APRIL 25 & 26, 2015

APRIL 25 & 26, 2015
Courtenay Exhibition Grounds
4839 Headquarters Rd
Patricia and Chris Cowland PH: (250) 337-5207 EMAIL: sprout-meadows@hotmail.com
This show qualifies for year end points please complete a form and bring to the show to qualify
Entry Deadline: Monday April 13, 2015
Entry Secretary: Shaunna Powers
Mail to: Trish Cowland, 6851 Sprout Rd, Courtenay, BC, V9J 1N3
Email: sprout-meadows@hotmail.com
Please make cheques payable to NVIHA (North Vancouver Island Horse Association)
Please leave open cheque if you expect to make changes, separate stall deposit cheque required if
Entries can be dropped off at Summer Side Tack Shop, South Country Feed & Supply, Black Creek Farm &
Feed, Courtenay Share Kare, or the address above
Entry Rules: One form and number per horse and rider combination. All exhibitors MUST have and
attach a copy of their current HCBC #.
Late Entry Fee: $25.00 for all entries received after 5:00PM on Monday April 13, 2015.
Scratches: Exhibitors cancelling after show deadline shall forfeit their entry fees except in the case of
disability of entry. Entries shall be refunded upon presentation of a Doctor’s or Vet’s certificate.
Adds & Transfers: Horses entered by the closing date that wish to switch, scratch or add classes will be
charged a $5.00 office charge per change sheet.
Stabling: Trish Cowland Email: sprout-meadows@hotmail.com
Stall $25 per day (Fri to Sun is 3 day/nights)
Paddock per day (Fri to Sun is 3 day/nights)
Clean Stall/Paddock deposit $25.00. Refundable upon inspection.* separate cheque required
Stabling is available on a limited basis. Priority will be given to exhibitors who must travel the furthest
and those exhibitors who enter the earliest. Any horses staying overnight on the grounds must have a
person staying on the grounds over night as well.
Payment MUST accompany entry
You MUST provide a clean stall deposit in order to receive your number.
Camping: $15.00 per day (Fri to Sun is 3 day/nights), $20.00 w/ electrical hook-up per day
Schooling Rounds: $15.00 per jumper round (course will be posted, 10mins per rider per round)
$15.00 per hunter round (course will be posted, 10mins per rider per round)
No admittance without valid entry ticket, one ticket per round to be handed to in gate person
Please contact to book your schooling rounds, no guarantee on schooling round(s) if not contacted prior
to Monday April 13, 2015 @ 5pm.
Contact: Trish Cowland Email: sprout-meadows@hotmail.com
* Height changes will be made same as on show days by NVIHA during schooling day/rounds
Nicole Deters – Senior Consultant
Show Manager: Trish Cowland (250) 337-5207 email sprout-meadows@hotmail.com
Jumper Judge: Susan Harrison
Hunter Judge: Susan Harrison
Hack Judge: Susan Harrison
Course Designer: Brittany Walz
Announcer: Davina Mercer
Veterinarian on call: Epona Equine Veterinary Services – Dr. Andrea Plaxton (250)218-6610
Farrier on call: Dorothy Christie (250) 338-7765
HCBC: All competitors MUST be members of Horse Council BC. Please attach a copy or current
membership cards to entry.
Attire: Formal show attire required for hunters, hacks, and jumper classics. Braiding is recommended for
hunters and hacks. Riders MUST wear ASTM/SEI approved helmets with fixed harnesses at all times
while mounted on the grounds. Competitor numbers must be visible.
Points: 1st-7, 2nd-5, 3rd-4, 4th-3, 5th-2, 6th-1
Ties for jumper championships will be broken as per EC rules. In case of only 1 or 2 entries in a
class/division, the classes/division will be combined and scored with another similar division.
Ribbons: Awarded from 1st-6th. Division Championships and Reserve Championships will be awarded in
all divisions. All winners of the jumper classics will win a prize.
Age Groups: Senior 18 and over as of Jan 1, 2014
Junior 17 and under as of Jan 1, 2014
Hunter/Jumper Classes on Saturday will be run open card. Coaches and competitors must be responsible
for signing up their rotations, which will be organized ‘1st come’ basis. If you anticipate a ring conflict,
please talk to the in gate. No gate holds for hack classes. Hunters/Hacks will be shown in the sand ring.
