BSA Congress 2015 Magazine Blå Stjärnan Akademin, 23–25 January 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden 3rd Nordic small animal surgery, emergency & critical care congress “Enjoy a weekend full of interesting lectures on neurology and anesthesiology for both veterinarians and veterinary technicians.“ Congress theme: The Neurological patient Read more about ... ... the program, the speakers, social events and the congress hotel. BLÅ STJÄRNAN AKADEMIN Advantage through knowledge Vetofol vet ® Förlorad aptit? Ge den tillbaka! OR * RENAL - nya varianter av produkter med olika aromatiska profiler, för att säkra 100% compliance Vi presenterar nu ett utökat sortiment, till både katter och hundar. Alla produkter har givetvis samma vetenskapligt bevisade effekt vid nedsatt njurfunktion. Välj nu mellan torrt och vått, eller blanda för att passa varje individs tycke och smak. Stimulera aptiten för ett optimalt foderintag och 100% compliance! IN N DOUB T YOU R BAC MONE Y K! * Intravenöst anestetikum för induktion och underhåll av allmänanestesi hos katt och hund O EX TIVE V A URE KIBBLE LE propofol 10 mg/ml T SIGNED DE Vetofol vet (propofol) 10 mg/ml injektionsvätska, emulsion för induktion och underhåll av allmänanestesi hos katt och hund. Receptbelagt. Datum för senaste SPC: 11-2013. För mer information: ED Y T O INFORMATION I SVERIGE: VM PHARMA AB, BOX 45010 104 30 STOCKHOLM IN SPECIAL L 1cm BE COM B HEMOCUE VETERINÄR Snabba analyssystem och korrekta värden gör det möjligt att direkt fatta väl underbyggda beslut om vidare åtgärder. Dina patienter får ett proffsigt bemötande och rätt behandling utan onödig väntetid. Med våra system mäter du enkelt hemoglobin (HemoCue® Hb 201+) eller bestämmer totala antalet vita blodkroppar (HemoCue® WBC) för snabb upptäckt och diagnos av bakteriella infektioner. Tillsammans ger värdena dig en bra bild av djurets hälsostatus. Vi ger djuren deras rätta värde! Varför välja HemoCue? • SVAR DIREKT. Provsvar inom några minuter ger underlag för snabb diagnos. • ENKLA ATT ANVÄNDA. Sparar tid, arbete och pengar. • MAXIMAL FLEXIBILITET. Bärbara instrument som är lätta att ta med. • STABILA MÄTVÄRDEN. Korrekta mätvärden för korrekt behandling. HemoCue® Hb 201+ HemoCue® WBC HemoCue AB | Box 1204 | SE-262 23 Ängelholm | Sverige Tel: 077 570 02 10 | Fax: 077 570 02 12 | | 2 | Blå Stjärnan Vis our webit site blastja A warm welcome to Gothenburg, Sweden for the 3rd Nordic small animal surgery, emergency & critical care congress rnanaka demin.s for mor e e inform a t io n, registra tion and prices. 23-25 January 2015 On behalf of the BSA organizing committee I am very happy to invite you to participate in this exciting, yearly small animal veterinary meeting with focus on small animal surgery and emergency and critical care. In 2015 the theme will be “The Neurological Patient”. During three days, six high quality, international speakers will share their knowledge with you. Our speakers from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Holland and USA are all popular, experienced and highly skilled educators. We want you to be one of 250 veterinarians and veterinary technicians, from Scandinavia and even countries like Holland and Germany attending the congress. You can participate in one of two parallel lecture streams and choose dry-labs to learn hands-on practical skills. For the first time this year we cooperate with “Vetventilen”, the Swedish association for anesthesia interested veterinarians and veterinary technicians. Their yearly meeting and symposium (language Swedish) will be held Friday 23nd January at our congress hotel. Vetventilens attendees who choose to stay at the BSA congress will be given a substantial reduction in price. For more information and registration visit It is also good to know that Purina in cooperation with Jamaren and Ceva will launch ISFM´s Wellcat program and organize an interesting symposium on creating a cat friendly clinic at the congress hotel Thursday 22nd January. For more information about the program visit We are also very happy and grateful for the participation and cooperation with