NUTANA PARK MENNONITE CHURCH PASTORAL STAFF Anita Retzlaff 373-3472 Patrick Preheim 955-2928 Sarah Unrau – Youth Leader 291-8604 374-2144 web November 9, 2014 Journey Through the Bible -- Judges Vol. XLIX 11:00 a.m. No. 44 Worship Leaders: Anita Retzlaff and Patrick Preheim Musicians: Fern Stockdale Winder, Susan Ens Funk, Jake Ens, Ron Peters, Jamie Winder, Deanna Winder, Colin Funk, Ella Funk Song Leader: Keith Brenneman Greeters: Judy & Pat Ludwig Ushers: Elly & Orv Neufeldt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prelude Invocation Veni Sancte Spiritus Call to Worship Greetings and Announcements Hymn What is This Place Lighting of the Peace Lamp With the Children Child care for young children Hymn Halle, Halle, Hallelujah! Musicians HWB No. 1 StJ No. 17 Service of Baptism Faith Story Baptism Congregational Response Hymn Now Thank We All Our God Joys and Concerns Congregational Prayer Hymn Offering/Offertory Scripture Meditation Service of Communion Benediction Sending Hymn HWB No. 794 HWB No. 86 O Power of Love Keeping Covenant HWB No. 593 Judges 10:10-16 Anita Retzlaff Go, My Children HWB No. 433 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for turning off all cell phones/electronic devices. Joys & Concerns We rejoice with Tristan Brenneman as he joins our congregation through baptism this morning. We pray for Erika & Hartmut Niessen, Joshua and Lauren who are in Paraguay to be with Erika’s mother Helena Derksen during her illness. Jake Rempel has been admitted to St. Paul’s Hospital. Our condolences to Elisabeth & Henry Reimer on the death of Elisabeth’s th uncle Eric Schroeder, Abbotsford, formerly from Waldheim, on his 90 birthday October 10. The funeral was held in Abbotsford on October 24. Spotlight on Community Life Spotlight on Mennonite Central Committee Saskatchewan (MCCS) Focus on People and Love: Love God, Love People. When our lives get complicated, remind us to focus on the simple message you have given us -- to love all our neighbours. It really should not be that hard. Trust in God's unfailing love to help you. MCCS hosted a workshop this week “Walking from Intergenerational Trauma to Healing Communities” featuring the doctoral work of Elaine Enns, who has worked for years in the area of restorative justice and conflict transformation. This work ties together the trauma of Mennonite families’ migration experiences and the potential of building relationships with our Indigenous neighbours who have also experienced the trauma of dislocation and residential schools. Patrick will be out of the office until Friday, November 14. This Week Today 9:00 am Contemplative prayer in the sanctuary. 9:25 am Adult choir rehearsal in the sanctuary. 9:45 am Adult Ed: Inner City Ministries with facilitator Terri Lynn Paulson. 11:00 am Worship; Anita Retzlaff speaking; baptism; communion. NO Sunday School for children today. Care Group #5 potluck – visitors are welcome to join us. Monday 2:00 pm Ecumenical Bible Study; lounge. 7:00 pm Organ 101: A Workshop for pianists and beginning organists; Louise Avenue Congregational Church. More info on our bulletin board or phone 306-384-6600. Tuesday No Women’s Bible Study. No Venture Club. th Wed. 7:00 am Men’s Breakfast; Jerry’s Food Emporium, 8 Street. 6:00 pm MEDA Supper event at Bethany Manor. Join us to hear Helen Loftin, VP for Women’s Economic Opportunity. Reception at 6:00 pm; Dinner at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $22. RSVP by calling 306-242-9019 by November 10th. Sat. 10:00-4:00 pm Bethany Manor Craft Sale; everyone welcome. Coming Up Next Sun. 9:00 am Contemplative prayer in the sanctuary. 9:25 am Adult choir rehearsal in the sanctuary. 9:45 am Adult Ed: Forming Community at Sherbrooke Community Centre. 11:00 am Worship; Anita Retzlaff speaking on the book of Ruth. 11:15 am Sunday School for preschool through grade six. 2:30 pm Join us for a Classical Music Concert at NPMC; please bring a plate of dainties for refreshments following the concert; offering taken for Rosthern Junior College. Nov. 21 7:30 pm Musical Jam Session; lounge. Bring your instruments and voices for an evening of singing popular songs. Nov. 22 5:00 pm Rosthern Junior College Corporation AGM; RJC Chapel. We would encourage all supporters of the school to attend. Report booklets are on mailbox table. 