INFORMATION BOOKLET NRG ZONE MODELS; 2, 3 & 4 DESIGNED, DEVELOPED & MANUFACTURED IN IRELAND Section 1 - Introduction THE NRG ZONE CENTRAL HEATING MANIFOLD This document will help you to understand the NRG ZONE and allow you to put it to proper use right away. Please read this document carefully before you decide upon any particular system design and installation procedure you intend to use. For further information on the various methods of installation available to you and the numerous functions of the unit refer to the online help and installation support material on the web - GETTING TO KNOW THE NRG ZONE. The NRG ZONE function descriptions and illustrations in this document are for your reference only. They are intended as a guide to help explain how you can take full advantage of the many features that the NRG ZONE system has to offer. NRG ZONE MANIFOLDS ARE ENGINEERED TO OUTPERFORM ALL OTHER FORMS OF HEATING DESIGN SYSTEMS In this booklet we have highlighted some of many benefits of the NRG ZONE. The NRG ZONE benefits are universal and apply to all involved in the heating industry, from architects, heating engineers, plumbers, right through to the end user. An NRG ZONE manifold is used as a central heating part that allows for rapid system construction, total flexibility, complete reliability and ultimate cost effectiveness in any newbuild or retrofit central heating project. APPLICATION OF THE PATENTED NRG ZONE TECHNOLOGY Heating systems (such as sealed or open configurations, high temperature appliances; gas or oil boiler and/or geothermal equipment; heat pumps etc.) can all be used to their highest potential with proper, well thought-out installation system layouts. This is where the NRG Zone technology can make the difference. The safety and cost effectiveness of your final system will depend on your specific appliance selection and the pipe work arrangement that you decide on prior to the installation. INSTALLATION AND CUSTOMER SUPPORT You must always be aware of, and consider the health and safety risks associated with lifting and mounting the unit. It is imperative that your installation must comply with all parts of the Building Regulations and all ancillary equipment manufacturer’s installation instruction guidelines when installing this product. NRG AWARENESS LTD. cannot accept responsibility for any fault arising through bad workmanship or incorrect application of its products. Our support staff are highly experienced and many hold advanced degrees in a diverse variety of fields in the heating and construction industries. This knowledge and expertise contribute greatly when troubleshooting complex customer projects. The system's concepts are well proven and comply with good practice and effective design technologies from standard system configurations throughout the heating industry. The NRG ZONE has thousands of potential applications ranging from; commercial property installations to educational institutions, hotels and on to simple domestic applications. The unit is easily calculated to be the most cost effective method known to create superlative heating system performance with the added benefit of decreasing the intended systems complexity and installation time. NRG ZONE products are totally versatile allowing for safe and efficient system construction using oil, gas, solid fuel and renewable energy sources such as heat pumps as well as CHP equipment. NRG ZONE units can be manufactured to any size, providing a completely customisable and dependable solution for any heating project. “Design is the most important factor to consider when choosing a reliable system configuration to satisfy environmental concerns as well as economy and comfort for the end-users. In this respect and many others the NRG ZONE is second to none. In a patented logical and dependable way our NRG ZONE manifold performs unlike any other appliance to ensure your system operates to its maximum potential with the minimum of effort.” We offer quick response times and a global reach, supporting customers all over the world. Our support team is also closely integrated with our development staff in order to actively incorporate customer feedback and requests into our products. Any unauthorized modification to the appliance voids the warranty. The standard units are suitable for indoor use only. This unit does not contain asbestos. Page 2 Chairman NRG AWARENESS LIMITED Section 2 Contents Section 3 Port Connections 3 Section 4 Connection Methods 4 Section 5 Dimensions 4 Section 6 Sealed