OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH The Nocturnal Adoration Society invites you to their INSTILLATION MASS & COMMUNION BREAKFAST SUNDAY, 7 JUNE 2015 Feast of Corpus Christi 8:00 A.M. Mass Communion Breakfast immediately following in the Lower Church Guest Presenter: Father Sean Davidson Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist ALL ARE INVITED! “To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances; to seek Him, the greatest adventure; to find Him, the greatest human achievement.” Saint Augustine 31 May 2015 FAITH AND THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS OFFERINGS FOR THE WEEK OF 31 MAY MASSES A WORD ABOUT OFFERINGS Monday, 1 June, Saint Justin 7:30 am † Raymond Washecka 12:10 pm † Saverina Pagnotta Tuesday, 2 June, Saints Marcellinus and Peter 7:30 am † Patrick F. Madigan 12:10 pm † Walter F. Thompson Wednesday, 3 June, Saint Charles Lwanga & Companions, 7:30 am † Deacon James & Mary Blaney Martyrs (65th Wedding Anniversary Remembrance) 12:10 pm † Walter Thompson 7:00 pm † Angelica Bonilla Thursday, 4 June 7:30 am † Rocco Romeo 12:10 pm † Patrick Thompson Friday, 5 June, Saint Boniface 7:30 am Living & Decd. Mbrs. of the Dengel Family 12:10 pm † Sean McDonaugh 7:00 pm † Ercilia Rodriguez Saturday, 6 June, Saint Norbert 9:00 am † Deacon James Blaney 5:00 pm † Decd. Mbrs. of the Catholic Daughters 7:00 pm † Edward Duran Sunday, 7 June, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus 7:00 am Parish of the Curé of Ars in Merrick 8:00 am † Decd. Mbrs of the Nocturnal Adoration Society 9:30 am Intentions of Father Douglas R. Arcoleo 11:30 am † Vincenzo Gambino † William G. Hipp † Barbara Kaider † Obdulio Serrano 1:00 pm Parishioners of Our Holy Redeemer/Freeport BREAD & WINE Jerry Frayler Kevin Molese During the Centenary Year (2011-2012) celebration of our absolutely beautiful church, our Parish family came home for Mass and we remembered one another with the flowers that adorn the Altar, with the candles that light up the Sanctuary, with the bread and wine that is offered, and of course in the way par excellence, we remembered one another in the Priest’s Mass Intention that is lifted up with the help of all of our other remembrances! Thank you for coming home and remembering one another! Thank you for coming home and remembering Him Who said: “Do this in Memory of Me!” Our Holy Redeemer R.C. Church recognizes located at 110 Pine Street, as our Sunday Bulletin Advertiser of the Month “Your support, Hungerford & Clark, carries people through difficult times.” SANCTUARY CANDLES ALTAR FLOWERS Jerry Frayler Kevin Molese † Clifford Schorer Please remember the following individual(s) at the Altar of Our Holy Redeemer: NAME: ___________________________________________________________________ Living Deceased OFFERING: Bread & Wine ($20.00) Sanctuary Candles ($33.00) Altar Flowers ($40.00) WEEK OF DATE: __________________________________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT SUBMITTED: ____________________________________ Cash Check #: ________________ OFFERED BY: (NAME):____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #: _________________________________________________ A MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR 31 MAY 2015 THE TIME IS NEAR FOR THIS SERVANT OF THE LORD In less than three weeks, with the help of contributions to the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) and many prayers, James Hansen/the Reverend Mr. James Hansen, is expected to be ordained a Priest by the Most Reverend William F. Murphy at the Cathedral of Saint Agnes in Rockville Centre. James you may recall, spent the summer of 2014 with us at Our Holy Redeemer, and put that summer – his last summer as a layman – at our service. James, like all Seminarians on Summerassignment, served in all the “usual” places Priests-in-training would expect to serve: the sanctuary of the church during Mass, the classrooms of the School-building during Vacation Bible School (VBS) (please register your child for VBS 2015 today by calling (516) 546–1057), the bedside of the sick in the hospital and the nursing home (if you have a request for prayers, please call (516) 378–0665), and at the doors of our parish-buildings, securing them after a long day of activity (if you are a Veteran, retired Firefighter or Police Officer, please contact Father Arcoleo)! He also served in some “not-so-usual” places where a Priest-in-training wouldn’t expect to serve: at a dock preparing for Mass on the Waterfront, on a street standing guard over drying cement, and in a bell tower chasing pigeons (or being chased by them). Just as his days of service as a layman came to an end, so too are his days of service as a transitional Deacon coming to an end; and on 20 June 2015 the Reverend Mr. James Hansen will become (God-willing) the Reverend James Hansen. While I’m sure that he can almost smell the Sacred Chrism with which Bishop Murphy will anoint his hands at Ordination, he must stay sober and alert because Satan, the one who approached Jesus at the end of His “formation” in the desert, is waiting for James at the end of his formation in the Seminary! Please continue to support him with your participation in the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) – which