Pentecost May 24, 2015 The Catholic Community of: St. Francis de Sales Church 2929McCracken St. Muskegon, MI 49441 Office: 231-755-1953 Fax: 231-759-7074 St. Michael the Archangel 1716 Sixth St. Muskegon, MI 49441 Office: 231-722-3071 Fax:231-722-3243 A Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit by St. Bonaventure Lord Jesus, as God’s Spirit came down and rested upon you, may the same Spirit rest upon us, bestowing his sevenfold gifts. First, grant us the gift of understanding, by which your precepts may enlighten our minds. Second, grant us counsel, by which we may follow in your footsteps on the path of righteousness. Third, grant us courage, by which we may ward off the Enemy’s attacks. Fourth, grant us knowledge, by which we can distinguish good from evil. Fifth, grant us piety, by which we may acquire compassionate hearts. Sixth, grant us fear, by which we may draw back from evil and submit to what is good. Seventh, grant us wisdom, that we may taste fully the life-giving sweetness of your love. Amen. PARISH CONTACTS Pastor: Fr. Phil Salmonowicz Office: 755-1953 ext. 222 Rectory: 747-9949 Email: Assisting Priest: Fr. Julian Reginato ext. 228 Pastoral Associate: Sister Agnes Mary 726-2419 Office Hours & Administration: St. Francis Parish:755-1953 ext.200 Fax:759-7074 Office Hours: M—F 8:30 am-4:30 pm Parish Secretaries:Kim Brush & Marti Oosdyke ext. 227 Suzanne Miller, Compassion & Care Minister ext.233 Mark Robillard, Maintenance Director ext. 229 Jerry Mazurek, Maintenance Assistant Business Manager: Karl Ibershoff ext. 234 Faith Formation: Director of Religious Education: Shannon Siuda 755-1307 ext. 225 Adult Faith Formation: Mary Wernet 755-1953 ext. 223 Youth Ministry: Mandy Fort 755-1953 ext. 226 Music Ministry: Dan Hurst 755-1953 ext. 232 St. Michael Parish: 722-3071 Fax: 722-3243 Office Hours: M—W 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Thursday & Friday 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Parish Secretary: Michele Sanocki Music Ministry: Dan Hurst 755-1953 ext.232 Maintenance: Mark Tascone Art & Environment: Timothy Duba & Phyllis Kuharevicz Monday, May 25—Memorial Day 7:00—8:00 p.m. Holy Hour St. Michael Divine Mercy Chapel 11:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Cemetery Sir17:20-22 Mk 10:127 Tuesday, May 26—St. Philip Neri 8:30 a.m. St. Michael Mass—Florence Patton by Koryzno family Sir 35:1-12 Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday, May 27—St. Augustine 7:00 a.m.—5:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration St. Francis Marian Chapel 6:00 p.m. St. Francis Mass—Max Fitzsimmons by Marguerite and Katie Engelhard by Lornella Faucher Sr 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17 Mk 10:32:45 Thursday, May 28 8:30 a.m. St. Francis Mass—Ella Lathrop by Marguerite Fitzsimmons Sir 42:15-25 Mk 10:46-52 Friday, May 29 12:10 p.m. St. Michael Mass—Rosemary Hulka by Sue Confessions to follow Sir 44:1, 9-13 Mk 11:11-26 Saturday, May 30 9:30—10:30 a.m. Reconciliation at St. Francis 5:00 p.m. St. Francis Mass—Dick Engle by LaBelle Family and Erin Bush by Family Sir 51:12cd-20 Mk 11:27-33 Sunday, May 31—The Most Holy Trinity 9:00 a.m. St. Michael Mass—Tadeusz Wodzisz by Agnes Adamczek & family and for the people of the parish 11:00 a.m. St. Francis Mass—MaryAnn Josefowicz by Andree family, Dave Martin by Bob & Donna Hundersmarck and the people of the parish Dt. 4:32-34,39-40 Rom 8:14-17 Mt 28:16-20 PLEASE ALWAYS REFER TO YOUR SCHEDULE FOR ACCURACY & SPECIAL MASSES. May 30/31 St. Francis 5:00 PM St. Michael 9:00 AM St. Francis 11:00 AM Altar Servers Conner & Ethan O’Neill John Sanocki Casey Cashbaugh Jack & Grace DeLong Maryam Esho Eucharistic Richard S. John & Mary A. Ministers Judy A. Mary Jane B. Bob & Molly D. Cheri K. Gayle L. Kristi N. Melanie S. L. Hovis (L) S. Deuling & J. Gappa C. Hesling & J. Palo (Back) Phil B. Dave & Peg A. Mary & Jim B. Barbara N.