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A passion for care.
The power to help.
Your Workers’ Compensation Specialists
The Collaborative Expertise That Counts
Kevin Glennon, RN, BSN,
Vice President of Clinical Education
and Quality Assurance Programs
One Call Home Health + Complex Care
“Today, work comp claims are becoming increasingly complex
with catastrophic injuries, obesity, older workers, and other
conditions that cause complications. My unit helps clients
coordinate care and manage the many moving parts of complex
care cases. I have a background in case management, so I have
first-hand experience that assists our customers in achieving
best-possible outcomes while containing costs.
I developed and manage our Home Health Quality Assurance program,
which ensures our home care providers continually meet our
standards of excellence. I also spend a lot of time educating claims
examiners and nurse case managers. I also deliver CEUs to help them
better understand and respond to complex cases and provide them
with practical tips and takeaways they can apply in their work.”
Eric Patten, RN, BSN
Director of Clinical Sales
One Call Home Health + Complex Care
“One Call has invested in an unparalleled level of clinical expertise
to serve our customer’s catastrophic and complex file needs. I once
served as a catastrophic nurse case manager working on high-profile
injuries, and this experience now allows me to provide effective peerto-peer support to adjusters and nurse case managers.
I’m available for on-site evaluations of high-exposure files to identify
potential opportunities to convert into savings. Working with field
case managers, we proactively evaluate and coordinate the needs
of the injured workers prior to their discharge from the hospital to
ensure a seamless transition of care. I also provide CEU training on
many topics, including Clinical Management of Catastrophic Claims,
Air Ambulance, and Diabetes’ adverse affect on claimant recovery.”
Toby Ann Joyce, RN, CCM
Regional Clinical Specialist
One Call Home Health + Complex Care
“I help customers understand the value and benefits of our Complex
Care team. This team consists of RNs and LPNs who can serve as
care coordinators for their most catastrophic, complex, and high
dollar files. Case managers enjoy interacting with our team because
they can speak nurse to nurse with professionals who have a depth
of clinical knowledge on the various types of services, equipment,
and supplies these cases require.
We handle everything—from home health services, IV and wound
care, durable medical equipment and supplies to air transport. We
save customers significant costs, and we save their staff valuable
time. I’m also an adjunct resource available to clarify customer’s
clinical questions and provide their staff with enriching CEU training.”
Jonni Applefield, RN, BSN,
Regional Clinical Specialist
One Call Home Health + Complex Care
“I spend a lot of time in the field with our customers educating them
about our Complex Care team. I help them understand the clinical
value and coordination we can provide on complex files. With my
varied experience as a nurse and field case manager, I understand
how critical it is to get injured workers the care they need promptly
and seamlessly, especially as they’re discharged from the hospital.
I also understand the pain points of busy adjusters and case
managers; our goal is to make their lives easier. With our company,
they can call on our complex care team and behind the scenes, we
coordinate the plethora of services and equipment their complex
cases require—everything from transportation, durable medical
equipment, and home care.”
Hayley Tidwell, RN, BSN, CCM
Regional Clinical Specialist
One Call Home Health + Complex Care
“As a nurse, I previously worked on complex cases, so I understand
the challenges these claims present to adjusters and nurse case
managers; our Complex Care team is here to help. From the
first indication that a claim is complex, our nurses can assist with
coordination. When a claimant is about to be discharged, our team
ensures the right in-home care and equipment is in place.
For the life of the file, we proactively monitor the file and address
issues that may arise. In this way, we optimize care for the injured
worker, save costs for customers, and ease the burden of managing
these files for claims staff. I also deliver CEUs on issues that impact
claims complexity, including the aging workforce.”
Doris Hill, BSN
Regional Clinical Specialist
One Call Home Health + Complex Care
“Complex and catastrophic injuries are multi-faceted, often
requiring home care, equipment, and other resources as injured
workers transition from inpatient to home setting. We get involved
as early as possible to ensure a smooth continuum of care and to
control costs at every step.
I serve as a facilitator in the event that adjusters or nurse case
managers have questions or need further assistance. I help look
ahead to what injured workers may need as they leave a hospital
or rehab facility. My perspective is unique, as I’ve worked for both
provider and payer, and my nursing background ensures a clinical
understanding of patient needs, so we can efficiently move referrals
from the point of injury to claim’s closure. I also assist in facilitating
CEUs at our client sites.”
Jeannette Sanger, RN, BSN, CRRN, LNCC
Clinical Quality Improvement Coordinator
One Call Home Health + Complex Care
“Our complex and home care coordination teams provide services
above and beyond what other companies offer. Prior to One Call, I
worked at an insurance company, so I know what the customer wants
as I was once in the customer’s shoes. Now, as I oversee Quality
Improvement and Wound Monitoring, I audit files to ensure our staff
and nurses proactively work files to ensure timely delivery of appropriate,
cost effective care to facilitate the best possible outcomes.