has helped finance his formation in the Seminary – and with your prayers – which have helped him remain faithful to that formation that is preparing him to put his life at our service; not just for a summer as a Seminarian, but as “a Priest forever, according to the Order of Melchizadek!” A MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR WOULD YOU HELP "GIVE US A LIFT" ? Shortly before Christmas 2014, Our Holy Redeemer's outdoor lift became inoperable. And while it could be repaired (again) at a cost of a few thousand dollars, I have decided, after going “up and down” that route a few times before, that Our Holy Redeemer has spent enough money on repairs and that it makes more (dollars and) sense to replace it an estimated cost (based on the figures of three proposals) of $40,000.00. In order to help offset that cost, the Parish has reached out to (and is waiting to hear from) Nassau County, the Village of Freeport, and private charitable organizations that grant funds for services that assist the elderly and disabled. Any assistance you can provide will literally give us a lift! The following people have begun to lift us up: Arnold Gallo, William Gallo, The Village of Freeport, the Friends of Angie Cullin, Alan and Cathy Richartz, John Anzovino, Margaret Nyland, Diana Gibson, Our Holy Redeemer Parishioners who participate in “Oceanside Christopher Federal Credit Union Parish Revenue Sharing Program” With their help we have raised over $6,570! And with help from you, people on the lift will soon be raised up too! OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Yes, I would like to help give Our Holy Redeemer “a LIFT!”! Please deposit your donation with this form in the Sunday Offertory basket or drop it off at the Rectory, Monday through Saturday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (Checks should be made payable to Our Holy Redeemer Parish). Thank you! Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone #: _______________________________________________ Cell Home Donation Amount: __________________________________________ Cash Check #: _________________ Please Come Home and join us for a Holy Hour as we pray for Life, Marriage, & Religious Liberty Sunday, 31 May 2015 8:00 P.M. in the church NOW A WORD FROM OUR POPE (ABOUT THE FAMILY) POPE FRANCIS GENERAL AUDIENCE Paul VI Audience Hall Wednesday, 7 January 2015 The Family - 2. The Mother Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning. Today we continue with catechesis on the Church and we will reflect on Mother Church. The Church is mother. Our Holy Mother Church. In these days the Church’s liturgy sets before our eyes the icon of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God. The first day of the year is the Feast of the Mother of God, followed by the Epiphany, commemorating the visit of the Magi. The Evangelist Matthew writes: “going into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother and they fell down and worshiped Him” (Mt 2:11). It is the Mother who, after giving birth to Him, presents the Son to the world. She gives us Jesus, she shows us Jesus, she lets us see Jesus. Let us continue with the catechesis on the family, and in the family there is the mother. Every human person owes his or her life to a mother, and almost always owes much of what follows in life, both human and spiritual formation, to her. Yet, despite being highly lauded from a symbolic point of view — many poems, many beautiful things said poetically of her — the mother is rarely listened to or helped in daily life, rarely considered central to society in her role. Rather, often the readiness of mothers to make sacrifices for their children is taken advantage of so as to “save” on social spending. It also happens that in Christian communities the mother is not always held in the right regard, she is barely heard. Yet the center of the life of the Church is the Mother of Jesus. Perhaps mothers, ready to sacrifice so much for their children and often for others as well, ought to be listened to more. We should understand more about their daily struggle to be efficient at work and attentive and affectionate in the family; we should better grasp what they aspire to in order to express the best and most authentic fruits of their emancipation. A mother with her children always has problems, always work. I remember there were five of us children at home, and while one was doing one thing, the other wanted to do another, and our poor mama went back and forth from one’s side to another, but she was happy. She gave us so much. Mothers are the strongest antidote to the spread of self-centered individualism. “Individual” means “what cannot be divided”. Mothers, instead, “divide” themselves, from the moment they bear a child to give him to the world and help him grow. It is they, mothers, who most hate war, which kills their children. Many times I have thought of those mothers who receive the letter: “I inform you that your son has fallen in defense of his homeland...”. The poor women! How a mother suffers! It is they who testify to the beauty of life. Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero said that mothers experience a “martyrdom of motherhood”. In the homily for the funeral of a priest assassinated by death squads, he said, recalling the Second Vatican Council: “We must be ready to die for our faith, even if the Lord does not grant us this honour.... Giving one’s life does not only mean being killed; giving one’s life, having the spirit of a martyr, it is in giving in duty, in silence, in prayer, in honest fulfilment of his duty; in that silence of daily life; giving one’s life little by little. Yes, like it is given by a mother, who without fear and with the simplicity of the martyrdom of motherhood, conceives a child in her womb, gives birth to him, nurses him, helps them grow and cares for them with affection. She gives her life. That’s martyrdom”. End quote. Yes, being a mother doesn’t only mean bringing a child to the world, but it is also a life choice. What does a mother choose, what is the life choice of a mother? The life choice of a mother is the choice to give life. And this is great, this is beautiful. A society without mothers would be a dehumanized society, for mothers are always, even in the worst moments, witnesses of tenderness, dedication and moral strength. Mothers often pass on the deepest sense of religious practice: in a human being’s life, the value of faith is inscribed in the first prayers, the first acts of devotion that a child learns. It is a message that believing mothers are able to pass on without much explanation: these come later, but the seed of faith is those early precious moments. Without mothers, not only would there be no new faithful, but the faith would lose a good part of its simple and profound warmth. And the Church is mother, with all of this, she is our mother! We are not orphans, we have a mother! Our Lady, mother Church, is our mom. We are not orphans, we are children of the Church, we are children of Our Lady, and we are children of our mothers. Dearest mothers, thank you, thank you for what you are in your family and for what you give to the Church and the world. And to you, beloved Church, thank you, thank you for being mother. And to you, Mary, Mother of God, thank you for letting us see Jesus. And thank you for all the mammas present here: let us salute them with a round of applause! SCRIPTURE REFLECTION “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” (See Matthew 28:16-20) This declaration from Matthew’s Gospel lists the three persons of the Most Holy Trinity, the Holy Feast we celebrate today. Why is it important for us to believe in the Trinity? Think about this: If Jesus was not God, could His sacrifice on the cross cover the sins of all mankind? Could we be so sure and certain of the love of God if God had sent a servant, someone He had created to die for us? Instead, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, God the Son, came to die for us. Believing in the Trinity is not just a matter of believing a doctrine. It is far more than that. It means that we know how God is because we know how He acted when He took flesh and blood in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It means that we can believe the love of God is true and real, because instead of sending a servant to die for us, He Himself came to die for us. Diocese of Rockville Centre OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION PRE-REGISTRATION Diocesan Pilgrimage To The Papal Mass Sunday, September 27, 2015 Location: Philadelphia Cost: $25 (for coach bus) Pick up Location: St. Agnes Cathedral, Rockville Centre Time: TBA This is a pre-registration only *You will receive an email at a later date to complete your registration and submit payment. For more information please visit: www.worldmeeting2015.org Or contact Kathleen Logan 516 678-5800 Ext 236 Pre-register online at www.drvc-faith.org or forward the completed pre-registration form below. Mail to Debbie Coyne, Diocese of Rockville Centre, Office of Faith Formation, P.O. Box 9023, Rockville Centre, NY 11571. Name ______________________________________ Parish _________________________________________ Address ____________________________________ Parish Town ___________________________________ City/Zip ___________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________________________________ PreReg Papal Mass Sept 2015 Catholic ministries appeal TRIPLE CROWN WINNERS HAVE THEIR APPEAL AND SO DO CATHOLIC MINISTRIES . . . If helping others “run the race” appeals to you then PLEASE: make your check payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish: ________________________________________________ Name: ________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________ Donor Signature: ________________________________________ Pledge: $ ____________ Down Payment: $ ____________ Balance: $ ____________ Monthly Quarterly Annually Other Catholic Ministries Appeal, Diocese of Rockville Centre, P.O. Box 4000, Rockville Centre, New York 11571-4000 www.drvc.org/cma.html FAITH AND EDUCATION SCHOOL’S IN: DRIVE CAREFULLY (both on and off the road) 31 May 2015 – The Most Holy Trinity B Sunday Readings: Deuteronomy IV: 32-34, 39-40; Romans VIII: 14-17; Saint Matthew XXVII: 16-20 Student’s Name: ____________________________________________________ Class Day/Session: ___________________________________________________ Catechist Name: ____________________________________________________ Mass Time (Circle One): Sat: 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Sun: 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 1:00 PM GOSPEL QUESTIONS: (Religious Education Students please answer ALL questions, cut and give to your teacher weekly. Keep the Bulletin.) Fill in the blanks: The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. When they all saw Him, they ___________________________, but they doubted. Then Jesus approached and said to them, "All power in Heaven and on Earth has been given to _____________________. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the _______________________, and of the _______________, and of the ___________________________, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, __________________________ with you always, until the end of the age." Please Note: Registration (and necessary yearly re-registration) has begun at the Religious Education Office for 2015-2016. Please call us for more information at: (516) 546-1057. Thank you. NEWS FROM THE DE LA SALLE SCHOOL (516) 379-8660 During this year that Pope Francis has designated as a time to reflect on consecrated life in our Church we are blessed to welcome two men of faith and zeal to The De La Salle School for the final four weeks of our academic year. These two men, Manuel Baez and David Muñoz, are in the Contact Program of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and are living with the Brothers in their community in Freeport as they engage in ministry at The De La Salle School. Mr. Baez is studying physics at Manhattan College and Mr. Muñoz is pursuing a double major, Criminal Justice and Theology, at La Salle University. As they discern whether God is calling them to serve as Brothers they will have an experience of life in community and apostolic service in our school. We appreciate the willingness of each these individuals to explore the option of consecrated life for himself and are glad their witness will have a positive impact on our students. Please pray for Mr. Baez and Mr. Muñoz and their fellow Contacts at other sites in Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. How wonderful it would be if someday Brother Manuel and Brother David returned to Freeport as members of the faculty at The De La Salle School! For more information about becoming a Brother of the Christian Schools speak with Brother Thomas at The De La Salle School or visit www.BrothersVocation.org. PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS: Charles Shields III Joann Flaherty FAITH AND FINANCES Donald Gallant Sheila Walsh In a generous spirit pay homage to the LORD, be not sparing of freewill gifts. With each contribution show a cheerful countenance, and pay your tithes in a spirit of joy. Give to the Most High as He has given to you, generously according to your means. For the LORD is One Who always repays, and He will give back to you sevenfold. (Sirach XXXV:10-13) WHAT IS E-GIVING ? What do you do when inclement weather or sickness prevents you from attending Sunday Mass at Our Holy Redeemer, or family/business obligations take you to Sunday Mass somewhere other than Our Holy Redeemer? Use E-Giving! Like Offertory Envelopes (thank you for using them), E-Giving provides you with a way of exercising faithful stewardship even when inclement weather or sickness prevents you from attending Sunday Mass at Our Holy Redeemer, or when family/business obligations take you to Sunday Mass somewhere else.. For more information about E-Giving visit the secure web site at www.e-giving.org. FIRST COLLECTION ENVELOPE USERS Prior to Weekend 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:30 pm $ 974.00 $ 1,099.00 $ 2,658.25 $ 539.00 $ 688.75 $ 1,333.00 $ 1,476.02 $ 2,130.50 $ 1,725.00 29 24 65 10 27 30 49 71 33 TOTAL $12,623.52 338 MASS E-Giving SECOND COLLECTION $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ENVELOPE USERS 145.00 158.00 641.00 223.00 301.50 468.00 296.00 545.00 726.00 $ 3,503.50 12 13 32 7 23 18 25 32 16 178 SUNDAY, 23/24 MAY OFFERING TOTAL: $16,127.02 NUMBER OF CHILDREN ENVELOPE USERS: 97 Here are two ways that parishioners can increase their weekly offering with 25 Cents More! Ff PARISHIONER A Offering on 17 May: $ 0.25 Offering on 24 May: $ 0.50 Offering on 31 May: $ 0.75 Offering on 07 June: $ 1.00 Yearly individual increase: $344.50 If every Sunday Mass-goer followed this model of “putting in 25 cents”, the projected increase in our yearly collection based on 1000 Sunday Mass-goers would be: $344,500.00 Ff PARISHIONER B Offering on 17 May: $0.25 Offering on 24 May: $0.25 Offering on 31 May: $0.25 Offering on 07 June: $0.25 Yearly individual increase: $13.00 If every Sunday Mass-goer followed this model of “putting in 25 cents”, the projected increase in our yearly collection based on 1000 Sunday Mass-goers would be: $13,000.00. FAITH AND MUSIC Notes from our Music Director, Michael Crouse How about another exciting Concert Series on the Mile?! Last summer Our Holy Redeemer sponsored our first concert series at 175 Woodcleft Avenue, also home of our weekly "Mass on the Waterfront". Under the direction of Michael Crouse, we provided six evenings of wonderful and varied entertainment, culminating with a sacred and Americana program given by members of our choir. We had