May 2015 Ms. L. D’Andrea, Principal Ms. A. Stong Mr. D. Mazzotta School Trustees Our lady of the annunciation news PARTNERS IN EDUCATION Ms. M. Battista Area 4 School Superintendent “Integration of Our Catholic Faith” May is for Mary In our lives as Catholics we can reflect on Mary as a model of several aspects of our Christian way of Life: Hope, Courage, Prayer and Faith. We consider Mary’s relationship with her son Jesus and with the early formation of Christian Community. As a believing woman, Mary shows us what it means to struggle with faith, yet place our trust in God. Mary is special because she lived the very meaning of the Gospel that we are all invited to live. Mary’s example of staying with Jesus through his suffering and death encourages us to be filled with compassion and with hope realized within our own lives. Thanks for Your Mother’s Care Jesus, thank you for entrusting me to the spiritual maternity of your mother, Mary. Through faith I stand at the cross and hear you ask Mary to look out for me. I read the Scripture and see what kind of a woman she was—a person of deep faith always in prayer. Your mother prays that I have faith and a love of prayer. I hunger for this gift and open my heart to it. Amen Students will be involved in many activities throughout the month of May to learn about Mary’s life. We will recite the Hail Mary throughout the month of May as part of our Opening Prayers. “Blessed are you among women…" Luke 1:40 VICTORIA DAY MAY 18, 2015 SCHOOL CLOSED INSIDE THIS ISSUE Catholic Education Week 2 Celebrating our Catholicity 3 Planning for 2015/16 4 OLA in Action 5 Continuous Improvement of Achievement 6 Engaging our Communities 7 OLA Home Calendar 8 Our Lady of the Annunciation CES 30 Bayswater Avenue, Richmond Hill 905 773-5592 Follow us on Twitter: @ OLAnnunciation CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK- “Exploring Paths of Joy” CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK May 4—May 8, 2015 Each year the Catholic Community of Ontario engages in a week-long celebration of the unique identity and distinctive contributions of Catholic Education during Catholic Education Week. This is an opportunity to celebrate the great work of Catholic Schools in the dynamic and creative integration of Catholic teachings and gospel values across the curriculum. Catholic schools are Catholic communities. Catholic schools are faith communities. We, parents, students, teachers, administrative and support staff – walk and grow together in the faith which we received at our Baptism. Our growth is primarily a relationship with God, who at our Baptism, called us by name. But the response of each of us to that growth is both personal and communal. We grow in our faith in the nurturing atmosphere of our Catholic community be that of our local parish, our home, or our Catholic school community. This year’s celebration entitled, ‘Catholic Education: Exploring Paths of Joy’ is scheduled for the week of May 4 – May 8. The overall scriptural theme is taken from Jesus’ words in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 24:32e), . “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking to us on the road?” Our school community will celebrate Catholic Education Week 2015 in ways that are appropriate to our students’ age. Our Catholic schools are places of growth. Small kindergarten students grow into being teenagers; grade nine students grow into young adults. We all grow both in age and, we hope, wisdom. Growth is natural and expected in the plant and animal world. As Catholics we are expected to grow in faith. What exactly that means will differ from person to person and ultimately, growth in faith is a personal matter between us and God. We can nurture our faith through prayer and knowledge and our living in a vibrant Catholic community. That is how we grow together. There are five sub-themes, one for each day of Catholic Education Week: For more information on Catholic Monday: Walking Together and Sharing our Story Tuesday: Opening the Scriptures Wednesday: Welcoming Others to the Table Thursday: Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread Friday: Proclaiming the Good News Asian Heritage Month During the month of May, the York Catholic District School Board will be recognizing Asian Heritage Month in our school communities. Throughout the month, special announcements will be made honouring the legacy of saints and Canadians who have made important contributions. We are looking forward to sharing this information with our students. Page 2 During this week, we will be celebrating the gift of Catholic Education with special prayers and activities. Each morning we will read the Catholic Education Week prayer for the day over the announcements. Classes will be doing their own activities following the theme of the day in their classrooms. As well, we will be hosting our annual ‘Volunteer Appreciation Lunch’ on Wednesday, May 6th to acknowledge all of our valuable volunteers throughout the year. Then, on Friday, May 8th, our Grade 3 classes will lead us in a Liturgy at 9:30am –Exploring Paths of Joy. Hope to see everyone there. Thank You to the Staff of Our Lady of the Annunciation! As we enter education week it