Oblate Basketball news Three teams are heading to Barcelona for matches on June 25th and we wish them every success on their trip. They will return on June 29th Oblate Basketball Camp girls and boys 7-18years Week 1 July 20th-24th Week 2 August 10th-14th Week 3 August 17-21st To book a place phone 01-453 4327 Newsletter June 14th 2015 Mary Immaculate Inchicore D8 Tel: 01 4534408 Fax: 01 4543466 Email: parishofmaryimmaculate@gmail.com Web: www.oblateparishinchicore.ie Parish Team Fr. Michael Guckian, Fr. Pat Carolan, Fr. Willie Fitzpatrick, Br. Frank Flanagan, Joanne Lanigan. Pope Francis on the Environment Retirement in Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál Mr Ignatius Keane, Principal in SMGS will retire this summer. He has worked in the school for 28 years and served as Principal for 18 of those years. Many people in the Inchicore community will remember Iggy very fondly as a wonderful teacher, soccer coach and a very caring and committed principal. He will be in the school on Monday June 29th at 12.30pm where you will have an opportunity to wish him well. Parish Lotto 1-11-16 Pool € 1,350 The Oblate Gospel Choir are looking for new members. They practise at 8.30pm in the Basketball Hall. Drop in for a chat. The Choir will be singing at 7pm Mass on June 20th Mary Immaculate Church Come along—bring your friends. Mary Immaculate Parish Walk Saturday June 20th, Glendalough 9.30-5pm(ish) Sturdy footwear, raingear and packed lunch essential. To book your place and arrange payment of €10 transport cost Contact: 086 -338715 (evenings) It is reported that Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment will be released on June 18th and it is thought that it will be entitled Laudato Sii (Praised be you) So why does Pope Francis’ encyclical matter? The encyclical will build on work already started by Pope Benedict in 2011who said: “Respect for the human being and respect for nature are one and the same”. Africa is the area with the greatest church growth and is also most affected by climate change. We are at a critical point in time in regard to the environment with major conferences taking place this Autumn about sustainable development and climate change. Environmental issues affect everyone and Pope Francis is spiritual leader for over 1.2 billion Catholics “If you are a Christian, protecting the environment is part of your identity, not an ideological option. A Christian who does not protect creation, who does not let it grow, is a Christian who does not care about the work of God; that work that was born from the love of God for us. And this is the first response to the first creation: protect creation, make it grow…. “ Pope Francis Praying for the Sick in our Parish and Community Do you know anyone who is sick or in hospital? Would they like to be remembered in the prayers of the parish? Please drop their names into the parish office and let us know also if they would like a member of the parish team to visit them. We continue to keep in our prayers people in our parish, our families and our community who are sick and have asked for our prayers including: George Ryan, Maureen Cramer, Mrs Whelan, John Doyle, Essie McCormack, Paula O’Connor. Kevin Lamb, Rory O’Connor Faith For Life “Nurturing the Call received in Baptism….deepening the connection between Faith and life” This course is a diocesan initiative run by the Evangelisation office which aims to help you discover more vibrant and empowering ways to live out your faith. It is run over 4 weekends (October-February) using 4 distinct themes. It requires some group work between each of the weekends and a commitment to get involved in parish activities and initiatives. More information at www.evangelisation.ie Date for your Diary Oblate Pilgrimage to Knock Saturday July 11th For more information, please contact Bluebell parish during office hours 01-4501040 Acknowledgement The families of the late Ignatius Harling, and the late Sean Valentine would like to thank neighbours and friends who sympathized with them in their recent sad bereavements Masses offered for intentions. OBLATE SUMMER SCHOOL Walk the Talk with Edwina Gateley Saturday July 18th Árus Mhuire Hall 10am-4pm Edwina Gateley (a teacher and HIV counsellor) has spent her time on the streets of Chicago, walking with homeless men and women. She also founded the Volunteer Missionary Movement (VMV) - a lay movement responding to the desire of people to be more deeply involved in the mission life of the Church. During the morning session, she will share her journey to faith from Africa to the bars and brothels of the inner city. The second part of the day will involve sharing and exploring our call to a renewed and dynamic spirituality in order to bring about new life in our broken world. Tickets (free) from www.eventbrite.ie or from the parish office Suggested donation on the day €20 (tea/coffee supplied—please bring packed lunch) Mass of Anointing for the Sick Saturday June 27th 11am If you are housebound and cannot make it to the Mass and would like to be anointed, please contact the parish office. Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage 17th-22nd September The package includes return flight, transfers, full board, accommodation and a daily programme of events. (cost from €675) We also welcome assisted pilgrims who may have additional medical or mobility needs. For further information, please contact the Mission Office at 01-454 1816 or email: mamioblate@eircom.net Pilgrims on a journey The next Diocesan event for the Celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life takes the form of a Pilgrimage of Religious run Churches in the city centre. Each day from the 12th to 20th June, the Religious Orders from various churches in Dublin’s city centre open their doors to warmly welcome you to pray, celebrate and discover the beauty of religious life in the heart of the city and to share and give witness to their mission,
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