such artists as These Three Tenors, Andy Cooney, The Belles of Broadway and more. Many in attendance have been asking if we are going to do it again...and the answer is...with your help...YES! We are asking for both your input and your donations to raise enough funds to support this summer's series. At the end of this page there are a few questions that will help us to plan the best evenings for these programs, so that as many of you as possible may attend. We also plan to create a decorative plaque with the names of each person, business, or family who donates $100.00 dollars (or more) towards the funding of the series, which will be permanently displayed at 175 Woodcleft Avenue. We hope many more will take advantage of these wonderful evenings of music, and we need your help in spreading the word! It would be of great assistance if you would take the time to answer the following questions, and then return the questionnaire to the rectory by 31 May 2015: 1. Were you able to attend any of the concerts last summer? If yes, how many? _________ Did you find it an enjoyable evening? 2. If no, were you unavailable on Wednesday evenings? Yes No Yes No Yes No Check the best evening for you to attend: Monday Tuesday Wednesday (We must avoid the busy weekends. For the past two years, the Freeport Art's Council has provided a program on Thursday evenings.) 3. Would you be willing to make a donation to help support the series? Yes No If yes, would you be willing to donate $100.00 or more, and have your name remembered on our decorative plaque? Yes No If yes, amount of donation: $_________________________ (Please submit by 31 May 2015. Thank you.) 4. Please provide any other suggestions you may have regarding the Concert series:___________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #: __________________________________________________ (If making a donation) FAITH AND PRAYER Please Pray for our beloved deceased: ALBERTO M. FEBLES READINGS FOR 7 June THE MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI) 1st Reading: Exodus XXIV: 3-8 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 116 2nd Reading: Hebrews IX: 11-15 Gospel: Saint Mark XIV: 12-16, 22-26 Please Pray for: Peter Anglim, Robert Baciuska, William Brino, Joseph Gally Brisson, Brunhilda Cuniglio, Arvin De La Rosa, Wendy Eager, Guillermo Ferreira, L. Jacques, Linda A. Kane, Nancy Jean Lee, Amanda Mucaria, William Myers, Elizabeth O’Sullivan, Yldebrando Rangel, Marge Thompson, Sharon Trabbold, Eugene and Thelma Waldo, Iva Wimbiscus … and please call the Rectory if you know anyone in serious need of prayers. The names will remain on our prayer list for four weeks. Thank you. Please Pray for Our Priests…, O God, Who made Your Only Begotten Son eternal High Priest, grant that those He has chosen as ministers and stewards of Your mysteries may be found faithful in carrying out the ministry they have received. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 1 June: 2 June: 3 June: 4 June: 5 June: 6 June: 7 June: Father Cletus Nwaogwugwu & Father Joseph j. Nixon Father James J. Hannon & Father James P. McCabe, C.Ss.R. Monsignor James E. Boesel & Monsignor Steven R. Camp Father John Hien & Monsignor Richard G. Henning Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life Monsignor Jeffrey J. Madley & Father Moise Aime Our Holy Father Pope Francis 7 Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI … and for Our Seminarians Mr. Odalis Rodriguez Reverend Mr. James Hansen Br. Pierre Toussaint (Alain) Guiteau, C.F.R. Heavenly Father, please grant to Your Faithful servants, the grace and strength to carry out Your mission for the Church each day. Keep our Seminarians close to You and continue to inspire them to serve others in Your Holy Name. Please inspire the men You have called to the Priesthood to respond “yes” to Your call through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever. Amen. FAITH AND SOCIAL MINISTRY HUMAN SERVICES OUR HOLY REDEEMER (516) 868-8289 First Sunday Works of Mercy for 6/7 June IS: 23 West Merrick Road, Freeport, NY (516) 623-3247 PLEASE COME IN AND SEE US! SHOPPING HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Closed every Wednesday Tomato Sauce, Cereal, Peanut Butter and Jelly WANT TO VOLUNTEER? Please call Mr. Alfonso Martinez, Director He is waiting to hear from YOU! Attention Catholic Women! DONATIONS ACCEPTED: Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and by appointment. Volunteers Accepted All the Time! PLEASE HELP US TO HELP THE POOR! The Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Stella Maris #822 invites you to join them at their end of year Mass on MONDAY, 8 JUNE 2015 at 7:00 P.M. followed by refreshments and their meeting in the lower Church SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL Freeport Conference Would you like to help the poor of Freeport in a very direct way? Why not join our Saint Vincent de Paul Conference? If interested please contact Norma Sanchez, President, at (516) 378-1386 or Averell Campbell, Secretary, at (516)378-5020 “Generous hands are blessed hands, because they give bread to the poor.” – Proverbs 25:21 MORE FAITH AND SOCIAL MINISTRY The members of Freeport Girl Scout Troop 2003 in conjunction with the Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas, are