our sponsors. During this congress Swevet is our diamond sponsor and Boehringer Ingelheim our gold sponsor. Swevet and Blå Stjärnan Akademin will together grant two awards to congress attendees making it possible for them to visit veterinary clinics or universities abroad. Please visit and meet our sponsors at the congress exhibition. Last but not least the congress will offer all delegates a fantastic social program with a welcome reception and a great congress gala dinner and party during the Saturday night. With dance, music, and singing we will be howling at the moon till very early Sunday morning. I am looking forward to meet you all soon in Gothenburg. Don´t miss this great opportunity for excellent continuing veterinary education in a friendly atmosphere! Bert Jan Reezigt Leader for Blå Stjärnan Akademin Thanks to our sponsors for generously participating in this meeting BLÅ STJÄRNAN AKADEMIN SWEVET Diamond Sponsor and Award Sponsor AWA R D Gold Sponsor Blå Stjärnan | 3 Program veterinarians Friday 23rd January 8.30-12.00 Drylab CPCR/hjärtlung-räddning, Bert Jan Reezigt 8.30-12.00 Drylab Bandaging, casting and orthotic techniques, Gustaf Svensson 8.00-12.00Registration 12.00-13.00 Lunch Start of exhibition 13.00-13.45 Plenary session: Telepet-video streaming of patient images over the internet, Joris Robben 13.45-14.00 Presentation Diamond Sponsor, Swevet 14.10-15.00 Practical approach to the neuro-exam part I, Mette Berendt 15.00-15.45 Break 15.45-16.30 Practical approach to the neuro-exam part II, Mette Berendt 16.30-17.15 Common neurological disease categories, Mette Berendt 17.20-18.00 Vestibular signs and syndromes, Mette Berendt 18.30-19.30 Welcome reception Saturday 24th January 8.30-9.30 Neuroimaging of the spinal cord, Susanne Boroffka 9.40-10.30 Anesthesia in the patient with head trauma, Andreas Lervik 10.30-11.00 Break 11.00-11.45 The patient with a herniated disc, Fredrik Danielsson 11.50-12.30 Degenerative lumbosacral stenosis, Fredrik Danielsson 12.30-13.30 Lunch 13.30-14.15 Epilepsy – clinical characteristics and seizure recognition, Mette Berendt 14.20-15.00 Epilepsy – diagnostic challenges and therapy, Mette Berendt 15.10-16.00 Status epilepticus – a true emergency, Mette Berendt 16.00-16.20 Break 16.20-16.30 Presentation Gold Sponsor, Boehringer Ingelheim 16.30-17.15 Neuroimaging of the brain, Susanne Boroffka 17.20-18.00 Case-discussions patients with a brain lesion, Susanne Boroffka 19.30-02.00 Congress party Sunday 25th January 9.00-9.50 Metabolic encephalopathy—hypoglycemia, Joris Robben 10.00-10.45 Intralipid treatment of intoxications, Joris Robben 10.45-11.30 Break 11.30-12.15 Inflammatory CNS disease, Mette Berendt 12.30-13.45 Plenary session: Case-based expert paneldiscussion Mette Berendt, Brandy Helewa, Joris Robben, Susanne Boroffka, Fredrik Danielsson 13.45-14.30 Lunch Program veterinary technicians Friday 23rd January 8.30-12.00 Drylab CPCR/hjärtlung-räddning, Bert Jan Reezigt 8.30-12.00 Drylab Bandaging, casting and orthotic techniques, Gustaf Svensson 8.00-12.00Registration 12.00-13.00Lunch Start of exhibition 13.00-13.45Plenary session: Telepet-video streaming of patient images over the internet, Joris Robben 13.45-14.00 Presentation Diamond Sponsor, Swevet 14.00-14.30 Exhibition 14.30-15.15Triage, Brandy Helewa 15.20-16.00 Emergency patients in general practice, Brandy Helewa 16.00-16.30Break 16.30-17.15 Neurological emergencies, Brandy Helewa 17.20-18.00 Fluid therapy for the neurological patient, Brandy Helewa 18.30-19.30 Welcome reception Saturday 24th January 8.30-9.15 Anesthesia in the patient with head trauma, Andreas Lervik 9.20-10.00Epilepsy – clinical characteristics and seizure recognition, Mette Berendt 10.00-10.45Break 10.45-11.25 Epilepsy – diagnostic challenges and therapy, Mette Berendt 11.30-12.15 Status epilepticus – a true emergency, Mette Berendt 12.15-13.30 Lunch 13.30-14.15Imaging the patient: neuro cases and more, Susanne Boroffka 14.20-15.00 Nursing care of the head trauma patient, Brandy Helewa 15.00-15.45Break 15.45-16.30 Nursing care of the recumbent patient, Brandy Helewa 16.35-16.45 