MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWNSHIP OF OCEAN BOARD OF EDUCATION April 21, 2015 CALL TO ORDER The Board President, Denise Parlamas, called the Regular Monthly Meeting of the Township of Ocean Board of Education to order at 8:00 p.m. in the cafetorium of the Township of Ocean Intermediate School. STATEMENT OF NOTICE Adequate notice of the meeting to be held by the Township of Ocean Board of Education on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 8:00 p.m. has been provided in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 231, Public Laws, 1975. 1. Notice of the meeting was posted on the bulletin board in the lobby of the Administration Building, 163 Monmouth Road, Oakhurst, New Jersey, all Ocean Township District Schools and Transportation, and the School District Website www.oceanschools.org on January 7, 2015. 2. Notice of the meeting was transmitted to the Asbury Park Press on January 9, 2015 and The New Coaster Newspapers on January 8, 2015. 3. Notice of the meeting was filed with the Municipal Clerk, Township of Ocean and the Municipal Clerk, Village of Loch Arbour on January 7, 2015. ROLL CALL The following members were present: Mr. Robert Acerra, Mr. Robert Angelini, Mr. Clifford Brautigan, Mr. Joseph Hadden, Mrs. Amy McGovern, Mr. Sean Moore, Mr. Michael Palutis, Mrs. Denise Parlamas, and Mrs. Sylvia Sylvia-Cioffi. PRESIDENT’S REPORT – No Report STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES: Ms. Lewis, Ms. Madden & Mr. Nordstrom Spartan Players ‘Adams Family’ play coming up. PARCC testing ending – regular class schedule starts tomorrow. Blood drive at high school coming up. Ultimate frisbee tournament put on by student council. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT – Dr. Stefankiewicz Dr. Stefankiewicz explained the Future Chef Challenge sponsored by Sodexo, held on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at the Intermediate School, and announced that the following students were finalists. This year’s challenge was to prepare a Healthy Snack. Students in grades 3 through 5 participated. The elementary principals introduced each contestant and explained their entry in the competition. Student Grade Healthy Snack Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting – April 21, 2015 Continued: Carli Colfer -WINNER Sarah Barkey Brianna Marshall Zachary Reisler Madison Loushine Myles Fort Samantha Brannen Jacqueline Martinez Roshan Sell Jacob Bazer 5th/ TOIS 3rd/OTES 3rd/OTES 3rd/OTES 3rd/Wanamassa 4th/Wanamassa 4th/Wanamassa 4th/Wayside 4th/Wayside 5th/TOIS Fresh and Fruity Dip and Pita Chips Tomato Soup Shooters Mini Dill Bowl Pita Pile On Cake Batter Energy Balls Apple Race Cars Slammin Sam’s Roll-Up Extravanganza Corney Bean Slad The Party Parfait Mr. Strawberry …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. The following Eighth Grade Students in Mrs. DeVito’s class were selected as winners for their excellence in writing for the March Student Voice Section of the Asbury Park Press. Their topic “Your Favorite Movie” Daniel Du –First Place Winner/ Favorite Movie: “God’s Not Dead” William Dempsey – Third Place Winner/ Favorite Movie: “Home Alone” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. The following Sixth Grade Students from Peter Ryan’s social Studies Class were selected as winners of Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini’s, “Honor Our Veterans Essay Contest.” Five students were chosen from participating school sin Monmouth and Middlesex counties. The students will be recognized at a day of military themed activities at Joint Military Base: McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst. Dale Alto and Hannah Mains ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. PUBLIC COMMENTS-AGENDA: Mr. Hudson, resident, asked about the special education student placement settlement and total cost of similar out-of-district tuitions placements. The School Business Administrator discussed the total cost of special education tuition and transportation for out-of-district private special education schools. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Hadden made a motion, seconded by Mrs. McGovern, for approval of the minutes of the Regular meeting March 17, 2015 and Work Session meetings of March 17, 24 and April 14, 2015. Motion(s) carried: 8-0 APPROVAL OF BILLS: Mr. Moore Mr. Moore made a motion, seconded by Mr. Acerra, for approval of the following paid items: Bills List Payroll Employer FICA & DCRP Payroll Employer FICA & DCRP April 17, 2015 March 30, 2015 March 30, 2015 April 15, 2015 April 15, 2015 Total 2 $2,112,230.34 2,009,575.63 37,721.38 2,132,634.48 48,058.75 $6,340,220.58 Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting – April 21, 2015 Continued: Motion(s) carried: 9-0 COMMITTEE REPORTS: CO-CURRICULAR STUDENT ACTIVITIES: No Report COMMUNITY LIAISON & COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Angelini Mr. Angelini made a motion, seconded by Mr. Brautigan, for approval of the following item(s): 1. Policies & Regulations Move to approve the second and final reading of revisions to and/or new policies and regulations. Policy 0134 – (new) Board Self Evaluation Policy 0152 – Board Officers Policy 3160 – Physical Examination (Teaching Staff) (M) Regulation 3160 – Physical Examination (Teaching Staff) (M) Policy 3212 – Attendance (Teaching Staff) Policy 3218 – Substance Abuse (Teaching Staff) (M) Regulation 3218 – Substance Abuse (Teaching Staff) (M) Policy 4160 – Physical Examination (Support Staff) (M) Regulation - 4160 Physical Examination (Support Staff) (M) Policy 4212 – (new) Attendance (Support Staff) Policy 4218 – Substance Abuse (Support Staff) (M) Regulation 4218 – Substance Abuse (Support Staff) (M) Policy 5460 – High School Graduation (M) Policy 5465– Early Graduation Policy 8630 – Bus Driver/Bus Aide Responsibility (M) Regulation 8630 – Bus Driver/Bus Aide Responsibility (M) 2. Board Representative/Sustainable New Jersey Move to approve the selection of Board representative, Amy McGovern, to the “Team Green” for the Sustainable NJ for Schools Program. 3. HIB Report The Board of Education affirms the following Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Incident Summary Report for the 2014-2015 school year. The report was previously provided to the Board by the Superintendent of Schools. The Board has reviewed the report and affirms the Superintendent’s decision: HIB Report # 7 – Presented April 21, 2015 Motion(s) carried: 9-0 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT & RESOURCE SERVICES: Mr. Moore Mr. Moore made a motion, seconded by Mr. Acerra, for approval of the following item(s): 1. Acceptance and Certification of Monthly Financial Reports 3 Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting – April 21, 2015 Continued: The following resolution certifies that budget balances at the end of March were adequate to pay all remaining obligations of the 2014-2015 school year and that account groupings required by the State have adequate balances. The Board is also certifying that the independent reports of the Treasurer and the Business Office are in agreement. RESOLUTION Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.12 (d), the Township of Ocean Board of Education accepts the Board Secretary/School Business Administrator's Certification as of March 31, 2015 that no budgetary appropriations account has obligations and payments which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the Township of Ocean Board of Education; and Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.12 (e), we the members of the Township of Ocean Board of Education, of the County of Monmouth, after having reviewed the final REPORT OF THE SECRETARY and upon consultation with the appropriate officials, certify that as of March 31, 2015 it is to the best of our knowledge that no major account or fund has been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year; and The Township of Ocean Board of Education hereby accepts the final Board Secretary's Report and Treasurer of School Monies Report, which said reports are in agreement for the month ending March 31, 2015. 2. Transfers The following motion is to transfer monies from one account in the budget to another and provide the adequate balances referred to in the first motion. Move for approval of the attached RESOLUTION dated, March 31, 2015 covering APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS in the 2014-2015 GENERAL FUND 10; said transfers shall result in no change in the total original Appropriations. 