2015 NPU Submitted Projects NPU-F Action ID Name 5077 Morningside-Lenox Park Traffic C alming 5078 C heshire Bridge C orridor Streetscape CHANGE 5080 Lenox Roa d a nd Ches hi re Bri dge Roa d Si gna l s 5081 Lindbergh Sidewalks 5082 North Highland Ave Streetscape 5083 Monroe Ave Sidewalks 5084 NPU F pedestrian improvements NPU F Traffic light 5085 synchronization DELETE 5086 John Howell Park Site Improvements DELETE 5087 Virginia and North Highland Traffic Island 5088 Orme Park Site Improvements DELET E 5089 DELET E 5090 5091 5092 5093 5094 5095 DELETE 5096 5097 5098 5203 5933 Implement the Morningside-Lenox Park portion of the four-neighborhood Traffic C alming Plan (submitted by the C ity of Atlanta to ARC in May 2004). Specific streets are North Rock Springs Road, Johnson Road, East Rock Springs Road, North Morningside Drive, North highland Avenue, Lenox Road and East Rock Springs Road. C omplete the improvements included in the C heshire Bridge C orridor Study, including but not limited to the intersection at LaVista and general streetscape improvements along the whole corridor. Sidewalk/streetscape construction extending from Faulkner Road to I-85 per the C BTF recommendation Council District NPU Neighborhood Planning UnitsTraffic C alming Functional Area 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Ins ta l l HAWK s i gna l i za ti on a t pedes tri a n cros s wa l k a t Lenox a nd Ches hi re Bri dge Roa d Neighborhood Planning UnitsSignalization and Signage 6 F C onstruct sidewalks on the south side of Lindbergh from I-85 to C heshire Bridge Road C omplete the Highland C orridor streetscape and traffic improvement plan. Specific nodes are St. C harles segment of North Highland Avenue, University Drive and North Highland Avenue; Amsterdam Avenue and North Highland Avenue. Neighborhood Planning UnitsSidewalk 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSidewalk 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsPedestrian Facility 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSignalization and Signage 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSite Improvements 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreet Lighting 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSite Improvements 6 F Neighborhood Planning Units Greenway Trails and C orridors 6 F Neighborhood Planning Units Parks, Trails Several benches are in need of repair or have been destroyed and need to be repaired C omplete sidewalks on Monroe Drive from Montgomery Ferry to Armour Drive and from Rock Springs to Ansley Villas Encourage pedestrian mobility by completing sidewalks through the NPU and upgrading and adding crosswalks. Encourage safe and responsible driving patterns throughout the NPU through implementation of traffic calming measures and enforcement of speed limit Synchronize all traffic lights to encourage driving the posted speed. Replace/build fence by volleybal court along Arcadia and along the back of the park, repair water fountain near playground, install steps near the center of the park. Remove dead trees and prune dead wood, remove underbrush, remove crape myrtles around donor's circle, power wash brick pavers, granite marker, wood benches and light poles and golbes, supply mulch, replace broken street lamp globes and lights, refurbish benches, replace broken playscpae equipment. DPRC A comment - added to C DP/STWP Install power source for landscape lighting Stabilize stream, replace railings on steps. Redesign stormwater flow. Stream bank clean up and Historic bridge restoration. DPRC A comment Already in C DP/STWP Design and build trails heads: Welbourne Road access and Lenox Road along South Fork of Peachtree C reek. Wildlife monitoring. Acquire easement at Morningside C ondos, Robin Lane Morningside Nature Preserve parcel, Tedhoff parcel and provide pedestrian connections. DPRC A comment - Trails and amenities already in C DP. C DP project added for potential acquisitions. Trail improvements, tree planting and invasive Daniel Johnson Nature plant removal. Land acquisition. Environmental Preserve and Herbert Taylor education. Archeological research. DPRC A Park comment - Already in C DP/STWP Implement phase 1 of master plan. DPRC A Wildwood Garden Park comment - Already in C DP/STWP Morningside Lenox Park Repair monument at Johnson, Plymouth and West Monument Repair Sussex road Repair and improve drainage