6:00 pm RJC Annual Fundraising and Appreciation Banquet. Celebrating CBC’s Top 40 Under 40 - 3 Alumni and Past Staff of RJC will share their story; music will feature Philip and Leah Klaassen; a silent and live auction, and an exciting announcement of RJC’s 5-Year Development Plan. An offering will be taken for the programming of RJC. For your complimentary tickets call 306.232.4222 or email by November 14. Nov. 23 Noon Youth Fundraising Chili Lunch following the service. Chili and baked potatoes will be provided by the youth. Donations will go towards sending the youth to the 2015 Mennonite World Conference in Pennsylvania. Nov. 28, 29 7:30 pm Saskatoon Children’s Choir presents Sing Choirs of Angels; Knox United Church. Tickets ($25) from McNally Robinson Booksellers and at the door. Nov. 28 7:30 pm Saskatoon Men’s Chorus presents An Advent Carol; Augustana Lutheran Church. Tickets ($20; $15 seniors, students) at McNally Robinson Booksellers, members of the Chorus or 306.955.5616. Nov. 30 2:00 pm Saskatoon Men’s Chorus presents An Advent Carol; Knox United Church. Tickets ($20; $15 seniors, students) at McNally Robinson Booksellers, members of the Chorus or 306.955.5616. Dec. 5 6:00 pm Ruth Mission Christmas Banquet; bring spouse and/or friends. Contact Olive Epp at 306.477.8067. Dec. 6 10:00-3:00pm Youth Group babysitting for young families. 7:30 pm A Buncha Guys Christmas Concert; Knox United Church. Doors open at 6:45 pm. Tickets ($5.00) are available at McNally Robinson Book Sellers, Russ Regier (306-249-3650), any of the Guys, or at the door. An offering will be taken to support Shekinah. Dec. 13 7:30 pm A Buncha Guys Christmas Concert; Shekinah Retreat Centre. Doors open at 6:45 pm. Tickets ($5.00) are available at McNally Robinson Book Sellers, Russ Regier (306-249-3650), any of the Guys, or at the door. An offering will be taken to support Shekinah. Nutana Park Mennonite Church welcomes into fellowship and membership all persons who confess faith in Jesus Christ, without regard to their race, ethnic background, gender, age, sexual orientation, income, education, ability, and other factors that give rise to discrimination and marginalization. An invitation to pray for Mennonite Church Canada's Leadership: During next week's (Nov 10-15) MC Canada's Fall Leadership Assembly, hosted at Wildwood Mennonite Church, a prayer room will be open for anyone wishing to come and pray for Mennonite Church Canada and our leaders. The prayer room will be open on Wed from 1-9pm, Thurs and Fri 8am-9pm, and Sat 8am-3pm. Those particularly interested in the Creation Care Resolution presented at the 2014 Assembly are encouraged to come and pray on Friday afternoon. Judges 10:10-16 10 So the Israelites cried to the Lord, saying, ‘We have sinned against you, because we have abandoned our God and have worshipped the Baals.’ 11 And the Lord said to the Israelites, ‘Did I not deliver you from the Egyptians and from the Amorites, from the Ammonites and from the 12 Philistines? The Sidonians also, and the Amalekites, and the Maonites oppressed you; and you cried to me, and I delivered you out of their hand. 13 Yet you have abandoned me and RJC Calendar of Events November 22, 5:00 pm November 22, 6:00 pm December 5 & 6 December 14, 7:30 pm December 19, 7:00 pm January 9 & 10, 2015 January 10 & 11 February 6, 7:00 pm March 22, 7:00 pm May 8, 7:00 pm May 30 June 26 & 27 June 28 Annual General Corporation Meeting Fundraising and Appreciation Banquet Boys and Girls Home Basketball Tournament Choir Concert at Knox United Church, Saskatoon, with guest choir Sonrisa RJC Christmas Concert Alumni Basketball & Hockey Weekend Winter Theatre Friday Night Live Youth Event Guys & Pies Spring Concert Golf Tournament at Valley Regional Park Year-End Musical Graduation Day For more information on any of the public events listed above, contact the RJC Office at 306-232-4222 or worshipped other gods; therefore I will 14 deliver you no more. Go and cry to the gods whom you have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your 15 distress.’ And the Israelites said to the Lord, ‘We have sinned; do to us whatever seems good to you; but 16 deliver us this day!’ So they put away the foreign gods from among them and worshipped the Lord; and he could no longer bear to see Israel suffer. Used by permission National Council of Churches Youth Announcements SMYO TREK to MWC 2015 Assembly – Application forms are now being accepted for the SMYO trip to the MWC Assembly in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Forms and travel details can be found online at Forms are due December 15, 2014, along with a $500 deposit. Applicants must be in their grade 8 year or older, contact the MC Sask office for more details, 306249-4844. Saskatoon Food Bank: (the round Blue Bin in the education wing) Soups -- Canned or Dry; Canned fruit Announcements NPMC is looking for a replacement snowblower for the one that was stolen recently. If anyone knows of a good quality used snowblower that may be for sale please email Darryl Epp at Shekinah Retreat Centre is looking for some causal food services assistants (2-3) to have on our lists of people to help with catering for timber lodge groups! Do you enjoy working with food and with great people? Do you have availability on the weekends or even on the occasional weekday? Do you love Shekinah? This could be for you! For more information or to apply, please contact Kristy Letkeman at Shekinah Retreat Centre at There are several people from this congregation who are requesting transportation to and from church on Sundays. Please contact Helen at the church office if you are willing to provide rides. MCC Connects: Give water for Christmas. Your gift of water offers a life-giving resource to families and communities. $10 helps families have access to the water they need for drinking and growing food. Give at or call 306.665.2555. November 28 & 29: Truth . . . and Reconciliation – What's next? The Ministries Commission of MC SK is planning a Friday evening, Saturday event at the Youth Farm Bible Camp that will tackle the question of Mennonite Churches' response to the recent Truth and Reconciliation process. How do the Gospel and the witness of residential school survivors inspire us to be instruments of reconciliation? More information will be forthcoming. The Bethany Manor Housing Assistance Fund has been created to assist residents who are struggling financially. An anonymous donor has offered to match up to $50,000 in donations received by November 15. Please consider donating to this worthwhile cause! Donations may be sent to Bethany Manor, 110 LaRonge Road, Saskatoon SK S7K 7H8 (please make cheques payable to Bethany Manor and indicate “Housing Assistance Fund” on the subject line) or contact Bonnie Wyse at (306) 242-9019. A tax deductible receipt will be issued. Thank you! Churches for Environmental Action, in partnership with the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, presents a one day workshop entitled “Making your Case: Environmental Action as Christian Action.” Speakers will be Jim Harding and Bishop Don Bolen. The event will take place at Resurrection Lutheran Church th (310 Lenore Drive, Saskatoon) on December 6 from 9:30-3:30. Lunch by donation. Restorative Justice Week takes place November 16-23, 2014. To celebrate Restorative Justice programming in Prince Albert and area, join us on Friday, Nov 21 at Calvary United Church (114 25St East, PA) for a Soup and Pie Fundraiser Supper. Enjoy homemade soup, bread and pie, listen to live music and hear stories about the impact restorative ministries like CoSA, P2P, Supporting Friends and chaplaincy have in our communities. Starts at 6pm. Dinner by donation. Donations over $15 will receive a tax-receipt. For more information contact Ryan Siemens at or 306.763.6224. All proceeds will go to the work of Parkland Restorative Justice. Urgently Needed for Ali and family -- a crib, curtains and infant car seat. Contact Arnie Nickel 306.653.3195 if you can help out with these items. Volunteer help wanted -- to wrap gifts for Ronald MacDonald House fundraiser held in December. Please phone Marlene Froese 306.668.4793. Announcement: The second term of Sunday School will be underway in midNovember and new teachers will be needed. The time commitment is approximately 3 Sundays during the term. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the Education Wing. th 50 Anniversary Preparation We will be creating a photo display of the past ten years in the history of our church. Please join us at the church on Saturday, November 22 from 9:00 -11:00 am if you can help. The coffee pot will be on! From Earthkeepers: Xeriscape Your Garden with Sara Williams on November 20 at 7:30 pm in Room 106, Biology Building, U of S campus. This is one of the series of winter meetings of the Saskatoon Nature Society, If you are able to give one hour of your time to help with the ministry service for Sherbrooke Community Centre on November 23 at 2:30 pm, please phone Marlene Froese at 306.668.4793. Gr. 2 – November 16 Gr. 1 – November 23 Gr. 1 – December 28
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