3. Security Drill Reports for March 2015: Fire Drill Ocean Township High School ........................................................................... March 30, 2015 Twp. of Ocean Intermediate School................................................................... March 11, 2015 Ocean Township Elementary School ................................................................. March 30, 2015 Wanamassa Elementary School ......................................................................... March 24, 2015 Wayside Elementary School .............................................................................. March 25, 2015 Lockdown Drill/Active Shooter Ocean Township Elementary School ................................................................. March 13, 2015 Ocean Township High School ........................................................................... March 24, 2015 Wayside Elementary School .............................................................................. March 30, 2015 Twp. of Ocean Intermediate School .................................................................. March 27, 2015 Shelter in Place Cardiac Drill Wanamassa Elementary School. ....................................................................... .March 30, 2015 4. Use of Facilities Move to approve the use of facilities according to the attached list dated April 21, 2015. 4 Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting – April 21, 2015 Continued: 5. Wayside Elementary Freeze-Up Move to approve the submission of the Wayside Elementary School freeze-up insurance claim (#15PR03027E ) as per the attached breakdown of emergency contractor expenses and administrative compensation. Motion(s) carried 9-0 The Board of Education thanked the Principal and Direct of Facilities for their work on the Wayside Elementary freeze-up claim. INSTRUCTION & EDUCATION: Mr. Brautigan Mr. Brautigan made a motion, seconded by Mrs. McGovern for approval of the following item(s): 1. OTHS Program of Studies/Curriculum Guide for the 2015-2016 School Year Move to approve the Ocean Township High School’s Program of Studies/Curriculum Guide for the 2015-2016 school year. (The guide may be found on our District website; www.oceanschools.org. On main page of website, under resources, select high school; once on the high school’s main page the link for the curriculum guide is located in bottom right corner.) 2. Class Trip Move to approve the following class trip: Group: Number of Students: Date: Destination: Purpose: Transportation: Teacher Chaperones: Parent Chaperones: Cost per pupil: Italian Classes/High School 51 Thursday, April 30, 2015 Departure time: 2:30 pm Return time: 10:00 pm EATALY, NYC (Italian food hall offering imported groceries and multiple eateries.) Working Lesson/Culture, Food and Language 1 Bus (Durham) 3 (Dr. Valeria Anderson, Dr. Angela Barone, and Dr. Regina Basilone) 0 $30.00 (paid for by student) 3. Implementation for the 2015-2016 School Year of an Honors Science Section for Grade 8 Move to approve the implementation of an Honors Science Section in Grade 8, beginning September 2015. Rationale for implementation of the new section, dated March 31, 2015, is attached. 4. Student Observer Move to approve a Student Observer for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the attached memorandum dated April 2, 2015. 5. Settlement Agreement & Release Move to approve the attached Settlement Agreement and Release; student number 14-15-02. 5 Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting – April 21, 2015 Continued: 6. Cancellation to Out of District Private Tuition for the 2014-2015 School Year Move to approve a cancellation to out of district private tuition for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the attached memorandum dated April 14, 2015. 7. Professional Development Activities – Staff Move to approve the attached memorandum dated April 17, 2015 re: Staff Professional Development Activities in accordance with District Policy 6471and NJAC 6A:23B. The attendance at said activities is fiscally prudent and will promote the delivery of instruction and/or will further the efficient operation of the district. Reimbursement for travel and related expenses shall be according to the Department of the Treasury guidelines in NJOMB circular 06-02 and A-87. 