-B. Al L. Richard R. Eric S. Sam & Charlene B. Greeters Marilyn Dion Jan & Henry Salisz Mark & Joni Konkle Rita Gibbs-Corradin Dorothy & Bill Sklenar Karen Szpeinski Lectors Camille Gabris Pat O’Toole Brandon Isom Sarah Emmerson Chris Amante Ushers Team # 8 and # 9 Team # *volunteers needed* *volunteers needed* St. Francis Calendar of Events Monday, May 25 ~ Memorial Day OFFICE CLOSED Tuesday, May 19 9:00 a.m. Women’s Guild Craft Group/McCabe Center 10:00 a.m. Symbolon Part 2/McCabe Ctr 6:15 p.m. Chant rehearsal St. Michael Calendar of Events Monday, May 25 Office closed “There are different types of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit.” 7-8 p.m. Holy Hour/Divine Mercy Chapel Most of us, at one time or another (or, hopefully, more frequently), have prayed that the Holy Spirit would enlighten our minds and guide our actions and/or decisions. This may have been in preparation for a test at school; a talk with our children or family; help at work or in seeking work; important life decisions. Although seeking the guidance of the Spirit in various situations is indeed wise, listening to the music of the Spirit within us on a regular basis is necessary for us on a daily basis as we live out our Christian lives. For myself, I went through a long period of discerning the movement of the Spirit within me as I traveled my vocational journey to ordination and into priesthood. I find that now ordained, I seek the guidance of the Spirit on a daily basis even more as I live the life of priest and pastor. From the Spirit I seek strength, insight, grace, patience, creativity, understanding, compassion, wisdom, humor, and assistance with a myriad of other things that come into my daily life. I have found that I cannot live well without dancing with the Spirit, and frequently meet with failure or limited success when I don't follow the Spirit's lead. At this time of year we celebrate many great life events such as graduations from high school and college, and weddings. These are extremely important times when enlightenment and strength from the Spirit can lead to greater joy, happiness, success and, ultimately, salvation. Please pray for those graduating and those entering into the sacrament of marriage that they will be open to the Spirit. Invite them to the realization of the Spirit active within them. As we celebrate this great feast of Pentecost, let each of us pray, “Come, Holy Spirit, come!” With love, your brother in Christ, Fr. Phil Wednesday, May 27 2:30 p.m. Holy Hour Every Sunday 8:30 a.m. Every Sunday is the Rosary Monday—Sunday Wednesday, May 27 6:30 p.m. Baptism Make Up Class McCabe Center 7:00 p.m. Choir rehearsal Thursday, May 28 7:00 p.m. Symbolon/McCabe Center Every day Adoration at Divine Mercy Chapel MEMORIAL DAY MASS: Start your morning with Mass at St. Mary’s Cemetery on Monday, May 25 at 11 AM. Please bring a lawn chair. In case of rain, Mass will be held at St. Michael’s Church. St. Michael’s Rosary-Altar Society meeting will be on June 7 after the 9 AM Mass in the school classroom. If any woman is interested in joining the society, please come to the meeting or call Joan DePouw 755-4198. JUST A REMINDER ….. All Masses will be held at St. Michael the Archangel (1716 Sixth Street) on May 23/24 & May 30/31 due to St. Francis Church wall cleaning. Saturday at 5:00 PM Sunday at 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM JOURNEY OF FAITH UPDATES Campaign Goal: $2,250,000 Current Support:(pledged): $2,133,053 Number of pledges/donors: 566 Number of registered households: 1270 Preservation fund challenge: $500,000 For your convenience in making your pledge commitment, Journey of Faith envelopes can be found in your contribution packet as well in the pews. Please include your name when using pew envelopes for proper recording. St. Francis Weekly Offering May 17, 2015 Sunday collection: $9,966.66 Wednesday, May 27 at 2:30 PM St. Michael is having Holy Hour. We