NUF Congress 3 - 5 June 2015 Programme Book 30 th Congress Anniversary Tweet at #NUF2015 Visit for programme & informaon on your mobile device! Malmö Arena NUF Congress, 3-5 June 2015 WIFI. Net: MalmöArenaGuest Poster Area Exhibition Plan A Arenarummet Registration Entrance A1 A20 Wardrobe Stairs to NP NP (Nedre Plan) Palissad Väst Speakers service center Palissad Öst Palissad Syd Stairs from Plan A 2015.04.26 ©Destination Öresund Dear colleagues, nurses, attendees and sponsors! Our Association has a long tradition to have a congress every second year. This time the 30th NUF Congress will be in Malmö. So this is a special anniversary meeting! The organizing committee in Malmö has done a superb work. I warmly thank Prof. Per-Anders Abrahamsson, Dr. Saeed Dabestani and the whole committee for their efforts! I also warmly thank our sponsors for their support. The economical situation and the regulations make supporting more difficult, but it is still important. For the second time there will be a separate session for the Nordic Residents in Urology. The topic is non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. During the following days we will have top-level scientific sessions, lively discussions and hopefully an enjoyable congress. Scandinavian Association of Urology is an umbrella organization and the main function is to support the collaboration working groups. During the Presidium Meeting and General Assembly we will hear the reports of the groups and all other activities. I hope we will have a fruitful congress with lively discussions. With best wishes to all Nuffare and welcome to Malmö! Kimmo Taari President NUF Time 09.00 – 12.00 NUF Congress 2015 – Scien=fic Programme Wednesday 3rd of June 09.00 – 14.00 Parallel Session 1 Room: Palissad VÄST Parallel Session 2 Room: Arenarummet Nurses Programme Room: Palissad ÖST Residents’ Day Programme: Non-‐muscle invasive Bladder Cancer (con=nued) (NB! See separate programme Ime table and locaIon) Registra=on 11.00 – 12.00 10.00 -‐13.00 Registra=on at Malmö Arena SPCG symposium 11.00 SPCG – Research Grant 2013 and 2014 G Ahlgren (Sweden) 11.20 SPCG – S=ll alive and ac=ve G Ahlgren (Sweden) 11.40 SPCG 15 – The next landmark study has started O Akre (Sweden) 12.00 – 13.00 13.00 – 13.10 LUNCH and exhibi=on Welcome PA Abrahamsson (Sweden) / K Taari (Finland) Room: Arenarummet 13.10 – 14.00 State-‐of-‐the-‐Art: Infec=on control – How do we avoid a future disaster? Prof. Inga Odenholt Room: Arenarummet PlaInum Sponsor 4 NUF Congress 2015 – Scien=fic Programme Wednesday 3rd of June 14.00 – 19.00 Time 14.00 – 15.00 Parallel Session 1 Room: Palissad VÄST Parallel Session 2 Room: Arenarummet Nurses Programme Room: Palissad ÖST Bladder Cancer research – are molecular markers ready for clinical use? Localized Prostate Cancer – Primary treatment or not? Chair: A Bjartell (Sweden) Chair: E Grainer (Denmark) Chair: P Boström (Finland) 14.00 A clinicians perspec=ve J Bjerregaard Jensen (Denmark) 14.00 Ac=ve Surveillance – When and how? A Rannikko (Finland) 14.15 Urinary markers for diagnosis and surveillance EC Zwarthoff (Netherlands) 14.35 Which are the most promising and best validated molecular prognos=c markers in Bladder Cancer today? L Dyrskjot (Denmark) 14.20 Radical Prostatectomy – Why and for whom? J Hugosson (Sweden) 14.40 Focal therapy – Is it an op=on? M Emberton (United Kingdom) 15.00 – 15.45 15.45 – 16.30 The LEAN Bladder Cancer team – a mul=disciplinary approach. Chair: Fredrik Liedberg (Sweden) 15.45 Iden=fying clinical errors in daily prac=ce F Liedberg (Sweden) 15.55 The LEAN Bladder Cancer Team J Wanegård/AK Lind (Sweden) 16.10 The primary TURB – an important task A Sörenby (Sweden) Break and exhibi=on Localized Prostate Cancer – Side effects and QoL Chair: G Ahlgren (Sweden) & K Tari (Finland) 15.45 ED & Side effects from treatment – an overview E Johansson (Sweden) 16.00 Cases and discussions Speakers act as panel Urinary Drainage 14.00 Nephrostomy catheters R Knudsen (Denmark) 14.20 To educate pa=ents in Clean Intermi.ent Catheteriza=on M Lauritzen (Sweden) 14.40 Special urinary catheters E