Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish Waltham/Lexington OUR LADY COMFORTER OF THE AFFLICTED Church: 880 Trapelo Rd, Waltham, MA 02452-4845 www.olca.org Parish Office/Religious Education: 920-R Trapelo Rd., Waltham, MA 02452-4845 (781) 894-3481 • Fax (781) 894-0021 Our Lady’s Academy: 920 Trapelo Rd., Waltham, MA 02452-4845 (781) 899-0353 • www.ourladysacademy.org Parish Office Hours–Monday-Friday 8:00AM-4:00PM Academy Office Hours–Monday-Friday 7:45AM-2:45PM PARISH STAFF Rev. James M. DiPerri, Pastor parish@olca.org Rev. James F. Hawker, Senior Priest Assisting Deacon Ramon Garcia garciaramoni@gmail.com Patrick Fiorillo, Seminarian partrick.fiorillo@sjs.edu John Barry, Religious Education Coordinator religiouseducation@olca.org Miriam Dorovski, Finance Manager finance@olca.org Sharon Micco, Parish Office Manager parish@olca.org Nori Elisabeth Fahrig, Music Director music@olca.org Chandra Minor, School Principal principal@ourladysacademy.org Mary Gotgart, School Office Manager office@ourladysacademy.org MASS SACRAMENT OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8AM First Friday Mass 9AM (only) Saturday (Vigil) 4PM Sunday 9AM, 11AM Holy Day As Announced Every Saturday from 3:15 - 3:45 PM in the Reconciliation Room located just inside the front of the church at the handicap entrance, baptismal font side of church. Other scheduled opportunities throughout the year, as well as by appointment. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Sacrament of The Sick will be administered on the last weekend of each month after the 4PM and 11AM During Mass or on selected Sunday each month at Masses. Who can receive this sacrament? Those who are 12:15 PM . Please contact parish office. aged, chronically ill, are having treatments or will be having surgery. We invite you to come receive the Sacrament of the Sick, a source of strength, healing and SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE grace. Arrangements six months-one year in advance by appointment. Please contact the parish office. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA) Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring Holy BAPTISM Anyone interested in journeying in faith to receive the Communion to those unable to attend Sunday Mass. sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, please Please contact the parish office to make arrangements. contact the parish office. For more information on the Catholic Faith visit www.usccb.org 2 Palm Sunday Waltham/Lexington Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Saturday March 28 4:00 pm Catherine and Jerry Paone Memorial Sunday March 29 9:00 am Val Giorgianni 6th Anniversary **All Members of Our Lady’s—Living and Deceased** 11:00 am Richard Fogg Memorial Monday March 30 8:00 am Peace in our World Wednesday April 1 8:00 am Special Health Intention Holy Thursday Mass —7:00pm Good Friday Stations of the Cross—12:00noon Good Friday Service—7:00pm Easter Vigil—7:30pm Easter Sunday Masses—9am & 11am EASTER COLLECTION Thursday April 2—Holy Thursday 7:00 pm Mass of the Lords Last Supper Friday April 3—Good Friday 12:00 Noon Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm Good Friday Service Saturday April 4 7:30 pm Easter Vigil Sunday April 5 9:00 am Easter Sunday *All Members of Our Lady’s—Living and Deceased* 11:00 am Easter Sunday Next week’s Easter collection is for our priests. The Clergy Health and Retirement Trust helps care for the health and well0being of our 628 priests, ensuring an appropriate level of care and quality of life for the men who have dedicated their lives in service to our Archdiocese of Boston. Our priests have been there for us. Now, it is our turn to care for them in their time of need. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support to ensure the continuing care of all our priests. Please remember in your prayers the special health intentions of Barbara Beeson who is seriously ill. SPRING CALENDAR FUNDRAISER Please keep in your prayers Maryann O’Leary who recently passed away. Maryann was a long time parishioner of Our Lady’s. She left a bequest to our parish in her memory We prayerfully remember her and her family at this time. UPCOMING COLLECTIONS Our “Spring Calendar” fundraiser has been mailed out. The drawing month is May, 2015. Calendars are $20 each. The calendars will be sold the months of March and April. We will also have tables at the back of church on certain weekends for those who wish to buy extra calendars, maybe for gifts! Minimum prize is $50 and maximum is $150. One winner will be picked every day in May. Let all your friends know so they can buy one or two from you. March 28/29: Regular COLLECTION INFORMATION March 21/22: $6,014 Please consider signing up for Online Giving. Online Giving allows those who have joined not to worry about being away and it eases our minds a bit as well knowing that is a steady income. If you would like to sign up for Online Giving, contact Sharon in the parish office. March 29, 2015 3 Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish Waltham/Lexington CONFESSIONS DURING LENT REGIONAL VICAR TO CELEBRATE MASS Confessions will be hear d ever y Wednesday during Lent from 6:30-7:30pm. Our Lady’s welcomes our West Regional Vicar, Very Reverend Brian R. Kiely who is here this weekend to celebrate the 11:00am Mass to begin the most Solemn ceremonies of Holy Week. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Stations of the Cross will be pr ayed every Wednesday during Lent at 6:30pm. All are welcome. EASTER EGG HUNT Due to the endless snow we have received and Easter being early, we are not going to have an Easter Egg hunt this year. Instead there will be a visit from the Easter bunny after the 9:00am Mass and goodies will be given to all the kids. CATHOLIC APPEAL Thank you to all who have participated in Our Lady’s 2015 Catholic Appeal Campaign. Your support is the most effective way our parish community can join together in the Church’s universal work to care for our neighbors. To date we have collected $12,950 which is 28.5% of our goal. If you have yet to participate in the 2015 Catholic Appeal, please pick up a pledge form which can be found on any of the tables in church. You also can make a gift or pledge online at www.bostoncatholicappeal.org. Thank you for your support and for helping us towards reaching our parish goal. ST. VINCENT DEPAUL The food collection is the third weekend each month. Some suggested items are: cereal, children’s snacks, peanut butter, jelly, mayonnaise, small canned hams, cans of stew, spaghetti sauce, coffee, hot chocolate, bars of soap and toilet tissue. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity. A statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the sanctuary of our church is forthcoming as announced by Fr. DiPerri at all weekend Masses last week. A statue has not been selected or ordered but will be in the next few months as a desire to further enhance our sacred space. The location is on the blank brick wall above the baptismal font, opposite side of the Blessed Mother statue. A statue of the Sacred Heart is significant in portraying our Lord’s love for each of us and our quest to follow him. Our Lord appeared in several visions to many Saints over the centuries. Jesus shows his Sacred Heart in order that we may be drawn into his loving presence. PERFECT GIFT—1000 CLUB The perfect gift for that hard to buy for person. Memberships are $55 per year. Our next drawing is Sunday, April 12 at 12:30pm in the school cafeteria. JOIN TODAY!!! Name: __________________________________ Address: ________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Fill out and return to Sharon in the parish office. 4 Palm Sunday Waltham/Lexington Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish KOINONIA ACADEMY CONCERT CHOIR Choir Director: Thomas J. Appert Pianist: Susan A. Minogue Join us for a night with the Koinonia Academy Concert Choir from Plainfield, New Jersey. Enjoy an hour long presentation of uplifting music, skits and faith sharings. A free will offering will be taken. For additional information, please contact Thomas Appert, 908-868-4976 or tappert@koinoniaacademy.org or Susan Minogue, 908-612-2612 or sminogue@koinoniaacademy.org PALM SUNDAY It begins—the most solemn week of the year. We know how the story ends but still, it’s almost too much to bear, remembering the wood of the manger as we look at the wood of the Cross. St. Ignatius encouraged followers to pray with scripture to “place ourselves fully within a story from the Gospels...become onlooker-participants”. Try to do this with the Holy Week readings. Today, where are you in the crowd? Did you put palm branches on the road? Are you in the thick of the crowd or on the outskirts? Are you cheering as Jesus rides in? And where do you go after the procession passes by? Do you give any further thought to this man? March 29, 2015 5 Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish Waltham/Lexington OUR LADY’S CCD CONFERENCES/ADORATION WITH Fr. DiPerri CATECHISM CORNER Sunday, May 17—Grades 1-8 Hope is the theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit. The virtue of hope responds to the aspiration to happiness which God has placed in the heart of every man; it takes up the hopes that inspire men’s activities and purifies them so as to order them to the Kingdom of heaven; it keeps man from discouragement; it sustains him during times of abandonment; it opens up his heart in expectation of eternal beatitude. Buoyed up by hope, he is preserved from selfishness and led to the happiness that flows from charity. Through the merits of Jesus Christ and of his Passion, God keeps us in the “hope that does not disappoint.” Hope is the “sure and steadfast anchor of the soul...that enters...where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf.” Hope is also a weapon that protects us in the struggle of salvation.” Hope is expressed and nourished in prayer, especially in the Our Father, the summary of everything that hope leads us to desire. OUR LADY’S ACADEMY CONFERENCES/ ADORATION WITH Fr. DiPerri CONFERENCES/ADORATION Monday, March 30—K-Grade 8 Monday, April 6—K-Grade 4 Tuesday, April 7—Pre K Friday, April 10—Grades 5-8 Monday, May 4—Grades 5-8 Friday, May 8—K-Grade 4 Friday, May 19—Pre K4 Tuesday, June 2—Pre K4 Monday, June 8—Grades 1-7 CONFESSIONS Tuesday, March 31—Grade 7 Sunday, March 8—CCD-Grades 9-10 Hope To find more information see: Catechism of the Catholic Church—Official Teaching To view the online version visit: USCCB, www.usccb.org/catechism MEMORIAL CANDLE STANDS There are a few candles available to purchase in memory of a loved one or for a special intention. The cost is $250 for a year. If interested, contact Sharon in the parish office. “ONLY A CHILD” Waltham’s George Leger has been helping children and teens in Guatemala for 21 years. He runs a shelter and a workshop for up to 10 young people and has helped hundreds. Some of the original homeless street kids have graduated from high school or college! George and the kids need your help. Join us at the American Legion Hall, 215 Waverly Oaks Road in Waltham on Saturday, April 11 at 7:00pm for a fundraising celebration. If you cannot make it on the 11th, a donation would be appreciated. You can send a check to “Only a Child”, Box 990885, Boston, MA 02199. Tickets are $30 ($20 for seniors). Order via pay-pal at www.onlyachild.org. 6 Palm Sunday
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