Parish Team Go and tell the world!

Rosters for next weekend
27th /28th June, 2015 –13th Sunday in
Ordinary Time, Year B
Mass 6pm
Margaret Lennox
Trish Lillywhite,
Pat Levett
Tania Holman
Marita Macalalad
1st Reader
Greg Schar
Margaret Sullivan
2nd Reader
Julie Schar
Tom Sullivan
Ministers of Communion
Fran Dunn
Trish Lillywhite
Margaret Beinke
Tim Grauel
Lil Borlagdan
Tina Evans
Cassie McKenna
Heather Byrth
Pat McKenna
Bob Byrth
Brenda Digance
Ida Schar
Linda Papps
Zyg Staszyc
Krysia Podgorski
Cely Farley
John Paul, Kevin McHugh,
Adil Al Khoury
Linda Papps
Cleaners Tim Grauel, Regina
Dallemule, Feras Haddad
Children’s Liturgy
No children’s Liturgy at First
Communion Masses
Altar Servers
6.00pm Kristy & Natasha Allison
9:15am Ben Cook & Lilimae de
Readings for
27th/28th June, 2015
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
1st Reading: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24
2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9,
Gospel: Mark 5:21-43
Exploring the Seasons of Grief
Exploring the Seasons of Grief, a small group
program to support adults experiencing
emotional difficulty following family breakup,
death or other losses. The program is based on
Worden's four tasks of grieving and is designed
to provide an in depth understanding of the
impact of loss and grief on an individual's well being. Overtime it has proved to be very effective
as people discover that “they are not the only
one” having problems.
4 weekly sessions
Thursdays 16th, 23rd, 30th July, 6th Aug 2015
Time: 9:30am—12:00 noon
Venue: The Queen of Angels Thebarton Hall,
corner South Road & Kintore Avenue, Thebarton
Cost: $40.00 for 4 sessions including workbook
For Booking please contact Jill Gallio or Pam
Priadko at 8210 8138 before Friday 10th July.
Brochures are available on the table in the foyer.
Youth Website
The Southern Cluster youth workers, Anthony
and Monica, have a website for youth in our
parishes. It is an impressive website for youth
activities in out area. Please visit the site
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time,
Year B
20th/21st June, 2015
“Why are you so frightened?”
Parish Team
Parish Priest
Mons. Ian Dempsey AO
Priest Assisting
Fr Peter Sheedy
Pastoral Associate
Mrs Anne Ryan
Office Manager
Mrs. Pat McKenna
Chairperson PPC
Mr Tim Grauel
Chairperson PFC
Mr Pete McKenna
School Principal
Mr John Ward
Phone: 8321 8300
Office Hours
Tuesday & Friday
10am –3pm
Phone: 8322 1158
Fax: 8322 5911
Email address:
Please contact Fr Peter
Sheedy on 8322 7816
Today’s Readings
1st Reading: Job 38: 1, 8-11
Responsorial Psalm
Give thanks to the Lord,
his love is everlasting.
2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, Alleluia!
A great prophet has appeared among us;
God has visited his people.
Gospel: Mark 4:35-41
Weekend Masses
Saturday 6pm
Sunday 9.15am
Weekday Mass
Wednesday 12 noon
Friday 9.15am
After Masses on the 2nd and 3rd
Sunday of each month
Meetings this week
Tues: Parish Finance Council in parish
office 7pm
Wed: Confirmation ceremony 7pm
Thurs: Craft grp 10.30am
We welcome into our community this
weekend through Baptism
Kieran Taylor
Please keep in your prayers our parish
children who will be celebrating the
Sacrament of Confirmation this
Wednesday evening and their First Holy
Communions at Masses next weekend.
Please Note: The sick list will be cleared
at the end of each month. If you need
the person to stay on please advise
Pat in the office.
