2015 Ohio Envirothon June 8-9 at Mohican State Park Lodge We are excited to be able to offer our premier competition at this first-class facility; showcasing one of Ohio’s beautiful and unique natural areas Please read ALL enclosed materials carefully! Your enjoyment and success will depend on your level of preparation. We want all students and advisors to have a pleasant, safe, and worthwhile experience. Please note: Advisors are responsible for students at all times, except during the site testing, presentation preparation and actual presentation. All teams are encouraged to review the enclosed Ohio Envirothon Rules and Regulations prior to arriving on site. Team Registration: A registration form is enclosed. The names on this form must be the same as the names on your area registration form. We will be cross-checking the Ohio Envirothon Registration form with the original area forms. On the form, please note the five students from your team that will be attending the Ohio Envirothon and return this form postmarked no later than May 11th. In addition, include a non-refundable $100 Team Registration Fee. Checks should be made payable to “OFSWCD-Envirothon”. Lodging: All teams are required to stay in the Mohican State Park Lodge on Monday night. You will receive your room assignments at check-in. We have lodge rooms with 2 beds for the event and we will do our best to house team members (of the same gender) together. In some cases that may mean sharing a double bed, or “camping out” on the floor in a sleeping bag to keep team members together as much as possible. Members of more than one team may be sharing a room. If you wish to stay at the Lodge on Sunday night to take advantage of this beautiful facility and some of the recreational opportunities, the cost is only $25 per student and $45 per advisor. There will be at least two advisors per room. Advisors may request a single room and, if available, the charge is $90 on Sunday night (versus $45) and $45 (versus “free”) on Monday night (payable to OFSWCD-Envirothon). See back of registration form for single room and Sunday registration details. Meals: Your meals will be provided as follows: Monday lunch and dinner; and Tuesday breakfast and lunch. Meals for Sunday evening and Monday breakfast are not included in the Sunday evening lodging cost, but you may purchase meals in the Lodge restaurant. All rooms also have mini-refrigerators. The cost of Monday night lodging and four meals for student team members and up to two advisors are sponsored by the Ohio Envirothon Committee and Ohio’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts. ----- Continued ------ YOU WILL NEED TO BRING: Clothes, toiletries, footwear suitable for rough outdoor terrain, insect repellent, rain gear, and a hat – the competition goes on, rain or shine! Your favorite snacks and beverages – We will NOT be providing these for teams during the presentation prep time on Monday evening. Students may choose to bring a sleeping bag and pillow for camping out on the floor. Students are asked to wear Envirothon T-shirts as follows: o Monday – Area Envirothon shirt o Tuesday – Ohio Envirothon shirt (provided upon check-in) How to Get There: Mohican State Park Lodge is located at 1098 County Road 3006, Perrysville OH 44864. More information is available at http://parks.ohiodnr.gov/Mohican Registration: Registration will take place in the lobby of the Lodge on Sunday evening from 7:009:00 p.m. and on Monday morning from 9:00-10:00 a.m. Emergency Phone Number: In case of an emergency, family may call the Mohican State Park Lodge front desk at 419-938-5411 or 877-496-9224 ext. 106. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either Danielle Thompson, Brown County SWCD, at 937-378-4424 x125 or Laura Hollingsworth, Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (OFSWCD), at 614-784-1900. Please return your Ohio Envirothon Registration Form, $100 team registration fee, and (if applicable) money for Sunday night lodging and advisor single rooms to: Amy Pond Warren SWCD 320 East Silver Street, Ste 300 Lebanon OH 45036-1887 Amy.Pond@co.warren.oh.us Check should be made payable to: OFSWCD - Envirothon ***A copy of your team registration form should also be sent to your Area host. They must be postmarked no later than May 11, 2015. Additional Information Ohio’s top 20 teams are competing for the opportunity to represent the state at the national competition in Springfield, Missouri. The title of the national competition has been changed to the National Conservation Foundation Envirothon (NCF-Envirothon). Additional prize information is enclosed. Ohio Envirothon Registration Form Please type or neatly print Team Name:_____________________________________________________ School Address:________________________________ Phone: ____________ City: ________________________ County: _________________ Zip: ______ Name (Names listed must match names on Area registration form) Sex Grade Size Captain: ____________________________ Member:____________________________ Member:____________________________ Member:____________________________ Member:____________________________ Alternate:___________________________ Alternate:___________________________ Alternate:___________________________ Alternate:___________________________ Alternate:___________________________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Advisor 1: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___________________________ M / F Summer address:_______________________________ T-shirt Attending Area State ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ T-Shirt size _______________ Cell Phone:_________________ E-mail address: Most state-level correspondence will be through e-mail. Please clearly note an e-mail address where you can be reached. Advisor 2: ___________________________ M / F T-Shirt size ________________ Summer address:________________________________ Cell Phone:_________________ E-mail address: NOTES: Only registered team members or alternates with signed release forms may participate in the Area and Ohio Envirothon. All teams must be registered by May 11. Alternate team members must be pre-registered, but may attend the Envirothon ONLY if substituting for a registered team member who is unable to participate. Send completed registration form and $100 registration fee per team by May 11 to: Amy Pond Warren SWCD 320 East Silver St., Ste 300 Lebanon OH 45036-1887 *See back to note medical or dietary restrictions and for info on Sunday lodging costs and Advisor single room options. Over Please note any mobility or medical issues, food preferences (i.e. vegan, vegetarian, etc.) or dietary restrictions. We will try to accommodate these as much as possible. Name Comments ___________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Optional Advisor Single Room Request for Monday (if available): Advisor Name ________________________________ Include $45 ________________ Advisor Name ________________________________ Include $45 ________________ Optional Sunday Evening Lodging Reservation: For your convenience, we are offering optional Sunday night lodging at Mohican State Park Lodge. Please submit payment, as noted below, if you choose this option rather than traveling to Mohican from home on Monday morning. All students are required to stay at the Lodge on Monday night. Five students at $25 each (Sunday only) Include $125 # ______ Advisors at $45 each (Double rooms) Include $45 or or # ______ Advisors at $90 each for single room Include $90 (The cost of single advisor room for two nights is $90 + $45 or $135) Team Registration fee of $100 is non-refundable and due along with this registration form. Total amount due Include $100 _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________ _____________ (Combine optional single & Sunday lodging charges, and team registration fee) All checks should be made out to OFSWCD – Envirothon and sent by May 11 to: Amy Pond Warren SWCD 320 East Silver St., Ste 300 Lebanon OH 45036-1887 Revised 4/20/15 Area and Ohio Envirothon Release Form This form is to be completed by each student’s parent/guardian and returned to the sponsoring SWCD. This form must also be completed and signed by advisors, staff persons and guests and returned to the sponsoring SWCD. Attendee’s Full Name (please print)_____________________________________________________________ Home Address______________________________________________________________________________ Street address, City, State, Zip Code Home Phone ( )_________________________ Parent Work Phone ( Emergency Contact_______________________________________Phone ( )__________________________ )________________________ Relationship to Attendee______________________________________________________________________ Medical Insurance Provider____________________________ Policy #________________________________ Allergies (food, medication, insects, etc.)_________________________________________________________ Medical Conditions (asthma, diabetes, etc.)_______________________________________________________ Medical Equipment Used (Epi-pen, inhaler, etc.)