NORTH VANCOUVER ISLAND HORSE ASSOCIATION OPEN WESTERN PERFORMANCE SHOWS 2015 COMOX VALLEY EXHIBITION GROUNDS LOCATED ON HEADQUARTERS RD. COURTENAY, BC CRITIQUE SHOW DATE: APRIL 19 NVIHA SPONSORED POINT SHOW DATES: MAY 24 – JUNE 21 – JULY 26 – AUG 23 START TIMES 8:30am ALL AGES, LEVELS, AND EQUINES WELCOME SHOW SECRETARY – MARG CAMP (250) 337-2334 BOX 336 MERVILLE BC V0R 2M0 NVIHA WESTERN PERFORMANCE RULES 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ENTRY FEES are payable to N.V.I.H.A. MEMBERSHIPS FOR NVIHA are through NVIHA contact Marg 2503372334 or Sally 2503381742,or download from or pick up at local tack/feed stores. Membership foe Horse Council B.C. contact HCBC 18003452324. ENTRIESout of town competitors may email to up to the Wednesday before the show. HOSESHOW OFFICE will be open 1 hour prior to the first class of the day. POST ENTRY FEE $10.00 OR $2.00 per class(if less than 5 classes entered), Post Entry fee will be charged if entries received after closing date. No post entries taken at gate, the office must be notified if u wish to add another class. RIDERS AGE DIVISIONS as of January 1 of the current year PEE WEE 9 and under, Youth 13 and under, Youth 1418, Senior 19 and over. PROPER WESTERN ATTIRE required, bootcut jeans (chaps optional in riding classes) long sleeved shirt , western hat and heeled boots. HARD HATS are optional in any class. RIDING INSTRUCTORS actively coaching and riding their students horses in the show or warm up arenas on the day of the show(s) are required to show their current year Horse Council B C membership card for insurance purposes to the entry secretary at the horse show office. THE SHOW COMMITTEE may combine or cancel a class with 2 or less entries, and reserves the right to excuse any lame or sick horse. Refunds will be given at the discretion of the show committee. There is a resolution committee to resolve any complaints someone may have. See the Office. STABLING Competitors with stalls are responsible for completely cleaning and sweeping their stall. If their stall is left their clean stall deposit (separate cheque) will not be returned to them. CAMPING is permitted on the grounds (SEE ENTRY FORM FOR FEE) ALL DOGS must be kept on leash WITH NO EXCEPTIONS this is for the competitor’s safety. COMOX VALLEY EXHIBITION GROUNDS Cleanliness around the ground areas, stalls, trailers and bleachers is the responsibility of everyone. Please clean up your area before going home. ALL CLASSES include horses and ponies. All classes are either for a Junior or Senior horse, see rules 16 & 17 on the proper equipment for the Junior and Senior Horse.(PEE WEE classes only are exempt from these rules). PROPER EQUIPMENT FOR JUNIOR HORSES Junior horses are age 5 and under and are permitted any of the three following options (not mandatory) a two handed snaffle bit or bosal, also a leverage bit used with one hand only. PEE WEE classes only are exempt from this rule PROPER EQUIPMENT FOR SENIOR HORSES Senior Horses 6 and over are required to show in a leverage bit used with one hand only.(PEE WEE classes and Green Horse and Green Rider ONLY are exempt from this rule. SCHOOLING CLASSES if your entry fee is paid, your number is turned over, and you let the judge know as you enter the gate, you can ride any of your classes as a schooling class. LUNCH BREAK length and time will be announced on show day PATTERNS will be posted the day of the show WHIPPERIN Report 5 minutes before the class and wait for the Whipperin’s instructions on entering the gate. PEE WEE AGE 9 AND UNDER CLASSES are WALK/JOG ONLY and classes will be simplified and they will not be required to open and close the gate in a Trail Horse class. In the Peewee class only riders are permitted the use of two hands with any legal bit. Peewee classes will NOT be combined with other classes for lack of entries. 