Here comes Fiesta! - Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church

Fifth Sunday of Easter
Week of May 3, 2015
Here comes Fiesta!
More on Pages 7, 8, 9
and the Back Page...
Capital Campaign
Campaign update
$4.5 million
We are pleased to report that our capital campaign stands at $3.74 million
in pledges and gifts toward our goal of $4.5 million! Our Phone-a-thon is humming along with an enthusiastic team of callers reaching out to the parish to answer questions about the capital campaign.
It’s not too late to join this terrific team on May 6-7 or May 12-14. All you
need is a cell phone with charger and a positive attitude. Your talking script, call
list, food and prizes will be provided for a satisfying evening of accomplishment and fun with other OLA supporters.
To offer your help, contact Campaign Director Catherine Volini at or call the parish office at (630) 461-4720.
To view architectural plans or make a donation, visit
$3.74 million
$ 13,550
Architect Dan Young answers our questions
Will the proposed changes to the church increase seating?
Will we be able to see and hear the priest better in the new layout?
Is it all right to be seated behind the priest at the altar?
Where will the musicians be positioned in the church?
Will the lector be standing on a riser?
Will a restroom be added at the loft area?
Will there be a special place for families with babies?
Why use chairs instead of pews in the assembly seating area?
Will seating in the choir loft be changed or remain the same?
Our plan for the church substantially matches the
existing seating count while, at the same time, it improves all seating relative to the current liturgical
standard which encourages full, active and conscious
participation of the assembly. The position of the altar
and ambo [in the center of the church] also meets current standards for the assembly gathered around the
altar. It allows good visibility of the lector's face at
the ambo position. The music area will be positioned
to allow good sightlines between the altar, ambo, and
music ministers, while also supporting active assembly participation. The east vestibule (new addition)
might provide a good solution for families with children if acoustically separated by glazing at the existing archway. We will use interlocking chairs in the
assembly seating area to provide flexibility in their
arrangement for special liturgies and events. In addition, chairs are more comfortable and inviting. They
accommodate a precise number of people and typically can be stacked when necessary. We will study the
feasibility of a restroom facility at the choir loft level.
Most likely, seating in the loft will remain as pews,
but refinished or replaced to blend with renovations.
“Let us love not in word or
speech but in deed and truth,”
says St. John in the Second
Reading for this Sunday.
Campaign thanks
Our parish exemplifies the Gospel value of
community in all we do. We celebrate the following good stewards…
Phone-a-thon Volunteers: Kim Oanh Nguyen,
Chi M. Mai, Thai Bui, Phong Ho, Thang Pham,
Le V. Luu, Paul Ruggero, Penny Vienna, Larry
Pearring, Eric Judd, Carmen Atencio, Stacey
Weiner, Teresa Arreondo, Laurie Lama, Doug
Lama, and Isabel Morales
Video Volunteers: Paul Ruggero, Mike and Ana
Till, Sue and Neil Hyland, Daria and Luis Gurrola, Carol and John Salter, Bill and Linda
Young, Leigh, Aaron, Jillian, and Delaney Cornell, Chau and Phong Ho, Megan Quynh
Pham, Connie Aguilar, Trung Bui, Iris, Mark,
Julia, Joseph and Erik Patronite.
Our Lady of the Assumption Church – Directory on Page 10
Liturgical events
May crowning and Rosary for
OLA School Thursday, May 7, in
church at 11:30 a.m. is open to all
Blessing of mothers will be part
of all Masses next weekend. Pick
up cards in the vestibule of the
church to have your mother remembered at Masses this month.
 Knights and Ladies of
Columbus convene Tuesday,
May 5, at 7 p.m. in the auditorium and Sapienza Room, respectively.
 OLA Men’s Fellowship
meets Wednesday, May 6, at
7 p.m. in the Rectory Dining
community life
Fiesta sales of discounted
ride tickets and T-shirts continues this weekend after all
Masses. You may also sign up
to volunteer for our food and
game booths at Fiesta.
See Pages 7-9 & Back Page
Third World Handarts
returns to the OLA patio with
an array of gifts from around
the world this weekend.
This is Bundle Sunday in the
north parking lot from 8 a.m.
to 1 p.m. to benefit St.Vincent
de Paul Society.