will be praying for peace and an end to abortion. Everyone is welcome St. Michael’s Annual Flower Planting Project & Volunteers Needed St. Michaels is in need of volunteers who would like to plant flowers around our building grounds. If you would like, you may bring your favorite flowers to planted and also bring any tools you may need for our annual gardening project. Our planting date will be Saturday, May 30 at 9:00. Please send a card and pray for: Irene Mastee 2880 Westland, Muskegon, MI 49441 She is unable to join us here at Church and we want her to know we care. St. Michael’s Prayer Line: Audrey Adamczak 759-8164. If Audrey is not available, please try Marlene Evens 759-0022. St. Michael Weekly Offering May 17, 2015 Sunday collection: $3,343.00 Nepal collection: $1,534.00 2015 CSA Update as of 5-18-15 Thank you again to the parishioners of St. Michael’s who have contributed to CSA. Our goal is 100% participation, which means a completed pledge card from every household. If you have not responded, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you so far for your stewardship. Below are details: CSA Goal: $30,110 Pledge to date: Need to make goal: $ 6,620 $ 23,490 Arend Aldrich, Sgt Army, Colorado Devan Allen, Airforce, Louisiana Justin Brenner, Staff Sgt. Hawaii McKenzie Calhoun, Spec, Army, Afghanistan Zachary Crevier, Staff Sgt, Army, Ft. Bliss, Texas Daniel Deitrick, Lt. USN, Navy, Bahrain Stacy Dillon, S Sgt., Air Force, Korea Scott Dillon, SRA, Air Force,Oklahoma SSG, Jacob Frame, SF Green Beret Michael Fusik, S Sgt, Air Force,Korea Dakota Hess, US Navy, San Clemente, CA Cory Hitsman, Spec., Army National Guard, Stateside Patrick Jones, Captain US Marines, Camp Pendleton, CA Amanda McKay, Sgt, Army, AZ Enrique Pena, Lcpl US Marine Corps Camp Pendleton, CA Daniel Pendell, Sgt. US Army, Fort Bliss, TX Michael Pendell, Sgt. US Army, Fort Riley, KS Daniel Stoneburner, E7, Army, Colorado Springs, CO Stanley Walukonis, CPL Marine Corp, California GOD BLESS AMERICA! We Salute our Fallen Heroes ….. O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on your departed veterans who gave their lives in service of their country. Grant through the passion, death and resurrection of Your Son they may share in the joy of Your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in You with Your saints forever. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Source: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Religious Formation News Youth Group News Contact Shannon Siuda Contact: Mandy Fort FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CERTIFIATES are available to pick up in the parish office. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PLANNING MEETING will be held on Wednesday, June 4 at 6:30 PM in the St. Patrick Room in the McCabe Center. This meeting is for all volunteers and those who may be interested in volunteering for this year’s VBS theme SonTreasure Island. This is a great opportunity for teens to acquire their service hours. See you there! RCIA PICNIC – JUNE 25th, 2015 at “Margaret Drake Park” by the channel, all the RCIA persons from St. Francis de Sales Parish & St. Michael’s are welcomed to come to the park about 5:30pm for a picnic. Bring your whole family and a dish to pass. I will get chicken from Lee’s Chicken. If you have someone you know who is interested in becoming Catholic, bring them along too! Please RSVP if you are coming so I can get enough chicken. Any questions, contact Mary Wernet 755-1953 ext. 223 or email Thank you for allowing our Senior Students to volunteer in your parish the Monday, May 18 and Tuesday, May 19. I appreciate everything each of you do to help Muskegon Catholic form our young people. Teen age years are a critical time in life, and teenagers are not always the easiest to serve. Each of you in many way this year have served the young people of Muskegon Catholic and I want you to know that