23. ALL AGES WALK/JOG ONLY CLASSES This class is designed for the RIDER OR HORSE that need more experience. Any age RIDER or HORSE is permitted to enter this class. (All Ages WALK/JOG only riders are NOT permitted to crossenter into classes where the LOPE is called for. Classes available are Western Pleasure, Showmanship, Horsemanship and Trail Horse class). 24. GREEN RIDER FIRST YEAR SHOWING LOPE CLASSES (To qualify for these classes the rider can not previously have competed ‘ANYWHERE’ in a class where a lope is called for. (having shown previously in any WALK/JOG classes, Pee Wee classes, halter, showmanship and inhand classes will not count as being their first year of showing. GREEN RIDER classes are designed to be a transition class for riders ready to try loping. Classes available are Western Pleasure, horsemanship and trail horse. Pee wee riders are permitted to cross enter into this division. In this division two handed snaffle/bosal permitted any age horse. 25. GREEN HORSE FIRST YEAR SHOWING LOPE CLASSES . Green Hose (any age) 2 –handed snaffle/bosal optional first year showing lope 26. OPEN CLASSES Are for any age rider to enter 27. OPEN CLASS POINTS are for day and yearend High Points EXCEPT open Halter which counts for year end points only 28. STAKES CLASSES when offered are for any age rider and do not count towards day or year end high point 29. NVIHA DAY HIGH POINT AWARDS do not require membership in NVIHA but HCBC membership is mandatory. You must compete in 60% of the classes offered in the division 30. THE TIEBREAKER SYSTEM FOR HIGH POINT AWARDS FOR THE DAY – based on performance results, the rider with the most number of firsts will win the tie, if the riders do not have firsts, then seconds and then thirds will be used – if still tied a skill testing question will decide the winner. 31. THE NVIHA”YEAR END” HIGH POINT AWARDS are earned from the competitor’s points which are tabulated from the 5 Open Western Performance shows held by the NVIHA. In order to qualify for Year End awards it is mandatory to be a Horse Council BC and a current NVIHA member.(Your NVIHA membership must be paid prior to the first points show held. The total value of the High Point AWARD and Reserve High Point Award will be combined and split equally between the two competitors. Two awards of equal value will be given 32. NON POINT SHOW The “CRITIQUE” show does not have points for any class 33. HORSES SHOWING OBVIOUS SIGNS OF ABUSE MAY BE DISQUALIFIED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE JUDGE/JUDGES 34. WCRA REINING RULES & Patterns will apply 35. HCBC Western Dressage Rules & Tests will apply 36. BACK NUMBER applies to Horse/Rider Combination N. V. I. H. A. OPEN WESTERN PERFORMANCE HORSE SHOW Date: April 19 Time: 8:30AM Sharp Judge: T.B.A. Ribbons will not be handed out; they are made available for pick up in the horse show office HALTER 1. Open SHOWMANSHIP 2. All Ages Walk/Jog 3. Youth Age 13 & under 4. Youth Age 1418 5. Peewee Age 9 & under 6. Senior Age 19 & up 7. Green Rider First year showing lope 8. Open BREAK HORSEMANSHIP 9. Leadline 10. Youth 13 & under 12. Youth Age 1418 13. Peewee Age 9 & under Walk/Jog only 14. Senior Age 19 & up 15. All Ages WALK/JOG only 17. Green Rider First year showing lope 18. Green Horse First year showing lope 19. Open WESTERN PLEASURE 20. Youth 13 & under 21. Youth Age 1418 22. Peewee Age 9 & under Walk/Jog only 23. Senior Age 19 & up 24. All Ages WALK/JOG only 25. Green Rider First year showing lope 26. Green Horse First year showing lope 27. Western Pleasure Pairs 28. Open TRAIL HORSE 29. Youth 13 & Under 30. Youth Age 1418 31. Peewee Age 9 & under Walk/Jog only 32. Senior Age 19 & up 33. All Ages WALK/JOG only 34. Green Rider First year showing lope 35. Green Horse First year showing lope 36. Open 