is important to take the time to affirm the staff for their outstanding work on behalf of the students at Our Lady of the Annunciation! Education Week, visit: ShareLife Easter Flower Campaign This year’s ShareLife campaign was met with much enthusiasm and support. Thank you to all the families in our community who purchased Easter Flowers. We raised just over $400.00 for ShareLife. This is a generous donation that supports a very worthy cause. Thanks to all of you for your support! A special thanks to Ms. Savoy, Ms. Mastrogiacomo and Mrs. Romano, who organized and helped distribute the flowers, and to our parent volunteers, Mrs. Shiner and Mrs. Bouhs. O U R L A D Y O F T H E A N N U N CI A T I O N CELEBRATING OUR CATHOLICITY GRADE 2 FIRST COMMUNION Our Grade 2’s will receive their First Holy Communion on May 2nd at Our Lady of the Annunciation Church. We ask that our school community continue to pray for these students and their families. Parents who have inquiries about sacramental preparation should contact Fr. Peter at the Church The students have made a small mosaic tile cross to remember this special occasion. Funding for this keepsake was made possible through the Catholic School Council funds and school funds. Thank you to Father Peter and our Grade 2 teachers, Ms. Savoy and Ms. Bergougnou for their spiritual guidance. GRADE 8 CONFIRMATION Our Grade 8 students will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 12, 13, 14, or 26th, at Our Lady of the Annunciation Church. Many thanks to our Intermediate teachers Ms. Carinci and Ms. Thompson, and to Father Peter for their support in preparing our Confirmandi for this special Sacrament. Each of the Grade 8 students also made a beautiful mosaic tile cross to remember this special occasion. Father Peter blessed the crosses on April 24th. The crosses were funded by the Catholic School Council and school funds. “The spirit of the Lord is upon us, because our God has anointed us to make all things new!” Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon The staff of Our Lady of the Annunciation would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the parents and volunteers who have donated their time assisting on class trips, helping out in the classroom, and organizing and running many events in our school. We are grateful to the many people who contribute to our school community in numerous ways. Their time, organization and planning are greatly appreciated by all. To show our appreciation we are holding a Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on Wednesday, May 6th, 2015 between 12:00 p.m and 1:00 p.m in the Library. An invitation was sent home in April to each family! Please RSVP to the school office by May 1, 2015 Page 3 MAY Catholic Virtue: Responsibility I will: honour my commitments even when it becomes difficult; be reliable so people can depend on me; be accountable for the things I say and do. GRADE 8 GRADUATION Don’t forget to mark your calendars. The OLA Gr. 8 Graduation Mass will be held on June 19th in the school gym at 1:30pm. The Awards Ceremony and Dinner/ Dance will be held on the evening of Tuesday, June 23rd beginning at 5:00 p.m. at Oakview Terrace. More details to follow closer to the date from your child’s classroom teacher. Kindergarten “Spring Celebration” Spring Has Sprung! The Kindergarten students would like to invite their adoring mothers to a Mother’s Day celebration on Thursday, May 7th, 2015. Each class will have a designated time to participate. In this celebration of moms, the students will be showcasing their learning and talents through language, song, drama and dance. This performance is for mothers, grandmothers or special women in the lives of our students. Our Kindergarten classes will celebrate fathers during the month of June. OUR LADY OF THE PLANNING FOR 2015/2016 2015-2016 CLASS PLACEMENTS The process for the formation of class lists for September, will begin in June, 2015. The first step in this process is to determine class organization, Kindergarten, and grades one through eight, consistent with the Board, Ministry and contract guidelines. Each student will be individually discussed and placed according to what staff believes is best for the child. Our goal is to establish balanced classes to provide effective working groups which will benefit all children in each class. Teachers will meet to carefully consider the following: learning styles academic abilities social groupings special education needs English as a Second Language language needs behavioural needs balance of males and females previous placement in combined classes I am sure that you can appreciate that creating the best and most functional class groupings possible is a task which requires much thought and careful planning. Accepting parental requests for specific teachers would not be in the best interest of all the children in the school, as it could restrict school staff in forming what we consider the most ideal classroom groupings. The teachers who have been working with the students all year know them well and will make determination of placement in your child’s best interest. However, if you feel there are extenuating circumstances not listed above, or that additional