USO collection for military
personnel traveling through
Ontario Airport is this weekend in the auditorium.
Our councils are only as good as our leaders
It’s time to nominate new parish leaders to represent the many voices of
OLA on our Coordinating Councils. Please consider nominating someone
you know who is active in parish life or ministry and possesses good leadership skills. This year self-nominations are also acceptable.
Nomination forms are available at the church, parish office, and
Welcome Cart. Deadline for submitting nominations is Monday, May 11.
Our current parish leadership structure connects pastor, staff, and lay
leaders in a collaborative model of partnership and shared decision-making.
Seven Coordinating Councils and the Pastoral Council meet on the third Thursday each month. All nominees
are invited to the Leadership Open House Thursday, May 21, at 7 p.m., also open to all parishioners.
Women’s Council
Parking: Be a good neighbor!
All women of the parish are invited to join the
OLA Women’s Council Tuesday, May 5, in the
convent at 10 a.m. for “dumb bunny” bridge, an
easy card game.
Members are asked to bring note cards for
messages of encouragement for patients at Loma
Linda Veterans Hospital. For more information,
contact Marie Assman at (909) 626-0902.
Parishioners are reminded that parking in the main
lot is restricted beginning Tuesday, May 5, due to Fiesta
preparations (arrival of carnival rides).
During Fiesta hours (see Back Page) the inside parking is restricted to handicapped parking. Please drive
carefully when dropping off or picking up passengers in
this lot! All parishioners are asked to be “good neighbors” when parking on the street – avoid blocking driveways and keep the street free of trash!
Mass Intentions/Readings
5th Sunday of Easter
Week of May 3, 2015/ Year B
Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16;
Jn 14:21-26
Jim Bortscheller
 Robert Boyens, Sr.
 Mariann Myeck
Cinco de Mayo
Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21;
Jn 14:27-31a
Jim Kelley
Phong Bui
Gilbert Hernandez
Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8
Souls in Purgatory
Chris Cole
Collective Intentions
National Day of Prayer
Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11
Leon J. Gelskey
Bernice Uhlyarik
Alexander & Elizabeth
Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12;
Jn 15:12-17
 Emily Sy
 Sally McVay
 Eladio & Amparo Quijano
Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5;
Jn 15:18-21
Raymond Weir
 Honor of all mothers
 Honor of all mothers
SUNDAY, May 10
5th Sunday of Easter; Fiesta
Mother’s Day
Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4;
1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17
or Jn 17:11b-19
 Honor of all Mothers
9:00am 
Honor of all Mothers
Honor of all Mothers
Honor of all Mothers
Honor of all Mothers
Honor of all Mothers
Honor of all Mothers
Collective Intentions
= Deceased
worship &
“Dear young people, dream of great things.” – Pope Francis
Are you between the ages of 18 and 35? You are welcome to this
and regular meetings usually held Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. in the
convent. Invite your friends to come meet new people and share new
ideas. You can e-mail for details or join
our Young Adults of OLA Facebook group! Here’s the May calendar:
Thursday, May 7
May 8, 9 & 10
Thursday. May 14
Thursday, May 21
Thursday, May 28
Friday May 29
No Young Adult Night
Fiesta! Sign up to volunteer!
“Reaching Out to Serve our Community”
Eucharistic Adoration
No Young Adult Night
Moonlight Hike at Mt. Baldy
Carpool at 5:30 p.m. from OLA parking lot
We have just passed a milestone with $10,600 in
funds collected for our Summer Mission Trip. We are
aiming for $14,000. It’s not too late to purchase shares
in the mission for $25 each at the parish office or online!
For more information:
Teresa Arredondo,
Uturn Coordinator
Office: 626-3596, ext. 215
Teen Ministry
Sunday, May 3
Teen Mass at 5 p.m.
Dinner and Uturn Teen Ministry
in The Junction at 6:30 p.m.
Join us for the first night in our
Marian series.
Theme: How I Met Your Mother
Sunday, May 10
Teen Mass at 5 p.m.
No Uturn meeting!
Join us for a hot dog and
lemonade at Fiesta!
faith formation
Adult series
Basic Bible Ed concludes
Is there an easy way to read the Bible? Can I find the full Bible
story in the practice of the Catholic Faith? Will this study make a
prayerful difference in how I understand Jesus?