As a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, I also review files with an eye
toward minimizing liability. For example, I make sure we alert customers
of non-healing wounds like a severe pressure ulcer that can cost
hundreds of thousands of dollars per hospitalization. We understand
customers cannot monitor all the risks, so we serve as an extra set of eyes.”
Nancy Martz-Szabo, RN
Regional Clinical Specialist
One Call Home Health + Complex Care
“I serve as a clinical resource to One Call clients in the Midwest.
With my prior experience in workers’ comp case management,
I understand how challenging it is for nurse case managers.
They often coordinate 25 to 30 cases and spend significant time
in the field visiting injured workers.
One Call strives to complement their case management efforts by
coordinating the ancillary services. Nurse case managers, as well as
claims adjusters, appreciate this assistance, as it helps them ensure a
seamless continuum of care for injured workers, while also helping to
contain costs on these complex claims.”
Equipment + Devices
Zack Craft, ATS, ATP,
Vice President of Rehab Solutions
and Complex Care Education
One Call Equipment + Devices
“When customers have a catastrophic or complex injury case, my
Rehab Solutions team assists in evaluating the medical equipment
needs of the claimant, ensuring appropriate and functional equipment
is recommended that fits the claimant’s capabilities and lifestyle,
while still being cost-effective for the payer. These equipment needs
may include prosthetics, mobility solutions, assistive technology,
home modifications, and other specialty equipment.
Our team is unique to the industry. Each member is a credentialed
Assistive Technology Professional (ATP), thus bringing extensive
knowledge of equipment to bear on the file management and cost
containment of these cases. I also play a significant role in educating
adjusters and nurse case managers on equipment needs for complex
care cases, including CEUs on Prosthetics and Mobility Solutions.”
Jordan Burch, COHC
Audiology Sales Director
One Call Equipment + Devices
“With my extensive background in working with audiologists and
Ear, Nose and Throat doctors, my role helps to ensure quality and
cost-containment for a customer’s hearing loss claims. One Call’s
national audiology program delivers consistency in terms of providers,
products, and pricing. Our credentialing process ensures claimants
are seen by highly qualified audiologists and hearing specialists.
Our team looks at every audiogram to ensure the evaluation was
thorough and complete, and that the right hearing aid is being
fit according to the claimant’s lifestyle and level of hearing loss.
We also spend a lot of time with customers, providing their claims
examiners and nurse case managers with CEU training on the
intricacies of hearing loss claims.”
Jon Nau, COHC
National Director of Audiology and Hearing
One Call Equipment + Devices
“With the aging workforce, adjusters and nurse case managers are
seeing more hearing loss claims and wondering how to best manage
them. My extensive background in the hearing industry helps bridges
this gap. Getting a claimant fit with a hearing aid can be a complex
process. There is no fee schedule on hearing aids and there are
thousands of products and providers to choose from. Payers find the
range of options overwhelming, and cost containment is critical.
Dental + Doctor
We’ve developed a turnkey hearing and audiology solution, which
offers an extensive network of quality audiologists for accurate
testing, and an Ear, Nose and Throat physician network to ensure
the hearing loss is work-related. Our program provides cost
containment, alleviates administrative burdens, and ensures the
right providers and products are utilized.”
Laura Gorman, RN
Vice President of Clinical Sales
One Call Dental + Doctor
“Dental injuries occur with less frequency but present significant
challenges, complications, and costs. Most dentists are accustomed
to treating a patient’s whole mouth, which can lead to overtreatment.
We work on behalf of our customers to identify and utilize only
qualified dentists, who perform a prospective oral evaluation and
submit a dental treatment plan for approval. In this way, we ensure
customers cover only the procedures related to the injury and that
are required to restore functionality to the claimant’s mouth.
For complex dental injuries, which may require multiple specialists,
we provide in-depth clinical expertise and care coordination, so
claimants receive the best care possible. I’ve also designed CEUs
to help educate adjusters and nurse case managers about dental
claims, procedures, and specialists.”
easy ways to refer:
P: 800.848.1989 | F: 855.890.0224
P: 800.848.1989 | F: 866.672.6807
P: 888.539.0577 | F: 888.539.0579
For multi- service referrals
Avoid Last-Minute Delays. Identify injured workers two
weeks prior to hospital discharge or an upcoming surgery
and One Call will line up the appropriate equipment and
services all before the injured worker leaves the facility.
F or a stress- free discharge home:
P: 800.848.1989 ext. 4196
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