infrastructure. Add water source for irrigation. Add water/fountain Sunken Garden Park play on northern end with play equipment. DPRC A comment - Already in C DP/STWP Provide irrigation/ water source at Lanier Lanier Blvd Traffic Island Boulevard median and Wildwood Garden at traffic Irrigation circle Mitigate and repair stream bank erosion, add tennis court, provide shelter at tennis courts, provide grills and drinking fountain, repair/ Lenox Wildwood Park replace pedestrian bridge. Poison ivy and English ivy maintenance/control. DPRC A comment Already in C DP/STWP Acquire 3.2 acre parcel adjacent to South Fork Little Woods Acquisition Peachtree C reek. DPRC A comment - added to C DP Purchase 1 acre site from HOA. Master plan for Gotham Way Park site Provide intersection improvements and traffic Wimbledon, Rock Springs and calming on Wimbledon, Rock Springs and Montgomery Ferry Montgomery Ferry. Sidewalks at Wimbledon, Rock Springs and Montgomery Ferry 6 streetlights are need on N. Highland Ave. and N. Highland Ave. and Highland Ave. The area is unsafe and very dark. Highland View Ave. street Also benches are in need of repair on N. Highland/ lights Virginia. Piedmont Heights Atlas Infrastructure Analysis 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSite Improvements 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSite Improvements 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSite Improvements 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSite Improvements 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSite Improvements 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsLand Acquisition 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsLand Acquisition 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreet Lighting 6 F Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F ADD F1 Ches hi re Bri dge Roa d Corri dor Study Revi s i t a nd upda te the Ches hi re Bri dge Roa d Corri dor Study document compl eted i n 1999 Nei ghborhood Pl a nni ng Uni ts Streets ca pes 6 F ADD F2 Daniel Johnson Nature Preserve and Herbert Taylor Park Invasive plant removal Neighborhood Planning Units Site Improvements 6 F ADD F3 Morningside Nature Preserve Invasive plant removal Site Improvements 6 F ADD F4 Zonolite Park Invasive plant removal Site Improvements 6 F ADD F5 Smith Park Traffic Island Repair and renovate fountain Neighborhood Planning Units Neighborhood Planning Units Neighborhood Planning Units Site Improvements 6 F ADD F6 Pedestrian crossing Neighborhood Planning UnitsSignalization and Signage 6 F ADD F7 Woodland Avenue sidewalks Neighborhood Planning UnitsSidewalk 6 F ADD F8 Pedestrian crossing Neighborhood Planning UnitsPedestrian Facility 6 F ADD F9 Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreet Lighting 6 F Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F 6 F 6 F ADD F10 ADD F11 ADD F12 N. Highland/St. C harles C urb Extension Saint C harles Ave and North Highland Sidewalk Virginia Ave/Kanuga Virginia Ave/Kanuga C rosswalk ADD F13 (See F72) ADD F14 Monroe Drive Road Diet & Roundabout North Highland Bike Infrastructure ADD F15 North Highland Bike Share ADD F16 Lanier Bike Route ADD F17 Kanuga Street C ycle Track ADD F18 Virginia Ave Bike Lane ADD F19 ADD F20 ADD F21 ADD F22 Saint C harles Ave Bike Lane Storm Drain Signage Tree canopy maintenance Stormwater Utility ADD F23 Piped-C reek Inventory ADD F24 ADD F25 ADD F26 ADD F27 NPU F Sustainability and Livability NPU F Waste Management NPU F Stormwater Mitigation Virginia Ave Fire Hydrant ADD F28 North Highland/ Saint C harles C urb Repair and code enforcement ADD F29 Ponce de Leon Ave C urb Repair and code enforcement ADD F30 Lanier Boulevard Intersections ADD F31 ADD F32 ADD F33 ADD F34 ADD F35 ADD F36 Lanier Blvd and Los Angeles Parking Ponce de Leon Terrace Sidewalk Traffic flow around Piedmont Park Amsterdam Walk sidewalk YWC A C rosswalk ADD F38 ADD F39 ADD F40 ADD F41 ADD ADD Barnett/Virginia 4-Way Stop F37 ADD ADD F42 F43 Pedestrian C rossing Signals Greenwood/Ponce de Leon Place C rosswalk Pedestrian Light Sequences Virginia Ave/Arcadia C rosswalk Virginia Ave Parking N. Highland Parking John Howell Park Bike Parking F44 North Highland Parklettes ADD F45 ADD F46 ADD F47 Hudson Mini-C ircle Rosedale Mini-C ircle Traffic C alming ADD F48 ADD F49 BeltLine/Saint C harles Ave C onnection F50 Briarcliff/East Side Trail connection BeltLine/Ponce