TOWNSHIP OF OCEAN BOARD OF EDUCATION WORK MEETING MINUTES May 5, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Mrs. Denise Parlamas, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the office of the Superintendent at the District Administration Building, 163 Monmouth Road, Oakhurst, N.J. STATEMENT OF ADEQUATE NOTICE Mrs. Parlamas read the statement of notice as required by the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6. ROLL CALL OF ATTENDANCE Present – Mr. Robert Acerra, Mr. Robert Angelini (Arrived at 7:00 pm), Mr. Clifford Brautigan, Mr. Joseph Hadden, Mrs. Amy McGovern, Mr. Michael Palutis, Mrs. Denise Parlamas, and Mrs. Sylvia Sylvia-Cioffi. Mr. Sean Moore was absent. Staff in attendance - Mr. Jannarone and Dr. Stefankiewicz Enter Executive Session – 6:32 p.m. Approval: Motion offered by Mrs. Parlamas, seconded by Mrs. McGovern and carried 7-0. Move for the approval to enter Executive Session, in conformance with the Open Public Meeting Act, for the purpose of discussing: Personnel (Superintendent Evaluation and Personnel Agenda) and Student Matters (HIB Report). It is anticipated at this time that the above stated subject(s) shall be made public at such time as the need for non-disclosure no longer exists. Board of Education will be in executive session for approximately 30 minutes and will not take action upon returning to work session. Adjourn Executive Session –6:59 p.m. Approval: Motion offered by Mr. Brautigan, seconded by Mrs. Sylvia-Cioffi and carried 7-0. Move for the approval to adjourn from Executive Session and resume public session. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: None SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Dr. Stefankiewicz Dr. Stefankiewicz discussed the following: Graduation notifications for attendance at the OTHS and TOIS ceremonies Internet issues at the intermediate school during testing. SCHOOL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT: Mr. Jannarone Mr. Jannarone discussed the following item(s): George Stone, Asst. School Business Administrator was in attendance for the 2015-2016 Budget Hearing. Bid openings were held on Thursday, April 30 and will be approved later during meeting. Township Recreation Camp and Summer School, possible moving to accommodate the summer construction. PUBLIC COMMENT: Dr. Marwin Meller, resident, asked about professional development and convocation. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Twp of Ocean BOE Work Meeting Minutes (continued) – May 5, 2015 The Board of Education discussed committee items: CO-CURRICULAR STUDENT ACTIVITES: No Report COMMUNITY LIAISON & COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Angelini The following item(s) were discussed: 1. Discussion: Policies & Regulations Board of Education and administration discussed the first reading of revisions/deletions to/of policies and regulations. Regulation 5460 – High School Graduation (M) (Abolished) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT & RESOURCE SERVICES: Mr. Acerra The following item(s) were discussed: 1. Discussion: Approval of Petty Cash for 2015-2016 Board of Education and administration discussed the following Petty Cash accounts: 1. Board Secretary’s Office 2. Accounting Office 3. Transportation Office 4. High School 5. Intermediate School 6. OT Elementary School 7. Wanamassa Elem. School 8. Wayside Elem. School 9. Maintenance/Grounds Petty Cash in general and the approval of the $150.00 150.00 250.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 100.00 2. Discussion: School Funds Investor for the 2015-2016 School Year Board of Education and administration discussed the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary and/or the Assistant School Business Administrator/Assistant Board Secretary be approved as the School Funds Investor for the 2015-2016 school year pursuant to NJSA 17:12B-24. 3. Discussion: Qualified Purchasing Agent 2015-2016 Board of Education and administration discussed to designate Kenneth Jannarone as Qualified Purchasing Agent and to set the bid threshold in accordance with NJSA 18A:18A-3a and NJAC 5:34-5, currently $36,000. The qualified purchasing agent is also authorized for the purchase of goods and services entered into on behalf of the state by the Division of Purchase and Property utilizing various vendors that have State Contracts. The purchasing agent shall make known to the Board the commodity/service, vendor and state contract number utilized. 