Jumpers will be shown on the grass. Please shoe accordingly.
Protests must be submitted in writing to the office with a $50 deposit (as per EC rules)
Platinum Sponsors
Kristin Sinclare
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Nicole Deters – Senior Consultant
Bronze Sponsors
Jackie Mercer: AFA Certified farrier
NVIHA Thanks All of Our Sponsor’s for the Show
Sunday April 26 8am Start – LOWER SAND RING
Class Entry Fee $15 Division Fee $35
Division "A" Ground Pole Hunter – Sponsored by Jackie Mercer Farrier
1. Ground Pole
2. Ground Pole
Class 1 & 2 will consist of poles laid out on
ground to mimic an actual hunter course
3. Walk/Trot Hunter Under Saddle
Division "B" Cross Pole Hunter – Sponsored by Nicole Deters Investors Group
4. Cross Pole
5. Cross Pole
Horses and ponies permitted
No X entry .7m or higher
6. Walk/Trot Hunter Under Saddle
7. Cross Pole Equitation
Division "C" .65m (2') Hunter – Sponsored by Equerry Surgery / Sports
8. .65m (2') Hunter
9. .65m (2') Hunter
Horses and ponies permitted
No X entry in any other division except Cross
10. Hunter Under Saddle
11. .65m (2') Hunter Equitation Only .65m (2') riders eligible
Division "D" .7m (2'3") Hunter – Sponsored by Greenhawk Vancouver Island
12. .7m (2'3") Hunter
13. .7m (2'3") Hunter
Horses and ponies permitted
no X entry .85m or higher
14. Hunter Under Saddle
15. .7m (2'3") Hunter Equitation (Horses and Ponies)
Division "E" .75m (2'7") Hunter – Sponsored by Summer Side Tack
16. .75m (2'7") Hunter
17. .75m (2'7") Hunter
Horses and ponies permitted
no X entry .9m or higher
18. Hunter Under Saddle
19. .75m (2'7") Hunter Equitation
Division "F" .85m (2'9") Hunter – Sponsored by Marine Harvest
20. .85m (2'9") Working Hunter
21. .85m (2'9") Working Hunter
22. Hunter Under Saddle
23. .85m (2'9") Hunter Equitation
Division "G" .9m (3') Hunter – Sponsored by Nimpkish Logging
24. .9m (3') Working Hunter
25. .9m (3') Working Hunter
26. Hunter Under Saddle
27. .9m (3') Hunter Equitation
Saturday April 25th 9am Start– LOWER SAND RING
Class Entry Fee $20 Division Fee $35 Medal Classes $30
Division "H" 1m (3'3") Jumpers – Sponsored by Kirsten Sinclaire Royal
28. 1m (3'3") Match the Clock
29. 1m (3'3") Power and Speed
30. 1m (3'3") Medal Class
Division "I" 1.1m or 1.15m (3'6") Jumpers – Sponsored by Black Creek
Farm and Feed
31. 1.10m or 1.15m (3'6" or 3'9")Match the Clock
32. 1.10m or 1.15m (3'6" or 3'9") Power and
33. 1.10m or 1.15m (3'6" or 3'9") Medal Class
Division "J" .75m (2'7") Jumpers – Sponsored by Epona Equine
34. .75m (2'7") Schooling Jumper
35. .75m (2'7") Match the Clock
36. .75m (2'7") Medal Class - Sponsored by Broad Street Properties
Division "K" .85m (2'9") Jumpers – Brian McLean GM
37. .85m (2'9") Schooling Jumper
38. .85m (2'9") Match the Clock
39. .85m (2'9") Medal Class - Sponsored by Broad Street Properties
Division "L" .9m (3') Jumpers – Sponsored by Victoria Saddlery
40. .9m (3') Match the Clock
41. .9m (3') Power and Speed
42. .9m (3') Medal Class - Sponsored by Studio IPF
Sunday, April 26 20 2pm Start – LOWER SAND RING
Class Entry Fee $10
50. Leadline English Pleasure (no entry fee) – Sponsored by Sprout Meadows
51. Walk, Trot English Pleasure – Sponsored by Alpine Concrete
52. Walk, Trot Equitation
53. Horse / Pony English Pleasure – Sponsored by J. Waters Electric
54. Horse / Pony Show Hack
55. Horse / Pony Road Hack
56. Horse / Pony Equitation
Hack Divisions:
Walk, Trot Hack
Horse / Pony Hack
NVIHA Open Hunter/Jumper Show April 25 & 26, 2015
RIDER:__________________________________ HCBC #:______________PLEASE ATTACH PROOF OF MEMBERSHIP
HORSE Name:____________________________ HORSE Owners Name_____________________ if different
Description of horse, size:_____hh
If Pony Circle: LG. Med. Sml. Age:______ Color:______________
2nd Rider:______________________________ Class # ___________________ (only Hunter Under Saddle Classes)