__________________________________________________ Please bring any needed medical supplies with you to the testing stations. Medications Currently Being Taken_____________________________________________________________ I understand the Ohio Envirothon may be strenuous and adverse weather conditions may occur. Nevertheless, I assume the risk involved. In the event of an accident, I authorize the Ohio Envirothon to provide emergency medical treatment for me during this event. I have been assured that all reasonable care will be taken to prevent incident: therefore, I will not hold Ohio Envirothon, the Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, or the host site liable should an accident occur. I also give my consent to the use of any photographs or videos taken of me by officials of the Envirothon or their representatives to be used for promotional and/or editorial purposes only. Signature of Participant________________________________________ Date__________________________ I (please print)_____________________ (parent/guardian) give permission for my child ___________________ (name) to participate in the Area and/or Ohio Envirothon. Signature of Parent/Guardian_____________________________________ Date________________________ Relationship to Participant____________________________________________________________________ Revised 8/2011 27th Ohio Envirothon June 8-9, 2015 (4/24/15) Sunday – June 7 3:00 Lodge check-in available 7:00 – 9:00 Registration for teams and volunteers staying at Mohican State Park on Sunday evening (Lobby) Monday – June 8 9:00 – 10:00 Team and volunteer registration (Lobby) 10:15 – 10:55 Welcome, orientation, and travel to test site 11:00 – 11:45 Station 1 11:55 – 12:40 Station 2 12:45 – 1:15 Lunch at Station 2 1:30 – 2:15 Station 3 2:25 – 3:10 Station 4 3:15 – 3:30 Travel to Lodge 3:30 – 3:45 Group pictures 3:45 – 4:45 Free time 4:45 – 5:30 Dinner 5:40 – 6:00 Presentation Orientation 5:45 – 10:00 Advisor tour 6:00 – 10:00 Team Presentation Prep 11:00 Lights Out Tuesday – June 9 Time TBD Breakfast 8:00 – 11:00 Room Check Out (Lobby) 8:00 – 12:30 Team Oral Presentations 9:00 -- 12:00 Career Fair 12:40 – 1:30 Banquet 1:40 – 2:30 Awards Ceremony ** Tentative Agenda – A final version with activity locations will be included at registration. 2015 Ohio Envirothon Team Presentation Information 1. Each team will prepare and deliver a five-minute oral presentation. 2. General topic: Urban/Community Forestry 3. At 5:40 p.m. on Monday evening, a representative from each team will participate in a “lottery” to determine team presentation times on Tuesday morning. Advisors will be leaving the room at 5:45 p.m. 4. Teams will be given the presentation challenge following the lottery and will have four (4) hours (from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.) to prepare their presentation. During this four-hour period, advisors will not be permitted to assist their teams in any way. Each team will be accompanied by an Ohio Envirothon Committee (OEC) volunteer (Team Buddy) during the presentation preparation time. 5. All supplies and materials needed to make visual aids for Tuesday’s presentations will be provided to the teams Monday evening by the OEC. Presentation notes may only be printed on the index cards that will also be provided by OEC. 6. TEAMS MAY BRING AND USE HARD COPY REFERENCE AND RESEARCH MATERIALS (BROCHURES, BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, ETC.) TO PREPARE THEIR ORAL PRESENTATIONS, BUT MAY USE ONLY OEC PROVIDED VISUALS AID MATERIALS. PICTURES, CHARTS, AND OTHER GRAPHICS FROM RESOURCE MATERIALS MAY NOT BE USED IN VISUAL AIDS. Computers are not permitted. Additionally, all cellular phones must be given to the Team Buddy during presentation preparation. Following the four-hour work period, all visual aids, notes, and provided materials will be locked in a secure location by OEC (to ensure fairness). Failure to abide by these rules, or the use of unauthorized material(s), will result in presentation point deductions or disqualification. 7. Tuesday, “Presentation Day,” will be conducted as follows: At the presentation time (determined by lottery on Monday evening), each team will be allotted 5 minutes for their presentation. Presentations will begin at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Only the presenting team, presentation judges, team advisor (if agreed upon by team), OEC timekeeper and camera crew will be allowed in the room during the presentation. Teams are allowed to arrive at the designated prep room 10 minutes prior to their presentation, at which time they will pick up the materials they prepared Monday evening. An OEC time-keeper will keep track of presentation times. Teams will be alerted of the time that has passed via the following visual signals: green card warning at 4 minutes yellow card at 5 minutes red card and cut off at 6 minutes Continued on back…….. Each team will then be allotted 2-3 minutes to respond to judges’ questions. Judges will be allotted three minutes to finish tabulating their scores before the next team enters the presentation room. The new team will have one minute to compose themselves before beginning their presentation. 