April 26, 2015 - Nutana Park Mennonite Church

Anita Retzlaff 373-3472
Patrick Preheim 955-2928
Sarah Unrau – Youth Leader 291-8604
374-2144 e-mail:npmc@npmc.net web page:www.npmc.net
April 26, 2015
50th Anniversary Worship Service
Vol. L
10:30 a.m.
No. 16
Worship Leader: Brent Guenther
Accompaniment: Sharon Klassen
Choir and Song Leader: Duff Warkentin
Greeter: Jean Enns
Ushers: Glenis & Garry Koop
Call to Worship
Sharon Klassen and Rhonda Krahn
Now Thank We All Our God
I Will Stand in the Congregation
Welcome and Announcements
Lighting of the Peace Lamp
O How Blessed
Selig Sind Die
Joys and Concerns
Congregational Prayer
Blest Are They
With the Children
Rain Down
HWB No. 86
StS No. 113
StJ No. 94
StJ No. 49
Child care is provided for young children
Psalm Reading (responsive)
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Community Blessings
Wie Lieblich Sind Deine Wohnungen
The Lord Bless You and Keep You
Prayer for Meal
Psalm 136
Patrick Preheim
HWB No. 327
1 Kings 8:56-61
Anita Retzlaff
50 Years
Joys and Concerns
May 9
Lois Wiens and family would like to say thank you for all the cards, visits,
prayers and constant support during Eric's illness.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Janae Funk and Kathleen Regier as they
begin their travel and work in Peru.
May 10
We remember Helen Dyck, whose husband John died this past Wednesday.
John was a charter member; the funeral will be here on April 30 at 2:00 pm.
May 12
Spotlight on Community Life
Today we celebrate 50 years of Nutana
Park Church. With gratitude we look to the
Charter members who had a vision, to the
many members who have gone through
these doors, and to our God who has
always been present as we worshipped
then and now. It has been the wonderful
work of the Spirit that has made this place
what it is today and what was hoped for in
the past. May we continue to serve in the
years ahead and may God's unfailing love
be our strength.
Spotlight on Mennonite Church
Saskatchewan (MC Sask)
The recently elected executive
for MCSask is:
Ken Warkentin (NPMC) - Moderator
Bruce Jantzen (Laird) - Vice-Moderator
Ida Buhler (Aberdeen) - Finance Chair
Diane Epp (Laird) – Secretary
Marianne Siemens is the office
administrator of MC Sask.
Kirsten Hamm-Epp and Ryan Siemens
(beginning in Aug.) are conference pastors.
This Week
9:30-10:00 am Choir rehearsal.
10:30 am Worship Service celebrating 50th Anniversary of NPMC.
No Sunday School.
Noon Potluck: Meat and potatoes provided; A-H, bring
dessert, help clean-up; I-Z, bring salad, help set-up.
10:00 am Women’s Bible Study Tea.
7:30 pm Canadian Mennonite University Singers at Osler
Mennonite Church. Everyone invited to attend.
2:00 pm Academy of Discipleship; Queen’s House. Scriptural
themes for seniors & Friends: Empire. Continued on
May 7, 14, 21, 28. Facilitator is Vern Ratzlaff.
6:00 pm Young Adult potluck at NPMC.
Friday, Saturday
Truth & Reconciliation -- What are the Next Steps?
Eigenheim Mennonite Church--Friday, 7:00-9:00 pm,
Saturday, 10:00 am-4:00 pm. RSVP to MC Sask Office.
Next Sun.
May 7
May 8
Coming Up
9:00 am Contemplative prayer in the sanctuary.
9:45 am Adult Ed: Light and Darkness (Enlightenment).
Facilitator is Edna Froese.
11:00 am Worship; Anita Retzlaff speaking on the Book of Isaiah.
11:15 am Sunday School for preschool through grade six.
2:00-4:00 pm The Youth Farm Complex May Day Tea and Cake
Walk; Mennonite Nursing Home Auditorium. Admission
by donation, everyone welcome.
7:00 pm Rosthern Junior College Spring Concert . Season
finale performances by Concert Choir, ManChoir and
Chorale; admission is free. An offering will be taken
during the concert. Everyone welcome.
Mennonite Church Sask Touring Mission Fest -- see
details under announcements. Registration forms are on
mailbox table. MC Sask is requesting lodging for Friday
night for those attending from far away -- please contact
MC Sask if you can help with billeting.
11:00 am Elaine Enns preaching on II Timothy 1; “What do we
carry in our bones? Listening to Women’s Stories”.
6:30-8:00 pm Elaine Enns is hosting a public discussion of her
research: “Facing history with courage: Toward
restorative solidarity.” She will talk through some of the
highlights of her research focusing on our relationship
with Indigenous peoples; followed by a time of questions
and engagement.