clarification is needed, you are asked to submit your request in writing, including rationale, addressed to Mrs. D’Andrea by Friday, May 29th , for consideration. Please DO NOT email requests. Staffing can also change, so please DO NOT request specific teachers. JK/SK REGISTRATIONS If you have not yet registered your child or if you know someone who intends to register their children for September 2015, please encourage them to do so as soon as possible. This will help us in knowing how many students we will have and how to set up the classes. CATHOLIC COUNCIL MEETING WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN ORIENTATION Our next meeting for the Council will Planning has started for students entering Junior be on Mon. May 25th at 7:00 p.m. in Kindergarten this coming September. On May 21st, special the library. All parents are welcome meetings have been planned for parents and their child so to attend. that they can familiarize themselves with our school and Would you like to serve on the OLA some of its procedures and receive a “Welcome to Catholic School Council? A new Kindergarten” bag of resources. Letters have been sent Council for 2015-2016 will be elected home to parents who have registered regarding their Sept. 2015. Keep an eye out for dates appointment time. We thank Ms. Magni, Ms. Pianezza, Ms. Sansalone, Ms. and details. Giles, Ms.Clayton, Ms. Horgan, Ms. Cipriani, and Ms. McEvoy, for being part of this year’s OLA’s FAMILY NIGHT SCHOOL BARBEQUE Supervision- Bell Times Get those picnic blankets We remind parents that morning supervision begins at 8:45 a.m. For the and lawn chairs out of safety of the children we ask that you please ensure that caregivers are not hibernation, OLA’s Annual dropping children off at school earlier than when supervisors are in the yard, Family BBQ will be celebrated on students are not to enter the school before the entrance bells. The entrance Monday June 9th, 5-8 PM. There will be a wide variety of activities for bells ring at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at which times students line up at their designated area to be escorted by a teacher into the building. Please ensure the students and parents to enjoy, that students are picked up by 3:30 p.m., there is no supervision after 3:30 spectacular music to listen to and delicious food to eat. Come on out and p.m. In case of an emergency or you are delayed in traffic, please notify the office. share an evening of fun and laughter with your OLA community! MAY 2015 Page 4 OLA IN ACTION…...GO ALL STARS GO!! JUNIOR BASKETBALL GIRLS: The junior girls will be participating in a tournament on May 5th at Fr. Frederick McGinn. The girls have shown perseverance, sportsmanship and commitment during their practices. Way to go girls! Thank you to all the intermediate students who have assisted with the practices, parents for your on going support, and to our dedicated and committed coaches Ms. Sansalone, and Mr. Ayoade BOYS: On May 4th the junior boys will compete in a tournament hosted by Holy Name. The boys have displayed enthusiasm, determination, and sportsmanship throughout their practices. Way to go boys!! Thank you to all the intermediate students who have assisted with the practices, parents for your on going support, and to all of the organizers of the tournament. Coaches: Ms. Sansalone, Mr. Ayoade. Boys’ Junior Basketball Renzo L. Chiron H. Reed T. Matthew L. Costas Z. Nicholas B. Julian R. Christian F. Lorenzo B. Jake C. Mario F. Christian R. Gianni L. Aryana M. Nicholas K. Matteo E. Girls’ Junior Basketball Angelina V. Amanda V. Christina S. Jessica C. Ava P. Emma L. Emma P. Jinessa D. Sierra L. Cassidy B. Isabelle D. Gabriella P. Cristina V. Sara M. Sarah M. Brienna D. “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” John F. Kennedy Communication at Our Lady of the Annunciation Communication is the first step in developing good working relationships,. As a school, we are committed to keeping students and parents informed about events, special celebrations, and the day-to-day happenings in the school. We invite parents to visit our school website often at The home page will be used as a blog to keep you informed about weekly announcements and reminders. In addition, we are pleased to inform you that OLA is now on Twitter. The link to our Twitter feed may be found on our school website or search for @ OLAnnunciation. Please follow us and we are confident that you will be delighted to read about all of the wonderful things happening at our school. Our Lady of the Annunciation Website Follow us at: @OLAnnunciation We are very proud of our Gold ECO School Certification. We continue to make every effort to build on our ECO initiatives. To help foster awareness towards the Environmental Stewardship Strand, we want to minimize the photo copied paper being used at the school. Therefore, as of June 2015, hard copies of the monthly newsletter will end. Beginning in September, newsletters will continue to be posted on the OLA Website and all families will receive the OLA monthly newsletter as an email attachment through Synervoice. This will allow all families to have access to the newsletter at any time throughout the month. We thank you for