single
people, to families with
teenagers, there are all kinds
of families and individuals
who can begin the hugely
rewarding journey into foster
care. We’d love to hear from
people in Nottinghamshire
who want to make a
difference to a young
person’s life.”
Foster carers Andre and Angie
have built their lives around
caring for young people both
as foster carers with FCA and
in their respective careers as a
head teacher and classroom
assistant. Andre explains why
he thinks his experience as a
teacher has benefitted his role
as a carer:
“We started fostering at the
same time as I qualified
as a teacher, so for me
the two roles have always
gone hand in hand with the
experience from each role
helping me to be better at
the other.”
Sharon Hughes’ career in
teaching led her family into
fostering. She now fosters
alongside training teachers and
carers in techniques to support
the emotional wellbeing of
young people.
She explains:
“Being a foster carer
with a teaching
background gives
you the opportunity to
educate a child in a
different way and focus more
on the emotional well-being
of the child. Fostering is a
way of life for us and since
we became FCA carers
in 2011 we have become
part of a wonderful network
of carers in our local area
who have become an
extended family.”
According to FCA there are
many factors that make up an
ideal candidate – everything
from being adaptable, resilient
and nurturing to being a good
listener and having a flexible
response to a young person’s
From the very beginning FCA
provides ongoing support
and generous fees to all of its
carers, throughout the UK, and
is dedicated to providing all the
advice they need to make a
positive impact on the children
they look after.
Anyone interested in fostering
is invited to come along to
one FCA’s many fostering
information events. To
discover upcoming events in
Nottinghamshire please visit
or call 0800 022 4012.
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
Making a Real Difference
Being a foster carer or adopting a
child can be incredibly rewarding
and local authorities are always
looking for more dedicated and
passionate people, who can guide,
inspire and help create a positive
future for a child or young person.
Full training and ongoing support
is always provided.
What is the difference
between adoption and
Foster carers share the
responsibility for the child with
a local authority and the child’s
parents. Fostering is usually a
temporary arrangement, though
What is adoption?
Adoption is a way of providing
a new family for children who
cannot be brought up by their own
parents. An adopted child loses all
legal ties with their first mother
and father (the “birth parents”) and
becomes a full member of the new
family, usually taking the family’s
Who Can Foster?
There is no one type of person who
makes a good foster carer, however
certain experiences, skills and
abilities are essential.
With the number of children going
into care at an all time high, more
foster carers are being urged to
come forward.
Fostering may be
unlike anything
you have ever
done before.
Could you be the one to
change a child’s life?
Children who need to be
adopted have usually had a
hard start in life and it is even
more important for them to
experience the stability
and support that being with
their brothers and sisters
can bring.
Sibling groups are amongst
the children who wait longest
to be adopted as there are not
What is fostering?
Fostering is a way of providing a
family life for children who cannot
live with their own parents.
It is often used to provide
temporary care while parents
get help sorting out problems or
to help children or young people
through a difficult period in their
lives. Often children will return
home once the problems that
caused them to come into foster
care have been resolved and that it
is clear that their parents are able to
look after them safely.
Although it can
be a challenging
role, it can
also be very
rewarding as
sometimes foster care may
you see the children
be the plan until the child
grow and develop after a difficult
grows up. This long-term or
start in life. In some situations they
“permanent” fostering cannot
may go home when their situation
provide the same legal security as has improved or be moved on to
adoption for either the child or the permanent family and foster carers
foster family but it may be the right play a vital role in making this
plan for some children.
enough people coming
forward who are able to give them
a safe, permanent and loving
If you are considering either
fostering or adopting a child, take
a look at our feature where you
will find a number of professionals
who will happy to answer your
questions. The British Association
for Adoption and Fostering also
have a lot of great advice online at
Why should you consider
being a Foster Carer for
Teenagers for Treehouse Care?
Fostering is looking after
someone else’s child in your own
home; this could be for a few
days or several years.
Teenagers need to be looked
after for many reasons.
It has been widely publicised
over recent months that some
vulnerable teenagers have
been targeted by those who
want to cause them harm.