and Open Vent Systems & Equipment 5 Section 7 Example Gas or Oil Boiler Open System Schematic 6 Section 8 Example Boiler, Heat Pump and Incorporating Solar DHW Schematic 7 Section 9 Example Heat Pump & Solid Fuel Stove Schematic 8 Section 10 Example Boiler, Solid Fuel cookers and Stoves and Heat Pump System Configurations 9 Section 11 Example Heat Pump, Boiler & Solid Fuel Stove Schematic 10 Section 12 Example Bespoke Manifolds & Commercial Applications 11 Section 13 Bespoke Manifolds 11 Section 14 System Controls 11 Section 15 NRG ZONE System Design Sheet 12 Section 3 - Port Connections NRG ZONE FLOW ACTIVITY WITH HEAT INPUT AT SIDE CONNECTIONS NRG ZONE FLOW ACTIVITY WITH HEAT INPUT AT BOTTOM CONNECTIONS Page 3 Section 4 - Connection Methods Section 5 - Dimensions 4.1 - FLOW CHAMBER Top Chamber - hottest flow. ● Connection L1 & R1 are Flow ports. F E ● Connections T1, T2 & T3 have altering functions. G C D ● All connections are 1” female iron fittings. 4.2 - BYPASS CHAMBER B ● Centre Chamber – bypass/preheat B ● Connections L2 & R2 have altering functions. NRG ZONE 2 ● All connections are 1” female iron fittings. 4.3 - RETURN CHAMBER H A A A Bottom Chamber – cold return. ● Connection L3 & R3 are Return ports. F E ● All connections are 1” female iron fittings. C 4.4 - ZONES The flow & return connections to the manifold are located at the bottom of the unit – (Return Chamber) D B ● The Flow connection are labelled A1, B1, C1 and so on B ● The Return connections are labelled A2, B2, C2 and so on. NRG ZONE 3 ● All zone connections are 1” male iron fittings. The following zone configurations are for standard applications. Alternative layouts for differing applications can be found on our website, A A A A A 4.5 - ZONE CONFIGURATION F E ● The flow connections are labelled A1, B1, C1 and so on. C D ● Zone pumps are best installed on the flow connections – A1, B1, C1 and so on. ● Non-return valves are fitted on each zone return, A2, B2, C2, and so on to prevent any inadvertent heat drift in zones that are not calling for heat. B B NRG ZONE 4 ● For pumped DHW zones; a non-return valve should be fitted to the flow input to the cylinder coil to prevent gravity-fed back feeding of the stored hot water. Page 4 A A NRG ZONE A B C D A A A E A A F G H 2 75 75 175 70 315 375 80 25 3 75 75 325 70 465 525 80 25 4 75 75 475 70 615 675 80 25 Section 6 Sealed and Open Vent Systems & Equipment FIG 6.1 SAFETY VENT, EXPANSIONS, COLD FEED AND PRIMARY CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS Expansion Vessel Optional Filling Point NRG ZONE Zones FIG 6.2 Expansion Tank NRG ZONE Cold Feed with Heat-Lock Loop It is always recommended to over-size a system expansion vessel to avoid later problems. The point of connection of the expansion vessel into the system is important. The ' pressure-neutral point' of an NRG ZONE is perfectly suitable to allow open access to any appliance connected to the expanding system volume as the system contents heat and cool. The physical location of the vessel can be at any convenient unused port in the NRG ZONE giving maximum flexibility, or can be directly on the inlet side of the heating appliance. If a system is extended, an expansion vessel of increased volume (or an additional vessel) may be required, unless previous provision has been made for the extension. The vessel charge pressure (1.5 bar standard) should not be less than the static head pressure at the centre of the expansion vessel. For static heads greater than 15 metres, the vessel charge pressure should be increased. As a guide, the expansion vessel is undersized if the pressure gauge indicates 2.65 bar or above when the boiler is at maximum temperature with all radiators or other zone distribution equipment in circulation. In such a case, a larger (or additional) expansion vessel is required. (Note that an appliance safety valve will commence over-pressure discharge at around 3 bar). It is also important that the discharge outlet from either safety valves or Automatic Air Vents (AAV) should never be located directly above the NRG ZONE unit as inadvertent leakage may go unnoticed and corrode the manifold. When installing an 'open' system for a temperature controlled oil or gas boiler it is essential to ensure that the appliance has an unrestricted open vent and separate cold feed. It is also good practice to prevent heat rising in the cold feed pipe. This would warm the expansion tank contents which would evaporate and cause more fresh water to enter the system and damage the ferrous parts. The