Office of Student and Academic Services 902 494 8102 tel, 902 425 2987 fax, INDIVIDUAL STUDENT TRAVEL SUBSIDY APPLICATION ˚ 5163 Duke Street Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 3J6 902 444 9600 tel, Summer 2015 TRAVEL SUBSIDY POLICY In 1993 the University established the Travel Subsidy Fund to assist students with expenses related to travel in conjunction with their studies at NSCAD. The current amount available in this fund is $12,000.00, divided between the Fall, Winter and Spring/Summer semesters. APPLICATION CRITERIA The Travel Subsidy Policy has been established by the Student Affairs Committee to address the needs of students and to disburse the funds in an equitable and reasonable manner. It should be understood by the University community that this policy will remain under review and that the criteria of the policy may be changed as such changes become necessary. Any alterations to previous criteria or procedures will be announced during each application period, and will be stated on application materials. Individual Travel Subsidy – An individual travel subsidy is available to assist a student with travel expenses related to such things as Off Campus Study, graduate research, attendance at conferences, etc. Please note that only full-time NSCAD students (not Exchange) may access the travel fund money. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Fall semester applications are accepted from September 3 until September 25. Winter semester applications will be accepted from January 6 until January 29. Spring/Summer semester applications will be accepted until May 28. Applicants are required to register for and maintain full-time status during the semester in which the travel will take place and for which they are seeking assistance. Applications must be signed by supporting faculty/class instructor in order to the considered complete and eligible for review. Each applicant must submit an itemized budget indicating the assistance required. Each applicant must provide all requested information on the application to be eligible for review. Awards are based on the assessed need of the applicant. The student must sign and submit a Travel Waiver Form to the Office of Student and Academic Services before a travel subsidy will be issued to him/her. The student also agrees to return any such award to the University if she/he does not carry out the travel for which the award is granted. The total yearly funds from which both types of awards will be made will be no less than $4000.00. Please note that only full-time NSCAD students are eligible to access the travel fund money. ELIGIBLE TRAVEL EXPENSES Eligible travel expenses include the following: transportation costs; travel health insurance (see attached budget sheet). APPLICATION DEADLINE The completed application must be submitted to the Office of Student and Academic Services by Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 4:00 pm. Absolutely NO LATE applications will be accepted. Questions? Contact Christina Warren, Manager of Financial Aid and Student Counselling, before application materials are submitted, at Office of Student and Academic Services 902 494 8102 tel, 902 425 2987 fax, INDIVIDUAL STUDENT TRAVEL SUBSIDY APPLICATION ˚ 5163 Duke Street Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 3J6 902 444 9600 tel, Summer 2015 Student ID#: Last Name: First Name: Mailing Address: Apt. #: City: Province/State: Social Insurance #: Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy): Telephone #: E-mail: Postal Code: . Supporting Class Instructor/faculty: Signature: . Please note that the application is not complete, and therefore, will not be reviewed, unless there is a supporting Class Instructor/faculty signature and all requested information is provided. Please provide the following information to the Student Affairs Committee. 1. Purpose of travel (e.g. Off Campus/Exchange Program, Conference, Graduate Research). Provide an explanation of the relevance of this trip to your art practice and academic studies. 2. Travel destination (e.g. New York, Montreal etc.) or itinerary 3. Date, time of arrival and length of stay at location. I understand that the attached budget will be reviewed by the Student Affairs Committee and that any award will be based on my actual need as assessed from this budget. I agree to return to the University any award I may receive if I do not carry out the travel for which the award was granted. Signature: Date: . Office of Student and Academic Services 902 494 8102 tel, 902 425 2987 fax, INDIVIDUAL STUDENT TRAVEL SUBSIDY APPLICATION ˚ Summer 2015 BUDGET SHEET Please list in detail your anticipated expenses and resources for the complete travel period. Travel Expenses: 1. Accommodation Costs $ 2. Transportation to and from travel location $ 3. Conference fee costs (if applicable) $ 4. Associated fee costs (if applicable, cannot include food) $ 5. Travel Health Insurance (if applicable) $ TOTAL TRAVEL COSTS: $ Travel Resources 1. Savings from summer of previous employment $ 2. Contribution from parents/guardians $ 3. Earnings from your spouse’s employment (hrs/week) $ 4. Canada Student Loan $ 5. Provincial loan and/or bursary $ 6. Other resources (scholarships, veterans Benefits, etc.) $ TOTAL TRAVEL RESOURCES: $ TOTAL TRAVEL COSTS $ - TOTAL TRAVEL RESOURCES $ = FINANCIAL NEED $ . 5163 Duke Street Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 3J6 902 444 9600 tel,
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