de Leon Ave C onnection ADD NPU F C WP Submission - NPU Review Department Description ADD F51 ADD F52 ADD F53 ADD F54 ADD F55 ADD F56 ADD F57 ADD F58 ADD F59 ADD F60 ADD F61 ADD F62 ADD F63 ADD F64 ADD F65 ADD F66 ADD F67 ADD F68 ADD F69 ADD F70 ADD F71 ADD F72 (See F13) ADD F73 (& F85) ADD F74 ADD F75 (s ee 5085) ADD F76 ADD F77 ADD F78 ADD F79 ADD F80 ADD F81 ADD F82 Install HAWK signalization on Lindbergh Drive (just east of I85/SR400 overpass) to ease pedestrian access from C heshire Farm Trail to Meadow Loop Trail. Improve sidewalk on south and north sides of Woodland Avenue between Lenox Road and C heshire Bridge Road C onstruct pedestrian bridge connecting C onfluence Trail to SR400 Trail at the confluence of the North and South Forks of Peachtree C reeks. Install brick sidewalk with curb extensions to better protect pedestrians at the crosswalks of intersections on major thoroughfare and improve business district - St. C harles Ave and N. Highland Install power source for landscape lighting in tree wells along the sidewalk Install curb extensions to better protect pedestrians at the crosswalks of intersections on Virginia Ave/Kanuga Install new crosswalk at intersection fo Virginia Ave/Kanuga. Location may warrant a traffic light or roundabout depending on volume and visability. When implementing the Monroe Drive road diet, install a roundabout at the Park Drive intersection complete with new pedestrian-activated pedestrian crossing signals for the roundabout. The excess travel lane dimensions can be utilized for on-street bike lanes until such time as additional funding can be secured to widen the sidewalks along the roadway. The roundabout must be designed to safely facilitate the movement of MARTA and school buses and with infrastructure necessary to enable pedestrians and bicycles to safely cross Monroe Drive along Park Drive. Add bike sharrows on North Highland Avenue in commercial nodes. Add bike share stations at key locations within the North Highland Avenue commercial nodes. Designate Lanier Boulevard as a bike route from North Highland Avenue into Morningside. Provide bike lanes on Kanuga Street to better connect Virginia Ave with Monroe Drive and the BeltLine. Provide an “off-ramp” to directly connect Kanuga to the BeltLine. Add a striped 5’ bike lane on the south side of Virginia Avenue from Kanuga Street to Barnett Street and on the north side of Virginia Avenue from Barnett Street to North Highland Avenue. Add an on-street sharrow marking on the north side of Virginia Avenue from Kanuga Street to Barnett Street and on the south side of Virginia Avenue from Barnett Street to North Highland Avenue. Restripe St. C harles Avenue west of North Highland Avenue to provide for two on-street bike lanes while retaining the current configuration of two travel lanes and two on-street parking lanes. Add sharrows on St. C harles Avenue from North Highland Avenue to Briarcliff Road. Important for BeltLine connection to neighborhood. Label storm drains to educate and inform the community that these drains are "combined" and should not be clogged with litter or debris. Protect and plant new hardwoods to maintain the city's tree canopy Work with the C ity of Atlanta to establish a citywide ‘Stormwater Utility’ whether in a fee or tax structure, enabling those that are managing stormwater on-site to earn credits (see C ity of Philadelphia). Develop an inventory of creeks within the neighborhood that have been piped underground. Highlight these areas as potential opportunities for future daylighting. Retrofit all street lights and park lighting to LED lamps or fixtures for the street and pedestrian lighting fixtures within the neighborhood as a means to reduce light pollution and energy consumption. Install recycling bins in neighborhood public spaces Advocate for re-vegetation, a healthy tree canopy, and stormwater mitigation in its review of variances Place “do not block the fire hydrant” sign in front of the Virginia Avenue and Vance Avenue fire hydrant. Replace low and broken curbs along North Highland Avenue - at Saint C harles Ave. Retro-fit intersection curbs so that they are ADA accessible. Replace low and broken curbs along Ponce de Leon Avenue. Retro-fit intersection curbs so that they are ADA accessible. Reduce the excessive widths in the Lanier Boulevard median crossings/intersections so that the intended vehicular travel