Broström (Sweden) Sponsored NUF Debate mee=ng Moderator: Journalist MarXn Krasnik, (Denmark) 15.45 How will the Nordic healthcare systems handle the increased pressure caused by an ageing popula=on? Panel: Mef Nilbert (Sweden) Jes Søgaard (Denmark) Stefan Lamme (Sweden) Ola BraR (Sweden) NB! For all par=cipants! See page 10 for details 16.30 – 17.30 Oral Presenta=on #1 Chairs: M Tinzl (Sweden) & K Hovgaard Andreassen (Denmark) Urolithiasis and Urological Infec=on Abstract Number #01 – #07 See page 9 for details 17.30 – 19.00 Sponsored Symposium 17.30 – 19.00. mCRPC – Janssen See page 9 for details 19.00 – Oral Presenta=on #2 Chairs: O Akre (Sweden) & H BerXlsson (Norway) Localized Prostate Cancer, Early Detec=on, Epidemiology and Imaging Abstract Number #08 – #16 See page 9 for details Contact Nurses Chair: R Knudsen (Denmark) 16.30 Contact nurses for pa=ents with Penile Cancer K Jacobsson (Sweden) A Trent (Sweden) 17.00 Contact nurses for pa=ents with Kidney Cancer G Carlsen (Norway) M Loeng (Norway) Sponsored Symposium 17.30 – 19.00. Bladder Dysfunc=on – Astellas See page 11 for details Official opening of the NUF Congress Room: Arenarummet Get together party held at Malmö Arena. (See page 14 for details) 5 NUF Congress 2015 – Scien=fic Programme Thursday 4th of June 08.00 – 13.15 Parallel Session 1 Room: Palissad VÄST Time 08.00 – 09.30 Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) Parallel Session 2 & Nurses Programme Room: Arenarummet Trends in trea=ng LUTD – An update Chairs: B Ljungberg (Sweden) & P Elfving (Sweden) 08.00 Introduc=on B Ljungberg (Sweden) Chair: E Farrelly (Sweden) 08.00 Trends in pharmacological treatment K-‐E Andersson (Denmark) 08.05 Tumor biopsy and ac=ve monitoring of Renal Tumors A Volpe (Italy) 08.30 Pelvic floor exercise, Bladder retraining J Sjögren (Sweden) 08.25 Renal Tumor Scoring Systems H Nisén (Finland) 08.45 Botox L Malmberg (Sweden) 08.40 RF-‐treatment of Renal Tumors V Acosta (Sweden) 09.00 Tibial and Vibratory Nerve S=mula=on M Fode (Denmark) 08.55 Danish Na=onal Cancer Pathways B Kromann (Denmark) 09.15 Sacral Neuromodula=on M Aho (Finland) 09.15 Na=onal Swedish Kidney Cancer Register B Ljungberg (Sweden) 09. 30 – 10.15 Break and exhibi=on 10.15 – 12.15 Penile and Tes=cular Cancer Trends in trea=ng LUTD – An update (con=nued) Chair: J Jacobsen (Denmark) 10.15 Introduc=on J Jacobsen (Denmark) Chairs: M Aho (Finland) & K Hjelle (Norway) 10.20 The Swedish Na=onal Penile Cancer Register data P Kirrander (Sweden) 10.45 Organ-‐sparing Reconstruc=ve Surgery in Penile Cancer U Håkansson (Sweden) 11.05 PenCaBaSe -‐ Penile cancer research database Sweden P Kirrander (Sweden) 11.25 SCAPECA -‐ Nordic Collabora=ve Group on Penile Cancer J Jacobsen (Denmark) 10.15 Treatment of male incon=nence H Veiby Holm (Norway) 10.45 Interdisciplinary teamwork – Experiences from different countries • A Jacobsen, A Debes, C Teig Akershus (Norway) • C Graugaard Århus (Denmark) • P Teleman Malmö (Sweden) 12.15 – 13.15 6 11.45 Retroperitoneal lymph node dissec=on in Tes=cular Cancer U Håkansson (Sweden) LUNCH and exhibi=on NUF Congress 2015 – Scien=fic Programme Thursday 4th of June 13.15 – 19.00 Time 13.15 – 14.00 Parallel Session 1 Room: Palissad VÄST Parallel Session 2 Room: Arenarummet Nurses Programme Room: Palissad ÖST Pa=ent reported outcome measures in surgical care Prof. Ewa Idvall (Sweden) State-‐of-‐the-‐Art: Ethics in decision making 14.00 – 15.00 Oral Presenta=on #3 Chairs: A Ranniko (Finland) & J Stranne (Sweden) Localized Prostate Cancer Treatment Abstract number #17 – #26 See page 10 for details Prof Ingrid Bolmsjö (Sweden) Room: Arenarummet Urolithiasis & Endourology Female and male sexuality Chairs: M Brehmer (Denmark) & aser urological surgery A Mikkola (Finland) 14.00 Is SWL gepng old fashion? HG Tiselius (Sweden) 14.15 Is “mini-‐perc” than standard PCNL? M Tinzl/S Nilsson (Sweden) Chair: E Grainer (Denmark) 14.00 Female and male sexuality aser urological surgery B Kiesbye (Denmark) 14.30 Tips and Tricks in flexible kidney stone management O Traxer (France) 15.00 – 15.30 15.30 – 16.45 Break and exhibi=on Oral