4. Discussion: Director of Facilities Board of Education and administration discussed to designate Gary Tattersall as the: Integrated Pest Management Coordinator, Right to Know Officer, AHERA Coordinator, Asbestos Management Officer and Indoor Air Quality Management Officer. 2 Twp of Ocean BOE Work Meeting Minutes (continued) – May 5, 2015 5. Discussion: Textbooks Board of Education and administration discussed the renewal of existing textbooks used for the district’s curriculum and the online versions. 6. Discussion: Curriculum/Standard Adoption Board of Education and administration discussed the Board of Education approval of the renewal of existing curriculum in support of the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards and the Common Core State Standards: Fine and Performing Arts Health & Physical Education Language Arts Literacy Mathematics Science Social Studies World Languages Technological Literacy Career Education Gifted and Talented Pre-School English Language Learners 7. Discussion: Plan Approvals Board of Education and administration discussed the renewal of: Indoor Air Quality Plan (IAQ) 3 Year Technology Plan Exposure Control Plan Emergency Management Plan Standard Operating Procedures Manual (SOP) Student Activity Groups Handbook Parent Organization Handbook 8. Discussion: Custodian of Government Records Board of Education and administration discussed the appointment of the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary as the “Custodian of Government Records” in accordance with the Public Access to Government records Law P.L.2001,C.404 amendment to the Right-to-Know Law (N.J.S.A.47A:1A-2 et seq.) for the 2015-2016 school year. 9. Discussion: Professional Legal Services for the 2015-2016 School Year Board of Education and administration discussed the award of legal services contracts to the following for the 2015-2016 school year rotation of: Awarded to: Duration: Nature and type of contract: Amount of Contract Cleary, Giacobbe, Alfieri, Jacobs, LLC 1 year General School Board Counsel Hourly rate of $135 Awarded to: Duration: Nature and type of contract: Amount of Contract Cleary, Giacobbe, Alfieri, Jacobs, LLC 1 year Special Services Counsel Hourly rate of $135 Awarded to: Duration: Kenney, Gross, Kovats, & Parton 1 year 3 Twp of Ocean BOE Work Meeting Minutes (continued) – May 5, 2015 Nature and type of contract: Labor/Negotiations Counsel Amount of Contract Hourly rate of $135 a. This contract will be awarded as a “Professional Service” in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-2h, being that it is for services performed by persons authorized by law to practice a recognized profession. b. The above professional has submitted a political contribution disclosure form in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19A-20.26. c. A copy of this resolution as well as the contract and political contribution form shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board and will be available for public inspection along with notice to the newspaper of record for this award. 10. Discussion: Professional Services Resolutions for the 2015-2016 School Year Board of Education and administration discussed the award of contracts to the following for the 2015-2016 school year: Awarded to: Duration: Nature and Type of Contract Amount of Contract: Note: Peer review has been received Smolin Lupin Certified Public Accountants July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Auditors $34,500 Awarded to: Duration: Nature and Type of Contract: Amount of Contract: Connor Strong Co., Inc. July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Property & Casualty Consulting Services $33,567 Awarded to: Duration: Nature and Type of Contract: Amount of Contract: Management & Environmental Consulting Services, Inc. July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Environmental Consultation Services Rates to be Approved by Project Awarded to: Duration: Nature and Type of Contract: Amount of Contract: The Daniels Group, Inc. July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Health Insurance Consulting Services $60,000 – Flat Fee a. These contracts will be awarded as a “Professional Service” in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-2h, being that it is for services performed by persons authorized by law to practice a recognized profession. b. The above professional has submitted a political contribution disclosure form in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19A-20.26. c. A copy of this resolution as well as the contract and political contribution form shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board