your support in helping us reach our ECO school goals. MAY 2015 Page 5 Continuous Improvement of Student Achievement ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMPETITION The Junior and Intermediate Divisions have worked very hard over the last month in preparing for OLA’s Oral Communication competition. Each of the classes had two representatives compete in our school competition on April 15th. The speakers presented to their fellow students, staff members, parents, and a panel of honorable judges. The winners of our competition, Junior—Alex T. (Random Acts of Kindness) and Intermediate –Lauren B. (Heaven), went on to compete in the Area finals at Our Lady of Hope CES on April 29th. We would like to congratulate all students for their hard work and efforts. Junior: Chelsea L. : RINGETTE Hailey C.: IF I WERE A GROWN UP FOR A DAY Andreas P.: LEFTIES Christina S.: MY ITALIAN GRANDPARENTS Brayden E.: THE HEART Elizabeth M. BEING SHORT Aryana M.: INTERNET CRIMES Isabel L.: PAN AMERICAN GAMES Alexander T.: ACTS OF KINDNESS Daniel B.: COMMUNICATION AND HOW IT HAS CHANGED Intermediate: Lauren B.: HEAVEN Aaron A.: FICTION Ryan H.: PUBERTY Noah P.: VIKINGS Gloria F. LYING Adamo S.: THE HORRORS OF SPEECH WRITING Isabella V.: STRESS Matthew S.: INFLUENCE OF SPORTS ON KIDS Isabella S.: POPULARITY Honourable mention to our 2nd place winners Adamo S. and Isabel L. Thank you to Mrs. DeFina and Mrs. Bergougnou for organizing this event for our students and for accompanying the winners to Our Lady of Hope CES. Page 6 ASSESSMENTS OF READING, WRITING AND MATHEMATICS, PRIMARY AND JUNIOR DIVISIONS: EQAO EQAO Assessment will be administered for several days to be scheduled between May 25and June 4, 2015. The rationale for the later time frame is that students will be better able to apply concepts and skills of the curriculum. All Grade 3 and Grade 6 students will participate in testing. The tests are developed through the Educational Quality and Accountability Office and all students in the province will participate. All test results will be communicated to you during the fall of 2015. Please note that students can’t study in preparation for these tests; however, they can get a good night’s sleep and have a healthy breakfast prior to coming to school. Please avoid booking out of school appointments during this time frame. Keep in mind that this is only one assessment of what your child has learned, and that the teacher’s regular classroom assessments remain central to the learning process. If you would like more information about the EQAO assessment, please visit the website: We thank the parents/guardians in advance for their co-operation, assistance and encouragement given to their child(ren). A Message from the ECO Club: Hello O.L.A. Community! Last week was Earth Week at O.L.A. Each day we participated in a different theme to honour our Earth. There was Yard clean up day, Walk/Ride to school day, Ban the plastic bottle day and a Lights off day. Members of the Eco Club also participated in a special Eco art project. Using recycled textiles, students in the Eco Club created a large textile weaving depicting the colourful wings of a butterfly. Members of the Eco Club also made and planted seed bombs in the Butterfly Garden to help attract pollinators to the garden. Energy Conservation Everyone get ready because May 4th is the first day of Screen-Free week! For one week, unplug from entertainment screen media and spend your free time playing outside, riding your bike, visiting a friend, or reading. Are you up for the challenge? New Physical Education Equipment The students are enjoying playing with the new gym items purchased thanks to the generosity of the OLA Catholic School Council from support of the Spook-a-thon funds. The equipment includes yoga mats, a mini golf set, a T-ball set, potato sacks, Bocce sets and countless other items. The children love being active and having so much fun! Keep in mind that if you are looking to get rid of extra balls, rackets etc. when cleaning this spring, we will definitely find use for them. Thank you! O U R L A D Y O F T H E A N N U N CI A T I O N N E W S Engaging Our Communities .FIRE DRILLS/CODE DRILLS As a school we are committed to providing a safe learning environment for all students and staff. It is important that we conduct emergency preparedness exercises. We conducted 3 practice fire drills in the fall and we are required to conduct 3 more in the spring. As well, this spring we will also conduct another “Code “ drill. The Code drills differ from a fire drill in that students will remain inside the building as a safety precaution in the event of severe weather or a possible intruder in the building. All staff and students will review this procedure prior to practicing it. SAFETY AND SECURITY A reminder to all parents and all visitors to our school to register at the office as soon as you enter the building by signing the Visitor’s Book on the front counter, and to wear a Visitor’s Badge during your stay as per our Board’s “Safe Schools” policy. Please remember to sign-out and return your visitor’s badge when you leave. Early dismissal—as a safety precaution for our students please always send in a note with your child if he