2015 Prospectus 2015 Sponsorship Exhibitor’s Prospectus National Sheriffs’ Association Annual Conference & Exhibition Baltimore, Maryland June 26-July 1, 2015 The exhibit hall provides sheriffs and their staff an opportunity to view the latest technology and talk with vendors to become better informed. It also provides us hands-on resource material that we can bring back to our offices so all of interest can view it. The exhibit hall is a very important part of our conference. – Sheriff Harold Eavenson, Rockwall County, Texas gather in Baltimore to see the current products for law enforcement, criminal justice, and corrections personnel that you have to offer. • Sheriffs have buying power and authority for their counties. This is your opportunity to make valuable contacts and develop relationships on the exhibit hall floor. • Exclusive exhibition hours have been set aside so you can talk with decision-makers without distraction.There will be training seminars, health fair & competition zone, and prize drawings in the hall to promote traffic as well as other incentives to ensure that sheriffs walk through all the aisles, giving you the opportunity for face-toface selling time. Sheriffs have buying power and authority for their counties. This is your opportunity to make valuable contacts and develop relationships on the exhibit hall floor. Exclusive exhibition hours have been set aside so you can talk with decision-makers without distraction.There will be training seminars, health fair & competition zone, and prize drawings in the hall to promote traffic as well as other incentives to ensure that sheriffs walk through all the aisles, giving you the opportunity for face-toface selling time. Why Exhibit at the NSA Conference? K E P Demographics Exhibitor Benefits Attendees frombest across include sheriffs and and their staff, Besides being the waythe to U.S. reach U.S. sheriffs county law and jail and court security personnel. Also included are FBI, U.S. enforcement/corrections agencies, benefits to exhibitors include: of Official police and ICE agents. Average 3700• Marshals, CompanyDEA, listingchiefs in the Conference Program (deadline 4200 attendees, which includes approximately exhibiting applies). Listing includes company name, mailing1400 address, booth attendees. number, phone number, contact email, web address, and 25word company/product description. • A 5% DISCOUNT on ads placed in the pre-conference issue of Sheriff magazine (deadline applies). • A FREE Annual Sheriffs’ Directory, which includes the address, phone/fax numbers, and email address for every sheriff ’s office in the U.S. (distributed at the show). • Exclusive exhibit hall hours. • Evening networking opportunities with the nation’s sheriffs. • Pre- and post-show attendee list (excluding opt out) Exhibit Space Information Most importantly, your company is one of a select group invited to exhibit at NSA’s show because your products and services are of immediate interest to our prestigious membership and conference attendees! National Sheriffs’ Association 1450 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-3490 Phone: 800.424.7827 ext. 301 Fax: 703.842.6204 www.sheriffs.org Why Exhibit at the NSA Conference? Karen Killpack, CEM, Director of Corporate Relations and Sales Email: kkillpack@sheriffs.org Phone: 703.838.5331 NSA’s Annual Exhibition has been a sold-out show for the past fourteen years. Industry suppliers from across the country recognize that it is the place to be to reach the buying power of the nation’s sheriffs. Your competition will be there, and so should you! Demographics Attendees from across the U.S. include sheriffs and their staff, and jail and court security personnel. Also included are FBI, U.S. Marshals, DEA, chiefs of police and ICE agents. Average 37004200 attendees, which includes approximately 1400 exhibiting attendees. E N 1 P w Reach the Top Decision-Makers Bring your products and services to the NSA Exhibit Hall. Sheriffs, their appointed purchasing agents, and other qualified buyers will gather in Baltimore to see the current products for law enforcement, criminal justice, and corrections personnel that you have to offer. • • • Most importantly, your company is one of a select group invited to exhibit at NSA’s show because your products and services are of immediate interest to our prestigious membership and conference attendees! CREDIT: VISIT BALTIMORE NSA’s Annual Exhibition has been PHOTO a sold-out show for the past fourteen years. Industry suppliers from across the country recognize that it is the place to be to reach the buying power of the nation’s sheriffs. Your competition will be there, and so should you! NSA’s 2015 Annual Conference & Exhibition • Terri Hicks, Exhibits and Sales Specialist Email: terrih@sheriffs.org Phone: 703-838-5301 T E P At the National Sheriffs’ Association’s Annual Conference & Exhibition, we’ve made a commitment to provide the optimum sales environment for both you and your customers – the sheriffs of the U.S. – because we know that our buyers really mean business. Take advantage of this once-a-year marketing opportunity and become a sponsor. There are many exclusive