TATA MILLS N.T.C. LTD. (W R) (A Government of India Undertaking) Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar, Mumbai-400014 Phone: 24146978/79 / E-Mail: d.nasa@ntcltd.org / website: www.ntcltd.co.in / Fax No. 24184316 (AN ISO 9001-2008 COMPANY) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TM/PUR/ /2015 Date: 20/03/2015 To, ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Sub: Stationary require for Mill on Contract basis Contract Period April 2015 to September 2015 Dear Sir, We shall thank you to let us have your lowest quotation for the Stationary require for Mill on contract basis for Tata Mill and Finlay Mill no.1 & 2 S. N. Description Qty 1 Fullscape paper ruled size: 13 ½ x 17” (Ream of 480 sheet of pkt.) Ream 2 Fullscape paper unruled size: 13 ½ x 17” (Ream of 480 sheet of pkt.) Ream 3 Good quality flat filer made out of 56 lbs. sirpur card in assorted colour with company name printed in Hindi & English single colour printing on both side Each 4 Best Quality box file with aluminum thick clip Index Each 5 Register fullscape size 3 Quire good quality white size 13 ½ x 8 ½” Each 6 Good Quality exercise Book ¼ size, 200 pages ( 152 mm x 188 mm) 7 Pocket Diary 1/8”, 200 pages size: 6” x 3 ½” 8 Duplicate Book No.1 Good quality 9 Duplicate Book No.2 Good quality Each 10 Lead Pencil Camlin Flora 1130 HB (Each Pkt. 10 nos.) Pkt. 11 Ball Pen refill – Blue ordinary pointed Nip (Each Pkt. 10 nos.) Pkt. 12 Ball Pen refill – Red ordinary pointed Nip (Each Pkt. 10 nos.) Pkt. 13 Stamp Pad size: 6” x 4” Kores Brand Each 14 Jeme‟s Clip bright Electro plated 35 mm „Well‟ make (100 clip Box of 10 pkt) Box 1 box in pkt. As and when required by the Mill Rate Rs. Per Each Each Each Regd. Off: National Textile Corporation Ltd (WR), NTC House, Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400 001. Phone: - Fax No. 22686630- Email Vat Tax % TATA MILLS N.T.C. LTD. (W R) (A Government of India Undertaking) Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar, Mumbai-400014 Phone: 24146978/79 / E-Mail: d.nasa@ntcltd.org / website: www.ntcltd.co.in / Fax No. 24184316 (AN ISO 9001-2008 COMPANY) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 S. N. Description Qty 15 Jeme‟s Clip bright Electro plated 26 mm (Non tear ends) „Well‟ make (100 clip Box of 10 pkt) Box 1 box in pkt. 16 Eraser Ink & Pencil soft quality (Non dust) Each 17 Punching Machine DP- 280 “Kangaroo” Brand Each 18 Stapler machine No.10 “Kangaroo” brand Each 19 Stapler pin no.10 small packet “Kangaroo” brand Pkt. 20 Paper Pin pointed 400 gms “VIKRAM” brand (Bright electro Nickel plated) Box 21 Carbon paper 210 x 330 mm “Saphire‟ brand Box 22 Carbon paper 420 x 330 mm “Saphire‟ brand 23 Double side carbon paper size: 420 x 330mm 24 Stamping pad ink Bottle of 100 ml. „Kores‟ brand 25 Gum Bottle 150 ml. “Camel” Brand liquid Bottle 26 Scribbling Block (Rough Pad) Kg. 27 White Envelop size: 6 ½” x 3 ¾” Each no. 28 Brown Envelop Big size: 24 x 11 cm Each no. 29 Computer paper A4 size 70 gms. J.K. Brand Ream 30 Computer paper A4 size 75 gms J. K. Brand Ream 31 Copy power paper A4 size 75 gms Ream 32 Computer Legal size paper – white – 70 gms JK brand (Each pkt of 480 sheets) Ream 33 Pin fushan each As and when required by the Mill Rate Rs. Per Vat Tax % Box Box Bottle ..3 Regd. Off: National Textile Corporation Ltd (WR), NTC House, Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400 001. Phone: - Fax No. 22686630- Email TATA MILLS N.T.C. LTD. (W R) (A Government of India Undertaking) Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar, Mumbai-400014 Phone: 24146978/79 / E-Mail: d.nasa@ntcltd.org / website: www.ntcltd.co.in / Fax No. 24184316 (AN ISO 9001-2008 COMPANY) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Terms & Conditions 1. The above rates should be valid till the contract period 2. The order will be place as per department requirement. 3. In case if you fail to supply the material as per departmental requirement/quality then we will cover this requirement from IInd lowest party at your risk & cost. 4. Please quote the rate on Free Mill Delivery basis 5. Our Payment terms will be 120 days. However you can also quote your payment terms but advance payment not be consider. Please quote the rate on our tender form only otherwise same will be liable for rejection. Please send your lowest offer on or before 31/03/2015 Thanking you, Yours faithfully, General Manager Regd. Off: National Textile Corporation Ltd (WR), NTC House, Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400 001. Phone: - Fax No. 22686630- Email
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