Presentation Gold sponsor, Boehringer Ingelheim 16.45-17.30 Neuro toxicology topics, Brandy Helewa 19.30-02.00 Congress party Sunday 25th January 9.00-9.50 Nursing care plans using Kirby´s Rule of Twenty part I, Brandy Helewa 10.00-10.45 Nursing care plans using Kirby´s Rule of Twenty part II, Brandy Helewa 10.45-11.15Break 11.15-12.15 ICU design in the 21st century, Joris Robben 12.30-13.45Plenary session: C ase-based expert paneldiscussion Mette Berendt, Brandy Helewa, Joris Robben, Susanne Boroffka, Fredrik Danielsson 13.45-14.30Lunch Our speakers v Susanne Boroffka Dr. Med. Vet., dipl. ECVDI, PhD v Originally from Germany Susanne has been living in Holland since 1992. She is a Diplomate ECVDI (European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging) and works as an “Assisstant Professor“ at the veterinary faculty in Utrecht. Mette Berendt DVM, Ph.D., Professor Veterinary Clinical Neurology Mette works and lives in Copenhagen, Denmark. She has a PhD in clinical neurology and she has published intensively in the field of canine epilepsy. Mette Berendt is currently a Professor at the veterinary faculty in Copenhagen. She also heads the Section Surgery-NeurologyCardiology. She is a frequent speaker at international congresses and courses. Joris Robben DVM, PhD, DECVIM Joris lives and works in the town of Utrecht, Holland. He is a criticalist and head of ICU at the veterinary faculty. He is a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Joris has a PhD on the subject of insulinoma in dogs. In 2007 she successfully defended her PhD. She has a special interest in diagnostic imaging of the eye and orbit, radiology and CT of the thorax and ultrasound of the GI-tract. He has been an important factor in the development of emergency and critical care in Europe during the last decade. Triolab, din leverantör inom veterinärdiagnostik Triolab kan erbjuda diagnostikinstrument och produkter, såväl till den lilla veterinärpraktiken som till stora djursjukhus. Med vår långa erfarenhet inom humandiagnostik kan vi erbjuda våra kunder: Service Utbildning Specialkompetens Triolab AB Åbäcksgatan 6A, 431 67 Mölndal Tel 031-81 72 00 E-mail: 6 | Blå Stjärnan v Andreas Lervik DVM, Spec H&K, DECVAA, Senior lecturer Veterinary Anesthesia v Andreas graduated from the University of Leipzig in 2001. After working in Helsingborg and Stockholm he completed a residency in veterinary anaesthesia and Analgesia at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science in Oslo. He is a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia and analgesia, and Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia at The Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Andreas is also “Specialist i hundens och kattens sjukdomar”. He is a very experienced and popular speaker. Brandy Helewa CVT, RVT, AAS, VTS (ECC) Coming from USA Brandy is a professional, career driven veterinary technician specialist (ECC), credentialed in Arizona and California. She has an interest in staff training, education and lecturing. v Brandy has over 18 years of professional experience in zoos, general, specialty and emergency/critical care referral practices. She is a gifted speaker. Fredrik Danielsson DVM, Spec H&K, Spec Kir H&K, Dipl. ECVS Fredrik is a Swedish veterinarian specialized in surgery. He graduated from SLU, Uppsala 1990. He became a Diplomate ECVS in the year 2000. Previously he has been the director of Regiondjursjukhuset in Helsingborg and worked as a lecturer at Massey University in New Zealand. Since 2007 he is active as a consultant in veterinary surgery and teaching. Dechra – dedicated to vets Supporting you in practice within - Neurology Endocrinology Dermatology Nutrition - Intensive care Analgesia & anaesthesia Cardiology Ophtalmology Dechra Veterinary Products AB E-mail Telephone +46 8 32 53 55 Blå Stjärnan | 7 Drylabs Friday 23rd January 2015, 8.30-12.00 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation / CPCR Hjärt-lungräddning / HLR Based on real cases experienced veterinarians will teach and instruct you in the performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. During