sponsorship opportunities available to you at our annual conference. Increase your exposure – be a sponsor. PHOTO CREDIT: VISIT BALTIMORE Sponsorship Opportunities Conference Sponsor – $30,000* Opportunity to have your company name/logo and booth number on screen at the opening and general sessions; and verbal recognition as conference sponsor during opening session. **This sponsorship includes the opportunity to present a one-hour seminar. Recognition on conference banner, conference program, including full-page ad on back cover, NSA website, and conference issue of Sheriff magazine. Four night complimentary mini-suite at headquarters hotel (subject to hospitality suite restrictions). Welcome Reception Sponsor – $25,000 exclusive or $5,000 co-sponsor* Welcome our attendees to Baltimore at the Welcome Reception held Sunday evening. **This sponsorship also includes the opportunity to present a one-hour seminar, as well as signage at event, convention center banner, conference program, NSA website, and conference issue of Sheriff magazine. Conference Keynote Speaker – $25,000* Sponsor the Opening Session Keynote Speaker. Your company name and logo will appear on the video screen as well as signage at the event. We will also invite a representative of your organization to sit on the dais with the NSA Executive Committee and introduce the Keynote Speaker. **This sponsorship also includes the opportunity to present a one-hour seminar. Recognition in the conference program, NSA website, and conference issue of Sheriff magazine. Signature Gift Bags – $20,000* Deluxe gift bags given to each attendee so your ad message can be used even after the conference. Let them be a walking ad for you. Conference Mugs – $20,000* Sponsor our President’s Conference Mugs. A unique keepsake from the President’s year in office. Exclusive Board of Director’s (BOD) Dinner – $25,000* SOLD Host a private Saturday night dinner for the NSA BOD, Executive Committee, and Past Presidents, location to TBD by NSA. Your company will be recognized and given the opportunity to address the gathering. First-Time Attendee Reception – $10,000* Host NSA’s new member sheriffs and conference attendees. Your company name will appear on the invitation sent by NSA. Representatives from your company will be invited to speak at the reception held Sunday afternoon. We will also provide you with a pre-show mailing list of first time attendees so that your company can send a personal invitation on behalf of you, the sponsor. Continental Breakfast in the Hall – $25,000 exclusive or $5,000 co-sponsor* This sponsorship will be offered Monday morning following the official ribbon cutting. Not only will you be recognized in our conference program, signage, floor sticker at your booth, Sheriff magazine, and NSA website, but you will receive a one-hour seminar. What a wonderful way to create exposure for your company/organization during our conference. our ess vide ve ate and es a ees visit is a any eriff ate me/ NCE am, on zed our FBINA & NSI Reception – $10,000 exclusive or $5,000 co-sponsor* SOLD SOLD Host a private reception for our FBINA and NSI graduates. Your company will be recognized and given the opportunity to address our attendees. An exclusive sponsor of $10,000 will also provide you with a one-hour seminar. Deputy Symposium Reception – $10,000 exclusive or $5,000 co-sponsor* Welcome our deputies and law enforcement personnel at a private reception. This is a wonderful opportunity to be recognized and address the attendees. A $10,000 exclusive sponsorship includes a one-hour seminar. Relaxation Station – $7,500* SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD Conference Registration Bags – $6,000* These handy recycled bags are given to each attendee upon registering to carry materials during the conference. Another way to have your company name and logo walking the conference halls. Badge Holders – $6,000* Put your company name on prominent display. Badge holders are given to all attendees at the conference. Hotel Key Cards – $5,000* Unlock the opportunity to expose your brand with this exclusive attention grabbing sponsorship. Put your company name, logo and booth number on the key every attendee receives upon checking in to any of the conference hotels. Be the company to provide a five minute chair massage to attendees Conference Schedule-at-a-Glance – $5,000* A wallet sized fold out guide to give attendees an easy-to-carry at the NSA lounge located in the exhibit hall.exclusive Attendees or must visit Conference FBINA & NSI Reception – $10,000 Registration schedule of conference events. Bags – $6,000* your booth to obtain a ticket redeemable at the lounge. This is a These handy recycled bags are given to each attendee upon $5,000 co-sponsor* great way to increase traffic flow to your booth. Your company registering to carry materials during the conference. Another way Host private reception our FBINA and NSI graduates. namea will appear in our for conference program, NSA website, Your Sheriff Exclusive Private name Presidential Reception – $7,500* have your company and logo walking the conference halls. company will be recognized and