2016 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR AUSTRALIAN PRIMARY PRODUCERS $30,000 SCHOLARSHIPS Applications close June 30, 2015 Tenure is 16 weeks over two years with flexibility provided Tania Chapman, Vic Andrew Baldock, SA Adam McVeigh, QLD Fiona Hall, NSW NUFFIELD AUSTRALIA SCHOLARSHIPS ARE SUPPORTED BY: 2016 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR AUSTRALIAN PRIMARY PRODUCERS GROWING THE WORLDS BEST SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM IMPORTANT DATES Andrew Johnson Chairman, Nuffield Australia ♦♦ The Nuffield Australia National Conference is a chance to meet April 1, 2015 Welcome to Nuffield Australia Farming Scholarships. I am proud to introduce myself as the Chairman of Nuffield Australia, a position I have held since September 2013. ♦♦ There is a unique opportunity to meet Nuffield Scholars from June 30, 2015 Nuffield Australia has been selecting Scholars for over 60 years. It is the leading program for primary producers in Australia which identifies new leaders in industry and the community. It is also part of a global network of over 1,400 Scholars from many other countries. Scholars represent many rural industries and are selected on merit as people committed to their industry sector and are typically engaged with their regions and communities. I am continually energised by the excitement of newly selected Scholars and the enthusiasm of our returning Scholars. This is critical to the ever changing and ultimate success of Australian agriculture. I encourage you to become a part of our worldwide agricultural network. We are proud to announce the opening of the 2016 round of farming Scholarships. We are offering approximately 20 Scholarships to practicing farmers and farm managers, which includes a Contemporary Scholars Conference, Global Focus Program and individual study programs. “If you are passionate about primary production, I encourage you to apply. Newly selected Scholars seek new frontiers and push boundaries to increase knowledge about global primary production, but it’s the friendships and networks that are made that I consider the greatest gift of Nuffield” other Scholars and be briefed on the overall Scholarship program. Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Brazil, The Netherlands and France, as well as participants from other invited countries at the annual Nuffield Contemporary Scholars Conference (CSC). ♦♦ Five Global Focus Programs (GFP) offer a six/seven-week itinerary spent in various countries including New Zealand, UK, USA, China, Brazil, South Africa, Kenya, The Netherlands, Ireland, France, India, Qatar, Mexico, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, Israel, Hong Kong, Canada, Turkey, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Czech Republic and the Philippines, investigating agricultural marketing, trade and environmental issues, and experiencing the social and cultural aspects of each region. ♦♦ An individual study program enables Scholars to travel to countries of choice. 2015 applications for 2016 Scholarships open. Applications for 2016 Scholarships close. July 2015 State-based selection panels short-list applicants. August 2015 Final selections to be held in Melbourne. September 16-18, 2015 National Conference in Albury, NSW; winners announced and Scholarship briefing. March 2016 All Scholars from around the world converge in Ireland for one week for the Contemporary Scholars Conference (CSC). March/April 2016 ♦♦ Scholars will submit a written report on the individual study GFP Group one travels to New Zealand, Brazil, USA, Mexico and the UK (itinerary to be confirmed). GFP Group two travels to South Africa, Kenya, Eastern Europe, Europe and the USA. ♦♦ Scholars will make a verbal presentation about the individual June/July 2016 program after completing their tour. study program. ♦♦ There is financial assistance to the value of $30,000 (subject to conditions) to cover costs associated with the pre-tour briefing, overseas study and living expenses during the study period. Costs exceeding the value of assistance must be met by Scholars. GFP Group three travels to India, Qatar, Turkey, France and the USA (itinerary to be confirmed). GFP Group four travels to the Philippines, Hong Kong, China, Canada, the USA and Ireland (itinerary to be confirmed). GFP Group five travels to Indonesia, Japan, Israel, The Netherlands and the USA (itinerary to be confirmed). ♦♦ There is assistance through the Nuffield network to develop itineraries for individual study programs and gain access to institutions and people linked to the area of study. The scholarship tenure is 16 weeks over a period of two years. The longest compulsory element of the scholarship is the Global Focus Program, where Scholars are overseas for six weeks. The 10-week individual study can be completed with flexibility thereafter. 2016 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR AUSTRALIAN PRIMARY PRODUCERS ELIGIBILITY SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR 2016 INCLUDE: The Scholarships are open to men and women, who are: ●● A grain grower in northern New South Wales or Queensland ●● Between 28-40 years of age. (Nuffield understands that there may be people outside this age range who would benefit from the Scholarship experience. We encourage them to apply); ●● Ordinarily a resident of Australia; ●● Engaged in farming or fishing as an owner or manager or an active member of a farming business; and ●● Intending to remain involved in primary production in Australia. Regard will be given to the value of the experience that the applicant should gain through his or her studies. All Scholars will be expected to resume residence in Australia after completion of their scholarship and must write a report of their studies (see Scholar’s agreement). This report remains the property of Nuffield Australia and may be published at Nuffield Australia’s discretion. Reports are published at the expense of Nuffield Australia and remain