and will be available for public inspection 4 Twp of Ocean BOE Work Meeting Minutes (continued) – May 5, 2015 along with notice to the newspaper of record for this award. Mr. Acerra made a motion, seconded by Mr. Hadden for approval of the following item(s): 11. Use of Facilities Move to approve use of facilities according to the attached list dated May 5, 2015. Motion(s) carried: 8-0 INSTRUCTIONAL & EDUCATION: Mr. Brautigan The following item(s) were discussed: 1. Discussion: Summer Workshops Board of Education and Administration discussed hiring Kristin Gasser, Keyboarding/Computer Technology Teacher, Intermediate School, to conduct technology workshops in accordance with the attached memorandum and flyer dated May 1, 2015. 2. Discussion: Trip Request Board of Education and Administration discussed the following trip request: Group: Number of Students: Date: Destination: Purpose: Transportation: Teacher Chaperones: Parent Chaperones: Cost per pupil: Social Studies Students/Grades 11 & 12 40 Tuesday, June 2, 2015 Departure Time: 7:25 am – Return Time: 3:00 pm Museum of Jewish Heritage View exhibits and programs on Jewish history Durham Bus (1) 4 (Allison Connolly, Joanna Gray, Krysten Semerano, Joseph Vassallo) -0$22.00 (paid for by student) 3. Discussion: Summer School 2015 Board of Education and Administration discussed using the New Jersey Virtual School as the provider for summer school services during the Summer of 2015, as outlined in the attached memorandum dated April 16, 2015. The Board of Education discussed summer school at length. 4. Discussion: Block Scheduling for the 2015-2016 School Year/Elimination of Midterms Board of Education and Administration discussed eliminating midterms at the high school for the 20152016 school year in accordance with the attached memorandum dated April 2, 2015. 5. Discussion: New TOIS Electives for the 2015-2016 School Year Board of Education and Administration discussed new TOIS electives, Drama and Multi-Media Production, for the 2015-2016 school year. The Board of Education discussed the retirement of the Home Economics teacher and the electives that will replace home economices. Mr. Brautigan made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Sylvia-Cioffi for approval of the following item(s): 5 Twp of Ocean BOE Work Meeting Minutes (continued) – May 5, 2015 6. Cancellation and Addendum to Out of District Private Tuition for the 2014-2015 School Year Move to approve a cancellation and an addendum to out of district private tuition for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the attached memorandum dated April 24, 2015. (The cancellation and addendum noted on this memorandum reference the same student. Student is leaving one school and enrolling in another.) 7. Student Observers for the 2014-2015 School Year Move to approve student observers in accordance with the attached memorandum dated May 1, 2015. Students will observe between the period of May 4th – 29th, 2015. 8. Professional Development Activities – Staff Move to approve the attached memorandums (2) dated May 1, 2015 re: Staff Professional Development Activities in accordance with District Policy 6471and NJAC 6A:23B. The attendance at said activities is fiscally prudent and will promote the delivery of instruction and/or will further the efficient operation of the district. Reimbursement for travel and related expenses shall be according to the Department of the Treasury guidelines in NJOMB circular 06-02 and A-87. Motion(s) items 6 thru 8 carried: 8-0 NEGOTIATIONS: No Report PERSONNEL: Mrs. McGovern The following item(s) were discussed: 1. Discussion: Substitute Security Monitors Board of Education and Administration discussed hiring the following as Substitute Security Monitors for the 2014-2015 school year. Substitute Security Monitors will be paid $12.00 per hour. William Chasey John Dupuis 2. Discussion: 2015 Summer Clerical Substitutes Board of Education and Administration discussed approving the following Clerical Substitutes for the 2015 Summer months: Roxann Andrus Laura Pembleton Rachelle Lucarelli Louise Peterson Babette Marchetti Margaret Seager Robin Meyer Janice Vale Michelle Morgan Karen Wegrzyniak Terry Williams 3. Discussion: Fall Coaching Assignments for the 2015-2016 School Year Board of Education and Administration discussed Fall Coaching Assignments for the 2015-2016 school year in accordance with the attached memorandum dated April 30, 2015. 