We need safe environments
for those teenagers, to provide
positive family life, where they
are no longer feeling at risk of
Teenagers, just like young
children, require care and
nurturing, fairness, clear
guidance, the need to feel safe,
and experience fun.
Fostering teenagers is different to
fostering young children, but this
due to the ‘normal challenges’
adolescence brings, and not
because they are fostered.
Teenage years are a crucial time,
and as a foster carer you need
to be able to provide guidance,
reassurance, a listening ear,
understanding, and be a positive
role model. You need to be able
to promote and encourage a
young person’s independence
skills, so they have their own
‘toolkit’ to survive in the adult
We have a high number of
teenagers requiring carers in
the Nottingham area, and are
looking for those who have
patience, perseverance, tolerance,
understanding, a sense of fairness
and fun. This might be the right
career for you!
Our carers state that they
feel 100% supported, 365
days a year. We offer excellent
training for all our carers and
staff who are dedicated and
skilled in supporting foster
carers, with an emphasis
on therapeutic behaviour
Formal qualifications are not
required, it might be that you
have raised your own children or
have work related experience.
The demand for foster carers
in Nottinghamshire,
Staffordshire and Stoke on
Trent is at an all-time high.
With a reported national
shortage of 9000 foster carers
needed, Park Foster Care is
urging people to consider
becoming a foster parent/s to
a vulnerable child, teenager or
sibling group. By turning the
spotlight on
fostering, Park Foster Care will
be attending a number of events
throughout the Central area
with their recruitment campaign
‘Fostering Me, Supported by Us’
Spring-time roadshow. Park’s
Head of Service, Bev Senior said:
“We are hopeful that by getting out
and about and talking directly
with people in the community
we can then attract new people,
from all backgrounds and ages,
to fostering who will support our
looked after children and help
Fostering Me, Supported by
US Springtime Roadshow
them meet their true potential.”
Deb Reid, Placements &
Recruitment Manager said:
“There are all sorts of reasons why
children need to be placed
with foster parent/s either for
a short or long period of time.
Working with our placement
team on a daily basis the
demand for foster carers in the
Nottinghamshire area is increasing
and we desperately need new
foster carers to come forward and
join us in becoming foster parents
of the future.”
Park’s reputation is ‘Outstanding’
and with our excellent training
and support package we
understand the level of support
carers need to help a child in
their care.
From the day you enquire
with Park you will know what
makes us stand out from the rest;
when you foster with us you are
never alone!
If you have a spare bedroom/s,
and feel you have the ability to
care and support a local child or
sibling group we would love to
hear from you today.
Nottingham County Show, NEWARK
Sat 9th & Sun 10th May
Find us at the Family Zone
Pick up Some fostering information for you,
your friends or colleagues.
My Family Event – Bumps to Teens
Sun 10th May
Come & find out what fostering is all about.
Manchester Vegan Fair
Sat 16th May, 11-5pm
Chorlton Irish Club, Manchester
(Free goody bag for first 100 visitors to the fair)
Staffordshire County Show, Stafford
Wed 27th & Thurs 28th May
Great day to find out about fostering & meet the team
If you can’t make any of the events above we would
still love to hear from you.
Deb is on hand to answer any of your questions about
fostering so please contact us today.
Do you have friends or family who have shown an
interest in fostering? Please share this advert with them
and support fostering within the community.
