Old Colony Yacht Club OCYC Newsletter - WINTER 2015 Commodore's Corner Dave Burke (OCYC16@gmail.com) Greetings all and I hope this letter finds everyone warm and dry. As we struggle through this brutal winter, rest assured the boating season is just around the corner. *** In February the new Board Of Directors met for the first time and began to examine needs and wants for Old Colony in the upcoming season. Amongst the items discussed were dredging; float construction, yard space issues including delinquent boats and trailer storage, finances, and membership. We also met our first group of 4 new candidates for membership via screening committee. *** We are trying to lay tracks for a banner season while working on managing club expenses and revenue in an effort to reduce debt. Our efforts will continue to fill our club roster, which seriously declined during our recent economic recession and unemployment issues. We are slowly making progress but we ask any member that knows of quality candidates for membership to actively pursue sponsorship of these prospects. Please note the screening committee does not accept applications which have previously been denied with due process. *** One of our main goals this season is to improve the condition of our yard, especially during the summer months when vehicle parking is a major issue. This problem not only affects the members and their guests, but it makes it very difficult to rent out our beautiful function facility, which we rely on for much needed revenue. We will be re-dedicating our efforts at removing delinquent boats. Anyone who falls into this classification would be well advised to make serious plans for removal of such vessels from club property or we will be doing it for you, which will adversely affect your membership status. *** We are moving steadily forward with the dredging permitting process, with our eyes on the spring of 2016 for completion. *** I would like to welcome our new daily daytime bartender John. He will be working hard to reestablish an afternoon crowd with good food and cheer, so please drop in and introduce yourself and try and utilize our galley for your lunchtime plans. *** As Commodore I wish to start a new tradition of acknowledging one member each year for a lifetime achievement in service to OCYC. I think it only fitting that our first Lifetime Achievement Recognition should go to Mr. Ray Penwarden. As we all know Ray has maintained one of the toughest positions in the club as Yard Master. Ray has decided to hang up his clipboard but we hope to continue to seek his experienced council. On behalf of all the members, I offer our most sincere gratitude. Many, many thanks to our friend Ray. *** As always, I look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming body meetings to hear your input, ideas, and concerns. Until then, stay warm and dry. Respectfully submitted, Dave Burke, Commodore OCYC *** Member of the Month November 2014 - Fleet Captain Bob Lesenachal for accommodating every member request for winter storage, outstanding job Bob, thank you! December 2014 - Chairman of the election committee Joe Higgins. Joe worked extremely hard making sure our club elections were conducted in an orderly and honorable fashion, Great job Joe, Thank You! January 2015 - Treasurer Dave Harrington and Financial Secretary Jay Earner. Our unsung heroes log countless hours behind the scenes working on the club’s finances. They seldom get much praise and I'm sure they are fine with that, but from all of us, thank you both very much! February 2015 – Dan Conley for plowing us out during these storms and for arranging snow removal with NStar. Thank you Dan! WINTER 2015 OCYC Newsletter www.oldcolonyyc.org Old Colony Yacht Club OCYC Newsletter - WINTER 2015 Fleet Captain’s Report Bob Lesenchal Vice Commodore’s Report Brian Burns The date has been set for Opening Night. It will be held on May 23rd. I will begin selling ads in March, and I look forward to your support. *** Rear Commodore’s Report Mark Healey Hi all, I would like to thank the hearty souls who came out for my first meat raffle on January 18th and made it a success! Your support is greatly appreciated. Although the snow keeps flying, come down and enjoy food, sprits and fun at meat raffles scheduled for February 21st and March 14th. Enjoy the scenic views from our beautiful “Buccaneer” lounge and maybe head home with a bag full of fresh cut sirloin steaks. Also following the March 14th meat raffle stay and enjoy our St Patty’s Day lounge party with complimentary buffet and entertainment (DJ top 40 and Irish mix). *** Election Results Election results are in, here are your 2015 elected officers: Commodore – Dave Burke Vice Commodore – Brian Burns Rear Commodore – Mark Healey Fleet Captain – Bob Lesenchal Secretary – Chris Croke Financial Secretary – Jay Earner I would like to join everyone in thanking Ray Penwarden for his years of service, and welcome Neil Smith as our new Yard Master. *** Launch dates are being formulated and will be forth coming. *** Secretary’s Report Chris Croke (ccroke13@hotmail.com) To keep our membership roster accurate please email me any changes to your address, phone number and email. Financial Secretary’ Report Jay Earner Please be aware of the upcoming due dates for financial obligations. • March 31st – Membership dues • July 1st – Dredging fund fee Please note: you do not have to pay the gift card all at once; you can pay as you go. Treasurer – Dave Harrington Board of Director – Owen O’Neil Board of Director – Mike Boyce House Committee – John MacDougall House Committee – Dan Gilson From the Galley Running now through March the lounge will feature 3 daily weekday lunch specials available from 11am-3pm. Choose either a Cheeseburger Plate, a Fresh Wing Plate (4 flavors to choose from) or a 2 Topping Pizza all for $4.50 each. Come in for lunch and meet Joe Burke (no relation to the Commodore so be nice to him) our new friendly daytime bartender. Meat Raffles – February 21st and March 14th Upcoming Events @ 2pm St Patty’s Day Lounge Party – March 14th immediately following the meat raffle Opening Night – Saturday May 23rd time TBD WINTER 2015 OCYC Newsletter Body Meeting – Every 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 7pm www.oldcolonyyc.org
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