No.7 12 May 2015 - Oakleigh Primary School

No. 7
12th May, 2015
Tel. 9568 0558 Fax. 9569 0293
Dates to Remember
Tuesday, 12th
NAPLAN—Language Conventions & Writing
Test for Yrs 3 & 5
11am-12noon: Prep MFB Fire Ed Incursion 2
Wednesday, 13th
8.25-8.50am: OPS Fitness Club
NAPLAN - Reading Test for Yrs 3 & 5
12-1pm: Prep Grand Friends Teddy Bear
From the Principal’s Desk
Date: Thursday, 14th May starting at 7.00pm.
Last year we held a Parent Information Evening which outlined what we are doing
to build our students’ sense of wellbeing and create a ‘flourishing’ school
Following many requests, we will be conducting another evening for parents this
coming Thursday evening.
Our Wellbeing and Positive Education approach is based on teaching students
skills that will help them manage and cope with opportunities and challenges in a
changing world. We believe that developing a child’s character is as important as
fostering their intellect.
Thursday, 14th
NAPLAN—Numeracy Test for Yrs 3 & 5
11.10am-3.30pm: Prep ‘Toys over Time’
7pm: Positive Education Parent Forum—
Our classroom teachers will be conducting the forum informing parents about our
journey so far and what lies ahead for 2015. The work our staff are doing in this
area is gaining a great deal of interest in the broader educational community.
We hope you can attend.
Friday, 15th
9-11am: Yrs 5/6 Senior Sport v COHR—
This week our Year 3 and 5 students will complete the National Assessment
Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). This is an annual assessment for
students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It is an everyday part of the school calendar and
has been since 2008.
Monday, 18th
8.25-8.50am: OPS Fitness Club
9.30am: Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
fundraiser for the Cancer Council—PAC
3.30-4pm: OPS Book Fair begins—Library
Tuesday, 19th
3.30-4pm: OPS Book Fair—Library
Wednesday, 20th
8.25-8.50am: OPS Fitness Club
3.30-4pm: OPS Book Fair—Library
Thursday, 21st
District Cross Country for selected
3.30-4pm: OPS Book Fair—Library
Friday, 22nd
3.30-4pm: OPS Book Fair—Library
Monday, 25th
8.25-8.50am: OPS Fitness Club
Prep-Yr 2 St John’s First Aid Incursion
The assessments are undertaken nationwide, every year, in the second full week in
NAPLAN is made up of tests in the four areas (or ‘domains’) of:
• Reading
• Writing
• Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation)
• Numeracy
We regard the NAPLAN tests as only one of a range of assessment tools we use to
judge student progress. Our students participate in the assessments confidently.
They are familiar with this type of assessment and we do not build it up any more
than it needs to be so as to create an anxiety free environment.
What a delight it was to see our Year 3-6 students participate so enthusiastically in
our School Cross Country event last week. The table on the next page recognises
the winners of each category but equally important we should recognise the
personal improvement of so many of our students. This is testament to the great
PE program that Blair Richardson has provided for our students.
Year 12 Girls
Emma K
Year 12 Boys
Paskali T
Year 11 Girls
Mikayla D
Year 11 Boys
Xavier S
Year 10 Girls
Sally K
Year 10 Boys
Nick C
Jack Fisher
OSHC Coordinator’s Report
Paper Flowers
Circuit Play
Harma Beads
Sports Activities
Computer Lab
This week’s
winners are:
Caitlin, Cameron, Alex &
Thank you
Liz Crowe
OSHC Coordinator
A reminder that the Canteen IS ONLY
OPEN ON A FRIDAY. Please do not
send lunch orders on other days.
To order your Entertainment
Book visit:
or pick up a form from the
Each book costs $65
20% of each book sold
contributes to our fundraising
Prep Enrolments For 2016
If you have a child starting school in 2016,
now is the time to enrol at Oakleigh Primary
If you have friends or neighbours who intend
on enrolling please inform them.
Enrolment forms can be obtained in
the office.
School Tours are available—times are on the OPS
Book Fair
Help Needed for 30 Minutes
Mon, Tues, Wed or Thurs
3.30 – 4.00pm
Please sign up at the office. Your help is
much appreciated.
Please note that all medication needs
to be brought to the Office clearly
labelled with the child’s name, grade and
It must also be written on the sheet in the back
of the child’s home book.
Buckets Early Learning Centre is taking
part in the Nappy Collective… a
wonderful program that collects your
leftover unused disposable nappies
and redistributes them to
organisations that support families in
crisis or in need.
We will have a collection box available in the foyer for
family and friends of Buckets Early Learning Centre to
donate any unused nappies between May 1st – May 15th.
Please help us to spread the word, ask your friends for any
donations and please bring them in!