asking your help in providing joy to the sick children in the pediatric unit at Winthrop Hospital. Troop 2003 is in the process of achieving their Girl Scout Silver Award. The Silver Award is their opportunity to make a lasting imprint on our community. The Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas have partnered with Troop 2003 in an effort to continue their good deeds for our community. There will be a donation bin in the main vestibule of the Church to collect items, such as individual art kits, crossword puzzles, word searches, and other forms of traditional games, for the pediatric patients at Winthrop Hospital. Some children are there for lengthy periods of time and need something to keep them occupied in order to take their minds off of the health issues they are experiencing. Hopefully, receiving a gift will make their day a little bit brighter. Two members of Troop 2003 have been hospitalized at Winthrop for extended periods of time and know the difference that items like these can make to the children while in the hospital. They would like to pay Winthrop back for taking such good care of them. In the upcoming weeks, please take a moment and drop a donation in the bin to help brighten a sick child's day! Thank You! Please continue to Pray for a Miracle for a suffering person through the intercession of the Venerable Father Anthony Vincent Gallo Diocesan Priest Oblate of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart Montforte Irpino 11 January 1899 – 2 May 1934 Thank you everyone who came home for last Sunday’s unveiling and blessing of the newest addition to our absolutely beautiful church. In particular, “thank you Monsignor Caldwell and Venerable Father Gallo’s family.” For more information please visit: www.fathergallo.com Now Accepting Registrations! Vacation Bible School . . . Thy Kingdom Come er. For Children in Pre-K through 6th Grade 17 August – 21 August 2015 Junior Counselors Needed - Grade 7 and Up! For more information please contact the Religious Education Office at (516) 546-1057 FAITH AND FUN FOR THE FAMILY AT THE FESTIVAL!!! Saturday, 6 June 2015 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Our Holy Redeemer will be at Al Grover’s dock on the Nautical Mile offering Families Frequenting Freeport’s Festival faith, fun, fitness, arts & crafts, singing, and so much more! A few good men are needed to help prepare the space for the faith and fun for the families. To Volunteer or for more information please contact the rectory at (516) 378-0665 or Gary Etheridge at (516) 521-8004. Thank you! OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 37 SOUTH OCEAN AVENUE FREEPORT, NEW YORK 11520 (516) 378-0665 5 THERE ARE LESS THAN TWO WEEKS LEFT! BEFORE OUR RAFFLE ANNIVERSARY DRAWING OF: $2014.00 on 11 June 2015 Complete the RAFFLE! RAFFLE! RAFFLE! Ticket Form below and mail it with a check ($25 per Ticket) to: Our Holy Redeemer Parish, 37 South Ocean Avenue, Freeport, New York 11520 REDEEMER Raffle! Raffle! Raffle! T I C K E T Daily Drawing $25 / Monthly Drawing $100 / Quarterly Drawing $250 Special Monthly $25 Gift Certificates to Local Merchants ANNIVERSARY DRAWING: $2,014 Drawing on 11 June 2015 Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________ F O R M # of Tickets ___________ @ $25 each = amount enclosed $ _____________________ Mail this Form plus a Check ($25 per Ticket) to: Our Holy Redeemer Parish, 37 South Ocean Avenue, Freeport, New York 11520. Your Ticket stub(s) will be mailed back to you. DEL PASTOR 31 DE MAYO DE 2015 Por Favor, Llama a Casa Cuarenta días después de celebrar la Resurrección del Señor, el Domingo Pascual, celebramos su retorno a la diestra de Padre / el Jueves de Ascensión, y comenzamos a mantener la vigilia en el Aposento Alto con María y los Apóstoles. Diez días después de la Ascensión y cincuenta días después de la Resurrección nuestra vigilia terminó y el Espíritu Santo, puso su sello sobre la gloriosa temporada Pascual con nuestra celebración del Pentecostés! ¡Los cincuenta días de la Pascua ya terminaron, pero no sin dejar su marca. Durante ese período, cuatro miembros adultos de la comunidad de Freeport (Mary Frances Ament, Anthony Infante, Nadine Militrano, y Ruth Ann Militrano), recibieron los Sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Eucaristía, y Confirmación) y fueron plenamente iniciados en la Iglesia Católica, 16 Bebés fueron bautizados en el Nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, 129 niños recibieron la Santa Comunión por primera vez (por favor oren para que se les siga trayendo a la iglesia), y ocho Católicos Bautizados recibieron la Primera Santa Comunión y / o su Confirmación para ser plenamente iniciados! ¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! Los gloriosos días Pascuales en Freeport dejaron su marca en la Parroquia de otras maneras. Durante ese período más de cuarenta personas con la ayuda de Linda Siani, Carolyn, Jimenez y Carolyn Terzulli completaron una jornada de siete semanas de discipulado llamada Siguiendo a Cristo y están a la espera de una misión de evangelización de siete semanas llamada Compartiendo a Cristo, que la Parroquia planea ofrecer en el Otoño. El Diácono Bruce Burnham, en conjunción con los Veteranos de