37. All Ages In Hand saddle optional STARTING AT 1PMUpper Ring (OPEN CARD) (may start earlier if entries warrant) COWBOY DRESSAGE HCBC TESTS D1 All Ages Walk/Jog Test 2 D2 All Ages Walk/Jog Test 3 D3 Open Loping Training Level Test 2 D4 Open Loping Training Level Test 3 D5 Open First Level Test 1 D6 Open First Level Test 2 RANCH RIDING 38. Youth 39. Senior WESTERN RIDING 40. Open REINING 41. Open WCRA PATTERNS 42. RIDE A $5.00 (free) Bring your own $5 N.V.I.H.A. OPEN WESTERN PERFORMANCE ENTRY FORM 2015 Mail entries to Marg Camp, Box 336, Merville,B.C. V0R 2M0 2503372334, email to or drop off at SharKare, South Country Feed, in Courtenay or Top Shelf Feeds Inc. in Merville. Post Entry Date: Noon THURSDAY before the show. Horse’s name:_________________________________________________ Age._________ Rider’s Name:____________________________________________ HCBC #____________ Mailing Address:________________________________________________ Phone # EMail: Postal Code: NVIHA Member? Yes / No Has the NVIHA Office previously issued u a Back #? (This # applies to Horse/rider combination.) Yes / No.___ If no one will be issued and will be valid for all NVIHA Western Performance Shows. BACK #: _____________________ DIVISIONS (please circle the applicable division/s) Youth 13 & Under Youth 1418 Pee Wee 9 & Under Senior 19 & over Open Green Rider 1st Yr Lope Green Horse 1st Yr Lope Walk/Jog PLEASE ENTER CLASS NUMBERS FROM CLASS LIST: __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Administration Fee/day $7.50 ____________ ____ Classes @ $5.00_____________ ______dressage tests @ $10.00_____________ ____ Clean Stall Deposit $15.00 per stall (Sep.Cheque) ____ Paddock/day @ $5.00____________ ______ Stall (1 Night 1 Day (6pm to 6pm) @ $20.00 ____________ ______ Camping @ $18.00 _____________ POST ENTRY FEE @$10.00 day/horse Or per class $2.00 _____________ TOTAL $ _____________ RELEASE FORM ON BACK OF ENTRY FORM MUST BE SIGNED I make these entries at my own risk and have read and understand completely and agree to be subject to the RULES AND REGULATIONS of the N.V.I.H.A. Western Performance and Critique Shows and I agree to be bound thereby. I agree to make no claim against the Show Committee, the North Vancouver Island Horse Association, the Comox Valley Regional District or any official connected with the show if any damage be occasioned to or loss occur to any equipment or animal, or accident or injury to any rider which I sent to the show. The undersigned Owner, Rider, Parent. Guardian, hereby acknowledges and agrees to accept all risk of negligence that may arise as a result of participation in equestrian activity at the Comox Valley Exhibition Grounds and waive any claims for personal injury or loss incurred on the premises. Participants are advised to provide their own insurance coverage for all risks and negligence. I further certify that I have read all instructions and will comply with the rules and regulations of this show. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR RIDER:____________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN (if rider is 18 and under) _________________________________________________________________ Now Open 7 Days a week! Mon - Fri Saturday Sundays 8:00am to 8:00pm 8:00am to 4:00pm 9:00am to 2:00pm 24hr emergency on call care 250-334-8400 VETERINARY SERVICES LTD. Dr. Andrea Plaxton Phone: 250-218-6610 • Fax: 250-334-8403 1111 Braidwood Rd Courtenay BC V9N 3S1 English and Western Horse Tack, Grooming Supplies, Hay Feeders, Equine Supplements and More! Good Luck in the 2015 Show Season! 2901 Moray Ave. & 29th St. Courtenay, BC V9N 7S7 P: 250-897-3302 Livestock Feed - Hay Wood Stove Pellets Pet Food & Supplies Vet Supplies - Fencing Gates and Posts MORE THAN JUST A FEED STORE!
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