-•-... » •» • * , r ^ w W > n . «#. IIJ •», . ' < - u ^ » | !• * PAGE THREE DAILY SENTINEL, ROME, N. Y., FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 20, 1945 New York City's subway sys- George Clyde III Wins tem is the largest passengerAir Forces Pilot Wings carrying railroad in the world, 5,716,000 fares being collected G e o r g e A. every day as 7,000 trains speed Clyde i n . 19 over 740 miles of subterranean former Roman received the siltrack. ver wings of an Army Air Forces pilot and was sworn in as a flight officer at ceremonies at Napier F i e l d , A1 a., an advanced s i n g l e e n g i n e pilot * school of the AAF Training Command. Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Clyde, Shaker Heights, O., Flight Officer Clyde is a graduate of Rome Free Academy. Replace Your Old Lamp Shades Bridge and Junior Size Are you saving used fats? Complete Assortment Dining Out Sunday? o! Colors Majestic You Will Like Furniture Co. Milvo's 219 W. Dominick St. Change Now! Let Us Summerize Your Car for Warm Weather Driving. Modern Equipment for COMPLETE LUBRICATION RE-CAPPING VULCANIZING E. R. DAVIDSON 821 W. Dominick St. SERVICE STATION Phone 1989 RAAF WILL BARE ENGINES^ REPAIR CANCER CONTROL CAMPAI6NSLATED Sons in Service Rome Unit of Field Army Sponsors Meeting Here COMMANDER OUTLINES ORGANIZATION PLANS Will Show Vital Section to Public at Open House PLAN FULL EXHIBIT AT EVENT ON MAY 6 Inside View of Fortress One Of Many Features of the Methodist W. S. C. S. Hears Service Church. Religious Book Reviewed Miss Florence dev of Amaranth: Past Presidents' Parley, American Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. Horace Douglas reviewed Advertising In the Sentinel is the chapter on Korea from the the cheapest way to tell thousands book "Christ After Chaos" at what otherwise only a few would Wednesday afternoon's meeting of know. the Women's Society for Christian First Methodist Carpenter led devotions. Mrs. Ellis Aldridge was at the piano. Mrs. Marion Lewis will review the book "Papa Was a Preacher" at the May meeting. Mrs. H. P. Van Wagenen Is Legion Home Speaker Preliminary plans for a houseResidents of this area will have to-house canvass to raise funds their first opportunity on Sunday, for the fight against cancer were May 6, to get a close-up view of made by Rome Unit, Field Army the engine repair section of Rome of the American Cancer Society, Air Technical Service Command's at a meeting held last night in Maintenance Division. the American Legion Home. Visitors will be conducted Mrs. Harry Parker Van Wagthrough this vital section during enen. state commander of the Rome Army Air Field's open house Field Army, addressed representato be held May 6 from 1 to 5 p. m. tives of local women's organizaThe first complete airplane entions. She was introduced by Mrs. gine overhaul at the field was acDouglas Johnson. Rome Unit complished early in March, 1943. Cpl. James Gatley commander, who presided. Since that time many thousands Terming the campaign "an allMr. and Mrs, of power plants for craft of the : : s->«" '** out attack on cancer," Mrs. Van Army Air Forces have gone Elmer Gatley, Wagenen stated that the national through the engine repair shops. Broadway, have*goal is $5,000,000 to be used for Small groups of visitors have two sons in the research, service and education. been taken through the repair sec- service, one in Eric Johnson is national chairman. tion from time to time, but the the Army and May 6 open house will mark the the other in the The speaker traced the history first time that it has been opened Navy. of the Field Army, which has been to the general public. Officers of Cpl. J a m e s in existence for nine years, and the Maintenance Division will B. Gatley, 23, discussed the broad program conguide visitors through the shops is fighting with ducted by volunteer workers. and explain their operation. the Infantry in The Field Army's educational Germany. A To View New System program is carried on through g r a d u a t e of lectures by doctors on the medi The visitors will see the new R o m e Walter Free automatic system for cleaning dis- Academy, 1938, he was employed cal aspects of the disease, talks assembled engine parts. Installed by the General Cable Corp. prior by officers on the work of the oronly a few months ago, it is, said to entering the service Sept. 8, ganization, films, radio transcripto be the greatest single improve- 