la Guerra De Viet Nam presentó nuestra VIIma Vigilia de Oración Anual para el Día del Memorial, que con la ayuda del Diácono Robert O'Donovan como orador, ¡no solo ofreció un excelente tributo a los hombres y mujeres de nuestras Fuerzas Armadas, sino que instruyó y animó a todos los que asistieron! Ahora que los días Pascuales ya terminaron, podemos preguntarnos: ¿qué vamos a hacer ahora? Ciertamente podemos estar a la espera de la Ordenación Sacerdotal del Rev. Señor James Hansen y de los otros cuatro Diáconos Transicionales en la Catedral de Santa Inés el 20 de junio de 2015. Y más cerca de "casa" con la ayuda de la cubierta del boletín de la semana pasada podemos estar a la espera de la guía del Espíritu en la Milla Náutica durante nuestra segunda Serie de Conciertos Veraniegos que va a comenzar el 10 de junio y el retorno de la Misa del Muelle el 5 de Julio de 2015. Pero, ¿qué vamos a hacer aquí en casa donde lo que vale es venir a casa? Si se te ocurre algo, por favor ¡llama a casa! El comenzó a Enseñarles Muchas Cosas El comenzó a Enseñarles Muchas Cosas Los Diez Mandamientos Explicados por el Catecismo Los Diez Mandamientos Explicados por el Catecismo 2577 De esta intimidad con el Dios fiel, lento a la ira y rico en amor (cf Ex 34, 6), Moisés ha sacado la fuerza y la tenacidad de su intercesión. No pide por él, sino por el pueblo que Dios ha reunido. Moisés intercede ya durante el combate con los amalecitas (cf Ex 17, 8-13) o para obtener la curación de María (cf Nm 12, 13-14). Pero es sobre todo después de la apostasía del pueblo cuando “se mantiene en la brecha” ante Dios (Sal 106, 23) para salvar al pueblo (cf Ex 32, 1-34, 9). Los argumentos de su oración (la intercesión es también un combate misterioso) inspirarán la audacia de los grandes orantes tanto del pueblo judío como de la Iglesia. Dios es amor, por tanto es justo y fiel; no puede contradecirse, debe acordarse de sus acciones maravillosas, su gloria está en juego, no puede abandonar al pueblo que lleva su Nombre. Oremos LECTURAS PARA EL (Por los Hombres y Mujeres en las Fuerzas Armadas) Cpt. Thomas Collins III, Anthony Costante, Tyler Daly, Juan Diaz, Ryan Dugan, Michael G. Gonzalez, Daniel Ingin, Grig. Gen. Kevin Killea, Susana Ladino, Sgt. Ramon Marrero, Pvt. Jack McKnight, John Mediate, Airman 1st Class Jerome Miles, Lt. Cmdr. Colleen Minihan, Maj. Paul Minihan, Sebastian Moreno, Sean Joseph Mormon, Sgt. Allyson Parla, Petty Officer Floyd A. Rivera, Benjamin Rhodes, Sgt. Sammy Rodriguez, Edwin Sandoval, Doug Schambert, Paul Seidon, Luis Sic, PFC Ashley Sumner, Capt. John Talafuse, Lt. Matthew Talibon, Corp. Daniel Vargas, CPO William A. Vega, Capt. Johnetta Washington, Anthony Williams, Sgt. 1st Class Lynroy Williams, Lt. Cmdr. Brad Younger 7 de Junio de 2015 El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo 1ra Lectura: Éxodo 24-3-8 Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 116 2da Lectura: Hebreos 9:11-15 Evangelio: San Marcos 14:12-16, 22-26 REFLEXIÓN SEMANAL “En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo.” (Vea Mateo 28:16-20) Esta declaración del Evangelio de Mateo nombra las tres personas de la Santísima Trinidad, cuya Sagrada Fiesta celebramos hoy. ¿Por qué es importante que creamos en la Trinidad? Bueno, piense en ello. Si Jesús no era Dios, ¿hubiera su sacrificio en la cruz podido cubrir los pecados de toda la humanidad? ¿Podríamos estar tan seguros del amor de Dios, si Dios hubiera enviado a un siervo, a alguien que Él hubiera creado a morir por nosotros? En vez de eso, la Segunda Persona de la Santísima Trinidad, Dios el Hijo, vino a morir por nosotros. Creer en la Trinidad no es solo cuestión de creer en una doctrina. Es mucho más que eso. Significa que sabemos cómo Dios es por sabemos como Él obró cuando se convirtió en carne y sangre en el vientre de la Santísima Virgen María. Significa que podemos creer que el amor de Dios es cierto y verdadero, porque en vez de enviar a un siervo a morir, Él mismo vino a morir por nosotros. PROGRAMA SUPLEMENTAL DE ALIMENTOS Para mujeres embarazadas y postparto por 6 meses, infantes y para niños hasta los 5 años de familias con bajo ingreso. Proveemos asistencia de alimentos, educación nutricional y evaluación de salud. Le damos referencia a médicos y agencias de servicios humanos. LLAME al 516-377-0157 o VENGA A NUESTRA OFICINA. Caridades Católicas: Programa WIC, 38 Saint John’s Place, Freeport, N. Y. 11520 “Jóvenes Adultos Creciendo en Cristo” Invitamos a todos los jóvenes hispanos a que nos acompañen en nuestras reuniones todos los viernes desde las 7:30 P.M. Las reuniones tendrán lugar en la Sala Grande de la Escuela. Ven a compartir tus inquietudes, hacer nuevas amistades y a crecer con Cristo en lo humano y espiritual, con alegría juvenil. ADORACIÓN NOCTURNA ¿Interesado en pasar una hora en oración con Cristo durante los Primeros viernes del mes? Si desea hacerse miembro favor, llame al Diácono Cristóbal a la Rectoría (516) 378-0665. ULTREYA Todos los miércoles después de la misa de las 7:30 pm celebramos la Ultreya en el sótano de la Iglesia. Será muy bien recibido. Por favor, llame a Rosario Ricse al (516) 425-8339. GRUPO SEÑOR DE LAS MISERICORDIAS Lo invita a acompañarlos todos los lunes a las 7:30 pm en la Capillita del Antiguo Convento para