8. Suspension Report Move to approve the District’s Suspension Report for March 2015. Motion(s) carried: 9-0 NEGOTIATIONS: No Report PERSONNEL: Mrs. McGovern Mrs. McGovern made a motion, seconded by Mr. Brautigan, for approval of the following item(s): 1. Maternity Leave – Second Year Move to approve a second year maternity leave of absence, for the 2015-2016 school year, for the following staff members: Donna Drury, Sixth Grade Teacher, Township of Ocean Intermediate School Alicia Tennaro, Mathematics Teacher, Township of Ocean Intermediate School 2. Class-Size Reduction Teachers – Contracts Not Offered for the 2015-2016 School Year Move to approve not to offer contracts to the following Class Size Reduction Teachers for the 2015-2016 school year: Nicole Farina, Wayside Elementary School Alison L. Ross, Wayside Elementary School Cristy Molnar, Wanamassa Elementary School Maureen Mahaffey, Ocean Township Elementary School 3. Resignation Move to approve the resignation of Dianne Taylor, Special Education Teacher/Part-time, Ocean Township High School effective June 30, 2015. 4. Teacher Recommendation List Move to approve the teacher recommendation list, for the 2015-2016 school year, in accordance with the attached memorandum dated April 2, 2015. 5. Non-Tenured Custodian/Maintenance/Grounds 6 Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting – April 21, 2015 Continued: Move to approve the renewal of non-tenured Custodians, Maintenance, and Grounds Personnel for the fixed term of July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016, in accordance with the attached list dated April 2, 2015 6. Approval of Salaries for the 2015-2016 School Year Move to approve salaries for the 2015-2016 school year for the following groups, in accordance with the attached lists dated April 2, 2015. Salaries will be revised upon successful completion of an accepted negotiated agreement. Administrators Bus Drivers Custodians, Grounds & Maintenance Instructional Assistants/Bus Aides Secretaries Teachers 7. Affirmative Action Officer Move to approve Mrs. Christine Fogler as the District’s Affirmative Action Officer for the 2015-2016 school year. Mrs. Fogler’s salary will be $10,000.00. 8. Physician Salaries for the 2015-2016 School Year Move to approve school physician salaries for the 2015-2016 school year. Bernard Adler, MD Robert D. Murphy, MD $ 9,000.00 $18,000.00 9. Clerical Substitutes Move to approve Jessica Giorgio and Marianne Tantrum as Clerical Substitutes for the 2014-2015 school year. 10. Instructional Assistant Substitutes Move to approve Dana Dentino, Jessica Giorgio, and Marianne Tantrum as Instructional Assistant Substitutes for the 2014-2015 school year. 11. Custodial Substitute Move to approve Nicholas Terranova as a Custodial Substitute for the 2014-2015 school year. 12. Substitute Bus Driver Move to approve Robin Sanderson as a Substitute Bus Driver for the 2014-2015 school year. 13. Substitute Teachers for the 2014-2015 School Year Move to approve Substitute Teachers for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the attached list dated April 17, 2015. 14. Office Assistant/Federal Work Study (FWS) Program Move to approve Maham Ayub, a student at Monmouth University, to work in the offices at the Administration Building during the period of April 22, 2015 through December 2015. 7 Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting – April 21, 2015 Continued: This work opportunity is part of an agreement with Monmouth University’s Federal WorkStudy (FWS) program where students have the opportunity to perform clerical work or act as tutors in grades K-8. Reimbursement for the office assistant position shall be made to Monmouth University via a purchase order at 30% of the $9.00 hourly or $2.70 per hour for this position. 15. Use of Days from the Sick/Personal Leave Bank Plan Move to approve the request of District employee #4418 to use 18 days from the Sick/Personal Leave Bank Plan. 16. Contracts Not Offered for 2015-2016 Move to approve not to offer contracts to the following employees for the 2015-2016 school year: Mark Rawding, Instructional Assistant, High School Brian Rogan, Head Custodian, Township of Ocean Intermediate School 17. Revised Contract Move to approve that a revised contract be issued to the following employee who will be temporarily* transferred effective May 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015: MaryAnn Kronitz From: Custodian I/Swing Shift/High School and $44,945.00 Wanamassa School prorated To: Head Custodian/ Day Shift/Wanamassa School (Mrs. Kronitz is replacing Antonia Johnson who is out on leave. Mrs. Kronitz’s salary for the 2014-2015 school year is $41,745.00. In addition she will receive an annual stipend of $3,200 which will be prorated for the period of May 1, 2015-June 30, 2015*. The stipend amount of $3,200 is reflected in the salary noted above.) 