the property of Nuffield Australia. THE BENEFITS OF A SCHOLARSHIP ♦♦ Research a primary production topic overseas. ♦♦ Enhance knowledge, skills and techniques. ♦♦ Join the Nuffield network of 1,400 Scholars worldwide. (GRDC Northern Region), supported by the Grains Research and Development Corporation ●● A grain grower in southern New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia or Tasmania (GRDC Southern Region), supported by the Grains Research and Development Corporation ●● A grain grower in Western Australia (GRDC Western Region), supported by the Grains Research and Development Corporation ●● A grain grower anywhere in Australia, supported by Grain Growers Ltd ●● An aquaculture producer or a wildcatch fisher anywhere in Australia, supported by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation ●● A viticulturist anywhere in Australia, supported by the Australian Grape and Wine Authority ●● A rice grower anywhere in Australia, supported by the Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, Rice R&D Committee ●● A chicken meat grower or livestock manager anywhere in Australia, supported by Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, Chicken Meat Program ●● A vegetable levy paying grower anywhere in Australia, supported by Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited using the National Vegetable Levy and matched funds from the Australian Government ●● A levy paying banana grower anywhere in Australia, supported by Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited using the Banana Industry Levy and matched funds from the Australian Government ●● A cattle, sheep or goat producer anywhere in Australia, supported by Meat & Livestock Australia ●● A woolgrower anywhere in Australia, supported by Australian Wool Innovation ●● An egg producer anywhere in Australia, supported by the Australian Egg Corporation Limited ●● A dairy producer anywhere in Australia, supported by Dairy Australia ●● A primary producer anywhere in Australia, supported by Rabobank ●● A dairy producer from Victoria, supported by the Geoffrey Gardiner Dairy Foundation ●● A primary producer in New South Wales, supported by John Deere Limited ●● A primary producer in Queensland, supported by The Sylvia & Charles Viertel Charitable Foundation The provision of all Scholarships is subject to the suitability of applicants and confirmation of sponsorship arrangements. Additional Scholarships may be offered subject to funding becoming available. 2016 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR AUSTRALIAN PRIMARY PRODUCERS NUFFIELD SCHOLARS: in their own words Bob Nixon 2014 Scholar, Kalannie, Western Australia Tania Chapman 2014 Scholar, Mildura, Victoria Michael Lyons 2014 Scholar, Charters Towers, Queensland There are always plenty of excuses given for why any of us can’t find the time to do a Nuffield Scholarship. But make the most of life and its opportunities as this is not a rehearsal. There’s never a perfect time, so I encourage you to apply and you will never look back! Leave family? Leave the farm for 16 weeks over two years? It almost sounds like a joke. How will it function without me? But it does. The farm survives and so does family, and in fact both become much better functioning units as a result. When I saw Oliver Wendell Homes’ quote “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions”, I knew it summed up my Nuffield experience. 2014 was a life changing year for me. Firstly, the Global Focus Program, which involved travelling the world with a group of scholars with diverse backgrounds in primary production. That experience provided a big picture on global agricultural trends. From there, I embarked on my own ten weeks of individual research. The challenge of removing myself from the family business for an extended time gave great perspective to evaluate my role and the dynamics of our set-up. Nuffield provides a growing opportunity – understanding the world changing around you and being inspired by other industry people and practices, while keeping in sight the basics of your business at home. For further information contact: Jim Geltch, CEO, Nuffield Australia Phone: 03 5480 0755 Email: enquiries@nuffield.com.au When I first applied I thought about what I could gain from this amazing opportunity. I didn’t give enough thought to those staying behind, or to how I would cope with so many flights, hotels, room sharing with other scholars and little sleep. But who needs sleep when there are unbelievable opportunities? ? From Hohhot in Mongolia, to the Annapolis Valley in Canada and the Australian Embassy in Beijing – opportunities kept coming because of one word, Nuffield. The biggest gain is the networks – that ability to contact people in 16 countries to gain local insights into markets, cultural practices and the minds of ‘local’ consumers. This has the propensity to make a difference to my business and industry. I applied to travel overseas, learn more about agriculture and bring back ideas that might help our business. What I gained was a whole lot more. A great group of mates, a contact list of progressive farmers around the world, an avenue to pursue novel ideas, a chance to visit farms of overseas gurus, time to think about my contribution to local and worldwide agricultural issues and an opportunity to take a break from our business and then see it through a different set of eyes. The Nuffield journey cleverly supports and stretches you through series of events including the Contemporary Scholars Conference and Global Focus Program, before you are let loose on the world to pursue your own individual research. So if you are looking for a challenge, some direction or an opportunity to “stretch” yourself, then don’t hesitate to apply for a Nuffield Scholarship. Application forms can be downloaded and completed from the Nuffield website: www.nuffield.com.au or are available by contacting the Nuffield Australia office.
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