read our bulletin - Lady of the Assumption

First Saturday, July 4: INDEPENDENCE DAY
5:00 Brian Sherry (2 months remembrance)
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 5
8:00 For the parishioners of Assumption parish
9:30 Ruth and Al Cerce (Anniversary Remembrance)
11:00 Rita and Armand Cabral
Monday, July 6: St. Maria Goretti
8:00 Henry Bertoloni
Tuesday, July 7
8:00 Birthday Intentions
Wednesday, July 8
John, & Bob Hathaway (Remembrance)
Thursday, July 9:
8:00 Adeline Marotta (Anniversary Remembrance)
Friday, July 10
8:00 Billy Selvitelle, Jr. (18th Anniversary Remembrance)
Saturday, July 11
8:00 Judy Folkard (Month's Mind)
5:00 Paul R. Hennessey (Memorial)
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 12
8:00 For the parishioners of Assumption parish
9:30 Paul Coleman, Brian, & Mary Coleman
11:00 Catherine T. Corbo
"Men’s prayer and spiritual discussion group"
facilitated by Deacon John Hulme. Join us on the second
Saturday of every month after the 8:00 AM Mass in the
lower church parish center for approximately 1 hour to
gather for prayer and spiritual discussion.
discussions with revolve around the scripture readings
for that weekend and how they relate to living the
Catholic life, in the world and our personal lives. Also
time will be available for individual witness and
discussion of ongoing spiritual growth and concerns.
Please read the scripture selections for that weekend.
Our next meeting is Saturday 7/11/15 at
approximately 9:00 AM." JOIN US!
May "freedom" be celebrated this holiday
weekend while prayerfully asking in a special
way God blessings on...
our Soldiers...past, present & future,
their Families, & our Leaders...
May God guide them and hold them in the palm
of His hand
every moment of every day. Amen
Taste and see that the Lord
is good; blessed the man who
seeks refuge in him.
Offertory Collection week ending June 28, 2015.
Peter's Pence $2,103.00
Thank you for your generous support !
Gospel Reflection: Mark 6:1-6a
Jesus's dilemma in this Sunday's Gospel might ring
true for you. In his hometown, Jesus is unable to
perform his usual "mighty deeds.' The people have a
hard time seeing him for who he really is because they
have known him since he was a child. Many teenagers
face this same problem. There are some adults in your
life who will probably always view you as a child, no
matter what you accomplish. Sometimes, people might
bring up past mistakes that you have made, even though
those things don't represent who you are now. Don't let
these things derail you from your path of serving God. It
is not easy, but you can take comfort in knowing that
Jesus went through the same thing. Continue to respect
and honor your family and friends as you do God's will.
Do you know someone who would like to become
Catholic? or someone who is interested in completing
their initiation in the Catholic Church by receiving First
Holy Communion and Confirmation?
The Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) process is just what
they have been looking for! Please spread the word to
those you know who have shown some interest in the
Catholic Church, in the Mass or in what we believe. For
more information about the R.C.I.A., please call the parish
office and speak with Fr. Aveni.
Pastoral Care of the Dying... If you have a loved one who
is in need of Spiritual Care or would like to receive
Communion at home, please call the parish office to make
The meaning of our word America flows from one
pure source. Within the soul of America is the
freedom of mind and spirit in man. Here alone are the
open windows through which pours the sunlight of all
the human spirit. Here alone human dignity is not a
dream but a major accomplishment.
Herbert Hoover
New Mass Schedule to begin in September
The purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council, is to advise the
Pastor/Administrator on Parish Life. The foundational source
of Parish Life is the Sunday (Saturday Vigil) Liturgy, therefore
the Weekend Schedule of Masses and Mass attendance is an
area that the PPC regularly examines and advises on, asking
questions: Is the present Mass Schedule serving the greater
community and does it fit with the number of people who
In those discussions the PPC would consider
Weddings, Baptisms, parking, and priest availability, etc. After
a discussion regarding Mass attendance and Weekend
Schedule, over the past couple of months, the Parish Pastoral
Council has recommended the following Mass Schedule to
begin on weekend of September 12-13, 2015 and I have
accepted their recommendation. Saturday Morning Mass will
be at 8 AM, Confessions will move to 9 AM on Saturday
Mornings. Mass on Saturday afternoon will be at 4:30 PM
throughout the year. Sunday Morning Masses will be at 8:30
AM and 10:30 AM. I appreciate any support and patience
that you can offer, as I know that change can be difficult for a
parish community.
Arranging for Mass Intentions
With the new Mass schedule, there will obviously be an effect
on weekend Mass intentions that have been arranged. Please
call the parish to change any Masses that have already been
arranged. It is by Canon Law supported by a directive from
Cardinal Sean that Pastors and Administrators are bound to
celebrate a Mass for the People of the Parish (pro-populo)
every weekend. Occasionally this Mass can be delegated to an
assisting priest or moved to a weekday for good reason. We
will be open to moving some of these pro-populo Masses to
weekdays though the end to the year to insure that we are
able to honor most of the Mass intentions that have
previously been arranged.
In that same spirit, to help in future planning and scheduling,
beginning in July we will limit the ability to arrange for Mass
intentions to 6 months in advance of the Mass. This will
allow our councils and programs to plan in advance and give
more parishioners, especially those who may have
experienced a recent death, an opportunity to arrange for an
anniversary Mass. Announced Mass intentions will not be
taken for Holy Days of Obligations (including Mary the
Mother of God- January 1, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday,
Easter, Ascension, Assumption, All Saints Day-November 1 and
All Souls Day –November 2, Immaculate Conception,
Christmas Eve and Christmas as well as Mother’s Day and
Father’s Day).
Come Join Us at
Miramar Retreat Center
for Our 12th Annual
"Some Enchanted Evening" Fundraiser
Mark August 1st on your calendar; attend the 12th annual
"Some Enchanted Evening" fundraiser at Miramar Retreat
Center, 121 Parks St., Duxbury, MA. The date and time to
remember: August 1, 2015; 5-9pm
Break away from today's stress and worry! Relax and enjoy
the social hour, elegant dinner, cash bar, silent auction, raffle
and live entertainment in Miramar's comfortable atmosphere.
Tickets are $100 per person. All proceeds go toward the
Miramar Retreat Center Capital Campaign.
For more information on placing an ad in the program book
or to make reservations, call Mary Fran at 781-585-2460, ext.
312 or visit our website:
The Marshfield Collaborative invites all children (ages 4-12
years old) to attend Vacation Bible School at Saint Ann by
the Sea Parish on July 14th through 17th from 9am - 11am.
The cost is $35 for one child and $70 for a family. You may
register on-line at or send inquiries via email
St. Ann by the Sea invites those interested in attending a
July Mission Trip, Serving the Poor in Massachusetts.
Sunday, July 5th to July 10th to the greater Worcester area
serving those in need. $400. Flyer at the church entrances.
Contact Will Rein at or call 781-834-4953.
We are excited to welcome our two new
Coordinators of Faith Formation Mrs. Deb
Conlon (Grades 1-5 and Sacramental
Preparation for First Penance and First Holy
Communion) and Mrs. Colleen Schoeck (Grades 6-8, and
Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation) to our staff.
One of their first orders of business is to plan our
programs, and communicate the new programs to the
parish, and begin the registration process, with the hope to
hold registration by the beginning of August.
Again, we appreciate your patience during this period of
development and transition.
Coming or Going? Parish Census Registration Update...
Please complete the following to update our records...
Name: ___________________________________________
ADDRESS: _______________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________
Circumstances: ____________________________________
(Clip this out & drop in the collection basket or mail to parish