Your prayers please:
John Considine, Margaret Priestley,
Amanda Magaletta, Jenny Maxwell,
Mary McSorley, Pam Healey,
Matthew Healey, Cecile Geronimo,
Bev Holtzmann, Sr Catherine Vowles,
Mary Grace Alamon, Mark, Tsan Lian Moi,
Gladys Likukela, Amanda Magaletta,
Ann Kostrz, Brian Holtzmann,
Napoleon Lozada, Tao Indermann,
Pat Baum, Pat Vincent
Recently Deceased:
Margaret Walsh, Anthony Cairney
Introduction to Mass
In the coming weeks Mons & Fr Peter will be
outlining different parts of the Mass to explain
why these actions have significance in the
celebration of Mass.
Anne’s farewell
As you may be aware Anne is retiring on the
3rd July. We will be able to thank her for her
work with us and give her a send off on the
weekend of the 4th and 5th July with drinks
and nibbles after both Masses.
This weekend there are sheets available to
sign for Anne’s farewell.
Vinnies are selling the People’s Choice Lottery
Tickets . $2 each with approx. 158 prizes.
Good Luck. All monies raised directly benefits
our St Vincent de Paul Conference.
Bunnings BBQ
We will be running a Bunnings BBQ this
Sunday 21st June. Come along and buy a
sausage. The BBQ’s are a major fundraiser for
the parish Thank you.
Ministry Rosters
The rosters will be done this week, so if you
would like to join or change any ministries or if
there are any dates that you will not be
available in the next 4 months, please email
Pat at
before Tuesday.
Thanks, Pat
The Sacrament Program for Reconciliation
will be starting with Parent sessions on
Wednesday 12th and 19th August followed by a
small group program over three weeks. The
children will receive their First Reconciliation
on Wednesday 16th September. If you think
your child is ready to receive the Sacraments
there are Reconciliation Forms available in the
church foyer and these need to be returned
along with a copy of your child’s Baptism
Certificate to the Parish Office by 26th July.
Anne Ryan, Pastoral Associate
Parish Dinner
Saturday 25th July, 7 for 7.30pm in the
St Martin de Porres Centre in the school.
3 course dinner with tea and coffee.
BYO drinks and glasses
$25 per head with tickets on sale from this
weekend. Prize for the best Christmas
Themed table.
Leaving Collection this weekend
Please support the Holy Father’s Appeal
to enable the Holy Father to respond with
emergency financial assistance to aid the
neediest throughout the world (those who
suffer as a result of war, oppression, and
natural disasters.
50th Anniversary of St Joseph’s
Church, Brighton. June 21, 2015
Keep the Brighton parish in your prayers
as they celebrate this significant
anniversary this weekend.
"Be Still and Know that I am God"
Come for a day of quiet prayer and
reflection, being still, and knowing
that God is present.
The day will be held at Loyola Centre of
Ignatian Spirituality,
137 William St, Norwood.
Date: Saturday 27 June, 9.30am – 3.00pm
Cost: $40, BYO Lunch.
Enquiries and Bookings: 8364 3834,
New Pastoral Associate
A new PA has been appointed to replace
Anne. Sr Kanistal Soosai CP is a sister of the
Congregation of the Passionist Sisters of St Paul
of the Cross. She will begin her appointment in
Hallett Cove on the 7th July.
We are looking for people to help with Children’s
Liturgy, especially at Saturday Night Mass. We
only have a few leaders in this very important
ministry on a roster and it would be a great to
have a few more to share it. If you were
interested, you could come and see first what
was involved and you would be with another
leader until you were confident to run it on your
own. It is a very special Ministry and I am sure
those who love being with children will really
enjoy it. Contact Anne Ryan at the office or Janet
Kennedy 8381 4125 if interested. You will need a
police check as we do with all our ministries.
We are looking for more people who would like to
go on the Reading and Ministers of
Communion Roster as a few have had to come
off the roster. There would be training for new
Readers and Ministers of Communion. New
readers would be added to the roster once you
have attended training. If you are interested in
becoming a Minister of Communion, you would
be added to the roster once the archbishop has
approved your ministry. This is normally done in
March each year, so there is plenty of time for
you to consider being a Minister of Communion.
If you are interested or would like more
information please contact the Parish Office.
8322 1158
Pope Francis’ Good News
Now available from the table in the foyer. Go to to find out
more or sign up to receive the regular newsletter.