rezar juntos la Novena al Señor de las Misericordias. Favor llame a Berta al (516) 379-8270. MÁS FE Y MINISTERIO SOCIALES Los miembros de la Tropa 2003 de Girl Scouts de Freeport junto con las Hijas Católicas de las Américas están pidiendo su ayuda para proveer gozo a los niños enfermos de la Unidad Pediátrica del Hospital Winthrop. La Tropa 2003 está en camino de alcanzar su Premio de Plata de las Girl Scouts. El Premio de Plata es su oportunidad de dejar una impresión duradera en nuestra comunidad. Las Hijas Católicas Juveniles se han asociado con la Tropa 2003 en un esfuerzo por continuar sus buenas obras en nuestra comunidad. Va a ver una cesta para donaciones en el vestíbulo principal de la Iglesia a fin de recoger artículos como juegos de artes, crucigramas, búsqueda de palabras, y otras formas tradicionales de juegos para los pacientes en la sala pediátrica de pacientes del Hospital Winthrop. Algunos niños pasan allí períodos extensos y necesitan algo que los mantenga ocupados a fin de apartar sus mentes de las dificultades de salud que están experimentando. Esperamos que el recibir un regalo les haga su día un poco más brillante. Dos miembros de la Tropa 2003 estuvieron hospitalizados en Winthrop por largos períodos de tiempo y saben la diferencia que estos artículos pueden hacer para lo niños que se encuentran en el hospital. A ellas les gustaría pagar de vuelta a Winthrop por lo bien que fueron cuidadas. ¡En las semanas entrantes, por favor tome un momento para dejar una donación en la cesta y de ese modo alegrarle el día a un niño! ¡Gracias! FE Y MÚSICA Notas de nuestro Director de Música, Michael Crouse ¿Qué le parece otra excitante Serie de Conciertos en la Milla? El verano pasado Nuestro Santo Redentor patrocinó nuestra primera serie de conciertos en el 175 de la Avenida Woodcleft, donde también se celebra nuestra “Misa Semanal en el Muelle.” Bajo la dirección de Michael Crouse, nuestro director de música, ofrecimos seis noches maravillosas de entretenimiento que culminaron con un programa de música sagrada y americana cantada por el coro de la iglesia. Entre los artistas que participaron estuvieron, Estos Tres Tenores, Andy Cooney, las Bellas de Broadway y otros. Muchos de los que asistieron han estado preguntando si vamos a tener los conciertos otra vez…. y la respuesta es ….. con la ayuda de ustedes ¡Sí! Les estamos pidiendo su opinión y donaciones a fin de recaudar suficientes fondos para apoyar la serie de este verano. Al pie de la página tenemos unas cuantas preguntas que nos ayudarían a programar las mejores noches para estos programas a fin de que la mayoría de ustedes pueda asistir. También planeamos crear una placa decorativa con los nombres de cada persona, negociante o familia que done $100.00 (o más) para costear la serie, que se desplegará permanentemente en el 175 de la Avenida Woodcleft. ¡Esperamos que muchos más de ustedes se aprovechen de estas noches maravillosas de música, y necesitamos su ayuda para propagar la noticia! Sería muy útil el que ustedes tomaran tiempo para responder a las siguientes preguntas y entonces devolvieran el cuestionario a la Rectoría para el 31 de mayo de 2015: 1. ¿Pudieron ustedes asistir a los conciertos el verano pasado? Sí No Si sí, ¿cuántas veces? _________ ¿disfrutaron de ellos? Sí No 2. Si no, ¿no estaban ustedes libres los miércoles por la noche? Sí No Marque su mejor noche para asistir: Lunes Martes Miércoles (No podemos usar los fines de semana. Durante los dos últimos años el Concilio de Arte de Freeport ha presentado un programa los jueves por la noche.) 3. ¿Estaría dispuesto a hacer una ofrenda para apoyar la serie? Sí No Si sí, ¿donaría $100.00 o más para tener su nombre en nuestra placa decorativa? Sí No Si sí, cantidad de la ofrenda: $___________________ (Favor someter para el 31 de mayo 2015. Gracias.) 4. Por favor suministre cualquier otra sugerencia que tenga respecto a la serie de conciertos:___________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Nombre: ________________________________________________________________________________ Teléfono #: __________________________________________________ (Si va a hacer una donación) THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. When they all saw Him, they worshiped, but they doubted. Then Jesus approached and said to them, “All power in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Saint Matthew XXVIII: 16-20 Directions: Find the words below from today’s Scripture reading in the puzzle. Words can go horizontally, vertically, and diagonally in all directions (as shown). AGE ALWAYS APPROACHED BAPTIZING BEHOLD COMMANDED DISCIPLES DOUBTED EARTH ELEVEN END FATHER GIVEN HEAVEN HOLY JESUS MAKE MOUNTAIN NAME NATIONS OBSERVE ORDERED POWER SON SPIRIT TEACHING THEREFORE WORSHIPED K G A O G R J E S U S D R O B D N N C R A E D K D U E U A T V I Z I G D L H E A W G P E S M A S E H O E P T O M T O N Z J T U C H C I R P A I N B D M C N G E I H A N E Z F E S E D O U B I S P A E I D Y V E A H M O T R V T L N T Q L E R R D M M O E I E G E X P O L V T T A W U O U K N W S S H E E H S N V N Q T H E R E F O R E P N D S N E V A E H K H K N I M U E M A N K D E H C A O R P P A D A L W A Y S L A B I J E T X D E T B U O D B C T L Y F X U
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