20150324 Translation Talks - Ontario Institute for Regenerative

The Ontario Institute for Regenerative Medicine (OIRM) is a not-for-profit
institute with a vision to revolutionize the treatment of degenerative
diseases, making Ontario a global leader in the development of stem
cell-based products and therapies. The OIRM is supported by the Ministry
of Research and Innovation.
Translation Talks 2014-2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
11:00 am-12:00 pm
Red Seminar Room, Donnelly Centre, 2nd Floor
160 College Street, University of Toronto
* Refreshments will be served
Scientific and clinical insights into the pathogenesis of
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
11:00-11:15 am
Michael Rudnicki, OC, PhD, FRSC
Professor, University of Ottawa
11:15 am-12:00 pm
Ronald Cohn, MD, FACMG
Associate Professor, University of Toronto
OIRM office and event
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