example at FIG 6.2 shows how a heat-lock loop could be formed to prevent that occurrence. The cold feed and expansion pipe may be connected separately to the manifold if the expansion pipe rises adequately above the tank. Fig 6.2 shows a 'double T' configuration from connections 'T2 & T3 on the cold feed and expansion which may be useful by serving two functions; FIG 6.3 NRG ZONE with Heating Priority Configuration 1) it will create a vent for the cold feed loop & 2) it will also minimise any inadvertent 'pitching-over' of water from the expansion to the tank. Zones When installing a solid fuel heating system it is essential to ensure that the appliance has an unrestricted open vent and separate cold feed. Possible solutions are illustrated at Fig 6.3 & Fig 6.4. P1 NRG ZONE with DHW Priority Configuration An expansion header tank is located at the highest point in the system and a cold feed connected through a 'heat-lock' loop as shown. The optional by-pass methods shown in Figs 6.3 & 6.4 connect the expansion pipe through a 'Flap type' non-return valve on a horizontal pipe run and into the return on a the vertical rise from the heat-lock loop. This method is useful when the height of the expansion pipe is restricted. FIG 6.4 The optional expansion pipe to return by-pass strategy shown will minimise the possibility of water rising in the expansion pipe and pitching-over into the tank which is a trait commonly found in poorly configured open systems. Both methods shown provide the pre-requisite safe primary gravity fed heat-leak circuit through the DHW cylinder. However, Option one (Fig 6.3) will make the primary circuit heat available for heating in the NRG ZONE manifold before it heats the Hot Water cylinder. Option two; Fig (6.4) will make the primary circuit heat available for heating hot water in the cylinder before it reaches the NRG ZONE manifold. In both instances the appliance's pump (P1) should be thermostatically controlled by a pipe thermostat fitted on the return to the appliance to turn the pump 'ON' above 55°C. This will prevent condensation forming in the fire-chamber which would otherwise damage the appliance. Page 5 P1 Section 7 Example Gas or Oil Boiler Open System Schematic FIG 7 SEALED OR OPEN SYSTEM Expansion Tank Optional Auto Air Vent (AAV) Point Optional Expansion Vessel Connection Point NRG ZONE 3 DHW Gas or Oil Boiler Optional 2ⁿ� Gas or Oil Boiler Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Fig. 7 - Represents a possible configuration of a single gas or oil boiler system or a possible dual interconnected system. COMPONENTS OVERVIEW NRG ZONE 3, Boiler (x2), 2 Heating and 1 Hot water Zone. The example at Fig. 7 shows how a single or two separate thermostatically controlled boilers may be connected to either the left or right hand side of an NRG ZONE manifold to form a fully pumped system. INSTALLATION NOTES 1. The flow from the boiler is connected to L1 or R1. 2. The boiler return in connected to the L3 or R3. 3. It is not necessary to fit the return to an appliance to the same side of an NRG ZONE as the flow connection. 4. It is of course necessary to cap any unused port connections. 5. It is always necessary to have a venting facility either directly at or in the pipe rising from port 'T2'. 6. The flows to the heating and hot water zones are to be connected as indicated in Section 4. 7. Information on standard 'Open' & 'Sealed' system configurations can be found in Section 6. If the boiler(s) to be used are of similar efficiency then L3 and R3 would be used to connect the boiler returns. If one boiler is more efficient than another, say a condensing boiler, then the less efficient boiler’s Return would be connected to the manifolds bypass chamber, connections L2 or R2. In this way the condensing boiler would have optimal advantage of collecting the coldest Return water returning from the zones at L3 or R3 and so increase its efficiency. The open configuration of the expansion and cold feed will also provide for constant de-aeration of the pipe-work and manifold as well as an unhindered cold feed to top up the system as required. In this instance non-return valves are used on the heating zone returns to the NRG ZONE manifold to prevent inadvertent heat drift and also on the flow connection to the DHW cylinder to prevent any back-flow from the hot water pipe-work that would otherwise waste the stored DHW temperature. Non return valves should not be fitted on any circuit, such as a DHW primary circuit, when the pipe work in that circuit