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
07764 466381
01773 762675
(Answers in Issue 116)
1 Dead ringer 6 Armpit 11 Olive 12 Vacation 13 Pretence 16 Inferno 18 Bimbos 19 Ices 20 Lasso 22 Adder 24 Ebb 25 Bun 26 Obtained 28 Banns 29 Lieu 30 Totem 31 Eye-witness 35 Enthusiast
39 Items 40 Raid 41 Craft 42 Cleanses 43 Cue 44 Ego 45 Lager 47 Noses 49 Year 50 Pulled 51 Portico 54 Pamphlet 57 Schedule 58 U-turn 59 Scraps 60 Strawberry
1 Drop 2 Daft as a brush 3 Iron 4 Give 5 Rock bottom 6 Automobile 7 Punished 8 Toff 9 Liar 10 Bed of roses 14 Recession 15 CIA 17 End 20 Linctus 21 Short-haul 22 Abbot 23 Dunce
27 Elevenses 32 Insects 33 Nursery rhyme 34 Shipshape 35 Eucalyptus 36 Twang 37 Utter 38 Travellers 39 Ins and outs 42 Composer 46 Eat 48 Era 52 Rout 53 Ions 54 Pear 55 Meow 56 Tory
1 Neither young nor
old (6-4)
6 Salt and pepper (10)
11 Ogles suggestively (5)
12 From time to time
14 Weighty book (4)
16 Red-cheeked (4)
17 Affirmative (3)
18 Keep occupied (5)
20 Hand digit (6)
21 Female sheep (4)
22 Not asleep (5)
23 Castle prison (7)
25 Towing boat (3)
26 Long-necked animal (7)
28 Thin strand of hair (4)
29 West Indian ballad (7)
33 Left stranded and
helpless (4,3,3)
35 Aid and support (10)
38 Clinic compartment (7)
41 Fashion clothes (4)
42 Hundred years (7)
45 An amount of money (3)
46 Bullies (7)
48 Talent or aptitude (5)
49 Male rabbit (4)
50 Assault (6)
52 Ship’s rear end (5)
54 Fitness club (3)
55 Police informer (4)
57 Contented cat sound (4)
59 Splinter and crumble
60 Bedeck with
ornamentation (5)
61 Morning bird song (4,6)
62 Lost for words (10)
1 Our galaxy (5,3)
2 Ladies’ tailoring (11)
3 Gone astray (4)
4 Small tart plum (9)
5 Stubborn stalwart (7)
6 Aquatic rodent (5)
7 Rodeo rope loop (5)
8 Feverish viral disease (9)
9 Always yours (4)
10 Stamina (7,5)
13 Without a break (7)
15 Japanese sash (3)
19 Roadside destination
pointer (8)
20 Greek cheese (4)
24 Military subdivision (4)
27 Soft creamy sweet (5)
29 Violation of law (5)
30 On fire (3)
31 Coldly insensitive (5-7)
32 Expecting a baby (8)
34 Curve shape (3)
36 Care residence for the
infirm (7,4)
37 Conjuror’s stick (4)
39 Assail with questions
40 Key and bolt repairer
42 Multi-legged crawler
43 Arduous chore (4)
44 Components (8)
47 Strappy shoes (7)
51 Mercedes or Mini (3)
52 Indian lute (5)
53 Moves slowly and
cautiously (5)
56 Pottery oven (4)
58 Wildly bold (4)
Gunning YOU
for Gold
Prestigious Prize
for Nottingham
Author’s Debut
MA course. It definitely lifted
my writing to a level that got me
noticed by award judges, agents
and publishers.”
Until recently Clare was
working at Nottingham
Lakeside Arts as Project Coordinator for the Lakeside
Following in the footsteps of
Literacy Project, which enables
the 2013 Booker Prize
University of Nottingham
short-listed writer Alison
Moore, University of Nottingham student volunteers to devise and
alumna and Nottingham Lakeside run creative writing workshops
for local city schoolchildren in
Arts Project Co-ordinator, Clare
Lakeside’s Djanogly Art Gallery.
Harvey, has just won
Clare now writes full-time,
the prestigious Exeter Novel
working on a sequel to
Prize for her debut novel
The Gunner Girl, but is
The Gunner Girl. The book,
which began as Clare’s dissertation maintaining her link with
Lakeside as an Associate
on the University’s Creative
Writer. Clare lives in
Writing MA course is to be
Nottingham with her husband
published by Simon & Schuster
and three children.
later this year.
Set against a backdrop of wartime
Britain, The Gunner Girl follows
the story of a teenage girl who
signs up to the army after losing
her family in the Blitz, deftly
combining romance, tragedy and
coming-of-age stories.
“I’m so thrilled to win The Exeter
Novel Prize for my debut novel,”
says Clare. “But I have to say that
this is testament to the quality of
teaching on The University of
Nottingham’s Creative Writing
Six people have been jailed
for a total of 57 years and 7
months for the kidnap and false
imprisonment of a man.