Dr. Carol Younger, veteran Bible educator, concludes her series on
Bible basics Wednesday, May 6 at 7 p.m. in Room 16 of the Berkeley
Building. All are welcome.
“The answer to all these questions is a resounding YES!” says Dr. Younger who believes that
“understanding the Scriptures is the key to making
sense of everything Catholic.” She taught applied
biblical studies at the University of Sacramento (a
Catholic institution). and has spoken at the National
Catholic Bible Conference. Contact the Faith Formation Center at 624-1360 to sign up for the class.
Scripture reflection for this Sunday
In the second reading, St. John says, “Let us not love in word or
speech, but in deed and truth.” In many ways that sums up accurately
the messages we receive in Scripture on this Fifth Sunday of Easter.
Often we hear the adage “Actions speak louder than words.” Truly in
terms of stewardship what we do is much more important than what
we might say.
Throughout this Easter season many of our first readings are from
the Acts of the Apostles, a recounting of the early Church and its development. That early Church would not have survived without a
strong sense of stewardship and shared concern for each other.
“I am the vine; you are the branches.” With those words in our
Gospel, Jesus emphasizes the importance of our relationship with
Him. It is an intimate union that must and will produce fruit.
Carved into the front of the Temple in Jerusalem was a golden
vine representing the nation of Israel. Jesus often used references to
vines and branches and fruits in His teaching. In this Gospel there are
some subtle references that require knowledge of growing, nurturing,
and harvesting the fruits of the vine. If you have ever seen a vineyard,
the vines are often raised up and placed on poles. This allows them to
get more sun and to develop more fully and to bear more fruit.
Likewise, if we will allow Jesus to lift us up, we will feel His
presence more fully. As a result our faith and our actions will develop
more fully, and we, too, will bear fruit to build the Kingdom and to
carry out our lives of stewardship more effectively.–The Catholic Steward
Our Lady of the Assumption
School News
Academic Year 2015-2016
Applications for new students
are now being accepted at OLA
School for 2015-2016. Testing for
all grades is now in progress. Call
any time for more information or to
arrange a personal tour at 626-7135.
Inquire about our junior kindergarten class for four-year-olds, or
learn why OLA graduates are top
performers on high school entrance
Summer School
Experienced educators staff
OLA Summer School in two sessions: June 22 to July 3 and July 6
to July 17. Offered are Reading and
Writing (K-7), Math (K-5) and
Study Skills (K-7), in addition to
Algebra Review (6-7). Students
may register for up to three onehour classes per session at $100 per
class plus $50 registration fee.
Summer Camp
Summer Camp is open June 22
to July 24 for kids from kindergarten to 8th grade, weekdays from
6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Weekly, daily or
minimum day rates are available.
The fun comes to OLA for art, drama, dance, gardening, cooking,
sports, water fun, science and raffles. A 40-year tradition. For more
information, call the school office at
626-7135, ext. 227.
All programs
comply with
guidelines for
child safety.
6 Outreach
Stop SB128 ‘suicide bill’
Pax Christi plans
fundraiser for
terrorist victims
The OLA chapter of Pax Christi
will join La Verne’s Church of the
Brethren and other local social justice groups hosting an ice cream social Saturday, May 16, at OLA from
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Music will be provided by Steve Rushing Wind and
the Native Groove.
Beneficiaries of the event are
the Christian and Muslim victims of
Boko Haram in Nigeria. The pastor
of the La Verne congregation is
Nigerian-born Susan Boyer. The national Church of the Brethren aims to
raise $1 million for victims with help
from supporters of all faiths.
Donations may be mailed to
Church of the Brethren
1451 Dundee Ave.
Elgin, IL 60120
SB 128, known as the “suicide bill,” is currently before
the California State legislature. The bill seeks to legalize a
doctor prescribed overdose of pills for the purpose of committing suicide at the time and location of one’s choosing.
The Church teaches that euthanasia and assisted suicide
are always gravely wrong. However, careful stewardship of
life does not demand that we always use every possible means
to prolong life. Treatment can be refused by a terminally-ill
patient when its burdens outweigh its benefits for that patient.
We may reject particular treatments because they are too burdensome, but we must never destroy a human life on the
ground that it is a burden.