is used as part of a gravity heat-leak such as required for solid fuel systems. The control wiring should be configured to prevent the boilers firing unless at least one zone control is calling for heat. Page 6 Section 8 Example Boiler, Heat Pump and Incorporating Solar DHW Schematic FIG 8 SEALED OR OPEN SYSTEM OPTIONS DEPENDANT ON THE PARTICULAR APPLIANCE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS Optional System Filling Point MV1 Optional Solar System MV2 Heat Pump Heat Exchanger or Buffer Tank NRG ZONE 3 Gas or Oil Boiler DHW Zone 1 Zone 2 Heat Pump Zone 3 Fig. 8 - In this example the heat pump & boiler can work separately or in tandem along with an optional solar DHW system. COMPONENTS OVERVIEW NRG ZONE 3, Boiler, Heat Pump and an optional Solar DHW System The boiler 'Flow' is connected to NRG ZONE 'Flow' chamber and the return connected to the NRG ZONE 'Bypass' chamber. In this circumstance the internal workings of the manifold will not hinder the coldest water returning from the zones to any of the boilers if that boiler alone is called into duty. INSTALLATION NOTES 1. The flow from the boiler is connected to L1 and the boiler return in connected to the L2 - bypass circuit. 2. The return to the heat pump (heat exchanger or buffer) is connected to R3. When 'MV1' is opened, the heat pump flow output is directed to the NRG ZONE 'Flow' chamber to directly supply the heating zones. 3. The Flow from the heat pump (heat exchanger or buffer) is connected to both R1 & R2 through motorised valves where; When MV1 closes and MV2 opens the Heat Pump output is directed to the NRG ZONE 'Bypass' chamber from where the boiler collects the then pre-heated water which is then heated to the boiler's higher temperature set point. 3.1 Motorised valve "MV1" at R1 directs the Heat Pump Flow to the NRG ZONE 'Flow' chamber to be used directly by the zones. 3.2 Motorised valve "MV2" at R2 directs the Heat Pump Flow through the NRG ZONE 'Bypass' chamber to preheat the other boiler’s return. 4. The flows to the heating and hot water zones are to be connected as indicated in Section 4.5 Page 4. 5. Information on standard 'Open' & 'Sealed' system configurations can be found in Section 6.0 Page 5. Therefore in this example, the system can be heated by the boiler alone, the heat pump alone or a combination of the boiler and the heat pump working in tandem. When working alone each component has access to the coldest system water and when working together each component has access to the optimum temperature water available in the system to maximise their respective efficiencies. Where a thermal storage buffer is used with the heat-pump a correctly sized pressure/expansion vessel should be fitted to the system to accommodate the expansion of the additional water in the buffer. The optional DHW solar system is connected to the DHW cylinder and has no effect on the function of the NRG ZONE manifold. Page 7 Section 9 Example Heat Pump & Solid Fuel Stove Schematic FIG 9 OPEN SYSTEM OPTIONS; DEPENDANT ON THE PARTICULAR APPLIANCE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS Feed & Expansion Tank AAV NRG ZONE 3 Secondary Circuit Primary Circuit DHW Heat Pump Heat Exchanger or Buffer Tank Injector Tee Heat Pump Priority Hot Water Cold Feed Arrangement Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Solid Fuel Stove Fig. 9 - Method for integrating a heat pump and another appliance in an ‘open system’; in this example a solid fuel stove. COMPONENTS OVERVIEW NRG ZONE 3, Heat Pump, Solid Fuel Stove & Dual Coil cylinder. In this instance a dual coil cylinder is used with one coil connected as a DHW zone and another as a ‘Primary’ heat-leak. INSTALLATION NOTES 1. The flow from the heat pump is connected to L1 and the heat pump return in connected to L3. 2. The stove flow (rising at all times) is installed with an expansion pipe connected to a horizontal pipe run as a pre-requisite expansion/vent facility. 3. This Primary Flow pipe continues down to where it is connected to the primary coil in the DHW cylinder creating the necessary system heat leak. 4. On leaving the coil the water is directed through an injector tee and back to the stove return connection. This primary circuit must be unobstructed. 5. The secondary flow to the manifold is T connected to the gravity circuit and fed through a non-return valve. 6. The secondary return to the stove is connected to R2 and fed through the stoves pump to the injector tee. 7. The flows to the heating and hot water zones are to be connected as indicated in Section 4. 