The victim was repeatedly
assaulted and forced to make
calls to his family in Vietnam to
ask for the ransom money while
he was held for two days before
being located and rescued by
Nottinghamshire Police officers.
The incident began at
Nottingham station on the
evening of 22nd April 2013,
when the victim was waiting
to return to his home in
Manchester after visiting
Nottingham for the day.
It was while at the station that
he was approached by three
acquaintances and travelled with
them to a house in Elford Rise, in
the Sneinton area of Nottingham.
There he was threatened by a
number of other individuals, with
demands being made for money,
and assaulted. He was bound with
tape, then driven to smallholding
near East Bridgford, where he
was assaulted again, before being
taken to a property at Flintham,
near Newark.
During his captivity, the
victim was forced to make
calls to his family in Vietnam
to try and obtain money for a
ransom demand of £70,000 from
his kidnappers.
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
Having a clear out?
Have you had a clear out or
rummage and found lots of
items that you didn’t realise
you still had and don’t
particularly want to keep?
Don’t rush to throw it all away
or give it all to the closest
hoarder as you may be sat
on a surprising antique or
If you’ve never been to an
antique and collectables fair
then you may be pleasantly
surprised. Don’t expect a room
full of dust and never judge
a book by its cover, certain
treasures could lead to a very
worthwhile investment if
purchased from the right place.
Whether you’re on the lookout
for an antique or maybe you
already have one that you want
to get valued, it’s important
that you find the right place
to go where you can deal with
the correct people who have
the expertise that you need.
The stories behind some items
can be phenomenal and there’s
bound to be someone who has
their eyes on the prize that you
are carrying.
Make it worth
your while
There are loads of venues available for selling
antiques and collectables, including online internet
auctions, local auction houses, newspaper classified
ads, antique dealers and fairs.
However, there is only one way not to sell your
antiques and collectables …don’t sell something if
you aren’t 100% sure on what it is that you are selling.
You must also make sure that you keep an open mind
when it comes to what you can sell and how you
might be able to sell it.
Remember…no-one makes a profit by
sitting on their backside.
There is a profitable way to generate a good income
without investing large sums of money in antique
stock that may not sell.
It’s not easy, and you do have to invest a little spare
time and money, but there is money to be made by
selling other peoples antiques.
If it’s something of yours that you are looking to sell
or get valued, make sure you go to a reputable dealer,
take a look at our feature for someone to call.
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
Getting Tough
on Begging
Community Protection has secured convictions
for two prolific beggars in Nottingham.
Peter Biggins, aged 31, of no fixed
abode, appeared at Nottingham
Magistrates’ Court on April 10th on
numerous charges of begging and breach
of a CRASBO (criminal anti-social
behaviour order), which was issued in
October last year. He received a 12-week
custodial sentence.
Frank Hipwell, aged 47, of Kimbolton
Avenue, Lenton, appeared at the
magistrates’ court on April 13 on a
further charge of begging in Nottingham
city centre and received a fine of £440.
He had been fined the month before for
numerous charges of begging.
The city is a great place to live and
Community Protection is ensuring that
behaviour of this kind is taken off the
The majority of beggars are not
homeless, and come to Nottingham
because they see it as a lucrative way
to make a living or fund their habits
by relying on the good nature of
Nottingham citizens.
There are charities that help the homeless
and anyone who has a connection to
Nottingham can get shelter if they
genuinely have nowhere to go.
Inspector Paul Gummer said:
“These beggars repeatedly beg in
Nottingham because they can make a
lot of money from the generosity of the
public. People need to know that they
invariably use this money to feed their
habit, whether that is alcohol or drugs.
We are asking for the public to
work with us and change how they
support others.
“With our partners, we recognise that
there are genuine people in need out
there and we will work as hard as we can
to help those individuals, but there are
also people who are deceiving the public
and preventing those in genuine need
from getting the help they need and we
intend to prosecute them.”
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
E: | Tel: 01159 314380
E: | Tel: 01159 313879
Published by Nottinghamshire in Focus Limited, 53a Main Street, Burton Joyce, Nottingham NG14 5ED. Printed by Mortons Print Limited
All content is copyright of Nottinghamshire In Focus © 2015