Rider: (Circle) Senior / Amateur / Pro / Jr Date of Birth Req’d for Junior __________________________
Trainer (on Grounds)_______________________ Stable With: _______________________________
North Vancouver Island Horse Association Hunter Jumper Open Horse Show Waiver
I make these entries at my own risk and subject to the rules of the show and I agree to be bound
thereby. I agree to make no claim against the Show Committee, the NVIHA (North Vancouver Island
Horse Association), The Comox Valley Regional District, or any official connected with the show, should
any damage be occasioned to or loss occur to, any equipment or animal, or accident or injury to any
rider which I send to the show. The undersigned Owner, Agent, Rider, Parent, Guardian, hereby
acknowledges and agrees to accept all risk of negligence that may arise as a result of participating in
equestrian activity at the Comox Valley Exhibition Grounds and waives any claim for personal injury or
loss incurred on these premises. Participants are advised to provide their own insurance coverage for all
risks and liability. I further certify that I have read all instructions and will comply with the rules of the
Show, and am eligible as entered. It is hereby recognized that all equestrian sports involve inherent risk
and that no helmet or protective equipment can protect against all foreseeable injury. I hereby accept
this risk and hold harmless the Competition, their officials, organizers, agents, employees and their
Signature of Rider _____________________________ Phone No. _________________________
Street / Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________
City / Postal Code ________________________________ Email Address _________________________
2nd Rider Signature _______________________________
Owner Signature _______________________________
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian for Junior or under 19 years ________________________________
Date Signed _____________________________________
DIVISION AND CLASS ENTRIES - Please circle division/s and/or individual classes
Individual classes (list class #’s) _________________________________ = _______ @ $15 = __________
Division(s) Please Circle
= _______ @ $35 = __________
Jump Crew Fee = ___$10___
TOTAL = __________
Individual classes (list class #’s) _________________________________ = _______ @ $20 = __________
Medal Classes
33 36 39 42
= _______ @ $30 = __________
Division(s) Please Circle
= _______ @ $35 = __________
Jumper Classics
44 45 46 47 48 49
= _______ @ $30 = __________
Jump Crew Fee = ___$10___
TOTAL = __________
Individual classes (list class #’s) _________________________________ = _______ @ $10 = __________
TOTAL = __________
NVIHA Member: _________________________(Circle) Yes / No ___Membership Discount= __($10)___
To become a member please find forms at following link, please complete and attach with payment to entries
CLASS(S) TOTAL = __________
Schooling Rounds (email sprout-meadows@hotmail.com for time slots) # of Jumper rounds ____ @ $15 = __________
Hunter Ring 15 min block ____ @ $15 = __________
Administration Fee
Late Entry Fee
$25 = _________
Stabling (one day’s stabling is 6pm-6pm in the same day) Arrival______Departure_______ #days@ $25 = _________
Paddock(one day’s stabling is 6pm-6pm in the same day) Arrival______Departure_______ #days@ $15 = _________
Separate Clean Stall Deposit Required $25.00 refundable after inspection Cheq # ______
To Confirm Stabling Please Contact - Trish Cowland email: sprout-meadows@hotmail.com
Camping Non-Hook Up(one day(s)is 6pm-6pm in the same day) Arrival______Departure_______ # days @ $15 =_______
Camping W/Elec Hook Up(one day(s) is 6pm-6pm in the same day) Arrival______Departure_______ # days @ $20=_______
FEE TOTAL = __________
CLASS(S) + FEES TOTAL = __________
Paid $___________ Cash / Cheque #_______ attached Y / N
Jackie Mercer CertifiedFarrier