this drylab we will focus on hands-on training, monitoring and quick decision making. A week prior to this lab delegates will be offered a CPCR lecture online. To this lab monitoring devices are generously provided by Swevet. Bandaging, casting and orthotic techniques Gips, bandage och ortoser During this lab lectures will be given on optimal bandaging and casting techniques in patients with wounds and fractures. Even the use of orthoses in the rehabilitation of neurological patients will be discussed. Delegates will be given the opportunity to practice these techniques using high quality material generously provided by BSN Medical. VetVentilen VetVentilen är en ideell förening där Du som anestesi-intresserad medlem har möjlighet att, via hemsida och kurser knyta kontakter med kollegor samt utbyta erfarenheter inom området. Bli medlem du också! VetVentilen är en i deel l förening dä r Du som anestesi intresser ad medlem m ö j l i ghet att v i a på Hotell Post i samband Fredag 23 januarihar organiserar Vetventilen hemsi da och kurser knyta kontakter med k ol leg or med BSA kongressen årsmöte samt utbyta erfarenheter inom omsitt r å det. Bl i med ett intressant symposium medlem du också! med temat: Anestesi och analgesi av den neurologiska patienten. Freda g 23 j anuar i or gani ar Vetventi l en på Föreläsare ärser Andreas Lervik, DECVAA, lektor i anestesi från NVH, hotel l Post i sam band med BSA kongressen sitt Oslo, Norge. Föreläsningarna hålls på svenska. å r sm öte med ett intressant sym pos ium med temat: Anestesi och anal gesi av den neurol o g i sk a patienten. ä sare ä r A och ndreas För merFörel information registrering se Lerv ik, DEC V A A , lektor i anestesi från NVH, Osl o, Nor ge. För mer infor m ati on och regi strer ing se www.vetventi len. se. P r ogr am 09.00-09.45: Neurofysiologi relevant för anestesi 10.00-10.45: Anestesi vid CT och MR 11.15-12.00: Anestesi vid särskilda neurologiska sjukdomar I 13.00-13.30: Årsmöte 09.00-09.45 Neurofysiologi relevant för anestesi 13.40-14.25 Anestesi vid särskilda neurologiska sjukdomar II 10.00-10.45 vid CT och MR 14.45-15.30: Analgesi vid neurologiskaAnestesi sjukdomar 16.00-17.00: Uppdatering vätsketerapi och fallbeskrivningar 11.15-12.00 Anestesi vid särskilda neurologiska sjukdomar I Program 8 | Blå Stjärnan 13.00-13.30 Årsmöte 13.40-14.25 Anestesi vid särskilda neurologiska sjukdomar II 14.45-15.30 Analgesi vid neurologiska sjukdomar 16.00-17.00 Uppdatering vätsketerapi och fallbeskrivningar Program veterinary technicians Social Program The social program will give delegates the opportunity to catch up with old friends and colleagues and make new ones in a friendly atmosphere. Welcome Reception Congress Party Kick off the congress at the Welcome Reception. Enjoy light snacks and drinks to the background of live music. Saturday evening is party night. You will enjoy a three-course gala dinner and lots of music. A Barbershop Quartet and the live band Monkey Business will give you the opportunity to sing along to songs of your choice. Together we´ll be howling at the moon and dance at the disco until late. Friday 23rd January 2015, 7.30 pm – 8.30 pm in Vinterträdgården. Saturday 24th January 2015. Pre-dinner drinks 7.30 pm in Vinterträdgården. Dinner and party at 8 pm in Drottningporten. Nu lanseras WellCat programmet i Sverige Committed to making cats´ lives better Lokala samarbetspartner: for life Är din klinik kattvänlig? För mer information besök vår monter på Veterinärkongressen eller läs mer på Blå Stjärnan | 9 BLÅ STJÄRNAN AKADEMIN SWEVET AWA R D Veteri nari an and Veteri nary techni ci an Blå Stjärnan Akademin and Swevet proudly present a new Award for veterinary professionals With this award (worth 20.000 SEK per winner) we offer two veterinary professionals the opportunity to complete an externship at a veterinary clinic or university abroad. With the BSA Congress and the Blå Stjärnan Akademin & Swevet Award we are proud to work together to help veterinary professionals increase their veterinary knowledge and skills. The award will be given to one veterinarian and one