8. See Information on DHW circuits at Sections 6.3 & 6.4 The particulars of the stove connection with an open gravity circuit is outlined in Section 6.3 Page 5 With this configuration the system therefore provides for the coldest return water from the zones to be fed to the heat pump to optimise it’s co-efficiency of performance (COP) and increase its efficiencies. At the same time the warmest return water is fed to the stove. Stove manufacturer’s demand that the return water to their appliances should be controlled by preventing the secondary system pump call until the return has reached at least ‘dew point’ or 55°C (131°F). When the stove primary circuit is above the stove thermostat set point the stove pump should turn 'On' and deliver its heat to the NRG ZONE manifold for zone distribution. If the pipe thermostat detects that the stove has dropped below its setpoint it will turn the pump 'Off'. The primary circuit as shown from the stove will ensure the proper operation of the pre-requisite gravity circuit. Simultaneously the coldest zone water returning to the heat pump will promote its most efficient use. In this instance both appliances may operate simultaneously until the temperature in the heat pump Return has exceeded the appliances minimum temperature and it turns ‘Off’. This allows the other hotter appliance to continue as required. If the return circuit cools the heat pump will turn “On” again. Page 8 Section 10 Example Boiler, Solid Fuel cookers and Stoves and Heat Pump System Configurations FIG 10.1 FIG 10.2 SEALED OR OPEN SYSTEM OPTIONS; DEPENDANT ON THE PARTICULAR APPLIANCE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS Feed & Expansion Tank AAV Zone 3 DHW Cylinder DHW Cylinder Zone 3 Oil or Gas Stove Oil or Gas Stove NRG ZONE 3 Heat Pump Heat Exchanger or Buffer Tank Zone 1 NRG ZONE 3 Heat Pump Zone 2 Zone 1 Priority Heating & Cold Feed Arrangement Zone 2 Injector Tee FIG. 10.1 Shows an example interconnection of an oil or gas cooker with a heat pump in a sealed system configuration with a common DHW single coil cylinder FIG. 10.2 shows an example interconnection of a solid fuel stove cooker with a Solid Fuel Stove in an Open system configuration with a common DHW single coil cylinder. COMPONENTS COMPONENTS NRG ZONE 2, Heat Pump & Oil or Gas Cooker. NRG ZONE 2, Heat Pump & a Solid Fuel Boiler / Stove. OVERVIEW OVERVIEW Both appliances are thermostatically protected & controlled and so can be used in a seal system configuration. The stove has an open path through the manifold, directly to the primary DHW cylinder via the cylinder pump by-pass circuit. The stove will require this heat leak DHW circuit at times when the ‘cooking only’ function is in operation or to cater for any over-heat situation. The pipe-work shown will create two separate thermo-siphon loops; one from the cooker to the NRG ZONE and the second from the NRG-Zone to the DHW Cylinder. The manifold's open water pathways will not hinder the primary DHW return water re-circulating back to the stove as it operates. The stove has an open path to the primary flow through the domestic hot water cylinder coil forming the pre-requisite gravity thermosiphoning circuit. By using secondary pumps and injector tee's as indicated, the primary circuit from the stove to the cylinder remains open at all times forming the necessary gravity fed circuit. The secondary circuit pumps can be used as required, assisting the Stove’s heat transfer as it’s pipe stat reaches temperature. (See Section 9, Fig 9, Overview, Page 8 for more information). The cylinder secondary pump is used to increase the velocity of water through the DHW coil and so speed up the circuit’s heat transfer rate if required. INSTALLATION NOTES INSTALLATION NOTES 1. The Cooker Flow is connected to L1 & the Return should be fitted to L2. (See Section 3 - ‘NRG ZONE Construction and Connection Methods’). The Primary circuit to the DHW cylinder is connected to the T2 (Flow) & T3 (Return) and circumvents the secondary bypass pump directly to the cylinder coil as indicated. 2. The system being sealed; requires an expansion vessel which may be fitted to the unused L3 port. An Automatic Air Vent is located on the horizontal flow pipe-work to the primary DHW coil. 3. The secondary DHW pump is controlled through an injector tee to the coil based on primary over-heat or time and temperature controlled zone call. 1. The cooker Flow & Return should be attached to the NRG ZONE as described in Section 3 - ‘NRG ZONE Construction and Connection Methods’. The Flow to the DHW cylinder Primary circuit is connected to T2 (Flow) -T3 (Return) circuit and circumvents the secondary bypass pump directly to the cylinder coil as indicated. 