Presenta=on #4 Chairs: L Salling (Denmark) & A Rannikko(Finland) Renal/Penile Cancer & Reconstruc=ve Surgery Abstract Number #27 – #36 See page 10 for details Urolithiasis & Endourology 15.30 Kidney stone in children P Osther (Denmark) 15.45 Obstruc=on and Stone management during pregnancy – an algorithm Ø Ulvik (Norway) Oral Presenta=on #5 Chairs: K Stenzelius (Sweden) & O Patschan (Sweden) BPH, LUTD & Andrology Abstract number #37 – #44 See page 11 for details 15.55 Assessment, evalua=on of stone formers and medical assessment K Hovgaard Andreassen (Denmark) 16.25 Take home message – by Chairs 16.45 – 18.00 NUF General Assembly See page 14 for details 19.00 – Sponsored Symposium 16.45 – 18.00. mCRPC – Astellas See page 13 for details Congress Dinner (see page 14 for details) Venue: Glasklart, Expected arrival at 19.00! Address: Dockplatsen 1, 211 19 Malmö, Sweden 7 NUF Congress 2015 – Scien=fic Programme Time 08.00 – 09.30 Friday 5th of June 08.00 – 12.10 Parallel Session 1 Room: Palissad VÄST Parallel Session 2 Room: Arenarummet Oral Presenta=on #6 Prostate Cancer – Salvage Treatment Chairs: S Guðjonsson (Sweden) & G Wrist Lam (Denmark) Urothelial Cancer Abstract Number #45 – #54 Chair: JE Damber (Sweden) 08.00 Salvage prostatectomy – When and for whom? C SXef (Germany) 08.20 Salvage Cryotherapy – Is it an op=on? G Ahlgren (Sweden) 08.40 Salvage HDR Brachytherapy W Lilleby (Norway) 09.00 Cases and discussion JE Damber (Sweden) 09.30 – 10.15 10.15 – 11.20 Oral Presenta=on #7 Chairs: A Bjartell (Sweden) & M Fode (Denmark) Prostate Cancer (various) Abstract number #55 – #64 11.20 – 11.50 Nurses Programme Room: Palissad ÖST Oral Presenta=on #A Chairs: R Knudsen (Denmark) & A Khatami (Sweden) Nurses Programme Abstracts Number #A1 – #A4 09.20 European Associa=on of Urology Nurses (EAUN) – Informa=on E Grainer (Denmark) Break and exhibi=on Oral Presenta=on #8 Chairs: A Rannikko(Finland) & L Lund (Denmark) Prostate Cancer (various) Abstract number #65 – #74 How to meet pa=ents and rela=ves in crisis Chair: K Stenzelius (Sweden) 10.15 How to meet pa=ent and rela=ves in crisis N Cavalli Björkman (Sweden) State-‐of-‐the-‐Art: Urological Diseases in a Global Perspec=ve Ass. Prof. Magnus Grabe (Sweden) Room: Arenarummet 11.50 – 12.10 Awards and Closing Remarks PA Abrahamsson (Sweden) / L Salling (Denmark) Room: Arenarummet Gold Sponsor 8 Oral Presenta=ons Wednesday 3rd June – 16.30 – 17.30 Abstract # Room #01 #02 #03 #04 #06 #07 #09 #10 #11 #12 Time slot Presenter Title 16.36 -‐ 16.42 Oral Presenta=on #1 16.42 -‐ 16.48 Urolithiasis and 16.48 -‐ 16.54 Urological Infec=on 16.54 -‐ 17.00 Palissad 16.30 -‐ 17.30 VÄST #05 #08 Session # & Time Chris=ansen Does the internal structure of renal calculi on NCCT predict ESWL outcome? Rigid paIent selecIon for tubeless PCNL may not be warranted -‐ Fuglsig The Aarhus experience. Acquired male urethra diverIculum with lithiasis presenIng as a Gaspar penile mass Jakobsen AK Spectrum and incidence of definiIve surgery for Nephrolithiasis in Ankylosing SpondyliIs and general populaIon: a prospecIve populaIon-‐based Swedish naIonal cohort study with matched general populaIon comparator subjects 17.00 -‐ 17.06 Wieborg von Topiramate-‐induced nephrolithiasis Rosen AnIbioIc prophylaxis for prostate biopsies – A prospecIve, 17.06 -‐ 17.12 Mygland randomized study of trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole vs. ciprofloxacin A case of fulminant emphysematous pyelonephriIs 17.12 -‐ 17.18 Nilsson S 16.36 -‐ 16.42 Oral Presenta=on #2 16.42 -‐ 16.48 Localized Prostate Cancer, 16.48 -‐ 16.54 Early Detec=on, Epidemiology and Imaging 16.54 -‐ 17.00 Arena-‐ 16.30 -‐ 17.30 17.00 -‐ 17.06 rummet #13 #14 #15 #16 Røder MA ERG protein expression over Ime -‐ from diagnosIc biopsies to radical prostatectomy specimens in clinically localized prostate cancer Thomsen FB Risk of malignant melanoma in men with prostate cancer, naIonwide populaIon-‐based study A randomized controlled trial to assess and compare the outcomes Baco of 2-‐core MRI/TRUS-‐image-‐fusion guided prostate biopsy and tradiIonal 12-‐core systemaIc biopsy DiagnosIc potenIal of 18F-‐FACBC PET/MRI in high risk prostate Ber=lsson cancer Prostate Cancer: MulI-‐Parametric MagneIc Resonance Imaging of Elkjaer the Prostate reclassifies paIents eligible for AcIve Surveillance Performance characterisIcs of mulIparametric magneIc 17.06 -‐ 17.12 Kohestani resonance imaging (mpMRI) prior to radical prostatectomy – which prostate cancers are missed? 