8. A portion of each team’s presentation score will be based on equal participation of ALL TEAM MEMBERS. Each team member is expected to take an active role in the oral presentation. 9. Presentations will not be “simulcast” at the 2015 Ohio Envirothon competition. However, teams will have the option of having their advisor(s) present during their presentation. 10. Scoring will be based on the enclosed Ohio Envirothon Team Presentation Scoring Sheet. The presentation portion of the competition is worth a possible 200 points. Each of the ecostation tests will be worth 100 points each, for a total possible score of 600 points. 11. Each team will receive copies of the judges scoring sheets of their presentation in their exit packet. Revised 4/20/15 Ohio Envirothon Team Presentation Scoring Sheet TEAM # __________ JUDGE # ___________ Scoring Description 0 – Not at all. 2 – Major misconceptions or gaps, ineffective, inadequate, inappropriate. 4 – Some misconceptions and flaws, minimally effective, somewhat appropriate. 6 – Complete and accurate, effective, adequate and appropriate. 8 – Complete, very detailed, logical, well supported and organized, highly effective. 10 – Profound, in-depth, done in an insightful manner, points to a most effective strategy. . PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF PLAN (60 point maximum) A. How well did the presentation address or identify: The current issue? All the players/interest groups/stakeholders affected by the problem? The major natural resource areas (soils/land use, wildlife, aquatic ecology, forestry)? The specific environmental problem and related issues regarding the problem? The interrelationship between the environment, natural resources, and the different natural resource management strategies? B. Were references and resources cited in the team presentation? CIRCLE SCORE 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 Subtotal APPLICATION OF DATA (80 point maximum) A. How well did the team demonstrate a solid understanding of: The ecological/environmental issues related to the problem? The economic issues related to the problem, including the cost and benefits of the proposed plan, funding sources, cost of doing nothing, economic impacts on resources? Social and/or cultural issues related to the situation (private property rights, traditions, urban issues, environmental justice)? Political issues (regulations, mandates, impact on political system/community)? B. The team presented one unified, viable solution to the problem addressing the resource issue. C. The main points were clearly stated and supported, conclusions clearly defined and convincing. D. Does the solution have the potential to be implemented with long-term sustainability to natural resources? E. Does the solution reflect or address the concerns of all affected groups and issues? 0 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 Subtotal QUALITY OF PRESENTATION AND REQUIRED ELEMENTS (60 point maximum) A. The presentation was well organized with a clear introduction and strong conclusions. B. Participants exhibited professionalism and enhanced the presentation with good eye contact, gestures, voice inflection, and originality. C. Visual aids were used to make major points and show conclusions. (Should be correct, eye appealing, readable, neat) D. Judges questions were answered logically and concisely with all team members participating. E. Add up to ten points for equal participation of all team members in presentation. F. Give 10 extra points if time falls between 4:00 minutes and 6:00 minutes – time was: 0 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 10 Subtotal Final Score (out of 200 possible) OHIO ENVIROTHON Rules and Regulations 1. Students currently in grades 9 through 12 or equivalent home school ranking when Area Envirothons are held are eligible to participate in the Envirothon. Graduating seniors on winning teams may participate in the Ohio Envirothon and Canon Envirothon during the summer following Area competitions. 2. Each team will consist of five team members. TEAMS MUST REGISTER AND COMPETE WITH 5 TEAM MEMBERS. All team members must be students from the same school, or the same home school association. All teams advancing to the Ohio Envirothon will be certified by their affiliated Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD). 