lanes are clearly delineated. Designate and enforce “no parking” at the intersection corners of the Los Angeles Avenue and Lanier Boulevard intersection. Add sidewalks to one side of the street on Ponce de Leon Terrace. C hange configuration of Piedmont Ave to allow for two-way traffic between 10th and 14th street Install a new sidewalk on 1-side of Amsterdam Avenue through the Amsterdam Walk shopping center. Move the crosswalk at North Highland Avenue and Adair Avenue to the south side of the intersection to lessen the pedestrian and vehicle conflicts entering into the YWC A. Make the Barnett Street and Virginia C ircle intersection a 4-way stop complete with crosswalks. Add pedestrian crossing signage at the intersections along all major thoroughfares in the neighborhood (Virginia Avenue, North Highland Avenue, Barnett Street, Monroe Drive, Ponce de Leon Avenue, Briarcliff Road, Amsterdam Avenue, Lanier Boulevard, Ponce de Leon Place, St. C harles Avenue). Add crosswalks at the intersection of Greenwood Avenue and Ponce de Leon Place. C reate new pedestrian-only traffic light sequences at intersections within the commercial districts along North Highland Avenue. Utilize artistic crosswalk designs at intersections along the North Highland corridor. Install crosswalks at the Virginia Avenue and Arcadia Street intersection. Re-introduce the on-street parking spaces that were removed in front of the Wells Fargo on Virginia Ave. Re-introduce the on-street parking spaces that were removed in front of the YWC A on N. Highland Remove 1 on-street parking space next to the John Howell Park volleyball court on Arcadia Street to create a bike access ramp into the park and a bicycle parking area for the park. Once additional off-street parking arrangements have been made, utilize on-street parking on the west-side of North Highland Avenue for creating parklettes as a way to widen the sidewalks in the St. C harles commercial district Widen/expand the landscaped mini-traffic circle at the Hudson Drive and Lanier Boulevard intersection. Install a landscaped mini-traffic circle at the Rosedale Drive and Virginia Avenue intersection. Install corner curb extensions, crosswalks, landscaped curb extensions and/or chicanes at key locations along the following streets to calm traffic on the following streets: Ponce de Leon Place, Ponce de Leon Terrace, Maryland Avenue, Hudson Drive, St. Augustine Place. Limit curb extensions and chicanes to locations that would not otherwise accommodate on-street parking such as driveways, intersection corners and short areas between driveways. Maryland Avenue residents overwhelmingly supported a restriction on southbound traffic during times of day prone to cut-through traffic. Establish a new BeltLine connection at Ponce de Leon Avenue between the C VS and the BeltLine embankment to provide direct access from the BeltLine to the Midtown Place shopping center and Ponce de Leon Avenue. C oordinate this improvement with the new Kroger BeltLine connection on the south side of Ponce de Leon Avenue. Establish a new path connection on the east side of Briarcliff Road from St. C harles Place to Ponce de Leon Avenue. Establish a new bicycle path connection on the east side of Briarcliff Road from St. C harles Place to Ponce de Leon Avenue so that bicycling is possible all the way to Springdale Park. In conjunction with the Barnett St. resurfacing outilned in the Infrastructure Bond improvement list, install landscaped bulbouts/curb extensions at all intersections along Barnett Street. The street should additionally mark “sharrows” along the Barnett Bulbouts and surface of the road to communicate to drivers that Sharrows Barnett Street is a biking street as well. C reate dedicated safe bike routes between Emory - BeltLine connection BeltLine and the Emory/C DC area. C reate a new BeltLine connection from the existing BeltLine trail to the Midtown Promenade shopping center. A dedicated connection point can easily be made at the area of the BeltLine that is adjacent to the shopping center driveway that BeltLine Midtown Promenade accesses Virginia Avenue. Restore Park Drive as a brick-surfaced street and Restore Park Drive Bricks preserve all other neighborhood brick streets. Install LED pedestrian lighting on streets that have none, focusing on the neighborhood’s primary thoroughfares (Virginia Avenue, North Highland Avenue, Barnett