it is greatly appreciated. Mike Tober, Director of Campus Ministry We especially thank the students who helped this past week: St. Francis: Rachel Dembinski, Allie LaLone, Quentavia Robertson, Vanessa Vu, Jacob Cloutier, Sin-Won Kim and Erik VanFossen St. Michael: Ashley Barnard, Victoria Gasior, Mackenzie Wozniak, Brandon Isom, Tommy Scott and Dontrea Wyrick. Please join us for a Breakfast in honor of your High School Graduation on Sunday, May 31 at 9:45 a.m. at St. Francis Shepherds Hall. Parents/ Guardians and Graduates are invited to attend the breakfast. After breakfast, we will participate in the 11:00 AM Mass in which you are invited to process in your cap and gown. Congratulations on your achievement! Please RSVP to 755-1953. Steubenville Youth Conference will be held June 26-28th in Steubenville, Ohio at Franciscan University. conference is open to incoming 9th through outgoing 12th graders for the 2014-2015 school year. cost is $180 (financial assistance available if needed). deposit of $50 and registration form is needed by April 1st to hold your spot. contact Mandy for more information, 755-1953 x 226 or check out the website youth for more information. To inform the Diocese of Grand Rapids of the sexual abuse of a minor by a priest, deacon, or other Church personnel and/or to speak with the Victim Assistance Coordinator, please call (616) 243-0491. The diocese is committed to protect children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes, and ministries. MOMs GROUP NEWS Potluck! Please join us on Monday, June 8 for an end of the year gathering of friends, food and fellowship. We meet in the McCabe Center from 9:00-10:30 a.m. This would be a great opportunity to meet other moms in the parish and see what this new group is about. All moms are welcome! During the summer Moms will meet at area parks for play dates and picnics. Please contact Becky Bingham at or find the group on Facebook under St. Francis Norton Shores Moms Group. Sacramental Information ANNUAL PARISH MASS AND PICNIC NEWS Sacrament of the Sick: Phone the parish office when ill or entering the hospital as we can’t know unless we are informed. New for the 2015 Picnic CLASSIC CAR DISPLAY: Do you have a classic car you would like to display for all to enjoy during the picnic as all stroll the picnic area? We would love to see all those with classic cars at home come out and show them off! Sacrament of Baptism: Parents whose children are to be baptized should call the parish office. Sacrament of Matrimony: Arrangements for marriage must be made at least 6 months before the wedding. New Parishioners: If you wish to join our parish, please call the parish office. We are always happy to welcome new parishioners to our parish family. Our parish is made up of many beautiful and interesting people, trying their best to build the kingdom of God on earth by responding to Jesus’ call and following His way. We have a rich heritage of sharing God’s good gifts at our parish and beyond. St. Francis Operation Rice Bowl News: Due to your generosity, 47 Rice Bowls were returned to the parish office in the amount of $2, 053.00. The parish is able to keep 25% to use for local organization such as Love, INC, Mission for Area People, Rescue Missions and our on Good Samaritan fund. THANK YOU for helping make a difference in our Church, our Diocese and around the world. Catholic Estate Planning Seminar You are invited to a no-cost Catholic Estate Planning Seminar on June 11 from 10-11:30 AM at St. Patrick/St. Anthony (920 Fulton St Grand Haven). Jess Beswick, will present “Estate Planning Fundamentals: Ten Things A Catholic Christian Should Know” and provide expert advice on end of life issues. Please RSVP by Tuesday, June 9 at (616) 4594508 or There’s no better time than now to get started on your estate planning! MUSKEGON CATHOLIC CENTRAL MCC is still collecting BOX TOPS & CAMPBALL SOUP labels. However, the Box