17.12 -‐ 17.18 Helgstrand JT DaPCaR – The Danish Prostate Cancer Registry. A new comprehensive database of men evaluated for prostate cancer in 1995-‐2011 Local insights into the naIonal detecIon of Prostate Cancer 17.18 -‐ 17.24 Dyal The effect of socioeconomic status in the Finnish Prostate Cancer 17.24 -‐ 17.30 Taari Screening Trial JANSSEN ORGANIZED SYMPOSIUM Time: Wednesday 3rd June 2015 17.30 – 19.00 Room: Palissad VÄST Individualized treatment in metasta=c Castra=on Resistant Prostate Cancer Scien=fic Göran Ahlgren (Sweden) and Jon Reidar Iversen (Norway) Faculty Antonio Alcaraz (Spain) and Heather Payne (United Kingdom) Programme: 17.30-‐17.35 Welcome and introduc=on Göran Ahlgren 17.35-‐17.55 Systemic treatment considera=ons in mCRPC -‐ which treatment, to whom and when? Jon Reidar Iversen 17.55-‐18.15 Management of pa=ents with comorbidi=es Antonio Alcaraz 18.15-‐18.35 How to maximize Quality of Life in the care of mCRPC pa=ents Heather Payne 18.35-‐18.55 Panel discussion All 18.55-‐19.00 Closing remarks Göran Ahlgren 9 Oral Presenta=ons Thursday 4th June – 14.00 – 16.45 Abstract # Room Time slot Presenter Title 14.00 -‐ 14.06 Oral Presenta=on #3 Localized 14.06 -‐ 14.12 Prostate Cancer 14.12 -‐ 14.18 Treatment 14.18 -‐ 14.24 14.00 -‐ 15.00 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 Session # & Time Palissad VÄST Thomsen FB Tikkinen Fode Frey 14.24 -‐ 14.30 Jacobsen A 14.30 -‐ 14.36 Oddason #22 14.36 -‐ 14.42 Røder MA #23 14.42 -‐ 14.48 Thomsen FB #24 14.48 -‐ 14.54 Koch #25 14.54 -‐ 15.00 Røder MA #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 Palissad VÄST 15.36 -‐ 15.42 Oral Presenta=on #4 15.42 -‐ 15.48 Renal/Penile 15.48 -‐ 15.54 Cancer & Reconstruc=ve 15.54 -‐ 16.00 Surgery 16.00 -‐ 16.06 15.30 -‐ 16.45 Hjelle Mariusdopr Fagerström Liedberg Mar=ns FE 16.06 -‐ 16.12 Mar=ns FE 16.12 -‐ 16.18 Warner 16.18 -‐ 16.24 Ellertsson-‐ Csillag 16.24 -‐ 16.30 Jakobsen JK 16.30 -‐ 16.36 Trelborg #36 PrognosIc value of PSA kineIcs in paIents with localised prostate cancer managed observaIonally: a sub-‐group analysis of the SPCG-‐6 study SystemaIc review and meta-‐analysis of decision aids for localised prostate cancer treatment choice PaIent saIsfacIon aper radical prostatectomy: The influence of oncological and funcIonal outcomes The single quesIon approach is a robust alternaIve to the internaIonal index of erecIle funcIon erecIle funcIon domain when evaluaIng post radical prostatectomy erecIle dysfuncIon AnastomoIc complicaIons aper radical prostatectomy – a comparison of open and robot assisted procedures Brachy therapy for prostate cancer in Iceland, primary results Risk of biochemical recurrence aper radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer -‐ Updated analysis of the Rigshospitalet cohort The impact of the Movember campaign on referral paRerns, diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer Focal One® – More than simple HIFU Heterogeneity of D’Amico intermediate-‐risk prostate cancer – an analysis of biochemical recurrence aper radical prostatectomy at Rigshospitalet. Surgical Treatment of Localized Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) in Norway 2008 -‐2012. Risk factors for renal cell cancer in Iceland– a naIon-‐wide, prospecIve epidemiological study ProphylacIc mesh placement for prevenIng parastomal hernias in paIents receiving a Bricker ileal conduit Long-‐term outcome aper conInent cutaneous diversion a.m. Lundiana in 198 paIents Urethral reconstrucIon following arIfical urinary sphincter cuff infecIon-‐erosion Management of iatrogenic urorectal fistulae in pelvic cancer A mulI-‐insItuIonal evaluaIon of the management and outcomes of long-‐segment urethral strictures Penis cancer in Iceland 