1 Kings 8:56-61
56 ‘Blessed be the Lord, who has
given rest to his people Israel
according to all that he promised; not
one word has failed of all his good
promise, which he spoke through his
servant Moses. The Lord our God be
with us, as he was with our ancestors;
may he not leave us or abandon us,
but incline our hearts to him, to walk
in all his ways, and to keep his
commandments, his statutes, and his
ordinances,59which he commanded our
ancestors. Let these words of mine,
with which I pleaded before the Lord,
be near to the Lord our God day and
night, and may he maintain the cause
of his servant and the cause of his
people Israel, as each day requires;
so that all the peoples of the earth
may know that
the Lord is God; there
is no other. Therefore devote
yourselves completely to the Lord our
God, walking in his statutes and
keeping his commandments, as at this
Used by permission
National Council of Churches
Are you interested in attending the Mennonite World Conference
Assembly this July? The MC Sask office would like to know how many from
Saskatchewan will be attending, either as delegates or as guests. Please let
Alison Jantz AND the MC Sask office know about your plans. For more
information about Pennsylvania 2015 and to register, please go to their
website: https://www.mwc-cmm.org/
Community Events
May 23 Yard Sale
May 24 Worship at Sherbrooke Community Centre
June 7
Wedding and Baby Shower
Nutana Park Mennonite Church welcomes into fellowship and membership all
persons who confess faith in Jesus Christ, without regard to their race, ethnic
background, gender, age, sexual orientation, income, education, ability, and
other factors that give rise to discrimination and marginalization.
If you wish to receive the devotional booklet Rejoice, please phone Helen
at the church office -- 306.374.2144.
Attention Gardeners! The flower bed in the front of our Church needs some
capable hands to assist in keeping it clean and looking good. If you can help,
please contact Renata Klassen at 306-373-2260.
Church Lawn Mower worn out: If you know of a lawn mower in good working
condition that may be for sale please contact Darryl Epp or Mitch Dahl.
From Earthkeepers: Living Green Expo Is a festival and tradeshow focused on sustainable products and services, including
energy and green building, transportation, health and wellness,
with workshops and presentations. May 1 - 2, at Prairieland
Mennonite Church Sask Ministries Commission invites you to join the Touring
Mission Fest 2015 on Saturday, May 9, 2015. The Tour this year will take you
to Warman Mennonite Church in Warman and 4 sites in Rosthern – including
The Youth Farm Bible Camp – Mennonite Nursing Home - Home for the Aged in
Rosthern - and Rosthern Mennonite Church. The cost will be $50.00 per person
and will include the Bus Fare as well as all full-course meals. Come and join us
and see what God is doing – through whom - for whom - and how - in Warman
and Rosthern. Registration Forms are on the mailbox table.
Superb Mennonite is turning 70 and will be celebrating on Sunday, May 31
from 9 am - 5 pm. Please visit our website: www.superbmennonite.com for
details and registration information.
MCC Connects: The MCC Relief Sale and Auction has been an annual event
in Saskatchewan since 1970. Over $3,000,000 has been raised for MCC work
around the world. Mark your calendars for June 12 & 13, 2015 to join in this
year’s fun, food and fellowship!
From Mennonite Economic Development Associates: Past MEDA interns,
Sarah French and Mary Fehr, are bike riding for four months to raise $150,000
for MEDA's GROW (Greater Rural Opportunities for Women) project in Ghana.
The ride, Bike to GROW, will begin May 18 in Victoria, BC and conclude
September 5 in Leamington, ON. To learn more, follow their experiences or
donate to the Bike To GROW campaign, visit www.biketogrow.com. The local
Saskatoon chapter will host an event here in June.
Rosthern Junior College Spring Classic Golf Tournament Fundraiser,
Saturday, May 30 - Join us at the Valley Regional Park, Rosthern, for a Texas
Scramble Golf Tournament. Sign up individually or as a team ($125/person or
$500/team). This event includes on-course contests and challenges, and a
banquet and silent auction following the tournament. Information and
registration forms are available on the RJC website at www.rjc.sk.ca or
contact rjcgolf@rjc.sk.ca. If you are interested in being a corporate sponsor, or
donating team prizes or silent auction items, please contact Dan Richert
at dan@rjc.sk.ca.
Message from Bethany Manor:
1,143 sq. ft. townhouse is available for Life Lease or Rental in Bethany Court.
Includes 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and laundry on main floor, attached garage
and partial basement. Contact Bethany Housing Coordinator Office,
306-242-9019, extension 227.
Home Wanted: A quiet sweet cat needs a good home from April 27 for 2 or 3
months while her owner is getting medical care. Anyone who might be able to
help please call Joan Stephens at 374-9087.
A message from Shekinah Retreat Centre:
If you’re between the ages of 7 and 17, come as a camper! The Early
Discount ($30 off your registration!) deadline is coming up on May 1 . If you’re in
grade 10 or 11, be a part of our Counsellor-in-training program! If you’re
interested in spending time with us by helping in the kitchen or leading bible, we
have a lot of room left for you! If you choose to volunteer and have a child
coming as a camper, we have a special discount for you too! Phone Katie in the
office by phone (306-945-4929) or email (katie@shekinahretreatcentre.org).
Big Sky Artists Art Show and Sale on May 1-3 at Grace Westminster Church;
Hedie Borne and Norma Rempel are contributing artists. See poster for times.
Employment Opportunities: Rosthern Junior College is accepting
applications for a summer position. The successful applicant must be currently
attending a post-secondary school and be enrolled in school again in the fall.
Primary responsibilities include acting as campus host for rental groups, and
providing assistance to maintenance and admissions staff as needed. The
position runs from May 1 to August 31. For more information please contact
RJC at 306-232-4222 or office@rjc.sk.ca.
Rosthern Junior College invites applications for those excited about mentoring
youth as part of a residential team, in the girls’ residence. Position to begin
Monday, August 24, 2015. For more information, please contact RJC at
office@rjc.sk.ca or 306-232-4222.
Saskatoon Food Bank: Breakfast cereal, Baked beans
Nutana Park Mennonite Church
March 31, 2015
Surplus (loss)
Jan – March
Jan - March
Jan - March