There are many problems with the proposed legislation:
No one is required to be with the patient at the time the medication is taken. SB 128 does not require that a patient inform
family members of the request for overdose medication.
There must be two witnesses to a patient’s request for overdose medication for suicide. One can be an heir and one can
be a representative of the nursing home or medical care provider. There is no safeguard against coercion.
Physician-assisted suicide erodes trust between patients and medical personnel, between
family members and their would-be heirs. It
preys upon the weakness, confusion, and insecurity of people who are disabled and disadvantaged. It tells all suffering or disabled people that
For our sick and suffering…
they are worthless.
Recent: Mike Brunasso, Albert Gass, Marie Gracie,
For more information and to learn how you
Labarrere Family, Antonio and Consuelo Nogales,
can oppose this legislation to your representative
Mark Olson, Antonio Palafox and Mary Simko
go to, the website of the
Previously Announced: Elva Allyassi, Cas and EmiCalifornia Conference of Catholic Bishops.
ly Bonk, Arline Bustamante, George Cards, Bernardino Carrasco, Gildardo Correa, Nayelli Curley-Lopez,
Guides to saving light, energy
Cecilia Daniels, Leonard Dourley, Juanita Duffy, Ema
The Sustainability Council of the Inland ValFrederick, Anna Gonzalez, Manuel Gonzalez, Sabina
ley offers three helpful pamphlets about saving
Guadarrama, Bob and Jim Hawbaker, Judy James, Joy
Jenal, Joseph Lowery, Fr. Tom Mullen, Emerenciana
energy, water and money while caring for God’s
Orozco, Joseph O’Toole, Leopoldo Rivera, Maria Ricreation.
vera, Matthew Ryan, Jesus Salcedo, Sally Scira,
You will find these free, detailed guides on
Calvin Scott, Olga Torres, and Inez Vasquez
the Welcome Cart located off the patio after
For our beloved deceased…
Masses on the weekend.
Burt Fowler, uncle of Dawn Lucas; John Chau M. Lai,
Learn about how to select energy-saving
husband of Phuong Lai; Diego Salinas, father of Kalights, how to install drip irrigation for droughtren Salinas; Calvin Scott, father of Shanna Aikens;
tolerant plants, and other tips for retrofitting your
and for the family and friends who mourn their loss
house for savings.
Prayer Requests
Fiesta Entertainment
Friday, May 8
5:30 to 10 p.m.
Saturday, May 9
12:30–1:30 & 2–3:30 p.m.
Guest performers with the Falconers
The Ravelers
Classic Rock for all ages
First-class entertainment
Sunday, May 10
4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The Falconers: OLA’s Own
“Music with soul to feed your spirit”
Fr. Charles, Fr. Chris, Fr. Dominic, Deacon Bob
and Teresa Arredondo join The Falconers at 12:30.
OLA’s award-winning cheer and dance squad from
1:45 to 2 p.m. PLUS OLA talent show at 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 9
5:30 to 10 p.m.
The ACE Band
LA’s No. 1
dance band and
OLA favorite
The Way Back Machine
Blast from the past!
First time at OLA
Sgt. Peppers Beatles Tribute Band
plays noon to 2 p.m.
Dance the
night away!
PLUS Sunday Attractions
Dragon Dance 2 p.m.
Folklorico 3 p.m.
8 Fiesta 2015 information
May 8: Friday 5-10pm
May 9: Saturday 11am-10pm
May 10: Sunday Noon-8pm
Shop early… Get your discount!
Pre-sales of ride tickets and T-shirts continue this weekend
on the patio. Also, purchase tickets and T-shirts before and after
school from 7:45 to 8:15 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. daily
through Thursday. The parish office will have pre-sale tickets
until Friday at noon.
Save $9 on the purchase of Fiesta ride tickets… price is $16
per sheet. Wristband for all-day Sunday is $25 pre-sale and $35
on Sunday. The Fiesta T-shirt is especially nice this year and
sports a design by one of our students. Cost is $10 for shortsleeve youth sizes. Adult short sleeve shirts are $10 for sizes
S-XL and $12 for XXL. Adult long-sleeve shirts are $15 for sizes
S-XL and $17 for XXL.