6 Twp of Ocean BOE Work Meeting Minutes (continued) – May 5, 2015 4. Discussion: Non-Athletic Advisors for the 2015-2016 School Year Board of Education and Administration discussed Non-Athletic Advisors for the 2015-2016 school year in accordance with the attached list dated April 30, 2015. Mrs. McGovern made a motion, seconded by Mr. Acerra for approval of the following item(s): 5. Retirements Move to approve the following retirements: Janet Bluefield, Supervisor Mathematics, Grades 6-12, effective July 1, 2015 William Collett, Custodian II, Township of Ocean Intermediate School, effective May 1, 2015 6. Temporary Re-Assignment Move to approve the re-assignment of Robin Klohr, Speech Therapist from Wayside School (2 half days per week) and Wanamassa School (1 half day per week) to Ocean Township Elementary School, effective April 27, 2015. (This motion will enable Mrs. Klohr to resume her full-time job at Ocean Township Elementary School. At the regular monthly meeting held on February 24, 2015, the Board approved to temporarily re-assign Mrs. Klohr to Wayside and Wanamassa to help provide compensatory speech therapy services due to the unexpected vacancy left by Ms. Friedman. The sessions have now been made-up at Wayside and Wanamassa and she can return to OTES full time to meet the needs of the students in that building.) 7. Use of days from the Sick/Personal Leave Bank Plan Move to approve the use of 60 days from the Sick/Personal Leave Bank Plan for district employee 5085. 8. Revision to an Unpaid Family Leave of Absence Move to approve a revision to an unpaid family leave of absence for Blair Koczan, Speech Therapist, Wayside School to reflect a later start to her unpaid family leave and a later return to work date. Mrs. Koczan’s unpaid family leave of absence will begin on June 8, 2015 and continue to October 30, 2015. Mrs. Koczan will return to the classroom on Monday, November 2, 2015. While out on an unpaid family leave of absence, Mrs. Koczan will be responsible for paying the appropriate contribution towards her health insurance coverage. (Mrs. Koczan’s unpaid leave was previously approved at the regular monthly meeting held on December 16, 2014 to begin on May 8, 2015 and return to work on October 5, 2015.) 9. Revised Start Date Move to approve a revised start date for the following employee: MaryAnn Kronitz From: Custodian I/Swing Shift/High School and $44,945.00 Wanamassa School prorated/retro To: Head Custodian/ Day Shift/Wanamassa School Effective: April 1, 2015 (At the regular monthly meeting held on April 21, 2015 the Board approved to issue a revised contract to Mrs. Kronitz as she was being temporarily* transferred. The revised contract was approved for the period of May 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015. It should have been April 1, 2015 – June 30, 2015. Mrs. Kronitz is replacing Antonia Johnson who is out on leave. Mrs. Kronitz’s salary for the 2014-2015 school year is $41,745.00. In addition she will receive 7 Twp of Ocean BOE Work Meeting Minutes (continued) – May 5, 2015 an annual stipend of $3,200 which will be prorated for the period of April 1, 2015-June 30, 2015*. The stipend amount of $3,200 is reflected in the salary noted above.) 10. Staff Transfer for the 2015-2016 School Year Move to approve the following staff transfer effective September 1, 2015: Melinda Willems From: English Teacher, High School To: Language Arts Teacher, Intermediate School (Mrs. Willems replaces Nancy Newman who will retire July 1, 2015.) Motion(s) for items 5 thru 10 carried: 8-0 PLANNING & CONSTRUCTION: Mr. Hadden The following item(s) were discussed: 1. Discussion: Bid Award – Supply/Delivery Unit Ventilators for the Twp. of Ocean Elementary Schools Board of Education and Administration discussed the lowest responsible and responsive bid for the Supply and Delivery of Unit Ventilators at Wayside, Wanamassa and Ocean Township Elementary Schools to Direct Digital Control of Mountain Lakes, NJ for a total of $1,488,000. Bids were opened on April 24, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in the Administration Building Auditorium. (See attached) TECHNOLOGY: No Report OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: The Board of Education discussed the option of accepting tuition students if the parent is a staff member. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURN MEETING: 7:50 p.m. There being no further business Mr. Brautigan made a motion, seconded by Mr. Acerra, that the meeting be adjourned. This motion carried 8-0. Respectfully submitted, Kenneth Jannarone School Business Administrator/ Board Secretary 8
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