1989-‐2014. Incidence and survival. UnintenIonal weight loss but not obesity predicts cancer-‐ specific survival in paIents with invasive penile cancer Laparoscopic cryoablaIon of angiomyolipomas in adolescents and young adults: a report of 4 cases associated with tuberous sclerosis and 1 case of sporadic origin. Sponsored NUF Debate mee=ng Time: Wednesday 3rd June 15:45–16:30 For all parIcipants. Room: Palissad ÖST How will the Nordic health care systems handle the increased pressure caused by an ageing popula=on? – Focus on prostate cancer – the fastest growing cancer form in the Nordics. A panel debate with key poliIcal and scienIfic stakeholders discussing the challenges and opportuniIes we are currently facing. Moderator: MarIn Krasnik, Danish journalist, author and TV-‐host known for his interviews on the popular news programme Deadline. Panel: • Mef Nilbert, Leader of Regional Cancer Center South, Sweden. • Jes Søgaard, Health Economist, Kræpens Bekæmpelse, Denmark. • Stefan Lamme, ConservaIve party and the leading opposiIon within Health maRers in the Region of Skåne, Sweden. • Ola BraR, M.D., Ph.D., F.E.B.U. Associate Professor of Urology, Lund and Consultant Urological Surgeon, Cambridge. Sweden 10 Oral Presenta=ons Thursday 4th June – 15.30 – 16.45 (conInued) Abstract # Room Session & Time Time slot Presenter Title #37 #38 #39 #41 #42 Oral Presenta=on #5 BPH, LUTD & Andrology Palissad 15.30 -‐ 16.45 ÖST 15.36 -‐ 15.42 Patschan O HOLEP during the learning curve versus open prostatectomy 15.42 -‐ 15.48 Pesonen The impact of nocturia on mortality: a systemaIc review and meta-‐analysis Preparing for blood transfusion with BAS-‐test prior to TUR-‐P surgery UIlity and reliability of test vials in cryopreservaIon of human semen MulIple needle-‐pass percutaneous tesIcular sperm aspiraIon as first-‐line treatment in azoospermic men Poluorchidism – a case presentaIon and a review 15.48 -‐ 15.54 Sjöström 15.54 -‐ 16.00 Jensen C 16.00 -‐ 16.06 Jensen C 16.06 -‐ 16.12 Padkaer #43 16.12 -‐ 16.18 Borisdopr #44 Sexuality in women undergoing cystectomy: Is there need for improvement in the informaIon given to paIents pre-‐ and postoperaIvely? Astellas Sponsored Symposium The Ageing Bladder and bladder dysfunc=on Past – Present – Future Time: Wednesday 3rd June 17:30–19:00 Room: Arenarummet Moderator: Lars Malmberg MD, PhD Skåne University Hospital Speakers: • Marh Aho MD, PhD. Tampere University Hospital • Prof Karl-‐Erik Andersson, Aarhus University Hospital/ Wake Forest Univ. School of Med. • Charloie Graugaard-‐Jensen MD, PhD. Aarhus University Hospital. 11 Oral Presenta=ons Friday 5th June – 8.00 – 11.20 NB! If you are presen=ng in the 08.00 – 09.30 poster session make sure to upload your presenta=on the day before Abstract # Room Session & Time slot Presenter Title Time 08.06 -‐ 08.12 Oral Presenta=on #6 08.12 -‐ 08.18 Urothelial Cancer 08.18 -‐ 08.24 08.00 -‐ 09.30 08.24 -‐ 08.30 #45 #46 #47 Björnsson Radical cystectomy in the treatment of bladder cancer in Iceland: A populaIon based study Blindheim The PCNA targeIng pepIde drug ATX-‐101 enhances the efficacy of intravenous chemotherapy for muscle-‐invasive bladder cancer. Accuracy on visual staging of bladder cancer during endoscopic procedures Gaspar Lam 08.36 -‐ 08.42 Jensen TK Robot assisted radical cystectomy (RARCx) and intracorporal urinary diversion as standard cystectomy procedure – 5 year follow up on oncological results in 225 consecuIve paIents. Comparison of the prognosIc and predicIve value of the biomarkers emmprin, survivin and ki67 in paIents enrolled in two randomized studies of cystectomy with or without neoadjuvant chemotherapy Invasive bladder cancer in elderly in Denmark, 2008-‐2012 08.42 -‐ 08.48 Nilsen F Maintenance BCG over 30 months in NMIBC paIents. 