A hot tip about your favorite Fiesta food
Young and old agree that Fiesta food is fabulous! Your mouth waters just thinking about the tacos, burritos, hamburgers, teriyaki bowls, popcorn, cotton candy, egg rolls, cookies and ice cream. Heads up! This year
our food booths will be taking coupons that you purchase when you arrive. This change will enhance the safety of our patrons and the safety of our workers who will no longer be handling cash at the booths. Introducing
anything new at such a tradition-bound event may cause a little trembling, but never fear! The food will be
better than ever, and our Fiesta team guarantees efficient transactions for coupons.
Child Safe Zone
by the OLA Safeguard
the Children Committee
Be on the lookout for these signs
which indicate the
Fiesta booths with
trained personnel
for handling situations involving child
safety. Show your
children the places
to go should they
become lost or
need help at Fiesta.
68 years of Fiesta fun
Our Fiesta has always been the pride and joy of the
OLA community, and rightly so. It’s the perfect combination of multi-cultural and multi-generational blending, family values, community participation, quality
entertainment, and just plain fun! How thrilling to note
that it has always been like this.
The Fiesta has roots in a history much older than
its 68 years. The original Catholic community in
Claremont sponsored home-grown celebrations called
jamaicas in the 1930’s and 1940’s with music, dancing,
games, and great food. In 1947, the same year that Our
Lady of the Assumption Parish was formally organized,
the first “Fiesta” took this successful formula and combined it with the raffle of a Plymouth sedan to raise
funds to build our church. Both Spanish-and Englishspeaking parishioners enjoyed great food, music, dancing, games, and carnival rides on a site next to the rectory on Foothill Boulevard. In a tradition that continues
to this day, the first Fiestas brought people together to
celebrate life and enjoy the best of our diverse cultures.
Our fabulous Fiesta chairs 9
Joe & Jane Siegmund, 2015 Co-chairs
Joe & Katrina Alvare, Past Chairs
Joanne Wintroath, Volunteer Coordinator
Pete & Lynne Stella, Raffle Chairs
Mike & Mary Kunz, Entertainment Chairs
John & Carol Salter, Sponsorship Chairs
Ray Raus & Mike Annuziato, Food Chairs
Dennis & Stacey Weiner, Food Ticket Chairs
Susan & Mike Brunasso, Photography/Video
Pinky Reymundo, Pre-Sales Chair
Jose & Meg Gutierrez, Banners and T-Shirts
Neomi Torres & Jean McKenna, OLA Staff
Beer Garden
The DeBolt Family
Grady Jennings
Sandra Columbus
Knights of Columbus
Matt & Holly McDonagh
Hispanic Community
Ana Nogales-Till
Set-up volunteers
Food Ticket Sales
Stacey & Dennis Weiner
Mike McKenna
Glass Pitch (OLA School)
Mrs. Debbie Kay
Rodney Barrios
Goldfish Toss
Cortney Marsh
Service Hours
Kash Coleman
Cake Walk/Entertainment
The Kunz Family
John & Bridgett McKeown
Cotton Candy
Monica & Paul Lee
Hot Dogs (Uturn Teens)
Teresa Arredondo
Ice Cream
Young Adults
Handel’s Ice Cream
Mariela Arellano
Information/Raffle Booth
Joseph Siegmund
Remi & Brenda Tremblay
Ryan Weiner
Loteria (Hispanic Choir)
Roberto Roman
Randy & Kristin Rohrer
Volunteers for Fiesta set-up
(and for break-down) are urgently needed to spare our hardworking committee chairs this
extra burden. Please call Fiesta
Message Center and offer your
help Thursday starting at 2 p.m.
and all day Friday! School parents can earn double service
hours for set-up and clean-up.
Face Painting
Fiesta Message Center:
(909) 626-3596, ext. 319
OLA School Booth
Terry and Mary Ann Kistler Bernadette Boyle
Cindy Corrales
Food Booth Assistance
Don & Lena Kho
Italian Catholic Federation
Jim & Linda Rudroff
Cal & Silvia Stephens
Faith Formation
Elena Cardena
Pastoral Council
Parish Staff
Jana Spruce
Tom McGarry
Sweet Shoppe
OLA School Room Parents
Monica McGuire
Marcia Richter
Hector Gonzales
Filipino Community
Pinky Reymundo
Vietnamese Cuisine
Vietnamese Community
Kim Nguyen, Thai Bui
Thanks to the multitude of volunteers who staff our booths!