3. Up to 5 alternate team members may substitute for regular team members in the Ohio Envirothon if alternates were registered at Area competition with that team and are properly registered with that team at the Ohio Envirothon. (Official registration forms provided by the Ohio Envirothon Committee (OEC) for Area and Ohio Envirothons must be used.) Alternates not substituting for a regular team member may not attend. Each Area Envirothon committee will be required to submit to the OEC copies of the original Area Envirothon registration forms for the 4 teams advancing to the Ohio Envirothon by the date specified by the OEC. 4. The four top-scoring teams from each of the five Area Envirothons will be eligible to compete in the Ohio Envirothon. In the event that any of the top 4 teams cannot advance to the Ohio Envirothon, the team(s) with the next highest score(s) will be eligible to compete. Teams unable to compete at the Ohio Envirothon must notify their affiliated SWCD within five calendar days following their area competition. That district must in turn contact the area chair within 24 hours of notification. Area chairpersons are responsible for identifying the next eligible team and coordinating with their affiliated SWCD to ensure registration forms are submitted. 5. A $100.00 non-refundable registration fee is required of all participating teams. This registration fee, along with neatly printed or typed registration and medical forms, must be received by the announced deadline. Late or illegible registration forms may be rejected. 6. It is advised that an SWCD representative accompany winning team(s) from their county to the Ohio Envirothon. 7. Each team must be accompanied by an adult team advisor(s) and/or conservation district representative 21 years of age or older. Each team is encouraged to arrange for an adult male to chaperone male team members and an adult female to chaperone female team members. Team members and chaperones/advisors are required to stay on-site and will be housed together when practical. 8. The field test will consist of four ecosystem stations lasting 40-50 minutes. Each of the field tests will constitute 1/6th of the total score. 9. All materials/equipment needed for the field-testing portion of the Ohio Envirothon will be provided by the OEC. Students are not to be in the possession of any material/equipment other than those provided on-site. The advisor or coach shall not assist the team during the competition. 10. Resource specialists involved in preparations for Ohio Envirothon testing and/or oral presentation may provide information, materials, or other assistance pertaining to the Ohio Envirothon field testing and/or oral presentation only to those individuals designated by the OEC. 11. Teams competing at the Ohio Envirothon will be provided a copy of the test and answer key in the “post competition packet”. (All original team tests and answers will remain the property of the Ohio Envirothon Committee. Once a team hands in the test at the site it becomes the property of the Ohio Envirothon Committee). 12. The oral team presentation will be 5 minutes in length followed by a question and answer period. All five team members must participate. Guidelines for the oral presentation will be provided to teams prior to the competition. 13. The oral presentation will be based on 200 possible points. Each team will have three separate scores (one from each judge), which will be averaged for the final score. In the case that a judge is unable to participate, the Ohio Envirothon Committee will appoint someone to fill this opening. 14. The following violations will not be tolerated during the Ohio Envirothon; a. Stealing of, or vandalism to, personal, private or public property. b. Cheating in any form. c. Possession and/or use of tobacco, alcohol or controlled substances. 15. A Grievance Committee of three (3) persons will be appointed and identified prior to the Ohio Envirothon to decide on actions to be taken should any of the above stated violations occur. Because students compete in the Ohio Envirothon as a team, the actions of one or more members of a team may be considered to be the actions of the team as a whole. An Envirothon team may be disqualified from advancing to the next level of competition. A school may be barred from Ohio Envirothon competitions for a period of time, depending on the nature and severity of the incident. A school or individual may be billed for damages. 16. Grievances related to Ohio Envirothon procedures must be submitted to the Grievance Committee within a time period announced prior to the event. The decisions of the Grievance Committee are final. See the Ohio Envirothon Grievance Policy for more details. 