given the opportunity to address toHost magazine, booth sticker and signage at chairs. a reception in the NSA’s Presidential Suite open to all NSA our attendees. An exclusive sponsor of $10,000 will also provide Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Past Presidents. you with a one-hour seminar. Badge Holders – $6,000* Registration Panels – $5,000* Put your company name on prominent display. Badge holders are One of the most visible opportunities for your company to elevate given Ice to Cream in Exhibit – $2,500 (multiple all attendees at the Hall conference. Deputy –$6,000* $10,000 exclusive Conference Registration Bags –feature its profileSymposium in the midst ofReception attendees, your company name/ sponsors)* These handy recycled bags to each upon orlogo $5,000 co-sponsor* at the registration kiosksare andgiven WATCH YOURattendee ATTENDANCE Host a refreshing afternoon break in the exhibit hall. Your company registering to carry materials during the conference. Another way Hotel Key Cards – $5,000* Welcome our deputies and law enforcement personnel at a program, private GROW! Your company name will appear in our conference will receive signage at to theexpose event, your recognition in our the opportunity brand with this conference exclusive to have website, yourThis company name andopportunity logobooth walking reception. is a wonderful tothebeconference recognizedhalls. and Unlock NSA Sheriff Magazine and sticker. program, NSA website, and conference issue of our Sheriff magazine. attention grabbing sponsorship. Put your company name, logo and address the attendees. A $10,000 exclusive sponsorship includes a booth number on the key every attendee receives upon checking in one-hour seminar. Badge – $6,000* Aisle Holders Signs – $5,000* Security Committee Breakfast – toHomeland any of the conference hotels. Put display.byBadge areon $3,500 *All conference sponsors will be recognized in Putyour yourcompany companyname nameon on prominent prominent display havingholders your logo given all attendees at the conference. Relaxation – $7,500* the this conference program, eachtoaisle signStation in the exhibit hall. Your company will also be recognized Sponsor Continental Breakfastevent that is signage attendedwhen by 75-100 Schedule-at-a-Glance – $5,000* Beinthe to program, provide aNSA five minute to attendees applicable, NSA web site and conference issue of ourcompany conference website,chair and massage conference issue of our Conference Sheriff Members (and another 50 non-members) sized fold out guideand to give attendees atSheriff the NSA lounge in the exhibit hall. Attendees must visit A wallet Sheriff magazine, floor stickeranateasy-to-carry booth. magazine. Hotel Key Cardslocated – $5,000* schedule of conference events. your booth to obtain a ticket redeemable at the lounge. This is a Unlock the opportunity to expose your brand with this exclusive Charging Station – $5,000 great waygrabbing to increase traffic flow your booth. name, Your logo company attention sponsorship. Put company and Conference Floor Guide –toyour $3,500* This popular destination includes signage in area to stop and name will intheour conference program, NSA Sheriff Private Presidential Reception – $7,500* booth key every receives upon checking in Exclusive Placenumber yourappear adon onthe front pageattendee of the guide that willwebsite, lead attendees charge your phoneonduring very busy show days!Contact: Gain exposure For Information Sponsorship Opportunites magazine, booth sticker and signage at chairs. Host a reception to any of the conference hotels. through the exhibit hall floor. This pocket-sized guide will be in the to all attendees.in the NSA’s Presidential Suite open to all NSA of Directors, Committee and Past Presidents. National Sheriffs’Executive Association hands of every attendee. The sponsor will also have their name and Board Registration Panels – $5,000* KarenInsert Killpack,–CEM, Director Corporate Relations and Sales booth numberSchedule-at-a-Glance highlighted inside. Conference – $5,000* Bag $1,000 (upofto 10 available) of the most your company to elevate IcePhone: Cream in Exhibit Hall – $2,500 (multiple 800.424.7827 ext 331 or 703.838.5331 AOne wallet sized foldvisible out opportunities guide to give for attendees an easy-to-carry Place your promotional material and/or gift into each attendits profileofinconference the midst events. of attendees, feature your company name/ sponsors)* schedule Email: kkillpack@sheriffs.org ee’s registration bag. Provide• awww.sheriffs.org great gift that will have the atRefreshments in NSA Exhibit Hall Lounge – logo at the registration kiosks and WATCH YOUR ATTENDANCE Host a refreshing afternoon break in the exhibit hall. Your company tendee thanking you! And thinking of you! $2,500* GROW! Your company name will appear in our conference program, will receive signage at the event, recognition in our conference Exclusive Private Presidential Reception – $7,500* Yourwebsite, company name will beand printed the cups, signage in the program, NSA website, and conference issue of our Sheriff magazine. NSA Sheriff Magazine boothonsticker. Host a reception