2. The expansion pipe is tee connected from the horizontal pipe at the highest point of the open circuit 3. The cold feed should be fitted with reference to the cold feed connection methods described in Section 6 “Sealed and Open Vent Systems & Equipment”. 4. The heat pump Flow is connected to R1 and the return to R3 to receive the coldest system water. 4. A non-return valve controlled Cold Feed bypass circuit may also be fitted as indicated to prevent inadvertent pitching as explained in Section 6. 5. The flows to the heating are to be connected as indicated in Section 4. 5. The flows to the heating are to be connected as indicated in Section 4. Page 9 Section 11 Example Heat Pump, Boiler & Solid Fuel Stove Schematic FIG 11 Feed & Expansion Tank OPEN SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION; BOILER, HEAT PUMP, SOLID FUEL STOVE AND A THERMAL STORE (BUFFER). AAV NRG ZONE 4 Oil or Gas Boiler MV2 DHW MV1 Heat Pump with Heat Exchanger or Buffer Tank Heat Pump System Buffer Tank Priority Hot Water Cold Feed Arrangement MV3 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 MV4 Solid Fuel Stove Fig. 11 - Example method for integrating a heat pump, a Boiler and a solid fuel stove in an ‘open system’ configuration. COMPONENTS OVERVIEW NRG ZONE 4, Boiler, Heat Pump, Solid Fuel Boiler Stove and thermal Store Buffer. The gas/oil boiler and heat pump configuration is as described in Section 8 with the difference being that the heat pump flow and preheat connections are directly jointed to the flow and return to the boiler as indicated. INSTALLATION NOTES 1. The primary flow from the boiler is fitted to L1. 2. The primary return to the boiler is fitted to L2. 3. The Flow output from the Heat Pump is connected in tandem using motorised valves to act either as a direct heat supply (Through MV1) or to pre-heat the Boiler (Through MV2). 4. The stove is fitted as described in ‘Section 6 - Sealed and Open Vent Systems & Equipment’ at Fig 6.4 Hot Water priority. 5. The buffer is connected to the NRG ZONE at A1 and A2 but in this instance without a Non-Return valve as the water flow changes direction to either deliver or store system heat as required. 6. The alternate pumps and motorised valve assemblies at the buffer (MV3 & MV4) are facing in the opposite direction to each other to cater for this reverse circulation strategy. In this arrangement the unique method of operation of the NRG ZONE will allow anyone of the three appliances to work independently of the others, in tandem with any other or all three together without compromising the others efficiency. In normal circumstances the buffer is used to store heat from the heat pump during cheaper night rate electric supply times or uniquely to absorb excess heat from the stove as needed. With this method the controls may be configured to store unrequired excessive heat from the stove in the buffer. This heat can be reintroduced to the system if and when it is required. It will of course be necessary to allow for the controls to dump any extraordinary excess heat from the uncontrolled Solid Fuel unit using an appropriately configured controls plan. NRG Awareness Ltd can assist in this area if required. OPERATION OF BUFFER HEATING/DISTRIBUTION CONTROLS: Opening MV1 will allow direct heat from the heat pump to the NRG ZONE and alternatively MV2 will allow the heat Pump to preheat the return to the Oil/Gas Boiler. 7. The system may be used in an 'Open' configuration as shown or as a sealed system where for instance an oil or gas cooker is used to replace the solid fuel stove. Operating the MV3/Pump assembly will allow heat to be stored in the buffer and operating the MV4/Pump assembly will allow stored heat to be deliver from the buffer to the system. The buffer therefore becomes highly energy effective to greatly reduce otherwise wasted energy and maintain safety. 