Tops have expirations dates and to enable MCC to collect money on time it is required for everyone to turn the box tops in before the end of May. You can help out with sending in BOX TOPS and CAMPBALL SOUP labels directly to the school or place them in a zip lock bag and drop into the Sunday collection. Thank you ! ST. FRANCIS/ST. MICHAEL HAS TALENT! We know that St. Francis and St. Michael is blessed with an abundance of musical and vocal talents. We would like to have those interested share their talents during the picnic. If you are interested in sharing a song or two, we would love to hear all you have to offer. A PA system will be available, additional amplication and instruments would need to be brought. Call the church office 755-1953 or Bob & Margie Stapleton 759-6248 or Dennis & Diane Warren 780-5187 for more information. Dear Rev. Salmonowicz, “Charity may be a very short word, but with its tremendous meaning of pure love, it sums up man’s entire relation to God and to his neighbor.” ~St. Aelred of Rievaulz Your difference made a difference! Your contribution of $174 designated to Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry helps us to continue to serve those most vulnerable I our communities. Again, thank you for your generosity and your confidence in our work. Sincerely, Terrence L Walsh, President /CEO Catholic Schools: Over 5,658 students at 29 Catholic Schools across our 11 county diocese are formed in our faith, educated for college and life, and provide with a safe, nurturing environment in which to grow. Our Office of Catholic Schools establishes the standards, training, and curriculum necessary for these schools to truly be Catholic in every sense of the word. Scholarships support through the Catholic Foundation of West Michigan is also administered through this office. Your CSA supports funds this important office that helps insure that quality and excellence of our Catholic Schools here in West Michigan. Your CSA serves many needs ~ No gift is too large or too small! Hospitalized: Russell Stephenson We continue to pray for: Marcia Ahearn, Mary Ayala, Elena Alvarez, Leah Bell, Claudia Burkhart, Virginia Cooper, Frances Debniak, Beverly Dobb, Dick Dolack, Betty Emlaw, Jeanne Gerst, Ed Hodges, Dorothy Huddleston, Madeline Joseph, Virginia Kuharevicz, Louise Lenar, Deacon Bill McCabe, Phyllis Oza, Evelyn Raynor, Agnes Rose, Francis Ruud, Gaile Sanders, Loretta Schultz, Jean Senecal, Helen Sohasky, Eleanor Soltis, Virginia Strach, Betty Tisch-Crancer, Veronica Tretheway, Jack Tribe, Mary Usmial, Mike Winkler, Joe Zagaroli, Brent Zatzke Residents in Assisted Living: Day Spring: Adeline Brozek, Bill DeTorres, Helen Gahan, Joe Gouin, Kathy Hale, Gale Hallead, Bill Hicks, JoAnn Hommes, Dick Jensen, , Kent Moberg, Bob Pawlak, Evelyn Raynor, Roman Winkler McAuley Place: John Mylenek, Genevieve Rajewski Seminole Shores: Frances Beck, Margaret Boyer, George Bull, Betty Cawein, Mary Lou Curik, Betty Donovan, Hazel Duff, Sally Flejszar, Willie Mae Glenn, Betty Healey, Gladys Kalchik, Bethlee Kordecki, Rose Mahoney, Ed Nave, Frank Parsons, Donna Mae Pelfresne, Shirley Pickle, Shirley Potter, Mary Jean Rostar, Tony & Kathy Sass, Claire Shunta, Robert Smith, Gordon VanderTill Roosevelt Park: Ruth Archer, Veda Boyce, Paulette Davidson, Jerald Fetterhoff, Hope Gonzales, Bea Labelle, Louise Lenar, Keith Martin, Michael Porter, Rosalie Vennie, Marvel Vig Sanctuary at the Park:, Theresa Doerr, Ed Panyrek, Josephine Powers, Harry Ryznar, Loretta Schultz The Cove Lake Woods: Charlotte Anderson, Linda Cutler, Phil Tardani, Dolores Vandak St. Francis Family Corner Welcome New Families Norma Casper & Debra Oakes Fr. Mike Olson & mom, Lucille Olson Received the Sacrament of Baptism May 17, 2015 Conner Lee Stenberg parents: Joshua & Danielle Stenberg Grant them eternal rest, O Lord Dick Bowne Robert Kurant Linda Lucken
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