in the NSA’s Presidential Suite open to all NSA hall, and recognition in the conference program, NSA website, and Passport – $750 per sponsor Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Past Presidents. (up to 20 stamps available) SheriffSigns magazine. Aisle – $5,000* SOLD SOLD Put your company name on prominent display by having your logo on Ice Cream in Exhibit – $2,500 (multiple Conference Pens –Hall $3,000* each aisle sign in the exhibit hall. Your company will also be recognized sponsors)* pens will include your company and issue be given inThe our conference program, NSA website, name/logo and conference of ourto Host a magazine. refreshingattendees. afternoon Your breakcompany in the exhibit hall.recognized Your company all conference will be in our Sheriff willconference receive signage at NSA the event, recognition in ourissue conference program, website, and conference of Sheriff program, NSA website, and conference issue of our Sheriff magazine. magazine. Conference Floor Guide – $3,500* Place your ad on the front page of the guide that will lead attendees through exhibit hall sponsors floor. This pocket-sized guide will beinin the *Allthe conference will be recognized hands of every attendee. The sponsor will also have their name and the conference program, event signage when booth number highlighted inside. applicable, NSA web site and conference issue of Sheriff magazine, and floor sticker at booth. Refreshments in NSA Exhibit Hall Lounge – $2,500* What better way to increase trafficwill to your booth? All attendees *All conference sponsors be recognized in receive a Convention Passport at registration. Attendees the conference program, event signage whenare to visit each sponsor’s booth and receive a stamp. They must applicable, NSA web conference issue ofcolOur vendors are much moresite thanand salespersons. They are professional lectSheriff all participating booth stamps be included in the drawmagazine, and floortosticker at booth. partners who offer us windows to see the future progress and ing for the Passport prize. advancement of law enforcement. – Lt. Colonel Carl Yates, Jefferson County, KY For Information on Sponsorship Opportunites Contact: National Sheriffs’ Association Natalie DeSoto Karen Killpack, CEM, Director of Corporate Relations and Sales Account Executive Phone:800.424.7827 717.430.2227ext Cell: Phone: 331717.580.8184 or 703.838.5331 Email: natalie.desoto@theYGSgroup.com Email: kkillpack@sheriffs.org • www.sheriffs.org PHOTO CREDIT: VISIT BALTIMORE Advertising Opportunities Advertise in Our Conference Program for extra exposure! To reserve ad space or for a full media kit, call Natalie DeSoto at The YGS Group, 717.580.8184 or ndesoto@sheriffs.org. 2015 Annual Conference Program Advertising Rates Cover 2 (4-color) ............................... $2,010 Cover 3 (4-color) ............................... $2,010 Full Page B&W (5” x 8”).................$ 950 Full Page 4-color.................................. $1,670 Note: No special position guaranteed in the Conference Program (except covers) and no agency commission. Closing Dates: Contract deadlines: Materials deadlines: May 7, 2015 May 21, 2015 Sponsorship Reservation We would like to sponsor the following: m m m m m m m m m Conference Sponsor – $30,000 Conference Keynote Speaker – $25,000 Exclusive Board of Director’s (BOD) Dinner – $25,000 Sunday Welcome Reception – m $25,000 exclusive m $5,000 co-sponsor First-Time Attendee Reception – $10,000 Conference Floor Guide – $3,500 Continental Breakfast in the Hall m $25,000 exclusive m $5,000 co-sponsor FBINA & NSI Reception m $10,000 exclusive m $5,000 co-sponsor Deputy Symposium Reception m $10,000 exclusive m $5,000 co-sponsor m m m m m m m m m m m m m Relaxation Station – $7,500 Registration Panels – $5,000 Aisle Signs – $5,000 Refreshments in the NSA Exhibit Hall Lounge – $2,500 Conference Gift Bags – $20,000 Conference Mugs – $20,000 Conference Pens – $3,000 Conference Registration Bags – $6,000 Badge Holders – $6,000 Hotel Key Cards – $5,000 Conference Schedule-at-a-Glance – $5,000 Exclusive Private Presidential Reception – $7,500 Ice Cream in Exhibit Hall – $2,500 (multiple sponsors) Contact Information Company Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________________ State: _________________ Zip: ______________ Cell: ____________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Payment Options: Amount being sponsored: $____________________ m Please Send Invoice m Mastercard m Visa m American Express m Check Enclosed (Check # _________ – payable to National Sheriffs’ Association) Card: Card #: ______________________________________________________________ Exp Date: ___/____/____ Name on Card: __________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________________ SUBMIT FORM Natalie DeSoto or FAX Executive to 703.842.6204 Account National Sheriffs’ Association Phone: 717.430.2227 Cell: 717.580.8184 Karen Killpack, CEM, Director of Fax: 717.825.2171 Corporate Relations and Sales Email: natalie.desoto@theYGSgroup.com Phone: 703.838.5331 Email: kkillpack@sheriffs.org www.sheriffs.org
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