1942. He went overseas in April, tions, puppet shows, posters and ment in the history of the RATSC 1943, and was stationed for two exhibits, the state commander Maintenance Division. This latest years as an aircraft armorer gun- said. of a long series of production ner with an Air Base in England. "Early cancer is curable," Mrs. shortcuts practically eliminates He was recently transferred to an Van Wagenen stated, stressing the most disagreeable phases of Infantry Division. that cancer is an abnormal condiengine rebuilding. S 2/C Walter B. Gatley, 17, tion which can be corrected if Working on a conveyor belt sys- who joined the Navy Jan. 2, 1945, symptoms are recognized and tem, the new process cleans engine has completed his basic training treatment started in time. She exparts better and twice as fast as at • Sampson and is now stationed plained the part clinics are playthe old system. Formally two at the Naval Air Technical Train- ing in cancer control. shifts were required to clean the ing Center, Norman, Okla. He at"After the war we hope, with parts disassembled by a single tended Rome Free Academy and the help of the medical societies, shift. Now the cleaning easily was formerly employed by the to have detection clinics in sevkeeps pace with the disassembly. Rome Army Air Depot. He has eral states where people can go The engine repair section is one just returned to his base after for physical examinations at a in which a shortage of workers spending a week's leave with his nominal cost," she said. She added exists. Open house attendants who parents. that informriiion centers have feel they would like to contribute been established in many cities to the war effort by working at as a result of the work done by, Rome Army Air Field will find Means of Securing Effects the Field Army. booths set up in the display area, Of Overseas Dead Explained Organizations represented in the inside the Flight Test Hangar, Rome Unit include Companions of Disposition of personal posseswhere officers will explain how they may make application for sions of men in military service the Forest; Wanakena Chapter, who die outside the United States O. E. S.; Catholic Women's Club, employment. explained today by John E. Rebekahs, Skillin Relief Corps 13, The tour of the engine repair was Veterans of Foreign Wars AuxiliFitzsimmons, shops will be only one of many at- Service Agency.director, Veterans ary, Ladies' Nest of Owls, Women tractions placed before visitors on He said that his office had re- of the Moose, Daughters of Libopen house day. The most complete erty, John H. Allendorf Court, Orexhibit of AAF equipment and ceived many inquiries concerning the subject. materiel ever to be shown publicly According to Mr. Fitzsimmons in this vicinity will be on display. office in charge of the disposiA ramp built around the nose and the tion Effects Quartermaster, cockpit of a Flying Fortress, one of Armyis: Effects Bureau, Kansas City a number of combat aircraft to be Quartermaster 601 Hardeson display, will make it possible ty Ave., KansasDepot, City 1, Missouri. for visitors to get a view of the Due to lack of shipping space, big plane's interior. he continued, and to the immense The photographic exhibit will amount of work involved in locatfeature an AAF mobile photogra- ing and processing the personal phic trailer, used in combat areas effects of deceased members of to great advantage. Another ex- military personnel, many months hibit in actual motion will be a may elapse before the next of Link Trainer, used to give pilots kin is notified by the Kansas City training in instrument flying. ,An Office. aerial gunnery trainer also will be The director advised that next on display. A graphic exhibit show- of kin refrain from writing the ing use of defense against chemical office as every possible effort is attack has been prepared by the made for proper disposition as Chemical Warfare Section. An soon as possible. outstanding exhibit of AAF Ord% nance equipment will be shown. Social Security Office This will mark the third time in three years and three months Schedules New Hours of the field's existence that it has Edward G. Hooks, manager of been thrown open to the public. the Social Security field office at Approximately 130,000 visitors at- Utica, has announced that because tended the open house of last July of the increased number of calls 30, and this time, according to of- from wage earners and survivors ficials of Rome Air Technical Serv- of deceased wage earners visits to ice Command, there will be much Rome by a representative of his more to see than there was at that office will be changed. time. The new hours will be from 12 o'clock noon to 4 p. m. each TuesAssist at Card Party day in Room 202, second floor, Prizes given at the public card Rome Post Office. party held Tuesday evening by the Hooks explained that advice Past Matrons Club of the Holly Mr.assistance will be given to Chapter. 