Street, Monroe Drive, Ponce de Leon Avenue, Briarcliff Road, Amsterdam Avenue, Pedestrian Lighting on N. Lanier Boulevard, Ponce de Leon Place, St. Highland C harles Avenue). Install LED pedestrian lighting on streets that have none, focusing on the neighborhood’s primary thoroughfares (Virginia Avenue, North Highland Avenue, Barnett Street, Monroe Drive, Ponce de Leon Avenue, Briarcliff Road, Amsterdam Avenue, Pedestrian Lighting on Lanier Boulevard, Ponce de Leon Place, St. Barnett Street C harles Avenue). Install LED pedestrian lighting on streets that have none, focusing on the neighborhood’s primary thoroughfares (Virginia Avenue, North Highland Avenue, Barnett Street, Monroe Drive, Ponce de Leon Avenue, Briarcliff Road, Amsterdam Avenue, Pedestrian Lighting on Lanier Boulevard, Ponce de Leon Place, St. Monroe Drive C harles Avenue). Install LED pedestrian lighting on streets that have none, focusing on the neighborhood’s primary thoroughfares (Virginia Avenue, North Highland Avenue, Barnett Street, Monroe Drive, Ponce de Leon Avenue, Briarcliff Road, Amsterdam Avenue, Pedestrian Lighting on Ponce Lanier Boulevard, Ponce de Leon Place, St. de Leon Ave C harles Avenue). Install LED pedestrian lighting on streets that have none, focusing on the neighborhood’s primary thoroughfares (Virginia Avenue, North Highland Avenue, Barnett Street, Monroe Drive, Ponce de Leon Avenue, Briarcliff Road, Amsterdam Avenue, Pedestrian Lighting on Lanier Lanier Boulevard, Ponce de Leon Place, St. Boulevard C harles Avenue). Install LED pedestrian lighting on streets that have none, focusing on the neighborhood’s primary thoroughfares (Virginia Avenue, North Highland Avenue, Barnett Street, Monroe Drive, Ponce de Leon Avenue, Briarcliff Road, Amsterdam Avenue, Pedestrian Lighting on Ponce Lanier Boulevard, Ponce de Leon Place, St. de Leon Place C harles Avenue). Install LED pedestrian lighting on streets that have none, focusing on the neighborhood’s primary thoroughfares (Virginia Avenue, North Highland Avenue, Barnett Street, Monroe Drive, Ponce de Leon Avenue, Briarcliff Road, Amsterdam Avenue, Pedestrian Lighting on Saint Lanier Boulevard, Ponce de Leon Place, St. C harles Ave C harles Avenue). N. Highland and Virginia Ave Bury overhead powerlines along Virginia Ave and Utilities N. Highland Prohibit cars from stopping/standing during school C lemont Drive School Traffic drop-off/pick-up hours along C lemont Drive. Explore the feasibility of creating a softball field, basketball court or some other kind of organized C reate Recreational Field on play area in the school open space along Virginia Virginia Ave Avenue. Install “school zone” pavement markings near School Pavement Markings Inman Middle and SPARK entrances/exits. Install flashing “school zone” beacon on east side Briarcliff Place East Beacon of Briarcliff Road and south of St. C harles Place. Retro-fit “school zone” sign with flashing beacon on west side of Briarcliff Road, north of Briarcliff Briarcliff Place West Beacon Place. Designate school zone, reduce posted speed limit Reduce Speed limit on from 35MPH to 25MPH on Virginia Avenue Virginia Ave adjacent to the school. Designate school zone, reduce posted speed limit Reduce Speed limit on from 35MPH to 25MPH on Briarcliff Road adjacent Briarcliff Rd to the school. Repair sidewalk along west side of Briarcliff Road between Ponce de Leon Avenue and Briarcliff Place. Include a pad of concrete beneath the Briarcliff sidewalk and bus MARTA stop at Saint C harles Place so that people stop waiting for the bus aren't in the mud/tall grass. Install raised median refuge islands, with signage and reflectors at existing and proposed Refuge Islands on Briarcliff crosswalks on Briarcliff Road adjacent to SPARK. Install Streetscapes on Monroe. Traffic calming Implement Monroe C omplete on Monroe between Montgomery Ferry and Street initiatives Piedmont, i.e. road diet, pedestrian safety measures, crosswalks, turn lanes, etc. Redesign intersection at Montgomery Ferry and Monroe Dr / Montgomery Ferry Piedmont, Intersection include traffic island and remove abrupt lane shift on south bound Monroe Drive C heshire Bridge/Piedmont Roundabout at C heshire Bridge and Piedmont intersection redesign Piedmont Heights traffic light synchronization Traffic lights synchronization throughout the PHC A community Sidewalks and streetscapes on at least one side of Piedmont Heights