veterinary technician who attend the BSA Congress in Gothenburg 23-25 January 2015. You are welcome to send in an application in Word format, of no more than 500 words, to prior to 31st December 2014. The application should state your name, adress, working adress, CONTACT AND VISIT US profession and the clinic or university you would like to visit. Please motivate your goals with this externship, with an emphasis on what it would mean for your professional development. A committee will assess all applications and decide the winners of the awards. The winners will be announced during the gala dinner at the BSA Congress Saturday 24rd January 2015. Diamond Sponsor BLÅ STJÄRNAN AKADEMIN Din bästa vän. Vår bästa vård.™ at Blå Stjärnan Akademin Congress! Working together - for a cause Eager to find a job that matters? Sweden’s largest non-profit small animal veterinary hospital is looking for experienced, qualified veterinarians and veterinary technicians. At Blå Stjärnan you will join some of Sweden’s most qualified professionals who are at the forefront of veterinary medicine. DIAMOND- AND AWARDSPONSOR 2015 We offer exciting opportunities in an open and transparent culture, with a clear mission. If you are interested in becoming part of our team, please submit your CV to our HR Director Christina Welin, PHARMACEUTICALS – CONSUMABLES - EQUIPMENT Phone 0771-21 55 00,, Phone: + 46 31-65 35 00 | Emergency: +46 31-65 35 35 | 10 | Blå Stjä Photo: Semrén & Månsson Arkitektkontor AB Welcome to our Congress Venue, Clarion Hotel Post The luxurious Clarion Hotel Post is located in a historic post office building situated in the Gothenburg city centre. The hotel is within easy walking distance of the Central Station and some of Gothenburg’s best dining, shopping and entertainment. Accommodation Blå Stjärnan Akademin has booked a number of hotel rooms at the Clarion Hotel Post at very advantageous rates. It is recommended that you make your hotel reservation well in advance. Requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Single room for 982 SEK per night (excl. VAT) / breakfast included. Double room 1161 SEK per night (excl. VAT) / breakfast included. State #119517 when making a reservation: Clarion Post Hotel Drottningtorget 10, 411 03 Gothenburg, Sweden Phone: +46 31–61 90 00 E R BJ U DA NDE! SURGERY, SMALL ANIMAL IC RD NO vid r lta 23-26/1 2015. Till dig som de or, CARE CONGRESS AL IC IT CR & Y lån av frotté, toffl EMERGENC laxavdelning inkl. Re r vå l p.p til kr g 0 ån Pris: 50 gym • Tillg g eller massage. önhetsfabrikens ansiktsbehandlin in Fri tillgång till Sk m 30 • p.p kr p.p 0 kr Pris: 200 min. Pris: 40 frukt och vatten. eller make-up 20 • Quick – fix hår T P E C N O K S T E H L E H T T E – N E K I R B A SKÖNHETSF , t helhetskoncept et i t he ön sk h oc de hude inom hälsa ing, resultatinrikta bästa och senast än t tr de lig er on ud rs bj pe er h t ra bjuder effektiv oc . I salongen tar vå Clarion Hotel Pos er en i på V ng . ni en ng el lo rik vd sa ab xa h sf la et oc re Skönh gar, relax ens lunga: r länge. träning, behandlin å dig till ro i fabrik pplevelse som vara sl lu du ta n to ka en ge g di sa r as där vi arbetar med ge ön m sfabriken lingar. Efter en sk sta sida. Skönhet bä n di am fr r och kroppsbehand te tis ter och makeup-ar skickliga hårstylis Välkommen att boka! tel. +46 (0) 31 61 90 90 Uppge kod: Congress Post 23 - 25/1-2015. Erbjudandet gäller i mån av plats och kan inte kombineras med andra erbjudanden eller rabatter. Blå Stjärnan | 11 29– The Welcome to Gothenburg in 2016! 31 J an 2 016 , Go the nbu rg REN 4 Nordic small animal surgery, emergency & critical care congress th AL pat i , Sw ede n ent BLÅ STJÄRNAN AKADEMIN Advantage through knowledge Har Du inte vår nya katalog? ENKELT ATT KONTROLLERA BLODTRYCK Mer information finns på vår hemsida, Kontakta oss så skickar vi Röntgen, Service & Support med Kvalité WWW.MEDIVET.SE 0431 24 400 Specialist på Veterinära applikationer Tryck: Printfabriken 2014 Scandivet, Kvartsgatan 6B, 749 40 Enköping • Tel. 0171 - 857 70 • Fax. 0171 - 857 79 •,
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