08.54 -‐ 09.00 Patschan O Large regional differences in the applicaIon of second-‐look resecIon in stage T1 bladder cancer in Sweden 09.00 -‐ 09.06 Poulsen A Early and late complicaIons aper cystectomy, trends over Ime. 09.06 -‐ 09.12 Nassir High grade T1 bladder urothelial carcinoma: OpImal management. #48 08.30 -‐ 08.36 Hemdan #49 Palissad VÄST #50 #51 #52 #53 #54 10.18 -‐ 10.24 Oral Presenta=on #7 10.24 -‐ 10.30 Prostate 10.30 -‐ 10.36 Cancer (various) 10.36 -‐ 10.42 10.15 -‐ 11.20 #55 #56 #57 #58 #59 #60 #61 #62 Palissad VÄST Poulsen MH PredicIng Prostate Biopsy Results Using a Panel of Plasma and Urine Biomarkers Combined in a Scoring System Canesin TargeIng Wnt5a and STAT3 pathways for the treatment of prostate cancer. Don-‐Doncow Expression of pSTAT3 in hormone-‐naïve and castrate-‐resistant prostate cancer Josefsson CirculaIng tumour cells as treatment predicIve biomarker for androgen deprivaIon therapy in hormone naïve prostate cancer Urokinase plasminogen acIvator receptor (uPAR) assessment 10.42 -‐ 10.48 Røder MA in localized-‐, hormone naïve-‐, and castraIon resistant prostate cancer The predicIve value of ERG protein expression for 10.48 -‐ 10.54 Røder MA development of castraIon-‐resistant prostate cancer – assessment of hormone-‐naïve advanced prostate cancer paIents treated with primary androgen deprivaIon therapy. 10.54 -‐ 11.00 Krzyzanowska QuanItaIve Time Resolved Fluorescence Imaging of Androgen Receptor and Prostate Specific AnIgen in Prostate Tissue SecIons TesIcular metastasis from prostate cancer. A review of the 11.00 -‐ 11.06 Geertsen literature 11.06 -‐ 11.12 Anand #63 #64 12 QuanItaIve Imaging by Automated Bone Scan Index (BSI) as a Response Biomarker in Standard Clinical Care of PaIents with metastaIc castraIon resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC) Treated with Enzalutamide 11.12 -‐ 11.18 Helgstrand JT PSA nadir and Ime to PSA nadir as prognosIc markers for development of castraIon-‐resistant prostate cancer upon treatment with 1st line androgen deprivaIon therapy Oral Presenta=ons Friday 5th June – 8.00 – 11.20 (conInued) NB! If you are presen=ng in the 08.00 – 09.30 poster session make sure to upload your presenta=on the day before Abstract # Room #A1 #A2 #A3 Palissad ÖST #A4 #65 #66 #67 #70 Abstract 08.20 -‐ 08.30 Ragle Presenta=on #A 08.35 -‐ 08.45 Norling Nurses Programme 08.50 -‐ 09.00 Sjögren 08.00 -‐ 09.30 09.05 -‐ 09.15 Saavedra Group based exercise with transiIon to out of hospital training. 10.18 -‐ 10.24 Abrahamsson Oral Presenta=on #8 10.24 -‐ 10.30 Borre Prostate Cancer (various) 10.30 -‐ 10.36 Nielsen TK 10.15 -‐ 11.20 Factors predicIng the off-‐treatment duraIon during intermiRent androgen deprivaIon (IAD) therapy with degarelix in prostate cancer ProspecIve observaIonal assessment of the effecIveness of Enzalutamide treatment in paIents with MetastaIc castraIon-‐ resIstant prostate cancer in a real-‐world clinical pracIce seyng: protocol of the ongoing PREMISE study High-‐dose ascorbic acid in metastaIc castraIon-‐resistant prostate cancer: evaluaIon of efficacy and safety in a phase II trial Androgen DeprivaIon Therapy: Is orchiectomy the paIent’s choice? 10.36 -‐ 10.42 Østergren #68 #69 Session & Time slot Presenter Title Time Arena-‐ rummet 10.42 -‐ 10.48 Thomsen FB 10.48 -‐ 10.54 Wolf 10.54 -‐ 11.00 Bosnyak #71 11.00 -‐ 11.06 Nolvi #72 #73 #74 11.06 -‐ 11.12 Rüssel 11.12 -‐ 11.18 Ladjevardi Student experience of school toilets Urinary symptoms and toileIng behaviour among younger women. Quality of care aper TUR-‐P in southern Sweden Bicalutamide 150 mg daily vs. Placebo in hormone-‐naïve, non-‐ metastaIc prostate cancer paIents: long-‐term survival update of the Scandinavian Prostate Cancer Group 6 study Surveillance of adverse events of Abiraterone using Skype remote consultaIons DifferenIal effects of medical androgen deprivaIon therapies on serum alkaline phosphatase levels in men with prostate cancer Hospital district budget impact analysis of degarelix in the treatment of men with prostate cancer and history of cardiovascular event in Finland Androgen deprivaIon therapy (ADT) and cardiovascular (CV) risk – analysis of German Statutory Health Insurance (SHI) data Fusion-‐guided prostate biopsy with mulIparametric MRI and TRUS, early experience Astellas Sponsored Symposium Possibili=es and challenges with the new treatments within mCRPC Time: Thursday 4th June 16:45–18:00 Room: Arenarummet Moderator: Prof Peter Iversen Speakers: • Prof Karim Fizazi – PossibiliIes and challenges with the new treatments available for mCRPC. An update on sequencing, resistance and a brief overview on the recent development of biomarkers • Prof Jan Erik Damber – ImplementaIon of new treatment modaliIes – A Nordic overview. 