sidewalks completion all PHC A neighborhood streets Traffic calming on Montgomery Ferry, Rock Piedmont Heights Traffic C alming Springs and Flagler Install appropriate directional signage in and Signage to Buford Highway connector around Piedmont Heights to Buford Highway connector Redesign entry to the Armour-Ottley Industrial Armour/Ottley/Monroe Drive area at Monroe Drive and Armour Drive in intersection redesign accordance with the Greater Piedmont Master Framework Plan C reate additional green Purchase at least one acre of property in space in Piedmont Heights Piedmont Heights for green space C lear C reek C lean up C lear C reek Piedmont Heights Streetscapes on Piedmont along PHC A boundary streetscapes implementation Page 1 Pedestrian Facility Pedestrian Facility Neighborhood Planning Units Street Functionality Neighborhood Planning Units Street Functionality Neighborhood Planning Units Neighborhood Planning Units Neighborhood Planning Units Bike Infrastructure Bike Infrastructure Bike Infrastructure Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F 6 F 6 F 6 F Bike Infrastructure Neighborhood Planning Units Bike Infrastructure Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsWatershed Management 6 F Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F 6 F 6 F 6 F 6 F 6 F 6 F 6 F 6 F 6 F 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSidewalk 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreet Functionality 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSidewalk 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsPedestrian Facility 6 F Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsPedestrian Facility 6 F Neighborhood Planning Units Bike Infrastructure Streetscapes/Parks Neighborhood Planning Units Watershed Management Neighborhood Planning Units Watershed Management Neighborhood Planning Units Street Lighting Neighborhood Planning Units Sustainability Neighborhood Planning Units Watershed Management Neighborhood Planning Units Safety Neighborhood Planning Units Sidewalk Neighborhood Planning Units Sidewalk Neighborhood Planning Units Street Functionality Neighborhood Planning Units Street Functionality Street Functionality 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsPedestrian Facility 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsPedestrian Facility 6 F Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F 6 F 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsPedestrian Facility 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsPedestrian Facility 6 F Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsPedestrian Facility 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Pedestrian Facility Parking Neighborhood Planning Units Parking Neighborhood Planning Units Bike Infrastructure Street Functionality Neighborhood Planning Units Street Functionality Bike Infrastructure Neighborhood Planning Units Bike Infrastructure Bike Infrastructure Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F 6 F 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSignalization and Signage 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSignalization and Signage 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSignalization and Signage 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSignalization and Signage 6 F Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F Street Functionality Neighborhood Planning Units Parks Neighborhood Planning Units Pedestrian Facility Pedestrian Facility Neighborhood Planning Units 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes, Street Functionality 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreet Functionality 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreet Functionality 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsSignalization and Signage Pedestrian Facility 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreet Functionality, Pedestrian Facility6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsTraffic C alming 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreet Functionality 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreet Functionality 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsLand Acquisition 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsParks, Trails 6 F Neighborhood Planning UnitsStreetscapes 6 F 05/04/15
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