or she is being picked up early by yourself or someone other than yourself. This will help minimize interruptions to the class, and perhaps an unnecessary call home. WHEELS AT OLA Over the last few weeks there has been an increase in the use of scooters/ skateboards by our students. If students choose to use these items to get to school, they are responsible for them. The school will not take responsibility for lost or stolen items. Due to safety reasons, these items cannot be ridden on school property. Students must walk onto, and off the property. Thank you for your cooperation. Page 8 SCHOOL CLIMATE STUDENT SURVEY 2015 Schools need to be safe and welcoming places so that all students feel comfortable to learn. Between April 23rd and May 22nd, all students in Grades 4, 6 & 7 will be given an opportunity to complete the school climate student survey. This information will help us learn how we can continue to make our Catholic school a safe place in which everyone feels respected and that they belong. The results collected will be used to build upon the strengths previously identified in the 2014 survey of parents and school staffs, as well as address areas of concern as we continue our efforts to promote peace, justice and the sacredness of human life of all of our students here at Our Lady of the Annunciation and create a culture of continuous improvement of student achievement in everything that we do. SOCIAL WEBSITES Our school is obliged to protect our students and families personal information. Images of students are considered personal information. Parents sign the Freedom of Information consent form upon registering their child with our Board. This consent allows pictures to be posted on the School Board’s or school’s websites. It does NOT include permission for posting pictures on social networking sites (i.e. Facebook, MySpace, YouTube). We caution parents and staff that when taking pictures/videos of students in school or on field trips that those pictures are not to be posted on any social networking sites. Questions about the collection and the use of this personal information should be directed to the Privacy Manager, York Catholic District School Board, 320 Bloomington Rd. W., Aurora, Ontario L3G 3G8 or (905) 713-2711. SEE OUR GARDEN GROW……. As part of our initiative to becoming ECO Certified, Our Lady of the Annunciation will be improving and adding to the green space at the front of the school the end of May. This initiative was a huge success last year. In order to accomplish this goal, we need help from all the students in the school. Each student is invited to bring in a hearty, native species flower to plant the week of May 19th. Planting will begin with the Junior grades on May 19th, followed by the Primary grades on May 20th, Kindergarten classes on May 21st and the Intermediate grades on May 22nd. This is a hand-on learning experience that will assist in teaching our students the value of respecting and caring for our earth. Please remember your flower on May 19th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd, so all students can say they played a part in helping our garden grow. Additional information with specific times/classes will be sent home in early May. Parents are welcome to join us in the planting experience with their child’s class. Once again thank you for all of your support with our green initiatives! O U R L A D Y O F T H E A N N U N CI A T I O N N E W S The York Catholic District School Board approves Long Term Accommodation Plan for 2015-2020 The Government of Ontario, the Ministry of Education, and local School Boards are responsible to students and to their parents to ensure that as much funding as possible is directed to the education needs of students. Recent provincial announcements have highlighted the need for school boards across the province to reduce surplus capacity through the implementation of a Long Term Accommodation Plan. At its Regular Meeting of the Board held on March 24th, 2015, the Board of Trustees approved the York Catholic District School Board’s Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) for 2015-2020. The LTAP is a planning report which highlights the current and future student accommodation needs of the York Catholic District School Board. Implementation of the LTAP will begin in the Fall 2015. The LTAP focuses on the four (4) Rs: "Right Program" (elementary school and/or secondary school initiatives); "Right Facility" (physical space in the building, school yard and parking lot); "Right-Size" (student placements, school organization); and, "Right Location" (geography). The LTAP includes a number of accommodation initiatives, which range from new schools to accommodation reviews and boundary reviews, program considerations, temporary accommodations, as well as, facility partnerships. Each accommodation initiative will be guided by a process that includes opportunities for community participation and consultation. The York Catholic District School Board is committed to keeping all stakeholders informed throughout the process. To view the Long Term Accommodation Plan in full, and for more detailed information, visit: http://
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