8. The Buffer can facilitate the storage of geothermal heat from the Heat Pump or to act as an additional safety Thermal Store for the solid fuel appliance to delay the heat transfer to zones until it is required. This unique method will provide for both efficiency and safety as well as maximising the heat distribution potential from the system over a longer period of time. Page 10 Section 12 Example Bespoke Special Manifolds & Commercial Applications OPEN SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION OF A BOILER, HEAT PUMP, SOLID FUEL STOVE AND A THERMAL STORE (BUFFER). FIG 12 Pressure Vessel and Fill Point Assembly NRG ZONE Special 1 Option A NRG ZONE Special 2 P1 P2 MV2 MV1 DHW Boiler 1 Boiler 2 Heat Pump 1 Heat Pump 2 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Fig. 12 - Example Commercial Application including 2 Boilers, 2 heat pump, and 5 Zones with a Flow Shunt Pump Facility INSTALLATION NOTES COMPONENTS 1. The left-hand bespoke NRG ZONE shown may be located remotely if required and incorporate a Thermal Store Buffer outlet or a boiler area DHW facility if required. 2 Bespoke NRG ZONE Manifolds (Special Order) 2 Boilers, 2 Heat Pump, Shunt pump facility. OVERVIEW 2. The Heat Pumps and Boilers are connected in parallel to a Header ‘Flow-Return’ Pipe arrangement with isolation by A multi-boiler heating system, otherwise known as a cascade system, is much more economical in running costs than a sineither non-return valves or motorised control valves as gle large output boiler. Whilst cascades are fairly commonrequired. place in larger gas boiler installations, they would appear to be 3. The output from the heat pumps are interconnected to both the boilers and the manifold directly as a direct heat more the exception than the rule and until the advent of the NRG ZONE method the proper interconnection of different supply (through MV1) or as a pre-heat for the boilers boiler types was certainly a rarity. Yet the logic of using differ(through MV2) as required. (See Section 11). ing boiler types to gain the best system efficiency is indisputa4. The Flow & Returns from the Boiler connect to L1 and L2 ble. and the Heat Pump is connected to A1 and A2. Multi-boiler - multi-fuel installations are considerably more en5. The Fill/Expansion facility is per; ‘Section 6 - Sealed and ergy efficient and will save on fuel bills especially where heat Open Vent Systems & Equipment’ at Fig 6.1 & 6.2. demand patterns vary in different parts of the system. Addi6. The Left-hand bespoke NRG ZONE manifold is shown tionally this configuration is beneficial where there are zoned with flange connections at the sides and an optional set areas that either do not require the full output capacity of the of ports (Option A) beneath which can be used as boiler or are just occasionally used. For premises requiring a described as a zone or (Option B) as a Thermal Store larger capacity, the weather is an important factor, imposing Buffer facility as described throughout this publication. variable requirements for maximum output in the coldest win7. The Manifold pumps between the NRG ZONE Units have a ters to minimal in summer. Firing up a large capacity single uniquely energy effective function as the Shunt Pump boiler just to meet a heating top up requirement is not eco(P1) can be controlled to maintain the heating nomical. temperature in the units and the System Pump (P2) can The NRG ZONE example installation shown above identifies be controlled to only operate when a remote zone is calling and therefore provide the coldest return water to just how easy it now is to make super-efficient systems a simple reality. the boilers as demand calls. Section 13 Bespoke Manifolds The NRG Awareness team of engineers are available to assist in the designing of special order manifolds for your particular project requirements. These purpose-built manifolds can be designed to cater for the largest complex system configurations. NRG ZONE manifolds can also be provided to suit any application as a single unit with multiple appliance heat input ports and multiple zone outlets of any size. The units are ideal for off-site pod manufacturing and large or complex heating installations. Bespoke manifolds work in exactly the same way as the standard units described in this manual. Section 14 System Controls System Controls are our speciality and we can provide either technical advice or support for your projects. We also supply control equipment and panels for a full range of installation from simple domestic to full Building Management System solutions. Page 11 Section 15 NRG ZONE System Design Sheet DRAWING LEGEND Pump Motorised Valve Isolation Valve Auto Air Vent Spring Type Non Return Valve Flap Type Non Return Valve Safety Valve Drain Tee Injector Tee Pressure Vessel Pipe Flange NRG AWARENESS LTD. Pipe Thermostat UNIT 8, EURO INNOVATION PARK, LITTLE ISLAND, CO. CORK, IRELAND TEL: +353 (0)21 4524 991 - Page 12
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