13 Social Programme – Details Tuesday 2nd June 19.15 The Residents' Dinner will be held at Mötesplats CRC near the Residents' Day lecture hall. The address is Jan Waldenströms gata 35, Malmö. The residents aRending will be led in group to the venue aper the evening lectures. Wednesday 3rd June 19.00 Get together party will be held at Malmö Arena aper the Official opening of the NUF Congress. Room: Arenarummet & ExhibiIon hall Thursday 4th June 19.00 Congress Dinner will be held at "Glasklart" found in Malmö's Western Harbor area. The address is Dockplatsen 1, 211 19 Malmö. Please be on Ime! Gepng to the Congress Dinner Venue (Glasklart) • Grabbing a taxi is the most convenient opIon and should cost between 60 and 110 SEK. • Bus travel to the venue is via green bus number 5 towards “Västra Hamnen" from Malmö Central staIon. Get off at the “Dockan” stop. • Walking from Malmö C to the venue takes is around 15 minutes Map to Glasklart QR Code Malmö City bus lines QR Code Congress Dinner Entertainment: The entertainment for the evening will be none other than The Department of Urology House band “Dr D.R.E.” who will be performing for you throughout the dinner! The evening aperwards will conInue with music and dancing late into the night! Scandinavian Associa=on of Urology General Assembly Call for Scandinavian AssociaIon of Urology General Assembly meeIng at the NUF Congress 2015 Time: Thursday 4th June 16:30 – 17:30 Room: Palissad VÄST AGENDA: 1. Protocol from General Assembly held in SandeÄord at NUF 2013 (available on 2. Report from the Board by the President 3. Report from the Treasurer 4. Report from Chief Editor of Scandinavian Journal of Urology. (available on 5. Report from the editors of the BulleIn 6. Report from the editor of the NUF website 7. Reports from the NUF CollaboraIon Groups ( available on 8. RelaIon to other organizaIons 9. ElecIon 10. Congress report by the President of NUF Congress 2015, Per-‐Anders Abrahamsson 11. Next Congress Odense, Denmark 2017 12. Other subjects Lisbeth N. Salling General secretary, NUF 14 BET-142040-ND 04.2015 RELEVANS.NET UroLog is a free app from Astellas Pharma. Download it from the App Store or Google Play. NEW! OAB/LUTS APP FOR YOU AND YOUR PATIENTS Astellas Pharma a/s | Kajakvej 2 | 2770 Kastrup Denmark | Phone +45 4343 0355 | Fax +45 4343 2224 | | | | Practicalities Free travel with Skånetrafiken! Your name tag to the Congress is valid as ticket 3rd to 5th May 2015 at Skånetrafikens city buses and trains in Malmo (Zone 250). Show it for bus drivers and controllers. Train - City Tunnel From Malmö Central Station via the Triangeln, trains run throughout the day to station Hyllie / Malmo Arena by Oresund trains, which then continue to the Copenhagen Airport and Copenhagen. You can also take the purple Pågatågen to Hyllie / Malmo Arena which go on to Ystad and Simrishamn. City bus City bus No. 6 runs from the Triangeln to Hyllie / Malmö Arena via Borgmästargården (Mercure Hotel). City bus No. 8 runs from Gustav Adolfs Torg and further out to Hyllie / Malmö Arena. Timetable and stops can be found on 16 Taxi You can also share a taxi with your colleagues and get to Malmö Arena. • Taxi Skåne: +46 (0) 40-330330 • Taxi 97: +46 (0) 40-97 97 97 Wifi Locate network Malmö Arena Guest and connect. No further login. Contact Registration Desk Destination Öresund, +46 (0) 40 300 665 ACHIEVING • 4.4 months increased median overall survival • 10 months delayed time to opiate use • Over 4 years of proven and consistent safety data Prescribe ZYTIGA® as first line treatment and give your mCRPC patients more time & better quality of life mCRPC = Metastaserad kastrationsresistent prostatacancer Referenser: 1. ZYTIGA® produktresumé 11/2014. Janssen-Cilag AB Box 7073, SE-192 07 Sollentuna, Sweden, Tel +46 8 626 50 00, Fax +46 8 626 51 00, Time for life JC-140461-3 Detta läkemedel är föremål för utökad övervakning. Detta kommer att göra det möjligt att snabbt identifiera ny säkerhetsinformation. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal uppmanas att rapportera varje misstänkt biverkning. Tablett: ZYTIGA 250 mg tabletter. Vita till benvita, ovala tabletter, präglade med AA250 på en sida. Varje tablett innehåller 250 mg abirateronacetat. Den rekommenderade dosen är 1000 mg (fyra tabletter på 250 mg) dagligen som en engångsdos, som inte får tas tillsammans med mat. ZYTIGA ska användas tillsammans med lågdos prednison eller prednisolon. Den rekommenderade dosen av prednison eller prednisolon är 10 mg dagligen. ATC-kod: L02BX03 Receptbelagt. Ej Förmån. Indikation: ZYTIGA är tillsammans med prednison eller prednisolon indicerat för: • behandling av metastaserad kastrationsresistent prostatacancer hos vuxna män som är asymtomatiska eller har milda symtom efter svikt av androgen deprivationsterapi hos vilka kemoterapi ännu inte är indicerad • behandling av metastaserad kastrationsresistent prostatacancer hos vuxna män vars sjukdom har progredierat under eller efter en docetaxelbaserad kemoterapiregim Trafikvarning: ZYTIGA har ingen eller försumbar effekt på förmågan att framföra fordon och använda maskiner. Datum för senaste översyn av SPC 11/2014. För fullständig produktinformation, se PHSWE/ZYT/0914/0007g(2) ZYTIGA® (abirateronacetat) Glasklart NUF, June 3-5 2015 Address: Dockplatsen 1 Turning Torso N Jörgen Kocksg 1 Carlsg o psbr Skep sg arv ra V o t S n Malmö Central Station 2 Malmöhus slott Malmöhus Castle 500 m F ● 3 Stortorget allg N. V Österg F ● 4 Taxi Skåne, +46(0)40-330 330 Taxi 97, +46(0)40-97 97 97 Address: Malmö Arena Hyllie Stationstorg 4 Rådhuset/Town Hall Lilla torg Slot Baltzarsg S. Nyg Gustav Adolfs torg F ● 8 ningg Drott Slottsparken 6 F ● 6 sg tad örs S. F Rådmansg Station Triangeln S:t Johannesgatan F Flygbussar Airport Coaches Malmö airport Ca rl Pildammsv Buss/Bus nr 6 Triangeln-BorgmästaregårdenHyllie/Malmö Arena Station Triangeln Smedjegatan Joh Södervärn P nE ric sso Borgmästargården 6 F ● Skånes Universitetssjukhus/ University Hospital S. Förstadsg Buss/Bus nr 8 Gustav Adolfs torgHyllie/Malmö Arena Gu s taf sv Pildammsparken ns v Dalaplan 4 km 2014-11-17 ➞ ➞ Stadiong Station Hyllie g irals Am Bergsg 7 H Hostel 8 F ● sg ning Före Triangeln Train station 6 g irals Am H F ● P S. Förstadsg Fersens v. Stadsbiblioteket 1 Comfort Hotel City Library 2 Elite Hotel Savoy entsg Regem 3 Elite Hotel Residens 4 Renaissance Hotel 5 BW Noble House 6 Scandic Malmö City 7 Scandic Triangeln Malmö Opera 8 Malmö Arena Hotel lv Kungsparken Gågata Pedestrian street No be tsg 5 4 km Malmö Arena 8 Malmö Arena Hotel ©Destination Öresund NUF 2015 We thank our exhibitors. 101. AbbVie AB 202. Adcare AB 100. Allergan Norden AB 321. American Medical Systems Sw. 204. Bactiguard AB 305. Bayer AB 105. BK Medical AB 106. BL Medical ApS 307. Boston Scientific Nordic AB 102. Coloplast AB / Urologi 103. Coloplast AB / Inkontinens 314. Cook Medical 301. Dolema AB 203. EDAP TMS GmbH 313. Evolan Pharma AB 303. EXINI Diagnostics AB 306. Ferring Läkemedel AB 208. Intuitive Surgical 205. Ipsen AB 207. Karl Storz Endoskop Sverige AB 302. Kebomed 309. KOELIS 315. Medac 318. MLS Medical AS 317. Normedi Nordic AS 201. Olympus Sverige AB 104. Pharmanovia A/S 312. Photocure ASA 308. Prostrakan 316. ProstaLund AB 320. Sandoz A/S 304. Sanofi AB 310. Sobi AB 319. Stryker 206. Wellspect HealthCare AB 311. Vingmed AB POSTERS 321 319 320 318 316 317 315 Coffee / Lunch 314 313 312 311 308 310 307 309 306 NÖD UTGÅNG 304 305 303 302 NÖD UTGÅNG BAR NÖD UTGÅNG 106 105 103 nch 205 ffee / Lu 104 102 204 Co 203 Arena rummet 202 Janssen Astellas 201 101 Arena rummet m ESK oo INFOD 206 Co 208 207 ffee / Lu nch 301 BAR 100 Coffee / Lunch Cl o r ak Palissad Speakers Service Center Planum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Congress secretariat Destination Öresund AB Fersens väg 18 • 211 42 Malmö, Sweden Tel 040-300 665 Layout: Aletia Design
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