18. Deny – Request for an Unpaid Leave of Absence Move to deny the request of Karra Manna, Special Education Teacher, Wayside Elementary School to take an unpaid leave of absence, without the continuation of benefits, for the 2015-2016 school year, (September 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016). (Mrs. Manna was out on an unpaid leave of absence this past school year, September 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. She was responsible for paying for her health care costs in full during this period.) 19. Unpaid Family Leave of Absence Move to approve an unpaid family leave of absence for Lee-Ann Gutierrez, Instructional Assistant, High School beginning at the conclusion of her eligible sick leave (approximately June 18, 2015 ) and continuing through to November 13, 2015. Mrs. Gutierrez is expected to return to work on November 16, 2015. While out on an unpaid family leave of absence Mrs. Gutierrez will be responsible for paying the appropriate contribution towards her health insurance coverage. 20. Maternity Leave of Absence Move to approve the request of Laura Terlecsky, English Teacher, High School to take a maternity leave of absence for the 2015-2016 school year. Mrs. Terlecsky’s maternity leave will begin on September 1, 2015 and continue through to June 30, 2016. She is expected to return to the classroom on September 1, 2016. 8 Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting – April 21, 2015 Continued: 21. Unpaid Leave of Absence Move to approve an unpaid leave of absence for Jacqui LeVine-Salum, Special Education Teacher, Intermediate School for the period of April 16, 2015 through May 1, 2015. Mrs. Levine-Salum is expected to return to the classroom on May 4, 2015. While out on an unpaid leave of absence Mrs. Levine-Salum will be responsible for paying the appropriate contribution towards her health insurance coverage. 22. Unpaid Leave of Absence Move to approve an unpaid leave of absence for Heather Fonti, Instructional Assistant (parttime), Wayside School for the period of April 16, 2015 through June 23, 2015. Mrs. Fonti will return to work on September 1, 2015. 23. Revised Stipends Newspaper Advisors/TOIS Move to approve revised stipends for Lisa Butler and Mardi Durand, Co-Newspaper Advisors, TOIS in accordance with the attached memorandum dated April 15, 2015. 24. Volunteer Coach Move to approve Marc Tomo as a Volunteer Baseball Coach/High School for the 2014-2015 school year. 25. Resignation Move to approve the resignation of Roger Brooks, Instructional Assistant, Township of Ocean Intermediate School effective June 30, 2015. Motion(s) for item(s) # 1-17 and #19-25 carried: 9-0 Motion(s) for item #18 carried: 5-4 (Mr. Angelini, Mr. Brautigan, Mrs. McGovern and Mrs. Sylvia-Cioffi voted no) PLANNING & CONSTRUCTION: Mr. Hadden Mr. Hadden made a motion, seconded by Mr. Brautigan, for approval of the following item(s): 1. Change Order – High School Locker Room Project Move to approve a change order and contract close-out final payment of $68,023.60, to 3R Painting and Contracting, Inc., for the Ocean Township High School Locker Rooms project. As per the attached final contract. 2. Bid Award – Ocean Twp. Elementary School: Art/Music Renovations Move to approve the lowest responsible and responsive bid for the OTES Art/Music Renovations to Cypreco Industries of Neptune, NJ for a total of, $74,113. Bids were opened on April 16, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in the Administration Building Auditorium. (See attached) Motion(s) carried: 9-0 TECHNOLOGY: No Report 9 Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting – April 21, 2015 Continued: OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mr. Hudson, resident, discussed Special Education update on keeping students in district. Mr. Hudson requested an update from Dr. Ricciardi, Assistant Superintendent-Special Education. Mr. Hudson also asked about the History Club at the high school. Mrs. Hudson, resident, asked about no votes on the personnel agenda. The Board members explained their no votes regarding the personnel agenda. ADJOURNMENT: 8:45 p.m. There being no further business, Mr. Brautigan made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Sylvia-Cioffi, that the meeting be adjourned. This motion carried 9-0. Respectfully submitted, Kenneth Jannarone School Business Administrator/ Board Secretary 10
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