178, O. E. S., were ar- and persons who wish imranged for by Mrs. Gladys Jenny. mediate or futureto discuss retirement Mrs. Jessie Stedman and Mrs. Ruth Wicks served on the refresh- plans, dr to relatives of deceased wage earners w t o wish to file ment committee. for survivors benefits. Employees and employers who need information with respect to accounts and account numbers are also requested to contact the Social Security representative. America <> • • will you pray for the success of the San Francisco conference! "On the eve of the San Francisco the spirit Fathers there of America 'In God reaffirms We is a workable has been laid down the Faith Trust.' pattern We by Goa% Conference convenes, "We United to make for its urge laymen convinced which the San every effort to secure to go to their on the weekend of April 2lst-22nd "Will your neighbors, that they attend on the weekend inspiration, to do His you do everything families, suggestion of all nations the and courage of April enlightenment the respective to pray with all the power that is in them that understanding the Francisco of every faith throughout may give to the delegates Our deliberations. States and Canada places of worship are It is, therefore, of all of us, before guidance of for the world, obligation Divine Conference God wisdom, will. This message Is sponsored by NELSON'S In cooperation in your power to reach their families some 2lst-22nd with place of Movement, S47 Madison worship to ask and, guidance with the Laymen's the Ave., New York City, and Divine for all the National Retail Dry con- Goods Association. ferees?" You Want to See Diamonds to Suit Every Taste You Want to See Diamonds for ANY Gift Occasion You Want to See Diamonds to Fit Any Purse • •-•^ attend.;: RUDOLPH'S April Diamond Showin Gentlemen Prefer SUITS and TOPCOATS By Timely and Stylemart LEE HATS and WEMBLEY TIES McCormicks 252 W. DOMINICK ST. MEN'S APPAREL PHONE 158-J y * * * * * Homestead Helps Reduce Your Mortgage Costs MethocUrof home financing have progressed like everything else. Old methods are giving way to newer, thriftier, more convenient ways of paying for a home. The HOMESTEAD Direct Reduction mortgage plan is a positive way to reduce the costs of financing a home. For example: * * * * Senior Girl Scouts Learn Parts for Rally Program * * The Old Straight Mortgage: Modern Homestead Financing: 1—You borrow $5,000. 1—You borrow $6,000. 2—You pay $88 monthly. 8—In 20 y e a n you pay $2,200 la Interest. 4—After 20 y e a n you OWE NOTHING on your home. 2—You pay $250 Interest every Year. 8—In 20 y e a n you pay $5,000 In Interest. 4— After 20 yean you still owe $5,000. , * * HOMESTEAD SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Utlci OffiCSl 616 Seneca St. Rome Off lost 106 S. Jamtt St. Both Office* Open Dally Until 4:00 Except Saturday • • Devoe Furniture Polish $ct Ifoui F R E E BOOKLET Reviva Furniture Polish • Samae Cleaner • DuPont Sponges • Tavern Products • Glad Rags • Dusting Paper * * * 229.50 Household Hints * -J * -Beauty Qu**?] ^-diamond d o * Miss Miriam Gladding was in charge of the supper meeting of the Rome Senior Service Girl Scouts held in Clarke Memorial Hall of Zion Episcopal Church Wednesday night. Miss Mary Pearsall played two piano solos. . Instructions concerning their part in the May rally program were given members by Mrs. Donald Finley and Miss Ruth Schneible. The seniors will assist troop leaders in teaching Girl Scouts the singing games which will be a part of the rally program. — w.de iiyta * " * •wad.. « * * » • **" Slop in t* Rudolph's and ask for your copy of the fotcinating book. W», T h o Day Yon I v y o Diamond.'No chorgo. $125 * Wardwell's fbe %*** &"te GADGET SHOP 134 W. Dominick St. 107 W. Dominick St., Near Bifty Corner OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS Ph. 28 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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