17. Any infraction of the Rules and Regulations of the Ohio Envirothon may result in disqualification and dismissal from the event and host site. 18. Tiebreaker procedures will be announced prior to the beginning of the competition. The winning team will be the team with the highest cumulative point total at the end of the four testing stations and presentation event. Tie-breaker; 1. presentation 2. ecostation 1 3. ecostation 2 4. ecostation 3 5. ecostation 4 6. coin flip 19. Awards for the Ohio Envirothon will be announced prior to each year’s event. 20. The winning team at the Ohio Envirothon will represent Ohio in the Canon Envirothon competition. In the event that the winning team cannot represent Ohio in the Canon Envirothon, the second place team will represent Ohio, and so forth. 21. Rules and regulations of the Ohio Envirothon are subject to change by the Ohio Envirothon Committee. Any and all changes will be provided in advance to all teams and advisors. Revised: 6/96 1/98 10/99 7/00 3/01 5/11 11/11 OLD-00revisedrulesregulations.doc Ohio Envirothon Grievance Form A. Only Team Advisors, OEC Members or Adult Volunteers for Ohio Envirothon Competition may file a written Grievance. B. Grievances must be submitted on this form no later than one hour after the conclusion of the activity in question (field testing, oral presentation prep, oral presentation, awards banquet). C. No grievance will be accepted without a written potential solution. D. The decision of the Grievance Committee/OEC is final. Individual and Team Name filing the Grievance/Notice: ____________________________________ Coach/Advisor:______________________________________________________________________ If filed against another team, what is that Team Name? ______________________________________ Coach/Advisor : _____________________________________________________________________ Time and Date that the stated violation was observed: ________________________________________ Event: (i.e. testing station, oral presentation) Date Filed: Time Filed: Description of Grievance: What part of the Ohio Envirothon Rules, Policy or Code do you feel has NOT been followed and why? (Please state specific rule number.) Suggested resolution proposed by team filing the grievance: Team Advisor’s Signature: ____________________________________________________ Action Taken By Grievance Committee/OEC: Time: Date: Chairperson of Grievance Committee Signature: Time: November 2011 Date: Ohio Envirothon Grievance Policy Grievance Committee A grievance committee of three members will be appointed by the Ohio Envirothon Committee during the May meeting prior to that year’s competition. Grievance committee members will not have a team from the county in which they work and/or reside competing in the Ohio Envirothon. Grievance committee members must attend the entire competition. Who may file a grievance? The Advisor of a registered team An OEC member An adult volunteer for the Ohio Envirothon competition Filing a Grievance 1. Grievance forms will be available at each testing station, checkpoint Charlie, the registration table, and the awards banquet. 2. A written grievance must be submitted on an official form no later than one hour after the conclusion of the activity in question (field testing, oral presentation preparation, oral presentation, or awards banquet). Reviewing the Grievance 1. Grievance committee members will investigate all complaints and make a determination. 2. A decision will be made by the committee in a reasonable time frame not to exceed one week from the close of the competition. 3. Advisors involved in the grievance will be notified as to the decision of the committee. 4. All decisions made by the grievance committee/OEC will be final. February, 2012 2015 Ohio Envirothon Awards Schedule The Envirothon is, naturally, about much more than “prizes” and “awards!” But we know that these are important, too! Here’s a run-down of the various awards to be presented at the conclusion of the 2015 Ohio Envirothon. Station Level Awards Four Eco-Stations and the Oral Presentation Each student on the high scoring team for each station will receive an Eco-Station or Oral Presentation Medallion. “Rookie” Team High scoring “Rookie” team (first time school has been represented at the Ohio Envirothon) will receive a plaque if there is more than one rookie team competing. Third Place Team Team will receive a plaque and a check for $100. Second Place Team Team will receive a plaque and a check for $200. First Place Team Team will receive a plaque and a check for $300. Team will have the opportunity to represent Ohio at the National Conservation Foundation Envirothon in Springfield, Missouri – July 27 to August 11, 2015. This includes payment of the team registration fee of $1,300 and up to $3,000 reimbursement for travel costs (plane tickets, train expense, or van rental)
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