10 Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church
435 Berkeley Avenue – Claremont, CA 91711
Interested in the Catholic Church? We invite you to one of our
Inquiry sessions. Call KathySteighner at 626-3596, ext. 221, for more
information. See “Adult Formation” on Page 7 for the weekly schedule.
Baptisms Brochures about the Sacrament of Baptism are available at the
Welcome Cart on the patio after weekend Masses, as well as the parish and
Faith Formation offices. Please call 4-6 weeks before the date of Baptism.
For English Baptisms, please contact the parish office at 626-3596, ext. 0. For
Spanish Baptisms, contact Elena Cardeña at 626-3596, ext. 213.
Weddings Congratulations! Please call Fr. Chris Troxell, associate pastor
(ext. 272), at least six months ahead for preparation and scheduling. Weddings
are scheduled Saturdays at 10 a.m., noon, and 2 p.m. Visit the Welcome Cart on
the patio for more information.
Anointing of the Sick Please call the parish office day or night.
Hospital/Home Visits For distribution of Holy Communion, please
contact the parish office.
Funeral Arrangements Please contact the parish office for help with
services and special needs.
Stephen Ministry This one-on-one care-giving ministry at OLA is available upon request to those seeking emotional and spiritual support through a life
challenge such as loss of a job, personal illness, separation or divorce, illness or
the death of a loved one. Please call 626-3596, ext. 332 to leave a confidential
St. Vincent de Paul Society Hotline One-time emergency assistance for individuals and families. Call (909) 626-3596, ext. 333, to leave a
message. Your call will be returned by a volunteer case manager.
How to Reach Us
Parish Office (909) 626-3596
Fax (909) 624-3680
email Address:
Parish Office Hours
Open 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday,
Open 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday
Open Saturday and Sunday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(Lunch break from 12:30 to 1 p.m.)
Faith Formation and Religious Education
Faith Formation Center (909) 624-1360
Elena Cardeña, Director of Faith Formation (x213)
Office open Mon-Thurs 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
OLA Catholic School
611 W. Bonita Ave., Claremont, CA 91711
Tel. (909) 626-7135 Fax (909) 398-1395
Principal Bernadette Boyle
Office hours: Mon-Fri 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Sunday Mass Schedule
7:00 a.m. Cantor-led Song
9:00 a.m. Contemporary
11:00 a.m. Contemporary
1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass
3:00 p.m. Vietnamese Mass
5:00 p.m. Teen/Contemporary
7:00 p.m. Cantor-led Song
Saturday Vigil Masses
4:00 p.m. Cantor-led Song
5:30 p.m. Cantor-led Song
Weekday Mass Schedule
6:30 a.m. Monday through Friday
8:15 a.m. Monday through Friday
5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
8:15 a.m. Saturday
Saturday Confessions
3:00 – 3:45 p.m. English/Spanish
6:30 p.m.
Parish Staff
Rev. Charles J. Ramirez, Pastor
Rev. Chris Troxell, Associate Pastor
Rev. Dominic Bao Quoc Tran, Associate Pastor
Rev. Msgr. Peter O’Reilly, Retired Priest
Deacon John and Joyce Tullius
Deacon Art and Nadine Escovedo
Deacon Bob Steighner, Liturgy Coordinator (x234)
Kathy Steighner, Christian Initiation Coordinator (x221)
Neomi Torres, Dir. of Administration (x203)
Mary Jean Neault, Dir. of Pastoral Ministries (x216)
Teresa Arredondo, Youth Ministry Coordinator (x215)
Sandra Rojas Leonor, Office Manager (x231)
Bing Macavinta, Bookkeeper (x232)
Jean McKenna, Bulletin/Communications (x217)
Trevor Thomson, Contemporary Ensemble
Roberto Roman, Spanish Choir
Tien Dinh, Vietnamese Choir
Jeff Brown, Contemporary/Youth Ensemble
Bulletin deadline is Sunday for the following weekend. Bring copy to the parish office or email .
Grand Sponsor - Empire Nissan
Major Sponsors
Sign Excellence – Jose & Meg Gutierrez
Classic Elegance Photo/Video – Mike & Susan Brunasso
Money Mailer of S.G.V., Inc. – John & Carol Salter
4C’s Finecraft Jewelers – Tom & Cecelia Cerafice
Shell / Anabi Oil – Sam and Rene Anabi
Platinum Sponsors - $1500
Mothers’ Day Weekend
May 8, 9 & 10
Friday 5 to 10 p.m.
Saturday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Sunday Noon to 8 p.m.
68 years of family fun!
Best Food in Town!
Tacos, Burritos, Hamburgers, Snowcones,
Nachos, Pizza, Hot Dogs, Popcorn,
Vietnamese, Teriyaki, Sweet Shoppe,
Ice Cream, Cotton Candy, Snowcones,
Beer, Wine, and Wine Margaritas
Best Carnival Rides!
Zipper, Kamikaze, Hurricane, Super Slide,
Gravitron, Casino, Ferris Wheel and more
Games for all ages!
Goldfish, Cake Walk, Bingo, Loteria,
Glass Pitch, Face Painting and more
Best Entertainment! See Page 7
Friday – The Ravelers
Saturday – The ACE Band
Sunday – The Way Back Machine
PLUS Dragon Dance and Folklorico
Fiesta Raffle
Grand Prize
Nissan Versa or
$10,000 in cash!
Become a Fiesta sponsor, donor or
volunteer! Call (909) 626-3596, ext. 319,
or visit website:
Gretchen Augustyn, Todd Memorial Chapel
Palace Entertainment – Albert Cabuco
Chery and David Lim, Chris and Pat Shaner
Inland Capital Real Estate – Edgar Rojas
Gold Sponsors - $750
Handels Homemade Ice Cream, Upland & R.C.
Doug and Laurie Lama & Family
Mahoney & Soll, LLP – Paul & Jacquie Mahoney
John Scott, Diana, John and Joey Salter
Ed & Carol McKeown, The Pearring Family
Pacific Western Bank, Randy & Kristen Rohrer
Good Faith Carpet Cleaning – Patrick Hutt Family
Los Jarritos Mexican Restaurant – Pedro Lopez
Margaritas on Tap!, Veg-Fresh Farms – Joe Marchese
The Body Center/Claremont, Yogurtland/Claremont
Silver Sponsors - $500
David Seccombe, DDS, General Dentistry,
HJ Radtke Construction – Herman & Vicki Radtke
George and Alice Kerner, Kenneth Kuchar,
La Paloma Mexican Restaurant/La Verne
Gray and Ehler Orthodontic Specialists
Foothill Transit, Thang and Kim Phang
Rancho Cucamonga Quakes Baseball
La Parolaccia Osteria Italiana/ Claremont
Friends Sponsors - $150 to $499.99
Fair Trade Ministry – Hugh & Jean Menton – Dolores Cullen, Joseph O’Toole
Italian Catholic Federation Branch 319, Kirk & Susan Jensen
United Catholic Federal Credit Union, Jose Horo,
Jim & Marilynne Belna, Pat & Norm Bortscheller
Shirley Souza, J. Grady Jennings, Mike & Jean McKenna
Julia, Kim OLA Pastoral Council, Carter & Denise Spohn
Claire McQuillan, Mike Sutton & Mary Jean Neault
Dan O’Hara Family, Dr. Paul Olivera, D.D.S.
Dan and Zahra Sauter, Pete & Lynne Stella, Ray Stella
Steve & Janet Yoss, Mary Ann Kenney, Jim & Linda Rudroff
Ladies of Columbus, Gary, Christine & Natalie Limon
Mick & Mary Lou Brown, Dr. James & Ginnie La Rose
Gift Donors
Karen Ocker & Debbie Brown, Quakes Baseball, In N Out Burgers,
Aromatique, Casa Moreno, The Diamond Center, The Lantz Family,
Dolores Cullen, John and Sara Beemer, Rick and Jennifer Vasquez,
El Ranchero Mexican Restaurant/Claremont, Dave & Buster’s,
Laser Island/Upland, Quakes Baseball, John and Carol Salter,
Ruth Damico, Skin & Body Care, Scandia Amusement/Ontario,
Spoil Me Spa,/Upland, Walter’s Restaurant, Hotel Casa 425,
LA County Fair, Sara & John Beemer, Museum of Tolerance,
Christina & Lee Watkins, Huntington Library, Art and Gardens